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Jul 24, 2016 2:25 AM

Apr 2014
shotz_ said:
can't believe the shamelessness of the anti-refugee crowd here. the tragedy can't be used to advance their politics anymore so i guess it's no longer of interest.

All I'm finding is he's Iranian and shouted "Allahu Ackbar". I find it irrelevant whether or not he is a recent migrant. You don't want Muslims in your country.

The fact that anyone is still denying that is truly mindnumbing. This is the endpoint of your ideology, Stalin. Breathe it in.

Jul 24, 2016 2:53 AM

Jan 2011
shotz_ said:
can't believe the shamelessness of the anti-refugee crowd here. the tragedy can't be used to advance their politics anymore so i guess it's no longer of interest.

Lol twist the words until they don't mean what they are supposed to mean, who said anything about refugees? We have a problem with migration, specially unrestricted migration, more specifically unrestricted migration from a specific and violent part of the globe.
But Europe is for everyone i guess.
Jul 24, 2016 3:47 AM

Dec 2015
Apparently he made a fake FB account (female/girl) in May 11h and then used this to lure victims to a McDonalds where he shot them. Inspired by Breivik who also lured his victims to meet at 1 place together to he easily could kill a lot of them in a short time.

And most of the victimes were young (<20 years old) and with a migration background. The peole that have bullied him probably were at his age (school matesl/neighbours) and since he mentioned in an argument with some guy that recorded him with his phone that he lived in a "Hartz IV area" (area where lots of people that get money from social security the "Hartz IV") probably a lot of other peole with migration background lived there nearby.
Jul 24, 2016 3:47 AM

Aug 2013
JonyJC said:
shotz_ said:
can't believe the shamelessness of the anti-refugee crowd here. the tragedy can't be used to advance their politics anymore so i guess it's no longer of interest.

Lol twist the words until they don't mean what they are supposed to mean, who said anything about refugees? We have a problem with migration, specially unrestricted migration, more specifically unrestricted migration from a specific and violent part of the globe.
But Europe is for everyone i guess.

Yeah you got images of kids laughing whilst holding up severed heads and watch a man be decapitated like its Saturday morning cartoons. These kids/teens grow into adults and they're all walking into a totally different and soft society im sure nothing will go wrong....
Jul 24, 2016 4:23 AM

Feb 2016
Noboru said:
Dildry said:
]Oh yes I would love to see you argue this for the same case but in a Christian Terrorist attack and said Christian Terrorist would scream Dues Ve Vult or "PRAISE JESUS CHRIST" and argue that it doesnt mean anything and that it doesnt mean he is in with a religious fundementalist group.
*DEUS VULT (God will/wants it). Also again, a simple Sentence alone doesn't make one religious motivated or being a Supporter of a certain Group. You also seem to forget that it wasn't a Middle Easterner that just came to Germany, but someone who has already lived in Germany since his Birth and may have been influenced by the Language and Culture to freely say "Allahu Akbar" just like "Oh my God". But let's just leave it at the Doubt of the Perpetrator having cast those Words instead of going in Circles again and again.

Altairius said:
And I'm not saying "deport Jews and Gypsies", although Jews do have a country. I would argue that the ideal would be that Gypsies have a land of their own, given that they do tend to have problems integrating into Western countries. Perhaps they would be fairly compatible with modern day Egypt or similar countries.
You're not saying it now under the current Circumstances, but who knows how the Situation would have been if there were Masses of less educated Jews, Gypsies or any other Group of People coming in as Gastarbeiter and/or Asylum Seekers.

Dont cherry pick a part of my comment and then ignore the rest.

Did you read the rest of what Allahu Akbar means to the people in the ME.

How about the fact the kid said Allahu Akbar and also happend to kill himself during the act. Thats called Martyrdom by Radical Muslims.

Its obvious why he would say Allahu Akbar if he believed he was giving his life to Allah like other ISIS/Wahabi/Shia crazies do.

But you dont know anything about the ME and you want to have this ignorant view that its said randomly and that the kid was just a misunderstood crazy person who had no idea what he was doing or what he was saying.

I dont care if he grew up in Europe. A lot of ISIS's foreing fighters grew up in Europe aswell.Religious extremism can be implemented into the mindss of anybody anywhere.

Now you can argue about him even saying it and that one witness isnt sufficient enough proof especially since the other witnessess didnt hear an Allahu Akbar. You could actually bring a good argument against his intentions like that instead of just saying "Lol Allahu Akbar means nothing especially when he killed a bunch of people and then killed himself,Totally didnt see that before,No Radical Muslim does that right?"
Jul 24, 2016 4:36 AM

Jan 2011
Johnnyd3rp said:
Hachiko75 said:
I wonder where the next shooting will take place.

Probably not Italy, no one cares about Italy.

OT: This guy wans't even an ISIS supporter but this shooting taste the same as a terroristic attack.
Jul 24, 2016 6:17 AM

Jun 2015
Spooks said:
Looks like this is not terrorism just happened to happen at a bad time. Just another crazy kid revenge shooting but not at a school this time.

Ozul said:
I think it's pathetic how people start pointing fingers before any information is released, but it's also quite sad.

Its called speculating and its what humans do.

Is that a half assed attempt at justifying speculation, or just an assertion of the obvious? It's always stupid to assume without sufficient data.
Jul 24, 2016 7:05 AM

Aug 2013
Ozul said:
Spooks said:
Looks like this is not terrorism just happened to happen at a bad time. Just another crazy kid revenge shooting but not at a school this time.

Its called speculating and its what humans do.

Is that a half assed attempt at justifying speculation, or just an assertion of the obvious? It's always stupid to assume without sufficient data.

Look out its the speculation thought police. we can do whatever we wish and speculate however we want nobody has to justify speculation, speculation has no bearing on factual outcomes regardless. So unless speculating on a mal thread somehow effects the actual outcome of the event we'll go right on speculating things around this forum until facts come out like humans always do and will continue to do kiddo.

Jul 24, 2016 10:11 AM

Jan 2016
Everyone needs to stop crying about the fact that no one cares when Muslims kill each other in their own countries.

Just like #BLM doesn't care at all about black people killing black people.

Muslims don't integrate into other countries, they take their values with them and with these values they create a distance between themselves and the natives, because they think differently, they act differently and you wonder why there are so many conflicts. They come from countries that are filthy, corrupt and full of crime, yet they still cherish their beliefs and take them with them, then they blame their countries for being bad, but in reality, a country is just a collection of families, their families, meaning that their ideologies have contributed to their countries current state.

But what would I know, I'm white and no matter what my opinion is, I'll be called a racist and told "you wouldn't understand".
Jul 24, 2016 10:16 AM

Jan 2009
Okay, it seems like the Weapon was an unregistered, re-activated Gun from Slovakia bought on the Black Market. The Question remains how the Perpetrator managed to get the Weapon with all this Ammunition, as I can't imagine it being that much cheaper that a Student working Part-Time at best can easily get his Hands on it.

Hopefully, they are seriously considering to tighten Gun Regulations. It shouldn't be possible that an deactivated Gun could be re-activated for illegal Purposes! Bloody Hell, get Licenses for those "Theater" Weapons as well, restrict the Sells of them, do more to find and severally punish those fucking Weapon Dealers and the ones behind those and withdraw those old Weapons from Circulation! Get the fucking Raids going at least EU-wide (including EFTA Members and others) for the People with potentially illegal Guns and/or Ammunition! Check every damn Kiddo that may find Guns cool and has some mental Illness!
Jul 24, 2016 10:29 AM

Jan 2013
Isuru said:
Everyone needs to stop crying about the fact that no one cares when Muslims kill each other in their own countries.

Just like #BLM doesn't care at all about black people killing black people.

Muslims don't integrate into other countries, they take their values with them and with these values they create a distance between themselves and the natives, because they think differently, they act differently and you wonder why there are so many conflicts. They come from countries that are filthy, corrupt and full of crime, yet they still cherish their beliefs and take them with them, then they blame their countries for being bad, but in reality, a country is just a collection of families, their families, meaning that their ideologies have contributed to their countries current state.

But what would I know, I'm white and no matter what my opinion is, I'll be called a racist and told "you wouldn't understand".

What way to generalize 1 billion people.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 24, 2016 12:26 PM

Jun 2015
Spooks said:
Ozul said:

Is that a half assed attempt at justifying speculation, or just an assertion of the obvious? It's always stupid to assume without sufficient data.

Look out its the speculation thought police. we can do whatever we wish and speculate however we want nobody has to justify speculation, speculation has no bearing on factual outcomes regardless. So unless speculating on a mal thread somehow effects the actual outcome of the event we'll go right on speculating things around this forum until facts come out like humans always do and will continue to do kiddo.

Heh, no need to get so defensive. Humans can do whatever stupid thing they want to do as long as it is harmless. Doesn't change the fact that what they are doing is stupid though.
Jul 24, 2016 12:37 PM

May 2016
Pirating_Ninja said:
Sorakaa said:

Oh god, let me guess, you watch tyt?

You said the same thing about every other terrorist attack right?
That awkward moment when . . . Well, you get the point.


I'll just say that reading the first few pages, posted prior to recent revelations as to the identity of the shooter, is rather "funny", although it also kind of reminded me, there hasn't been any mass shooting in the US lately perpetrated by a simply insane kid (nowadays its always terrorism / fuck cops / etc.)

what point............................?
Jul 24, 2016 5:25 PM

Nov 2009
Sorakaa said:
Pirating_Ninja said:
That awkward moment when . . . Well, you get the point.


I'll just say that reading the first few pages, posted prior to recent revelations as to the identity of the shooter, is rather "funny", although it also kind of reminded me, there hasn't been any mass shooting in the US lately perpetrated by a simply insane kid (nowadays its always terrorism / fuck cops / etc.)

what point............................?
When you get hyped up about an incident . . . just to be wrong. It's like those idiots who, whenever they hear that someone was killed by a police officer, instantly go "White police officer killed unarmed man cause racism!!1!". Makes me cringe seeing people getting strung along by some narrative they want to exist, and therefore try to always apply it to reality.
Jul 24, 2016 5:26 PM
Sep 2014
he probably went amok because he was bullied. they always thinks it's terrorism, while they don't realize how many kids are being bullied in school and are forced to go there every day even though they don't want to. so the situation escalates and nobody knows why..
Jul 24, 2016 5:29 PM

Jan 2016
ColdMist said:
he probably went amok because he was bullied. they always thinks it's terrorism, while they don't realize how many kids are being bullied in school and are forced to go there every day even though they don't want to. so the situation escalates and nobody knows why..

So he was bullied and instead of attacking those who bullied him, he went out and randomly tried to butcher some innocent civilians that he had most likely never seen nor had contact with in his entire life. You could be right, but your theory would be more likely if he cut up some of his classmates and not some pregnant woman.
Jul 24, 2016 5:41 PM

May 2016
Pirating_Ninja said:
Sorakaa said:

what point............................?
When you get hyped up about an incident . . . just to be wrong. It's like those idiots who, whenever they hear that someone was killed by a police officer, instantly go "White police officer killed unarmed man cause racism!!1!". Makes me cringe seeing people getting strung along by some narrative they want to exist, and therefore try to always apply it to reality.

I was wrong? He was Iranian and his name was ali and not isis?

sigh, what am I doing arguing with a libtard anyway? Because you probably didn't think it was muslims that did the Orlando shooting or the truck bombing either did you? You are just like that cenk guy from TYT who thinks islam is the religion of peace. you people are a laughable joke. take your bullshit elsewhere.
Kayle_x_MorganaJul 24, 2016 5:51 PM
Jul 24, 2016 10:08 PM

Nov 2009
Sorakaa said:
Pirating_Ninja said:
When you get hyped up about an incident . . . just to be wrong. It's like those idiots who, whenever they hear that someone was killed by a police officer, instantly go "White police officer killed unarmed man cause racism!!1!". Makes me cringe seeing people getting strung along by some narrative they want to exist, and therefore try to always apply it to reality.

I was wrong? He was Iranian and his name was ali and not isis?

sigh, what am I doing arguing with a libtard anyway? Because you probably didn't think it was muslims that did the Orlando shooting or the truck bombing either did you? You are just like that cenk guy from TYT who thinks islam is the religion of peace. you people are a laughable joke. take your bullshit elsewhere.
Truck bombing?

How am I a "libtard" when you don't even know current events, stop faking that you care about atrocities (such as the incident in Nice) when you can't even identify what occurred. However both of those were Muslims . . . And terrorist attempts.

This however was an edgy teenager (non-religious) who decided to do a mass shooting, after being inspired by previous mass shootings, primarily one carried out by a far-right man named Anders Behring Breivik. However keep being pulled by the alt-right, it doesn't make you look pathetic when you pretend to care about the safety of your country from the "evil immigrants", yet can't even be bothered enough to actually look into what happened in the terrorist attacks.
Jul 24, 2016 10:24 PM
Jul 2018
What a cruel manipulative world
Jul 25, 2016 7:22 AM

Feb 2015
It's the killer games' fault! Ban Counter Strike already!!!!1!
Jul 25, 2016 10:34 AM

Aug 2013
JonasTheJay said:
It's the killer games' fault! Ban Counter Strike already!!!!1!

but if you ban counter strike

Ozul said:

Heh, no need to get so defensive. Humans can do whatever stupid thing they want to do as long as it is harmless. Doesn't change the fact that what they are doing is stupid though.

You put the argument against speculation out there I merely countered your own outrage at something so harmless. Complaining about something all humans do after such things is stupid. Going into places and calling everyone idiots for speculating because you don't like the speculations based on current events is stupid. Remember you're the one who came in with disgust and demanded people justify their speculation to you.
SpooksJul 25, 2016 11:08 AM
Jul 25, 2016 11:33 AM

Jun 2015
Spooks said:

You put the argument against speculation out there I merely countered your own outrage at something so harmless. Complaining about something all humans do after such things is stupid. Going into places and calling everyone idiots for speculating because you don't like the speculations based on current events is stupid. Remember you're the one who came in with disgust and demanded people justify their speculation to you.

Was that countering my outrage, or just asserting how you are free to speculate all you want? So are you saying I am wrong to complain about speculation because it's what "all humans do"? I don't see anything wrong with complaining about a series of irrational conclusions that are founded on prejudice and guesswork. It's not because I don't "like the speculations". I criticized it because it is nothing more than guesswork, born from prejudice, misinformation and stupidity. Yes, you can speculate all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that your guesses will almost always remain incorrect unless you have sufficient data to reach a correct conclusion. What I find pathetic is that people let bias cloud their judgement. Also, I didn't "demand" that people justify speculation, I asked if your reply was an attempt at justifying speculation.
InsaniusJul 25, 2016 11:55 AM
Jul 25, 2016 11:43 AM

Mar 2012
Spooks said:
Looks like this is not terrorism just happened to happen at a bad time. Just another crazy kid revenge shooting but not at a school this time.

Ozul said:
I think it's pathetic how people start pointing fingers before any information is released, but it's also quite sad.

Its called conjucture and its what dumb* humans do.

Fixed that for you. Speculation requires observation and facts. And statistics show that refugees causing crime is a minority.
End Zionazism
Jul 26, 2016 12:00 AM

Aug 2013
Mikasa said:

Fixed that for you. Speculation requires observation and facts. And statistics show that refugees causing crime is a minority.

congrats you just said nothing.


noun: speculation; plural noun: speculations

the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
synonyms: conjecture, theorizing, hypothesizing, supposition, guesswork.

Speculation and conjecture are the exact same thing genius. two synonymous and interchangeable words for the same thing. Attempting to use it as a factual correction just makes you look stupid.

Speculation of something that happened IS through observation and no you don't need facts to speculate.

and statistics show that migrants commit disproportionate amount of crimes not the most, based on their numbers against natives whilst making up a small percentage account for around a quarter of crimes. When compared to their numbers paint a worrying picture of criminals per individuals in certain groups. Not to mention Germany's proven track record of covering up immigrant crimes and thats not tin foil hat stuff either. The numbers of sexual assault reports from new years wasn't even released until a few weeks ago.

Concerning statistics from the 135-page report reveal that 70 percent of pickpocketing, one of the crime types on the rise, was committed by non-Germans. Of this figure, 34 percent was committed by recent asylum seekers, with the rest committed by "non-Germans."

Foreign nationals are thought to account for around 11 or 12 percent of the total population of Germany, but were over-represented in every area of crime. Illegal immigrants and asylum seekers account for around 2.5 percent of Germany's population, but were also massively overrepresented.

Non-Germans and illegal migrants account for a massively disproportionate amount of crime in Germany.

Amongst total offences, non-Germans accounted for 27.6 percent, while illegal immigrants and asylum seekers accounted for 5.7 percent. For homicides the figures are 29.3/8.2 percent, and for sexual assaults the figures are 20.5/4.8 percent.

In all of these cases, the proportion of crimes committed by non-Germans and illegal migrants outstripped their representation in German society.

A new report from German police indicates that 1,200 women were victims of sexual assault by over 2,000 mostly migrant men, but only 120 suspects have been identified.

A new police report from the German Federal police (BKA) has revealed that across Germany on New Year’s Eve, in Cologne, Stuttgart, and other cities, over 1,200 women were sexually assaulted. Although the report estimates the number of potential attackers to be over 2,000 men, police have so far only identified 120 men, mostly migrants, and have little faith they will ever find the remaining 1,880, Süddeutsche Zeitung reports.

This is out of the norm numbers for a single night in the recent history of German policing and was not caused by locals and represents a trend since immigration began. Thats enough evidence to speculate immigrant or Islamic ties to such crimes especially large scale shootings after we have 4 Islamic large scale terror attacks both here in the west and in the middle east leaving over 300+ dead in total. More than enough collateral information to form speculations of more Islamic shootings.

If either of you consider that form of speculation based on evidence and current trends to be stupid solely on grounds of personal offense of the idea of profiling cases then thats your hang up don't make it everyone elses issue by telling them how offended you are that they speculate Islamic terror upon hearing for the third day in a row of a mass shooting where two were attributed to Islamic terror.

The simple fact is migrant crimes cloud the subject and didn't need bringing up here because they're meaningless. The simple track record of last weeks terror attacks was the only evidence anyone needs to form speculations on another mass shooting in Germany. you guys trying to defend the innocent Syrians from us and our evil speculations of Islamic mass shootings was idiotic thinking its from internalized Islamophobia and not based on current terror trends. Good job trying to pull the racist Islamophobia card because of obvious parallels been brought up. Don't say stupid shit and I don't have to start educating teenagers.

jaH wItI'nISmo' DuSaQ

SpooksJul 26, 2016 12:34 AM
Jul 26, 2016 1:28 AM

Mar 2012
Spooks said:
Mikasa said:

Fixed that for you. Speculation requires observation and facts. And statistics show that refugees causing crime is a minority.

congrats you just said nothing.


noun: speculation; plural noun: speculations

the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
synonyms: conjecture, theorizing, hypothesizing, supposition, guesswork.

Speculation and conjecture are the exact same thing genius. two synonymous and interchangeable words for the same thing. Attempting to use it as a factual correction just makes you look stupid.

Speculation of something that happened IS through observation and no you don't need facts to speculate.

and statistics show that migrants commit disproportionate amount of crimes not the most, based on their numbers against natives whilst making up a small percentage account for around a quarter of crimes. When compared to their numbers paint a worrying picture of criminals per individuals in certain groups. Not to mention Germany's proven track record of covering up immigrant crimes and thats not tin foil hat stuff either. The numbers of sexual assault reports from new years wasn't even released until a few weeks ago.

Concerning statistics from the 135-page report reveal that 70 percent of pickpocketing, one of the crime types on the rise, was committed by non-Germans. Of this figure, 34 percent was committed by recent asylum seekers, with the rest committed by "non-Germans."

Foreign nationals are thought to account for around 11 or 12 percent of the total population of Germany, but were over-represented in every area of crime. Illegal immigrants and asylum seekers account for around 2.5 percent of Germany's population, but were also massively overrepresented.

Non-Germans and illegal migrants account for a massively disproportionate amount of crime in Germany.

Amongst total offences, non-Germans accounted for 27.6 percent, while illegal immigrants and asylum seekers accounted for 5.7 percent. For homicides the figures are 29.3/8.2 percent, and for sexual assaults the figures are 20.5/4.8 percent.

In all of these cases, the proportion of crimes committed by non-Germans and illegal migrants outstripped their representation in German society.

A new report from German police indicates that 1,200 women were victims of sexual assault by over 2,000 mostly migrant men, but only 120 suspects have been identified.

A new police report from the German Federal police (BKA) has revealed that across Germany on New Year’s Eve, in Cologne, Stuttgart, and other cities, over 1,200 women were sexually assaulted. Although the report estimates the number of potential attackers to be over 2,000 men, police have so far only identified 120 men, mostly migrants, and have little faith they will ever find the remaining 1,880, Süddeutsche Zeitung reports.

This is out of the norm numbers for a single night in the recent history of German policing and was not caused by locals and represents a trend since immigration began. Thats enough evidence to speculate immigrant or Islamic ties to such crimes especially large scale shootings after we have 4 Islamic large scale terror attacks both here in the west and in the middle east leaving over 300+ dead in total. More than enough collateral information to form speculations of more Islamic shootings.

If either of you consider that form of speculation based on evidence and current trends to be stupid solely on grounds of personal offense of the idea of profiling cases then thats your hang up don't make it everyone elses issue by telling them how offended you are that they speculate Islamic terror upon hearing for the third day in a row of a mass shooting where two were attributed to Islamic terror.

The simple fact is migrant crimes cloud the subject and didn't need bringing up here because they're meaningless. The simple track record of last weeks terror attacks was the only evidence anyone needs to form speculations on another mass shooting in Germany. you guys trying to defend the innocent Syrians from us and our evil speculations of Islamic mass shootings was idiotic thinking its from internalized Islamophobia and not based on current terror trends. Good job trying to pull the racist Islamophobia card because of obvious parallels been brought up. Don't say stupid shit and I don't have to start educating teenagers.

jaH wItI'nISmo' DuSaQ

1. Yes you replied to it
2. I'd rather say a lot of few words than use lots of words to say nothing
3. No. They are as similar as guessing and deduction.
End Zionazism
Jul 26, 2016 1:43 AM

Aug 2013
Mikasa said:

1. Yes you replied to it
2. I'd rather say a lot of few words than use lots of words to say nothing
3. No. They are as similar as guessing and deduction.

1: and you replied to me
2: I'd rather say correct words.
3: Wrong and two wrongs don't make a right.

I'll stop this here before you make it a tri-factor. Maybe next time you won't jump head first into someone elses conversation hoping to score quick points with nonsense.

Good day to you I doubt we shall speak this line again.

SpooksJul 26, 2016 1:48 AM
Jul 27, 2016 8:14 AM

Mar 2012
Spooks said:
Mikasa said:

1. Yes you replied to it
2. I'd rather say a lot of few words than use lots of words to say nothing
3. No. They are as similar as guessing and deduction.

1: and you replied to me
2: I'd rather say correct words.
3: Wrong and two wrongs don't make a right.

I'll stop this here before you make it a tri-factor. Maybe next time you won't jump head first into someone elses conversation hoping to score quick points with nonsense.

Good day to you I doubt we shall speak this line again.

1. Yes I replied to point out your lack of conciseness. (1000 words = 0 meaning), you however had a problem with my quantitative lack of words. (few words = little meaning); which I disproved.
2. In which case, you failed then.
3. Depends if it's a sum or a product actually.
4. I highly recommend that you at least and even if illegally download an English dictionary.
End Zionazism
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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