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At this point RWBY should be added to the database

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Apr 17, 2016 12:19 AM

Apr 2016

Well it does not matter if westerners/people want the word to mean one thing when it does not mean it at all. Wish all they might, it does not work that way. And it will amount to something given the fact that people who believe they aren't the same thing are ridiculously wrong. Or do they all believe the Japanese refer to outside animation as "cartoons" whilst only referring to native animation as "anime"?

The idea that "anime" has something to do with style or culture is misconception founded on some twisted orientalism and blindness or in some cases ignorance. There is no difference between them besides art and general plot themes, but even Japanese animation possess that distinction as well as western animation.

"Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time."
Apr 17, 2016 12:24 AM

Jul 2010
Ah, yes. The good ol' transitive property attack.

Going on the consensus that "anime" refers to specifically cartoons created in Japan, RWBY just ain't "anime".
On a similar note, though, I have always found it odd that Korean movies/series/etc. are included in the database, then.
HMMmm I think some people need to make up their damn minds.
Apr 17, 2016 12:42 AM

Mar 2014
RWBY is not an anime

Can we move on now?
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Apr 17, 2016 3:28 AM

Jan 2013
Dictionaries are not the end-all be-all means of what defines an anime, stop using it to justify your shitty weeaboo cartoon.

If we add RWBY, we might as well add SpongeBob and South Park.
Apr 17, 2016 5:04 AM

Jan 2013
RealityRush said:

According to this thread and hundreds like it, according to Hummingbird and NewType, and according to many thousands of RWBY fans that also like Japanese animation, there isn't actually much of a consensus on this, just what the MAL mods have decided. If there was consensus, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I meant concensus amongst regular anime watchers. Most of them don't watch RWBY. Of course RWBY fans are militant in their claims to make others think of it as anime.

That's just the way you see it. I think anime and western cartoons have huge differences in the tone, the way the story is told etc. etc. It's quite easy to point out whether a show was made in Japan or not, even if it is dubbed.
Apr 17, 2016 8:36 AM

Jan 2014
Though within Japan, "anime" is taken to mean anything from Death Note to Disney, I don't think the argument to add RWBY to the database stands up on those terms.

RWBY has very strong anime influences, but as I see it, it was made it America, and as MAL is an English site running off the English definition of anime as specifically Japanese animation, on that basis it doesn't qualify.
Apr 17, 2016 8:38 AM

Jun 2015
Jelmazmo said:

Well it does not matter if westerners/people want the word to mean one thing when it does not mean it at all. Wish all they might, it does not work that way. And it will amount to something given the fact that people who believe they aren't the same thing are ridiculously wrong. Or do they all believe the Japanese refer to outside animation as "cartoons" whilst only referring to native animation as "anime"?

The idea that "anime" has something to do with style or culture is misconception founded on some twisted orientalism and blindness or in some cases ignorance. There is no difference between them besides art and general plot themes, but even Japanese animation possess that distinction as well as western animation.

This. This right here. Definitions are not written in stone anymore, but reprintable ink. If enough people decide that "anime" includes non-Japanese animation, then that is now what the word means. Definitions are by consensus of a population, hence this discussion. The mods seem to think the same, but don't apply that logic to all non-Japanese shows and only some of them. No one here has provided an explanation for that, many people keep saying, "lol, RWBY isn't an anime, Q.E.D.," with no actual reasonable explanation why besides a flimsy definition that is getting reinterpreted by the second.

CondemneDio said:
RealityRush said:

According to this thread and hundreds like it, according to Hummingbird and NewType, and according to many thousands of RWBY fans that also like Japanese animation, there isn't actually much of a consensus on this, just what the MAL mods have decided. If there was consensus, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I meant concensus amongst regular anime watchers. Most of them don't watch RWBY. Of course RWBY fans are militant in their claims to make others think of it as anime.

Most of regular anime watchers are in Japan, and Japan loves RWBY and considers it anime. Most Western anime viewers I know of (which is quite a few tbh), also watched RWBY and like 90% of the RWBY watchers I talk to just call it "anime" because that is how they understand it and classify it. Then you have all the Japanese animation viewers that watch Avatar and think the same. This isn't just a small contingent of people anymore; a very significant chunk, probably the majority at this point, of the anime viewing community considers RWBY an anime. It's time the MAL mods kept up with current culture and accepted this fact.

RWBY fans aren't being militant here, the die-hard traditionalists are. The world itself is becoming a melting-pot, and culture blends along with it. Anime is no longer just a "Japanese" thing and it is absurd to view it as such.

CondemneDio said:
That's just the way you see it. I think anime and western cartoons have huge differences in the tone, the way the story is told etc. etc. It's quite easy to point out whether a show was made in Japan or not, even if it is dubbed.

Lol, clearly you're wrong, or these threads wouldn't exist. RWBY has a very similar aesthetic and feel to Japanese animation, hence this discussion. If people didn't think this was a point of contention, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now, so you can't just hand-wave it away because you personally disagree. Not to mention you yourself just said that the style of a show is what defines it as an anime, not the fact that it is made in Japan. You just claimed you could identify Japanese animation by look and feel alone, and many people think that Avatar and RWBY falls into that look and feel. Not to mention there are plenty of shows on this very website already that are considered anime that are not made in Japan. So make up your mind already, is it the origin that defines it, or the aesthetic? You're claiming one thing, but you're saying another.

If you claim you don't see any similarities to Japanese animation with RWBY, you're clearly lying. Look at RWBY.... Moe faces, a magic/sword battle-academy with a standard tournament arc, outrageous weapons similar to God Eater (which Monty literally said he took inspiration from), fighting that flows like a dance rather than being more brutal like traditional Western shows, etc. RWBY bleeds the very feel of "anime", and if you watch the Japanese dub of it, most people would be hard pressed to tell it came from North America. The only real trait of RWBY that really shows its Western roots is the humour and gags, but if you'd never seen a Bugs Bunny cartoon, you could easily be forgiven thinking RWBY was made in Japan. So make up your mind, is anime a "style" of show or is it strictly based on where it was made? Because there are plenty of Japanese-made shows we can start discussing that many people would think were made outside of it, especially if you took away some of their story locations in Japan: Panty & Stocking, Baccano, Black Lagoon, Cowboy Bebop, any of the new Marvel anime, Hellsing, Afro Samurai, Samurai Champloo, etc. I can keep going. They all bleed Western Influence more than RWBY even does, so if we're going by the "style" definition you want to use, then RWBY should certainly count as anime regardless of where it was made.

I'm starting to question if you've even seen RWBY if you try to claim it doesn't have the "look and feel" of anime. I watch Japanese animation and RWBY, I can comment on both, and they are very similar ;P
RealityRushApr 17, 2016 8:44 AM
Apr 17, 2016 8:48 AM

May 2015
Jelmazmo said:

Well it does not matter if westerners/people want the word to mean one thing when it does not mean it at all. Wish all they might, it does not work that way. And it will amount to something given the fact that people who believe they aren't the same thing are ridiculously wrong. Or do they all believe the Japanese refer to outside animation as "cartoons" whilst only referring to native animation as "anime"?

The idea that "anime" has something to do with style or culture is misconception founded on some twisted orientalism and blindness or in some cases ignorance. There is no difference between them besides art and general plot themes, but even Japanese animation possess that distinction as well as western animation.

"Anime = animation in Japan"

The mods are in no way ready to start doing a buttton of extra work to make this "MyAnimationList". If RWBY is added under that rule, every animated work will have to be added under that rule, and that is an extremely huge amount of things that will have to be added to the site.'

There's also the fact that even though Western animation(and other Western shows/movies) can become popular enough to get Japanese dubs and be watched and enjoyed in Japan, the anime that we know of still have a specific distinction to them.
every single one of my forum posts is dumb and invalid except for 1, I don't claim them it was a different person it was all fake
Apr 17, 2016 9:42 AM

Jun 2015
RainyRai said:
The mods are in no way ready to start doing a buttton of extra work to make this "MyAnimationList". If RWBY is added under that rule, every animated work will have to be added under that rule, and that is an extremely huge amount of things that will have to be added to the site.'

There's also the fact that even though Western animation(and other Western shows/movies) can become popular enough to get Japanese dubs and be watched and enjoyed in Japan, the anime that we know of still have a specific distinction to them.

Slippery slope fallacy.
Apr 17, 2016 9:47 AM

May 2015
RealityRush said:
RainyRai said:
The mods are in no way ready to start doing a buttton of extra work to make this "MyAnimationList". If RWBY is added under that rule, every animated work will have to be added under that rule, and that is an extremely huge amount of things that will have to be added to the site.'

There's also the fact that even though Western animation(and other Western shows/movies) can become popular enough to get Japanese dubs and be watched and enjoyed in Japan, the anime that we know of still have a specific distinction to them.

Slippery slope fallacy.

This isn't slippery slope fallacy. The argument is that "anime=animation" in Japan. If RWBY is allowed because of this argument, but not any other animated show that wasn't considered an anime, it would be vastly unfair on part of the mods. And if they did add all animated shows, they would have to do a huge amount of work to add everything to their database.
every single one of my forum posts is dumb and invalid except for 1, I don't claim them it was a different person it was all fake
Apr 17, 2016 9:52 AM

Jun 2015
RainyRai said:
RealityRush said:

Slippery slope fallacy.

This isn't slippery slope fallacy. The argument is that "anime=animation" in Japan. If RWBY is allowed because of this argument, but not any other animated show that wasn't considered an anime, it would be vastly unfair on part of the mods. And if they did add all animated shows, they would have to do a huge amount of work to add everything to their database.

Yes, you are using a slippery slope fallcy. They already do have shows on MAL that don't fit their strict origin definition of "made in Japan". They already broke that rule and made exceptions, people just think RWBY should be one of those exceptions. It isn't a slippery slope because there is already precedence for the mods bending the rule a limited amount. They can allow RWBY and still ban Spongebob.
Apr 17, 2016 11:28 AM

May 2015
RealityRush said:
RainyRai said:

This isn't slippery slope fallacy. The argument is that "anime=animation" in Japan. If RWBY is allowed because of this argument, but not any other animated show that wasn't considered an anime, it would be vastly unfair on part of the mods. And if they did add all animated shows, they would have to do a huge amount of work to add everything to their database.

Yes, you are using a slippery slope fallcy. They already do have shows on MAL that don't fit their strict origin definition of "made in Japan". They already broke that rule and made exceptions, people just think RWBY should be one of those exceptions. It isn't a slippery slope because there is already precedence for the mods bending the rule a limited amount. They can allow RWBY and still ban Spongebob.

"in Japan for the Japanese market;
in Korea/China for the Korean/Chinese market;
as a joint production between Japan/Korea/China and another country.
Note: This does not include productions where only the animation is outsourced."

These are the rules for an anime to fall in the database. Are there anime on this site that were don't follow those rules?
every single one of my forum posts is dumb and invalid except for 1, I don't claim them it was a different person it was all fake
Apr 17, 2016 11:34 AM

Apr 2016
CondemneDio said:

That's just the way you see it. I think anime and western cartoons have huge differences in the tone, the way the story is told etc. etc. It's quite easy to point out whether a show was made in Japan or not, even if it is dubbed.

That's the way Japan sees it too and is as intended. But you and many others seem to believe simply because you think there is a difference despite the word itself showing you to be wrong that it actually exists. It doesn't. Anime is just their way of saying "cartoons" just as their manga sprouted up from our comics. They are and forever will be the same thing no matter how blue in the face people get saying otherwise.

Though your asinine argument that the way it looks and is "told" makes it an anime falls apart under Japanese animation that does not meet typical story telling or animation in Japan—like Hayao Miyazaki's work or the early work of Tezuka (Astro Boy) that looked like and told stories much like old western cartoons—or when non-Japanese material is presented in a common way it is in Japan (such as Avatar: The Last Airbender or Teen Titans).

Unless you want to go so far as to say it is "anime" when crafted by Japanese hands...

RainyRai said:

"Anime = animation in Japan"

The mods are in no way ready to start doing a buttton of extra work to make this "MyAnimationList". If RWBY is added under that rule, every animated work will have to be added under that rule, and that is an extremely huge amount of things that will have to be added to the site.'

There's also the fact that even though Western animation(and other Western shows/movies) can become popular enough to get Japanese dubs and be watched and enjoyed in Japan, the anime that we know of still have a specific distinction to them.

They don't have to make this "MyAnimationList" because anime is short for animation to begin with! So wrong. Anime does not define to as "animation in Japan", it is an abbreviation of "animation" and just that. You have literally nothing to support this argument. Only the western world believes the word references only to Japanese animation.

"Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time."
Apr 17, 2016 11:39 AM

May 2015
RainyRai said:

"Anime = animation in Japan"

The mods are in no way ready to start doing a buttton of extra work to make this "MyAnimationList". If RWBY is added under that rule, every animated work will have to be added under that rule, and that is an extremely huge amount of things that will have to be added to the site.'

There's also the fact that even though Western animation(and other Western shows/movies) can become popular enough to get Japanese dubs and be watched and enjoyed in Japan, the anime that we know of still have a specific distinction to them.

They don't have to make this "MyAnimationList" because anime is short for animation to begin with! So wrong. Anime does not define to as "animation in Japan", it is an abbreviation of "animation" and just that. You have literally nothing to support this argument. Only the western world believes the word references only to Japanese animation.[/quote]

Yes, only the Western world believes it references to Japanese animation, and that is the term anime is heavily associated with outside Japan.

"MyAnimationList" refers to the fact that shows commonly seen as cartoons wouldn't considered anime by the general public.

And why does your argument matter? RWBY should be added because anime=animation? Like I've said before, this argument can be applied to any animated show, which means the site would have to have a huge load of things added if they want to be fair. Or they could stick to the rules they've had for a while now that keeps it with the Western definition, because this is a Western site.
every single one of my forum posts is dumb and invalid except for 1, I don't claim them it was a different person it was all fake
Apr 17, 2016 11:55 AM

Jan 2013
RealityRush said:

Most of regular anime watchers are in Japan, and Japan loves RWBY and considers it anime. Most Western anime viewers I know of (which is quite a few tbh), also watched RWBY and like 90% of the RWBY watchers I talk to just call it "anime" because that is how they understand it and classify it. Then you have all the Japanese animation viewers that watch Avatar and think the same. This isn't just a small contingent of people anymore; a very significant chunk, probably the majority at this point, of the anime viewing community considers RWBY an anime. It's time the MAL mods kept up with current culture and accepted this fact.

RWBY fans aren't being militant here, the die-hard traditionalists are. The world itself is becoming a melting-pot, and culture blends along with it. Anime is no longer just a "Japanese" thing and it is absurd to view it as such.

You're making lots of generalizations here. Sure, it has sold well enough, but it's not like the it's the greates thing ever there :D

RealityRush said:
Lol, clearly you're wrong, or these threads wouldn't exist. RWBY has a very similar aesthetic and feel to Japanese animation, hence this discussion. If people didn't think this was a point of contention, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now, so you can't just hand-wave it away because you personally disagree. Not to mention you yourself just said that the style of a show is what defines it as an anime, not the fact that it is made in Japan. You just claimed you could identify Japanese animation by look and feel alone, and many people think that Avatar and RWBY falls into that look and feel. Not to mention there are plenty of shows on this very website already that are considered anime that are not made in Japan. So make up your mind already, is it the origin that defines it, or the aesthetic? You're claiming one thing, but you're saying another.

> uses word "Clearly"
> when it's my opinion
> lol
> #You'reOpinionIsWrungh!

Anime is japanese animation, and hence has the japanese feel to it, not the other way around. You're thinking of it in a backward manner.

RealityRush said:

If you claim you don't see any similarities to Japanese animation with RWBY, you're clearly lying. Look at RWBY.... Moe faces, a magic/sword battle-academy with a standard tournament arc, outrageous weapons similar to God Eater (which Monty literally said he took inspiration from), fighting that flows like a dance rather than being more brutal like traditional Western shows, etc. RWBY bleeds the very feel of "anime", and if you watch the Japanese dub of it, most people would be hard pressed to tell it came from North America. The only real trait of RWBY that really shows its Western roots is the humour and gags, but if you'd never seen a Bugs Bunny cartoon, you could easily be forgiven thinking RWBY was made in Japan. So make up your mind, is anime a "style" of show or is it strictly based on where it was made? Because there are plenty of Japanese-made shows we can start discussing that many people would think were made outside of it, especially if you took away some of their story locations in Japan: Panty & Stocking, Baccano, Black Lagoon, Cowboy Bebop, any of the new Marvel anime, Hellsing, Afro Samurai, Samurai Champloo, etc. I can keep going. They all bleed Western Influence more than RWBY even does, so if we're going by the "style" definition you want to use, then RWBY should certainly count as anime regardless of where it was made.

Nah, not lying. It's as western as western gets, with just enough anime-ish juices to make fans orgasm.

RealityRush said:

I'm starting to question if you've even seen RWBY if you try to claim it doesn't have the "look and feel" of anime. I watch Japanese animation and RWBY, I can comment on both, and they are very similar ;P

I've seen just enough to know what to expect out of it: cliches, horrible voice acting, choppy animations, off-putting art-style etc.
Face it darling, it ain't everyone's cup of tea.

Jelmazmo said:

That's the way Japan sees it too and is as intended. But you and many others seem to believe simply because you think there is a difference despite the word itself showing you to be wrong that it actually exists. It doesn't. Anime is just their way of saying "cartoons" just as their manga sprouted up from our comics. They are and forever will be the same thing no matter how blue in the face people get saying otherwise.

Though your asinine argument that the way it looks and is "told" makes it an anime falls apart under Japanese animation that does not meet typical story telling or animation in Japan—like Hayao Miyazaki's work or the early work of Tezuka (Astro Boy) that looked like and told stories much like old western cartoons—or when non-Japanese material is presented in a common way it is in Japan (such as Avatar: The Last Airbender or Teen Titans).

Unless you want to go so far as to say it is "anime" when crafted by Japanese hands...

And maybe that's just the difference; japanese use it as a blanket term, whilst many western people use it as a describing word for japanese animations, that have a similar "feel" to them :P
The last point is not a good one, since outsourcing animations to other countries is a common practice in both japanese and western animations. Maybe you tried to trap me with this one, eh? :D
Apr 17, 2016 12:22 PM

Apr 2016
RainyRai said:

Yes, only the Western world believes it references to Japanese animation, and that is the term anime is heavily associated with outside Japan.

"MyAnimationList" refers to the fact that shows commonly seen as cartoons wouldn't considered anime by the general public.

And why does your argument matter? RWBY should be added because anime=animation? Like I've said before, this argument can be applied to any animated show, which means the site would have to have a huge load of things added if they want to be fair. Or they could stick to the rules they've had for a while now that keeps it with the Western definition, because this is a Western site.

And yet, despite admitting it, you believe that non-Japanese animation should not be counted? All because that's how you feel the word's meaning is?

Why does it matter? Are you joking? It matters because your argument is that only Japanese animation should make the cut simply because it is "anime" while western/non-Japanese animation are actually "cartoons" when nothing could be further from the truth. If you don't want non-Japanese material added, use a better argument than "it isn't anime". Even the argument "we just prefer Japanese material because it fits our view of the Japanese" makes more sense, just don't make the argument that it "isn't anime"

CondemneDio said:

And maybe that's just the difference; japanese use it as a blanket term, whilst many western people use it as a describing word for japanese animations, that have a similar "feel" to them :P
The last point is not a good one, since outsourcing animations to other countries is a common practice in both japanese and western animations. Maybe you tried to trap me with this one, eh? :D

No difference actually exists just because the west thinks it does. That logic is flawed.

Trap you? Don't be ridiculous. I don't have time for childish tactics such as that.

And what does outsourcing animation have to do with anything that I said? Avatar: The Last Airbender is a western creation with aid of Korean, Chinese or Japanese animation studios with similar themes to typical Japanese animation stories, therefore fitting your "look" and "style" requirement. Now if you say that it isn't anime still it would leave only one possible requirement left and that would be having to be created entirely within Japan by native Japanese people, which is even more absurd than "it must fit Japanese animation standards to qualify".

"Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time."
Apr 17, 2016 12:28 PM

Jan 2013
Jelmazmo said:

And what does outsourcing animation have to do with anything that I said? Avatar: The Last Airbender is a western creation with aid of Korean, Chinese or Japanese animation studios with similar themes to typical Japanese animation stories, therefore fitting your "look" and "style" requirement. Now if you say that it isn't anime still it would leave only one possible requirement left and that would be having to be created entirely within Japan by native Japanese people, which is even more absurd than "it must fit Japanese animation standards to qualify".

You did bring up the "crafted by japanese hands" point. Outsourcing is common, but that does not make Simpsons a vietnamese cartoon, or Anime X a korean one.

Well, in the end, RWBY will not get into the db, even if it seems oh so unfair to some fans.
Apr 17, 2016 12:54 PM

Apr 2016
CondemneDio said:
Jelmazmo said:

And what does outsourcing animation have to do with anything that I said? Avatar: The Last Airbender is a western creation with aid of Korean, Chinese or Japanese animation studios with similar themes to typical Japanese animation stories, therefore fitting your "look" and "style" requirement. Now if you say that it isn't anime still it would leave only one possible requirement left and that would be having to be created entirely within Japan by native Japanese people, which is even more absurd than "it must fit Japanese animation standards to qualify".

You did bring up the "crafted by japanese hands" point. Outsourcing is common, but that does not make Simpsons a vietnamese cartoon, or Anime X a korean one.

Well, in the end, RWBY will not get into the db, even if it seems oh so unfair to some fans.

My initial statement was that it was presented in a commonly found theme in Japan, though the point being made was that if you consider "style" and "look" reason enough to classify something as anime ATLA and RWBY fits the bill more than enough and if you only consider it anime if the animation is crafted by Japanese hands it also fits the bill despite its story etc truly being written by non-Japanese people (e.i that no matter how you slice it, it still has the requirements you yourself placed).

Why not just admit you will only consider it anime if it fits your generalizations of the people and its culture as well as only if made entirely by Japanese cartoonists? You would save everyone's time that way.

And yes, it looks pretty much apparent it won't get in no matter is said. Too many people are stuck with a skewed definition of the word based on nonexistent arguments and refusal to acknowledge the word's true origin because they are Orientalists. Which is incredibly sad, really.

"Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time."
Apr 17, 2016 11:08 PM

Jan 2016
Your points are all valid, people. Define anime however you want.

Stop thinking of MAL as 'a database of all anime' and try to think of it as 'a database of all Japanese animation (and Korean and Chinese for some reason)'. Because essentially, this is what the guidelines make it (unless you think something like Shitcom is an anime).
Apr 23, 2016 11:50 PM

Mar 2015
lycheejane said:
Your points are all valid, people. Define anime however you want.

Stop thinking of MAL as 'a database of all anime' and try to think of it as 'a database of all Japanese animation (and Korean and Chinese for some reason)'. Because essentially, this is what the guidelines make it (unless you think something like Shitcom is an anime).

> it using animation technique called claymation.
> made by japanese people who meet guidline
> marketted to japanese.

shitcom is anime.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Apr 23, 2016 11:52 PM

Jan 2016
Kuma said:

shitcom is anime.

Talking to the Pro!RWBY side who believe anime is tied to technique, not location.
May 27, 2016 12:58 AM

Feb 2015
I can't wait until Chronexia and the 8 seals will be realeased, Mistys fanboys will probably claim that it's anime (well they already do, even Misty himself does) and they demand a MAL entry.
May 27, 2016 1:37 AM

Oct 2014
lycheejane said:
Kuma said:

shitcom is anime.

Talking to the Pro!RWBY side who believe anime is tied to technique, not location.
Anime is the Japanese word for animation. "Nihon anime" would be a more accurate term for what we use it to mean. The Italian work "pizza" essentially means "round thing" with "pizza pomodoro" translating to "round thing with tomatoes" being the term used to refer to the food. If someone told you that a basketball was a pizza you'd probably think there was something wrong with them and similarly if someone told you that The Simpsons is an anime you'd also think there was something wrong with them. If you're not going by the original definition then it's best to go by the accepted definition rather than going by "whatever seems like it would fit". Japanese anime that don't seem very anime-like are still anime so naturally anime-like Western cartoons must be rejected from the definition. There are many French and Italian shows that are much more anime-like than a lot of anime or RWBY are, but they aren't allowed in the database. France has a very close connection with anime and manga so there would be a lot of grey area around which French productions seem enough like anime to be added, so it's best just to not consider any of them anime.
May 27, 2016 5:24 AM

May 2015
zombie_pegasus said:
lycheejane said:

Talking to the Pro!RWBY side who believe anime is tied to technique, not location.
Anime is the Japanese word for animation. "Nihon anime" would be a more accurate term for what we use it to mean. The Italian work "pizza" essentially means "round thing" with "pizza pomodoro" translating to "round thing with tomatoes" being the term used to refer to the food.
I didn't expect this in this discussion but your claim for pizza=round thing, it kinda triggers me. Do speak italian?
You would make more sense saying it means pie than round thing. Pizza originally referred to flat bread, in specific the french Galette.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 27, 2016 7:18 AM

Mar 2014
Mayuka said:
It's not. Let's add Frozen and Big Hero while we're at it. And High School Musical.

Don't forget Cory in the House. :^P
::End of Transmission::

May 27, 2016 7:36 AM

Oct 2014
zal said:
zombie_pegasus said:
Anime is the Japanese word for animation. "Nihon anime" would be a more accurate term for what we use it to mean. The Italian work "pizza" essentially means "round thing" with "pizza pomodoro" translating to "round thing with tomatoes" being the term used to refer to the food.
I didn't expect this in this discussion but your claim for pizza=round thing, it kinda triggers me. Do speak italian?
You would make more sense saying it means pie than round thing. Pizza originally referred to flat bread, in specific the french Galette.
Google translate says it call mean "ball" or "cylinder", so I made assumptions. The was that words evolve and are also used differently when borrowed from other languages. There are also Italian words for coffee types like "latte" meaning "milk". Also, the word "gym" means "naked" with "gymnasium" meaning "naked exercise" (we shortened it to the wrong half of the word).
May 27, 2016 8:04 AM

Aug 2014
Think we should add american dad too. In japan all cartoons are anime so you either need to have all animation or just stuff from japan.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
May 27, 2016 8:34 AM

May 2015
zombie_pegasus said:
zal said:
I didn't expect this in this discussion but your claim for pizza=round thing, it kinda triggers me. Do speak italian?
You would make more sense saying it means pie than round thing. Pizza originally referred to flat bread, in specific the french Galette.
Google translate says it call mean "ball" or "cylinder", so I made assumptions. The was that words evolve and are also used differently when borrowed from other languages. There are also Italian words for coffee types like "latte" meaning "milk". Also, the word "gym" means "naked" with "gymnasium" meaning "naked exercise" (we shortened it to the wrong half of the word).
Never put too much trust in google translate especially about the origin of a word. Gymnasium comes from Greek :/
For coffee you say caffe macchiato or latte macchiato depending which one you want more, latte is just an english version. If you ask in italy for a latte they will bring you just milk.
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May 27, 2016 8:35 AM

Apr 2012
Mods should just close this thread instead of giving false hope to the newbies.
Jun 9, 2016 6:33 PM

Apr 2015
Rhaeserys said:
Anime and cartoons are the same thing...why shouldn't it be added? It is only outside of Japan that "anime" means "just" Japanese produced animation. Inside of Japan the abbreviation refers to all animation regardless of origin.

This is true, but since anime is being written in English, in a website targeted at non-Japanese, shouldn't it be taking the English meaning then? You're talking about two different languages that happen to have the words sound the same.

"Pan" means bread in Japanese (and French)... I wouldn't say people are talking about bread when they're speaking in English and use the word pan.
Jun 9, 2016 11:44 PM

Dec 2015
Why do people even care about such things? Can't you just use a database site and accept it as it is? If this isn't "anime" according to the admins then they probably do not want it here. Nothing that can be changed.

This feels just like some fans that like this thing and think they need to call it "anime" because anime = better and you want all the good stuff for your favorite things.

(Like some people that want "psychological" and are fighting against "harem" tags for certain anime they favor cause "harem" seems less good.)

In my opinion: In Japan and other eastern countries afaik everything is called "anime". (Not important where it is made.) But we would have to use "Simsons" and other stuff as well.

Western view is that all Japanese (some include other things like Korean and Chinese - mainly because they also include "manwha" or whatever their manga are called there) are anime.

Only thing that makes trouble now is if a lot of things are outsourced and produded in other companies. But in my opinion the story is important most. Maybe a bit char design and setting. If these are made (at least the biggest part of it) by the Japanese - then it still is anime. Even if others are doing the drawings and final production.

Does not matter where tha Japanese guy or company doing the main things is located. US guys doing in an US company stuff in the USA which is targeted for a Japanese audience = not anime.

I checked Wiki for that RWBY thing. Says it is made by

Only question now: Is this guy asian enough? He seems to be a american citizen but he looks asian. So maybe it is still valid to say that he could make anime - especially if he tries something in the anime-style. Because his ethnicity is a bit mix (according to Wiki) of asian things - including Japanese.

Maybe we should require that people have at least trained somewhere in Japan under someone that knew stuff from there? (So not anyone with asian parents but other citizenship can just look watch some anime in the internet and do stuff in the same style and then call it anime - then we would have to allow all others - even the ones without asian parents - also to make "anime").

Then we would have to look for the style. But if we looked for the style ... then some Japanese stuff would look more western.

So we just stop discussing and let the admins decide. Much easier and less troublesome. :P
Jun 12, 2016 10:41 AM

Jan 2015
It's not anime though. The animation quality between the two is like Heaven and Hell. RWBY looks like something made in MikuMiku Dance while animes are professional. The voice acting in RWBY still feels very amateurish (even with some pros like Vic Mignona or Yuri Lowenthal), there's much room for development. And of course RWBY is an American production, not Japanese.

There could be a database for stuff that is "heavily influenced by anime" (RWBY was heavily influenced by it after all). I mean, if we have manhua in the database, which is non-Japanese manga, then animation that is more or less non-Japanese anime could potentially be in there as well.

RWBY is also more "global" than "American" in a sense that it's not set in the USA and it's filled with references to people/beings from different mythologies (Mulan, Sun Wukong=Son Goku, Beauty and the Beast, etc.). American Dad would truly feel weird in MAL's database but I feel like RWBY wouldn't, for the reasons pointed out above. Including a bunch of cultural references is also a common anime thing (take the entire Fate franchise with it's legendary heroes for example), so RWBY is similar to it in this aspect as well.

It would be interesting to hear the opinion of a Japanese RWBY fan. Since the series aired in Japan as well (with some famous seiyuus), I wonder if the people there consider it anime.
Jun 12, 2016 5:54 PM

Oct 2015
If this was to happen we might as well abide by that shitty old joke and add Corey in the House to the database as well.
Jun 13, 2016 12:05 PM

Apr 2010
Thread locked

RWBY is an American made cartoon aimed at a Western audience.
Because of this as post 18 points out at doesn't meet the requirements to be called an anime and with that it doesn't meet the requirements to be added to our database.
This discussion has been held several times for several cartoons we are an anime website and not a cartoon website.
Thread locked.
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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