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Petting confirmed removed from the English localized version of Fire Emblem: Fates

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Jan 29, 2016 7:36 AM

Apr 2012
However is saying it's a rumor, it has been confirmed.

I don't even understand why we needed confirmation, Nintendo is known to be shit anyway.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jan 29, 2016 9:09 AM

Sep 2011

Well shit, fuck NoA. We are literally living in George Orwell's 1984 at this point. Does every little thing that offend some idiot have to be censored...
Jan 29, 2016 9:29 AM

Apr 2012
Fullmetal89 said:

Well shit, fuck NoA. We are literally living in George Orwell's 1984 at this point. Does every little thing that offend some idiot have to be censored...
Truth is, the previous statement was "We don't know yet.".

And that's the PR dude saying "Yes, double-checked, the previous statement provided is confirmed.".

I'd say, it confirmed that they don't know.

Kotaku is retarded, so it's not unlikely.
ImmahnoobJan 29, 2016 9:33 AM

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jan 29, 2016 11:14 AM

Feb 2008
Oh, weird. I know people get up in arms about censorship, but I didn't think anyone would make such a big deal over a small thing. One could ask in response, "If it's such a small thing, why did it have to be removed in the first place?" as one is often wont to do in their snide way, and I would in turn reply, "Probably to avoid an awkward situation."

No matter how you slice it, or how innocent the minigame is, someone would be on shaky ground, trying to explain why you can pet your little sister character, because petting (and skinship in general) isn't exactly a common thing in western cultures. The difference between that and Pokemon, where you can rub all over Machoke's bulge if you feel so indulged is that, in the layman eye, Pokemon are just cute animals. You tell a mother that her ten year old can pet a Pokemon and she'll think, "Awww, they can pet a pikachu in their game? that's cute." If you tell that same mother that her ten year old can pet a teenage girl, or grown woman, and that proclamation of cute will probably be replace with a very sharp, and disgusted "Why?"

Granted, Fire Emblem is a T rated game, but the lot of us know that most parents don't pay attention to the Pegi system or the ESRB. Regardless, I don't think Momma Proverbial will be anymore all right with her thirteen or fourteen year old, petting people.

You could of course go on to explain to Momma Proverbial that the Pokemon petting minigame let's you pet anywhere on the Pokemon's body, as opposed to just the head as it is in FE:F and she would just say that neither of those minigames should be in a game aimed at children. Which, regardless of the ESRB rating, is still what the layman sees when they see video games.
Jan 29, 2016 11:26 AM

Apr 2012

Poor arguments all around. Besides being pro-censorship arguments, which already make no sense, especially in fiction.

First of, the issue here is mostly principle for many people. Censorship shouldn't be a thing in fiction, period.

Second of, you lose 2 hours of unique dialogue, 70 chars, about ~2 min scenes each.

Third of, even if you're the type to have issues with this option, it is completely optional.

Now to get to the main gripe of your argument. You actually have no evidence of what you're saying. None at all, it's actually more likely the opposite, you, as a company, get more complaints because you've now stirred a group that wouldn't have been bothered by your game in the slightest, AKA the anti-censorship group.

What you're talking about is a 80-90s problem. This is no longer present either, mind you. And children are also not the main demographic of gaming and these games.

I see data and see that media coverage and unimportant details like these don't matter to people. And parents look and take into consideration ratings, but that's pretty much it. With the petting minigame it would have still been rated T.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jan 29, 2016 1:26 PM

Feb 2008
My good man, you have made a number of errors in your response, most of all being that I have offered mere speculation, not evidence. The second error, is that you mistook my statement for a pro-censorship argument. What I wanted to share with that post was my interpretation of Nintendo's decision. NoA is a company, but it's still ran by people, and people are subject to human error. Even if we're going to say Momma Proverbial was a beast of the 80s and 90s, she still was a beast that has attacked them on a number of occasions, and there is some part of them that fears that, like the part of others who fear spiders. This decision for censorship was a precautionary measure. "I'd much rather be safe than sorry." And while that does turn the eyes of anti-censorship onto them, so far, the Anti-Censorship lobby has been a lot more bark than it has been bite. Saying, "I'll just pirate the game." Begs for the response of, "So will others, for completely different reasons," and at that point they don't see it as a battle againt Anti-Censorship, they see it as a battle against Pirating, which is a Eldritch horror that the Games, Movie, and Music industry are already flailing to stop. Which makes anti-censorship a minutia they can ignore. If we want games to stop being censored, then we'd have to actually open up reasonable dialogues with them companies, rather that amalgamating ourselves into a nebulous entity.

When Ace Attorney 5 came out, I saw people saying they wouldn't buy it because it was only getting a digital release in the west. I think that was foolish, because it begs the question: why would Capcom see that as anything other than a lack of interest.

So admittedly, the last thing that I think is erroneous is a bit hard for me to speak on, because I kept expanding the idea out of the context of the matter. I however have to get ready for work soon, so I will have to simplify this, and hopefully get back to you with a response, much later on.

If one is of the mind that nothing should be censored (excluded) from fiction, then does that mean that one is subsequently of the mind that everything should (theoretically of course, as it would present thematic issues) be included? If yes, then a follow up question. If you encounter something in fiction that you don't like, or approve of, what is your usual response?

I ask both of these question because it always seems disingenuous to me, whenever I see someone talking about censorship. If it was simply the fact that you don't want to miss out on content, then I can completely understand; I was telling my cousin last night that he should forgo buying MKX on PC for that very reason. But no one simply leaves it at that, it always turns into a battle against the beast of censorship. In which case, are all efforts put in place to make sure that the beast didn't win?

The second of the two questions is usually answered with, "I'd just avoid it." In this game for example, the people who aren't interested in same-sex marriage won't be pursuing that when they play through it. In and of itself, that's not wrong at alll, "to each his own," but in the context of censorship, then wouldn't you be doing yourself a disservice. We see censorship as a great beast, but when we think about it, it is one of all sizes. When it's a company like Nintendo, or the actions of a country, it's this huge thing that we have to band together to surmount, but a lot of people like to ignore the censoring we impose onto ourselves.

Saying that you're anti-censorship should be a scholarly proclamation, as censorship tends to dilute or outright remove ideas, and in this era of ours, even with the internet it is no small feat to get your hands on the unaltered product. If we are going to say that anti-censorship is a vote for inclusion, then the scholarly idea expands. "I don't want you to remove that from this." "You," should thus, not refer solely to a company but also to yourself.
Jan 29, 2016 1:44 PM

Jun 2011

What a load of crap.
Jan 29, 2016 1:54 PM

Mar 2012
So they finally add kemonomimi characters in FE and we then I can't pet them...

Well maybe it's a good time to downgrade to 9.2
Jan 29, 2016 2:11 PM

Oct 2015
This is stupid, it's a T-rated game and almost everybody playing it is adults anyway. Also it's a OPTIONAL thing to do.

Also they removed a breast size slider for the female avatars in Xenoblade X. Nobody would have said anything if it was left in but they caused a bunch of people to start talking about it because they removed it. Also this prevented some players from being able to make the avatars look completely like them.

Nintendo must still think everybody playing games is kids, they seriously need to change there image and go back to the "Plat it Loud" days when the NX comes out.
Jan 29, 2016 2:30 PM

Jan 2013
Immahnoob said:
It being called "skinship" doesn't matter, you can only touch face, shoulders and around the neck, nowhere intimate. Each character answers differently, based on where you touch and on your support levels. If they're married to you, yes, it will become more "romantic", borderline "sexual", just like it was in Fire Emblem Awakening, mind you, you could talk to your "love" and get all types of answers.

If they're your kid, the answers are also different, sounding more like a bonding between parent/child.

If they're a random at a low level support level, they also answer accordingly.

Besides that, you seem to not understand why I mention Fire Emblem being "Anime". It's exactly because petting in Anime isn't sexual/romantic most of the times. It's the same trope.
I seemed to not get my wording right. My mistake. Even if some parts are not romantic, the whole bonding/romancing aspect of it is still off-tone in comparison to other Fire Emblem games. In most Fire Emblem games, the player was always an outsider to character development. When bonding/romancing occurred, it was usually done through a support conversation where Unit A talked to Unit B and that's it. This is completely different though. The bonding/romancing occurs through a first person perspective with characters not addressing any other unit but you. It's too personal and can feel especially strange when you've played the other Fire Emblem games where you were always an outside lens to the game's narrative.
Jan 29, 2016 3:01 PM

Jan 2013
Threadly reminder:

Nintendo of America doesn't listen to fans, they only listen to money. When fans asked for a localization of Xenoblade Chronicles, the Last Story, and Pandora's Tower; Nintendo of America refused to sell. They didn't think the games would sell despite all of the fans begging for the games. When Operation Rainfall occurred, spurring coverage from dozens of gaming news sites across the web, Nintendo of America still refused. Even cementing their decision by saying there were absolutely no plans to bring the games to America. Fans felt betrayed but magic suddenly occurred. Nintendo of Europe announced localization of Xenoblade Chronicles with the other games to follow suit too. Nintendo of Europe brought the games (the localization was perfect too) to the west and as predicted, the games sold phenomanally well. Then Nintendo of America, seeing the money, brought it over too. But like the dunces they are, they only printed a very limited supply of the games. It wasn't until a few months ago when Xenoblade Chronicles was released digitally that a copy would cost around one hundred dollars.

When Xenoblade Chronicles X got announced, Nintendo of America learned their mistakes and announced localization of it... Except they censored it (because WIDER AUDIENCES HURR HURR), further alienating fans from the company. I'll say it again, Nintendo of America has never adhered to fans, they only listen to the money. If words won't reach them, then my wallet will (not). Piracy ahoy.
PeenusWeenusCaimJan 29, 2016 3:10 PM
Jan 29, 2016 3:08 PM

Apr 2010

Think I can be a little hopeful, now.
Jan 29, 2016 3:18 PM

Jan 2013
The last few Nintendo guys who said a game or feature wasn't getting localized got fired moments after their statements. This guy is playing it safe by acting like he knows nothing about the game. Either way, this isn't direct confirmation of anything, he's just a customer service lackey.

Removal confirmed by an actual Nintendo rep
PeenusWeenusCaimJan 29, 2016 3:24 PM
Jan 29, 2016 3:25 PM

Sep 2011

Yeah this is what I was looking at earlier when I said that it wasn't confirmed. That said, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if NoA did remove it. They removed a lot of extra "lewd" costumes and options from Xenoblade Chronicles X to be on the safe side. Fucking scrubs at NoA wouldn't bat an eye at removing what they deem 'too degenerate' for the sensible western tastes.


And.....there you go.
Jan 29, 2016 3:27 PM

Sep 2012
God damn it what's the point of playing this game if I can't even awkwardly use my touch screen to grope cartoon characters and have them spew out bad erotic dialogue??? Like, wtf WHY would they think to get rid of that??
Jan 29, 2016 3:43 PM
Jan 2013
that's all perspective when you say "cartoon characters". for most of the many weebs here, including my self, they're more than just characters, they're our waifus. And that I think is one of nintendo's greatest mistake. And I mean, the vast majority of players playing fire emblem are people of this site's demographic, the fact that they're censoring the shit out of this is utterly pointless when most of their buyers are us. I highly doubt they're going to bring in more fans by dumbing down the game for kids.
Jan 29, 2016 3:55 PM

Apr 2012
My good man, you have made a number of errors in your response, most of all being that I have offered mere speculation, not evidence.
Yeah, I know, that's my point, what you're saying is completely baseless.


It doesn't matter what they get rid of, censorship shouldn't be a thing.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jan 29, 2016 5:21 PM

Mar 2015
They make fire emblem a waifu game, then remove all the waifu shit for the west

When you remove waifu shit from a modern fire emblem game there's no point to it anymore
Jan 29, 2016 5:35 PM

Mar 2013
Nintendo of America always thinking about the kid and probably will not change.
Jan 29, 2016 5:38 PM

Sep 2011
NateMKII said:
They make fire emblem a waifu game, then remove all the waifu shit for the west

When you remove waifu shit from a modern fire emblem game there's no point to it anymore

Aye, it's ridiculous. Might as well not bother localizing the games. Worst part is that there's no effective way to combat this trend of censoring everything by NoA. If we boycott the game they think there's no interest for niche weebshit like this, so they stop localizing. Complaining to NoA does nothing as it falls on deaf ears and pirating is a shitty solution.

Shittiest part about all this is that the game is still full price but with cut content and yes; the creepy waifu petting is content. Are we going to get something in return? Nope. Here's to hoping that the scenes are actually in the game but locked and at some point NoA quits being turbo faggots and unlocks the content via free optional DLC. Will never happen but w/e. Would be a good compromise.
Jan 29, 2016 9:08 PM

Jan 2011
The problem with video game censorship is how apathetic so many people are about it. People will get all up in arms about toning down violence, but they think girls are icky so removing this is fine.
Jan 29, 2016 10:13 PM

Jan 2013
@Damonashu Lol how much time did you waste writing that essay?
Jan 30, 2016 4:58 AM

Apr 2012
Major123 said:
@Damonashu Lol how much time did you waste writing that essay?
Worthless essay too. He's not actually saying anything worthwhile.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jan 30, 2016 5:27 AM

Oct 2015
Why didn't they just do what they did in some of the recent Call of Duty games like in MW2 with the airport shooting and say something at the start like "There is content in this game that may be offensive to some players, would you like to skip this content? No penalty will be given for choosing to skip this content." or something like that. That way nobody loses.
Jan 30, 2016 5:43 AM

Sep 2011
Hargad said:
Why didn't they just do what they did in some of the recent Call of Duty games like in MW2 with the airport shooting and say something at the start like "There is content in this game that may be offensive to some players, would you like to skip this content? No penalty will be given for choosing to skip this content." or something like that. That way nobody loses.

NoA just wants to release the game in a format that the highly sensitive nanny state west will accept. They don't want to deal with any backlash about something as stupid as a head petting game in a waifu simulator. They don't want any bad press for the game. Of course, they are getting a lot of flack for their censorship.

Activision is a different company with different standards, also the only people that where actually offended by that scene in Call of Duty where concerned parents. Which usually don't complain as much as obnoxious tumblr hambeasts and white knights. The SJW's seem to find simulated mass murder less offensive than some weebshit that lets you pet virtual girls.
FullmetalRaikouJan 30, 2016 5:47 AM
Jan 30, 2016 7:43 AM

Apr 2012

As @Fullmetal89 says, I'll say it from another perspective, they're basically fucking idiots, that's why they're not doing what Activision did. They don't understand the western market.

Or actually, they could have done nothing at all, translated the game and be off with it, they'd gotten more money that way.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jan 30, 2016 8:20 AM

Sep 2011
So I just read this while browsing 4chan

*click pic for source post*

Take with a huge grain of salt. Not happy about this but at least, if what is said is true; it means that the content is in the game just no touching.

NoA and Treehouse can take their censorship and shove it.

Jan 30, 2016 8:45 AM

Apr 2012
Fullmetal89 said:
So I just read this while browsing 4chan

*click pic for source post*

Take with a huge grain of salt. Not happy about this but at least, if what is said is true; it means that the content is in the game just no touching.

NoA and Treehouse can take their censorship and shove it.

AKA "I'll define it as "creepy", that means I am right." type of "offended" fucktard in that post.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jan 30, 2016 10:43 AM

Aug 2014
From the video:

"But is it jnteractive, or is it just like you invite them and BOOM you get the bonus?"
"I think you invite them and it's the bonus."

I only watched a few minutes after 55:00, but sounds like it's still trash. No indication of whether the conversations, voices, and models are in. That post is just shitty speculation. Even the guys in the video said they didn't get to try it, just heard from Nintendo.

Waifus saved FE. Fuck off NoA.
Sieg Zeon!
Jan 30, 2016 10:53 AM

Aug 2008
the shit in this thread lmao

everyone should might as well import the game.
Jan 30, 2016 11:07 AM
Apr 2015
A lot of the highly sensitive fucks don't even buy the game anyways. Games have ratings, I don't see any reason to censor original content. Censoring things will only hurt their sales.
Jan 30, 2016 2:45 PM

Jul 2010

Jan 30, 2016 3:35 PM

Sep 2011
Dillicious said:


And the hits just keep on coming. WORST. LOCALIZATION. EVER. This is almost funny......almost.

I don't even care about this fucking title anymore....It's been a wild two weeks. I went from pretty excited, even accepting the bullshit move of splitting the game into three versions and ended up preordering Conquest. Now I cancelled my preorder and don't think I'm going to bother pirating this on my other 3DS. Fuck...NoA has literally sucked the hype out of this game.
Jan 30, 2016 3:35 PM
Dec 2015
Dillicious said:


Please, please, please tell me this is a prank! The only way they'll be able to redeem themselves now is if this shit is Free to Play.
Jan 30, 2016 3:49 PM

Sep 2011

It wouldn't even surprise me if this was their next step lol.
Jan 30, 2016 3:57 PM

Oct 2011
Gonna sit here sipping the tears of all the Fire Emblem newfriends and NEET hikki GamerGate losers who eat this shit up. Fire Emblem was never about waifu simulating, it was about replaying levels over and over trying not to lose units until you're sick of the game. If you don't like that, you can leave. This franchise was never for you.
This love for Hirasawa Yui consumes me, washing over my dirty weeaboo body with a cleansing warmth that allows me to reach greater heights. It inspires me to be a better man; not the man they deserve, but the man she deserves. Yui, I love you. With everything I have. You are my one, my only. Mai waifu.
Jan 30, 2016 4:02 PM

Apr 2010
Yodelman said:
Gonna sit here sipping the tears of all the Fire Emblem newfriends and NEET hikki GamerGate losers who eat this shit up. Fire Emblem was never about waifu simulating, it was about replaying levels over and over trying not to lose units until you're sick of the game. If you don't like that, you can leave. This franchise was never for you.

Jan 30, 2016 4:05 PM

Jun 2011
It's time to cut down the Treehouse.
Jan 30, 2016 4:07 PM

Apr 2012
Yodelman said:
Gonna sit here sipping the tears of all the Fire Emblem newfriends and NEET hikki GamerGate losers who eat this shit up. Fire Emblem was never about waifu simulating, it was about replaying levels over and over trying not to lose units until you're sick of the game. If you don't like that, you can leave. This franchise was never for you.
This is too low level, bruh.
Dillicious said:

Give me more context on this.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jan 30, 2016 4:17 PM

Oct 2011
Yes, I'm just a troll and clearly haven't been with the series since Rekka no Ken unlike all the Awakening babies stuck resorting to playing the older titles with shitty emulators because their autismbux don't give them enough to cover the slowpoke tax, at least not after they get their monthly fill of Touhou plushes and flavor-of-the-month Figmas.

Honestly, I'm a fucking casual too for not bothering to play anything JP-only besides FE6 but it's better than the shitty situation all you casual ass mofos are in. Keep sitting there crying and calling me a troll like this isn't my honest opinion, lol. Go outside, get a fucking job, and quit crying that normal, civilized people don't support your weird little sister fucking fetish.

Dillicious said:


Actual disappointing news but I can survive the Persona dubs, so w/e.
This love for Hirasawa Yui consumes me, washing over my dirty weeaboo body with a cleansing warmth that allows me to reach greater heights. It inspires me to be a better man; not the man they deserve, but the man she deserves. Yui, I love you. With everything I have. You are my one, my only. Mai waifu.
Jan 30, 2016 4:24 PM

Apr 2010
Yodelman said:
Go outside, get a fucking job, and quit crying that normal, civilized people don't support your weird little sister fucking fetish..

Yet here you are, on an anime forum, and telling people to do something you suck at. Are you friends with any of these people outside the forum, to know they don't have a job?

You're one hell of a troll.

But, just to take the rest of your post that I didn't quote a tad seriously. Playing all FE games doesn't mean you're right. Yeah I've played all FE games (except the JP ones, duh), and personally liked the new stuff brought in Awakening, AND (JP version) Fates. You're just one of those individuals who doesn't want to stick out their head from their asses called nostalgia...grow up dude...don't be stuck in the past.
Jan 30, 2016 4:26 PM

Sep 2015
so petting humans is bad, but molesting your pokemon in XY is ok? good to know

Jan 30, 2016 4:30 PM

Sep 2011
Yodelman said:
Yes, I'm just a troll and clearly haven't been with the series since Rekka no Ken unlike all the Awakening babies stuck resorting to playing the older titles with shitty emulators because their autismbux don't give them enough to cover the slowpoke tax, at least not after they get their monthly fill of Touhou plushes and flavor-of-the-month Figmas.

Honestly, I'm a fucking casual too for not bothering to play anything JP-only besides FE6 but it's better than the shitty situation all you casual ass mofos are in. Keep sitting there crying and calling me a troll like this isn't my honest opinion, lol. Go outside, get a fucking job, and quit crying that normal, civilized people don't support your weird little sister fucking fetish.

Dillicious said:


Actual disappointing news but I can survive the Persona dubs, so w/e.

Great memes bro!

Nobody fucking cares about waifu petting. We are pissed because they are removing shit from a game that is being sold for the same price that they charged at JP launch. We are literally paying more for less. This whole issue with the dual audio confirms it. They aren't putting it in the game because they would have to pay royalties. Fuck those shitbergs at NoA. They can't be arsed to hire good VA's so they pay for bottom of the barrel voice acting and then they are surprised people want to hear the original dub over this garbage. I would have no problems if the VA was at least decent.

NoA and Treehouse have been censoring and filtering every fucking game they localize for ages now. They are just going overboard with this particular title. I don't know if it's some feeble attempt at marketing this game to a broader audience. Most people would be immediately turned off by a game like this on principle. Whatever their reasoning behind all the gutting is, it doesn't change the fact that most people that were buying this game were hoping for a faithful localization. This is a weeb game to begin with and a niche title within niches. I highly doubt that anyone was buying this game without knowing that it's essentially a waifu sim.

Lets face it, prior to Awakening nobody gave three shits about FE series. It was good back in the SNES days because there was no superior RTS like Tactics Ogre or FF Tactics. It was pretty much dead until Awakening. To turn around and suddenly fuck over the people that made that dead series popular again is just plain stupid.
Jan 30, 2016 4:32 PM

Jun 2011
Fullmetal89 said:
It was good back in the SNES days because there was no superior RTS like Tactics Ogre or FF Tactics.

Jan 30, 2016 4:33 PM

Apr 2012
I actually care about the petting and I have no problems admitting to it.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jan 30, 2016 4:34 PM

Sep 2011
Narmy said:
Fullmetal89 said:
It was good back in the SNES days because there was no superior RTS like Tactics Ogre or FF Tactics.

True, there where some other good ones. I mean I liked some of the old FE games but I'm not some turbo autist nostalgiafag that can't accept that the genre has moved on. Hell I played the shit out of Path of Radiance back in the day. Though I'll admit I have a bias for Tactics Ogres.

Immahnoob said:
I actually care about the petting and I have no problems admitting to it.

I think it's cringy as fuck but I am all for keeping it in the game. There is zero reason to censor anything. If people find it "oh so creepy" they can ignore it and play their 'super cereal' RTS game. If petting is problematic change the rating on the game.
Jan 30, 2016 4:40 PM
Dec 2015
Yodelman said:
Gonna sit here sipping the tears of all the Fire Emblem newfriends and NEET hikki GamerGate losers who eat this shit up. Fire Emblem was never about waifu simulating, it was about replaying levels over and over trying not to lose units until you're sick of the game. If you don't like that, you can leave. This franchise was never for you.

But new FE games still have the same difficulty, same lore, and same play style that the last games had, just with added OPTIONAL minigames and supports.
Jan 30, 2016 5:33 PM

Apr 2012
Image not forged or fake.

Someone I know is going to talk to Nintendo PR and we'll know if it's 100% verified.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jan 30, 2016 7:03 PM

Jan 2013
destructo22 said:
the shit in this thread lmao

everyone should might as well import the game.
Yes JOIN ME..............
Jan 30, 2016 9:18 PM

Feb 2008
Major123 said:
@Damonashu Lol how much time did you waste writing that essay?

I would not call it a waste of time, although I am remiss that nothing of interest came from it. I was hoping that @Immahnoob would like to further discuss what would need to be done to give the anti-censorship group some strong footing. As I am neither for or against the group's goals, I've never really put a great deal of thought into it. However, upon him mentioning the principle of the matter, I began to think. It occurred to me that the Anti-censorship group would either be akin to entitled gamers, or actually having something worthwhile to say. I can actually see a number of defenses for their beliefs, but as @Immahnoob seemed to speak with the deference of someone with a greater understanding, I was curious about what I might learn from such a mind. For reasons I cannot ascertain, he has no interest in doing so, so what can one do but seek someone else?

As far as writing it goes, however. I never feel that it's a waste of time. That I had a chance to put the thoughts to words, rather than letting it get swallowed by the ether was enough to justify any time cost.
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