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Apr 30, 2015 10:03 AM

Nov 2014
Even in real life, there is little chance one can persuade others that their view is more rooted in logic, has more legitimacy than others'. So what is the point of even doing it online? Why can we just agree to disagree instead of trying to put ourselves before everyone else?

Law judges made up their mind over 80% before going into the court room to hear arguments, debate results often end in neither side having their points taken by the audience, Cicero disapproved of arguing. So did Aurelius and several other Roman scholars. Admit it, we are stubborn creatures. See someone has something you do not agree with? Accept they think differently and move on. It's not like something good can come out of winning an argument online. Do you agree?
Haruhi ism
It's fun, isn't it?

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Apr 30, 2015 10:04 AM
Jul 2018
yaiba064 said:
Even in real life, there is little chance one can persuade others that their view is more rooted in logic, has more legitimacy than others'. So what is the point of even doing it online? Why can we just agree to disagree instead of trying to put ourselves before everyone else? ?

Because arguing can be fun.
Apr 30, 2015 10:04 AM
Oct 2014
For fun
Apr 30, 2015 10:04 AM

Jun 2014
Well there's no point whatsoever except giving me more yuetsu in the end.
Apr 30, 2015 10:06 AM

Apr 2013
for the lolz
Apr 30, 2015 10:07 AM

Jul 2011
There it's no point at all.
Apr 30, 2015 10:07 AM

Dec 2013
You can be enlightened on the reasons of why someone agrees or disagrees with something and broaden your perspective.
Apr 30, 2015 10:08 AM

Nov 2013
It can be for fun, and to see how your viewpoints differ from others.
Apr 30, 2015 10:10 AM
Jan 2015
Arguing is a practice that can increases your ability to reason, think, and believe. You can see the viewpoints of others and allow others to see your viewpoints as well. It also allows for people to have a definable grasp of who you are: socially, emotionally, and intellectually.
Apr 30, 2015 10:11 AM

Apr 2015
The whole point of debating in general is not to convince your opponent, but to convince the audience. The same is probably true online.

There is also much to be learned from serious discussions (for everyone), regardless of their official outcome.
Apr 30, 2015 10:13 AM

May 2014
nothing .
lol, i just dont feel like going out after i come back from work.
so this passes the 1~2 hours of free time i have.
more seriously:
i honestly feel bad for anyone who is willing to invest Genuine effort in forums and start writing all those giant massive walls of text and gets agitated over dumber then shit topics , lol.
Apr 30, 2015 10:14 AM

Sep 2014
debating was never meant to convince the other side lol
Apr 30, 2015 10:15 AM

May 2014
For fun ofcourse.
Apr 30, 2015 10:16 AM

Nov 2014
Imaishi said:
debating was never meant to convince the other side lol

That's what I said, in every debate I have been to/a part of, in the end the majority of the audience does not sway form their original mindset they bring into the debate.
Haruhi ism
It's fun, isn't it?

Apr 30, 2015 10:17 AM

Feb 2015
lllllllll said:
for the lolz
Apr 30, 2015 10:18 AM

Jun 2014
I'm waiting for someone to debate in this thread about debating.
Apr 30, 2015 10:18 AM

Feb 2015
damastah said:
I'm waiting for someone to debate in this thread about debating.

Call Imhanoob
Apr 30, 2015 10:20 AM

Jan 2015
It's fun to do it and it's good to see others' viewpoints on different things.
Apr 30, 2015 10:20 AM

Jun 2014
chat77 said:
damastah said:
I'm waiting for someone to debate in this thread about debating.

Call Imhanoob

Nah, I want some "Fai vs SSjokg" level quality, not some logic-influx yet again.
Apr 30, 2015 10:22 AM
Jul 2018
It's an attempt to disprove more than to have them change their mind usually.
Apr 30, 2015 10:25 AM
Jul 2018
AudioDruid said:
It's an attempt to disprove more than to have them change their mind usually.

Someone who's been disproved should change their mind though. Otherwise what's the point?
Apr 30, 2015 10:27 AM

Oct 2009
Because internet is the realm of ideas.

Unlike in real world where we have determinant characteristic to define ourselves like race, physical attractiveness, etc. The internet is devoid of these traces of individual, especially since those real world characteristic can be forged. The only thing that one could do to present themselves is through ideas, a formulation of opinion and virtual personality, the way they present themselves to the internet.

Attacking or defending one's idea on the internet would be akin to what happened in the real world if things goes physical. It would evolves further than just a simple argument, especially if that something is considered as fundamental to their identity. People are drawn to debates and arguments even when said arguments is not aimed at them, because ideas are impersonal and universal, yet people relates to it and even making it an 'anchor' of their virtual self.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Apr 30, 2015 10:28 AM

May 2014
damastah said:
chat77 said:

Call Imhanoob

Nah, I want some "Fai vs SSjokg" level quality, not some logic-influx yet again.

heyyy :(
im here too u know ;_;

call xE too :P
Apr 30, 2015 10:29 AM

Feb 2015
WAD1992 said:
damastah said:

Nah, I want some "Fai vs SSjokg" level quality, not some logic-influx yet again.

heyyy :(
im here too u know ;_;

call xE too :P

Sorry WAD you are sadly not on their level...;)
Apr 30, 2015 10:29 AM

Feb 2014
chat77 said:
lllllllll said:
for the lolz
Where the fuck did Monday go?
Apr 30, 2015 10:29 AM

Nov 2014
DrCoppelius said:
AudioDruid said:
It's an attempt to disprove more than to have them change their mind usually.

Someone who's been disproved should change their mind though. Otherwise what's the point?

They don't. That's my point exactly. What's the point?
Haruhi ism
It's fun, isn't it?

Apr 30, 2015 10:30 AM

Jun 2014
WAD1992 said:
damastah said:

Nah, I want some "Fai vs SSjokg" level quality, not some logic-influx yet again.

heyyy :(
im here too u know ;_;

call xE too :P

But again, I want some quality, not some texts of doom.

Now if only someone can do the unthinkable and derail this into a Fate/ stay night thread... little help here Chat77?
Apr 30, 2015 10:30 AM
Jul 2018
yaiba064 said:
DrCoppelius said:

Someone who's been disproved should change their mind though. Otherwise what's the point?

They don't. That's my point's exactly. What's the point?

A lingering hope that people will be reasonable.
Apr 30, 2015 10:30 AM

Nov 2014
damastah said:
WAD1992 said:

heyyy :(
im here too u know ;_;

call xE too :P

But again, I want some quality, not some texts of doom.

Now if only someone can do the unthinkable and derail this into a Fate/ stay night thread... little help here Chat77?

Call in Zergneedsfood too while we're at it xD
Haruhi ism
It's fun, isn't it?

Apr 30, 2015 10:31 AM

Oct 2011

People online are clear. The only thing you have to worry about is the words they typed. No one stutters, screams, theres no face to face pressure, no reading the person's body language, you are not around other people and you are not on a time constraint to reply.

You can take your time with your arguments and really go in depth at the topic being discussed. Offline most of the good debaters won't fair as well as they do compared to their online personas.
GovApr 30, 2015 10:36 AM
Apr 30, 2015 10:32 AM

Feb 2015
damastah said:
WAD1992 said:

heyyy :(
im here too u know ;_;

call xE too :P

But again, I want some quality, not some texts of doom.

Now if only someone can do the unthinkable and derail this into a Fate/ stay night thread... little help here Chat77?

I have been warned I have to decline,we will have enough YEUTSU as it is...

Apr 30, 2015 10:33 AM

Jun 2014
chat77 said:
I have been warned I have to decline,we will have enough YEUTSU as it is...

But you have to stay firm on your ideals!!!

Nothing else but being a hero of justice like Shirou is in ufotable's adaptation compared to DEEN's is acceptable!
Apr 30, 2015 10:34 AM

May 2014
yaiba064 said:
damastah said:

But again, I want some quality, not some texts of doom.

Now if only someone can do the unthinkable and derail this into a Fate/ stay night thread... little help here Chat77?

Call in Zergneedsfood too while we're at it xD

Zerg VS xE

holy shit
the endless cycle of doom. X"D

seriously though, they are by far the most who post walls of text :P
but to be fair, zerg i have enjoyed discussing animu with :3
Apr 30, 2015 10:35 AM

May 2014
damastah said:
chat77 said:
I have been warned I have to decline,we will have enough YEUTSU as it is...

But you have to stay firm on your ideals!!!

Nothing else but being a hero of justice like Shirou is in ufotable's adaptation compared to DEEN's is acceptable!

lol jokes on u.
chat77 likes HF shirou not fate shirou :P
Apr 30, 2015 10:35 AM

Feb 2015
damastah said:
chat77 said:
I have been warned I have to decline,we will have enough YEUTSU as it is...

But you have to stay firm on your ideals!!!

Nothing else but being a hero of justice like Shirou is in ufotable's adaptation compared to DEEN's is acceptable!

But they aren't really portraying him well though

took the bait
Apr 30, 2015 10:37 AM

Sep 2009
stephen5000 said:
The whole point of debating in general is not to convince your opponent, but to convince the audience. The same is probably true online.

This. I'm the type to read through arguments others are having over something I'm interested in, etc. As someone else already mentioned: it helps broaden your perspective.
Apr 30, 2015 10:38 AM

Jun 2014
WAD1992 said:
lol jokes on u.
chat77 likes HF shirou not fate shirou :P

I'm a VN reader JSYK and part of the FSN: UBW boards. Take that as you will.

chat77 said:
But they aren't really portraying him well though

took the bait

But the adaptation's perfect! It's just a porn game! Miura had Nasu's approval!
Apr 30, 2015 10:38 AM
Apr 2015
Apr 30, 2015 10:40 AM

Feb 2015
damastah said:
WAD1992 said:
lol jokes on u.
chat77 likes HF shirou not fate shirou :P

I'm a VN reader JSYK and part of the FSN: UBW boards. Take that as you will.

chat77 said:
But they aren't really portraying him well though

took the bait

But the adaptation's perfect! It's just a porn game! Miura had Nasu's approval!

Yeah you are cannot comprehend to match the edgyness of Zero.
Apr 30, 2015 10:41 AM

Nov 2014
WAD1992 said:

Zerg is cool. I like him. His walls of text are readable.

Back on the topic, ideas do not have to be argued to materialise. If an idea is great, you don't argue it. You pitch it. I tend to think great ideas are universal so they should be more readily accepted. It's only a matter of time. Some ideas get accepted quickly, others do not. That's the main difference between ideas and arguments I think.
Haruhi ism
It's fun, isn't it?

Apr 30, 2015 10:44 AM

Feb 2015
I actually do it for the fun aspect.You should never take internet shenanigans seriously anyways.
Apr 30, 2015 10:44 AM

Jun 2014
chat77 said:
damastah said:

I'm a VN reader JSYK and part of the FSN: UBW boards. Take that as you will.

But the adaptation's perfect! It's just a porn game! Miura had Nasu's approval!

Yeah you are cannot comprehend to match the edgyness of Zero.

Well yeah, I mean Zero is "supposed to be watched before F/ SN" adaptations anyway! Because Zero has mature servants and F/SN is too kiddy huehue.
Apr 30, 2015 10:52 AM

Jul 2014
I wana see immahnoob vs himself
Apr 30, 2015 10:52 AM

Jun 2014
I still want the yuetsu debaters.
Apr 30, 2015 10:54 AM

May 2014
yaiba064 said:
WAD1992 said:

Zerg is cool. I like him. His walls of text are readable.

Back on the topic, ideas do not have to be argued to materialise. If an idea is great, you don't argue it. You pitch it. I tend to think great ideas are universal so they should be more readily accepted. It's only a matter of time. Some ideas get accepted quickly, others do not. That's the main difference between ideas and arguments I think.

tbh, i agree.
him and jal90 are stimulating in discussion, cz they know how to make actual discussion which is something rare here .
but god help anyone that confronts Zerg in troll mod XD
Apr 30, 2015 10:59 AM

Nov 2013
CookieGawd said:
I wana see immahnoob vs himself
immahnoob will claim he is right and that himself is wrong. But then it would just turn into a circlejerk about elementary school girls.
Apr 30, 2015 11:07 AM

Mar 2008
Ive spoken to several people who were changed by the internet. Stopped them from being racists or homophobes
Apr 30, 2015 11:10 AM

Oct 2010
To make the world a better place and humanity a better species by showing them how to think logically , rationally and properly.
,, but ofcourse 80% of the people are stubborn and arrogant kids who talk big and act high and mighty because proving someone wrong in a forum is much harder than somewhere else
lots of music -
Apr 30, 2015 11:15 AM

Apr 2014
It's just funny.

Trance said:
I'm a guy and I can imagine buttfucking another guy. I don't find the thought repulsive, and I can even imagine kissing another man.
Apr 30, 2015 11:21 AM

Apr 2015
I think a lot of people argue online just because they enjoy it and they like being right (even if they aren't).

I do it sometimes because I like debating people. It's actually opened my eyes to new ways of thinking on occasion, and it often helps me learn how to debate better.
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