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Sep 11, 2014 5:34 PM

Jan 2014
Although I could care less about any of them it was kinda cute seeing everyone paired up at the end. Also, Jonathan for best male! I'd watch a Jonathan OVA ^_^
Sep 11, 2014 5:37 PM
Sep 2014
The snow illusion has been bothering me ever since. And just now, I realized, what if it has something to do with the falling salt flake snow in Nagi? That it was not a coincidence that they have Nagi references. Like Miuna and Sayu's cameo appearance. And the sea slug on Hina's phone.

Sep 11, 2014 6:10 PM

Oct 2013
Another episode where nothing really happens, this show is oddly satisfying and I don't know why lol, one of my favourites this season

Totally this ^

I'm another one that likes Glasslip. The animation is superb, the music nice (though I'm not too keen on the ED), the story is interesting, the acting seems fine to me. It's not the bestest ever show I've seen, but very good nonetheless.

I do enjoy reading the negative comments though, and many are perceptive, but I have a different take on things.
redtailravSep 11, 2014 6:16 PM
Sep 11, 2014 7:00 PM

Jul 2012
schone said:
Sweanime said:
Am i the only ont that think the animation and art is not as god like in nagi or "isshukan" (name?)


Arguable if we compare Isshuukan, but Nagiasu is definitely better than both of them.

y123y said:
Hi Mayuka. Its been a while :)

By looking at the preview for the next episode, do you think there will be a timeskip?

Possibly. I think it'd be pretty abrupt if they decided to do that though..
Sep 11, 2014 7:25 PM

Aug 2013
A flashback in the consequent episode seems more suitable than a time-skip in my opinion, and the preview seems to indicate that somewhat.
Maybe it will give us more insight into the relationship between the five original friends, not that we really care.
Sep 11, 2014 7:47 PM

Dec 2012
The only thing of value that I took away from this episode is that initially Kakeru's appearance split up the group and at first it looked like things were falling apart. Now it seems as though the pieces are fitting back together as the characters are moving on in couples.
Sep 11, 2014 7:58 PM

Aug 2011
Will this ever make sense.

» Escapism.

Sep 11, 2014 8:15 PM

May 2010
So are they together now or are they going to split up...?
Sep 11, 2014 8:15 PM

Jul 2009
I have no idea what Hiro and Sacchan were talking about
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Sep 11, 2014 8:15 PM

Sep 2008
That Hina really makes the show. Easily the best character.

It's amazing that so much happens yet nothing happens at all. It's almost bloody paradoxical.
Sep 11, 2014 8:43 PM

Aug 2012
This show is the epitome of frustration.
Sep 11, 2014 8:49 PM

Aug 2014
Ugggghhh! More mind screw.
Sep 11, 2014 8:57 PM

Aug 2013
orchidork said:
lots happened during this episode but nothing of sense really happened. i don't understand david's logic regarding inviting touko to watch his mom play the piano either.

when sachi disappeared i thought something cool was gonna happen and that she was dead but hiro had gone crazy and could hear her. then, we would finally be able to tell what this show is about. but sachi was just hiding behind a tree and i still don't have much of an idea of what's going on.

You know... He is mentally ill I think (multiple personality?) so his reckless behaviour is understandable.. But I don't like him either. I don't know what Touko see with him.

GenT-san said:
2 more to go till this suffering can end..

Shut up and drop it already! I don't understand you people , if you hating this show so much, why you didn't drop it? It is 11th episode!! You were allowed to complain in first episodes but at this stage it shows that you are just stupid.
I am sick of seeing posts like that.

HidenNinpoSep 11, 2014 9:04 PM
Sep 11, 2014 9:02 PM

Aug 2013
parfaited said:
DejWoSWK said:
The dialogue in the art room was so goddamn cringeworthy.

the dialogue truly felt like someone had spent an hour or so on tumblr gathering quotes from black & white ~artsy~ images

You know what I think you're right.

Two more to go and it will be over. Two more to go but we still don't know shit about what's happening. Then a horrifying thought came to mind: what if this was actually a split cour? A cold chill enveloped me.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Sep 11, 2014 10:26 PM

Nov 2012
the dialogue is so cringeworthy, holy shit. would be better to spend the time explaining what the hell is going on
Sep 11, 2014 11:05 PM

Apr 2014
This episode was so cute! I loved all the romantic scenes, especially between Kakeru and Touko. The family scene was totally an in laws moment-- that is what their life is going to be like when they get married in the future <3 yes I have to believe it will work out because they belong together. I like that Kakeru can be honest that he's confused and everything, but at least we know he does like Touko because of what he said to his mom, the fact he stayed with her at the school, and the hand holding. Those bracelets! I got so many great screenshots of this episode. I love that this show is so visually stunning XD

The snow feels a bit foreboding though. I think it's because of Yukinari (stopped snowing when he talked to Yanagi and agreed to see her dance recital, started snowing again when he said he was going to talk to Touko). Well I hope he won't turn into a jerk.. he needs to let Touko go like Sachi has. Touko's visions are related to what people are feeling so that's why I think the snow is Yukinari being upset still.
Daisy_petalsSep 11, 2014 11:10 PM
Sep 11, 2014 11:08 PM

Dec 2011
Imouto-chan doing her imouto things are truly the best parts of this.
Sep 11, 2014 11:45 PM

Nov 2013
Hina is such a bro
Sep 12, 2014 12:26 AM

Jun 2014
Why can't this show be good? :( Week after week, really disappointing. It only really has its art going for it.
Sep 12, 2014 1:07 AM

Apr 2014
y123y said:
I think that the snow has something to do with Sacchi's medical condition (I think that Sacchi might have some supernatural powers as well.

Yeah that's a possibility since we still don't know what is wrong with her. I sort of assumed she had a heart condition or something since she was getting out of breath. I do hope the supernatural stuff is explained a little lol. Do you think Sachi is going to die?
Sep 12, 2014 1:47 AM

Nov 2012
Boring episode as usual.
Sep 12, 2014 2:48 AM

Aug 2012
Well this episode was one for the pairings.
Sep 12, 2014 3:23 AM

Aug 2014
Glasslip is like great fucking art!....You look at it and you look att it...and you don´t even understand what and why you are looking at it. :D
Sep 12, 2014 5:07 AM

Jun 2014
It was the first time i have seen a eps where characters spent half the eps sleeping. They took slice of life to a new level.

Also, many things happened in this eps, which is surprising but they fail to catch my attention. Close to fallng asleep.
Sep 12, 2014 11:15 AM

Nov 2013
Why the heck don't these people act even remotely like normal humans?

I feel like it's written by some awful fanfiction writer who's like, I want this scene and situation to happen, so I'll give them this event and they'll act this way. Regardless if it's freakin' normal or not.

This show...
Sep 12, 2014 11:30 AM

Dec 2013
Should I fight or let it die?
Sep 12, 2014 12:13 PM

Feb 2014
bastek66 said:


Wow, Hina is such a great sister.

Also, the part when Kakeru looked into the art room while Touko had been sitting there was funny. I loved her expression in that part!

I liked this episode a lot better because the romance drama was kept to mostly Touko and David while everything else was more slice-of-lifey.
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Sep 12, 2014 12:18 PM

Jul 2012
Kenchiin said:
Will this ever make sense.


wheresthehandle said:
I have no idea what Hiro and Sacchan were talking about

Nobody does.
Sep 12, 2014 1:07 PM
Sep 2014
Hi guys.

Since many people are so confused over all the portrayals in Glasslip, and I've just got my observations confirmed in episode 11, I'd like to provide my perspective so you guys could appreciate Glasslip, probably also Nagi no asukara better.

Note that this is only My Interpretation, it is neither "right" or "wrong". Neither should be yours. You can say it's a boring show with "Bad" character developments. Suit yourself.

TL;DR: Glasslip uses highly metaphorical storytelling. Understanding the metaphors made me so pleased with the anime I give it a 5/5 rating overall. Examples below.

Let me explain.

First we all recognise explicit "similarities" between Glasslip and Nagi no Asukara (I shall call it NnA from now on). We agreed to some extent that Kakeru is Tsumugu #2, etc.
To those who don't know about NnA,

But on a deeper side, something that NnA has, that so much anime doesn't really focus on is the intentional use of symbols and metaphors.
(correct me for my errors, I haven't watched NnA since episode 26 release)
The Sea God's seemingly unrequited love is reflected in the Sea's (human) inhabitants themselves. And if you were to think about it, there are many other images, symbols and significance hidden within NnA. What is said (in the end) about unrequited love? Why do Hikaru and the Sea god both behave in such a selfish and possessive manner? What is the deeper meaning in that stupid "Sea God sacrifice"?
What do all these want to say about love, and other aspects of human life and society? Is an Anime All About The Artwork, Music, And Superficial Portrayals?

My point is not to get you confused over NnA, I'll do one for NnA if I think I should. My point is for you to note that NnA (and therefore, perhaps Glasslip?) uses such literary devices to get their message across.

Now, Glasslip. (I'll cover some main ideas, then the relationships, then more main ideas)

You might not even know where to begin, the story is weird, you wonder why on earth there are chickens following this couple all the time, shown in weird intervals and in the Ending. You wonder what's with the episode titles (I mean, they're some abstract thing like Hyouka's "why did she ask EBA?" right..), what's with the extreme weirdness and AWKWARDNESS of Kakeru and Touko. And what-the-shit-they-got-together-talking-riddles-about-things-that-don't-exist. If you stay with me I'll answer them now.
The first episode is called "fireworks'. It begins with people going towards some celebration, specially (well, kimonos) prepared for it. Kakeru is also going. Touko walks in her kimono shakily, yet is gratified by the fireworks and probably the celebratory event as well.
She is gratified, but is she really ready for what is to come?
(think of how she carries herself in her relationship with Kakeru. whether it really keeps the relationship going.)

The screen freezes at her receiving GRATIFICATION (even though she wasn't completely prepared) and displays her name. I'd like to say that this is the anime's one-frame Introduction to Fukami Touko. Someone who's basically unprepared and clumsy, yet wanting to be gratified. Glasslip being a romance anime, I'd like to guess they're going to comment about how this (and other characters') behavior will affect her love relationships. Also, if you were to go to that scene, she's placed beside two young children. I'd like to think that she's partially immature. And the anime just wants to reinforce that idea. There are lots to say about how the other characters are introduced, but since my goal is to make you all less confused and into the main themes I'll skip all of those.

Firstly I'll talk about the screen freezing. Basically it's to show emphasis of a certain idea. Sometimes when I don't get it, I pause when the screen freezes, and go Ahh and continue. 3 touches on MX Player (Android) to get a whole lot of meaning won't hurt.

For example, when the screen freezes at the image of an eagle, the anime wants us to focus on the Idea of an Eagle. An Eagle is free, soaring the skies in complete freedom. Eagles tend to be symbols of strength, power, freedom and ACCOMPLISHMENT. On the other hand, a Chicken can't fly even though it's classified as a bird. I'd like to think that the chickens are put loitering around Kakeru and Touko to reflect their relationship: IT FAILS TO TAKE FLIGHT at first. I tend to see a chicken being focused on whenever they do something stupid with regards to their relationship (like, care about their own hallucinations), or when they overcome some communication error. (and when they're in school, that is). There was this time Touko imagined the black birds. It's as if she's scared of birds (even though they represent all that freedom and accomplishment) - she's scared of reaching the level of a bird. She's scared of certain things within herself to make the relationship go further.

I can't stop thinking of how it reflects us real life people. Some of us just don't want to overcome our fears and be the great person in the great relationship. Some of us just want to be chicken. I hope you're starting to get it.

Talking about Hallucinations,
Why does Touko think of Winter? Cultural references aside, winter is the harshest season out of all the four. It is where human suffers the most (well in the past when this literary metaphor was first made we didn't have such good clothing all the time) physically because of the cold. After winter spring comes, everything comes alive and happy again. The Winter imagined by Touko is her Own Personal Suffering. Kakeru cannot see it. This all is reflective of love in the real world:
Nobody sees our "winters" (metaphor of suffering - Touko is suffering from her not being prepared for love, she can't even communicate properly with Kakeru),
Nobody really sees our suffering in the real world, yet it is an essential part of love. We must overcome the things we used to believe as a child (hence Touko being pictured with two children in her introduction pic in ep1).
Therefore, the Hallucinations are a metaphor of the things (the sufferings, the joys) we only experience in our perspective. It is our story. Love is when we share that story with another person, even though we're the only ones experiencing it.

More about the portrayal of love later.

Next relationship.

Sacchan, that black-haired introvert who looks so dark she could kill anyone or do anything unexpected at any moment. This one's a bit more straight forward knowing how Glasslip is trying to talk to us about love. The introvert basically learns to be more concerned about her partner, not just being a self-centred receiver. Before episode 10, all she does is see a guy serving her from head to toe, without reciprocation. Some would say she's not grateful. Actually she tells Hiro what books to read, what things to do for her, it's more like she doesn't know how to express love.
This is the central theme of Hiro's and Sacchan's relationship.
One expresses it too well, one just doesn't express it. And the relationship stagnates.
On episode 11 she tells Hiro she wants to go hiking. And she brings food. Looks like she's improved.
Now for Yanagi and Imi.

These two really portray the theme of concern really well. Yes, they tell us a lot about how concern is necessary in a relationship, how it doesn't just die off (from Yanagi) that easily, and how concern is needed on both sides for a relationship to be developed. One awesome thing is how they portray this using metaphors again. Yanagi starts to understand Imi's athleticism. Imi learns about Yanagi's feelings, eventually appreciates what she does for him, and learns to love back (being concerned about her dance lessons). The dance lessons are a metaphor of Yanagi's interests, and running Imi's interests. The way they have learnt to be a part of each other's different worlds shows us that love ought to be enduringly concerned especially when we don't understand the people around us. What further illustrates this is Imi's running group being full of men and Yanagi's dancing group being full of ladies who even laughed at him. Each group teased the relationship in separate episodes; they are reflective of those kind of people in the real world who don't perceive and understand this concern.

Sometimes We care so much about the superficial aspects (e.g. when Imi likes Touko only superficially) when choosing our Partner, when what we really need is to look around us and see who really cares about us, and Morally complements us.

In overall, I realised Glasslip is something not meant for typical anime enjoyment, but it has been one of the best in the portrayal of love.
Some people have criticised the slow development, but I feel they were all good. After all, I take this quote from (John Green and) The Fault In Our Stars:
"I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once."

Glasslip begins with the celebration of the beginning of relationships with the use of "fireworks", shows us a slow development of the relationships which Accelerates and reaches the point we are now at episode 11. On the day they visit Kakeru, Touko and family sit on a very bright-coloured table, and the lunchbox Sacchan is holding is the only vivid colour in the scene. All this vibrance and happiness, only after the couples understand and learn of each other. Episode 11's title "Piano" is reflective of Kakeru: I believe he is shaped by his mother's piano playing. Touko and her family visits the unvisited Okikura house; it is reflective of how Kakeru's world becomes understood and appreciated. And It Is Only This Time That Love Truly Appears on the surface. I see Glasslip trying to tell us about so much work required by individuals before relationships become real. Don't you think this is more... Realistic?

Moreover, the awkwardness from the beginning till episode 11's insert (OP) song kinda reflects (and is also a result of) the awkwardness of relationships where people haven't learnt to have concern, understanding and love.

I have definitely not included everything there is to say, I feel the anime (similar to NnA) wants the audience to understand its themes by close watching, realise and introspect. If you want to watch Glasslip again noting all of this you could try looking out for the Lighting. Whenever there is special lighting it's trying to tell us The Scene Itself is Reflective of an Idea. Whenever they freeze they're trying to emphasize.
I feel having these elements are great, they really make Glasslip original and full of significance. Really. This anime will be Greek to the lazy, but terribly insightful to those who observe things.

Things I have not covered are the bathing scenes, the NnA references and my ideas about Kakeru's personality. When one is unclothed, it is reflective of their personality being unmasked. Listen to what Yanagi and Touko say when their clothes are off. They're revealing their true emotions. Why can't people be honest about their emotions in normal circumstances?
The NnA references. For one, the sea slugs represent wish verification that is needed. Why? Because in the world of NnA basically Love is all unrequited. ALL relationships between the sea children. Nobody knows if their feelings are true.. Just like how the Sea God's relationship is unrequited (actually just not known that it is true). The Sea people's faults being similar to the Sea God's represent how we are affected unconsciously by all the possibly imperfect teachings by our tradition. Touko's sister Hina is having unrequited love too. She's merely admiring Imi with that sea slug on a phone that doesn't really exist on a land or a phone, much less answer her wishes. We see that Hina is much behind on her.. "story" in understanding Love.
Kakeru? He sleeps outside his house. He is introduced as a person on a train (hence HE TRAVELS --> with who else?). Hence he is someone who has been under the control of his parents (he said he followed his mother all over the world for her piano concerts). Every time he comes to a place he wants to stay and observe it more, but he'd have to leave with his mother. No wonder he sleeps outside, and tries to see the outside world himself. The birds, then, represent his freedom.
Sorry if it was really long-winded. I felt I needed to explain all this. Perhaps I could try being more succinct.
- Seiyius
Sep 12, 2014 1:56 PM

Oct 2011
When Sachi hid I thought about Anohana.
Sep 12, 2014 2:15 PM

Nov 2010
Beautiful scenery, a hentai scenario at school around night time
Hina had some nice moments covering for her sister
A romantic hiking trip of Hiro and Sacchi with Yuki accompany Yannagi at the dance club

I would get the last mentioned couple, but the other two feels odd
Sacchi's intention is still not clear and Touko getting togheter with Kakeru, because they both have supernatural abilities
That's what I assume so far

bastek66 said:

Awesome seaslug cameo from NnA
Sep 12, 2014 2:23 PM

Jul 2008
I am totally and completely lost. I hope Seiyius's post will shed some light on this anime for me. Been watching since episode 1 and I don't know WTH is going on. I must be retarded.
Sep 12, 2014 2:52 PM

Sep 2013
Sachi goes on walk with Hiro, disappears in shock.....and then gets carried back! I dont know if she was tired, or worried about something, I dont know...

Yuki and Yannagi go for a run and to the dance practice...thats it...

and, a little more of a bond between David and Touko!

I wonder if the reason David had Touko listen to his mothers piano lessons were to see more of the future or hear more of the fragments I believe...or he just wanted her to listen to the classy music who knows...

Pretty average episode, nothing much happened, but I believe its probably the best one made so far for me.

Sep 12, 2014 9:20 PM

May 2013
Fell in love now. Seems that Touko doesn't want Kakeru to leave. Things got a little awkward when Touko's family went for a visit.
The story is a little hard to follow. But the scenes are understandable.
Sep 12, 2014 10:37 PM

Jul 2012
So the couple pairing as of now is looking fantastic.

Great episode!!!
Sep 12, 2014 10:44 PM

Jul 2011
Great episode. If anyone knows the name of the piano piece right before the ending song I would love to know what it's called :)
Sep 12, 2014 11:26 PM

Feb 2013
It's interesting because a lot happened, but it really feels like not a whole lot has changed. I guess every end is a beginning, and every beginning is an end.
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Sep 12, 2014 11:57 PM

Jun 2013
Best part of the episode: Nagi sea slug

... Hmmm, maybe I should watch that again.
Sep 13, 2014 12:28 AM

Dec 2010
Very pretty episode as always. The couples are all getting closer together, and Yanagi is pretty cute in some of her shots.

But, nothing much really happens in each episode...
Sep 13, 2014 1:01 AM

May 2013
I don't know what to feel about this episode.
The world shall know the truth soon.
Sep 13, 2014 2:08 AM

Jul 2008
I one of the few who really liked the episode :D I don't think a second season will be available so it's just a matter of how they plan to wrap this up :)
Sep 13, 2014 2:17 AM

Dec 2012
Sweanime said:
Am i the only ont that think the animation and art is not as god like in nagi or "isshukan" (name?)

What's the point in comparing Isshuukan with Glasslip or NagiAsu? Just because they are all romance genre? Isshuukan is made by a different studio,and btw,just because NagiAsu and Glasslip comes from the same studio,it's retarded to expect the same thing. fgs.
Sep 13, 2014 4:07 AM

Nov 2012
11 episodes later... And i still dont understand what is happening >.<
Sep 13, 2014 4:31 AM

Dec 2010
Great episode, I'm into this anime again at last. I realy loved the relationship developments. Just wondering how things will resolve in the end.
Sep 13, 2014 12:53 PM

Aug 2013
IcynatoKytozaki said:
Sachi goes on walk with Hiro, disappears in shock.....and then gets carried back! I dont know if she was tired, or worried about something, I dont know...

Sachi: "It feels strange not being able to see someone who's close, doesn't it?"
Hiro: "Can you see me from where you're at, Sacchan?"
Sachi: "No, not yet."

I thought this interaction was pretty powerful, actually.
Sep 13, 2014 4:10 PM

Oct 2013
winter is coming O_O
this anime 2 episode left meh
Sep 13, 2014 4:28 PM

Mar 2009
Another episode where nothing really happens, this show is oddly satisfying and I don't know why lol, one of my favourites this season

ミ☆ 消える。

Sep 13, 2014 10:07 PM

Aug 2013
Hanabih said:
Another episode where nothing really happens, this show is oddly satisfying and I don't know why lol, one of my favourites this season


You masochists.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Sep 13, 2014 10:10 PM

Apr 2014
My mom watches Chinese dramas.
Usually, she starts by watching the first one or two episodes.
Then, she skips right to the very end and watches the last episode.
Part of it is to conserve time [ after all, Chinese dramas can drag on for a very long time ], but she's said that honestly, there isn't much she's missing by not watching the bulk of the series. From the ending, she can pretty much piece together everything that happened.

I feel like the same thing, sadly, applies to Glasslip. It's a pity; I really wanted to like this anime and I had high expectations based off of what I had seen from P.A. Works before. They didn't fail to meet expectations on the artwork, but the plot is something that I'm still struggling to find. From the first episode, I could have watched this episode and had a coherent idea of what was going on. After all, didn't we see this coming? What makes an anime more interesting than others is that way of making the viewers second-guess themselves, to get absorbed into the characters and then find that not everything plays out as they expected. That's something that P.A. Works achieved with Nagi no Asukara, but for some reason, they fell short here, using hackneyed storylines and characters so predictable that watching them interact incredibly boring.

I have no idea what really happened this episode. We know Hiro and Sachi like each other, we know that Yukinari is probably going to realize his feelings for Yanagi, and it's been established probably since the first episode that Touko and Kakeru were going to end up together. In fact, this was just like something making what we knew more obvious. I'm not really sure what the point of this episode was, to be honest.

Additionally, I feel like Touko and Kakeru's relationship is somewhat forced. I've never seen them show much affection towards each other, and they don't even have a bond that I would attribute to friendship; it's more like Touko being astonished at the very few things that Kakeru says, and somehow that progressed to them in a romantic relationship.

I think my discussions- more like complaint sessions- about this anime with my friend at school really define what I think of this anime.

[ a ] [ i ] wo atsumete
たくさん の あい お あつめたら
ことば で きみ に とどけよう
みえない きもち お かたち に したら
こころ の なか まで とどく から

Sep 13, 2014 10:22 PM

Dec 2011
Seems Kakeru still hasn't made his mind. >.<

I thought we would see something like the meeting of parents is like an engagement for Touko and Kakeru, but we just got a normal visit like neighbors.
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