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Oct 18, 2014 5:34 PM

Jul 2013
M3k4toku said:
naru_kotoishi said:
"fanservice" and "wrong" do not belong in the same sentence.

Milk_is_Special said:


Nice catch.
Deconstruction ≠ Darker & Edgier
Trope ≠ Cliché (Face it, nothing is completely original. Can't make something from nothing so to say.).
Fanservice ≠ Ecchi (Though ecchi can please the fans!)
Popular ≠ Sucks... maybe
Seinen = K-ON! Shounen, Shoujo, Seinen and Josei are demographics.
Anime/Manga = Japanese Cartoons! Deal with it.

Support Movember. Raise awareness of men's health issues. Put a mustache on your avatars or something...
Oct 18, 2014 6:07 PM

Dec 2012
I embrace fanservice. It's like the cherry on top of an otherwise plain ice cream sundae.

Oct 18, 2014 6:11 PM

Mar 2013
The problem with fanservice is there's never enough.
Oct 18, 2014 6:41 PM
Apr 2014
It's only comprised of appealing to baser male instincts.

Other than that, fanservice is great. I mean, having a special cameo, easter egg, or fan speculated content is awesome...

Oh wait you were talking about anime. My bad.
Hai forces
Oct 18, 2014 7:08 PM

Apr 2014
GloriousKaiser said:
It's only comprised of appealing to baser male instincts.
I've seen to much fanservice to let my male instincts take over. I'm immume to it.
Oct 18, 2014 7:23 PM

Jul 2013
Milk_is_Special said:
GloriousKaiser said:
It's only comprised of appealing to baser male instincts.
I've seen to much fanservice to let my male instincts take over. I'm immume to it.

That right there is the problem! We as viewers have become desensitised to what is suppose to be glorious. It has grown stale to us.
Deconstruction ≠ Darker & Edgier
Trope ≠ Cliché (Face it, nothing is completely original. Can't make something from nothing so to say.).
Fanservice ≠ Ecchi (Though ecchi can please the fans!)
Popular ≠ Sucks... maybe
Seinen = K-ON! Shounen, Shoujo, Seinen and Josei are demographics.
Anime/Manga = Japanese Cartoons! Deal with it.

Support Movember. Raise awareness of men's health issues. Put a mustache on your avatars or something...
Oct 18, 2014 8:34 PM
Mar 2013
nothing really, as long as i get my male/female fanservice in equal amounts haha. if not, then fanservice can be obliterated.
Oct 18, 2014 11:49 PM

Sep 2014
Fanservice.. I like.
Oct 19, 2014 12:06 AM

Jan 2014
It's overused and overdone.
Oct 19, 2014 12:09 AM

Sep 2014
i've been here a few months and already seen this thread 5 times

it's always the same responses, i don't think anything new has been said here

might as well sticky one of these
Oct 19, 2014 12:58 AM

Sep 2013
kitti_fairy4 said:
I'm a girl, I hate it, it's disgusting, it's embarrasing and it ruins the Anime reputation.
It's also mostly always for guys and I feel like it's just objectifying women.

I sometimes agree with this. When it contributes nothing to the characters or the plot, it is an annoying distraction, and it can mar an otherwise entertaining anime. Rosario+Vampire is my favorite example of this; the fan service in this series does little to contribute to the story, and it does nothing more than objectify the characters and give immature males something to drool over. Despite this, I find the series entertaining, but the excessive fan service is a serious flaw.

Sometimes, however, the panty shot can be appropriate. When satirizing fan service and stereotypical male behavior, it can be quite funny. There is a relatively obscure series of short episodes called Colorful (not to be confused with the film of the same name) that does a masterful job of making fun of fan service and the stereotypical male attitudes that it panders to. In this context, the panty shot is not only appropriate, but necessary.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Oct 19, 2014 1:04 AM

Aug 2013
I don't mind fan service as long as a series doesn't revolve around it. Even that can be done write but it rarely is.

I liked the first 2 seasons of Queen's Blade and really believe that Studio Arms should only take on series that revolve around fan service when doing adaptations, that's the only thing that really works out for them.
"Canaan. You're a victim whose past was taken away by war. And she's a defeated person who lost her past in a power struggle. Soldiers who are born within destruction take hatred as their weapon. Even though you and her became soldiers for the same reason, you both live differently. Listen Canaan, you cannot counter hatred with hatred... ever." -Siam, Canaan
Oct 19, 2014 2:31 AM

Aug 2014
naru_kotoishi said:
"fanservice" and "wrong" do not belong in the same sentence.

Agreed with him.
Oct 19, 2014 4:04 AM

Jun 2008
No i agree with the Op in this one. The problem isn't fanservice or non fanservice the problem here is that the threads are full with this silly whiners that try to play mature by supposedly hating any nakedness or sex related innuendo because they are all about the plot and shit(along with the typical female users with the Free! boys in their profile complaining every time how a male oriented fanservice moments make this show shitty and how they hate the sexy looking female of the show, hypocrisy much?) and they are only doing it for show because they grew in a stupid soccer mama politically-correct society that approves killing shit but goes "OMG" when a naked butt appears.

The most annoying thing about such users though isn't that they complain when a show throws those typical panty shots etc with clear fanservice purpose(off course if the show is completely ecchi then they are annoying for even watching such show just to complain since it obvious what type of show it is so wtf is their problem?) but the most intolerant thing about them is when you watch a lets say normal show and it may show you a shower scene or a girl in her underwear getting out of bed and dressing or something. The show doesn't really make big deal about it, it just shows it as "yes this is also a part of a characters life". It doesn't have a guy enter and getting a bloody nose from seeing it etc is just a small moment and you go to the thread and this wacko fucking idiots are complaining all over the place on how it was "unnecessary" and how the show was good if they "ignore" that moment the episode was decent or how that "ruined" the episode and all that bullshit like the human body and skin itself is an anathema.

So let me get this you fucking idiots. The show is good, the script is good, the directing is good and suddenly all you have to talk about is the naked scene despite the scene not changing ANYTHING from the style of the show and not being done in the silly moe ecchi way that is the only way a supposedly fanservice scene could possible ruin the atmosphere of a more serious show? Then the problem is with you. You are too obsessed about playing anti-sexual, anti-naked social warriors and honestly you are sick in the head and not with what it has been shown.

Everything is fan service now in our day according to these idiots because people in reality never take showers, never have sex, never look at their naked body in the mirror. There is nothing that will show a naked body or a half dress body that will stop them from yelling "ewww fanservice" no matter how you direct it this people will scream fanservice. According to them we are born fully dressed and showing anything but that is "unnecessary".
Oct 19, 2014 4:15 AM

Jul 2014
Fanservice is shit.
Oct 19, 2014 10:03 AM

Mar 2011
The key word is Sexist
Oct 19, 2014 11:53 AM

Aug 2013
Monad said:

time to nit pick that.

The first paragraph talks about hating on fan service because it takes away from the plot. Anime that are centered around fan service have no plot, which makes them extremely stupid and annoying for me to watch. I agree that free is pretty much the same thing except centering around boys rather than girls. But, when it comes down to it I don't care if a series has fan service as long as the fan service doesn't get in the way of the quality of the anime. If it's used as comic relief then I don't mind it being there, but it should not be the focus of an anime. That's why a lot of people complain about the amount in there. And then some anime like Brynhildr in the Darkness over saturate it with fan service when compared to the source material, making the anime complete shit in comparison to the manga.

Another thing I noticed is that you are treating nudity as fan service. The biggest thing I want to point out is that most fan service just has a shot of the characters breasts or butt, nothing more. And nudity, and even sex can be used well in an anime without being called hentai or porn. The End of Evangelion does this extremely well in my opinion, but it takes everything that's going on seriously and doesn't treat the characters like sexual objects rather than characters. Even series that use a lot of fan service can be done will, Queen's Blade has a lot of fan service but it doesn't skimp on the story or character development and treats clothing like, I don't know, clothing, if a sword cuts through a cloth tunic it will get cut open, if armor is destroyed then it won't just come back. There is a lot of you have to get right for a series based around fan service to work. And sadly not much, not even the 3rd season of Queen's Blade, can get that right. Another series that does this well is a manga series called Brynhildr in the Darkness. The only times we see the nude bodies of the characters is either when they are taking a bath and talking about things either relevant to their characters or relevant to the plot. Or when Kazumi is trying to seduce Murakami, which as this point makes sense, she knows she's going to die at some point but she doesn't want to die a virgin and possibly wants to become the mother of the children to the man she loves. Which is why I love Okamato, he doesn't treat nudity as fan service.

So in my opinion nudity does not equal fan service. Over sexualization of nudity does.

And in your 3rd paragraph you lost the argument by calling people who aren't fond of lots and lots of fan service in a series "fucking idiots" And I think I've made it clear by now, but I am not against nudity, I am not against sexual contact in anime. But I don't find women getting into sexual poses funny at all, or women being mistreated by being forced into these poses funny what so ever. This paragraph lost the argument for you.

the 4th paragraph digs your argument's grave and pushes it in just to cover it with 6 feet of dirt. I shower daily, brush my teeth twice daily, have a job, I am a bit over weight and I don't look at myself in a mirror when I'm not brushing my teeth or brushing my hair because I don't have a massive ego. Your calling me a man child but then you go on to justify objectifying women in fiction world.
"Canaan. You're a victim whose past was taken away by war. And she's a defeated person who lost her past in a power struggle. Soldiers who are born within destruction take hatred as their weapon. Even though you and her became soldiers for the same reason, you both live differently. Listen Canaan, you cannot counter hatred with hatred... ever." -Siam, Canaan
Oct 20, 2014 8:53 AM

Mar 2012
It kills your brain cells.
Do you play Azure Lane?
Then please join my fanclub
Oct 20, 2014 10:02 AM

Jul 2014
I've had a lot of inner conflict over this issue watching Grisaia no Kajitsu adaptation recently. I never had a fondness for fanservice, because usually it is overbearing and slightly insulting. The essence of fanservice is 'pandering to an audience the maker expects to be watching', and the cringey feeling of being associated with 'them'.

Now, Grisaia no Kajitsu as we all know is an eroge visual novel. And like eroges before it and those that will come to pass after it, it of course has sex scenes and full nudity, the works.

Then why was (note: was) I bothered that they're slipping in panty shots left and right into the anime?

Well first off, they're taking liberties. Inserting content that wasn't ever there. In the first 3 episodes of Grisaia no Kajitsu, there has been close to a dozen panty shots, and of all those events, only ONE actually was alluded to in the text of the visual novel, and not even that was shown in the art. (2nd episode: Yumiko's fall)

Also, it's the feeling that they're "tacked on". If these events serve no other use than to clumsily shoehorn in some sort-of-erotic content to "hold on" to an otherwise would-be disappearing crowd of watchers who may not have the patience for the slow character development of the show, then what are we, the core audience? I realize that the anime wants to sell and be watched. Of all artists on this planet, there is not one who does not want people to view their work. And of all the executives above them, there are none who would want empty pockets. Does that excuse it? No.

But this is where I realized I had been a bit wrong before. Where initially, I was a bit distracted - taken aback if you will - of all the "gratuitous" fanservice in Grisaia no Kajitsu initially, and it was on the whole detracting slightly from what was anyway a thrilling encounter with my favourite visual novel ever in animated form;
that distraction, is what made me fail to realize that all of these shots (even if there might have been way too many) actually served a purpose to at least some small extent.

So to paraphrase, there are times when fanservice leads to character development, comedy, and acting as natural segués into scenes, and in those cases I guess I have come to accept that anime makers will often take the path of least resistance. And for some shows, I'm just going to be fine with it.

Usually I get militant about my "pet" intellectual properties, and Grisaia no Kajitsu becomes one of few exceptions as it has actually taught me something that will save me a lot of grief in the future about good vs. bad fanservice.
Red_TuesdayOct 20, 2014 10:09 AM
Oct 20, 2014 10:47 AM

Jun 2014
people tend to exagerate about this subject, i don't mind it at all xD O.O
Oct 20, 2014 11:15 AM

Aug 2014
I don't have a problem, I just hate when there is fanservice in an anime which shouldn't have it. If you have an interesting plot and then have some silly fanservice they just feel out of place when mixed together.
Oct 20, 2014 12:19 PM

Jul 2014
alpha_shadow said:
people tend to exagerate about this subject, i don't mind it at all xD O.O

Well some of us would like to share our favourite shows with our younger brothers and sisters, but can't because it's essentially softcore porn sometimes.
Oct 20, 2014 3:09 PM

Sep 2014
No game no life showed panty shots of shiro which is disturbing for me..
Oct 21, 2014 10:52 PM

Aug 2013
Red_Tuesday said:
alpha_shadow said:
people tend to exagerate about this subject, i don't mind it at all xD O.O

Well some of us would like to share our favourite shows with our younger brothers and sisters, but can't because it's essentially softcore porn sometimes.

I have to agree with you. Though I introduced by younger brother into the world of anime through Canaan. God that anime does everything you need in an action series right, and it has a good dub to boot. I think it was a good choice for an introductory anime.

Beater_Luke said:
No game no life showed panty shots of shiro which is disturbing for me..

It is kind of creepy when you sexual poses for an 11 year old girl.
"Canaan. You're a victim whose past was taken away by war. And she's a defeated person who lost her past in a power struggle. Soldiers who are born within destruction take hatred as their weapon. Even though you and her became soldiers for the same reason, you both live differently. Listen Canaan, you cannot counter hatred with hatred... ever." -Siam, Canaan
Oct 21, 2014 11:13 PM

Aug 2014
fan service can be a great thing but I think the problem is balance. There needs to be a medium where the fan service is not there to cover an unintelligible story or take away from the anime in general. There is certainly a place for fan service in anime and I really doubt its going to go away anytime soon.

keep it Kawaii.
Oct 22, 2014 2:28 AM

Nov 2012
If your show has a story to tell and it's wasting precious minutes on substanceless boobs and panties, well, your show should have less episodes.
Oct 22, 2014 2:36 AM

Jul 2014
People who don't like it...
Thats what is wrong with it
Oct 22, 2014 3:26 AM

May 2014
What's wrong with fanservice?
- That there is too much of it!

Fanservice is like sauce, it's a nice additive to the main course(plot and characters), but if the sauce is the only thing a show offers, then that's obviously too much and no real point to it.

I'm not against fanservice, I'm against the quantity of it, along with the quality, which can be much better done.
Oct 22, 2014 8:29 AM

Nov 2010
Zymf said:
Why do people always have to complain about fanservice? I don't se whats wrong with a lot of panty shots and big boobs (unless you find them disgusting/ugly for some odd reason).

If you think a show lacks other things such as a good plot / seriousness, then complain about those things instead -.-

Your thoughts?

unnecessary fanservice is unnecessary... simple as that! if it doesn't fit the show it shouldn't be there... again simple as that.
Oct 22, 2014 11:33 AM

Jun 2014
Absolutely nothing in my opinion. That's subjective though. ;0
Oct 22, 2014 12:39 PM

Oct 2014
It's annoying, completely unnecessary and just sucks, espicially if the series is serious...
Sometimes it fits, but most of the time it doesn't...
Oct 22, 2014 2:08 PM

Sep 2014
dratlam said:
NeoAnkara said:
Another thread complaining about people complaining about fanservice.
Oct 22, 2014 3:05 PM

Jul 2013
Just to clarify to some folks. Fanservice is not just ecchi alone. Fanservice comes in many varieties, like gratuitous gore, gratuitous references, gratuitous action, etc, just whatever it is the 'fans want to see'.

Problem though. Its being used to pander to people instead pleasing established fanbases.
Deconstruction ≠ Darker & Edgier
Trope ≠ Cliché (Face it, nothing is completely original. Can't make something from nothing so to say.).
Fanservice ≠ Ecchi (Though ecchi can please the fans!)
Popular ≠ Sucks... maybe
Seinen = K-ON! Shounen, Shoujo, Seinen and Josei are demographics.
Anime/Manga = Japanese Cartoons! Deal with it.

Support Movember. Raise awareness of men's health issues. Put a mustache on your avatars or something...
Oct 22, 2014 6:33 PM

Jun 2013
Nothing is wrong with it, if thats what you enjoy..... Some people don't like it because they just don't like fan service.
Personally, im in the middle :)
Oct 22, 2014 7:25 PM
Jul 2018
There is nothing wrong with it, the only problem is its constant usage, and if used too much it shows that the author doesn't give a damn about the story. For harem, ecchi and other related genres, fanservice is to be expected, as these anime/manga are directed towards fans who enjoy that sort of stuff. However, fanservice doesn't always have to be exposing a "hot girl", or displaying several explicit scenes in a single episode, instead it is something that fans really want to see, and the author/studio will provide what the fans want in an attempt to gain popularity. An example could even be a fight between characters that fans are eager to see, and that can be taken as fanservice.
Oct 22, 2014 9:02 PM

Jan 2012
Absolutely Nothing! (unless it's overdone.)
Oct 22, 2014 9:07 PM

Jan 2012
Nothing. Only virgins complain about fanservice.
you sound poor
Oct 22, 2014 10:23 PM
Feb 2014
Seeing all of the posts in this thread I propose a petition to make ALL ANIME WITH THE TERM "ECCHI" to be replaced as "fanservice." Mecha anime are exceptions because ITS THE '90S BREH O_O WE GREW UP WITH THAT SHIT IRL O_O FUCKING GUNDAMS > FUCKING WOMEN IRL BREH O_O Are you with me or not? We're going to start a march on Washington if we can get enough committed to our cause, down with semantics! Down with open definitions!

PS: robots are ppl too we should start robot social justice warrior movement on mals general anime discussion as we hope to get massive followings but unfortunately reverse sjws come get it bae by pharrell williams featuring miley cyrus
AqutanOct 22, 2014 10:26 PM
Oct 22, 2014 10:24 PM

Jun 2014
Nicoreos said:
Seeing all of the posts in this thread I propose a petition to make ALL ANIME WITH THE TERM "ECCHI" to be replaced as fanservice. Are you with me or not? We're going to start a march on Washington if we can get enough committed to our cause, down with semantics! Down with open definitions!

Only if we also propose a Lucky Star Season 2.
Oct 22, 2014 10:28 PM
Feb 2014
Kagami_Hiiragi said:
Nicoreos said:
Seeing all of the posts in this thread I propose a petition to make ALL ANIME WITH THE TERM "ECCHI" to be replaced as fanservice. Are you with me or not? We're going to start a march on Washington if we can get enough committed to our cause, down with semantics! Down with open definitions!

Only if we also propose a Lucky Star Season 2.

I'd rather take Bikini Bottom and move it somewhere else.

Was my comment laced with overexposure of fanservice? Oh no! I am a sexist pig! Down with you, Spongebob! You are walking fanservice on city name alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 22, 2014 10:34 PM

Oct 2013
Fanservice is okay if used in the right areas. Obviously in ecchi and hentai it's fine because fanservice is what you watch shows for. Fanservice is a problem when it gets in the way of the more serious in tone stuff. I like boobs just as much as the next guy, but its hard to take a show seriously when tits are shoved in your face every 10 seconds. Also, it is kind of degrading when a girl character is put in just for fanservice. If you want a girl with big tits in a show, thats great, but give that girl some kind of personality at least!
Oct 22, 2014 10:35 PM

Jul 2013
Absolutely Everything If Overused.
Oct 22, 2014 10:43 PM

Aug 2013
moonkingdomify said:

So in my opinion nudity does not equal fan service. Over sexualization of nudity does.
Nudity that doesn't contribute anything to the story whether it be sexualized or not is fanservice.

MetalxSoldier said:
Nothing. Only virgins complain about fanservice.
Wouldn't virgins like sexual fanservice because they can't see anything ecchi in the flesh (pun intended)? If you see and touch boobs regularly irl then you wouldn't have an obsession with seeing them in Chinese cartoons.
DrGeroCreationOct 22, 2014 10:49 PM
Oct 22, 2014 10:47 PM

Jul 2012
MetalxSoldier said:
Nothing. Only virgins complain about fanservice.

LOL. Hopefully, you're not being serious..
Oct 22, 2014 11:46 PM

Sep 2014
calal321 said:
Absolutely Everything If Overused.
Oct 23, 2014 4:32 AM

Apr 2014
mayukachan said:
MetalxSoldier said:
Nothing. Only virgins complain about fanservice.

LOL. Hopefully, you're not being serious..
I would think it would be reversed. That only people who aren't virgin anymore complain about fanservice. But I think there is nothing wrong with fanservice.
Oct 23, 2014 4:43 AM

Dec 2013
MetalxSoldier said:
Nothing. Only virgins complain about fanservice.

>thinking every one is virgin. most hookers cost less than $100

and there are fanservice for girls too, not only boys
Oct 28, 2014 12:50 AM

Aug 2013
DrGeroCreation said:
moonkingdomify said:

So in my opinion nudity does not equal fan service. Over sexualization of nudity does.
Nudity that doesn't contribute anything to the story whether it be sexualized or not is fanservice.

MetalxSoldier said:
Nothing. Only virgins complain about fanservice.
Wouldn't virgins like sexual fanservice because they can't see anything ecchi in the flesh (pun intended)? If you see and touch boobs regularly irl then you wouldn't have an obsession with seeing them in Chinese cartoons.

Nudity that makes sense to be in a scene, say if they are coming out of the shower, anything like that, but not treated in a sexual way isn't fan service in my opinion.

moonnya said:
MetalxSoldier said:
Nothing. Only virgins complain about fanservice.

>thinking every one is virgin. most hookers cost less than $100

and there are fanservice for girls too, not only boys

One of the most popular anime right now is called Free! the only thing I notice is the boys with swimmer builds. That's the only reason I can see for why that show is popular.
"Canaan. You're a victim whose past was taken away by war. And she's a defeated person who lost her past in a power struggle. Soldiers who are born within destruction take hatred as their weapon. Even though you and her became soldiers for the same reason, you both live differently. Listen Canaan, you cannot counter hatred with hatred... ever." -Siam, Canaan
Oct 28, 2014 12:53 AM

Feb 2010
nothing is wrong with it
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Oct 28, 2014 9:04 AM

Aug 2014
Aryna said:
I have yet to see a good anime full of fan service. If it's used in moderation, that's fine, but that's rarely the case. I generally consider fan service an attempt to compensate for a bad plot.

I honestly think the same thing. If there is barely any fan service in the anime that I am watching then I can deal with it but when it is to the point that they try to put it in every scene I get upset and want to stop watching.
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