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Has your laptop ever fallen from a significant height?

Has your laptop ever fallen from a significant height?
Yes, More than four feet
Yes, Two to four feet
Yes, Less than two feet
98 votes
Jun 9, 2009 7:30 PM

Jan 2008
I just walked into my bedroom after taking a shower and on the floor right in front of the doorway was my laptop, lying upside down, still running. I just stopped, frozen, fearing the worst. I slowly picked it up and inspected it for damage before opening the screen and thank god, it wasn't damaged (except for a chip of paint on the corner of the lid). I logged in and messed around with some stuff and it seems to be fine. (though I won't hold my breath) My dog must have caught the power cord and snatched it off my coffee table (about 1 1/2 feet) when he (as usual) ran between the couch and the table to get on my bed (thus, also contaminating my bed with hair). I think I'm going to find somewhere else to set my laptop from now on.

This just got me wondering if it has ever happened to anyone else here and if your luck was as good as mine.
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Jun 9, 2009 7:40 PM

Apr 2009
Former roomate took laptop, went down stairs, and fell down with it. It took six months before my parents actually bothered to get it fixed.
Jun 9, 2009 7:58 PM

Apr 2009
Not me. Thankfully It has never fell... not to my knowledge anyways, but if poeple use it when I;m gone and drop it... :@@@ ANGRY FACEE!!!
Jun 9, 2009 8:03 PM
Dec 2008
Yep, fell off of the couch, busted the screen.

Paid $100 and fixed it myself, good as new.
Jun 9, 2009 8:03 PM

Jun 2008
i treat my laptop with care i don't even toss my laptop bag when my comp is in it i set it down gently, i know that my sisters latop has fallen from 2-2.5 feet it was on the top of the couch and i jumped on the couch and it fell to the floor, it still worked so there were no hard feelings there

First Sig built from scratch 2nd overall^^^
Jun 9, 2009 8:03 PM

Jan 2009
My laptop fell off my bed one time. But thankfully it landed in some dirty clothes. YAY MESSY LIFE STYLE!!!
Jun 9, 2009 8:05 PM

May 2008
Feet? (your vote)

But yeah, mine has fallen before... more than once, I think. And I've also torn 3 sets of earphones already, because they always manage to somehow tangle up in my feet. But my laptop is still running, good as always, thank goodness.
A past can last a lifetime.
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Jun 9, 2009 8:05 PM

Sep 2008
I wanted to see how high I could throw my laptop in the air. I'm guessing at least 4 meters. The distance was 5 meters. &The laptop is unfortunately broken. (For other reasons though)
Jun 9, 2009 8:09 PM

Apr 2008
Only once, but it was a school laptop. I had accidentally got the charger wrapped around my foot (I have fidgety feet) and someone called me to the office and when I hopped up and started for the door, so did my laptop right off the desk. Unfortunately the screen ended up cracked and and CD drive thingy screwed up on it and it wouldn't close, so I had to have it sent off to get repaired. I didn't have to pay so it wasn't too big of a deal. I just had to go 3 weeks without a laptop to keep me entertained in class. BTW, worst 3 weeks of my life. :\

Jun 9, 2009 8:19 PM

Oct 2008
No, thankfully. There was one time where I set it in the the car between the door and the seat. The space was pretty wide, but I was in a hurry and didn't really think about it. Father made a swift turn and 'smack!', right against the door. We were on a busy road and I was freaking out trying to turn around to make sure it was alright. Thankfully, the case protected it, but the sound alone scared the hell out of me.
Jun 9, 2009 8:24 PM

Jul 2008
No, cause I don't have one. :D

... :(
Jun 9, 2009 8:33 PM

Jul 2008
I regularly throw my laptop distances around six feet...

onto a bed...
Jun 9, 2009 8:33 PM

Mar 2009
i've only had it for about six months now but i've never dropped it anywhere but from about half a foot above my bed.
Jun 9, 2009 8:34 PM

Oct 2007
I haven't yet, and I don't plan to be that harsh with my laptop.

I moved the hard drive for the desktop computer into the car, and my parents were like 'why is the hard drive in the grass?'

Thank god for grass (the car was parked by the lawn anyhow).
Jun 9, 2009 8:35 PM

Jan 2008
Mine was on my little bed-side table, and my kitty decided that it's fun to run around so my computer fell about 2 feet to hit the floor. The only thing that sort of 'broke' was the power cord into my computer. It bent a little, but it still works.
Jun 9, 2009 8:36 PM

Nov 2006
it's fallen off my bed onto my concrete floor, but nothing happened to it. the second time that was about to happen, i managed to catch it with my shins. ;_;
Jun 9, 2009 8:37 PM

May 2008
Jello said:
Mine was on my little bed-side table, and my kitty decided that it's fun to run around so my computer fell about 2 feet to hit the floor. The only thing that sort of 'broke' was the power cord into my computer. It bent a little, but it still works.

It'll get worse over time until you have to replace it, had that happen to me. $70 a pop for just the power cord.
Jun 9, 2009 9:01 PM

Jul 2008
hikky said:
Jello said:
Mine was on my little bed-side table, and my kitty decided that it's fun to run around so my computer fell about 2 feet to hit the floor. The only thing that sort of 'broke' was the power cord into my computer. It bent a little, but it still works.

It'll get worse over time until you have to replace it, had that happen to me. $70 a pop for just the power cord.

It's 100 for me. Everytime it happens I want to murder Best Buy.

The worst is about a tables height. I landed below it so I rescued it just in time. I felt like a speer hero.
Jun 9, 2009 9:04 PM

Sep 2008
elviswjr said:
My dog must have caught the power cord and snatched it off my coffee table (about 1 1/2 feet) when he (as usual) ran between the couch and the table to get on my bed (thus, also contaminating my bed with hair). I think I'm going to find somewhere else to set my laptop from now on.

Fucking dogs.
Jun 9, 2009 9:16 PM

Aug 2008
I once throw my laptop in my bag at the cinemas. Screen/Side/Keyboard was all damaged. Dumbest thing I've done to date, but luckily I got a whole new it was worth it XD
Jun 9, 2009 9:23 PM
May 2008
When I had a laptop I never dropped it nor did anyone who used it. Was always careful and made damn sure whoever used it didn't do something stupid.
Jun 9, 2009 11:04 PM

Oct 2008
No, how does that even occur?

In fact, mine doesn't even have a scratch.^^

However, there is dust.. I will be cleaning the dust off before the summer as that if too much dust gather around the heatsink, it must cause overheat.
Jun 9, 2009 11:07 PM
Dec 2008
Kira01 said:
No, how does that even occur?

In fact, mine doesn't even have a scratch.^^

However, there is dust.. I will be cleaning the dust off before the summer as that if too much dust gather around the heatsink, it must cause overheat.

Well you know, that little thing called accidents.

Foreign concept, I know, try to grasp it though.
Jun 10, 2009 3:29 AM

Dec 2007
Why do you consider that everyone has a laptop?

Desktops don't get enough love.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Jun 10, 2009 3:56 AM

May 2009
Threw my laptop out of the window, because it was old and crappy. But it never fell or anything. Always put your laptop in a secure place.... The pc (in this case laptop) is holy......and fragile just like my Gundam collection XD

Why don't you show me your so called "justice" - Hakumen
Jun 10, 2009 3:57 AM

May 2009
ladyxzeus said:
Why do you consider that everyone has a laptop?

Desktops don't get enough love.

Well the chance is very rare that you see desktop flying (falling) so.....

Why don't you show me your so called "justice" - Hakumen
Jun 10, 2009 8:39 AM

Apr 2008
Jun 10, 2009 8:42 AM

Dec 2008
It fell from my hands to the floor...

and lived for me to write this :0oo0
Jun 10, 2009 9:27 AM
Jul 2018
One time I fell asleep with my laptop on my bed. And I woke up for some reason, stretched my legs and kicked my laptop right off my bed (accidentally). The only thing that was damage was the hinge things, so now my screen part jiggles a little big when i move around.
Jun 10, 2009 10:10 AM

May 2009
So far No, it hasn't fallen or being dropped, so i'm gratefull, I just hope my luck carrys on! ^_^
Jun 10, 2009 10:18 AM
Jan 2009
Had a laptop a while back when me and my brother had bunk beds... fell from the top and completely broke >.>
Jun 10, 2009 10:37 AM

Jan 2009
No it hasn't, been close once or twice.

The worse thing that ever happened to my laptop was when i got back from Dinner with my parents, they were being real critical to me and basically saying i couldn't do anything. So when i got back i was real angry and i ended up throwing my keys right at my laptop and cracking the screen. Lucky the warranty was still good so replaced for free ^_^
Jun 10, 2009 10:37 AM

Jun 2008
Oh heck no, I make sure to take good care of my laptop. Paid too much money for it to do otherwise.
Jun 10, 2009 11:58 AM

Jun 2008
Yup, and the screen is all cracked and a piece of the lid is missing. I've dropped it several other times but that's the only time it actually got damaged
Jun 10, 2009 12:05 PM

Aug 2008
Sohei said:
how much is a foot.

30cm/12 inches I think.
Jun 10, 2009 12:59 PM

Sep 2008
I don't have one yet, and I don't see myself doing that to it.

I probably won't let anyone else be using it either; they can get their own 1500 dollar laptop to break.
Jun 10, 2009 1:03 PM

Jul 2008
I once dropped my old laptop maybe two feet, it landed on my foot and the screen broke. I was mad.
Jun 10, 2009 1:15 PM

Aug 2008
No, but my testicles have.
Jun 10, 2009 1:18 PM

Jun 2009
I have bad luck, but it was actually my own stupidity that caused it. I ride a motorbike, and I have a laptop backpack that has all the straps and cushions inside of it ( was freaking expensive, the backpack. But it did its job. )

Everything was fine for about 4 months, until one day, I was late for appointment, I didn't properly strap the laptop in, and left the zip semi open.

After I pulled away from a stop street, kinda full throttle, I felt that the weight on my back was considerably lighter, and alas, 5 meters behind me, in the street was my laptop, in pieces... all over the street.

I'm still kicking myself today because of this.
Jun 10, 2009 2:07 PM
Feb 2008
Well, one time I was sitting on my bed (top bunk O_o) and I was typing up a report or something. I think I reached for something at the end of my bed and it slipped off my lap off the side of the bed. I got a hold of the cord, which slowed down the momentum a bit, but it still hit the floor pretty hard. I'm very surprised that it didn't break. ^_^; There IS however, a lovely gash from when it hit the side of my desk. -_-
Jun 10, 2009 2:12 PM
Feb 2009
my laptop is a piece of crap. it wouldn't last a second if i dropped it.
Jun 10, 2009 5:17 PM

Dec 2008
Lol, I dropped mine while I was walking with it in my hand :P

& &
Jun 10, 2009 5:19 PM

Apr 2008
I dropped mine from the top of my wardrobe: ~6 feet

Jun 10, 2009 7:17 PM

Apr 2009
not from a significant height but yeah iDropped em few times,
they got nothing thou ,mostly iCatch em ninja style hehe..
Jun 10, 2009 9:48 PM

Jun 2009
My laptop once fell about two feet off my bed and onto the carpet. It was perfectly fine.
Jun 10, 2009 10:24 PM

May 2009
Yes. The screen/top part would no longer stay up. If it tiled forward even slightly, it would fall down. I had to use it with the screen hanging back.
Jun 15, 2009 7:42 PM

Jan 2008
ladyxzeus said:
Why do you consider that everyone has a laptop?

Desktops don't get enough love.
Ok, have you ever dropped your "desktop"?
Jun 15, 2009 8:10 PM

Feb 2008
Yeah. My little brother flopped down on my bed a while back and knocked my macbook silly. But damn are those things built tough. I nearly fainted, but all was well.
Jun 16, 2009 12:27 AM

May 2009
I've had my laptop in my backpack while I fell from a significant height.
Turns out it doesn't break the fall too well.

Also, feet?
Jun 16, 2009 12:33 AM

Mar 2008
I drop it from my bed often since I fall asleep with it there :/
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