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Option A or B?
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Aug 21, 2012 7:40 PM

Jul 2011
I don't know if this has been mentioned as I can't be bothered reading every single post, however if you stopped said person before, why would you be the only person they would tell? This to me actually suggests they want you to stop them again as you have in the past. Of course I could be way off base, but I would choose B for this reason alone.

Aug 21, 2012 10:17 PM

Mar 2012
taketori said:
Option B. If I was drunk I would probably be even more forceful about saving them.

Haha, this. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?! YOU ARE GOING NOWHERE AND I WILL KNOCK YOU OUT RIGHT NOW IF IT MEANS YOU DON'T DO THAT!" *bursts into tears and starts hugging friend uncomfortably tight*
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Aug 21, 2012 10:31 PM

Aug 2012
Option B. If I have to survive in this hellhole than so does she. (^_^)b

Although I don't actually think the world is bad, it's a wonderful place. Depression can be cured, I don't believe in lost causes.
Aug 22, 2012 6:44 AM

Sep 2011
Since it is clear that s/he know what s/he is doing and thought everything through (family/friends/love) and still wants to suicide then I would let her/him.
So, option A.
I can't add anything more to it that hasn't been already said.
Aug 22, 2012 6:47 AM

Mar 2012
rekindledflame said:
I don't know if this has been mentioned as I can't be bothered reading every single post, however if you stopped said person before, why would you be the only person they would tell? This to me actually suggests they want you to stop them again as you have in the past. Of course I could be way off base, but I would choose B for this reason alone.

Hitchens said:
You discount the possibility that they want to say goodbye to their best friend for the last time.
Aug 22, 2012 7:02 AM

Jun 2009
RazielZero said:
Since it is clear that s/he know what s/he is doing and thought everything through (family/friends/love) and still wants to suicide then I would let her/him.
So, option A.
I can't add anything more to it that hasn't been already said.

Apart from that's pretty much an impossibility. For a person to commit suicide, it's generally safe to assumed they're going through depression; depression screws with you, and your ability to properly rationalize goes completely out of the window. Them thinking they thought everything through, and actually thinking everything through is usually going to be a night and day difference.
TrapaliciousAug 22, 2012 7:05 AM
Aug 22, 2012 7:13 AM

Mar 2012
Trapalicious said:
RazielZero said:
Since it is clear that s/he know what s/he is doing and thought everything through (family/friends/love) and still wants to suicide then I would let her/him.
So, option A.
I can't add anything more to it that hasn't been already said.

Apart from that's pretty much an impossibility. For a person to commit suicide, it's generally safe to assumed they're going through depression; depression screws with you, and your ability to properly rationalize goes completely out of the window. Them thinking they thought everything through, and actually thinking everything through is usually going to be a night and day difference.

If we're talking about the example, though
obbsworld said:

Right, she was exposed to the reality of the situation after the first attempt, it was made very clear to her how important she was in everyone's lives.

Edit* I should make another clarification that the second time, she was very clear headed about her decision (of course before getting drunk)

It was largely premeditated.
Aug 22, 2012 1:00 PM
Feb 2010
I'd have to stop them, for me I do love helping out my friends on advice or if they need a good hard chat in their lives about something, but I couldn't let my friend go through that. I'd stop them, tell them I am here if ya need me or if ya need a simply hug. Everything works out in the end. But option B for me.

Aug 22, 2012 1:05 PM
Jun 2008
I find both A and B to be selfish. People are selfish one way or another. It's all for their own satisfaction.

Anyway, I know how it feels to go through years of depression (14+) and suicide becomes the most rational thing in my mind considering all of the cons in the world. Thing is, you make up your own logic of negativity AND believe it to be true. That's what's so dangerous. With that being said, the only way I'm dying is AFTER my parents. That way I won't have anyone left to miss me. Otherwise, the cycle of pain continues.
Aug 22, 2012 1:47 PM
Jun 2012
I think i would:
Hit some sence into them and hate that person if ever "completed it"
and do the therapy myself and give them own natural medicine not the crap they get from pharmacys

or i don't really know, never been in the situation but
Sep 7, 2014 2:22 PM

Mar 2013
It's a permanent solution for a temporary problem.
Sep 7, 2014 2:25 PM

Sep 2012
html said:
It's a permanent solution for a temporary problem.
Shouldn't all solutions be permanent?

Otherwise it's not a very good solution if its only temporary, and the problem keeps coming back..
Sep 7, 2014 2:26 PM
Sep 2014
B, I would never let anyone die if I had the ability to save them.

Somehow, this reminds me of the Crooked Man. If I could have, you know, I would have... :|
Sep 7, 2014 2:28 PM

Mar 2013
Red_Keys said:
html said:
It's a permanent solution for a temporary problem.
Shouldn't all solutions be permanent?

Otherwise it's not a very good solution if its only temporary, and the problem keeps coming back..
Yes it should, but there are times when there's no such things as a permanent solution.
Sep 7, 2014 2:37 PM

Jul 2012
I have never been under the influence of alcohol so I probably wouldn't even be conscious.

As a friend I would do everything I could to keep them around.

Sep 7, 2014 2:44 PM

Jun 2014
html said:
It's a permanent solution for a temporary problem.

Problem isn't temporary if whatever factor it is has a large and constant impact on one's life. People live like this for decades man, that isn't temporary, some take it to their grave.
Sep 7, 2014 11:17 PM

Oct 2012
oh look, a thread full of bitches who know nothing about what having a mental disorder is like.
Sep 7, 2014 11:26 PM
Jun 2014
simonephone said:
oh look, a thread full of bitches who know nothing about what having a mental disorder is like.

That avatar, that comment, that is true perfection.
LashLethal said:
Who knows? Perhaps the devil is the good guy. Aaaaaaaaah

Lucifer is the good guy.
Sep 7, 2014 11:29 PM

Jan 2014
Option B. Only a sick animal or person willingly chooses death, extenuating circumstances aside (dying while saving someone else, etc.) And I don't believe it's ever the right choice. if you're considering suicide, then you simply haven't tried hard enough to change yourself or your life. Suicide is the easy way out. There are plenty of options for starting over somewhere far far away where you can truly have a clean slate, even in this wired world.

Your friend, despite all the "help" she has received, has not dealt with the root cause of her issues. She may not even realize what they are.

But, speaking from personal experience here, when you said "meds" a red flag went up in my mind. In so many cases, people who go on "meds" become nonfunctional if they go off their meds. And since they aren't mentally stable in the first place, they may convince themselves that their meds aren't doing anything or "Oh I feel good today, don't need the meds" etc. then bam, it's right back into the abyss.

The first step to beating the depression is getting off the med dependency altogether.

The reason "meds" are thrown at everything is because they make big $$$ for somebody. It's money made at the expense of someone else's suffering. It's slapping a bandaid on a spurting jugular. While there may be cases where they are needed, I suspect for the vast majority of people they are actually a hindrance, not a help, to full recovery.
Sep 10, 2014 1:21 PM

Apr 2014
I suicided
Sep 10, 2014 1:24 PM

Mar 2012
NuclearWarhead said:
I suicided

m8, how?
Sep 10, 2014 1:29 PM

Oct 2013
B. My friend recently committed suicide. There aren't really any words

Sep 10, 2014 1:30 PM

Apr 2014
pauperunit said:
NuclearWarhead said:
I suicided

m8, how?

by cutting my wrists
Sep 10, 2014 1:31 PM

Apr 2014
Loli_Sensei said:
B. My friend recently committed suicide. There aren't really any words

then shut up and dont talk
Sep 10, 2014 1:40 PM

Sep 2014
I would stop them. Killing yourself if THE most selfish thing you can ever do. You take the easy way out while your family has to deal with what happened. I don't think anyone should be able to do that to their family, friends, and themselves. I've tried to kill myself before, however I got help. I see my psychiatrist every 1 to 2 months, and I am very happy (Not just because of the meds ;]) It's fucking horrible. My friends grandfather blew his brains out, because he felt he couldn't go on living with health problems. He wasn't the best person in the world (KKK member), still though. He put his wife through so much metal trauma that she had to hospitalized. She took up drinking as well. His daughter and son in law were horrified. His wife saw him pull the trigger in front of her. She is a complete mess now. Just because he felt that he had to take the easy way out. My friend saw his body in the grass bleeding. I never want to see a family go through a suicide again.

See more on Know Your Meme
Sep 10, 2014 1:45 PM
Mar 2014
DiabloCalling said:
I would stop them. Killing yourself if THE most selfish thing you can ever do. You take the easy way out while your family has to deal with what happened. I don't think anyone should be able to do that to their family, friends, and themselves. I've tried to kill myself before, however I got help. I see my psychiatrist every 1 to 2 months, and I am very happy (Not just because of the meds ;]) It's fucking horrible. My friends grandfather blew his brains out, because he felt he couldn't go on living with health problems. He wasn't the best person in the world (KKK member), still though. He put his wife through so much metal trauma that she had to hospitalized. She took up drinking as well. His daughter and son in law were horrified. His wife saw him pull the trigger in front of her. She is a complete mess now. Just because he felt that he had to take the easy way out. My friend saw his body in the grass bleeding. I never want to see a family go through a suicide again.

What if you don't have friends/family? some people have neither of them, i can see some situations where suicide would be the best thing to do.
Sep 10, 2014 2:07 PM

Sep 2014
Tavaa said:
What if you don't have friends/family? some people have neither of them, i can see some situations where suicide would be the best thing to do.
Good argument my friend. You are right, however it can work in many different ways. Such as a person with no family has the possibility of meeting someone, but if he were to have a disease such as HIV I can see that happening. Let's say it's cancer and he has no way of paying the hospital, once again I can see that happening. I guess it's wishful thinking on my part that if said person has nothing of the sort wrong with him, and he's just really depressed and lonely then I would hope that he might find someone. Once again though that is wishful thinking on my part. I honestly think that if a person had a serious disease or affliction and could not afford treatment, or if there was some "end of the world" situation. Yes it would be the best thing to do. Back to the no friends no family. Some people would get very depressed, and lose hope. In reality that person has a high chance of suicide.

See more on Know Your Meme
Sep 10, 2014 5:08 PM

Feb 2014
in the pas I've attempted suicide twice and almost did a third time, so I know exactly how it feels to be set on wanting to end your life without wanting to hear the reasons whys you shouldn't. however, I would still try to talk them out of it because life is actually pretty awesome :)

Sep 10, 2014 5:20 PM

Apr 2012
KiraieAeterna said:
in the pas I've attempted suicide twice and almost did a third time, so I know exactly how it feels to be set on wanting to end your life without wanting to hear the reasons whys you shouldn't. however, I would still try to talk them out of it because life is actually pretty awesome :)
Do you believe you were in the wrong though? I'd like to hear your opinion on the matter.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Sep 10, 2014 5:31 PM

Feb 2014
Immahnoob said:
KiraieAeterna said:
in the pas I've attempted suicide twice and almost did a third time, so I know exactly how it feels to be set on wanting to end your life without wanting to hear the reasons whys you shouldn't. however, I would still try to talk them out of it because life is actually pretty awesome :)
Do you believe you were in the wrong though? I'd like to hear your opinion on the matter.

yeah I think I was wrong attempting to kill myself. I just needed to talk to people about how I felt more because I had been holding so many things back and it was just like slowly eating up at me.
In life you will always go through shit but you should always remember that 1: you shouldn't always hide how you feel, and 2: to always care and love yourself the most.
I feel like those words don't really captivate it but idk how to word it better. You should always just love yourself no matter what and not care so much about what others think and also, you should confide in family because they will always be there for you :)

Sep 10, 2014 6:28 PM

Oct 2012
html said:
Red_Keys said:
Shouldn't all solutions be permanent?

Otherwise it's not a very good solution if its only temporary, and the problem keeps coming back..
Yes it should, but there are times when there's no such things as a permanent solution.
And this isn't one of those times.
My subjective reviews:
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