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May 23, 2009 6:09 AM

Apr 2009
Lapan said:
Takizawa was unconcious, so she could just press his finger on the phone....

Touche. 28M is a lot of money even if your balance amounts to 6.5B.
Maybe she always dreamed about such a scenic exit, and now that it was "free of charge" she finally did it.
May 23, 2009 6:12 AM

Jul 2007

i was appalled by the beauty of the hotel XD
but this was a great episode. kept me entertained the whole entire time <3
May 23, 2009 6:13 AM

Apr 2009
The whole 'johnny' thing was just so full of narm. But that ending was awesome (though incredibly confusing).
Confucius say man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
May 23, 2009 6:18 AM

Jul 2007
OHHH sorry for like double posting but i just realized something

you know how kuroha used an "illusion" device to grow her wings and fly?
what if she used that illusion device to change osugi's face to another man and just say that it's not him so they'd stop chasing after her?

it'd be TOO MUCH of a coincidence that the rapist had the SAME bag and just HAPPENED to be stolen by the johnny killer, when in previous episodes it was clear that kuroha and oosugi made contact. and it'd be TOO MUCH of a coincidence that the rapist uploaded the photos to the SAME WEBSITE that osugi used with pictures of all of osugi's stuff. That'd be too much of a coincidence between 'the rapist' and osugi.

lawl i wonder if i'm making sense...
May 23, 2009 6:27 AM

Jun 2008
Wow...this series really does get more interesting after each episode. I wonder what will happen in the end. :D The whole growing wings thing had me seriously confused...but it adds to the uniqueness of the series.
Note: I decided not to accept random friend requests. Most of the ones I accept will be people I know from other sites unless I get to know some people here. (=^_^=)
May 23, 2009 6:43 AM

Dec 2008
Awesome episode... Illusion thing was something like the one from Max Payne movie lol...

May 23, 2009 7:36 AM

Feb 2009
melancholy said:
OHHH sorry for like double posting but i just realized something

you know how kuroha used an "illusion" device to grow her wings and fly?
what if she used that illusion device to change osugi's face to another man and just say that it's not him so they'd stop chasing after her?

it'd be TOO MUCH of a coincidence that the rapist had the SAME bag and just HAPPENED to be stolen by the johnny killer, when in previous episodes it was clear that kuroha and oosugi made contact. and it'd be TOO MUCH of a coincidence that the rapist uploaded the photos to the SAME WEBSITE that osugi used with pictures of all of osugi's stuff. That'd be too much of a coincidence between 'the rapist' and osugi.

lawl i wonder if i'm making sense...

it has already been mention in here that the masked man was apart of the illusion
the thing about that is XI always had Juiz take care of "the clean up" and she didn't care how it was carried out (which may or may not be relevant)

The thing about whether or not it is Ohsugi, throughout the episode they were painting a picture that it was definitely him, but also questioning why didn't he just contact one of them (eden team) directly rather than posting on some website. I know Kasuga suggested embarrassment but I don't know if I can believe that, he should have been ok with contacting Kasuga at least
so they want us to think about Ohsugi's where abouts and who this rapist is and the time gap also adds to that

also this is a side thing but, we've been given the impression that Kasuga is a pretty insightful individual, and pretty dead on with his assumptions. So we just believe whatever he says is the way it is, but wasn't he wrong saying that XI takes the Johnny from virgins, XI later in the episode says it was for reasons that exclude virgins no?
~May you continue being the Messiah....
May 23, 2009 7:36 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Fuck yeah, that was amazing. Most entertaining episode I've watched in a while. Just wondering where Ohsugi is now and how that illusion stuff was applied to Saki. Just as I thought things were making sense, we get a WTF ending. Again.

I love this.




[H+] ³  
May 23, 2009 7:40 AM

Feb 2008
The illusion thingy was awesome. Kuroha with giant wings is a sight for sore eyes.
De-JaYMay 23, 2009 7:44 AM
May 23, 2009 8:35 AM

May 2009
Looked back at the end of episode 5. I don't think she ever brought back Ohsugi. There was another man looking at Ohsugi after he had stumbled out of the restaurant and dropped his bag. Kuroha was further away when we see her walking in their direction when the episode ended. The other guy could've easily taken the bag, the phone and whatever else Ohsugi had with him at the time. This would also explain why he didn't call his friends. Btw, Ohsugi was wearing a red tie that evening. The guy Kuroha had has a greyish tie on.
May 23, 2009 8:39 AM

Oct 2007
wow, when kuroha started floating i didn't know what to think, and then she SPROUTED WINGS and flew out the window. w t f. pretty amazing illusion. but poor ohsugi, i hope he's safe.

also, LOL at "you're a violent messiah".
May 23, 2009 8:59 AM

Feb 2009
The end of the episode made me think "wtf is going on" until i saw a little explanation in the cellphone but the moment she had wings kinda looks retarded for me.
Hope the rest of the anime wont go into this kind of stuff.
May 23, 2009 9:26 AM

Jan 2009
at first when i watch the ep i said wtf?!
then rewatch a few times

could the messages in the phone just be the overall history and not just his history cause that thing probably had to cost a lot of money yet he still has 6 billion....

so..... she chopped over 20,000 Johnnies wonder what she does with them... wait nvm
also if it said that she paid for insomnia at the end does that me that Saki is alsleep or Akiria
if she put saki to sleep and made her have the illusion while she was alsleep i can then see some light to this whole thing.... still confusing though
phone battle was awesome
May 23, 2009 9:33 AM

Apr 2008
ArcticMech said:
Looked back at the end of episode 5. I don't think she ever brought back Ohsugi. There was another man looking at Ohsugi after he had stumbled out of the restaurant and dropped his bag. Kuroha was further away when we see her walking in their direction when the episode ended. The other guy could've easily taken the bag, the phone and whatever else Ohsugi had with him at the time. This would also explain why he didn't call his friends. Btw, Ohsugi was wearing a red tie that evening. The guy Kuroha had has a greyish tie on.

good call. i think that sounds completely reasonable. but i still wonder what the 3 illusions were (levitating, wings, and ?)

May 23, 2009 9:51 AM

Feb 2009
I wasn't surprised at all when Shiratori suddenly went "death angel with telekenesis power". I knew it had to be some kind of hallucination from Saki's point of view. After all, Selecaos have a magic phone that can make pretty much anything happen.

Speaking of which, I don't understand why Akira didn't just give Juiz the order to extract Ohsugi from the hotel to a safe place. If he wanted to meet Shiratori, he could've done that easily afterwards.

Oh and it seems that getting information from Juiz that she already knows, costs money. :D

ArcticMech said:
Looked back at the end of episode 5. I don't think she ever brought back Ohsugi. There was another man looking at Ohsugi after he had stumbled out of the restaurant and dropped his bag. Kuroha was further away when we see her walking in their direction when the episode ended. The other guy could've easily taken the bag, the phone and whatever else Ohsugi had with him at the time. This would also explain why he didn't call his friends. Btw, Ohsugi was wearing a red tie that evening. The guy Kuroha had has a greyish tie on.

Wow, I just noticed that too. Ohsugi also dropped his bag and he was probably drunk, so he could've easily forgotten it afterwards. Still it doesn't explain where he is right now but the reason why he didn't get in touch with the other's at the club is probably because he's too embarrassed or sad or whatever that emo kid is feeling.
May 23, 2009 9:56 AM
May 2009
I'm feeling uneasy...Akira's running out of money...
May 23, 2009 9:56 AM
Jul 2018
I'm surprised to see that no one has mentioned that the black winged illusion was not totally off-base or as random and wtf as some people make it out to be.

In the OP animation, part of the text in the background says "Saw you in heaven and heard of your glory. You saved our world from the fallen angels." Given that much of the story has fallen in line with the intro text (and that it pretty much "spoiled" many parts of the story if you read it to begin with) I think there is too much there to assume it's random, meaningless, or just coincidence.

I also don't really understand the confusion around the billing display. At the end of the episode, it's showing Shiratori's billing history.

The roman numeral XI is clearly highlighted on the phone and the numbers (or the billed services) clearly do not match up with Akira's. She bought the hotel from Akira, probably told the clerk to GTFO (hence why he wasn't there to stop Saki), and then went about her business. In the elevator, she says "what an unneeded expense." If you look at the phone's screen during that sequence, she switches from Akira's billing history to her own. It's totally obvious there.

And, I don't think the possibility of the masked man just simply not being Ohsugi is out of the question. Coincidences aside, there were people pointing out that his suit changed from episode 5 to 6 and commenting that it was a rather surprising mistake coming from a show like Eden. Well, it might not've been a mistake at all.

What I'm most interested with right now is Careless Monday. Shiratori said that Akira caused it and yet I don't think he ever paid for anything related to it. But, if he didn't pay for it, then how would she know Akira was the one who caused it? I've been suspecting that Akira worked together with another Selecao for quite some time. I guessing it's probably Selecao I, who we saw as early as episode 1... but I don't think many people remembered it telling from the episode discussion thread. He clearly has a past relationship with Selecao I even if it isn't a partnership.
removed-userMay 23, 2009 12:28 PM
May 23, 2009 10:08 AM

Jul 2008
110% one of my fav animes next to Phantom

dam i love this anime, if that wasnt the real Ohsugi , then where is he?
And dam illusions? .... XD
scks only 4 episodes left...

Akira = Supporter?? doesnt make sense ..
May 23, 2009 10:10 AM

Feb 2009
ArcticMech said:
Looked back at the end of episode 5. I don't think she ever brought back Ohsugi. There was another man looking at Ohsugi after he had stumbled out of the restaurant and dropped his bag. Kuroha was further away when we see her walking in their direction when the episode ended. The other guy could've easily taken the bag, the phone and whatever else Ohsugi had with him at the time. This would also explain why he didn't call his friends. Btw, Ohsugi was wearing a red tie that evening. The guy Kuroha had has a greyish tie on.

you're right
he (Ohsugi) also wasn't wearing a chain around his neck, and the masked man is...
~May you continue being the Messiah....
May 23, 2009 10:30 AM

Aug 2007
Then where the hell is Ohsugi? An what's with the wings? The selecao can do anything? Whoa. Weird. nvm. It's an illusion.
IshmaelMay 23, 2009 7:20 PM
May 23, 2009 10:57 AM
May 2008
That was one hell of a hallucinogenic ending... which always brings me back to the question... Can this show be concluded with 4 episodes left?
Dead Account
Please Delete
May 23, 2009 11:12 AM

May 2009
reacquaintance said:

but i still wonder what the 3 illusions were (levitating, wings, and ?)

I'm guessing it was the flying away. But there was also the shattering of the window. Perhaps that was a freebie. LOL.
May 23, 2009 11:26 AM

Aug 2008
I think it's funny how people are drawing ridiculous lines regarding what is and isn't realistic in this show. Much of what's happened isn't realistic in our world, but happens without a thought it this one.

Besides that, I really liked this episode. There was a really good vibe with the club members and Akira, and then Akira and Shiratori. I'm glad we found out that she had been killing people before she became a Selecao. I'm also happy about the insight we got on her character, and that she didn't get offed by the Supporter at the end of this episode.

I think it's pretty clear where this show is going and what it's trying to say at this point, but what's great is that there is still a lot in the dynamics of the characters and presentation of the show that keeps things fairly fun and unexpected.

I guess the only thing up in the air is what they are going to focus on for the ending: Akira and Saki, the Supporter, or Akira's plans with EoE.
May 23, 2009 12:07 PM
Dec 2007

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
May 23, 2009 12:14 PM

Apr 2009
Brian333 said:
The roman numeral XI is clearly highlighted on the phone and the numbers (or the billed services) clearly do not match up with Akira's.

You're absolutely right. Being IX and XI graphically similar, I probably mistook one for the other all the episode long. Well, I think all the "misteries" are solved so far.
May 23, 2009 12:30 PM

Feb 2009
Desirio said:
Brian333 said:
The roman numeral XI is clearly highlighted on the phone and the numbers (or the billed services) clearly do not match up with Akira's.

You're absolutely right. Being IX and XI graphically similar, I probably mistook one for the other all the episode long. Well, I think all the "misteries" are solved so far.

well not really
we don't know where Ohsugi is
we don't exactly know the condition of IX
we don't necessarily know if IX is still the supporter after the memory deletion

Alexstratz said:

Speaking of which, I don't understand why Akira didn't just give Juiz the order to extract Ohsugi from the hotel to a safe place. If he wanted to meet Shiratori, he could've done that easily afterwards.

IX couldn't exactly do that because he didn't know if he actually was at the hotel
plus I don't think he was just going to save Saki's friend, he had his own reasons
meeting another one of the selecao and seeing what their objectives are and how they plan on achieving them, like he said he wants to win the game.
~May you continue being the Messiah....
May 23, 2009 1:33 PM
Sep 2008
I still like this show, but Jesus Christ it's making less and less sense with every episode.
May 23, 2009 1:48 PM

Apr 2009
inode said:

well not really
we don't know where Ohsugi is
we don't exactly know the condition of IX
we don't necessarily know if IX is still the supporter after the memory deletion

I was talking about this specific episodes. The fuss was all about the purchases list and whether Ohsugi was the guy XI took away.

I think Ohsugi has been silent because of shame or something else, but still alive and safe. IX is fine, looks like XI stabilized his conditions, he looks just fainted/asleep. About the Supporter mistery.. I think it will carry on till the movie.

Of course there are maaaany questions without an answer, one more thrilling than the other. That's one thing that makes this show awesome. :)
May 23, 2009 1:59 PM
Dec 2007
I wonder what happened to Ohsugi. I think that Shiratori actually did carry him off with her, and used the illusion to make his face appear different to Saki. Shiratori said that the man she carried off with her was a rapist, and as unlikely as it seems, perhaps Ohsugi is the rapist? Shiratori may have staged an illusion to be kind to Saki, so that she wouldn't know her friend was a rapist. Glad she didn't take Akira's Johnny either, since she knew that he wasn't an enemy to womankind.

Ah, I was right on the mark when I said that a man spurned her. I knew there had to be a reason behind her misandry. The, "You've never gotten love from a Johnny before" line just confirms it. I imagine she was abused when she was a child, which stemmed her cold hatred for men, and thinks that she's doing womankind a favour by getting rid of those very men who go out and abuse women. A noble motion, and I can understand where she's coming from. She's cleansing the world of horrid men, by getting rid of the tool they harm with. Their 'Johnnys'.

And Saki finally finds out about Selecao and the like~ wonder how Akira is going to tell her about it. It seems pretty unbelievable to a normal person, but I imagine Saki will try her best to understand. I was really annoyed that Shiratori didn't dress Akira up in his clothes again after the wound, though~ it all looks rather suspicious, and we can imagine what Saki was thinking. Although, Saki did hear the conversation between them. Did she hear that Akira was offering to 'help' Shiratori, though? Saki must have felt somewhat spurned.

My favourite scene in this episode is when Shiratori is hovering above the bed, with the sprouted wings, carrying Ohsugi/random man under her arm. Akira is lying on the led, naked, except for an apple, and Shiratori's phone next to it. It's probably filled with symbolism. I think that was Shiratori's phone, anyway. But why would she leave the building without the phone? I'm half wondering if she just jumped about the window with Ohsugi/random man in her arms, plunging both of them to her death, but she still has a duty to fulfill to women. However, there is no record of anything helping her escape the hotel, unless she already left the hotel with Ohsugi/random man before she arrived.

And I still think that it has to be Ohsugi. Ohsugi may seem like a blundering, good-natured kid, but often, that's the ideal facade that most horrid people keep up. Plus, he had Ohsugi's bag, and his cellphone. That cannot be a coincidence, despite the tie colour. I recall that there was another guy on the street when Ohsugi was throwing up, and the man could have stolen Ohsugi's bag and phone while he was out of it.

I'm feeling very worried about the time frame. With four episodes left, and a movie, I wonder will we really get everything that's needed in. With the first DVD, we'll get a sixty minute drama of things that took place before the first episode, so I imagine that will help expand things a bit more, since the time frame is the equivalent of three episodes.

The next episode deals with
May 23, 2009 2:04 PM

Apr 2009
Oh wow. :D

Love this series.
May 23, 2009 2:27 PM

Jun 2008
Dude, I love you Eden. So fucking much <3
May 23, 2009 3:12 PM

Sep 2008
The crazy chick has wings, WTF!!!

May 23, 2009 7:07 PM

Oct 2007
that was pretty freaking awesome

some people complain about it being too unrealistic... but its not at the level of absurdity, and it makes the show even better
May 23, 2009 8:54 PM

Oct 2008
Loved it. But now I have to wait a week. D:
May 23, 2009 9:39 PM

Jun 2007
Wow. What an episode! I'm definitely even more confused than ever now, but that only raises my interest in the series... I can't wait to see where this is headed! :3
May 23, 2009 10:32 PM

Jun 2007
Illusion was bullcrap, but nice because it let the first actual aggressively dominant female in anime for a long time get away with being table turned.

Also, Akira is Mr. Outside. I'm calling it here.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
May 24, 2009 1:41 AM

Jan 2009
Wasabi said:
Oh dear, I got kind of worried when she sprouted wings and thought this was going to have some kind of ridiculous deus ex machina end to the series.
I FUCKING LOL'D. Though the Ergo One character had more sense than this.

My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
May 24, 2009 2:37 AM

Jan 2009
Mhm, pretty awesome episode. Got me excited while watching this episode. And wtf was this ending? xD Superb illusion. :)
TadloSMay 24, 2009 3:32 AM
May 24, 2009 2:40 AM

Apr 2009
I love Juiz.
May 24, 2009 3:33 AM

Nov 2007
Super illusion material O_O ... what? and lmao how many times did they say Johnnie this episode xD?

I'd much rather they make a second season and flesh out the conclusion than for a rushed ending, but I guess we'll have to see.
May 24, 2009 5:18 AM

Feb 2008
an episode about penises
May 24, 2009 5:26 AM

Dec 2007
I didn't like the talk about Johnnies. It was too... WTF. Although, I lol'd for a while, when I read the "Could it be that you never received love from a Johnny?" line.

But this show is getting more and more interesting. And the animation at the end was awesome. Can't wait until the next episode.
May 24, 2009 5:34 AM

Jan 2007
Cipro said:
At first I thought, yea new Eden yea woo. Then I was like ooooookkkkkkkk...

They sure do love their johnnies.

Also, Juiz can do anything, like magic wings in a matter of seconds but doesn't know who the Johnny Hunter is?

Ah, where is this show going...

Exactly what I thought. It's all about Johnnies >_>
May 24, 2009 6:25 AM

Apr 2009
Sex and sexual-related stuff takes a huge share of a human being's life. I love works (music, anime, manga, books, shows, movies...) that heavily talk about it, for they're more real than "yeaaaah save the world from evil aliens!" and such.

Therefore, Eden of the East is awesome. :)

edit: I just added "johnny" as anime tag, I hope it spreads lol
DesirioMay 24, 2009 7:15 AM
May 24, 2009 9:07 AM

Feb 2008
if she bought the hotel after Akira did, then doesn't that mean she bought it from him? wouldn't he have to agree to that? and even if she managed to get around that, wouldn't the 1.6 billion go to him? or if this was somehow used to overwrite his purchase, then wouldn't he get his 1.5 billion back?
May 24, 2009 9:16 AM

Apr 2009
jacobpaige said:
if she bought the hotel after Akira did, then doesn't that mean she bought it from him? wouldn't he have to agree to that? and even if she managed to get around that, wouldn't the 1.6 billion go to him? or if this was somehow used to overwrite his purchase, then wouldn't he get his 1.5 billion back?

Everything is made through Juiz, so I think they don't actually own something when they buy it, they just own "the rights to use it" or something like that. For the refund stuff, maybe it's one way only. What if I decided to put moneyin some fund, then get intrests? I don't think the money would be added to their Seleçao account...

I'm just wondering though.
May 24, 2009 9:23 AM

Apr 2009
Don't tell me Akira got castrated. NOOOOOOO
May 24, 2009 9:48 AM

Apr 2009
another awesome episode
May 24, 2009 10:22 AM
Oct 2008
I'm sorry, but this show is just making less and less sense the more I watch. I have no honest idea of what is going on currently, and the series is more the halfway over. Don't get me wrong, it's still funny, but the incessant use of the word 'Johnny' is kind of starting to annoy me.

Also, I'm really not sure what was going on with the line 'could it be that you've never received love from a Johnny?'. They had the stupid lines, the masked and chained up dude on the floor and the low-fi synth music, but if it weren't for the whole 'she has wings' thing this could easily fall into being full-blown hentai.
May 24, 2009 10:59 AM

Oct 2008
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