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Jul 15, 2014 7:59 AM

Oct 2013
jal90 said:
Link_of_Hyrule said:

Uhhhh, have you been listening to anything I've been saying?

Is this the new strategy for discussion? Of course I have. And your points are contradictory, and I'm pointing at that. So if you believe you are being misunderstood, make a proper answer to my claim instead of this boring assumption.
I'll take that as a no.

Then I'll repeat myself: there are number of objective measures that can be taken to rate anime. Some of them have slight aspects of subjectivity, such as pacing, but others do not. More examples include amount of influence, animation quality, and quality of themes. None of those things alone make an anime great, but they should all be taken into account.
Link_of_HyruleJul 15, 2014 9:11 AM
The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth
Jul 15, 2014 8:48 AM

Apr 2014
I think the story is something important. But when it has not a real story, but it is enjoyable the story is not something to explain about. Because personal enjoyment is probably number one.

I am not really harsh on art and sound, but if the art is beautiful, or the soundtracks and/or music is stunning it is something good too and it will make my ratings a bit higher. But if it is really strange or has not a good animation it will kinda drop it. Also when music is not fitting the situation, I am kinda disappointed. Music is to create and build, and not to randomly placed because "they need music". If they place it to make it more dramatic, but it isn't that dramatic, I hate it too. It has to fit the situation it is in.
I don't really care about the opening and ending, most of the time I skip that. Only not if I want to hear it or really like it, but I do not really care about it.

But I think something that really is important to me is the characters, and they have to develop in the anime. I want to know about the characters and sometimes I don't mind if they push the story in an episode to the background so they can focus on the development between friends, lovers, enemies or just one character. Also they have to be interesting or they need a personality. It is boring to watch characters with no personality at al (HAREM MAIN CHARACTERS i did not say anything at all) *kuch*

And if a story has a weak cast, and they use a lot of fanservice, the score will drop for me. I don't mind fanservice at all but it can drop the quality of the anime. Mostly when they think the can "develop" relations with only showing boobs. Like, who's idea was that?
I am a straight woman and I like boobs.
-Said no feminist ever
Jul 15, 2014 9:18 AM

Apr 2014
enjoyment is most important, then comes character development/characters, story, OST then artstyle
i can overlook art because if characters are shit then that pretty much kills my enjoyment.
Jul 15, 2014 9:28 AM

Oct 2010
Link_of_Hyrule said:
I'll take that as a no.

Then I'll repeat myself: there are number of objective measures that can be taken to rate anime. Some of them have slight aspects of subjectivity, such as pacing, but others do not. More examples include amount of influence, animation quality, and quality of themes. None of those things alone make an anime great, but they should all be taken into account.

Now, if you kindly get off your high horse, you can point where exactly I haven't taken into account this argument of "objectivity with slight aspects of subjectivity" when I have told you that pacing as you describe it doesn't have objective qualities at all because it's rooted completely in a subjective experience. The problem I find with your example is not that I find subjective claims in your judgement, it is if anything that I don't find the objective ones.
jal90Jul 15, 2014 9:33 AM
Jul 15, 2014 9:30 AM

Jan 2010
My ratings are quite debatable. If I find an element that I like in specific, i will probably give it a good score. So I think I put enjoyment overall. There are some exceptions, however. The biggest is probably Guilty Crown, where sound has a major participation in the score. The openings and endings are so great that they made me want to watch the anime, supercell (egoist) is just so great.
Jul 15, 2014 10:13 AM

Oct 2013
jal90 said:
Link_of_Hyrule said:
I'll take that as a no.

Then I'll repeat myself: there are number of objective measures that can be taken to rate anime. Some of them have slight aspects of subjectivity, such as pacing, but others do not. More examples include amount of influence, animation quality, and quality of themes. None of those things alone make an anime great, but they should all be taken into account.

Now, if you kindly get off your high horse, you can point where exactly I haven't taken into account this argument of "objectivity with slight aspects of subjectivity" when I have told you that pacing as you describe it doesn't have objective qualities at all because it's rooted completely in a subjective experience. The problem I find with your example is not that I find subjective claims in your judgement, it is if anything that I don't find the objective ones.
My my, you're a feisty one, aren't you?

Anyway, pacing is just another way of saying speed. Speed is not subjective. A car traveling at 20 km/hr is moving faster than a car traveling at 10 km/hr. There is no opinion involved. When it comes to pacing, certain subjective elements get mixed in, but at its core, it is merely an objective measure of a phenomenon.

The same is true with characterization; it is merely the objective measure of the number of facets that a character receives to his/her personality. Some people may prefer certain traits, personalities, or backstories to others, but it is still objective at its core.
The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth
Jul 15, 2014 10:25 AM

Oct 2010
Uhm, yes, I guess. Speed is objective. Pacing in terms of "faster/slower than". What bugs me there are the conclusions, that is, choosing what is more appropriate in a narration, which implies a judgement/preference that is rooted in a subjective experience. This is where the objective standpoint falters. Same with characterization. You can say that a character has more traits or that it has more time to develop them and these statements will or not will be true. But this information doesn't serve to infer the quality of a work understood as the result of an individual judgement, if it works better or worse or if this is enough or too much info to get the point of the character.
Jul 15, 2014 10:34 AM

Oct 2013
jal90 said:
Uhm, yes, I guess. Speed is objective. Pacing in terms of "faster/slower than". What bugs me there are the conclusions, that is, choosing what is more appropriate in a narration, which implies a judgement/preference that is rooted in a subjective experience. This is where the objective standpoint falters. Same with characterization. You can say that a character has more traits or that it has more time to develop them and these statements will or not will be true. But this information doesn't serve to infer the quality of a work understood as the result of an individual judgement, if it works better or worse or if this is enough or too much info to get the point of the character.
Exactly; this is why we can never be 100% objective. 99% of the time, a character with more facets to his/her personality is going to be the "better" character compared to one who has less facets, but there are always exceptions and there is always personal preference.

The point is that while rating/reviewing a work, you should take into account as many of these objective tools as you possibly can. Just because someone doesn't personally care for something doesn't mean that it isn't objectively "good".
The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth
Jul 15, 2014 10:52 AM

Oct 2010

Got it; I think we all do that to a point when we interpret what a show offers to us. Sorry for sounding rude, by the way, I had a bad experience a couple weeks ago with a very obnoxious user and I guess I'm getting too defensive lately as a result.
Jul 15, 2014 10:58 AM

Mar 2014
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
I don't care much about these mathematical rating systems that calculate the correct score to give based on various aspects. It's impossible to grasp the whole picture and whenever I read reviews like that I just stop reading them because there's nothing valueable to gain from those, imo. It's like a review of a picture that is divided into reviews for each individual color. I'd rather go with my intuition combined with just checking shows with the same rating and thinking it's either worse or better than this.

I agree, this whole calculating system seems unfair to me..
Jul 15, 2014 11:00 AM

Oct 2013
jal90 said:

Got it; I think we all do that to a point when we interpret what a show offers to us. Sorry for sounding rude, by the way, I had a bad experience a couple weeks ago with a very obnoxious user and I guess I'm getting too defensive lately as a result.
Haha, it's fine. People are just generally angrier on the Internet, me included.
The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth
Jul 15, 2014 7:51 PM
Jul 2018
I just rate the anime based on my entertainment.
Jul 15, 2014 8:39 PM

Oct 2012
I rate on two things, story (plot, characters), aesthetics (visuals, sound). I give priority to story because if I wanted to see something pretty I'd look at paintings. That's not to say I don't appreciate stellar art and music but to me there only worth so much.
ShrabsterJul 15, 2014 8:57 PM

Jul 15, 2014 10:16 PM

Mar 2014
I'd be the first to admit it, I don't try to be methodical or objective at all in my ratings. I rate solely based on my own enjoyment, which I usually gauge by how badly I wanted to keep watching the show and how much it stuck with me after I finished it.
Jul 15, 2014 11:04 PM
Dec 2013
Things I rate my anime on:
- Enjoyment
- Cute females?
- Does the MC look cute with [Said Female] that i like? OTP
- Plot/Story (a bit, don't really care zzz)
- Is the main females voice tomboyish or normal? (dislike high pitched)
- Art
Jul 15, 2014 11:39 PM

Jun 2014
- Symbolic Meaning
- Character Development
- Character Likability
- Theme
- Objective Symbolism
- Literary Elements
- OST (big one)
- Art (I value art)
- Animation
- Voice Actors

Jul 16, 2014 3:29 PM

Jan 2009
Usually mostly how much I liked the characters

Story is next

anything else is minor but can boost the score if it's really really good
I'm just a big visual novel fan but have also watched quite a bit of anime and played a bunch of games. Avatar is Mashiro from Making*Lovers and Kotori from Rewrite.
Jul 16, 2014 3:46 PM

Dec 2013
The sound for example isn't worth nearly as much as the plot or the characters so no, everything isn't equal. That being said, personal enjoyment triumphs over all. I know that Samurai Champloo isn't a 10/10 logically for example but I loved it so much that it's deserving of a 10 in my mind.
Immahnoob said:
They say Jesus walked on water.
People are made out of 79% water.
I can walk on people.
So I am 79% Jesus.
Sourire said:
I once fucked an apple pie.
Jul 16, 2014 5:43 PM
Jul 2014
my anime is rated
by a combination of several things
the four most important things are, characters,story, enjoyability and the anime's main genre and how well it's done ( example if i'm watching a romance anime, how well the romance is done is a big factor to judge on )
I feel that art and sound are not quite as important
as in anime doesn't have to look or sound good to be good.

Characters are by far the most important
because to me you can still have a good anime if the characters are good but the story sucks
but the the opposite is not true in my opinion
Yu Yu Hakusho is an example of an anime with an ok story but what makes it awesome for me was the fact they had great characters to fill the void
this is why i think an anime can survive on good characters alone.

but the story matters too, that's the reason Rurouni Kenshin is my favorite anime
because not only it has great characters but a really good story as well
i liked Yu Yu Hakusho's characters better
but Rurouni Kenshin was more balanced
so story does matter but not as much as characters.

enjoyability is self explanatory
how much i like the characters and story depend on how much i enjoy them.

how well a genre is done
Yu Yu Hakusho does action well
Toradora does romance well
Ranma 1/2 does comedy well
Clannad does drama well
if a story claims its gonna be a certain genre, it should do that genre well
but if they don't its hard to get into the anime

art and sound i feel are simply bonuses to how good an anime is
it doesn't determine how good the show is.

i know this was extremely lengthy but that's the way I rate anime.
im andtaku2333 and ive been watching anime since 2007, ever since anime has made a huge impact on my life and has given me many great experiences, and my favorite is rurouni kenshin
Jul 16, 2014 6:18 PM

Dec 2012
I rate on:

1. The Story-Was it entertaining and well written?
2. The Characters-Were they likable and did they develop?
3. Technical Specs-Was the animation, music, pacing, etc. good?
4. Emotional Impact-Did the anime succeed at making me laugh, cry, get angry, etc?
5. The Ending-Was there even an ending? Did it tie up loose ends and fit the show?

Each of those is worth 2 points if the answer is Yes, 1 point if the answer is maybe/kinda, and 0 if the answer is no.
KruszerJul 16, 2014 6:23 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Jul 16, 2014 7:36 PM

Dec 2010
Ckan said:
Is the swan beautiful because it eats algae and grass? Does the musician make beautiful sound because she defecates on a cushioned toilet?
All things have their way.

The sum of its ingredients do not make a whole; the whole is greater than its parts.
Feel for the rating with your heart in mind.
Find its soul, and then will you know its true value.

I'm in a band! Check it here-
Jul 16, 2014 7:52 PM

Aug 2012
i only do art/animation, story, character design/development. if enjoy it thoroughly then it can have a higher rating. +1 on enjoyment +1 on originality or effort.
Jul 24, 2014 12:23 PM

Jan 2010
50% Technical Value(Plot, Character, Art, Sound ect...)
50% Personal Enjoyment
Jul 24, 2014 12:37 PM

Nov 2012
My ratings are mostly based on enjoyment.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.

Jul 24, 2014 12:59 PM

May 2013
Nope, just personal enjoyment. The higher rating I give, the more I enjoy it.

People who rate each individual aspect and come to a conclusion from that are either ashamed of their tastes or attempting to impress/appease others.
Jul 24, 2014 1:55 PM

Jun 2014
Enjoyment is important, but story and characters come first.
Comedies are an exception.
Jul 24, 2014 1:57 PM

Mar 2013
When I'm finished with a show I roll a d10 and choose whatever number it lands on.

Objective rating ftw.
Jul 24, 2014 2:39 PM

Jun 2010
I solely rate mine by how much I enjoy it.
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