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How do you know how to work out? (Bodybuilding)

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Aug 7, 2012 10:12 AM
Aug 8, 2012 12:04 AM

Aug 2012
vinnytSAN said: this will get you big

listen to this guy
Aug 8, 2012 3:48 AM
May 2009
Depends what your building for?

You building muscles to look at?

Or Muscles that you are going to use?

I tend to only work the muscles I will use. Therefore I only train by repetition by performing the same movements again and again, adding more weight as my muscles strengthen.

Others take a high protein diet, so eating nothing by Chicken Breats and Drinking Protein Shakes. (Side Effect are lots of really eggy farts and a weakend digestive system)

I tend to just eat what I usually eat, Avoid sugars (You should do this any ways as its bad for your teeth) But of course its nice to have some ice cream or Cookies once in a while.

I tend to train with a 2 m wooden pole, no weights are attached as I usually hold one end, so it feels like I am holding 20-40kg. So no need to buy weights, and I can adjust the weight just by adding a small bucket of water.
Aug 8, 2012 4:57 AM

Aug 2012
i ve got a simple solution that doesnt involve gyms or personal trainers

just go by bike everywhere and do sit and push ups till you drop before sleeping
works for me :)
"I'm not going there to die. I'm going to find out if I'm really alive.Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
see you space cowboy...

Aug 11, 2012 1:39 PM

Dec 2009
Thank you so much everyone for taking your time and giving me advice.

I'd just like to say a little update.
Soon, I'm going to make an appoitment for a program in the gym thats going to learn me the basics,
and after that I'm going to pay myself a personal trainer in the gym.
Aug 19, 2012 4:22 PM

Dec 2009
Honestly, I don't know when I'll go because I'm just kinda lazy and fear of working out and doing something wrong (not the right/perfect way) is why I always hesitate...

So, ONE last question I guess...

Even though I keep hesitating...
Tell me if this is good.

I won't be using a "spotter" to help me on the last reps, (so I'm not sure if thats going to affect my for building mass...)
From what I remember, best thing to do is on 1 day, only work-out 3 body parts of muscle. with 3-4 exercises for each muscle.
3 sets of 8-12?

and... since I don't understand and is hard to read the calorie intake of what I normally eat.
Is it ok to drink protein shakes and try to do a fucked estimate of my calorie intake? (since, when I first worked out, I took too much calories that I gained 12lbs in less than 2 weeks)

Of course I'm gonna "try" (If I actually do START working out...)
to do all my body parts, in a full body work-out schedule.

And one last thing, I've always wondered this,
but its seems that I've heard that the VERY FIRST time you work out is the best? Why is that? Is it because your muscles JUST started getting active,
well I already passed that so its too late.
But is it bad if you work out and then stop a couple of times?
Will it affect your body if you worked out completly ALL the time instead of stopping in some parts & past years?

PS, I HATE doing body weight workouts, is it alright to not do some?
Because my inner strength sucks (I'm not that strong), so thats why I hate it.
Should I build my inner strength or is it better to get more muscle gains with the way I am of suckish strength?

And is there another way to build inner strength other than with body weight workouts or weights?
Like I remember some boxing exercises of lifting a sack?

And, what happens if you work out in a building mass goal while eating all fucked the usual way you do?
Is that only going to make you loose calories and become skinny or something? Because I don't want that.

__________ So what do you think?
waalex11Aug 19, 2012 10:41 PM
Aug 19, 2012 7:22 PM

Aug 2012
Do you even lift?

=3 couldn't resist.
Aug 19, 2012 8:53 PM

May 2012
In all honesty i do simple things, like for me i live about a mile from my school so i walk (jogging at random points) and 3 times a week i try to do some close hand push ups. But these can be hard if your not used to them and your not able to do a lot of normal push ups. When i first started out ding them i could do about 20-25 push ups and not a single close hand push up. But after trying for a little while it's gotten easier and i can now do close to 20. I also lift on those 3 days (15-20 pound weights) and do a few reps for curls and such, but i make sure to twist my arms when bringing them up and all that.
Then i try to eat a decent amount of meat daily since it helps for building muscle mass and strength. I also drink a lot of water since it's good for you.

I started doing all of this about 2 months ago and i've gotten quite a bit stronger, but i'm also aiming for Lean muscle (pure muscle and not muscle and fat, builds at a MUCH slower rate than bulk muscle) instead of Bulk muscle (what you would normally gain if you just work out as much as possible, it's a mix of fat and muscle).

But when working out ALWAYS take time in between the week to rest your body, Thats why i personally only work out 3 days and give myself 4 to rest.

This is all just what i do but if you try it then it may help you out a bit. But GO AT YOUR OWN PACE, something like this can never be stressed enough when working out.

Also if you want to know about close hand push ups or anything that i said feel free to drop a comment on my page or PM me (since i sadly often forget to check the forums TT_TT)

But i hope this (atleast in some small way) helped you out.
things found in life cannot be received, only enjoyed~

Aug 19, 2012 10:39 PM

Dec 2009
georgedavidlee said:
Do you even lift?

=3 couldn't resist.

currently, and this year. NO xD
Aug 20, 2012 12:46 AM

Jun 2011
waalex11 said:
Honestly, I don't know when I'll go because I'm just kinda lazy and fear of working out and doing something wrong (not the right/perfect way) is why I always hesitate...

So, ONE last question I guess...

Even though I keep hesitating...
Tell me if this is good.

I won't be using a "spotter" to help me on the last reps, (so I'm not sure if thats going to affect my for building mass...)
From what I remember, best thing to do is on 1 day, only work-out 3 body parts of muscle. with 3-4 exercises for each muscle.
3 sets of 8-12?

and... since I don't understand and is hard to read the calorie intake of what I normally eat.
Is it ok to drink protein shakes and try to do a fucked estimate of my calorie intake? (since, when I first worked out, I took too much calories that I gained 12lbs in less than 2 weeks)

Of course I'm gonna "try" (If I actually do START working out...)
to do all my body parts, in a full body work-out schedule.

And one last thing, I've always wondered this,
but its seems that I've heard that the VERY FIRST time you work out is the best? Why is that? Is it because your muscles JUST started getting active,
well I already passed that so its too late.
But is it bad if you work out and then stop a couple of times?
Will it affect your body if you worked out completly ALL the time instead of stopping in some parts & past years?

PS, I HATE doing body weight workouts, is it alright to not do some?
Because my inner strength sucks (I'm not that strong), so thats why I hate it.
Should I build my inner strength or is it better to get more muscle gains with the way I am of suckish strength?

And is there another way to build inner strength other than with body weight workouts or weights?
Like I remember some boxing exercises of lifting a sack?

And, what happens if you work out in a building mass goal while eating all fucked the usual way you do?
Is that only going to make you loose calories and become skinny or something? Because I don't want that.

__________ So what do you think?

You don't need to put anything other than water in your protein shakes... The only time you should is if you're bulking.

Compound lifts should be 5-10 reps
Isolation reps should be 8-15

Honestly, watch youtube videos on how to correctly do the lifts right, and even if you're doing them wrong no one's going to go up to you and be like, "HEY BITCH YOU'RE DOING THIS WRONG."

"And, what happens if you work out in a building mass goal while eating all fucked the usual way you do?"
You'll make minimal gains if any at all
tfw no gf
tfw i keep getting the banhammer on here
tfw Koleare keeps banning me every other day
tfw I'm misunderstood by le mod
Aug 20, 2012 1:49 AM

Dec 2009
thanks ^^
Aug 20, 2012 2:06 AM

Dec 2011
dark3rthan8lack said:
i ve got a simple solution that doesnt involve gyms or personal trainers

just go by bike everywhere and do sit and push ups till you drop before sleeping
works for me :)


I don't know English names for exercises, but here are some that are enough and you do not need gym or trainer. I know from personal experience.

here they go:

Add running and swimming to this, then if you have a beach, go dig a hole and jump in and out of it. Gym can be used just to make diversity so it doesn't get boring, and by no means do not lift weights, just those machines with pulling. You can use those one hand weights, but only to help you with some exercise.

I was doing only this and I was extremely good looking and strong. Then year and a half ago I started watching anime and other shit and nit moving my ass so I really suck (although still strong and capable as I was practicing aikido and taekwondo), and yeah, you better pay money for some martial arts training than gym....
Aug 20, 2012 5:46 AM

Aug 2012
8 min abs workout, two times every other day.

and play basketball for 2 hours 3 tiimes a week.

thats it.
Lebron James Sucks
Aug 20, 2012 2:57 PM

Dec 2009
So, since I'm so stubborn and am the type that feels to need to be guided by something with full detail and step-by-step,

Whats the best recommendation for "complete beginners" to work-out?
(lets say someone who has never lifted in his life, or close enough)

Do you need or have to make your muscles used to the motion and strength before going to "real" way?
Like doing less work than what is actually supposed to be done and get your body used to it?

Or do you simply just start working out as a normal bodybuilder would?

PS NO body weights or power lifting, if possible...
Aug 20, 2012 3:46 PM

Aug 2012
waalex11 said:
So, since I'm so stubborn and am the type that feels to need to be guided by something with full detail and step-by-step,

Whats the best recommendation for "complete beginners" to work-out?
(lets say someone who has never lifted in his life, or close enough)

Do you need or have to make your muscles used to the motion and strength before going to "real" way?
Like doing less work than what is actually supposed to be done and get your body used to it?

Or do you simply just start working out as a normal bodybuilder would?

PS NO body weights or power lifting, if possible...

I don't think that a person can tell you in one post how to become the best you can. And no one article can help anyone out, no matter how nice it sounds.

As a person who's been going for 5 years, I can guide you, just like I've guided others. But you'll have to make the first step, and that's going to the gym.

The biggest tip I can give you is that cavemen are big for a reason. And that's because if your active, no matter what you do, you will grow muscles, even if you're doing it wrong.

You never start out as a normal bodybuilder would. To start out, I would recommend:
a. Slight change in diet. No need to eat salads and nuts every day. Just cut out some fast foods, pizza and ice-cream. Eat all the calories, carbohydrates and fat you want, just try to make it as natural as possible.
b. Start out at your own pace, worst thing that can happen is . You can have it so bad, that your muscle cramps up for over a week.
c. Work out every muscle evenly. If you're doing chin-ups every day, and that's the only back excersize you do, then you'll have one hell of a strength to pick yourself up. But unless you do wide pull ups, then your not working out your lats (the muscle under your armpit) properly, and even then, pull ups will never workout your traps, the muscle next to your neck. And your lower traps is in the middle top part of your back, and newbies always forget about that muscle. And did you know that it's your shoulders that make your back look bigger? Your back doesn't expand further than the shoulders. And the back part of your shoulders, the deltoid, it's also part of making your back look good. Another thing, your shoulders can be injured during a back or chest excersize, and are important for you to be able to increase weights in those two muscle groups.
c. There is no "one way" for you to get the muscles you desire. I know some ppl that power lift and don't take protein and they are monsters. Others try to power lift, and even taking protein and pre-out (creatine), they still couldn't weigh more than 165 pounds or lift as much as the others did. You start working out, and if you find things to go well, then that's great, if you need protein, don't worry about what people say, just drink it.
d. Eating a lot of protein in your diet and drinking protein shakes are NOT the same thing. Food takes hours to digest. Whey protein is engineered to be absorbed quickly, similar to I guess alcohol, to reach the muscle. You take it right after your workout, when the muscles receptors are open the most and they will absorb it, just like if it were natural protein from food. Is it dangerous? No. You'll end up shitting it out of your system if you drink to much. Btw, ppl that have diets of like 200g protein because they don't take the shakes end up shitting out like 150g out of the 200g. Because if the muscle doesn't want it, it throws it away. Mind you, once you've created the muscle, you will need a high protein diet, because that's what it feeds on daily basis.
e. Gym is always better than working out at your house. Why? You can target many more muscle groups. But the cardio you can get from martial arts and sports is obviously gonna get you into shape, and is a good way to lose some weight if that's all you're looking for. But if you wanna be the guy in the front page of health magazine, you gotta go to the gym. A fact is that all profesionals go to the gym. Doing push up, sit ups, squats and pull-ups have their limits. That's why the Insanity videos are for ppl that wanna lose weight and P90x is for ppl who want a slim and toned body. Notice all the weights you need for P90x, if you can look like the ppl in the videos of P90x after 3 months of using those small weights, imagine at the gym what you can acomplish.
f. Time is the most important thing. Going 3 times a week will not get you the same results as 5 days a week. Any pro in any sport will usually do some sort of excirsize in the morning or night and then practice their sport at another time of the day. So if you're looking for 3% fat in your body and be 180 pounds, know that it doesn't come without sacrifice. Some ppl get great results by swimming or running 2 or 3 days a week and going to the gym 2 or 3 days a week. Others get results by doing martial arts 2 or 3 days a week and going to the gym. Some ppl hate their results from swimming, running and martial arts, and just drop it to go to the gym or start another sport. But in the end it's all about how much time you can dedicate and finding out how you're going to spend your time. I personally don't jog because it makes my calves shrink and I don't want that. But instead I sprint, which as long as I do it only like 2 days a week and not for long periods of time, I find it to help it's growth and to give it a nice joggers shape without having to actually jog for like an hour a day.
g. Have a goal and motivation. A partner is a beginers motivation. After a while, you have to drop your partner, because you'll be taking to many brakes between excersizes, and you'll end up skipping days because your partner didn't go or you'll go alone and do a shitty workout because you were bored without him/her.
h. I heard somewhere that someone said that nobody knows what they are doing in their first year at the gym. You'll always learn and learn. At first you'll only use dumbells, then switch to using a bar for squats chest and bicep. Then you'll switch to cable, then you'll witch to God knows what. But do you know how long it takes to learn every excersize for every machine and how to combine them to have what -you- consider a good workout? At least a year.

Dammit, I have no idea of what I'm talking about. I wrote way to much. Anywho, ask me detailed questions and I'll answer as vague as possible (Not what works best for me, just a general answer to get you started). You can't say "Give me the work out of the first day", because whatever you do the first day will affect the second and third, I'd have to schedule your whole week.

First, do you wanna go to a gym? Do you wanna start a sport like boxing or karate? Do you wanna swim or run? Send a picture of what you wanna look like and how tall are you and how much do you weigh? Are you willing to spend money on house equipment or suplements to grow?
Aug 20, 2012 4:38 PM

Aug 2012
waalex11 said:
Honestly, I don't know when I'll go because I'm just kinda lazy and fear of working out and doing something wrong (not the right/perfect way) is why I always hesitate...

So, ONE last question I guess...

Even though I keep hesitating...
Tell me if this is good.

I won't be using a "spotter" to help me on the last reps, (so I'm not sure if thats going to affect my for building mass...)
From what I remember, best thing to do is on 1 day, only work-out 3 body parts of muscle. with 3-4 exercises for each muscle.
3 sets of 8-12?

and... since I don't understand and is hard to read the calorie intake of what I normally eat.
Is it ok to drink protein shakes and try to do a fucked estimate of my calorie intake? (since, when I first worked out, I took too much calories that I gained 12lbs in less than 2 weeks)

Of course I'm gonna "try" (If I actually do START working out...)
to do all my body parts, in a full body work-out schedule.

And one last thing, I've always wondered this,
but its seems that I've heard that the VERY FIRST time you work out is the best? Why is that? Is it because your muscles JUST started getting active,
well I already passed that so its too late.
But is it bad if you work out and then stop a couple of times?
Will it affect your body if you worked out completly ALL the time instead of stopping in some parts & past years?

PS, I HATE doing body weight workouts, is it alright to not do some?
Because my inner strength sucks (I'm not that strong), so thats why I hate it.
Should I build my inner strength or is it better to get more muscle gains with the way I am of suckish strength?

And is there another way to build inner strength other than with body weight workouts or weights?
Like I remember some boxing exercises of lifting a sack?

And, what happens if you work out in a building mass goal while eating all fucked the usual way you do?
Is that only going to make you loose calories and become skinny or something? Because I don't want that.

__________ So what do you think?

You can eat whatever you want and still gain muscle mass. Look at what I wrote earlier about cavemen being strong.

Don't count your calories, just make an assumption. I know my breakfast is around 500 calories, my snacks are like 150 to 300 calories each and my dinner is usually around 1,500 calories. I take in between 3k to 4k calories. But I have a really high metabolism and I work out. The 2,000 calorie diet is mostly for ppl looking to lose weight and probably only workout like 2 days a week. Look at it like, the more cardio you do, the more you can eat. You don't do cardio? Don't sacrifice calories, sacrifice processed foods instead, which are harder to digest so they store more fat.

Yes, the first time you go to the gym is the best, assuming you went for a long time and had made a difference. Why? Because bodybuilders get tits when they stop to work out. Why tits? 'Cause their muscles turn to fat. Do you think they would have had those tits if they didn't work out? And how hard do you think it's going to be to lose those tits? Same goes for fat stored in the obliques, lower back and neck.

What do you mean when you say you don't have "Inner strength"? And what do you consider "Body workouts".

Don't just do random ass excersizes because you like them or some dude recommended it and he's really big.
Aug 20, 2012 5:00 PM

Dec 2009
Thank you so much! I really really appreciate it!
I think now my stubborn ass is going to get up and finally start to work out!
Thanks, I really needed someone who has good experience to tell me that it isn't needed to start working out like a pro ^^

By inner strength, I mean your "strength", how strong you are on lifting things and your strength of endurance.
Pretty much just how "strong you are"
Because my normal strength (current muscles) aren't strong.
Let me give you an example, I'm not that strong, I have 12 inch arms, VERY non-active, and can bench 50lbs in a almost easy way of 3 sets of 8-12 with a spotter. I'm 5 foot 9 inches and 170lbs of weight.

And body weight work-outs, I mean anything to do with lifting your weight as an exercise,
push ups, sit ups, pull ups. I don't like it since it wears me out very easily of my breath and doesn't help with the strength I have.
Aug 20, 2012 5:38 PM

Aug 2012
waalex11 said:
Thank you so much! I really really appreciate it!
I think now my stubborn ass is going to get up and finally start to work out!
Thanks, I really needed someone who has good experience to tell me that it isn't needed to start working out like a pro ^^

By inner strength, I mean your "strength", how strong you are on lifting things and your strength of endurance.
Pretty much just how "strong you are"
Because my normal strength (current muscles) aren't strong.
Let me give you an example, I'm not that strong, I have 12 inch arms, VERY non-active, and can bench 50lbs in a almost easy way of 3 sets of 8-12 with a spotter. I'm 5 foot 9 inches and 170lbs of weight.

And body weight work-outs, I mean anything to do with lifting your weight as an exercise,
push ups, sit ups, pull ups. I don't like it since it wears me out very easily of my breath and doesn't help with the strength I have.

Most body weight work-outs are compound excersizes that workout several muscle groups. Example, pushups will workout chest, tricep and shoulders. Pullups workout bicep, traps & back.

You'll want to do a few compound excersizes, but I only do them to stretch. Like after I'm done working out my back, if I feel like I got some strength left and I wanna stretch out my back or arms, I'll do pullups. A matter of fact, even doing pullups you'll feel your chest if it's sore and you'll feel it mostly in the lower part of the chest, 'cause you actually just slightly use it. But don't worry about compound or body weight workouts.

5 foot 9 and 170lbs. I'm actually 5 foot 9 and I'm 165lbs. You know what you could do for fun? Go to a fitness chiropractor. He'll help to check out your rotators, like shoulders and ankles, and tell you excersizes that'll help to become more limber and obviously do what he does best, help straighten your back. If you've had any previous accident, he'll also break up muscle scar tissue. (I'm right handed, and I can lift up more with my left arm because of an old shoulder injury, and the chiropractor fixed it).

Something you want to keep in mind is that some ppl like to go up in weight and then tone down. Unless you're willing to spend the next 3 years on that goal, don't try it. I have 15 inch arms and I'm 5 pounds lighter than you. Why? Maybe you have broader shoulders and bigger thighs than me. Best I can say is measure yourself start working out according to that.

What do I mean? Well my calves arn't growing much... so I do them 3 times a week for a while. I'll gain strength in them, start to love it (I currently hate doing calves), and I'll end up over working them. When you over work a muscle by doing them 3 days a week, what'll happen is that they will start to take shape and tighten up. Do them anymore than 3 days a week and you'll start to burn muscle, and you don't want that. But after a few weeks of doing calves 3 days a week, when I move back to only 1 day a week, they will untighten and will significally grow, and as long as i stay doing the weight I was doing before, then they won't shrink, 'cause that's their new nartual size.

^^^What I said is very important!

You cannot have a mindset of "Monday is chest and bicep" and tuesday is "back and tricep" and wednesday is "legs and traps". If you can't make it tuesday, what are you gonna do? Just not workout your back and tricep?

Also, don't follow the "Do every muscle" once a week rule and especially not the "2 days upper body, 1 day lower body" rule.

Figure out what you need and concentrate on that. Skinny guys need to do less abs and more upper body. Chubbier guys needs to do less upper body and more lower body. (To give time for the upper body to lose weight instead of turning it all into muscle). Guys with big upper bodies need to quit that crap and do more lower body.

Keep your head clean. Go to the gym, take a deep breath, look at yourself in the mirror, and just workout what you feel is necesary, and learn to love the areas where you need the most work.

Remember this, going to the gym, even if it's to workout one muscle, you will always have improvement. It's all about keep your body active.

Will you do the workout wrong at the begining? Maybe. But then someone will approach you and tell you how to do it right. It's what any veteran would do.

I can say that sometimes when i started out at the gym, I used to go to the gym and sit around and watch people. I'd ask "What muscle is that working out" and then I'd immitate him.

Anywho, message me any questions you have. I don't know what to talk about, because I don't know where you have doubts ;P
Aug 20, 2012 6:14 PM

Dec 2009
Thank you so much, again! ^-^
I'll see if I have any questions, thank you very much.
Aug 26, 2012 7:15 AM
Aug 2012
well if you want to loose weight you should consider that and if you want to gain muscles you should train according to that. best thing is to have a trainer. or join a gym.
Aug 26, 2012 7:19 AM

Mar 2011
How I know how to work out? I follow the paper the Air Force gave me. It's not bodybuilding though.
Mr. Wonsworth, you may NOT eat my scones!
Jun 30, 2014 1:53 PM

Jun 2012
I dont. I just lift weights and hope for the best. Maybe I should actually research this.
Jun 30, 2014 2:19 PM

Apr 2013
dragonlight said:
I dont. I just lift weights and hope for the best. Maybe I should actually research this.
diet is more important.
Jun 30, 2014 6:11 PM

Jun 2012
Sourire said:
dragonlight said:
I dont. I just lift weights and hope for the best. Maybe I should actually research this.
diet is more important.
Well I dont have a weight problem, its just I dont have any muscle.
Jun 30, 2014 6:22 PM

Apr 2013
dragonlight said:
Sourire said:
diet is more important.
Well I dont have a weight problem, its just I dont have any muscle.
like I said, if you workout without eating properly its worthless.
Jul 1, 2014 12:12 PM

Aug 2009
dragonlight said:
Sourire said:
diet is more important.
Well I dont have a weight problem, its just I dont have any muscle.
What Sourire said is true, doesn't matter if you have a weight problem, diet is one of the most important things when trying to put on muscle or lose fat.
If you are excising regularly but don't eat enough food you're going to hurt your body since you are depriving it from the things it needs, along with that you also have to watch what you eat or else you will end up gaining fat as well.
Jul 1, 2014 12:13 PM

Jun 2014
i work out my right hand everyday for about 5 minutes
Jul 1, 2014 12:18 PM

May 2011
Working out (or lifting) is pretty simple, make sure to target all your muscle groups to avoid muscle imbalances. For example, if you do bench press, make sure to do rows as well. This is because the bench press works your front delts, triceps, and chest. By doing rows, you hit the rear delts, biceps, and upper back - antagonist muscles to the ones used in the bench. There's obviously more to it, but this is the gist of it. Right now I do a push/pull split for upper body and legs has its own day.

For dieting, you can choose to track your calories or your macronutrients (protein, carbs, fats). However, in terms of gaining or losing weight it's simply how many calories you take in. For muscle gains, you'd need at least 0.5g of protein per pound (if you live in the US). Carbs are essential as well since they provide the energy for your muscles to work. Fats help produce hormones, etc.
PreciizeJul 1, 2014 12:23 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 1, 2014 12:33 PM

Jun 2008
Watch google videos.
Jul 1, 2014 12:54 PM

Apr 2014
become a vegan and run 5 miles a day. You'll get ripped.
Jul 1, 2014 12:54 PM

Jun 2014
yung-heezy said:
become a vegan and run 5 miles a day. You'll get ripped.

Jul 1, 2014 1:57 PM

Apr 2013
Plate said:
Lift heavy things. Keep lifting heavy things until you can lift heavier things and then lift those.

Literally the simplest way to do stuff. I use to do weights with my bed. just had to watch out not to cut my head off if it dropped on me
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