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Dec 9, 2013 6:54 PM
Oct 2012
Jyuu-niDesu said:
Kongo gets quadruple the screentime as the main anti-villain than in the manga, I-401 and I-400 in the manga has much much more expression,

Smart way to change the story, take a minor character and build them up as the main villains (or in this case villains). I knew Kondou was in for a nasty shock from the twins, said so last episode thread, but what a lovely way of doing it. Loved how the episode devoted enough time for her world to be crushed, what great foreshadowing they did last episode when they talked about Kondou's isolation and how Maya had been her source of strength when confronting Takao, Hyuuga, and Haruna, so for 400 and 402 to snatch this way from her, brilliant. This was also foreshadowing back in episode 3 when those two confronted Takao, I have a feeling there is a lot more about those two then they have yet shown. Once again, am curious how this is going to turn out.

As for the sister's expression. I think how they were portrayed here, given the story the animators decided to tell, was the right one. They were downright scary as they said what they did with such blank faces, to have given them any emotion I think would have taken away from how how awesome that scene was. They were cruel, and what is worse, they didn't feel a thing ripping those budding personality wings off of Kondou.

As for the need to build up Takao's personality. Maybe it might have made the "sacrifice" more poignant, but at the same time it might have tipped their hand about the merger. Did anyone expect that to happen? I didn't, and it made Iona's "recovery from the impossible situation" work. I also think that was the right decision, because as they pointed out, Takao isn't dead. Enough nanomachines and they can recover her. Plus I think that points to a clue about the last two remaining episodes. If nanomachines are so restricted, where exactly did the fog get their initial supply? This should probably be addressed together with whether or not 400 and 402 are the "Queen Fog". I had thought that after Kongou we would have a confrontation with the humans, but this leaves the Fog as the main episode before the beginning.

As for the decision to ditch the manga and do their own story. Repeating a broken record, but even more believe that was the right decision. We are going to get a conclusion, if this was the prelude, I am really looking for what this writer thinks is the climax.

Edit: Should add, Iona when she was circling around Gunzou, she was like a pet whose master had just died. Really well done, made the scene more touching.
Takuan_SohoDec 9, 2013 7:13 PM
Dec 9, 2013 7:03 PM
Dec 2013
this episode feels...

and poor Kongous after her debut in previous episode with so many odd angel shots, seems like everything turn against her now.
but if they can lock down Kongou to prevent her from sided with Gunzou, why didn't locked the other fleets?

Dec 9, 2013 7:09 PM

Dec 2013
After watching this episode, I was like shot by a barrage of Corrosive Tor-feel-does and sunk through the ocean of feels...

All those feels, Gunzou dying, Iona showing lots of emotions, Iona sacrificing herself for Gunzou and Takao sacrificing herself for both Iona and Gunzou. Gonna miss Takao T_T, no more tsundere class heavy cruiser... Hope they recover enough nanomaterials to restore her.
Dec 9, 2013 7:17 PM
Nov 2012
There is a little irony mement in episode 10. in the Aoki Hagane no Aperggio drama CD, Takao mumbled to herself on why there isn't a Takao-class submarine after seeing how Gunzou is giving all the aattention to Iona.

Well Dream come true Takao.
Dec 9, 2013 7:26 PM

Mar 2013
owh shit T^T poor Takao
Dec 9, 2013 7:28 PM
Jul 2012
Setsuna200 said:
A salute to Takao. May 401 sink 400 and 402.

^I second that.

nseika said:
Imagining a WW2 movie
400: Colonel, we're from the SS. You are arrested and to be waiting for execution.
Kongou: Under what reason !?
402: Suspicion of insubordination to the Fuhrer.


Aversa said:
This was a nice episode but the thing that really needs to be mentioned is the ending which was one of the best episodes endings i have seen in a while and definitely the best of this season in my opinion.

I completely agree with that. It was just done so right.

Everything about this episode was done so right. It was as if I could feel every one of the characters' individual emotions. Gunzou's will for Iona to survive and carry out the mission. Iona's distress from the dire situation and worrying about Gunzou. His crew and the rest aboard Takao worrying about the both of them. Even Kongou at the end. She must've felt betrayed. And her only friend was a mere puppet? Damn, that's harsh. But most of all, Takao sacrificing herself so Iona and Gunzou can both survive and be together, after realizing that she wouldn't be able to be with him, anyway. Much respect for Takao. And the soundtrack during that moment just drove the feelings home that much more. I swear, this is a very underrated anime. I'm not say it's the absolute best, but it's definitely one of the better ones of this season, and it's just being ignored by so many people. I hope it becomes more popular. There's definitely more content to the story, so it's gonna need at least a second season to deal with all the questions and further developments.
Dec 9, 2013 7:39 PM

Aug 2013
I did not expect any of that to happen OMG. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'd like to say thank you to this show's scriptwriters for deviating from the manga. This is easily one of the best episodes this season.

That moment when Takao laid on top of the life pod... T____T

And when Iona was crawling towards Gunzou, I think that was the first time I've seen her genuinely express emotions. are a tsundere among tsunderes. A cut above the rest. May you and Iona sink 400 and 402.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Dec 9, 2013 7:44 PM
Dec 9, 2013 7:45 PM

Mar 2013
Here... Have my Feelz T_T ...
Dec 9, 2013 7:48 PM

Oct 2013
Takao X Gunzou shippers ASSEMBLE!
Dec 9, 2013 8:04 PM

Sep 2013
Bloody hell no. Takao T_T omg this is such a revelation. Too shocking but yet well executed at the same time. 5/5

I've always... always been watching you... This whole time... Because you were there... That's why I was able to try hard. So you could have some balance! So you wouldn't treat me like a kid! So you would see me as an actual girl! Even while you were gone... You were right here! You were right here in my heart!
Dec 9, 2013 8:06 PM

Oct 2013
Takao ;____; but her core is still intact, right? She'd better come back, even if it's just in another stuffed animal.

Did Iona create herself as a coffin for Gunzou with her core beside him so that if he died before they were rescued, they would die together?
Dec 9, 2013 8:07 PM

Jun 2013
Dang, this felt like a final episode to me. Even though it wasn't. Everything just blew my mind.
Takao is gone T_T. Maya was a puppet being used to spy on Kongou. Iona's sister submarines are even more strict on the Admiralty Code than Kongou was.
Dec 9, 2013 8:08 PM

Jul 2013
This was far the best episode of this anime. From the first seconds, till the last ones it was perfect...
I can't stop rewatching it, and I can't even describe how nice it was either xD
Dec 9, 2013 8:09 PM

Oct 2012
I'm still not attached to this show. e_e
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Dec 9, 2013 9:10 PM
Nov 2013
I can't believe it's already ending in two weeks :( I hope they make a second season at least. Not enough people have died yet ;)
Dec 9, 2013 9:11 PM

Oct 2012
Dec 9, 2013 9:13 PM

Apr 2011
Dem feels man. Dem FEELZ!
Dec 9, 2013 9:19 PM

Aug 2008
Nooooooo! Takao! She was my fave! The most real one out of all the ships :(. I loved this ep but curse it all the same! 401 I expect to see major but kicking in the next 2 episodes !
Dec 9, 2013 9:28 PM
Jun 2013
Kongouuuuuuuuu no :( all of this coz 400,402 create maya, if not kongou sure join with iona.
that iona hybrid not suprise, anime logic LOL main char will comeback from dead n gain more power.

pity kongou now her with the pupet :( 2 more episode n still no info who is that admirality code! i rely hope kongou will join iona blue stell n want see again her super badass.

that 400 n 402 how come they can locked kongou @@
Dec 9, 2013 9:37 PM

Jan 2013
I dont even know what to say
Dec 9, 2013 9:40 PM
SetoMary Fanatic

Jun 2013
Takao :c

Dec 9, 2013 9:55 PM

Oct 2010
This episode.... The Feelz. I just lost myself in the Feelz.

Takao suddenly just shot up to seasonal number 1 character. The tears that she cried in frustration was such a emotional heart twist. Aoki Hagane is without a doubt the best anime this season in my mind.
Dec 9, 2013 10:03 PM
Feb 2012
Ryusha said:
Oh gosh... that feelsss.....
This eps still make me speechless and shaking 'till now. Was expecting about the emotion that Iona showed in order to save Gunzou, but Takao sacrificing... that thought still floating around in my head. Since we know, Takao is 2nd rate support character -you can say "background" character- and suddenly became like "main support" character, I only can say "WOW"... still can't believe it.
Giving 2 thumbs up for the change rate character to Takao. Through the last 3 eps, they gave such an unexpected change rate character on Takao in the last minutes right on the "drama" scene and the OST that can raise the feel, I can say its really a great idea.

For 400 and 402, I did hv a hunch since eps 3, that they're looks like admiral secretary or something like that and was talking about 401 -in their last monologue-. But still didn't expect their rank's higher than Kongou, and for Maya, in the first, I thought they like hacked Her circuit system, but after the explanation, its totally unexpected that she is only a "doll" in order to watch Kongou over.
Deep condolence for Kongou, in the midst of her being confused, she must lost someone who should be the one that is the most person'?' that will follow her 'till the end.

I'm totally looking forward for the next week eps. And I'm not regret it that I chose this Anime, one of the best Anime in this year. [Thumbs Up]

That and Maya not being a puppet and just hanging out with Haruna and Kirishima who are all kinda doing their own thing.
Dec 9, 2013 10:27 PM

Aug 2012
Well shit, that episode was amazing!

Dec 9, 2013 10:32 PM

Nov 2011
i demand a revival of takao
Hate Keeps me warm
Dec 9, 2013 11:07 PM

Jul 2012
That was spectacular! Then the moment when that that insert song kicked in. I actually had to watch that scene more than a few times. It's been a while since a scene captured me like that with a song. The last time was Tsubasa Chronicles ep 19 with the Jazz club singer. I still wish that song was would have been a single back then.

Edits! Found the song!
lanfireDec 10, 2013 11:45 AM
Dec 9, 2013 11:16 PM

Mar 2012
Wow. This episode was nothing short of amazing. The interaction between Gunzou and Iona, Takao's sacrifice, the revelation about Maya. The next two episodes are going to be epic.
Dec 9, 2013 11:17 PM

Jan 2013
Really well done atmosphere during this episode.
Salmon is delicious.
Dec 9, 2013 11:41 PM

Aug 2008
I was speechless. This is just so amazing. Everything.

Iona's mental has passed the most crucial evolution. Her interaction with Gunzou will be even more interesting from now on.
For Takao, I don't think she will be gone for good. If she at least left her core, there are rooms for restoration.
Kongou is going down Vegeta-route. She will either join the Blue Steel or rebel and stay a lone wolf seeking victorious against her arch-rival.
Dec 9, 2013 11:51 PM

Aug 2013
Wow, just WOW. Kongo.

Unrelated note - "Maya" in Sanskrit means "Illusion".

Unrelated note 2 - At the end of episode an equation suddenly flashes into my mind:
(400 + 402) - 401 = 401
Fuck you subs twins.
Dec 9, 2013 11:59 PM

Aug 2013
Dat FEELS... Now Iona understands what changed in her, and that was feelings..
Dat FEELS again, Takao's mental model is gone?
And I-401's merging with her fast battleship looks awesome!

Speaking of change, Kongou, looks like she'll be one of the blue fleet in the future episodes, will she? And she FEELS too, losing her only mate, Maya, DEM FEELS!

This episode was too heavy, so much feels...
Dec 10, 2013 12:04 AM

Jan 2013
Fantastic. Best episode of the season.
Amazing OST
Dec 10, 2013 12:14 AM

Apr 2012
Some series that I had high hopes for just went all wrong and this series that I had no expectations for has been a pleasant, pleasant surprise. Maya's stupidity actually has an explanation, Iona displays unexpected human emotions and Takao made me almost shed manly tears. I demand that every bit of nanomaterials in the planet is used to bring her back in all her majestic glory.
Dec 10, 2013 12:15 AM
Dec 2011

Did I-401 just turn into a Cold War era super sub? It looks like a Yamato class battleship + Giant sub.

Here's the math.
I-401+ Takao heavy cruiser= Super amazing badass looking Cruiser-battleship-submarine. It's basically a giant battleship that is also a submarine that has torpedoes and giant turrets. My god.

Poor Kongo. It's total mental breakdown for her. :P
Maya doesn't actually exist? WTF D:
AversaDec 10, 2013 2:45 PM
Dec 10, 2013 12:25 AM
Nov 2012
il-Palazzo said:
Wow, just WOW. Kongo.

Unrelated note - "Maya" in Sanskrit means "Illusion".

Unrelated note 2 - At the end of episode an equation suddenly flashes into my mind:
(400 + 402) - 401 = 401
Fuck you subs twins.

Unrelated note, Maya is also the programme that will be the bane of every 3D animators.
Dec 10, 2013 1:20 AM

Aug 2008
Wow, that was heavy, what not with Iona realizing humanity and Takao sacrificing herself like that.

I particularly felt sorry for Kongou, thought, as she struggled and wavered alot. It seems she is the battle maniac type, and got too passionate over her enemy too, shown when she wanted to take down 401 herself. More importantly, having her beliefs betray her, and discovering she didn't even have a friend (Maya) to talk to, must've put an overload on her mind (thought processes).
Dec 10, 2013 1:27 AM
Dec 2012
Great episode especially the ost and part about Iona and Chihaya, have no idea why the anime only have a score of 7.2x while lousier shows for this season have 7.6-7.7 on average.
Dec 10, 2013 1:31 AM

Apr 2008
Better than a binary Good/Bad score
il-Palazzo said:
Unrelated note - "Maya" in Sanskrit means "Illusion".
She's just a mountain near Kobe
Dec 10, 2013 2:04 AM

Jun 2012
Wow that was really good =o

Dec 10, 2013 2:56 AM
Oct 2013
this episode too damn epic! T^T
so many feels... and this episode make me more love Takao. She sacrifice herself for the one she love--Chihaya Gunzou. This is a true love T^T (although I support Iona x Gunzou than Takao x Gunzou. But she made me very salute T^T)
I hope Takao come back..
Can't wait the next episode!
**I hope this anime has more than 12 eps. T^T
Dec 10, 2013 4:37 AM

Sep 2008
Wow, just wow. What an episode.

Takao *sniff* T^T
But i'm sure she'll be able to come back, it has to be! It sounded like they just need some nanomaterials, to get them after some time shouldn't be such a big problem, so i'm sure she can be recovered.

And i wanna kick some 400/402 asses, damn never thought they would get that bitchy. Sinking Iona like that and also creating Maya as a simple emotionless doll for Kongou, holy moly.

However, this was such an incredible episode, i was speechless for a while after i finished it, I can't wait for the last two episodes to come out.
Just two more and then it'll be over, i honestly want them to continue and expand it to a 24 or 26 episode series :( i'll miss this show.

Shimohi said:
This anime is clearly underrated, and I wont blame the CG because it fits very well :/

Dibs, it's definitely underrated, i'm sure most of the bad ratings come from people who still cry about the CGI and dropped it after some eps or so. They're missing so much.
KarinyiaDec 10, 2013 5:04 AM
Dec 10, 2013 5:13 AM
Oct 2013
is it right place to ask " what chapter of manga in this episode ?"
cant wait for the next episode
Dec 10, 2013 5:18 AM

Aug 2013
dimasmozart said:
is it right place to ask " what chapter of manga in this episode ?"
cant wait for the next episode

The anime stopped following the manga at episode 7 I believe. Beyond that, it's completely anime-original.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Dec 10, 2013 5:28 AM

Feb 2012
BRING TAKAO BACK. DAMN IT. Why WHYYYY, of all possible mental models, Why does the story need to progress without your existence WHYYY? Fuck, She's the only reason why i'm watching this show aside from the awesome naval fleet battles. WHY TAKAO, WHY? WHY DO YOU NEED TO SACRIFICE YOURSELF? ;_______; You dont need to be jealous of Iona, you're more beautiful and sexy.

BRING BACK TAKAO IN ORDER FOR THIS ANIME TO BE SAVED. Damn, My adorable character is gooonnnneeee now T^T
Dec 10, 2013 5:33 AM

Apr 2012
Takao sacrificing herself... that background music didn't help! But at least now Iona is stronger and cooler :)
As for Kongou... wow I feel sorry for her now...
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

Dec 10, 2013 5:42 AM
Oct 2013
xchee said:
dimasmozart said:
is it right place to ask " what chapter of manga in this episode ?"
cant wait for the next episode

The anime stopped following the manga at episode 7 I believe. Beyond that, it's completely anime-original.

what the lastest ch that followed ? damn i just cant...

Dec 10, 2013 5:48 AM

Aug 2012
xchee said:
dimasmozart said:
is it right place to ask " what chapter of manga in this episode ?"
cant wait for the next episode

The anime stopped following the manga at episode 7 I believe. Beyond that, it's completely anime-original.
If that's really the case, then I like the way this season is handling original content that deviates from the source material. Whatever they're doing is working great. I hope other anime creators learn from this and can keep this up.
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Dec 10, 2013 6:08 AM

Oct 2009
gamer2710 said:
xchee said:
dimasmozart said:
is it right place to ask " what chapter of manga in this episode ?"
cant wait for the next episode

The anime stopped following the manga at episode 7 I believe. Beyond that, it's completely anime-original.
If that's really the case, then I like the way this season is handling original content that deviates from the source material. Whatever they're doing is working great. I hope other anime creators learn from this and can keep this up.

I agree.

The anime now is almost totally unrelated to the manga but I don't care, I think that this is one of the rare cases when original contents are well developed.
For me the anime is an "alternative story", I don't care if it's all original, it's interesting and awesome, I wish more anime with "original contents" was like this.
Dec 10, 2013 6:58 AM
Jan 2013
il-Palazzo said:

Unrelated note - "Maya" in Sanskrit means "Illusion".

Good catch dude. Given that I am from India, felt pretty much "duh" after I saw your comment since I totally spaced on that one. Though in my defense, I would admit I was reading about this instead which had my attention deviated:

She was as real a ship in this world as she is an illusion in the anime. Props to the anime story writers who very smartly fused both this particular ship with the unexpected twisted fate of being just an illusion and sharing a name that mirrors that dark irony. For a second I couldn't help but feel like laughing at Kongou for the shocking reward she was finally reaping by being a blind fangirl of the FOG. I mean the one true friend she thought she had was nothing more than a pre-programmed doll. But then eventually my good guy nature started surfacing and I felt even sadder than when Takao sacrificed herself. God damn I hope Kongou goes berserk and nails those twins to a cliff by teaming up with Iona.

Still doesn't make it easy to deal with the fact that Maya was nothing more than an empty husk for all that hyperactive girl she was. I should have packed heavy for this unexpected FEELS trip they pulled me into with this episode. A lot of hearts were broken... mine being one of them :(
LonerPrimeDec 10, 2013 7:18 AM
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