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Aug 24, 2008 1:57 PM

Apr 2008
Aionic said:
Changing the subject slightly for a second, I noticed that Emi has only watched the first 7 episodes of Code Geass R2. Does that mean we now have 3 people in this thread (including the guy who mentioned his happiness at finding someone who shares the same thoughts about S2) who aren't happy with the direction the series went in S2? If so, we should get someone to rename this thread to 'The anti-Code Geass S2' in order to start a war with the numerous Geass fanatics who love it no matter what. :D

I complained so much about S2 that I ended up getting into predictable weekly arguments with the regulars over on AnimeSuki. No-one else seemed bothered by the repeated content, the increase in fan service or the retarded plot twists. It frustrated the life out of me how everyone seemed happy with a sequel that, in my holy opinion, ruined the name of a wonderful series and ruined the chance of Code Geass ever being the best series ever.

Part of me will want to type up a review after I marathon it but I've complained so much about the first 8 episodes that I've ended up tiring myself out!

Well I'm still following because its so terrible (and I like the pretty mechas to be rather blunt about it), its great to see what sort of zany stuff Sunrise will use from their dartboard of possible plot directions.
Aug 24, 2008 2:17 PM

Jul 2008
You make some good points, and I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get to it. You can try watching Baccano and Darker than Black which aren't aimed towards kids. I am also disappointed in the fanservice in Code Geass R2, so I'm with you on that.
Aug 24, 2008 2:25 PM

Jun 2007
Darker than BLACK was amazing for the first six episodes. It handled the character introductions excellently, had great action and the dark episodic stories pulled me in. It's just a shame the series went south after the intro episodes, turning out to be a series like many others that attempts to trick the viewer into believing it's complex by not giving you any plot details and then turns out to have a paper-thin plot when the details are revealed. I was very disappointed with the series back when I watched it because I truly believed it was going to turn out to be something special...
Aug 24, 2008 2:31 PM
Jun 2007
Darker than Blacks ending:

Omedetou shinji! Omedaetou

Omedetou Shinji!

Aug 24, 2008 2:31 PM

Nov 2007
I have to agree with Darker than Black. I really liked teh series at the beginning, it had a lot of potential and I liked teh premise. It reminded me a lot of Witch Hunter Robin. But the main plot was disjointed and I felt like it was trying to be something it wasn't. I don't like calling anime "pretentious" but that's what DtB is to me.
Aug 24, 2008 2:43 PM
Nov 2007
I don't quite remember much about DtB, but apparently, it's really good

In any case, anime blogs are always a deep source of provocative material worth reading.
Aug 24, 2008 2:48 PM

Apr 2008
I had the same problems with Darker than Black. The premise is interesting, but it's a shame the storylines couldn't quite live up to it. I think it should have been called The Hei Show, since he hogs all the limelight and other characters and the main plot are not allowed to get attention whenever he's around.
Aug 24, 2008 3:01 PM

Jun 2008
You haven't watched any of the Gundams yet. Start watching them, in order of release, starting with the original series. That will probably make you like anime again.
I'm back.
Aug 24, 2008 4:35 PM

Mar 2007
Aionic said:
Changing the subject slightly for a second, I noticed that Emi has only watched the first 7 episodes of Code Geass R2. Does that mean we now have 3 people in this thread (including the guy who mentioned his happiness at finding someone who shares the same thoughts about S2) who aren't happy with the direction the series went in S2?

Hehe no, I have nothing against R2 (yet). I stopped watching because the wait between episodes drove me crazy. For series like this, I am better off collecting the whole thing and marathoning it (which is how I watched season 1). I am doing the same thing with Macross Frontier (which I love). I decided to collect and marathon.
I am also easily sidetracked from anime by live-action. I am in the middle of watching 27 different Asian dramas :)
Aug 24, 2008 7:49 PM

Jun 2007
MagicalEmi said:
Hehe no, I have nothing against R2 (yet). I stopped watching because the wait between episodes drove me crazy. For series like this, I am better off collecting the whole thing and marathoning it (which is how I watched season 1). I am doing the same thing with Macross Frontier (which I love). I decided to collect and marathon.
I am also easily sidetracked from anime by live-action. I am in the middle of watching 27 different Asian dramas :)

There goes my hopes of raising an army to combat the Geasstard Union...

I know what you mean - S2 had a cliffhanger ending in near enough every episode, which I'm sure would leave people who found themselves absorbed into what was happening frustrated again and again. I personally don't mind waiting for the more epic series to come out weekly; it gives me a little something extra to look forward to each week and gives me time to let the events of the previous episode sink in.

I was watching Macross Frontier alongside Code Geass R2. Although I found it enjoyable to watch, I ended up putting it on hold due to the sluggish pacing making it hard to enjoy as a weekly series. I'll probably marathon it at some point.
Aug 24, 2008 8:09 PM

Jul 2007
DarknessAngel said:
Guys ... sincerily ... go watch some TV shows or Movies
if u want to see some mature stuff ... id even be happy to recommand some TV shows that will keep you till the end of the year watching them and probably more ... anime are ment for <18 ... they cant make it to challanging for teenager minds since they watch anime to relax not to have a even harder time ...

... Which is why they have those seinen and josei demographics, aimed at 18-34 year old men and women. Fft, no one watches those.

Anime is not the exclusive domain of children. That much should be plainly clear to anyone here. As such, I don't see the contradiction in being sad that, despite anime being marketed to all ages, there seems to be a lack of more intelligent/deep/original/whatever types of storylines.
Aug 24, 2008 8:33 PM

Jun 2008
If you've outgrown them, why are you still here?
Aug 24, 2008 8:59 PM
Jun 2007
Ontario said:
If you've outgrown them, why are you still here?

Read the first line of my first post in this thread.

Aug 24, 2008 9:26 PM

Apr 2007
What's the opposite of out-growing? Regression? Whatever it is, that's what's happening to me. I tend to find myself watching stuff these days I would have turned a haughty, elitist nose to earlier in life. It probably doesn't help that I have deteriorating standards combined with a horrible memory, which lends to me being very easily entertained.

The Angel's Egg-watching me of the past probably wouldn't like the Strike Witches-watching me of the present.
Aug 24, 2008 9:36 PM

Jun 2007
Aionic said:
Animation studios trying to please kids/perverts instead of trying to make awe inspiring works of art.

You couldn't have said it better.
I have felt myself struggling to complete series more often now. That NEVER happened in the past, but this last year I have been feeling like I have watched everything anime has to offer (i mean of course I haven't but come on once you start predicting characters actions & plot "twists" perfectly...). All the stories seem to lack originality and are the same as the last one.

I mean I still love anime but sometimes it does get repetitive... >_> I don't want anime to be "MATURE", but original would be nice! =_=

magentaanbuAug 24, 2008 9:42 PM

Aug 24, 2008 9:56 PM

Nov 2007
While all of you discuss this trifling matter, I'll just keep on watching things not caring about anything. After all, I'm not looking for art, just for entertainment.

It's okay to be an inquisitive person, someone who likes to analyze things. But not being able to turn that off ends up being a weakness.
Aug 24, 2008 11:30 PM

Nov 2007
overfunk said:
While all of you discuss this trifling matter, I'll just keep on watching things not caring about anything. After all, I'm not looking for art, just for entertainment.

It's okay to be an inquisitive person, someone who likes to analyze things. But not being able to turn that off ends up being a weakness.
I agree. I am 23, soon to be twenty four, and know of people older than myself that still like and find interesting anime to wrap their brain muscles around. Its just a matter of searching for what you like. You cant be lazy and blame the medium for not fulfilling you. Find something else if anime and rpgs arent "doing it" for you. I dont like everything I have watched, but I still search because there are plenty of shows that surprise me, such as Gurren Lagann. Go watch live-action movies or read a book if you want some more easily attained, deeply intuitive content.
Aug 25, 2008 3:17 AM

Mar 2008
for me, i just wacth anime to be entertained. i enjoy all genres really, though i have to admit the whole "teenage main cast" thing has bothered me in the past.

for serious viewing, i prefer actual movies, mainly award nominated once where i can pay attention to the cinematography, themes, and script. (can't stand blockbusters, with some exceptions)

@thread starter - you talk about a lack of mature shows, but it seems you haven't even seen that many of those. you also prefer sorceery and swordfights, which just happens to be one of the most immature types of animes, with some exceptions. try legend of the galactic heroes, if you like maturity and seriousness, there is no way you won't enjoy it.
Aug 25, 2008 5:21 AM

Jun 2007
M_A said:
@thread starter - you talk about a lack of mature shows, but it seems you haven't even seen that many of those. you also prefer sorceery and swordfights, which just happens to be one of the most immature types of animes, with some exceptions. try legend of the galactic heroes, if you like maturity and seriousness, there is no way you won't enjoy it.

word.... you haven't even seen nhk?? gawwwd. haven'at seen honey clover either, maybe that fits your fill, wel ll I didnt like it but... you can't be aking these kinds of threads if all you wtach is popular crap that came out after 2001 or wahtever. isn't shingetsu tsukihime one of those "silly" anime yet you rate 7.
midori-Aug 25, 2008 5:25 AM

今はどんでん返しの時代ではない★너와 함께 했던 일상은
어느샌가 작은 영화속 풍경이되고 ☆
Aug 25, 2008 7:27 AM

Jun 2007
First of all, let me explain the reason for the title: On the forum where I posted this thread originally there was another thread with the same title as this, that thread being titled jokingly since it was actually about someone who recently started anime and found himself addicted. I stole his title for a better purpose; I didn't create it myself to offend easily offended individuals.

Secondly, there have been a few comments here questioning why I like swords and sorcery type of stories if I no longer enjoy playing RPGs. The answer to those people would be that I actually started watching anime because of RPGs, my first series being Star Ocean EX and my second being .hack//SIGN - It was my love of settings of a medieval sort that got me going in anime.

And, to answer another question about my liking swords and sorcery stuff, one poster said most of it is immature. While he/she isn't wrong, that's beside the point when the only truly mature series of that nature I recall rating highly is Berserk.

Now, moving onto the more pressing issues, I'll start with midori questioning why I gave Tsukihime what he perceives to be a high rating. In my mind a 7/10 means the series is watchable but at the same time largely forgettable, with 6/10 usually being the rating I tend to give to series I drop. What I watch has to be pretty damn awful to get lower than 6/10.

The next post to answer would be the one where someone described being critical as a weakness. People who are easily pleased are lucky in a way that I'm not not; I'm overly critical and very rarely find nothing to moan about. But, if the world only had people who are pleased with anything, no matter how stupid or kiddy, how would people by able to differentiate between stories that deserve high ratings because of their excellence/depth and stories that simply don't?

A problem I've noticed anime has (thanks to sites like this) is that people are happy to give anything that entertains them 10/10. They don't try to create constructive reviews that take flaws into consideration, instead only focusing on the good. This, sadly, is down to the amount of teens who watch anime in comparison to older anime fans - It's like asking only 13 year olds to create thoughtful reviews of films such as The Godfather.

If after reading all this you're assuming I have a high opinion of myself and think of myself as maturity personified you'd be wrong. I'm a guy like any other - I see boobs I get distracted, I see a cool fight sequence I enjoy it - The only difference being that I like to restrict myself to viewing series/movies that have more depth than a pond due to my critical nature.

I don't know about other guys but when, for example, I'm watching Code Geass and boobs start bouncing it distracts my simple male mind from everything else. It's like if I'm sitting in class and I'm near an attractive girl that's wearing a mini-skirt and revealing top - Instead of focusing on the important test, I find myself wondering what the colour of her panties are and going over all the possible sizes of her breasts. The same sort of distraction problem comes up (no pun intended!) if I'm watching Code Geass and Kallen starts bouncing around in next to nothing.

...Anyway, I think that's enough chatter for now. Let me end this by saying I know I haven't watched EVERY mature anime, it's simply the small amount in comparison to the immature anime out there that's worrying - I fear I'll eventually run out of stuff to watch. For now I'll be ok, with Emma and Mushishi on my soon to watch list, but as for the future...
AironicallyHumanAug 25, 2008 12:54 PM
Aug 25, 2008 7:33 AM

Oct 2007
aionic said:
It's like if you're sitting in class and you're near an attractive girl that's wearing a mini-skirt and revealing top - Instead of focusing on the important test, I find myself wondering what the colour of her panties are and going over all the possible sizes of her breasts.

LOOOOOOOL ... that kind of makes u a pervert if u cant keep your mind focused at important times ... everyman enjoys a girl with a great ass walking on the street in front of them ... but dont expect all to follow her all day long and dont go along with their business for that day ...
DarknessAngelAug 25, 2008 9:00 AM
Aug 25, 2008 8:59 AM

Jul 2008
Hmmm I outgrown movies!!! Don't remember when was movie able to catch my attention, I will get bored after 15 mins!!! Anime on other hand.....
Aug 25, 2008 9:45 AM

Jun 2008
Anime does have a lot of similiarities between most of the series. So moving on to something else is very possible. But most anime is geared towards a younger target audience (high schoolers and junior high school students). There are animes that are more mature, but they are fewer. So fewer geared towards an older target audience makes it more difficult to find a good series. So inevitably, you have moved on to watching what few series can satiate your hunger. Maybe someday, you will come back to enjoy the same anime that you once did. But it seems to me that you are in search of that same enjoyment of anime that you once had. And to find that, perhaps all you need is a break from anime that is geared towards the younger ones. Unfortunately, I don't have any recommendations to what exactly I think you are looking for.
But some of the more serious or a more mature target audience anime would be Black Lagoon, Death Note, GTO, Street Fighter II V, and Darker than Black.
Unfortunately, I dont think that is what you are looking for as I think you are still in search of something more serious. Perhaps try comic books, a lot of comic book series are geared towards an older audience and usually have a more serious tone to them.

Well hope this helps in some form! GL finding what you are looking for!
Aug 25, 2008 12:34 PM
Jul 2008
im quite new to animation, but isn't alot of anime derived from manga. obvcourse i don't kno exactly how much anime is taken from manga but;
manga = comics
i dnt know wat your thoughts are about comics but comics in my eyes are aimed at a premoninatley youth audience and this is probably why anime themes are the way that they are and anything moving away from the more "obvious" anime/manga themes would be considered a niche market when talking about anime as a whole.

i think its quite obvious that there are gonna b less animes with adult themes, the reason why there are so many animes with shounen charecteristics is because these are the most popular, these anime/manga creations arn't cheap to create so unless alot more people share the same view as your self creating a greater need for your "genre" of anime this industry will always be creating anime for the same audience, which i think is jut fine

bottom line is anime is known for creating alot of shounen related stories, dnt bitch about. if you want to "watch" a media that has alot of adult themes maybe you should try something other than anime

Aug 25, 2008 12:40 PM

Jul 2007
This is why I watch as many different genres of anime as possible. If I get into a bit of a rut, I watch something I normally wouldn't.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Aug 25, 2008 12:46 PM

Oct 2007
After skimming this thread, the only thing I can say is you need to watch Touch, though I have a feeling you may not like it. You've watched 150ish series and you're saying you can't find anything not aimed at children? Either your tastes are picky or you're not looking around enough.

I mean there are lots of movies and TV shows that cater to young and older audiences, so I wonder how picky you are about those? If you really think you've outgrown anime, then just don't bother watching it anymore or something. It's really just another form of entertainment afterall.
Aug 25, 2008 12:46 PM

Apr 2008
I'm getting fed up of people here saying "if you prefer adult themes, don't watch anime". If we didn't want to watch anime we wouldn't be on this site. And it's not like we don't watch other stuff as well. I like live-action and Western animation as well, and like anime they have some shows targeted towards children, and some towards adults.

Although it's hard to argue that most of the more popular anime are shounen series, the fact is there is a market for older audiences which is sadly being neglected. Shows like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop and Serial Experiments Lain all managed to become very popular despite being adult-themed, so it's not like seinen is some sort of niche genre.
Aug 25, 2008 12:48 PM

Oct 2007
Here's a show for everyone ... Jigoku Shoujo ... the stuff you see there will surely get you thinking a bit ...
Aug 25, 2008 12:48 PM
Jun 2007
Napalmbrain said:

Although it's hard to argue that most of the more popular anime are shounen series, the fact is there is a market for older audiences which is sadly being neglected. Shows like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop and Serial Experiments Lain all managed to become very popular despite being adult-themed, so it's not like seinen is some sort of niche genre.

Target audience is not a genre. Seinen is not a genre. And Eva and Bebop were definitely aimed at a young audience.

Aug 25, 2008 12:55 PM

Apr 2008
AnimusNathan said:
Napalmbrain said:

Although it's hard to argue that most of the more popular anime are shounen series, the fact is there is a market for older audiences which is sadly being neglected. Shows like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop and Serial Experiments Lain all managed to become very popular despite being adult-themed, so it's not like seinen is some sort of niche genre.

Target audience is not a genre. Seinen is not a genre. And Eva and Bebop were definitely aimed at a young audience.

Did you miss all the violence, nudity, and despair in Eva or something? I know kids go nuts over that stuff, but typically that's a sign of an adult target audience. As for Bebop, maybe it's not a seinen series, but it's certainly not targetted at kids (it too had a fair bit of violence).

And I don't care about the semantics of whether seinen is a genre of not.
Aug 25, 2008 12:56 PM

Jun 2007
AnimusNathan said:
Target audience is not a genre. Seinen is not a genre. And Eva and Bebop were definitely aimed at a young audience.

All he said was that the shows mentioned had adult themes, which is true. He never said those shows were aimed at adults.

Show a kid Evangelion and see how many religious references he/she manages to understand.
Aug 25, 2008 1:02 PM

Jul 2007
Aionic said:

Show a kid Evangelion and see how many religious references he/she manages to understand.

Show a kid Evangelion and see if he/she cares, and yes you can understand Eva without understanding Christianity. The Japanese sure can.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Aug 25, 2008 1:05 PM

Jun 2007
Whether a kid cares or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that NGE has adult themes running through it, which you yourself unintentionally admitted by arguing it doesn't matter as long as a kid can ignore those adult themes.
Aug 25, 2008 1:15 PM

Dec 2007
I had stopped really watching anime a lot a couple of years ago, I started watching again last October and now have watched more than ever. Although, in that period there was a time where I thought that I had watched all of the good shows out there and was left with only the mediocre at best.

Aug 25, 2008 1:22 PM

Jul 2007
Aionic said:
Whether a kid cares or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that NGE has adult themes running through it, which you yourself unintentionally admitted by arguing it doesn't matter as long as a kid can ignore those adult themes.

As did just about every show I watched as a kid, including the cartoons. Adult themes does not equal adult programming.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Aug 25, 2008 1:33 PM

Jun 2007
Splitter said:
Aionic said:
Whether a kid cares or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that NGE has adult themes running through it, which you yourself unintentionally admitted by arguing it doesn't matter as long as a kid can ignore those adult themes.

As did just about every show I watched as a kid, including the cartoons. Adult themes does not equal adult programming.

I'm not suggesting a story with adult themes is aimed at adults. My initial post was quoting someone who misunderstood what Napalm was saying and I was simply trying to explain what he was saying to the poster I quoted.

Generally speaking, a story is aimed at people who are at around the same age as the majority of the main characters in that story.
Aug 25, 2008 1:46 PM

Apr 2007
Aionic said:

Generally speaking, a story is aimed at people who are at around the same age as the majority of the main characters in that story.

I'd recommend watching the commercials in the show. They almost always tell the tale of whom it's really aimed at. Timeslot is also indicative to a degree.
Aug 25, 2008 3:25 PM
Jun 2007
Random christian references that Anno threw in because he thought they were "cool" does not equal "adult themes."

And you have to understand that nudity and violence are not as shunned in Japan as they are in most Western Culture. The only "shunning" they do is censorship in pornography and pornographic art.

For instance, the most popular show among elementary school students in Japan awhile back was KANOKON, aired on saturday mornings. Try showing Kanokon on saturday mornings to a bunch of North American kids. Soccer moms would hit the roof. In Japan its just overlooked as silly.

Aug 25, 2008 3:37 PM

Apr 2008
AnimusNathan said:
Random christian references that Anno threw in because he thought they were "cool" does not equal "adult themes."

And you have to understand that nudity and violence are not as shunned in Japan as they are in most Western Culture. The only "shunning" they do is censorship in pornography and pornographic art.

For instance, the most popular show among elementary school students in Japan awhile back was KANOKON, aired on saturday mornings. Try showing Kanokon on saturday mornings to a bunch of North American kids. Soccer moms would hit the roof. In Japan its just overlooked as silly.

Are you sure it's not just because... teenage boys tend to like that sort of thing? Grand Theft Auto is an adult video game series, but that doesn't stop kids playing it.
Aug 25, 2008 3:38 PM
Jun 2007
Napalmbrain said:

Are you sure it's not just because... teenage boys tend to like that sort of thing? Grand Theft Auto is an adult video game series, but that doesn't stop kids playing it.

It was aired on Saturday mornings. Japanese Kids watch their favorite cartoons on saturday mornings.

Aug 25, 2008 3:41 PM

Apr 2008
AnimusNathan said:
Napalmbrain said:

Are you sure it's not just because... teenage boys tend to like that sort of thing? Grand Theft Auto is an adult video game series, but that doesn't stop kids playing it.

It was aired on Saturday mornings. Japanese Kids watch their favorite cartoons on saturday mornings.

Doesn't matter anyway. Kanokon is a goofy ecchi comedy aimed at teenagers, whereas NGE is more of a serious, brutal anime.
Aug 25, 2008 3:43 PM
Jun 2007
Napalmbrain said:

Doesn't matter anyway. Kanokon is a goofy ecchi comedy aimed at teenagers, whereas NGE is more of a serious, brutal anime.

Lol, NGE is a super robot anime with slightly more realistic mechs. It is not "serious and brutal." And Kanokon was aimed at children, I've explained this to you.

Aug 25, 2008 3:50 PM

Apr 2008
AnimusNathan said:
Napalmbrain said:

Doesn't matter anyway. Kanokon is a goofy ecchi comedy aimed at teenagers, whereas NGE is more of a serious, brutal anime.

Lol, NGE is a super robot anime with slightly more realistic mechs. It is not "serious and brutal." And Kanokon was aimed at children, I've explained this to you.

NGE spoilers:
Aug 25, 2008 3:59 PM
Jun 2007
Napalmbrain said:

NGE spoilers:

Not really that different than say Nadesico where Gai gets shot and Akito has to psychologically overcome it. Or Tekkaman Blade where:

Aug 25, 2008 4:19 PM

Aug 2008
meh, i've only been watching anime for a couple of years tops, before that all i saw was DBZ, i really haven't put much of a dent into all that anime has to offer yet, the idea of getting sick of it anytime soon? ridiculous :)
Aug 25, 2008 4:22 PM

Jun 2007
Let me say this: Even if NGE is kids series, I'd have no issue with anime if more were like that.

If you don't consider Evangelion, a series where a character gets mutilated (off-screen, obviously), the main character masturbates over an unconscious character and the plot becomes so complex towards the end no-one truly understands it fully, what do you consider to be a kids material and what do you consider to be adult material?

The line between kid and adult material isn't clear. For example, if you're saying violence/lots of death doesn't make something adult then you must consider live-action movies like Pulp Fiction the perfect type of film for a 10 year old to see. It's all down to opinion if you ignore the age ratings given.

NGE dealt with both teenage characters and adult characters, although there were more teenagers. It wasn't presented in a kiddy way with cheap fan service, constant school humour and needless violence - It was presented in the way people in this thread want to see anime; without all the childish rubbish that degrades anime far too often.

Once again, let me point out I'm not saying NGE was aimed only at adults. With NGE I think it's fairly clear with the lack of constant unfunny jokes and boob shots that it was created for everyone, not focusing on any age in particular. Aside from making the usual effort to allow teenagers to connect by using a young main cast, I saw nothing in the direction of the series to indicate it was aimed only at children.
Aug 25, 2008 4:33 PM

Mar 2008
an anime doesn't need violence to be mature. it needs themes that only mature individuals will understand or notice. like evangelion, for example. if you care to, there are many things to break down and analyze in it that a kid won't even realise were there.
Aug 25, 2008 5:00 PM

Mar 2008
Ahaha, this post got silly-serious quickly. I can't read all that bickering.

@OP: I know what you mean about being exhausted with the anime that's around. I'm experiencing that in turns, even though I try to be picky about things these days. As dumb as it is, I am kind of in this for the art; I love animation that has a lot of care in it, and stories that someone has obviously worked really, really hard on. There's nothing wrong with wanting something more for enjoyment, same as how there's nothing wrong with wanting to shut down in order to enjoy something brainless. But it's important to remember that it's all according to taste. Me, I really don't like shutting down for brainless entertainment, because I get distracted and would really rather read or something. A way that I've found is a pretty nifty way of finding new, interesting things is to go to Anime News Network and search for "underrated" series. They're the ones with really high ratings from a less people, and while that turns up a lot of older, classic stuff, I've also found some really nice movies and things, like Nitaboh and 5 Centimeters Per Second.

Anyway, my point is, I understand the dilemma and I feel [at least a little of] your pain.
Aug 25, 2008 7:28 PM

Nov 2007

So tell me what (anime or non anime realated) shows you think are mature? Oh and old men tend to like boobs too you know so its not an age thing, that is more a gender thing :)

Aug 25, 2008 11:45 PM

Jul 2007
This thread is funny :D To expect fulfillment beyond simple excitement and with luck, a bit of intelligent contemplation from pop culture like anime is like expecting Britney Spears to be singing opera some time soon.

Anyway, I think it helps if you watch less anime to keep yourself from getting jaded. It sure works for me.
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