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No. 6
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Aug 5, 2011 8:18 PM
Jan 2009
This is not what I thought it was going to be and it just keeps getting more disappointing with each episode.

I thought it'd be a psychological anime with some action--escaped con and all but it's turning out to be a mushy shounen ai. And killer bees? Really, come on. The 1st couple of episodes were promising and I ignored the signs for a while. But whatever, the bees/action/matrix like real and fake worlds has become a backdrop to the fact that Shion doesn't understand he's gay and Rat in denile. Now I don't mind shounen ai but the plot has gone stale, where they could've done so much--even with killer bees.

We're halfway through so I'm going to stick it out and hope for my action and as someone else put it dystopia, and Rat was a very pretty woman, He tries to seem like he'd be the seme but I bet he's really the uke. I wish they'd get it on already so we can get back to the plot.
Aug 5, 2011 10:06 PM

Feb 2010
Okay, now I understand how people don't like the fact that there are shounen-ai hints and people really want get into the plot and all or want Shion to stay straight and their last hope is found in Saku...but I actually feel neutral about her.

She seems like an odd girl. Boys obviously found her to be a total nerd so Shion was her only friend when they were young (I think...) and when she asked him if they could have sex (in that 'weird' way of her's) I nearly had a mental breakdown.

I find it quite horrifying when an innocent and open-minded character like Shion gets asked a question like that. It freaking scares me thinking about him doing indecent acts. With anyone!. So I just see her as plain weird.
If Saku and Shion end up together...I won't be against it but I wouldn't be for it either because..well..SHE'S JUST SO...ODD!


Also with the fangirl vs. people against the shounen-ai fight...please, guys just drop it. -__-'

To fangirls: Say what you want to say. If someone says something that is against your beliefs or your likings, leave it. Don't try to retaliate because they obviously don't like BL and you aren't going to convince them into liking it. They can think what they like. They aren't right...heck no one is right for all I know. You like BL and you can express what you want. Just please...notch it down a bit if you're bothering someone and try to avoid bashing Saku. Some people like her and when you tell her to die it really sounds immature and hurts other people.

To people against it: I'm not telling you to leave them alone since you can freely express your feelings towards the shounen-ai in the anime, but don't try to bring the blame upon fangirls. It really isn't their fault that their eyes rest only upon the boy love. It's probably hard for you guys to understand and I know some of them are really into the whole NezmuixShion thing (I believe that's how they do the yaoi pairings...SemexUke? Correct me if I'm wrong). Anyways, if a fangirl squeals or expresses his/her happiness to a certain 'scene' and you find it 'immature' or 'whatever', try to keep it to yourself. You don't need to tell them they are acting like complete idiots. They probably already know that they're acting a 'little' overboard but bashing or saying something rude about boy love is hurting them.
You're free to put your comments on how the shounen-ai is a hindrance and they get the freedom to express their gratitude towards seeing the shounen-ai parts.

Can we all just stop fighting? It's a pointless battle because no one wins. It's like one group of people trying to protect and back-up their love for yaoi by proving the other group wrong while the other group keeps throwing more insults at them so the fangirl group throws stuff at the other group and it's just a cycle. It never stops because in the end, people will still not like the shounen-ai and people will still like the yaoi. You can complain, but convincing another person will be quite impossible.
Nobody likes to be proved wrong, especially in something they feel strongly for or against.
Aug 5, 2011 10:36 PM

Jul 2007
oh, my.... the dancing...


forgive me, but I can't stop myself smiling from ear to ear and unconsciously waiting "kissing" scene from the moment Sion tries to wake Nezumi up ;p
Aug 6, 2011 1:30 AM
Mar 2011
Orulyon said:

Yes, Shion and Nezumi are still best friends for now, apparently straight, but you dont know if one of them is gay and has feelings for the other, do you? and btw, Albus Dumbledore was gay, although he has Harry as a straight best friend. J.K rowling said it long ago. ( -just google it, kay...

Reply: Im not so blind that I could miss something so radical as that event. Im absolutely aware that she said that, publicly. But it was never really made clear in the books that he was gay. He said he cared about harry but he never said he wanted to make love to him. Many people believed that JK thought the whole up on the spot or thought of that idea after she had wrote all all the books just to increase the target audience and groups of people who who give more money to Harry Potter Universe. Therefore im talking about the relationship of Harry and Dumbledore before JK rowling stated the riducalous (hp pun), or if you would, how about when Harry is a first year. Atleast at this point there is no way Albus would be in love with Harry here because if he was, it would make him a pedophile in which case he'd be an awful character.

Orulyon said:

So if it has an amazing plot, but the guys there turn out to be gay, you´ll drop it? lol.
ok, ok, everyone has the right to choose;D whatever makes u happy, ofc. i dont mind people dropping it because its "gay", what i do mind is people doing that and criticizing people who love it. that´s wrong, man.

Reply: I simply meant that i was so into this anime not being two boys in love that if it did happen i would be forced to give up on it as i would have lost to the millions of fan girls who i denied. I'm not criticizing people who love Boy Love. Im criticizing the people who warp this anime out of proportions and ruined it for the sake of giddy perverted pleasure.

Orulyon said:

racked? lol. I think everyone has a bad image of Yaoi fangirls, but that´s simply because the non- yaoi fans will never understand us. (no, let me reformulate the quote, they will never TRY to understand us).
Just because we love yaoi doesnt mean we will go flame every person who doesnt like yaoi. It might happen, or it might not happen like in every other genre. Everyone is free to like what they want, right. in fact, yaoi haters flame more yaoi lovers than yaoi lovers flame them. Is it like a crime to love a relationship between two guys? =_=
We have the right to spread our love.

Reply: You're definitely right about us never trying to understand fan girls... but the reason i won't is because i dont get why 2 boys making out would make them so joyous. It isn't just that though. I also dont see why some men obsess over women touching or kmaking out as well. I guess its a refined taste or something. I also think that im a bit of a right winger in the sense that i prefer to see a guy and a girl together instead of it with two guys or two girls. However, like i said up in my rant before: I don't have a problem with gays/lesbians. Thats something you seemd to miss. I just would rather see guys and girls. This is also a contributor to why i spoke out about No. 6 being an anime of friends ands not gay lovers. Im not a yaoi hater or what ever the word is for a guy who likes girl love. But im someone who doesnt comprehend them and is agitated constantly by them as they ruin this show for me whilst i try to get past this anime producers' "misleading" events and comments in the show and keep it envisioned as a "straight" series.

Oh and btw, please explain to me what "ofc" means. Is it: Open Food Challenge? or mabye: Other Female Character?
Aug 6, 2011 1:41 AM
Mar 2011
epiklow said:

Ahh, but with all the BL fanservice, can you really expect us not to ship them? I think the producers knew quite well that their audience would be crazy about the whole ShionxNezumi thing too, seeing they show a whole lot of fanservice rather than the plot itself..
Of course, I do admit that majority of the people who want Nezumi and Sion to get it on and are just watching this anime for just that reason are mehh... and should look for another anime for that.
As for your endgame theory.. Heh.. heh... (;

Reply: hm.. can you explicate on what you mean by "ship" them? And I have to agree that those damned producers knew what would happen with all the "misleading" (in my opinion) events happenning in the all the episodes so far. They piss me off for that. But atleast they're producing a good and ms=ysterious plot so far.
Aug 6, 2011 2:27 AM
Jul 2011
T3rm1n4t0r2 said:
epiklow said:

Ahh, but with all the BL fanservice, can you really expect us not to ship them? I think the producers knew quite well that their audience would be crazy about the whole ShionxNezumi thing too, seeing they show a whole lot of fanservice rather than the plot itself..
Of course, I do admit that majority of the people who want Nezumi and Sion to get it on and are just watching this anime for just that reason are mehh... and should look for another anime for that.
As for your endgame theory.. Heh.. heh... (;

Reply: hm.. can you explicate on what you mean by "ship" them? And I have to agree that those damned producers knew what would happen with all the "misleading" (in my opinion) events happenning in the all the episodes so far. They piss me off for that. But atleast they're producing a good and ms=ysterious plot so far.

Ship refers to pairing together characters, I don't know how it came about, all I know is it means they support Shion x Nezumi as a pairing, and right now the plot doesn't really seem to be developing fast, so it's hard to tell if this is really mysterious or not.

EarlCiel I agree with you there, the fighting should stop but might I add I don't think many were fighting, I was just standing up for people dropping, I believe someone tried to indirectly bash to I countered and then had some fun debating.

Right now there seems to be some peace between the factions, but I'm sure it will kick off in the next episode thread, so I recommend you try and say your words as it happens, maybe it'll stop the senseless bashing, I do hope some plot can be discussed though

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Aug 6, 2011 2:29 AM
Jul 2011
Tanrim said:
SkyHigh said:

Tanrim do you really think Nezumi will get over his hatred for No.6 clearly there is something that he isn't telling us that contributes to his hatred, I think part of why both Safu and Nezumi collapsed could be the reason, and that it's tied in with that tower in No.6.

Don't really expect him to stop hating the power behind the city but the innocent people that probably don't have anything to do with what he's so mad about, maybe. So far the every day citizen really doesn't seem to be guilty of much other than ignorance which last I checked isn't a capital offense. We'll have to wait and see, though.

True but Nezumi doesn't seem to care if they are innocent or not, I believe in his mind he believes all those who inhabit No.6 are guilty of ignorance and that if they don't see what's in front of them they deserve to die, maybe he has a specific grudge, but either way i don't see Nezumi changing much, maybe Shion will use that influence of his to get Nezumi to change his way of thinking though.

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Aug 6, 2011 2:34 AM
Jul 2008
Aug 6, 2011 3:23 AM
Jul 2011
skyexero said:
My prediction for next episode .

You sir/miss have just made my day hahahaahaha, but I really hope that doesn't happen.

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Aug 6, 2011 4:09 AM
Jul 2011
er, can we talk about the production values for a sec? because man, this episode was SO PRETTY. idk what kind of acid trip shion and nezumi went on while they were dancing but the backgrounds were beautiful. a couple of bits were so fluid(ly animated. shion you suck at ballroom. practice more ok?). 'eve' was ravishing. safu's stained glass bees were beautiful. no. 5 was beautiful.

seriously, i forgive this show for many things because it's so easy on the eyes.

about nezumi being all happy about the deaths of innocent people: dude, not cool. but i understand how hatred can blind people. his reasons do run deep, i think--see all those darn crosses in the OP, don't they look like grave markers? besides, being concerned about the fate of strangers falls under his definition of 'excess baggage' doesn't it? the only exception is shion and that's because shion
1.) saved him when he was most vulnerable, therefore slipping under nezumi's emotional shield
2.) keeps on attempting to get close. real close.


FINALLY MORE PLOT ACTION. not as much as i'd like, but hey. next ep looks like it'll more than make up for it (but they're already halfway done auuuughh ;__;)

safu you continue to be CUTE and ADORABLE and i love you so much. please be in all upcoming episodes, haters to the left. i'm so sorry about your grandma, and i am very very curious about your shared hallucination (if this is not explained i will throw a hissy fit) and HOW the hell did you know about nezumi (HISSY FIT IMPENDING)?

shion, you still seem dumbed down, which is a shame because i like your novel personality. but hey at least you're cute. *ruffles hair*

nezumi you are the fairest of them all. and have i mentioned how much i love that you're a stage brat? it, like, makes your character 150% more appealing to me than the average 'cool angry revenge-seeker guy.' please never stop with the spontaneous dramatics.

PS: the dance scene (among others) makes me feel conflicted.
one one hand: UGH MORE FANSERVICE. dammit bones, you could have used this time to advance the plot OR done slashy scenes with informative dialogue in them!!!
on the other hand: YUM MORE FANSERVICE! ahhhh, such a pretty moment, and so much squee!!
Aug 6, 2011 4:22 AM
May 2011
This whole episode - No homo though

Aug 6, 2011 4:28 AM
Jul 2011
TheInsaneKitsune said:
This whole episode - No homo though

Aug 6, 2011 5:14 AM
Jul 2011
Considering the 2 guys are the only main characters unless the manga and anime change the story as it is based on a novel I would label it shonen ai they only care for each other and they kiss twice in the novel but some try to play that off as innocent too even though it was on the mouth. I love this Anime and shonen ai and yaoi ;) Not sure if the anime will ad the kiss scenes, or ad more to it, or lessen it, depends what they are going for but shojo or shojie can contain bl realationships.
Aug 6, 2011 5:15 AM

Mar 2010
I think the bees have changed Sion's body so he is superfast.. faster than Nezumi.. more beastlike.

The dance was seriosuly WTF but the end was thrilling.. Shion really does have some secret power.
Aug 6, 2011 5:21 AM
Jul 2011
Lylaaz said:
I think the bees have changed Sion's body so he is superfast.. faster than Nezumi.. more beastlike.

The dance was seriosuly WTF but the end was thrilling.. Shion really does have some secret power.

I suspected something was up with Shion strength wise since last episode when he attacked the pimp, he moved way too fast and completely overpowered a full grown adult without them struggling at all due to completely immobilising, that's very hard to do, and well Shion has no training or fighting experience so something must of happened to his physiology besides just changing hair colour, eye colour and getting red marks.

I am curious as to what it is though.

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Aug 6, 2011 6:27 AM

Jun 2008
T3rm1n4t0r2 said:
Im criticizing the people who warp this anime out of proportions and ruined it for the sake of giddy perverted pleasure.

SkyHigh said:
Lylaaz said:
I think the bees have changed Sion's body so he is superfast.. faster than Nezumi.. more beastlike.

The dance was seriosuly WTF but the end was thrilling.. Shion really does have some secret power.

I suspected something was up with Shion strength wise since last episode when he attacked the pimp, he moved way too fast and completely overpowered a full grown adult without them struggling at all due to completely immobilising, that's very hard to do, and well Shion has no training or fighting experience so something must of happened to his physiology besides just changing hair colour, eye colour and getting red marks.

I am curious as to what it is though.

i agree. Its so mysterious. I bet Shion has some "special thing" in is DNA or something... Red eyes and tattoo are not common on the others who died.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Aug 6, 2011 7:17 AM

Feb 2010
Orulyon said:

i believe you´re totally right:) your comments make all the sense and are very true.
but as for me, i never tried to make anyone like yaoi (that´s impossible), my posts are merely trying to suggest to yaoi dislikers to dont comment yaoi comments made by fangirls, bashing us fangirls for what we like.
We are excessive sometimes, its true. (gomen). But it makes us happy to talk about it to the other yaoi fans, so all i ask is respect;D

i hope i never fight with anyone, i prefer to debate over things ^.^

Thank you!
I understand that you are trying to protect and back-up what you believe in. The people who are making rude comments on that do deserve a little lecture if they dropped so low that it clearly insults you.
If that happens then you can give them a little lecture about being civilized and keeping their 'hate' to a lower level, but if they keep retaliating and going against what you say, just give it up and carry on with your life. Don't
waste your breath on something that will never end, because you may tell them your opinions, but they'll probably disagree with them, again. And it goes on. Same for the other side. If you keep saying mean things about the fangirls, you'll get a lecture. Don't waste your breath .

They can bash you, but they can't take away your privilege to talk about the shounen-ai in this anime. People who bash the fangirls probably don't mean to hurt you, but they're probably just frustrated with this anime. Imagine there was suddenly yuri in this anime or something. Wouldn't it seem...disgusting to you? Right?
Wouldn't it seem...strange? That's exactly how some guys feel and
I think that everyone needs to understand each side.

I can tell that you like to debate ^^
You're really good at it and I fully respect your opinion.
I also respect the opinions of others too, people should learn to respect the opinions of others and maybe take it into consideration. I find that to be a wonderful technique.
Aug 6, 2011 7:19 AM
Jul 2011
Orulyon said:
i agree. Its so mysterious. I bet Shion has some "special thing" in is DNA or something... Red eyes and tattoo are not common on the others who died.

However that would be kind of cheesy or too Cliché, if anything I believe Safu and Nezumi have something different because they both like collapsed at the same time, maybe it's the survivors who get such markings, like maybe the bee's like heighten someones peak physical performance then lower it drastically as if they are rapidly aging the person, they would of course hit peak physical performance, or maybe higher since these are mysterious bees, if anything I believe it could be down to the fact that he survived, his body has created some form of anti-body against the bees (just random conjecture) and this has had an influx in his bodies physiology.

Ok this is just guessing but it COULD be possible.

EarlCiel said:

They can bash you, but they can't take away your privilege to talk about the shounen-ai in this anime. People who bash the fangirls probably don't mean to hurt you, but they're probably just frustrated with this anime. Imagine there was suddenly yuri in this anime or something. Wouldn't it seem...disgusting to you? Right?
Wouldn't it seem...strange? That's exactly how some guys feel and
I think that everyone needs to understand each side.

I can tell that you like to debate ^^
You're really good at it and I fully respect your opinion.
I also respect the opinions of others too, people should learn to respect the opinions of others and maybe take it into consideration. I find that to be a wonderful technique.

I think you're wasting your time their Earl in regards to the Yuri, I asked the same thing last episode thread to some degree, she watches it, or has at least watched it, she has also debated that love between any combination of genders is beautiful.

I agree we should all learn to respect, and thats why people like you, Orulyon and I (at times) have debated such an issue, but I prefer standing up for those who wish for perfectly plausible reasons, like you mentioned with your Yuri example and then relating it for Yaoi to men, so I try to make the fangirls respect the droppers, then the fangirls get angry at me 0.o hmm is there any way to resolve such a crisis?

Easy, just never care what anyone else says to some degree, lets the fangirls squeal (please not too obssessively, it can really put people off the anime who don't think theres a plot due to the over the top fangirling, it also degenerates most plot discussion, this is a wish, not a command!) and let the haters hate and don't respond to them, and let the people dropping drop it without insulting them and everything would be fine.

But who am I kidding as if that's ever going to happen. :(
SkyHighAug 6, 2011 7:27 AM

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Aug 6, 2011 7:32 AM
Jun 2011
It was a very interesting episode, the pacing is slow despite the fact the show is going to be wrapped up relatively soon.
Aug 6, 2011 7:48 AM

May 2010
This is a disguised shounen ai?
Aug 6, 2011 7:50 AM
Jul 2011
Confucius said:
This is a disguised shounen ai?

No, how could you ever say something so absurd!

There is no attempt at disguising, this is Shounen-Ai, if you don't get that by now you are delusional, or maybe BONES are going for the whole shounen-ai angle and are ignoring the plot in favour of fanservice.

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Aug 6, 2011 8:28 AM

Jun 2010
All I can remember is the random dancing scene and random faint scene.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 6, 2011 9:15 AM

Feb 2010
SkyHigh said:

I think you're wasting your time their Earl in regards to the Yuri, I asked the same thing last episode thread to some degree, she watches it, or has at least watched it, she has also debated that love between any combination of genders is beautiful.

I agree we should all learn to respect, and thats why people like you, Orulyon and I (at times) have debated such an issue, but I prefer standing up for those who wish for perfectly plausible reasons, like you mentioned with your Yuri example and then relating it for Yaoi to men, so I try to make the fangirls respect the droppers, then the fangirls get angry at me 0.o hmm is there any way to resolve such a crisis?

Easy, just never care what anyone else says to some degree, lets the fangirls squeal (please not too obssessively, it can really put people off the anime who don't think theres a plot due to the over the top fangirling, it also degenerates most plot discussion, this is a wish, not a command!) and let the haters hate and don't respond to them, and let the people dropping drop it without insulting them and everything would be fine.

But who am I kidding as if that's ever going to happen. :(

Ahh, I see. Personally, Yuri scares the heck out of my because..well, yeah.
But that's strictly my own opinion. o__o;;

As for you trying to make fangirls respect the people who dropped the anime, I think that's really nice of you to do that. Those people kind of need a boot to the head.
I think the reason they are angry at you is because, well, to them you kind of are representing people who don't like the shounen-ai in the anime.
I guess it's more that they're mad at the droppers, but since they aren't here they take it out on you. My advice would be to ignore them.
What the heck does that have to do with you? They can get angry all they want
but seriously.

Everyone has their own right. If a person drops this anime, so be it.
People don't have to stick their nose into others business. Sure they may want to tell them,"YOU DROPPED AN AWESOME ANIME!" or "YOU'LL REGRET IT, YOU JERK!" or something along those lines...but they're not going to listen because the obviously aren't here
Aug 6, 2011 9:27 AM

Apr 2009
I see the discussions are still alive and well. I suppose the haters have all dropped this by now but that's only an assumption on my part.

Wait what's going on again? Oh yeah the two young men dancing inside a room and outside their place. Th last two episodes were slow and including this one it kinda mellowed my interest in this series but I'll hold on since the plot seems to be moving again.

What going on with Safu? Don't tell me her grandmother turned into Soylent Green next episode. XD
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Aug 6, 2011 9:50 AM

Nov 2008
I'm gonna puke. Well i didn't realise it was Shonen ai -.- I thought at worst that they would become "brothers" but not buttbuddies. I hate drama crap in general so... But i will continue the serie untill they kiss and it becomes to lovey dovey.

Allen Walker <3 Mukuro Rokudo


Yuu Kanda <3 Lag Seeing, hell he even got a bee on his hat.

Fanfic much.
Aug 6, 2011 9:53 AM
Aug 2010
I cannot get enough of those two sigh i really don't want safu to come back and interrupt them but it looks like it could be a possibility from the preview
Aug 6, 2011 11:01 AM

Sep 2010
The view of of the abandoned railway in the wasteland while the sun set was really beautiful. The OST was really good too at that moment
I think the setting of the atmosphere is very good in the anime, the art is very good and has the right colours and light effects at the times it has to, and the music fits it so great too.
Aug 6, 2011 11:03 AM
Jul 2011
Marablack said:
I cannot get enough of those two sigh i really don't want safu to come back and interrupt them but it looks like it could be a possibility from the preview

That's what you should want, getting what you want without competition is boring, besides its Safu <3 haha, nah I don't really love her that much, but I do like her character :)

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Aug 6, 2011 11:05 AM
Oct 2010
Connections between Safu, sion, and rat!? thats a big twist in the story
nice to finally know more about rat too :D
Aug 6, 2011 11:24 AM

Jul 2011
im a BL fans, but i must say that i really really really love Safu!!!!!!
She is so smart, not whiny, and strong willed, haven't seen girl like that on anime lately

the dance scene is.. err... somehow beautiful, but im hoping Nezumi to kiss Shion, but it didn't happen, so... shame on you Nezumi!!!

Shion X Safu ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Aug 6, 2011 11:30 AM

Jan 2010
Wasabi said:
Riiigghhttt... so Nezumi and Safu had some ridiculous random acid trip because they heard some random ass woman singing. And lo and behold, Safu suddenly thinks of Nezumi. The fuck?

Then they danced. They fucking danced. They might as well just have even more close quarters contact and wrestle each other but of course, we wouldn't want to be too manly and rough about it. We need to keep some shred of beautiful elegance or we'd scare the girls too much.

What the fuck is this show pulling at right now? 5 episodes in and the plot has barely been touched upon. It's just been bromance after bromance for the most part. What happened to Big Brother government? The dystopian lives of people living outside the walls? The fucking bees? At least they're finally doing SOMETHING with it.

I would add that the singing part wasn't well done in that it seemed like a voiceover. I was never sure throughout it that the singing was part of their reality. And plot-wise, it seemed like only about a minute of the episode was spent moving the story forward and the series is almost half over. However, most commenters seem to miss that because they're too busy complaining that Safu got sixty seconds of screen time (and gushing over other events). For a dystopian world, it doesn't actually seem that bad. I'm sure that a lot of people have it worse in the real world.

Gonna have to lower the score on this. But I'll give it another episode. If it's anything like this one was, then it's time to drop.

Oh, and regarding all the comments about the cross-dressing not really being cross-dressing... Shakespeare's plays may have been performed by all male casts back in the day, but that was because society was very rigid about what women did. This society obviously doesn't care about anyone, so don't blame Shakespeare. Nezumi is doing what he wants to do, just like when he made Sion dance with him.
Aug 6, 2011 11:41 AM

Jul 2010
Another immensely thought provoking episode. 5/5.
Though I don't really know why people are comparing this with yaoi, I mean sure both of the male characters are quite close to one another, but it's not like they're lovers. They're friends. I love how much the plot is thickening, each time you learn the answer to a previous question, a new question replaces the former.
Aug 6, 2011 2:02 PM
Jan 2009
EarlCiel said:
It's probably hard for you guys to understand and I know some of them are really into the whole NezmuixShion thing (I believe that's how they do the yaoi pairings...SemexUke? Correct me if I'm wrong).

I don't think anyone actually cares that much that this is a shounen ai. What the problem is, is that the focus of the anime has drastically shifted from what you'd expect from the first couple of episodes (where there are no hints of BL) and what the synopses on MAL tells you--there isn't a shounen ai tag either. If there was then the shift wouldn't be so unexpected.

So far the Nezumi/Shion [slash or x can be used to denote a pairing] pairing makes the most sense but it's annoying that they're skirting around the topic. Seme and uke refer to the roles each play in the pairing-mostly in yaoi/BL. Seme=pitcher or giver; uke=catcher or receiver, I don't think I'll need to expand on that, it's pretty clear when applied in this context, although these are martial arts terms as well.
Aug 6, 2011 2:16 PM

Sep 2010
What the problem is, is that the focus of the anime has drastically shifted from what you'd expect from the first couple of episodes (where there are no hints of BL)

the complaints about the BL, shonen-ai, or whatever has been going on since episode 1. As for the focus, like episode 1 there has always been scenes devoted to covering how Nezumi and Shion interact. Outside of "action" scenes the type of interaction has always shown them to be really close even when they first met.

The tags on MAL also don't note every show as romance or hetero/homo just because there is a some hinting going on when the plot isn't advancing.

Aug 6, 2011 2:28 PM
Mar 2011
SkyHigh said:
T3rm1n4t0r2 said:
epiklow said:

Ahh, but with all the BL fanservice, can you really expect us not to ship them? I think the producers knew quite well that their audience would be crazy about the whole ShionxNezumi thing too, seeing they show a whole lot of fanservice rather than the plot itself..
Of course, I do admit that majority of the people who want Nezumi and Sion to get it on and are just watching this anime for just that reason are mehh... and should look for another anime for that.
As for your endgame theory.. Heh.. heh... (;

Reply: hm.. can you explicate on what you mean by "ship" them? And I have to agree that those damned producers knew what would happen with all the "misleading" (in my opinion) events happenning in the all the episodes so far. They piss me off for that. But atleast they're producing a good and ms=ysterious plot so far.

Ship refers to pairing together characters, I don't know how it came about, all I know is it means they support Shion x Nezumi as a pairing, and right now the plot doesn't really seem to be developing fast, so it's hard to tell if this is really mysterious or not.

EarlCiel I agree with you there, the fighting should stop but might I add I don't think many were fighting, I was just standing up for people dropping, I believe someone tried to indirectly bash to I countered and then had some fun debating.

Right now there seems to be some peace between the factions, but I'm sure it will kick off in the next episode thread, so I recommend you try and say your words as it happens, maybe it'll stop the senseless bashing, I do hope some plot can be discussed though

Reply: Thanks for the explanation! I'm relatively new to large dissucssions like this so im unfamilliar with alot of the terms (this is my third or fourth post). And you're right about the Plot. If more people talked about the plot there would be less bashing and more interesting conversations to read.
Aug 6, 2011 2:35 PM

Feb 2009
Who would have thought that this anime would have turn this way, grinning to beginning to end.
Aug 6, 2011 2:40 PM
Mar 2011
Orulyon said:

T3rm1n4t0r2Aug 6, 2011 2:44 PM
Aug 6, 2011 2:54 PM
Mar 2011
Yugao said:
I'm gonna puke. Well i didn't realise it was Shonen ai -.- I thought at worst that they would become "brothers" but not buttbuddies. I hate drama crap in general so... But i will continue the serie untill they kiss and it becomes to lovey dovey.

Allen Walker <3 Mukuro Rokudo


Yuu Kanda <3 Lag Seeing, hell he even got a bee on his hat.

Fanfic much.

Reply: Hey you never know. Actually the reason i think that all this suppossed "Shonen Ai stuff" is happenning is that it has something to do with the plot itself. Basically, if that bug transferred some of its dna into Shion and gave him some supernatural abilities like...Hypnosess then that could be the reason why nezumi is allowing Shion to break thhrough is defenses.
...Or it could be the most blunt shonen Ai anime that isnt labelled "Shonen Ai" in the history of anime like what you were saying up at the top of this post. I am not a beleiver of that yet though. Not until i see them making out.
Aug 6, 2011 5:05 PM
Oct 2010
Wow I love this show.
This episode was beautiful. I wouldn't imagine that Nezumi could be an actor, and playing a woman...and dance.
Winter bees can't be regular bees, can they? Well regular bees don't kill humans like that, obviously. Now, that painted glass where Safu fainted, was a bee painted there? and that weird Nezumi's dream...can Nezumi be connected to them, and how's Safu connected to Nezumi?
The plot's moving, smoothly and slowly. Nezumi x Shion is getting better, each episode they seem to know a little bit more about each other and still find out that there's a lot more that they don't know/understand. Shion may be thought as dense and clueless, but I think he knows his feelings very well, he's just way to natural, he feels it, he says it. That's what Nezumi doesn't understand, but it's also fascinating him. His defenseless against Shion ^_^. Smother Nezumi in this episode, he's actually considering Shion may be right about some things. (Shion is the one who's domesticating him, not the other way around. The Rat's turning hamster :3) I really like Safu (despite the sperm thing o.o...), she's changing, it's getting really interesting. I wonder what will be her connection with the bee thing , why she heard that song (what song was that? actually, what the hell was all that?) and passed out...Geez, this is mysterious.... Oh, and poor Safu...her dearest person dies...that sadness will probably affect her, as she's already turning more emotional and "human-like", even if she hasn't noticed yet, she will soon, or so it seems...
Characters changing, me liking it^^

Aug 6, 2011 5:22 PM
Mar 2011
Rianri said:
Wow I love this show.
This episode was beautiful. I wouldn't imagine that Nezumi could be an actor, and playing a woman...and dance.
Winter bees can't be regular bees, can they? Well regular bees don't kill humans like that, obviously. Now, that painted glass where Safu fainted, was a bee painted there? and that weird Nezumi's dream...can Nezumi be connected to them, and how's Safu connected to Nezumi?
The plot's moving, smoothly and slowly. Nezumi x Shion is getting better, each episode they seem to know a little bit more about each other and still find out that there's a lot more that they don't know/understand. Shion may be thought as dense and clueless, but I think he knows his feelings very well, he's just way to natural, he feels it, he says it. That's what Nezumi doesn't understand, but it's also fascinating him. His defenseless against Shion ^_^. Smother Nezumi in this episode, he's actually considering Shion may be right about some things. (Shion is the one who's domesticating him, not the other way around. The Rat's turning hamster :3) I really like Safu (despite the sperm thing o.o...), she's changing, it's getting really interesting. I wonder what will be her connection with the bee thing , why she heard that song (what song was that? actually, what the hell was all that?) and passed out...Geez, this is mysterious.... Oh, and poor Safu...her dearest person dies...that sadness will probably affect her, as she's already turning more emotional and "human-like", even if she hasn't noticed yet, she will soon, or so it seems...
Characters changing, me liking it^^

Reply: You nailed Shion's personality spot on. And yes nezumi is "defenseless" against Shion, but i dont think thats because theyre falling in love or like so many people beleive.Isnt it possible that because of the bug incident or Shion mysterious faaar back past that we might not know about, that he has a sort of hypntoic effect on people and can cause them to break before him? This is all prospective i know, but i think something along those lines is what's really going on here. That would make some sense as Nezumi ends the episode with the question: "Shion, who are you?". What do you think?
Aug 6, 2011 6:21 PM
Nov 2009

Also, safu is kinda similar to Nezumi, isn't she? hmm.
Aug 6, 2011 7:33 PM

Feb 2011
After Nezumi found out that Sion was watching his play, he got surprised (and shy? Nah..) but after that he's smiling?? He somewhat looked happy of the fact that Sion's coming to watch his play... :/

THAT Sion managed to attack(touch) HIS pressure point?? Good job, Sion. Well, though that's definitely not his purpose. He just touched the part where the bee could be coming out. I love this scene and Nezumi got all tense and stiff, shocked and confused as of how Sion could do that, how could he allowed Sion to touch him. Is it because of Nezumi's unconsciously letting his guard down to Sion? or he just didn't see it coming and Sion had some unknown ability? :p
Sion's saying things like "You're the only person I can't bare to lose" or romantic~ hahaha and how funny Nezumi ignored his confession (JK) and was occupied with something else ---> "Shion...who are you?"

They're dancing while No.6's being attacked by bees. How...dramatic?

About next episode...I couldn't make any assumption (maybe 'coz I'm dumb?) :p

I NEED SPOILERS!! I'm the kind of person who don't mind being spoiled of so....pleaseeeee!! ><

I love smart people, I love Sion, I love Nezumi, I love Safu, I love NO.6!!! xDDDD

Buuuuuut!! I hope all of you stop the arguments, oh BL lovers and BL haters. Just wait 'til the anime ends then you can conclude what it is actually, BL or not.
Aug 6, 2011 8:01 PM
Jul 2011
This anime is very creepy.
Nezumi disguise himself as a woman and they look like Gay boys.
I hate this anime. 1/5
Aug 6, 2011 11:26 PM
Jul 2011
about the whole shion has special powers/hit nezumi's pressure point stuff... doubt it.

i agree with Rianri and Vische_HG:

shion touched nezumi's neck because THAT'S WHERE THE BEES POP OUT and he was worried, but nezumi's not the kind of guy who's used to gestures like that and all he registered was 'HOLY SHIT HE MANAGED TO GET TO A VULNERABLE SPOT HOW COULD I HAVE LET THAT HAPPEN'

he's getting much more attached to shion, (someone save me! shion!) and letting his guard down much more than he's realized, and the scene was chilling instead of sweet because nezumi is not comfortable with that realization at all.

also, was anyone else reminded of anthy's "who are you" to utena? LOL that's the first thing that popped into my head. but the meaning behind the words is basically the same, i think? -- "who are you, how could you get under my skin like this?"
Aug 7, 2011 1:04 AM
Jun 2008
I can't believe my PC crash when they dancing halfway, I have to reload my video stream =(

I wonder what is the connection between bee and ratz.
Very surprises on Nezumi on the stage.I wonder what other job he is doing beside that.Its very strange that he suddenly faint and having strange dream on bees .
Aug 7, 2011 4:00 AM
Oct 2010
T3rm1n4t0r2 said:
Rianri said:
Wow I love this show.
This episode was beautiful. I wouldn't imagine that Nezumi could be an actor, and playing a woman...and dance.
Winter bees can't be regular bees, can they? Well regular bees don't kill humans like that, obviously. Now, that painted glass where Safu fainted, was a bee painted there? and that weird Nezumi's dream...can Nezumi be connected to them, and how's Safu connected to Nezumi?
The plot's moving, smoothly and slowly. Nezumi x Shion is getting better, each episode they seem to know a little bit more about each other and still find out that there's a lot more that they don't know/understand. Shion may be thought as dense and clueless, but I think he knows his feelings very well, he's just way to natural, he feels it, he says it. That's what Nezumi doesn't understand, but it's also fascinating him. His defenseless against Shion ^_^. Smother Nezumi in this episode, he's actually considering Shion may be right about some things. (Shion is the one who's domesticating him, not the other way around. The Rat's turning hamster :3) I really like Safu (despite the sperm thing o.o...), she's changing, it's getting really interesting. I wonder what will be her connection with the bee thing , why she heard that song (what song was that? actually, what the hell was all that?) and passed out...Geez, this is mysterious.... Oh, and poor Safu...her dearest person dies...that sadness will probably affect her, as she's already turning more emotional and "human-like", even if she hasn't noticed yet, she will soon, or so it seems...
Characters changing, me liking it^^

Reply: You nailed Shion's personality spot on. And yes nezumi is "defenseless" against Shion, but i dont think thats because theyre falling in love or like so many people beleive.Isnt it possible that because of the bug incident or Shion mysterious faaar back past that we might not know about, that he has a sort of hypntoic effect on people and can cause them to break before him? This is all prospective i know, but i think something along those lines is what's really going on here. That would make some sense as Nezumi ends the episode with the question: "Shion, who are you?". What do you think?

I hadn't thought of that, before. Then I was reading the posts here and thought "well that could be, it can really be it..."(I attempted to write something, then I accidentally closed the window, cursed the computer, it was dead late here, I went to sleep...) Shion could already be "special" before the bee thing,as the others seemed to die right away, while Shion suffered all those transformations... There could be a reason like that for Shion breaking into Nezumi defenses so easily. Although we could say that happened because Nezumi likes Shion, Nezumi's reaction may point for something else. It could be that he was not used to care about someone, but Nezumi was way too shocked, he didn't even noticed anything till he felt Shion's touch. Nezumi does care for Shion, the question that the only meaning of that scene?
So yes, I do think Shion may have some kind of "power"...besides his natural careless personality XD

Aug 7, 2011 10:57 AM

May 2009
LOL... :))) That dancing was fine until they made it all melodramatic with the scene change!!! >.< Gosh... Ah! And then the scene when Shion sits... the shot was a wee bit weird right after the dance... I say! O.o

The song.. makes me wonder if Safu and Nezumi are related somehow....
This ep seemed short.. O.o
_____ _ _ ______

Within pain, there is desire.

_____ _ _ ______
Aug 7, 2011 9:45 PM

Nov 2007
t]This show is amazing. the plot is sweet and shows how human each character is trying to survive in whatever situation they're in. Watching Nezumi and Shion's relationship grow is wonderful. I loved the dancing and Shion saying he would stay by Nezumi (pretty much a wedding vow). To be honest i think the reason why the books and show isn't labeled as light BL (as many people think this show) is for many reasons. Mainly, It doesn't follow any BL stereotypes, therefore it can have a wonderful plot without annoying fanservice to get in the way but instead make the characters and plot grow. In fact, their relationship could be considered not homosexual but have a deeper meaning. They care for each other, they love each other but (so far) not in a romantic way.

Course as a BL fan i like to think that they like each other. lol :3
DarkRoseOtakuAug 7, 2011 9:49 PM

Aug 8, 2011 3:57 AM

Jan 2008
Love how this series makes me ship Nezumi and Sion so hard XD; Hope the series remains this great @_@ <3
Aug 8, 2011 7:03 AM
Jul 2011
I really liked this episode. The Sion/Nezumi bits were great as per usual and i'm really interested in seeing how Safu and Nezumi are connected to the Bees. I'm really glad we got to see nezumi preform on stage (i'm convinced the staff loves us), i've read the novels (up to five anyway), and sadly we weren't given a scene where he actually preforms on stage, so this was definitely a treat. I especially loved the dancing scene, i found it beautiful and moving( felt like dancing myself after seeing it ). My favorite moment by far tho, was when Nezumi sees Sion during his play, the various expressions he (Nezumi) displays in that one moment was truly something (i absolutely love his expressions). I found it interesting how different No.5 is to No.6, i hope the show goes into more details as to why No.6 is so sterile compared to the other cities. I pitied Nezumi at the end, who was so troubled by Sion's touch, what a hard life he must hav lived if such a simple touch renders him so scared and troubled. I'm guessing from the previews, the action will pick up now, can't wait to see what's in store for us this week.
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