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What disliked anime characters do you like?

Jun 5, 2016 5:10 PM

Aug 2015
There are a lot of anime characters that seem to get a lot of hate, however, even these characters have some fans. Which of these characters do you tolerate (or even like)? (please provide reasons why you don't mind these characters)

For example (these are somewhat disliked characters that I tolerate or like):

Kirito/Kazuto Kirigaya (Sword Art Online): Kirito gets a lot of hate for being a self-insert and OP, but I didn't think of him being a self-insert and he's OP for good reason (most anime end when the protagonist dies).

Setsuna Kiyoura (School Days): While it could be argued that what Setsuna was doing is wrong, she at least had good intentions (more or less).

I'm looking forward to the replies...
...And on the pedestal, these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains...
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Jun 5, 2016 5:12 PM

Feb 2013
literally every single anime character ever created
Jun 5, 2016 5:15 PM

Apr 2015
I can't really think of any characters that I like that most people popularly dislike. Maybe Shinji Ikari from Evangelion. Griffith from Berserk? idk

EDIT: When people automatically dislike female characters that are weak-willed, physically incapable, etc. Farnese would be my favorite character from Berserk if not for Guts and Griffith.

InducedPhobiaJun 5, 2016 5:23 PM
Jun 5, 2016 5:19 PM

Oct 2014
I don't really know too much about which characters are disliked. It's times like this when I with MAL had a "least favourite" feature.
Jun 5, 2016 5:22 PM

Apr 2014

atleast i think he's disliked.
Jun 5, 2016 5:22 PM

Jul 2015
Suzaku Kururugi.

I thought that he was an asshole at times, but overall he was pretty cool, was loyal and accepting of whatever situations he was in.

He wasn't my favorite, but I thought he wasn't a bad character by any means. He develops a lot and is well written, so that's a bonus.
Jun 5, 2016 5:22 PM
Jun 2016
I agree with zombie_pegasus cuz I really don't know which anime characters are unliked but like my friends kinda hate kamui from psycho pass and like I don't hate him
Jun 5, 2016 5:24 PM

May 2016
NoAnimeNoLife_ said:
I agree with zombie_pegasus cuz I really don't know which anime characters are unliked but like my friends kinda hate kamui from psycho pass and like I don't hate him

I can't say anything about Psycho-Pass 2, because I didn't watch it. No Booch, no buys.

Mayuri from Steins;Gate gets a lot of uncalled-for hate from people. Those people are objectively wrong.

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Jun 5, 2016 5:29 PM

Feb 2016
Most tsunderes get a lot of hate from what I've observed, but I actually love them. It's just a personal and subjective preference, so I really can't justify why. Probably one possible good thing about them is that the character archetype offers multiple discussions of their personalities as well as a discussion of why they act like that. But then, those things are also possible with other "dere" archetypes.
A retard is trying to prove his point, thanks.
Jun 5, 2016 5:33 PM

Oct 2015
Basically any character I like that could be described as "moe"
Jun 5, 2016 5:38 PM

May 2016
Most people don't like him because of what he did (spoilers!) but I like him because of his "personality".
I miss my GIFs of old ass memes.
Jun 5, 2016 5:40 PM

May 2016
zack1470 said:
Most people don't like him because of what he did (spoilers!) but I like him because of his "personality".

Kyubey did nothing wrong! He's just trying to save the universe! /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Jun 5, 2016 5:42 PM
Jan 2013
Zelkiiro said:
zack1470 said:
Most people don't like him because of what he did (spoilers!) but I like him because of his "personality".

Kyubey did nothing wrong! He's just trying to save the universe! /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gone bai bai
Jun 5, 2016 6:47 PM
Feb 2014
All anime characters are disliked... well except for Watanabe protagonists and everyone from JoJo
Jun 5, 2016 6:47 PM

Jun 2015
Not sure, unlike shows, there isn't really a clear consensus in which characters are hated.
Jun 5, 2016 7:14 PM

May 2016
I like Yukiteru and Yuno. A lot of people seem to hate them
Jun 5, 2016 7:23 PM

Nov 2009
Zelkiiro said:
Mayuri from Steins;Gate gets a lot of uncalled-for hate from people. Those people are objectively wrong.
Not necessarily, aside from disliking her for her catchphrase, she is basically a MacGuffin with a very tropey personality. Then again, I could say the same thing for the entire cast of Steins;Gate aside from the main protagonist for the latter part that is..

The_Nico said:
All anime characters are disliked... well except for Watanabe protagonists
Can't say that I agree, Space Dandy is pretty damn obnoxious in my opinion. He's like a crappy, discount version of the main character from Redline.
Jun 5, 2016 7:24 PM
Feb 2014
xenovibe said:
Zelkiiro said:
Mayuri from Steins;Gate gets a lot of uncalled-for hate from people. Those people are objectively wrong.
Not necessarily, aside from disliking her for her catchphrase, she is basically a MacGuffin with a tropey personality. Then again, I could say the same thing for the entire cast of Steins;Gate aside from the main protagonist himself.

The_Nico said:
All anime characters are disliked... well except for Watanabe protagonists
Can't say that I agree, Space Dandy is pretty damn obnoxious in my opinion. He's like a crappy, discount version of the main character from Redline.

I agree lol.

From the episodes or few that I watched he seemed a braggart, but I guess people like braggarts.
Jun 5, 2016 7:25 PM
Jan 2013
The_Nico said:
All anime characters are disliked... well except for Watanabe protagonists and everyone from JoJo
Where did your love for Nico went, maine?
gone bai bai
Jun 5, 2016 7:27 PM
Feb 2014
Mkim said:
The_Nico said:
All anime characters are disliked... well except for Watanabe protagonists and everyone from JoJo
Where did your love for Nico went, maine?

Too many clones >_>

So I stuck with Mikuru to stand out
Jun 5, 2016 7:27 PM

Sep 2015
Big order MC is hated by people while I think I kinda feel like him . Also Tanaka . And many others .
Jun 5, 2016 7:29 PM
Jan 2013
The_Nico said:
Mkim said:
Where did your love for Nico went, maine?

Too many clones >_>

So I stuck with Mikuru to stand out
Awww, I see
You betrayed yo waifu, heretic
gone bai bai
Jun 5, 2016 7:30 PM
Feb 2014
Mkim said:
The_Nico said:

Too many clones >_>

So I stuck with Mikuru to stand out
Awww, I see
You betrayed yo waifu, heretic

Not betrayed, just that I wanted to be original.

1-2 years ago I swear I might have been the purest Nico. She still is #1.
Jun 5, 2016 7:32 PM
Jan 2013
The_Nico said:
Mkim said:
Awww, I see
You betrayed yo waifu, heretic

Not betrayed, just that I wanted to be original.

1-2 years ago I swear I might have been the purest Nico. She still is #1.
If there's no betrayal then it's all okay .^.
gone bai bai
Jun 5, 2016 7:37 PM

Jan 2016
Near from Death Note.
To me, Near was a complete bad ass, as well as the guys working with him.
Jun 5, 2016 7:53 PM

Oct 2015
Griffith from Berserk - Hated for, you know. I mean, I can feel where he's coming from. He defeated Guts and called dibs on him.
Neferpitou from HxH 2011 - Obvious reasons, not gonna spoil why it's hated. But yeah, it actually does have feelings and deeply cares about the King.
Light from Death Note - Although Light is liked as well, he's also disliked for going against justice. In my opinion, he's one of the best characters ever created to date.
Excalibur from Soul Eater - He's basically hated because he's annoying. But I think like to think of his annoyingness as a funny trait, rather than hate it.
Akainu from One Piece - He's hated because he killed ____. That's it...
Jeremiah (aka Orange) from Code Geass - He was kinda annoying in the begging, and for most of the middle part as well. But he ended up doing the right thing.
OneJun 5, 2016 8:17 PM
Hisoka said:
True love is finding someone whose demons play well with yours.
Illumi said:
Jun 5, 2016 8:14 PM

Feb 2016
- nadeko from monogatari series

- emiya shirou : because he's made a legendary quotes that still used till now
Jun 5, 2016 8:22 PM

Apr 2016
Pico! His masculinity and charm overpowers everything that people dislike him in!
Jun 5, 2016 8:43 PM

May 2014
I'd have to say Naraku from Inuyasha. I like his voice in the english dub and he looks cool in his reincarnated form. I also like the fact that he can shapeshift, steal other demon's abilities, and regenerate. Oh and he's one of the biggest trolls in anime, aside from Aizen and Dio.
Jun 5, 2016 8:43 PM

Feb 2016
Setsuna from School Days. Even though every single character in that is overblown and do and say things purely to stir up drama, I have a big soft spot for her. To me, she was the most bearable and likable character in the series, which is not really saying a whole lot given the competition.
Doing nothing of importance.

Anime | Manga
Jun 5, 2016 11:52 PM

Jul 2013
Let's see:

-Seryu Ubiquitous: Hated for killing one of the "main characters", thing who I don't really give a fuck about. I love her, her personality, her design, her way of fighting, everything. She was also the character who made the series interesting in the first place and I don't think I would have even reading the manga without her presence. Possibly one of the cases when my liking of a character above others it's really, really big.

-Akainu: Yeah, he killed that person, and? Doesn't stop him from being one of the most competent and badass villains of One Piece.

-Shirou Emiya: Actually a good and complex character who is overhated due how bad studios tend to adapt his personality.

-Rei Miyamoto: Actually surprised me. I thought she was going to be the damsel in distress of the series, but she is capable of defending herself and is quite badass. Her design is also cute too and I like her more than Saeko (which I found meh).

-Satomi Murano: Yeah, yeah, "Are you really Shinichi-kun, blahblahblahblahblahblah...." People is really very intolerant and very prone to get butthurt for the minimals things, and this is one of them. She is only a secondary character/plot device who is here to maintain Shinichi's humanity. Her scenes weren't even that much and people even wanted her to be killed just for that phrase.

-Kirito (relatively, since he is one of the most favorited characters of MAL): Not that I'm a big fan of him, but hating him for being OP is too much. He's okay and nothing amazing, but not deserving to have all the hate he has.

-Tatsuya Shiba: Yeah, he can be considered boring, bland, a Gary Stu... but without his presence, Mahouka would have been even worse than it is, so he deserves praise and respect.

-Yamori: I think he was an stylish antagonist with a good villain presence and great voice acting. His tic of cracking his fingers and his ugliness makes him more intimidating rather than making him looks like a joke or like some random minor villain.

I'm sure I have more, but I don't remember them in this moment.
IllyricusJun 6, 2016 2:32 AM
Jun 6, 2016 12:32 AM

Nov 2008
Yozora Mikazuki: Wow, she mistreats the unlikable jerkwad that considers all women but her are bitches and all men are her minions! How does she dare! It's like everyone watching the show missed the point and liked the girl you were meant to find repugant, thus proving how superficial and stupid men are. Bet the situation would reverse if the designs were reversed too. Pathetic.

Aika Tsube: See Yozora, but mistreating the selfish molester instead. At least Japan likes her the most.

Ume Shiraume: Congrats, pals, you finally realized women hitting men is not instant comedy gold. Too bad you are getting angry to the one who does this for sexy femdom appeal as the series openly spells out to the point the main says he enjoys the abuse. To add insult to the injury her anime aired in the same season as one about one of the most violent and utterly unlikable females around that is nonetheless extremely popular because the show tells you to find her pitiable without actually doing anything for you to pity her. Does not compute.

Sekai Saionji: You think Setsuna has it bad? Sekai has the bigger, louder haters that ignore logic and common sense. You goddamned twits, one week old babies are invisible to the naked eye. The worst part is the loud obnoxious haters caused Sekai to get unoficially kicked out of the games while the far worse heroine is still around. Like with Yozora I bet switching the character designs would switch the haters too. Big breasts are the worst.

Sakura Hagiwara: Try reaching episode 6 and tell me if she is still "weak" and such. People should stop judging early.

Mine: Apparently she should die because tsundere. Not even "bad tsundere" or "violent tsundere" or anything that makes sense. Just for being tsundere. She doesn't even tsunderes that much and is more the butt of jokes than anything else. For bonus points she comes from the show with the most unlikable evil assholes around, and she is still more hated than about all of them. How irrational.

Most "nice girls" that are in love triangles with tsunderes, like say Kosaki Onodera: In the other hand being tsundere doesn't make you instantly awesome, and going from treating the guy like ass to treating him normal doesn't make you more worthy than the girl who has been treating him nice the whole time.

All incestuous imoutos: Especially because the shows consistently treat them like flaming garbage aside from some cases like Miyuki and Nemu. It's just fantasy, sheesh. If you're going to hate something for being everywhere hate traps instead, at least most imoutos have more than one personality.

Rito Yuuki: And other "nice guy" harem leads, but since Rito gets 99% of the hate such leads get he gets to name this. Believe it or not treating women like people and NOT like warm bodies to bang is the good, likable attitude. Maybe once you get past teen years you'll realize. The worst part with Rito is when the series makes him behave OoC into some unlikable abusive asshole dubbed "Rapisto" by no one and the fanbase cheers because, hey, he's treating women like trash! How cool! Ugh.

And probably more, but I can't remember them right now.
Jun 6, 2016 12:45 AM

Sep 2015
I don't think I like any characters that are universally despised, the closest I think would be Izaya and Byakuya but a lot of people like them as well.
Your next line is "I was just pretending to be retarded".
Jun 6, 2016 12:55 AM

Aug 2015
Kirito kun !!

They say he's got too much swag or he's just an OP Gary stu MC but that's just what I like about this fella ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jun 6, 2016 1:10 AM

Nov 2011
Shiba Tatsuya. Nigga is more than what the anime potray. He's not like Kirito because even Kirito can't match him.

Jun 6, 2016 1:23 AM

May 2016
I don't know if people dislike Nui Harime from Kill la Kill, but I like her quite a bit.

I liked Nadeko from the Monogatari series, especially in the later stages of the show.

There's also Near in Death Note, who was literally the only character I remotely cared about in the whole show.
Jun 6, 2016 1:33 AM

Jul 2015
Kirito : he is so strong yes but not op (watch helssing ultimate overlord or mahouka to know what that mean op) in season 2 he lost every 1v1
Onodera : people found here boring but for me is one of the best danderes here <3
Light and lelouch also have a lot of haters dont know why ...
tragedydesuJun 6, 2016 1:37 AM
Jun 6, 2016 1:42 AM

Apr 2013
esdeath from akame ga kill. i read some comment section somewhere, where a lot of people didn't like her. but she's so hot.

kira yamato from gundam seed also annoyed a lot of people with his half-assed ways. he's my fav though, idk why, but he is.

also yeah, light. i was rooting for him to kill everyone off.
Jun 6, 2016 1:55 AM

Nov 2014
Shinji from fate stay night UBW. Him being a smug asshole with some completely hilarious voice acting actually made some parts of the show decent.

tragedydesu said:

Light and lelouch also have a lot of haters dont know why ...

Light and Lelouch are literally top 5 most loved.
Jun 6, 2016 1:57 AM

May 2014
I don't know, because I have no idea which characters are hated and which aren't.

I'll be out ridin' my pony until it's time for candy
And I'll be naked, because I want to

Jun 6, 2016 2:06 AM

Jul 2013
Touniouk said:
Shinji from fate stay night UBW. Him being a smug asshole with some completely hilarious voice acting actually made some parts of the show decent.
This too. Shinji may be an awful asshole who deserves to die, but I just cannot picture Fate/Stay Night without him.

Btw, for those who mentions Nadeko, she is not that hated. She is highly popular in Japan (ranked #8 in the most popular Shaft heroine poll) and has 1000+ favorites in MAL.
Jun 6, 2016 2:20 AM

Feb 2013
zombie_pegasus said:
I don't really know too much about which characters are disliked. It's times like this when I with MAL had a "least favourite" feature.
luckily, anime-planet has this feature
Jun 6, 2016 2:23 AM

Nov 2009
Intense said:
I don't know, because I have no idea which characters are hated and which aren't.

Well, you can just take the characters people mention in this thread, like I do.

Kirito: he's just the kind of protagonist SAO needs. And he's likeable as a person.

Emiya Shirou: I have no idea why all those people hate him. Sure, he's shounen-anime-level reckless and self-sacrificing. Isn't he fine like this? Everybody else in F/SN is pretty crazy too. Except, possibly, Rin - she's too sane to be a proper mage in Nasuverse.

Tatsuya (Onii-sama, Godsuya): For me, he's a male version of Nagato Yuki - calm, smart in a computer-like way, yet adorably not a machine. I like Nagato Yuki.

Onodera, most little sister characters - I just don't see how other people can dislike them.

ZettaiRyouiki said:
Yozora Mikazuki: Wow, she mistreats the unlikable jerkwad that considers all women but her are bitches and all men are her minions! How does she dare! It's like everyone watching the show missed the point and liked the girl you were meant to find repugant, thus proving how superficial and stupid men are. Bet the situation would reverse if the designs were reversed too. Pathetic.

Yozora is only good with people when she wants to hurt them. She also tricked Yukimura into crossdressing, bullied a little girl into giving up her room for the club and becoming its supervisor, and hurt some other people pretty efficiently too. Why is it that she can't interact with people positively?
She's no better than Sena, really.
That said, I like them both as characters. They're moe like this.
Jun 6, 2016 2:25 AM

Feb 2015
idk i think everyone faps to my fav 2d girls
Jun 6, 2016 2:28 AM

Nov 2008
flannan said:
Yozora is only good with people when she wants to hurt them. She also tricked Yukimura into crossdressing, bullied a little girl into giving up her room for the club and becoming its supervisor, and hurt some other people pretty efficiently too. Why is it that she can't interact with people positively?
She's no better than Sena, really.
That said, I like them both as characters. They're moe like this.

Huh, no. The Yukimura thing was more prank-like and the second the cat was out of the bag Yukimura stopped playing the crossdresser to actually crossdress and Yozora did not care. As for Maria her sister said she was happier now she had friends and could play with others. Meanwhile the only time Sena does good things is when she gets benefits. Yozora might not be perfect, but she's far nicer than the selfish Sena any day. In fact that's kind of the point, that Yozora acts mean but is nice and Sena acts nice but is mean.
Jun 6, 2016 2:32 AM

Jan 2015
Nearly every ecchi/harem male srs, everyone hates ”generic” & ”not realistic” characters
Jun 6, 2016 2:33 AM

Dec 2015
Haruhi Suzumiya.

She's loud, bossy, selfish and annoying but she's entertaining while she's doing it.
Jun 6, 2016 2:42 AM

Nov 2009
romagia said:
zombie_pegasus said:
I don't really know too much about which characters are disliked. It's times like this when I with MAL had a "least favourite" feature.
luckily, anime-planet has this feature

Oh, this is useful. On the first page, Sakura and Orihime aren't my favorite characters, but I don't really understand the amount of hate they get.
(but I can totally understand Sugou Nobuyuki (SAO), Amane Misa (Death Note) and Shido (HotD))

On the second page: Naruto? Hated that much? Why? Maybe they confused hating a character with hating an anime as a whole?

Yukki (Mirai Nikki)? What is he doing there, and where is brother Shinji (NGE)? Oh, Shinji is on the fourth page. His fame must be waning. Anyway, they're both fine people and fine characters.

on the fourth page: Kikyo (Inuyasha)? L (Death Note)? what are they doing here? L was the best part of Death Note anyway.

ZettaiRyouiki said:
flannan said:
Yozora is only good with people when she wants to hurt them. She also tricked Yukimura into crossdressing, bullied a little girl into giving up her room for the club and becoming its supervisor, and hurt some other people pretty efficiently too. Why is it that she can't interact with people positively?
She's no better than Sena, really.
That said, I like them both as characters. They're moe like this.

Huh, no. The Yukimura thing was more prank-like and the second the cat was out of the bag Yukimura stopped playing the crossdresser to actually crossdress and Yozora did not care. As for Maria her sister said she was happier now she had friends and could play with others. Meanwhile the only time Sena does good things is when she gets benefits. Yozora might not be perfect, but she's far nicer than the selfish Sena any day. In fact that's kind of the point, that Yozora acts mean but is nice and Sena acts nice but is mean.

From what we know about Yozora's way of thinking, she never really intends to help other people with her bullying. She's just being mean for the sake of being mean.
For example, the next day after the truth about Yukimura was found out, Yozora tricked Yukimura into crossdressing again, in an attempt to take out the competition for Kodaka's attention.
Sena isn't being as intentionally evil as Yozora.
Jun 6, 2016 2:50 AM

Mar 2014
How are people saying Kirito? He's like the 9th most favorited character on MAL.
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
Jun 6, 2016 2:53 AM

Nov 2008
flannan said:
From what we know about Yozora's way of thinking, she never really intends to help other people with her bullying. She's just being mean for the sake of being mean.
For example, the next day after the truth about Yukimura was found out, Yozora tricked Yukimura into crossdressing again, in an attempt to take out the competition for Kodaka's attention.
Sena isn't being as intentionally evil as Yozora.

I never saw Yozora as "mean" or "evil" really, and claiming Sena isn't eviler when she stalks and chases poor Kobato around is kinda the strong claim. Yozora is just bad at dealing with people, but I frankly doubt she has evil intentions behind her acts. Unlike Sena who outright says all other women are bitches. Now that is what someone mean-spirited would say.

So-Intense said:
How are people saying Kirito? He's like the 9th most favorited character on MAL.

He's divisive as hell, like other characters mentioned.
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