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Do you think Dandadan can gain Demon Slayer or Jujutsu Kaisen level popularity ?

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Oct 10, 2024 3:32 PM

May 2022
Ionliosite2 said:
@LordKirkis Oh, no, I understand what Frieren is trying to go for, that's why the battle shonen arcs feel so out of place, saying they are never the focus is wrong too when there are entire arcs about it.

I would argue most who dislike Battle Shonen dislike it for it taking precedence over everything else. When this is not the case the battles are easier to enjoy and in fact are welcomed. Mob Psycho is a good example of a show not putting its eggs all in one basket, but rather choosing to express itself in as many ways possible beyond its battles.
LordKirkisOct 10, 2024 3:36 PM
Oct 10, 2024 3:36 PM
Jul 2015
I think it can. I've been watching the dub which is veryyy good. The two main characters are appealing and there interactions with each other is interesting. Just gotta see how the story unfolds to really rate it but so far it seems top tier.
Oct 10, 2024 3:40 PM

May 2022
Ionliosite2 said:
BaseLion said:
I'm more baffled by people using "battle shounen" label as a derogative and criticising point lol

I mean, he was the one that called other shows battle shonen as a derogative terms, when a battle shonen can be good or bad depending in how it's done.

And I didn't say that S1's concluding arc represents the entire anime (it is still over a 1/3 of it), I said that over half of it plays exactly like a battle shonen, so saying that Dandadan or Frieren aren't like other "on the nose, cringe fantasy, battle shonen series" is completely and absolutely wrong, that was my main point of discussion.

I cant speak to Dandadan but to compare Frieren to other battle shonen is absurd. It’s literally the last show id compare battle shonen to.
Oct 10, 2024 3:51 PM
Sep 2018
Reply to LordKirkis
Ionliosite2 said:
BaseLion said:
I'm more baffled by people using "battle shounen" label as a derogative and criticising point lol

I mean, he was the one that called other shows battle shonen as a derogative terms, when a battle shonen can be good or bad depending in how it's done.

And I didn't say that S1's concluding arc represents the entire anime (it is still over a 1/3 of it), I said that over half of it plays exactly like a battle shonen, so saying that Dandadan or Frieren aren't like other "on the nose, cringe fantasy, battle shonen series" is completely and absolutely wrong, that was my main point of discussion.

I cant speak to Dandadan but to compare Frieren to other battle shonen is absurd. It’s literally the last show id compare battle shonen to.
@LordKirkis for real lol, who tf calls Frieren battle shonen. Frieren was a true masterpiece show tho, but I don't know why it was even mention in Dandadan forum, the shows are nothing alike, not even demon slayer and jujutsu kaisen are rly like Frieren.
Oct 10, 2024 3:52 PM

Feb 2020
Nope. Just look at chainsaw man. Everyone was saying it's going to be the biggest thing once it gets adapted.

Oct 10, 2024 3:53 PM

Feb 2024
Reply to LordKirkis
@Flick_on Well you would be surprised to know how I see it the other way around; the general idea, direction, and art of the Chainsaw Man series is rubbish compared to what I see with Dandadan. I would even go as far as saying its insulting to compare DDD to CSM.

Really I'd sooner see Dandadan draw comparisons to Frieren or older shows like FLCL than all these on the nose, cringe fantasy, battle shonen series mentioned here.

And to all the "Power" gooners out there let me just say she's without a doubt a "Zero Two" ripoff. Yes thats right, you are essentially gooning to Zero Two.

@LordKirkis Dude, Chainsaw Man has a non-standard main character, there is realism (heroes die, damn it), good humor and a well-thought-out plot. In the Dan Dan garbage we get terrible animation and art that makes me sick and nonsense with nipples and bananas in episode 1...
Oct 10, 2024 3:56 PM
Sep 2018
Reply to Kaze1214
Akanekino said:
@Marinate1016 well I prefer it over Demon Slayer and others a lot, it has pretty much everything in anime, but mainly already hints at romance which I love and other animes mentioned miss it. It's more interesting and better than those other animes, maybe it's just more my type, but it just feels like better quality anime with much more to offer.

Demon Slayer was a gateway for most people into the anime genre, so more people will watch it. While this show is great thus far, it is far weirder than “normie” anime like Demon Slayer or JJK. That weirdness will probably turn more people off, thus making it less popular than those two at least.
@Kaze1214 just cuz Demon Slayer is for more audience doesn't mean it's better show, Dandadan isn't for everyone, but those who like this type of show like me will enjoy it a lot. People need to learn how to pick their animes and they will never be turn off by it. There is trailer, synopsis and tags, you can see by that alone if u will like it or no.

For me I loved it even more when I started watching it actually, especially with amazing characters and subbed VA for Ayase is amazing, fits her so weell and makes her so likeable. This anime is not for normies who mostly watch boring battle shonen with not a lot happening except of fights, this anime is actually fun and interesting, has way more going on except just some fights, characters are actually interesting and have fun interactions, great art and animation and just high quality anime overall. Animation style is only weird at start for first few minutes until you get used to it and later it's better and great actually. It won't be less popular, it just won't be pick for people who haven't watch much animes outside of those extremely popular battle shonens.
AkanekinoOct 10, 2024 4:10 PM
Oct 10, 2024 4:27 PM

Feb 2019
Reply to LordKirkis
BaseLion said:
@LordKirkis I'm more baffled by people using "battle shounen" label as a derogative and criticising point lol. And the point how Frieren S1's concluding arc "apparently" holistically represents the entire show. Sounds more nitpicking rather than actual criticism.

Thats really crazy that you think that.. because you know I think the last arc represents Flamme’s vision, her dream fully realized, and begrudgingly carried out by her Master Serie..all of which has nothing to do with Frieren and her personal journey.. you know Frieren the main character of the show who we’re to attempt to understand. You following? Did you forget that this is Frieren’s story?

If you don’t believe the last arc of Frieren represents the show, please ignore the passive aggressive portion of my post above and continue below to the other portion that’s also kind of passive aggressive..

And yes.. I left Battle Shonen’s behind since DBZ. I’ve no further reason to care about shows who’s central idea is having characters kick each others ass while explaining down to the T why they are doing so.. that sort of thing gets old pretty fast don’t you think?
@LordKirkis nah, it's not me who thinks that lol. I'm pointing out how people above are saying that. It feels like the show's nuances are lost on them when they're making surface level complaints, which I have issue with.
Oct 10, 2024 4:40 PM
May 2021
ZXEAN said:
@LeoDrago What happened to KnY and JJK ?

Fandom became toxic and full of people that genuinely do not read the series for enjoyment. Only to push their stupid agendas.

JJK is the easiest example rn due to leak culture absolutely tanking peoples media literacy skills and growing popularity phasing out passionate fan discussions
Oct 10, 2024 4:45 PM

Mar 2016
Idk about the popularity stuff. Obviously Demon Slayer and JJK are just exponentially more digestible hence why they’re mainstream…doesn’t necessitate to them being better.

It’s funny how some people consider Dandadan of all things as “Reddit” anime or slop when it’s literally the opposite of such shallow descriptions.
Oct 10, 2024 5:04 PM

May 2022
Reply to BaseLion
@LordKirkis nah, it's not me who thinks that lol. I'm pointing out how people above are saying that. It feels like the show's nuances are lost on them when they're making surface level complaints, which I have issue with.
@BaseLion Gotcha, yeah I had to read again to fully understand what you said. It's definitely off-putting see others be so reductive with such a great show.

@Swyzen I hear ya, I don't mean to say CSM is a bad show In fact I am almost certain its a great show. I just have my suspicions about it and haven't gotten around to it.

@Ionliosite2 I admit having just finished episode 2 of Dandadan It is a lot closer to a battle shonen than I anticipated. Of course I am still enjoying the show, but my view on it is still evolving for better or worse. Amazing animation, but things ended in the middle of a lot of developments so its unfortunate to have to wait for next week to see where things go.
LordKirkisOct 10, 2024 5:19 PM
Oct 10, 2024 5:18 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to LordKirkis
Ionliosite2 said:
BaseLion said:
I'm more baffled by people using "battle shounen" label as a derogative and criticising point lol

I mean, he was the one that called other shows battle shonen as a derogative terms, when a battle shonen can be good or bad depending in how it's done.

And I didn't say that S1's concluding arc represents the entire anime (it is still over a 1/3 of it), I said that over half of it plays exactly like a battle shonen, so saying that Dandadan or Frieren aren't like other "on the nose, cringe fantasy, battle shonen series" is completely and absolutely wrong, that was my main point of discussion.

I cant speak to Dandadan but to compare Frieren to other battle shonen is absurd. It’s literally the last show id compare battle shonen to.
@LordKirkis After watching Frieren the closest comparisons are obviously battle shonen, you don't even need to get to the literal exam arc that is implemented in the same way as many of them.
Oct 10, 2024 5:20 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to Ryuseishun
Idk about the popularity stuff. Obviously Demon Slayer and JJK are just exponentially more digestible hence why they’re mainstream…doesn’t necessitate to them being better.

It’s funny how some people consider Dandadan of all things as “Reddit” anime or slop when it’s literally the opposite of such shallow descriptions.
@Ryuseishun Dandadan is not even Reddit, it is made for the Tiktok brainrot.
Oct 10, 2024 5:20 PM

May 2022
Reply to Ionliosite2
@LordKirkis After watching Frieren the closest comparisons are obviously battle shonen, you don't even need to get to the literal exam arc that is implemented in the same way as many of them.
@Ionliosite2 I didn't get that... and I am sensitive to battle shonen is what I want to say to you.
Oct 10, 2024 5:22 PM

Feb 2024
Reply to LordKirkis
@BaseLion Gotcha, yeah I had to read again to fully understand what you said. It's definitely off-putting see others be so reductive with such a great show.

@Swyzen I hear ya, I don't mean to say CSM is a bad show In fact I am almost certain its a great show. I just have my suspicions about it and haven't gotten around to it.

@Ionliosite2 I admit having just finished episode 2 of Dandadan It is a lot closer to a battle shonen than I anticipated. Of course I am still enjoying the show, but my view on it is still evolving for better or worse. Amazing animation, but things ended in the middle of a lot of developments so its unfortunate to have to wait for next week to see where things go.
@LordKirkis I didn't like Part 2 of Chainsaw, overall Part 1 was quite interesting.

I was just saying that I didn’t like episode 1 of Dan Da Dan, in the next topic they already started throwing tomatoes at me haahha
Oct 10, 2024 5:24 PM

May 2022
Reply to Ionliosite2
@Ryuseishun Dandadan is not even Reddit, it is made for the Tiktok brainrot.
@Ionliosite2 You can't sh*t on a show that's clearly well made... you'd make yourself look like a fool. I could end up saying Dandadan is not for me, but I would never sh*t on it in any way if its very high quality. Given the two episodes we've gotten so far its still exceptional quality.. so its kind of crazy that you call it tiktok brainrot.
Oct 10, 2024 5:31 PM

May 2022
Reply to Swyzen
@LordKirkis I didn't like Part 2 of Chainsaw, overall Part 1 was quite interesting.

I was just saying that I didn’t like episode 1 of Dan Da Dan, in the next topic they already started throwing tomatoes at me haahha
@Swyzen Thats actually really interesting to know about CSM. I am interested to start it and see how it develops from its part 1 and 2.

Now episode 1 of Dandadan was actually my jam and I felt it had framed the show entirely for me, but now with episode 2 the tone has shifted a bit and I feel the show means to develop that tone further.. to what end I don't know.

Did you enjoy episode 2 more? I did enjoy episode 2.. I am just not sure what direction the show is going.
Oct 10, 2024 5:34 PM

Feb 2019
Reply to Swyzen
@LordKirkis I didn't like Part 2 of Chainsaw, overall Part 1 was quite interesting.

I was just saying that I didn’t like episode 1 of Dan Da Dan, in the next topic they already started throwing tomatoes at me haahha
@Swyzen lil man, you were the one throwing unwarranted shades and slurs at ones who are enjoying the show lol.
Oct 10, 2024 5:43 PM

Feb 2024
Reply to LordKirkis
@Swyzen Thats actually really interesting to know about CSM. I am interested to start it and see how it develops from its part 1 and 2.

Now episode 1 of Dandadan was actually my jam and I felt it had framed the show entirely for me, but now with episode 2 the tone has shifted a bit and I feel the show means to develop that tone further.. to what end I don't know.

Did you enjoy episode 2 more? I did enjoy episode 2.. I am just not sure what direction the show is going.
@LordKirkis Episode 2 was better than 1, but I still don't like it, bro

@BaseLion Baby, is this your first time on the Internet? Here they can really insult, talk nonsense, troll, speak facts, etc.
Just ignore me and that's it, bro

However, I was clearly wrong to write too much
Oct 10, 2024 5:46 PM

May 2022
Reply to Swyzen
@LordKirkis Episode 2 was better than 1, but I still don't like it, bro

@BaseLion Baby, is this your first time on the Internet? Here they can really insult, talk nonsense, troll, speak facts, etc.
Just ignore me and that's it, bro

However, I was clearly wrong to write too much

Well in any case this topic has probably run its course already. I think some guy has already made a part 2 in anticipation for the death of this one. God knows why.
Oct 10, 2024 6:02 PM

Feb 2024
Reply to LordKirkis

Well in any case this topic has probably run its course already. I think some guy has already made a part 2 in anticipation for the death of this one. God knows why.
@LordKirkis This
Oct 11, 2024 3:56 AM
Nov 2022
Akanekino said:
@Kaze1214 just cuz Demon Slayer is for more audience doesn't mean it's better show, Dandadan isn't for everyone, but those who like this type of show like me will enjoy it a lot. People need to learn how to pick their animes and they will never be turn off by it. There is trailer, synopsis and tags, you can see by that alone if u will like it or no.

For me I loved it even more when I started watching it actually, especially with amazing characters and subbed VA for Ayase is amazing, fits her so weell and makes her so likeable. This anime is not for normies who mostly watch boring battle shonen with not a lot happening except of fights, this anime is actually fun and interesting, has way more going on except just some fights, characters are actually interesting and have fun interactions, great art and animation and just high quality anime overall. Animation style is only weird at start for first few minutes until you get used to it and later it's better and great actually. It won't be less popular, it just won't be pick for people who haven't watch much animes outside of those extremely popular battle shonens.

Bro, did you even read the question of the thread.

The question for thread was will Dandadan reach Demon Slayer/JJK level of popularity. The answer is no. Is it better? So far yes. I never said it wasn’t better. You took my statement about popularity, and turned it into what I thought was better.

Dandadan thus far, is better. But will it ever reach that level of popularity, no.

Read the question and then the statement before lecturing me about what is better and what’s not ๐Ÿ˜‚
Oct 11, 2024 5:15 AM
Sep 2018
Reply to Kaze1214
Akanekino said:
@Kaze1214 just cuz Demon Slayer is for more audience doesn't mean it's better show, Dandadan isn't for everyone, but those who like this type of show like me will enjoy it a lot. People need to learn how to pick their animes and they will never be turn off by it. There is trailer, synopsis and tags, you can see by that alone if u will like it or no.

For me I loved it even more when I started watching it actually, especially with amazing characters and subbed VA for Ayase is amazing, fits her so weell and makes her so likeable. This anime is not for normies who mostly watch boring battle shonen with not a lot happening except of fights, this anime is actually fun and interesting, has way more going on except just some fights, characters are actually interesting and have fun interactions, great art and animation and just high quality anime overall. Animation style is only weird at start for first few minutes until you get used to it and later it's better and great actually. It won't be less popular, it just won't be pick for people who haven't watch much animes outside of those extremely popular battle shonens.

Bro, did you even read the question of the thread.

The question for thread was will Dandadan reach Demon Slayer/JJK level of popularity. The answer is no. Is it better? So far yes. I never said it wasn’t better. You took my statement about popularity, and turned it into what I thought was better.

Dandadan thus far, is better. But will it ever reach that level of popularity, no.

Read the question and then the statement before lecturing me about what is better and what’s not ๐Ÿ˜‚
@Kaze1214 yea that was my bad maybe cuz I usually only look at rating instead of how many members anime actually has which is real popularity so when I saw the question I immediately thought of rating and how good the show is. For me rating=popularity meaning if it sits at top 10 highest rated it will make it popular, but also anime was rly hyped cuz the manga is extremely good and high rated. It's only been 2 episodes and it's already this good and picked by plenty people so it can only get better and more popular later since many people don't even watch airing stuff, instead they wait for it to finish first. Ofc Demon Slayer has many seasons which is another thing making it popular and more picked. Anyway maybe it won't get as popular in just 1 season. but in 2 or 3 it definitely could and in rating I can definitely see it surpass it.
Oct 11, 2024 7:35 AM

Jan 2020
Reply to Akanekino
@Kaze1214 yea that was my bad maybe cuz I usually only look at rating instead of how many members anime actually has which is real popularity so when I saw the question I immediately thought of rating and how good the show is. For me rating=popularity meaning if it sits at top 10 highest rated it will make it popular, but also anime was rly hyped cuz the manga is extremely good and high rated. It's only been 2 episodes and it's already this good and picked by plenty people so it can only get better and more popular later since many people don't even watch airing stuff, instead they wait for it to finish first. Ofc Demon Slayer has many seasons which is another thing making it popular and more picked. Anyway maybe it won't get as popular in just 1 season. but in 2 or 3 it definitely could and in rating I can definitely see it surpass it.
@Akanekino Damn, you're here too?

Wait, NVM, I forgot that I'll just get ignored.
“๐–จ๐–ฟ ๐—…๐—‚๐–ฟ๐–พ ๐—๐–พ๐—‹๐–พ ๐—‰๐—‹๐–พ๐–ฝ๐—‚๐–ผ๐—๐–บ๐–ป๐—…๐–พ, ๐—‚๐— ๐—๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐—…๐–ฝ ๐–ผ๐–พ๐–บ๐—Œ๐–พ ๐—๐—ˆ ๐–ป๐–พ ๐—…๐—‚๐–ฟ๐–พ ๐–บ๐—‡๐–ฝ ๐–ป๐–พ ๐—๐—‚๐—๐—๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐— ๐–ฟ๐—…๐–บ๐—๐—ˆ๐—‹.” – ๐–ค๐—…๐–พ๐–บ๐—‡๐—ˆ๐—‹ ๐–ฑ๐—ˆ๐—ˆ๐—Œ๐–พ๐—๐–พ๐—…๐—
Oct 11, 2024 8:48 AM
Sep 2018
Reply to aurora_yuuki
@Akanekino Damn, you're here too?

Wait, NVM, I forgot that I'll just get ignored.
@aurora_yuuki why do you think you would be ignored? you are good, I would have replied sooner, but I was doing something else.

Also yea got a bit more active around here now especially when something I rly love a lot enough to be interested into looking at forums like this.
AkanekinoOct 11, 2024 8:52 AM
Oct 11, 2024 11:02 AM

Jan 2020
Reply to Akanekino
@aurora_yuuki why do you think you would be ignored? you are good, I would have replied sooner, but I was doing something else.

Also yea got a bit more active around here now especially when something I rly love a lot enough to be interested into looking at forums like this.
@Akanekino Because you did that to me a few times before when I pinged you.
“๐–จ๐–ฟ ๐—…๐—‚๐–ฟ๐–พ ๐—๐–พ๐—‹๐–พ ๐—‰๐—‹๐–พ๐–ฝ๐—‚๐–ผ๐—๐–บ๐–ป๐—…๐–พ, ๐—‚๐— ๐—๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐—…๐–ฝ ๐–ผ๐–พ๐–บ๐—Œ๐–พ ๐—๐—ˆ ๐–ป๐–พ ๐—…๐—‚๐–ฟ๐–พ ๐–บ๐—‡๐–ฝ ๐–ป๐–พ ๐—๐—‚๐—๐—๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐— ๐–ฟ๐—…๐–บ๐—๐—ˆ๐—‹.” – ๐–ค๐—…๐–พ๐–บ๐—‡๐—ˆ๐—‹ ๐–ฑ๐—ˆ๐—ˆ๐—Œ๐–พ๐—๐–พ๐—…๐—
Oct 11, 2024 11:03 AM
Dec 2017
Reply to Piromysl
EcchiGodMamster said:
probably no, its too weird for normies

which is a good thing lol

True. First episode and THAT scene should successfully filter out most tourists. And from what I've heard, more is yet to come. But unfortunately Those Grifters Who Deliberately Walk Into Place Full Of Things They Don't Like And Are Now Offended will stay, be loud and obnoxious.
Animation is really on par with JJK and looks amazing. I especially liked Ayase's roundhouse kick.
@Piromysl Like you who continually tries to defend Mushoku Tensei and fails miserably, you are the classic definition of loud and obnoxious ๐Ÿ˜‰
Oct 11, 2024 11:12 AM
Dec 2017
Reply to RobertBobert
These days, being overly popular means that a show will get a ton of haters who will hate the show simply because it is very popular, because hating popular shows is considered a sign of good taste.
@RobertBobert This is bullshit, popular shows are often hated because you really realize how they are shows that border on many imperfections and mistakes rather than merits, see Sao, Demon slayer, my hero academia, etc... but there are others that are universally loved like aot, HxH, Berserk, etc... so saying that hating popular shows just to say you have good taste imo is wrong
Oct 11, 2024 11:20 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to Leon888
@RobertBobert This is bullshit, popular shows are often hated because you really realize how they are shows that border on many imperfections and mistakes rather than merits, see Sao, Demon slayer, my hero academia, etc... but there are others that are universally loved like aot, HxH, Berserk, etc... so saying that hating popular shows just to say you have good taste imo is wrong
@Leon888 You are missing a very simple fact - the classics are almost never criticized due to their popularity for quite simple reasons. This titles is less intrusive and widely discussed in the mainstream, and has a well-trained and passionate defense. Therefore, a wannabe hater who wants to assert himself by criticizing Berserk will simply be ground into powder. Plus, these shows are already heralded as classics for all sorts of reasons, which gives them some protection from casual critics. At the same time, the shows you mentioned at the beginning are new or relatively new, very intrusive and widespread in the mainstream, including among young and inexperienced audiences. Which makes them a very good target for anyone who wants to make a statement of good taste without much effort.

Contrasting oneself with the majority for self-affirmation is a very well-known and researched part of the human mentality, especially when it comes to very significant opposition in areas like young-old or fresh-classic. At the same time, not everyone has the necessary knowledge and skills to do this, so they simply choose a convenient target - something very popular and discussed among a young audience and attack it effortlessly with the help of typical criticism clichés like "...not develops" or "has problems with logic." Or, as is now fashionable, they simply accuse well-animated shows of allegedly being loved only for the sake of animation. Moreover, I watched all these shows during their seasonal broadcast and I clearly remember how they received overwhelming praise up to a certain point before becoming objectively very popular and immediately starting to receive demonstrative criticism for the sake of attracting attention. Vivid examples are ReZero, Frieren, Spy x Family, etc. You will notice this yourself if you notice that, except for SAO, all the shows you mentioned are very young. The famous Obscure Lupa's experiment with a review of the 4th episode of Star Wars perfectly showed that, if desired, you can burn even any “universally loved titles” by simply starting to cling to them like a hater.

And that's not to mention that superficial generalizations like "every show that's hated is hated for the right reasons" and "no one hates a show for the sake of attention" is simply immature. Especially when even you yourself are now trying to roast popular shows to show your claim to a higher taste than the “mainstream”. Especially when you consider that half of the modern shows on your list of favorites like Kaguya have gone through this kind of "hate for attention" (Even down to Leon in your userpic or nickname, I still remember how people hated RE4 because the game was a hit despite experimenting with new gameplay elements). I still remember how people deliberately gave high ratings to neighboring shows so that Kaguya's latest season would not rank high. Also, are you really saying that AOT is universally loved and the franchise has never been hated for all the wrong reasons just because it is one of the most mainstream anime and manga of our time? It's strange, every Titans fan has had to deal with this for years.
RobertBobertOct 11, 2024 11:51 AM
Oct 12, 2024 4:56 AM
Sep 2018
Reply to aurora_yuuki
@Akanekino Because you did that to me a few times before when I pinged you.
@aurora_yuuki idk sometimes I don't receive pings for some reason like this one or multiple people ping so it gets lost in all the conversation. For this one I literally had to check if u said something again cuz I got nothing on gmail. Idk when I ignored you before, but I can only recall one time about Roshidere best girl which I was busy whole day so didn't have time to check anything at all so I replied a day or more later when I saw it on gmail.
Oct 12, 2024 4:58 AM

Jan 2020
Reply to Akanekino
@aurora_yuuki idk sometimes I don't receive pings for some reason like this one or multiple people ping so it gets lost in all the conversation. For this one I literally had to check if u said something again cuz I got nothing on gmail. Idk when I ignored you before, but I can only recall one time about Roshidere best girl which I was busy whole day so didn't have time to check anything at all so I replied a day or more later when I saw it on gmail.
@Akanekino Wait, so you remember me? ( •ฬ€ ω •ฬ )โœง
“๐–จ๐–ฟ ๐—…๐—‚๐–ฟ๐–พ ๐—๐–พ๐—‹๐–พ ๐—‰๐—‹๐–พ๐–ฝ๐—‚๐–ผ๐—๐–บ๐–ป๐—…๐–พ, ๐—‚๐— ๐—๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐—…๐–ฝ ๐–ผ๐–พ๐–บ๐—Œ๐–พ ๐—๐—ˆ ๐–ป๐–พ ๐—…๐—‚๐–ฟ๐–พ ๐–บ๐—‡๐–ฝ ๐–ป๐–พ ๐—๐—‚๐—๐—๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐— ๐–ฟ๐—…๐–บ๐—๐—ˆ๐—‹.” – ๐–ค๐—…๐–พ๐–บ๐—‡๐—ˆ๐—‹ ๐–ฑ๐—ˆ๐—ˆ๐—Œ๐–พ๐—๐–พ๐—…๐—
Oct 12, 2024 5:18 AM
Sep 2018
Reply to aurora_yuuki
@Akanekino Wait, so you remember me? ( •ฬ€ ω •ฬ )โœง
@aurora_yuuki ofc I do, we talked in more than one forum already. I even have you as friend.
Oct 12, 2024 5:32 AM

Jan 2020
Reply to Akanekino
@aurora_yuuki ofc I do, we talked in more than one forum already. I even have you as friend.
@Akanekino เซฎ๊’ฐเพ€เฝฒ >โธโธโธ<๊’ฑเพ€เฝฒแƒ ~Woah... almost everyone I talk to never bother to remember me, even though I do. It's a nice chance of pace~ (โธโธโธ> โ–ต <โธโธโธ)
“๐–จ๐–ฟ ๐—…๐—‚๐–ฟ๐–พ ๐—๐–พ๐—‹๐–พ ๐—‰๐—‹๐–พ๐–ฝ๐—‚๐–ผ๐—๐–บ๐–ป๐—…๐–พ, ๐—‚๐— ๐—๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐—…๐–ฝ ๐–ผ๐–พ๐–บ๐—Œ๐–พ ๐—๐—ˆ ๐–ป๐–พ ๐—…๐—‚๐–ฟ๐–พ ๐–บ๐—‡๐–ฝ ๐–ป๐–พ ๐—๐—‚๐—๐—๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐— ๐–ฟ๐—…๐–บ๐—๐—ˆ๐—‹.” – ๐–ค๐—…๐–พ๐–บ๐—‡๐—ˆ๐—‹ ๐–ฑ๐—ˆ๐—ˆ๐—Œ๐–พ๐—๐–พ๐—…๐—
Oct 22, 2024 4:23 AM

Nov 2012
it's already huge and has the potential to be even bigger for sure.

But Demon Slayer and JJK, that's like another level of popularity, I'd be surprised if it's ever that big.

But as others have said I could see it being at least as big as Kaiju no 8 or other series that kind of level of popularity...maybe even more so than that specific example, it will see a boost from the anime for sure...but idunno if it has the capacity to be as big as those powerhouses & have a similar longevity as they do.
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Oct 22, 2024 5:20 AM
Oct 2023
I don't think so. Dandadan itself gets weirder later on in the series and I don't think its weirdness will appeal every casual viewers and gain huge popularity like JJK or Demon Slayer.
Oct 31, 2024 4:38 AM

Jul 2015
Reply to Leon888
@Piromysl Like you who continually tries to defend Mushoku Tensei and fails miserably, you are the classic definition of loud and obnoxious ๐Ÿ˜‰
@Leon888 Weak bait even for your standards. I rate it 2/10.

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