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Jul 18, 6:15 PM

Jun 2016
Even when I'm 200 and my brain is floating in a jar, I'll still have anime directly transferred into my mind.
Jul 18, 6:40 PM

Mar 2019
The ideal is not to even start watching. ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Jul 18, 7:15 PM

Mar 2008
Winners do not quit so I say it is never.
Jul 18, 7:33 PM

Aug 2011
I've been watching anime since I was a child in the 90s, and it has been a constant comfort for me throughout my life. I must have been only 3 or 4 years old, lying in bed with my mom late at night or early in the morning, captivated by the English dub of Gundam Wing. That's my earliest memory of watching anime. A few years later, around the age of 6 or 7, I was drawn into the worlds of Dragon Ball Z and the original Dragon Ball, followed closely by Naruto and Bleach.

Now, at 30 years old, anime remains a profound passion. It has shaped my identity and played a pivotal role in my journey through life. The stories, characters, and emotions have inspired me, comforted me during difficult times, and fueled my imagination. Anime is not just entertainment to me—it's a part of my soul. I can't imagine my life without it, and I know I'll cherish it forever.
Jul 18, 7:47 PM

Oct 2019
10, if, you're still hooked after that you're probably never stopping.
Also available at:
YouTube Channel:
Second Channel:
Why You Should Watch Akudama Drive:
A Love Letter To Anime「AMV」:

My referral code to a website/app that gives you free money (a few cents a day) by using a few megabytes of your internet for file sharing. We both get a bonus if you use my link:
Jul 18, 7:50 PM

Feb 2014
Dragevard said:
Is there a point where it's considered "weird" or "immature" to still be into anime?

Not one set in stone, it's all social convention after all.
The newer generations have less of a stigma against animation (If you could say they still have a stigma at all) (Things such as X-Men 98, Invincible and that new Superman animation have been quite popular in the mainstream lately, no?), so you could say that nowadays there isn't really one.
Jul 18, 7:59 PM

Oct 2016
"Is there a point where it's considered "weird" or "immature" to still be into anime?". From the moment you start, pretty much.

"Is there a "good" age to quit watching anime?"

Yes, whenever you feel like it.
Jul 18, 8:05 PM
Sep 2016
Couldn't imagine being insecure and caring what other people think.

Seems like a pretty miserable way to live life.

If you like anime watch it. If you don't, don't.
Jul 18, 9:27 PM

Nov 2012
Reply to Timeline_man
probably whenever the industry moves past you and you find yourself suddenly upset at the vast majority of content beign produced and saying things like "back in my day"
@Timeline_man I guess that can be solved by the person watching stuff from "back in their day"
Jul 18, 9:43 PM
May 2012
There is not a good age to quit anime because there are anime of any kind, you simply could change your genres through your life as you get older you may be more interested in seinen anime. The anime target audience is mainly young people this is a fact but even adults can enjoy such themes. As long it's ok for you you shouldn't care about anything else and if you care about what the others think well you'll lose yourself because everyone has a different opinion about anything.
Jul 18, 11:08 PM

May 2018
No such thing. Just like any other form of entertainment... as long as you're entertained, who the hell cares.

I will mention though, that as I "mature" [I'm still a punk ass kid at heart] I tend to naturally stay away from entertainment aimed at kids and teenagers - school theme, first love romance, overtly hopeless horny vibes - and instead gravitate towards the more philosophical and absurd material (avant garde, psych, sol, etc). And... it's true that as an adult you have more responsibilities that fall into your lap, so stupid time management increasingly plays a part into how much anime you consume.
NoelleIsSleepyJul 18, 11:12 PM
can't yuck my yum

Jul 18, 11:19 PM
Nov 2018
I told myself 30 would be the age i'd stop, when i was 15, 15 years ago, I love anime more than ever. Dont think we're ever out growing it.
Jul 19, 1:15 AM

Jul 2013
Quitting or growing out of conventional shounen is easier.

Growing out of conventional shounen is easy because it's too mainstream, same with most superheroes. Avengers sure got old fast as well.

At this point! I'll just stick with mecha, anime written for older audiences or read obscure graphic novels. Obscure manga and alternative comics over advertisement based on stupidly mainstream, monotonous novels any day of the week.

I disagree with some middle-aged geek the other day saying that she grew out of mecha. Growing out of mecha is a piece of cake if it's monotonous like Call of Duty or first-person shooters which is well-known for being way out of style, super monotonous, formulaic, etc than the genre could ever hope to achieve.

At least mecha anime does something new every once in a while. Mecha anime doesn't have to be the same product all the time.

Same geek should stop complaining about some sci-fi anime she doesn't like and grow up. Saying that Captain America: The First Avenger being one of her most cherished movies is an automatic time to grow up. So five minutes ago as well and it also aged poorly because of the dialogue, overall lack of tension, repetitive fighting, etc. Like what are you? An infant?

Learn how to read graphic novels too. Many of those obscure ones with great artistic potential, whether indie or manga, will never materialize any more than The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead. A dystopian, futuristic story that puts Akira to shame (How the hell does a psychotic and telepathic ghost even give kids generic superpowers overnight? It makes no sense; superpowers more boring to me than those in Dragon Ball; ki energy over nonsense telepathy any day).

I wish that my beloved Silent Möbius could get a complete adaptation with modern-day special effects.

In general, changing your taste and growing out of normie media is easier than quitting anime. Maybe switching to graphic novels is the closest answer.

The less advertisement for manga you watch, the better.
Jul 19, 8:43 PM
Jul 2024
I'm 62 now. Been watching Anime' off and on since the 1980's ( not counting Speed Racer, etc. back in the late 1960s). Does this answer your question? I know of fans even older than I am, why would I quit something I enjoy?
Jul 19, 9:59 PM

Jan 2013
Whatever age you are right now, please quit. Seriously.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Jul 19, 10:54 PM

Aug 2012
There´s no such thing. Your tastes only will change with time. For example, I´m 36 and unlike 10 years ago, I rarely enjoy Shounen manga. I´m more into Seinen or just wholesome stuff to relax.

Don´t worry about what others think. The "anime is for children" thing is a myth. Only adults can actually spend on anime stuff like figures and Blu-Rays, unless your parents really spoil you.
"Could you not talk with me? I'm busy breathing."
Jul 20, 1:48 AM

Jan 2020
Whenever you find a job or a different hobby that requires a lot of skill and time expenditure, like illustration, 3D modeling, music making... Oh, wait... That's done with AI nowadays... Shit...

Ok, then a good time to quit anime is when you get your first gig as a plumber.
Jul 20, 4:00 AM

Aug 2017
Reply to thewiru
Dragevard said:
Is there a point where it's considered "weird" or "immature" to still be into anime?

Not one set in stone, it's all social convention after all.
The newer generations have less of a stigma against animation (If you could say they still have a stigma at all) (Things such as X-Men 98, Invincible and that new Superman animation have been quite popular in the mainstream lately, no?), so you could say that nowadays there isn't really one.
@thewiru Western Animation is still seen as childish (with good reason) and now its unpopular unlike Anime so bad examples lol.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Jul 20, 4:12 AM

Aug 2020
What's a good age to quit watching movies? Reading books?

Jul 20, 5:42 AM
May 2018
None, you quit watching anime if you don't enjoy it anymore.
Jul 20, 5:47 AM

Jun 2024
Anyway, imo age doesn't matter, if you think it's time to move on from anime then do it

"It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence"
Jul 20, 5:53 AM
Jun 2015
When you grow tired of it like I did. I started back in 2012 and that's all I ever watched.However I retired watching anime about 2 years ago and I'm 31. Now I'll maybe one or two anime a year if it's a sequel, but that's about all. Anime to me is just dead now.
shane_nicholsJul 20, 5:56 AM
Jul 20, 11:52 AM

May 2018
That doesn't make any sense...

My mom didn't start Anime until she was 53.
She's 70 in October.
She's completely finished over 460+ series already.
She's become cultured enough to realize it's the superior form of media entertainment without debate. At least for the past 10-15 years...
Jul 20, 2:37 PM

Aug 2014
The better question is what age you are going to stop creating these terrible threads?
Jul 20, 3:42 PM
Apr 2022
Reply to zombie_pegasus
I'd recommend quitting by the time you're 99. By that age you probably have dementia so you'll end up just rewatching the same things because you can't remember then. Maybe get into gunpla at that point, because at least you'll have a physical representation of what you've accomplished with your hobby.
That would be awesome. That way I could rewatch all my favorites and experience them again for the first time
Jul 20, 10:51 PM

Feb 2020
Idk, probably like 18. I'm a good bit passed that but still haven't given it up yet for some reason.
Jul 20, 10:53 PM

Jan 2022
Quit before you destroy your life😔😔
Jul 20, 10:54 PM
cinnamon girl ♡

Apr 2021
Jul 20, 10:56 PM

Oct 2011
i'm in too deep so i'll stop when it stops being entertaining, so probably never. that's like asking me when am i going to stop watching movies and western series. why would i stop? there's anime designed for different age demographics and there's always going to be new gems waiting to be discovered.
Jul 20, 11:03 PM

Nov 2018
89............................................................................................................................................................................................. maybe 90

Yesterday, 1:12 AM

Jan 2024
Why stop watching? No reason?
We'll see to that when we lose a reason

Yesterday, 1:44 AM

Jun 2010
Why is there an age limit for a hobby?
Yesterday, 1:54 AM
May 2024
Watching anime is like a hobby, and with most hobbies, you probably get stale of watching the genre over and over again
I haven't experienced that yet, but I would recommend branching out
Also, I don't think Im quitting watching anime, its become a good side quest after my main story line
Yesterday, 2:13 AM

Jan 2022
>What's a good age to quit Anime?
Before birth.
Yesterday, 5:55 AM

Jul 2021
The age where you're no longer interested in anime.
Yesterday, 6:02 AM

Feb 2018
What's a good age to quit Anime?

Sometime Between Never O' Clock and when the Earth finally Crashes into the Sun...
Yesterday, 6:12 AM

Mar 2020
When you feel like it, and if you want to come back, come back when you want. Life is too short and painful to have those kinds of restrictions on yourself.
Yesterday, 6:19 AM

Mar 2020
Reply to mikelpel64
When you feel like it, and if you want to come back, come back when you want. Life is too short and painful to have those kinds of restrictions on yourself.
@mikelpel64 I don't watch that much anime anymore, but I want to get into Manga. I might watch those few series that I still think they can be very good.
Yesterday, 6:20 AM

Jun 2024
Till your last breath, keep pumping those anime juices until you fizzle out.

𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓸, 𝔀𝓮 𝓲𝓷𝓱𝓪𝓫𝓲𝓽 𝓪 𝓯𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭
𝓐𝔀𝓪𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓵 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓛𝓸𝓻𝓭
𝓤𝓷𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮, 𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭𝓼𝓽 𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓷
Yesterday, 8:26 AM

Mar 2023
Watching anime is good for all ages.
4 hours ago

Apr 2008
Reply to HulkTySSJ2
That doesn't make any sense...

My mom didn't start Anime until she was 53.
She's 70 in October.
She's completely finished over 460+ series already.
She's become cultured enough to realize it's the superior form of media entertainment without debate. At least for the past 10-15 years...
@HulkTySSJ2 That is awesome that your mom is still an avid anime watcher, you are never too old to start! Did you recommend something to her or did she just find out about anime on her own? My mom is also 70 and she knows nothing about anime besides asking me if I still watch those chinese cartoons and I am too old to be doing so 😅.
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