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LOLICON reasoning thread - How to defend against non-sensical accusations?

Mar 10, 2022 6:14 AM

Feb 2019
Loli fans often get called pedos a lot on social media outside of the weeb culture, or sometimes by other anime watchers (who are likely to have watched a few anime and don't know what they are talking about), what are the best ways to reason that lolicons are not pedos?

This needs to stop as Dragon maid fans have been called pedos before.

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Mar 10, 2022 6:16 AM

Mar 2015
This is a case not even Sherlock Holmes can solve huh

Lolis are not real children.
Mar 10, 2022 6:30 AM
Jun 2020
The studies have been made already. Same game influence argument can be used here.

Underage law exists specifically only for real children. The entire reason it's there in the first place was because children are not physically or mentally mature to handle adult stuff. That's it. If they're no real, it obviously doesn't apply.

The rounded up no - the age when a average human reaches maturity(18) was used as the threshold. The number specifically doesn't have any speciality.

On top, the brain automatically makes a distinction between real and fiction. No matter how much of a weeb you are and think they're real. The brain will still make it's involuntary distinction. Making you incapable of being influenced mostly.
Mar 10, 2022 6:33 AM

Jun 2014
I just think they are cute lol that's it that's all. Kind of like a little sister?

I guess the best way would probably say that they are cute and there is nothing more after that ha
Mar 10, 2022 6:36 AM
Jan 2020
Oh god, I watched Rance. Now I'll rape every girl I see!!!!!
Mar 10, 2022 6:38 AM

Jun 2009
I just fap harder to loli hentai, so I can't hear 'em.
Mar 10, 2022 6:47 AM

Oct 2010
they aren't lolicons
they're feminists
Mar 10, 2022 6:51 AM

Jul 2019
People will often say

- Loli =/= real children
- Psychology is different
- Fiction has little effect on reality

Honestly, these kinds of topics gets very silly very quickly because people start spouting about stuff as if they came out of Harvard with a PhD.
Mar 10, 2022 6:58 AM

Dec 2019
Well if these people are exclusively attracted to drawings, then they should have their classification, being lolicons. Still sorta kimochi warui desu but it's better than liking real children.
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Mar 10, 2022 7:01 AM

Feb 2019
ACasualViewer said:
Well one hand, morally speaking, there isn't any harm being committed so I don't see a reason to be strongly opposed to people into animated children. On the other hand, people who make this their entire personality and openly speak of it are disgusting, so I don't feel bad if they get made fun of.

Anyone can take something and be very passionate about it to varying degrees, sometimes to a seemingly unhealthy level, and it should be okay as long as they don't cause other troubles or harms, they could harm themselves because it is their choice, however foolish or destructive. A few examples of very passionate people I have seen and heard of on the Internet:

- The man who is very passionate, or in a stronger word, obsessed with BicMac, he always has had a BigMac for every meal (the only food this man consumes) for decades. He's normally healthy and very happy, people even encourage him and he has no qualms about his love for BicMac. You can look this up on YouTube.

- Cosplayers, who are of course very passionate in making costumes and wearing them. It's artful and fun, and some cosplayers do it all day.

- And there are examples in anything else be it fishing, boxing, movie watching, audiophile hobby, etc.

So it should be perfectly acceptable that some are very into lolis, they don't necessarily be loud and annoying everywhere about their interest, just like others (of course it is annoying when someone that loves fishing always brags about their fishing skills for example) and still be called out and equated to pedophiles, which can imaginably be very frustrating.

So again I don't think lolicons are disgusting, as they are not pedophiles who are actually disgusting especially the criminal types.
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I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 7:03 AM

Nov 2019
Fantasizing of a body that defies physical growth is not good for mental health, either.
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Mar 10, 2022 7:05 AM

Apr 2012
Trying to reason with those bigots is generally fruitless.
Mar 10, 2022 7:07 AM

Feb 2019
SgtBaitMan said:
Fantasizing of a body that defies physical growth is not good for mental health, either.

Can you elaborate how it is not good for mental health? People have their own fantasies right?
Are all fantasies not good for mental health or is this specific type of fantasy is uniquely mentally harmful?
Based Certified.
I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 7:08 AM

Feb 2022
Hmm, well, lolis are not always children, most of the time are in their late teenage years.

Even if they were like 10 years old who gives a fuck, plus, its not my fault they drew a 10 year old girl to be that damn fine.
Mar 10, 2022 7:10 AM

Feb 2019
Mirai said:
This is a case not even Sherlock Holmes can solve huh

Lolis are not real children.

This is very much always the first point I made when I find myself in an argument on this topic, and it always lands on deaf ears, and the lolicon to pedophile equating continues without stop.
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I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 7:13 AM

Dec 2018
It's like trying to stop racism. You can try as hard as you want, anti lolicon crusaders will always exist. The best you can do is to make them look like idiots, that way less people will follow them.
Stuff in the streets, Stuff with drip in the sheets
Mar 10, 2022 7:13 AM

Oct 2018
I gotta ask something

Why would you care about someone's opinion on the internet? If you want to touch 2D kids, just go for it.
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Perhaps, this is hell.
Mar 10, 2022 7:15 AM

Apr 2021
I’m on team Loli

And I enjoy lolis because they’re cute, moe is one of my favorite parts of anime, but that DOESN’T mean I’m “sexually attracted” to them. Like how I think my cat is cute but-

Also, social media is a heckhole filled with lowlifes looking for any way possible to belittle someone to feel better about their sorry lives
NotTaiga7Mar 10, 2022 7:19 AM
My poor signature was removed because it “took up too much space”
Mar 10, 2022 7:19 AM

Nov 2016
You gotta keep in mind that you will never be able to convince certain people no matter how correct or logical your argument is.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 10, 2022 7:23 AM

Feb 2019
Phosphophyllita said:
I gotta ask something

Why would you care about someone's opinion on the internet? If you want to touch 2D kids, just go for it.

I'd love not to care but I can't shake the idea of untrueness being the norm. I've tried to engage in argument on this topic on Reddit a couple times but it seems the default is that having some fondness in loli means pedophilia. I even got banned once for the reason "promoting pedophilia". Which could be quite unpleasant.
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I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 7:32 AM
Jul 2018
I wouldn't take the opinions of complete strangers to heart. As long as you believe that you don't have the capacity to be one or to commit such actions, there's no reason to feel ashamed. No matter what, there are going to be people out there who will judge you.
Mar 10, 2022 7:34 AM

Jun 2020
keep this arguing exclusive to the internet or else you will never have friends in real life.

animated or not the concept of enjoying little girls is fucking weird and you are definitely in the minority if u endorse it

also loli anime almost never has any substance except for fanservice. try expanding ur horizons a bit
Mar 10, 2022 7:36 AM

Feb 2019
ACasualViewer said:
Athzewe said:

Anyone can take something and be very passionate about it to varying degrees, sometimes to a seemingly unhealthy level, and it should be okay as long as they don't cause other troubles or harms, they could harm themselves because it is their choice, however foolish or destructive. A few examples of very passionate people I have seen and heard of on the Internet:

- The man who is very passionate, or in a stronger word, obsessed with BicMac, he always has had a BigMac for every meal (the only food this man consumes) for decades. He's normally healthy and very happy, people even encourage him and he has no qualms about his love for BicMac. You can look this up on YouTube.

- Cosplayers, who are of course very passionate in making costumes and wearing them. It's artful and fun, and some cosplayers do it all day.

- And there are examples in anything else be it fishing, boxing, movie watching, audiophile hobby, etc.

So it should be perfectly acceptable that some are very into lolis, they don't necessarily be loud and annoying everywhere about their interest, just like others (of course it is annoying when someone that loves fishing always brags about their fishing skills for example) and still be called out and equated to pedophiles, which can imaginably be very frustrating.

So again I don't think lolicons are disgusting, as they are not pedophiles who are actually disgusting especially the criminal types.

Comparing apples and oranges here, big macs and sexual fetishes are not equivalent. Talking about your sexual interests in every other message, like people who are into cartoon children typically do and making it your personality is way weirder.

Imagine a guy who likes girls butts, every thing they talk about is a variation of "Whenever I go on the bus and see a cute girl wearing nice black tights I wanna grab her butt" or "Man X anime girl has the nicest butt". Literally the only thing they talk about, you're eating lunch they are talking about it, you're playing together and they are talking about it, you're working on a project together and they are talking about it. People like this are in fact, very gross, not surprised people don't like them.

Honestly, in general I don't think your sexual preferences should be compared to a hobby you speak out about. Nobody really wants to know whether or not you like teen porn or you're into slapping girls or if you want to be urinated on. Its not civil discussion. Keep the fact you are sexually attracted to cartoon children to yourself, literally nobody normal wants to know about it.

I use the above examples to illustrate the point that as humans we can be very in one direction of anything, spanning the spectrum from destructive to non-destructive to oneself, not to others. Like those people who take their body modifications to the extreme: full body tattoos in every inch of skin imaginable, artificial horn implants on the forehead, etc. They do it to their body and are happy, they are weird of course, but they are happy.

But, one might not be sexually attracted to lolis, can unfortunately be resulted in being called a pedo. I fully agree no one should ever talk about their sexuality be it fetishes or kinks or anything related to these all the time everywhere, I think it is common sense to normally thinking people that no one should talk about these openly in the public space be it real or cyber.

But the idea is that someone mentioning their fondness of loli (not sexually even, just captured by the cuteness) would be branded a pedophile.
Based Certified.
I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 7:38 AM

Oct 2011
ACasualViewer said:
Well one hand, morally speaking, there isn't any harm being committed so I don't see a reason to be strongly opposed to people into animated children. On the other hand, people who make this their entire personality and openly speak of it are disgusting, so I don't feel bad if they get made fun of.

Everything in moderation is fine. (As long as it's legal). Even if you make sex your whole personality and talk, act with everything sex related to consenting adults and not animated children, that's still a sex addiction and is also a problem.
Mar 10, 2022 7:40 AM

Aug 2018
Just say "and GTA V makes people killers, sure". But also just for best to not enter the argument, if possible, as what you'll convince that person?.. He most likely won't change his opinion, and it's his problem if he can't separate fiction from reality..
Mar 10, 2022 7:40 AM

Oct 2011
hik1komori said:
keep this arguing exclusive to the internet or else you will never have friends in real life.

animated or not the concept of enjoying little girls is fucking weird and you are definitely in the minority if u endorse it

also loli anime almost never has any substance except for fanservice. try expanding ur horizons a bit

Yeah, like Higurashi when they cry. Purely fanservice.
Mar 10, 2022 7:42 AM

Feb 2011
If only people would judge each other based on their actions instead of believes and preferences, no one would need to defend against such accusations in the first place.
Mar 10, 2022 7:50 AM

Feb 2019
hik1komori said:
keep this arguing exclusive to the internet or else you will never have friends in real life.

animated or not the concept of enjoying little girls is fucking weird and you are definitely in the minority if u endorse it

also loli anime almost never has any substance except for fanservice. try expanding ur horizons a bit

These arguments could be made in real life, in court, where people would argue whether or not anime as a whole promote pedophilia due to the loli anime genre and should it be banned altogether. I think it's very relevant and should not be reduced to a way to shy away potential friends in the real world.

You are correct that many fan service anime has little substance or story, it's true, because the main weights are on the fan service part. But, anime that has loli in it is not necessarily devoid of substance, a few examples: NGNL zero, monogatari series, prisma illya, GuP, and more.

It's perfectly fine to be in a minority of opinions, the importance is it wrong or not wrong, harmful or not harmful to others.

From what you said, people who "enjoying little girls" and who enjoy lolis are one, which is pretty the same as equating lolicons and pedophiles? I think there's a big difference between the two group of people.
Based Certified.
I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 7:57 AM

Jul 2017
You shouldn't bother with many of them. They're ready to take the moral high ground harder than the SC took Wall Maria.

Mar 10, 2022 7:59 AM

Aug 2018
ACasualViewer said:
Athzewe said:

Anyone can take something and be very passionate about it to varying degrees, sometimes to a seemingly unhealthy level, and it should be okay as long as they don't cause other troubles or harms, they could harm themselves because it is their choice, however foolish or destructive. A few examples of very passionate people I have seen and heard of on the Internet:

- The man who is very passionate, or in a stronger word, obsessed with BicMac, he always has had a BigMac for every meal (the only food this man consumes) for decades. He's normally healthy and very happy, people even encourage him and he has no qualms about his love for BicMac. You can look this up on YouTube.

- Cosplayers, who are of course very passionate in making costumes and wearing them. It's artful and fun, and some cosplayers do it all day.

- And there are examples in anything else be it fishing, boxing, movie watching, audiophile hobby, etc.

So it should be perfectly acceptable that some are very into lolis, they don't necessarily be loud and annoying everywhere about their interest, just like others (of course it is annoying when someone that loves fishing always brags about their fishing skills for example) and still be called out and equated to pedophiles, which can imaginably be very frustrating.

So again I don't think lolicons are disgusting, as they are not pedophiles who are actually disgusting especially the criminal types.

Comparing apples and oranges here, big macs and sexual fetishes are not equivalent. Talking about your sexual interests in every other message, like people who are into cartoon children typically do and making it your personality is way weirder.

Imagine a guy who likes girls butts, every thing they talk about is a variation of "Whenever I go on the bus and see a cute girl wearing nice black tights I wanna grab her butt" or "Man X anime girl has the nicest butt". Literally the only thing they talk about, you're eating lunch they are talking about it, you're playing together and they are talking about it, you're working on a project together and they are talking about it. People like this are in fact, very gross, not surprised people don't like them.

Honestly, in general I don't think your sexual preferences should be compared to a hobby you speak out about. Nobody really wants to know whether or not you like teen porn or you're into slapping girls or if you want to be urinated on. Its not civil discussion. Keep the fact you are sexually attracted to cartoon children to yourself, literally nobody normal wants to know about it.

Where do you live where people openly state that they are sexually aroused by a cartoon, or speak of their sexual interest all the time?
Mar 10, 2022 8:02 AM

Feb 2019
Athzewe said:
what are the best ways to reason that lolicons are not pedos?

There is no way to reason a statement that is opposite to the truth.
Well I for one already loved Lain.
Mar 10, 2022 8:05 AM

Jun 2020
Athzewe said:
hik1komori said:
keep this arguing exclusive to the internet or else you will never have friends in real life.

animated or not the concept of enjoying little girls is fucking weird and you are definitely in the minority if u endorse it

also loli anime almost never has any substance except for fanservice. try expanding ur horizons a bit

These arguments could be made in real life, in court, where people would argue whether or not anime as a whole promote pedophilia due to the loli anime genre and should it be banned altogether. I think it's very relevant and should not be reduced to a way to shy away potential friends in the real world.

You are correct that many fan service anime has little substance or story, it's true, because the main weights are on the fan service part. But, anime that has loli in it is not necessarily devoid of substance, a few examples: NGNL zero, monogatari series, prisma illya, GuP, and more.

It's perfectly fine to be in a minority of opinions, the importance is it wrong or not wrong, harmful or not harmful to others.

From what you said, people who "enjoying little girls" and who enjoy lolis are one, which is pretty the same as equating lolicons and pedophiles? I think there's a big difference between the two group of people.

idk why ur treating this like the next presidential debate. rly not that deep. to sum it up in a few syllables ; lolicons are fucking weird. lolis are closely tied to pedophilia whether you like it or not. both sexualize little girls. u cant deny that.
Mar 10, 2022 8:10 AM

Feb 2019
hik1komori said:
Athzewe said:

These arguments could be made in real life, in court, where people would argue whether or not anime as a whole promote pedophilia due to the loli anime genre and should it be banned altogether. I think it's very relevant and should not be reduced to a way to shy away potential friends in the real world.

You are correct that many fan service anime has little substance or story, it's true, because the main weights are on the fan service part. But, anime that has loli in it is not necessarily devoid of substance, a few examples: NGNL zero, monogatari series, prisma illya, GuP, and more.

It's perfectly fine to be in a minority of opinions, the importance is it wrong or not wrong, harmful or not harmful to others.

From what you said, people who "enjoying little girls" and who enjoy lolis are one, which is pretty the same as equating lolicons and pedophiles? I think there's a big difference between the two group of people.

idk why ur treating this like the next presidential debate. rly not that deep. to sum it up in a few syllables ; lolicons are fucking weird. lolis are closely tied to pedophilia whether you like it or not. both sexualize little girls. u cant deny that.

Thank you for illustrating one of the reasons I make this thread.
Based Certified.
I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 8:14 AM

Feb 2019
jvniper said:
Lolicons are gross degenerates so I don't like them. They can do what they want but I'm still gonna make fun of them for it.

Being made fun of is fine, everyone can be the butt of the joke for possibly anything, it stings sometimes, but it's perfectly fine.

Just don't escalate beyond that with the act of banning lolicons in discussions, equating lolicons to real pedophiles who actually go after real children or banning anime as a whole!
Based Certified.
I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 8:21 AM

Feb 2019
A_G_N said:
The studies have been made already. Same game influence argument can be used here.

Underage law exists specifically only for real children. The entire reason it's there in the first place was because children are not physically or mentally mature to handle adult stuff. That's it. If they're no real, it obviously doesn't apply.

The rounded up no - the age when a average human reaches maturity(18) was used as the threshold. The number specifically doesn't have any speciality.

On top, the brain automatically makes a distinction between real and fiction. No matter how much of a weeb you are and think they're real. The brain will still make it's involuntary distinction. Making you incapable of being influenced mostly.

I skipped your reply for some reason, these are some good points I shall note down.
Based Certified.
I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 8:34 AM

Feb 2019
jvniper said:
hik1komori said:

idk why ur treating this like the next presidential debate. rly not that deep. to sum it up in a few syllables ; lolicons are fucking weird. lolis are closely tied to pedophilia whether you like it or not. both sexualize little girls. u cant deny that.

FR though. Like, of all the people to defend... LOLICONS? Man, just let them be the rejects of society that they are. They've dug their own graves.

Athzewe said:

Being made fun of is fine, everyone can be the butt of the joke for possibly anything, it stings sometimes, but it's perfectly fine.

Just don't escalate beyond that with the act of banning lolicons in discussions, equating lolicons to real pedophiles who actually go after real children or banning anime as a whole!

Just as they can do what they want by sexualizing depictions of children, I 100% can do what I want too. If i want to ban them from discussions (if possible), I will. I will equate them to real pedophiles. I obviously can't ban anime though, I don't even know why you would say that.

It's great that you are very open with your intentions, I just hope they won't become real.

You can freely equate anything in your head, I just don't believe it's true to do so.

On another aspect, cuteness in anime are heavily borrowed from the youthful, childlike features of lolis, case in point, big eyes anime girls. Basically making any character cute in anime would involve the adjustment of loli-ness level to different degrees.

And finally, not saying you ban anime, of course you alone can't.

Based Certified.
I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 8:36 AM

Oct 2013
You can't reason with people who think that. I should know, I've tried. I've tried comparing it to the ridiculous violent media argument. I've tried pointing out the characters aren't real and aren't comparable to real children. No amount of common sense and logic gets through to these people.
Mar 10, 2022 8:39 AM

Jul 2021
I don't think there needs to be much of a difference between a loli and a pedo: either way they have about as much choice over it as moralists can choose not to be disgusted by them. Anyone, at times, displays aspects of their identity that, although arguably harmless, are triggering to others.
It's as if a muslim or a vegan were sickened by the constant sight of people enjoying pork. Either one party capitulates, or they both move on. It doesn't become a zero sum game unless someone makes it.

Also, personally, I find that my mere displeasure is hardly ever a good reason to constrain others. If someone really needed to get out of their system (e.g.) their support for Donald Trump or whatever then I can't expect to matter enough to censor them. On the other hand if someone took off their facemask to spit on the ground then it's no longer just a matter of my personal disapproval. What reasons are there to go after lolicons?
Mar 10, 2022 8:39 AM

Feb 2019
FanofAction said:
You can't reason with people who think that. I should know, I've tried. I've tried comparing it to the ridiculous violent media argument. I've tried pointing out the characters aren't real and aren't comparable to real children. No amount of common sense and logic gets through to these people.

I can relate to your experience, truly.
Based Certified.
I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 8:44 AM

Feb 2019
RentNoGirlfriend said:
I don't think there needs to be much of a difference between a loli and a pedo: either way they have about as much choice over it as moralists can choose not to be disgusted by them. Anyone, at times, displays aspects of their identity that, although arguably harmless, are triggering to others.
It's as if a muslim or a vegan were sickened by the constant sight of people enjoying pork. Either one party capitulates, or they both move on. It doesn't become a zero sum game unless someone makes it.

Also, personally, I find that my mere displeasure is hardly ever a good reason to constrain others. If someone really needed to get out of their system (e.g.) their support for Donald Trump or whatever then I can't expect to matter enough to censor them. On the other hand if someone took off their facemask to spit on the ground then it's no longer just a matter of my personal disapproval. What reasons are there to go after lolicons?

So you are the type of person that will fight back when you feel actually threatened or harmed.
Based Certified.
I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 8:47 AM

Jul 2021
Athzewe said:
So you are the type of person that will fight back when you feel actually threatened or harmed.
I'm not even a lolicon, but if it means pushing back then I'll hecking pretend to be one even in front of my mom XD
Mar 10, 2022 8:49 AM

Oct 2013
Athzewe said:
FanofAction said:
You can't reason with people who think that. I should know, I've tried. I've tried comparing it to the ridiculous violent media argument. I've tried pointing out the characters aren't real and aren't comparable to real children. No amount of common sense and logic gets through to these people.

I can relate to your experience, truly.

I'm not even really a loli fan, but I'd probably still be called a pedo if I came out and said I like characters like Tatsumaki from One Punch Man or something. Eventhough there are plenty of grown ass women in real life that are short and/or have small chests.....
Mar 10, 2022 8:51 AM

Feb 2014
Not to beat a dead horse but I find hitting them with bricks until they stop is the optimal solution
“When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good, other things become bad.”
Mar 10, 2022 8:56 AM
Jun 2020
NextUniverse said:
People will often say

- Loli =/= real children
- Psychology is different
- Fiction has little effect on reality

Honestly, these kinds of topics gets very silly very quickly because people start spouting about stuff as if they came out of Harvard with a PhD.
Those same points were said by scientists to eradicate the movies, cartoons and games create criminals argument by boomers and politicians.

Saying it often doesn't change the truth. The Dark Knight/Joker made the research about movies, before that the gaming research was already done. Identical results. Do we really need a cartoon research..?
Mar 10, 2022 8:59 AM

Mar 2020
Don't try to convince bigoted people to listen to you because they never wanted to discuss anything to begin with. They're only for virtue signaling by means of harassing others. So be louder than them and refute them with logic. That way smart, tolerant people will eventually realize the truth, that is, there's nothing wrong with lolicon.
Aikon83Mar 10, 2022 9:15 AM
Mar 10, 2022 9:00 AM

Oct 2013
jvniper said:
FanofAction said:

I'm not even really a loli fan, but I'd probably still be called a pedo if I came out and said I like characters like Tatsumaki from One Punch Man or something. Eventhough there are plenty of grown ass women in real life that are short and/or have small chests.....

That's quite literally NOT the type of characters we are talking about. I literally have Tatsumaki on my faves and I loathe lolis/lolicons. Tastumaki wasn't created for the purpose of being sexualized for being a child/having a child-like appearance.

And? That hasn't stopped people on your side from making that dumbass argument.
Mar 10, 2022 9:05 AM

Feb 2019
jvniper said:
Athzewe said:

It's great that you are very open with your intentions, I just hope they won't become real.

You can freely equate anything in your head, I just don't believe it's true to do so.

On another aspect, cuteness in anime are heavily borrowed from the youthful, childlike features of lolis, case in point, big eyes anime girls. Basically making any character cute in anime would involve the adjustment of loli-ness level to different degrees.

And finally, not saying you ban anime, of course you alone can't.

Do we have different ideas of what lolicons are? I'm not talking about people who like characters with "big anime eyes" or "youthful" characters. You can be cute without being a literal child, looking like a child, or acting like a child. Cute can be used to describe anyone of any age, and regardless of their style or appearance. Lolis are specifically designed to look like or be children and be used for sexualization and fetishization of their childlike appearance.

Lolicons are people who like and obsess over these purposefully sexualized depiction of those child/child-like characters. Not just people who like cute characters. You can even like child characters for several different reasons, for one being that they're cute, and not being a lolicon.

A lolicon is purely based on the sexual/fetish aspect of liking a child/child-like character. That's why we hate them and that's why they're disgusting social rejects. It's not rocket science.

We are on the same wavelength about the definition of lolicons, don't worry.

I was pointing out that a lot of the features in anime that result in a net sum of cuteness when looked at are heavily borrowed from lolis (big eyes, small nose, innocence(?), and more). So when you look at for example a cute anime office lady (that dragon girl in Dragon maid, whose facial features is obviously influenced by loli likeness), you are looking at a very water downed loli! And you find those features cute! And nothing wrong about it, of course!

On what basis that you reduce a group of people who fantasize about lolis to social rejects and call it a simple matter? Or is that your personal prejudice speaking? I'm not saying there are no social rejects in this group as in any other groups, mind you. But what the about the majority of talented artists who make the art that you highly probably have seen in anime or manga, who alongside that also produce loli art (both non-sexual and sexual manner) in games, pixiv and such, to be able to make such arts, they are likely to know much more about finer details of loli, are they social rejects to you? Maybe just to you.

So apologize now to the normal people that you just falsely called the bottom of society!

Based Certified.
I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 9:09 AM
Nov 2020
I think it's better for these kinds of people that loli's exist. That way they don't go after actual children.
Mar 10, 2022 9:09 AM

Feb 2019
FanofAction said:
Athzewe said:

I can relate to your experience, truly.

I'm not even really a loli fan, but I'd probably still be called a pedo if I came out and said I like characters like Tatsumaki from One Punch Man or something. Eventhough there are plenty of grown ass women in real life that are short and/or have small chests.....

It is quite crazy that actual real women, who has small frames are affected by this nonsense.
Based Certified.
I love anime armpits.
Mar 10, 2022 9:11 AM

Feb 2019
camay1997 said:
Not to beat a dead horse but I find hitting them with bricks until they stop is the optimal solution

You would likely receive the same number of bricks if not more! So be careful and try to use the correct tactics when inflicting real physical harm!
Based Certified.
I love anime armpits.
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