Bio said:Starhammer said:
You can see the bit from the LN in my last post,but basically,all living things have blessings,so to "level up"you have to kill.Simple as that.They don't think much about it since thats how it is,and has been for ages.And yes,it is common for people to kill each other,but then again,the sames true in this world too,we just don't get a level up tone or music when we do it to each other.
Okay, so killing beasts is fine for leveling. That takes away most of the worrying societal implications, but then it's a weird aside since that's how leveling works in almost every property. It makes it a moral realization on the level of we kill cows for burgers rather than talent is fueled by murder. I agree,but then again it's one of the first,maybe the first,that I've watched that treats leveling in this way.Most others(also including games in this)you level up by killing monsters and/or whatever else is "the enemy",but in this(so far anyway)you can level up by killing just about anything that has a blessing,be it a pig,wolf,orc,giant,your uncle etc etc.Its weird and has a lot of implications like you pointed out,murder becomes not a taboo as such,but a means to get stronger.Obviously the act of doing something like killing your uncle would(unless he's an evil SOB)have consequences,but in this world who knows? - I'm only up to Vol 4 of the LN so far :)
Then again,there are parallels in our world,such as some cults.Some of them believe that if you sacrifice or kill someone you gain power from doing so,either from God or from absorbing that persons soul or power.
Our societies tend to rationalize and moralize a lot of things that were once taken to be the way things were done.A feudal knight didn't(probably)moralize killing another knight who was his enemy,yet nowadays if a soldier kills another soldier who is an enemy,more often than not that soldier is looked at as being either a psychopath(if he shows no remorse)or warped by the act of doing so(If he shows remorse or anguish).It's often not the case,a soldier does think about the act of killing another person,but he's trained to "mentally"put it to the side and move on with his/her job.Thats one of the reasons for so many cases of PTSD in combatants.They do what they are trained to do,and then that same society(even though the same society asked them or told them to do it)treats them as "invalids" or "headcases".
Man,that was seriously stressful to think about,I'm gonna go take my pills! :)
Anyways,if you're thinking this much about the show,if you can,try reading the LN,theres a lot in it that explains much better than I can about its world.
And its also a pretty good read as well ;) |