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Nov 27, 2020 9:36 PM
Jun 2019
Swindler is so annoying.

Doesn't even say thankyou to Courier.

Doesn't even say thankyou to Cutthroat.

Acts like a Big Sis to someone who is literally immortal after being dragged into being an Akudama and having her life ruined by the same two kids when she was just an innocent girl.

Other than appearing as cute children, and having a big sister complex, she literally has no reason to want to play the big sister role for them. Her actions are continuously illogical.
Nov 27, 2020 11:15 PM
Oct 2020
I like swindler character arc but man I can't help to feel sorry for her. She only caught out in the commotion by mere accident and now she is one of the most wanted criminal.
Nov 28, 2020 2:15 AM

Apr 2012
I love how right at the beginning the spaceship was falling but there was no gravity inside lmaooo wtf

The part with the two girls in that abandoned house was so wholesome and then Swindler killing those two got me shook, it almost made me forget how the anime is getting worse with every episode. It would be great if they just tone down the crazy a bit and focus on this kinda vibe because for me it works much better than watching Doctor Insane Woman being edgy af.
Nov 28, 2020 5:19 AM

May 2020
I really hope we get some get some great action scenes next episode, since the last two episodes have been on the quieter side of things.
Nov 28, 2020 8:34 AM

Jun 2020
I'm so jealous of hoodlum that I could die at any moment rn T-T
Nov 28, 2020 9:52 AM

Apr 2020
am surprised by the whole noise about Swindler's haircut (it improves the character for me) and not so much about she defended herself and Imoto against three armed and hostile men and killed two! now she's actually an akudama TuT very tense fight scenes of Doctor in the lab and Swindler in the abandoned lair, despite the censorship the animation was great

the onee-chans relationship was a cute added, for more background or just a touching/empathic moment

its a bit convenient that all the akudama have escaped but its also interestingly possible, so i'm not complaining ajjaj hyped with Cutthroat advances /w\*

Nov 28, 2020 12:06 PM
Aug 2020
I actually really like Swindler's new look. She looks more human and less like a doll.
Might also just be the lesbian in me speaking.
Nov 28, 2020 2:01 PM
May 2016
Love Swindler more with every episode

Also she's rocking that short haircut
Nov 28, 2020 3:12 PM

Mar 2014
lmao at those three egoistic amateur jerks killed by Swindle.
Nov 28, 2020 6:20 PM
Aug 2018
I don't understand something. If Swinder's seal is flagged as an Akudama, how do any of the other criminals ever use any of their electronic funds?
Nov 28, 2020 7:16 PM
Sep 2019
AkeZZZ said:
When Swindler cuts her hair, she looks more adult and looks like another person. I'm totally not recognized her at first.
In the next episode, Cutthroat looks like to going berserk. Looks pretty interesting, maybe the reason is that Swindler cut her hair short.

I HATE her hair now.
Shes ugly a.f now
Yes she was great looking with her lonf hair but the short hair is not good
Nov 28, 2020 7:17 PM
Sep 2019
NG_Chloe said:
Love Swindler more with every episode

Also she's rocking that short haircut

I hate that short hair cut ugly a.f
She shouldn't have cut it.
Nov 28, 2020 7:24 PM
May 2016
YutakaYamadafan said:
NG_Chloe said:
Love Swindler more with every episode

Also she's rocking that short haircut

I hate that short hair cut ugly a.f
She shouldn't have cut it.

Agree to disagree my friend
Nov 29, 2020 12:35 AM
Oct 2020
I feel like swindler really has no where to go. She has a lot of money now but seems like she can’t use it. As well with the small isolated society I don’t see how she can survive. Personally it seems like the future for the characters is only death, I’m not seeing a way that they can come out of this successfully or even alive
Nov 29, 2020 5:06 AM
May 2020
I honestly think its cute that swindler is taking care of them, even tho she didnt want to be there from the start. I absolutely love the new look on her, she looks badass.
Nov 29, 2020 5:22 AM

Feb 2017
Nooo why did she have to cut her hair. Looks ugly. Hopefully it grow back lol.
Anyway, good episode. Liked to see some bonding between Sister and Swindler. Can't wait to see Cutthroat back in action, seems like he will go berserk or something.

OokamiRisu said:
I love how right at the beginning the spaceship was falling but there was no gravity inside lmaooo wtf

Nothing wrong with that. When you are free-falling you experience weightlessness. That's how astronauts practice zero gravity, by being in free falling airplanes.
TsarkoNov 29, 2020 5:26 AM
Nov 29, 2020 12:12 PM

Mar 2010
Wasn't smart for her to just use her identity like that in public. She has to grow up quick and be the inner swindler and wanted criminal that she has turned up to be.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Nov 29, 2020 4:25 PM

Apr 2018
Hmm, interesting that Courier will take the job.

Cant wait for the next episode looks like all of them survived.

Cutthroat is alive to get his angle back.
Nov 29, 2020 5:56 PM

Apr 2009
AffluentXXV said:

Other than appearing as cute children, and having a big sister complex, she literally has no reason to want to play the big sister role for them. Her actions are continuously illogical.

Ever heard of a thing called "empathy"?

Nov 29, 2020 8:08 PM

Nov 2018
Swindler's new hair cut seems to mark a turning point in her character, ass she sharpens her resolve to protect little sis and reunite the siblings. I've enjoyed her character from the start and this determination is just helping me like her more. I'm very excited about where this twist will lead and what Swindler will do next.
Nov 30, 2020 2:42 AM

Aug 2019
What a crazy episode. Now Swindler is a real criminal.
That censoring was lame as hell.
Nov 30, 2020 8:50 AM
Nov 2020
5:25 What a waste of his final moments. He could've at least looked up to get a preview of heaven...

12:39 "If you cooperate with me, I'll make you into a real man." ...damn, much obliged.

Gonna take a while to accept Swindler with short hair (and how will Cutthroat react to that?!)

Also, how did that other guy (with the glasses) not see that Swindler was hiding a knife behind her back? Or was he just waiting to see how it would all go down?
Nov 30, 2020 9:14 AM

Jul 2013
Loved the fact that Swindler finally got some character development, but her hair looks awful ( ̄ω ̄;). I'm also surprised that Courier did end up helping them, he could have just said no, but oh well. Oh and I really hope nothing bad is going to happen to Cutthroat, I ended up really liking him, but that preview doesn't look too promising for his well-being, does it ...
「 Између људи и нељуди. 」
Nov 30, 2020 10:43 AM
May 2018
I was sitting there just thinking, “Swindler do it! Snap! I want this character development please! Snap!”
In the end I was definitely satisfied that my expectations were fulfilled.
Nov 30, 2020 8:33 PM
Aug 2020
Dec 1, 2020 1:06 AM
Jun 2019
Jin_uzuki said:
AffluentXXV said:

Other than appearing as cute children, and having a big sister complex, she literally has no reason to want to play the big sister role for them. Her actions are continuously illogical.

Ever heard of a thing called "empathy"?

They're immortal. Lol. What is there to empathize with. They literally will not die.
Maybe later on it will be revealed Swindler was also manufactured at the Kyushu plant. _shrug
Until then just seems like a forced tropey thing
Dec 1, 2020 4:34 AM

Apr 2009
AffluentXXV said:
Jin_uzuki said:

Ever heard of a thing called "empathy"?

They're immortal. Lol. What is there to empathize with. They literally will not die.

They are literal little kids that are the results of horrible experiments literally built over the murder of thousands of their siblings. I suppose the answer to "Ever heard of a thing called "empathy"?" is no.

Dec 1, 2020 6:36 AM

Jan 2018

Dec 1, 2020 11:46 AM

Oct 2017
Imagine being killed by a tin can

Dec 2, 2020 9:27 AM

May 2016
I'm kinda sad that she had to kill people in order to live...
Cutthroat still chasing his angel, hope he can recognize her with the new look.
Dec 2, 2020 1:58 PM

Feb 2015
Urgh hair cutting trope nonsense. I hate that in any anime , honestly ruined her character design
Dec 2, 2020 10:28 PM
Aug 2020
Crashmatt said:
Urgh hair cutting trope nonsense. I hate that in any anime , honestly ruined her character design

I completely agree
Dec 3, 2020 4:04 AM
Jul 2019
I don't like swindler's new look but atleast she got some development, she was bit annoying in previous episodes.
And why that kid had to surrended himself to the executers can't he just go with courier?
Am I missing something?
Anyway another enjoyable episode nevertheless
Dec 3, 2020 11:06 PM

Dec 2012
And She became Kara from Detroit Become Human lol

Dec 4, 2020 12:10 AM

Oct 2008
awesome work by Bonjin killed 2 thugs and severely injured 1 more! then Courier arrived on time!
Bonjin haircut new style...not bad!
looks like Hoodlum will hook-up to doctor.
Cutthroat is on his way to Bonjin
Executioner assistant looks like she is out for revenge and doesn't care anymore on what happens to herself.

Dec 4, 2020 1:02 PM

Nov 2019
this was a great episode, Swindler is best mom or sister in my book.
i was surprised she was actually able to pull the trigger

she cut her hair *ugh* understandable reason but c'mon it was great
Dec 5, 2020 6:29 AM
Mar 2014
Does anyone know what swindler meant when she convinced courier to transport them to the onii-chan? Why did that convince courier to transport them?
Dec 9, 2020 11:47 AM

Jun 2011
What an incredibly grim turn this has taken. What was once an action packed romp has now turned into a disturbing fight for survival. Swindler really has done a great job taking on the role of an older sister. She’s the single light in this otherwise dark and dismal world.

She’s continued to develop nicely, especially this episode. She should be proud of what she did to keep Sister safe.

Hoodlum is sort of in the same boat, with no powers he’s a sitting duck. It appears he’s now Doctor’s hostage and possible henchman, as he isn’t strong enough to defy her.

The post credits scene shows that Cutthroat is looking for her, and not in a good way. He seemed protective of her over the series, but now his intentions appear to be deadly. I also wonder if Hacker will be making some kind of return?

This show really has been a welcome surprise. Visually striking and now proving to be well written; as the genuine moments, such as the one between Swindler and Sister at the end, are just as impactful as the action scenes.
Dec 20, 2020 8:02 PM
Jul 2019
the rocket scene remind me of danganronpa lmao
Dec 21, 2020 3:27 PM

Aug 2008
As much as I'm finding this to be a solid show for what it is (mindless fun and violence with an intriguing enough story) I have to admit that when Swindler cut her hair I felt like dropping my rating to a 1/10, had an irrational rage over it. Ah well, guess I'll get used to it.
Dec 21, 2020 6:41 PM
Anime Moderator
May 2018
Not a big fan of Swindler's haircut but I'm glad she's finally grown a spine and is doing things now. She was my biggest problem with the series before so I'm interested to see how she'll act from now on
Dec 22, 2020 10:23 AM
May 2018
Did she really think she wasn't wanted? Not only is she naive, she's also stupid.
Dec 22, 2020 7:06 PM

Mar 2016
"I'm going to approach you and kneel just like you tell me, even though it should be obvious that I can see you hiding your hand behind your back. Oh and my other friend standing there can see you too, but whataever, I feel like I wanna die today."

I'm glad everyone is fine, but holy shit, that sequence was dumb.
Dec 24, 2020 5:40 AM
Dec 2015
i definitely prefer swindler with long hair, but it had to be done at this point tbh. i mean i can barely recognize her, so surely that has to account for something when she next tries to rejoin society?

also im super proud of her kicking ass like that to protect sister
Dec 25, 2020 7:07 AM

Apr 2020
Swindler shaved her hair, but I think she's prettier with long hair
Dec 25, 2020 7:56 PM

Nov 2012

I know she need to disguise herself, but ffs author/creators is it mandatory to give a female character a haircut whenever giving them character development.

Aside from preferring her with long hair, glad she abandoning her "good moral character" facade.
Jan 5, 2021 1:16 PM

Jul 2016
Swindler and the Sister reminds me Kara and Alice from Detroit Become Human
Jan 16, 2021 1:01 PM

Apr 2016
Geez this episode was so eventful. Swindler showed so much change and really stepped things up, but whyyyy did she cut her hair? :(
Jan 23, 2021 10:45 AM

Aug 2017
I feel really bad for Swindler....

She'd deep into the dark path now.

Courier came at the right time to save them!!

Jan 30, 2021 5:43 AM

May 2009
Jesus. This show could have been real good. But the holes in this are too damn big for me to ignore.

Also the Swindler has got to be the dumbest trying to just return to her city and not expect to be wanted after everything they have done. That really triggered me in this episode.
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