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[SERIOUS] I can't seem to enjoy anime anymore..

Aug 2, 2020 5:26 PM
Aug 2020
After taking a year long break from Anime in general I have come back to unfortunately realize that I for some reason, can't seem to enjoy anime anymore...

This isn't a matter of being bored, or not finding any shows to watch, because trust me I have plenty. It just doesn't connect with me... and by that I mean; when I used to watch anime, I used to enjoy it, you could say I was connected to it in some way where I would forget about everything and be super in-tuned. Now, I cant help but think about how the characters are all fictional and they are human-made. This is really messing with my head because I can't seem to take any of the characters seriously anymore and it just really makes me not want to continue watching. Please help.

I feel like one of the reasons this is happening might be due to me gaining new knowledge and aging in general, but whatever the reason maybe, I have yet to find a solution. I would greatly appreciate any feedback or some people who have maybe been through the same thing? This is serious so please reply with actual answers and not jokes ty <3
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Aug 2, 2020 5:32 PM

Jun 2020
Just watch hentai, lots and lots and lots of it. Think of them as real, picture them on top of you or you on top of them or whatever floats your boat. Also believe in yourself that one day your waifu will be real. Get a body pillow of your favourite waifu, talk with it, have dinner with it, take a shower with it etc.

I said keep your hands on the table
Aug 2, 2020 5:38 PM

Aug 2018
Arin-san said:
Just watch hentai, lots and lots and lots of it. Think of them as real, picture them on top of you or you on top of them or whatever floats your boat. Also believe in yourself that one day your waifu will be real. Get a body pillow of your favourite waifu, talk with it, have dinner with it, take a shower with it etc.
It's 2020 and I still got rickrolled.
Aug 2, 2020 5:39 PM
Jul 2020
Neivus said:

Now, I cant help but think about how the characters are all fictional and they are human-made. This is really messing with my head because I can't seem to take any of the characters seriously anymore and it just really makes me not want to continue watching. Please help.

Just remember that all characters in media are fictional (at least most of the time) and all are the products of a person/persons' imagination. Just because anime characters are 2D it doesn't give them any less value than a character from a live-action tv show.
Aug 2, 2020 5:39 PM

Jun 2020
sonofbatmanrp13 said:
Arin-san said:
Just watch hentai, lots and lots and lots of it. Think of them as real, picture them on top of you or you on top of them or whatever floats your boat. Also believe in yourself that one day your waifu will be real. Get a body pillow of your favourite waifu, talk with it, have dinner with it, take a shower with it etc.
It's 2020 and I still got rickrolled.

Dude we rick rolled Rick Astley himself, YES, it's true, in 2020. This is the best year ever.

I said keep your hands on the table
Aug 2, 2020 5:40 PM

Oct 2013
I honestly don't get your problem, because I have the exact opposite train of thought. Realizing these characters are purely fictional helps me sit through some of the more awkward, depressing and even more disturbing elements of these series. A lot of people seemingly can't separate fictional characters from reality to the point where they impose real life morals onto these purely imaginary entities. I see being able to view them for what they are as a plus in my book.
Aug 2, 2020 5:40 PM
Oct 2018
I don’t understand why this is such an existential crisis for some people. Why are you so attached to anime? Move on with your life. Find a new fucking hobby.
Aug 2, 2020 5:46 PM
Aug 2020
Anime is a big part of my life just like anything else... I could criticize you all I want for playing soccer, baseball and make fun of it stop taking the norms of society and turning them against me... you're a pathetic follower. get a mind of your own idiot.
Aug 2, 2020 5:57 PM

Nov 2015
continue your break and look for something you can enjoy
Cold-hearted orb that rules the night

Removes the colours from our sight

Red is grey and yellow white

But we decide which is right

And which is an illusion.
Aug 2, 2020 5:58 PM
Oct 2018
Neivus said:
Anime is a big part of my life just like anything else... I could criticize you all I want for playing soccer, baseball and make fun of it stop taking the norms of society and turning them against me... you're a pathetic follower. get a mind of your own idiot.

Look dude it’s not like you’ve stopped loving your wife or something. Move on.
Aug 2, 2020 6:01 PM
Aug 2020
Dude... if you cant give me a solution to my problem, stop replying to this thread. Seriously.
Aug 2, 2020 6:03 PM
Grave of Flowers

Dec 2012
This will sound like a bad idea but, try watching live action adaptations of anime. The difference in quality could shock you back to liking anime lol
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Aug 2, 2020 6:05 PM
May 2020
Im having a similar problem. When I watch stuff my brain automatically goes over thinking mode which makes me enjoy things less. I still enjoy watching anime but I just want to turn my brain off and focus on what im watching not over think
Aug 2, 2020 6:06 PM
Aug 2020
Yup bro, thats accurate to what I'm feeling.
Aug 2, 2020 6:16 PM
Jul 2018
It's probably because you haven't watched jojo yet.
Aug 2, 2020 6:16 PM

Jan 2009
time to find a new entertainment muh dude
Aug 2, 2020 6:34 PM

Jun 2019
If you can figure out how to navigate and type on a human-made keyboard to be able to write and post here, then I'll assume you're a biological human. If that's so, then you're born with a human brain which is a byproduct and culmination of millions of years of evolution, filtering the way you see and experience the world and even how you view other species and your own. Every sight, sound, scent, and tactile sense.

So compared to that, what isn't an outgrowth and extension of just the human imagination? Because even if you watch a documentary on millipedes, the significance attributed to and everything about every aspect of their behavior is filtered and interpreted by humans and therefore a product of human imagination (those other species themselves of course aren't and are their own entities, but my point is the way humans view all other life on Earth and romanticize and anthropomorphize it and contextualize it is entirely a manmade construct of choice).

All manmade technologies, every road laid and every building ever designed and raised is a product of the human imagination. So I don't understand why people succumb to this line of thinking as a means of devaluing art and expression, for others or themselves.
Aug 2, 2020 6:38 PM

Feb 2015
>doesnt like anime
>very suspicious
>looks at pfp
>doesnt have entry

Imagine creating alts in MAL just to shitpost about not liking anime anymore...
Aug 2, 2020 6:55 PM
Jul 2020
Personally I think that watching anime is something you do for enjoyment, if the enjoyment isn’t there then why bother? People normally choose their hobbies based on what they like, not choose a hobby by other means and then try and force themselves to like it.

Having said that, if you really are set on getting back into anime there’s two approaches to take. One way of looking at it is that the more you force yourself the less your brain will enjoy it so you should read up on what’s out there but wait until you truly see something that you want to watch. The other way of looking at it is that you should try and force yourself back into it, if you go with that approach then try watching series that you used to love, particularly the ones that got you into anime originally, and if that doesn’t work then just watch loads of different things until you find something that reignites the spark.
The criteria I use when rating shows is on my profile.
Aug 2, 2020 6:59 PM

Jun 2015
people treat growing bored of anime like it's a breakup lol

Aug 2, 2020 7:04 PM
Apr 2020
just stop watching anime, nothing will happen if you stop watching it
Aug 2, 2020 7:05 PM
Jan 2011
I've actually experienced the same thing before. I used to watch a lot of anime, but as time went by, the more and more I lost the interest. Life got in the way, I'm aging, etc. I thought I quit for good. That was probably three to five long years? I still did watch Japanese drama and live action adaptations though (without really knowing they were based on manga/anime).

Then I stumbled upon the live action of Gintama - no, no, more like because Oguri and Yoshizawa were starring on it, lol - then I thought, what's up with this, maybe I should watch the anime first before watching the live action. So I did. Surprisingly, I enjoyed this anime more than I expected.

Now I'm back to watching anime, though not as much as before, but it has more to do with 'haven't found an anime yet that could really hold a candle to Gintama.'

Take a break, it doesn't matter how long. Sometimes all it takes is that one anime to bring you back, but if not, then that's still okay.
Aug 2, 2020 7:06 PM

Jul 2019
if you don't liked u don't need to push yourself to watch

Oeufhbpi said:
Find a new fucking hobby.
Aug 2, 2020 7:09 PM
Jun 2019
If you really can´t enjoy it anymore I can only say that it was good to have you here, come back whenever you want.

Aug 2, 2020 7:16 PM
Aug 2020
WatchTillTandava said:
If you can figure out how to navigate and type on a human-made keyboard to be able to write and post here, then I'll assume you're a biological human. If that's so, then you're born with a human brain which is a byproduct and culmination of millions of years of evolution, filtering the way you see and experience the world and even how you view other species and your own. Every sight, sound, scent, and tactile sense.

So compared to that, what isn't an outgrowth and extension of just the human imagination? Because even if you watch a documentary on millipedes, the significance attributed to and everything about every aspect of their behavior is filtered and interpreted by humans and therefore a product of human imagination (those other species themselves of course aren't and are their own entities, but my point is the way humans view all other life on Earth and romanticize and anthropomorphize it and contextualize it is entirely a manmade construct of choice).

All manmade technologies, every road laid and every building ever designed and raised is a product of the human imagination. So I don't understand why people succumb to this line of thinking as a means of devaluing art and expression, for others or themselves.

I can see what you mean, but I don't think you quite understood my no way shape or form am I discrediting or devaluing art of any form, What you're stating is correct but what I was trying to get into was- and I'm sorry if I didn't mention this in the original query, the flow of things. For example in real life, nothing is exactly planned totally, you can use intellect and statistics to predict what might happen, but because life is so unpredictable at times, even that can fail. I guess you could say that aspect heavily lacks in anime. I don't like the fact that I know what is going to happen, and that goes back to it being created by a human; because at the end of the day a human will focus on socialistic morals and most likely end it happy or not have too many dramatic turns for "normal" people to stop watching. But I'm tired of that. Sorry if this was confusing but I had to explain it in detail. And when it comes to the emotion aspect, real life and things created by people are very different... because of the way emotions were taught to us, it would take years of self convincing to actually truly feel real emotions towards animated drawings or inanimate objects, but the truth is, I WANT to feel that.
Aug 2, 2020 7:17 PM
Aug 2018
Despite being fictional and ‘human made’, I can still connect with many anime characters as I can relate to them on a thematic level and appreciate how well they are written. To me, once you truly come to terms with the idea that the characters aren’t real: you can begin to appreciate them as aspects of the writer’s consciousness and appreciate character writing — and anime as a whole — as an artform.
If you want an anime that encapsulates these ideas — reflecting the writers philosophies through relatable, brilliantly crafted characters as well as similar themes about desire and passion — I most definitely reccomend 3-gatsu no Lion.
Aug 2, 2020 7:22 PM

Mar 2013
The solution is pretty simple.

You've outgrow anime. Move on and find something else you like!

There's no need to wondering around forum for an answer you yourself know pretty damn well.
Aug 2, 2020 7:27 PM

Apr 2010
Just re-watch old series. If not that just look for something that would interest you. If none of that works then just accept you aren't into it anymore. I'm not sure why you expect me or anyone else in this thread to have that life changing answer for you..
Aug 2, 2020 7:35 PM

Jun 2019
Usually if someone becomes tired of anime, I tell them to take a break but you’ve done that. Maybe the simple truth is just that you don’t like anime anymore.
I get that it’s a big part of your life, but time goes on and your interests changes. There’s no shame in leaving a hobby behind if you don’t derive enjoyment from it anymore. Don’t force yourself.

Aug 2, 2020 7:46 PM

Jul 2016
_Ako_ said:
>doesnt like anime
>very suspicious
>looks at pfp
>doesnt have entry

Imagine creating alts in MAL just to shitpost about not liking anime anymore...

Detective Conan cracks another case.

(I've never actually watched Detective Conan, I just assume that's what he does)

Aug 2, 2020 8:13 PM

Jun 2019
Neivus said:
I'm sorry if I didn't mention this in the original query, the flow of things

No, you're fine - I understood the gist of your sentiment and there's no reason to be apologetic. I was just taking a hardline stance against one aspect of your argument because I see it made by others to insinuate or outright assert that nothing outside of the physical world which is tangible and can be touched "counts" somehow or something, but I just wanted to deconstruct the logic behind that belief. Your question makes sense for sorting your own issues with it.

Neivus said:
For example in real life, nothing is exactly planned totally, you can use intellect and statistics to predict what might happen, but because life is so unpredictable at times, even that can fail. I guess you could say that aspect heavily lacks in anime. I don't like the fact that I know what is going to happen, and that goes back to it being created by a human; because at the end of the day a human will focus on socialistic morals and most likely end it happy or not have too many dramatic turns for "normal" people to stop watching. But I'm tired of that. Sorry if this was confusing but I had to explain it in detail.

This is true in a way. Between anime, cartoons, and live action films and series I've seen so many thousands of media entries now that what really moves and excites me are those things which strive to do something, anything differently. It doesn't mean they'll be good or worthwhile by default or even half-decent. It doesn't even mean that I'll end up personally caring for them and being impressed by the final result. But it's a start and to me nowadays like almost a bare minimum for being able to sufficiently get into a new story in an immersive and rewarding manner. Just do something differently for starters. Have anything different to say.

I massively dislike when I feel I've become overly familiar with staples, conventions, and tropes or archetypes of a particular genre or medium to the point of being able to subconsciously play out and predict the general gist of the next scene or next line of dialogue without even trying (and usually, the exact opposite - actively trying to suppress that desire). I think you might be perseverating on this which can be an OCD tendency.

So I really seek out the works I feel will distinguish themselves from one another in some visible way and prefer watching dissimilar anime back to back the most to really accentuate the differences and strengths inherent to each. And I avoid most of the genres and subtypes in this medium for the most part which seem riddled with an abundance of cliches which could cause me disinterest from pattern recognition. Like I have no interest in most ecchi, school comedies and romcoms, most battle shounen, etc. Just like I have no interest in the sitcoms and most modern programming generally which airs on U.S. television.

You didn't confuse me at all. I'd rather anyone explain their position in whichever word selection or syntax and length they find befitting and commensurate with that which they wish to express; you are free to do so now and always.

Neivus said:
And when it comes to the emotion aspect, real life and things created by people are very different... because of the way emotions were taught to us, it would take years of self convincing to actually truly feel real emotions towards animated drawings or inanimate objects, but the truth is, I WANT to feel that.

I'd have to take issue with or disagree with this basically - even though my above post could be said to be generalizing (about the motives or intentions of people who talk about anime and art as something made up by people, even though I understand your intention comes from a valid and logical personal sense of concern), I'd have to ask you not to generalize on this one, because even though it's something I've heard said by folks many times, it isn't something I can agree with or applies to me.

I can feel a great deal of raw and pure emotion toward both animated characters (and live characters, but usually even moreso animated because there's a degree of separation and layer of detachment between it and the physical/3D/"real" world and everything about an animated world and character was constructed with deliberate and methodical intent, whereas I find watching live humans more akin to watching a nature documentary). And I've always felt more attachment to some inanimate objects of note, sentimental value, and of which I have a personal history with than I do for the vast majority of other people. So I would say that even though I understand why you say what you said and why people say it generally, I would hope more would come to realize it isn't a universally applicable statement which can be foisted on all people, even if I'm in the distinct minority.

And it isn't something I had to teach to myself ever but quite the opposite; something innate, intuitive, and organic to my experience as a person on this Earth since as far back as I've had conscious living memory (2 1/2 years-old). It's being the other way around and only caring for physical world things over understanding of concepts through objects (technically physical yet inanimate/inert) and expressions of art which is foreign and alien to me.

To me, animated drawings and writings are just a stand-in for real concepts; concepts which very much exist in the universe; either in literal form equivalent or just beyond a lens of abstraction through symbolism and metaphor. And it fills me with a lot more warmth and emotional highs and lows in relating to this and helping it bridge a gap to my inner self and understanding of the world around me than having shallow conversations with most vapid people.
WatchTillTandavaAug 2, 2020 8:23 PM
Aug 2, 2020 8:19 PM

Dec 2018
_Ako_ said:
>doesnt like anime
>very suspicious
>looks at pfp
>doesnt have entry

Imagine creating alts in MAL just to shitpost about not liking anime anymore...

Ahaha lmao, lemme second this. I bet this fag is laughing at you people's ass for taking this stupid shitty bait.

Dawg, virtually everything in art is fictional, the hell you talking about?
. . .
Aug 2, 2020 8:25 PM

Nov 2011
Do you feel this way about non-anime shows too? I mean all characters are human made even if they have actors

Aug 2, 2020 8:30 PM

Mar 2020
Get Merchandise from the Animes you most like, like funkpops, keychains, a daimakura of your waifu(husbando), poster, mangas, etc. and collected them and every time you watch that collection you will remember those moments deep in your hear...this may not help you enjoy anime again but it would help you remember those beautiful moments that you had while watching anime.

PS: reading the mangas of the anime’s you most liked that didn’t had a new season may help you too!

Take care Mina-San
Aug 2, 2020 8:34 PM

Apr 2018
Jeez, i know that Anime Burnout is a real thing, but there's no need to be such a drama queen about it.
Did you stop watching live-action TV series or Hollywood movies when you realized all the characters are paid actors following a script?
Did you stop playing videogames when you realized that they're basically just a bunch of pixels, polygons, sound-bites and algorithms some programmers put together?
Did you stop reading books when you realized the story and characters playing in your imagination are entirely composed of nothing but a combination of words some author wrote into the pages? I seriously doubt it.
How is anime any different from that?
Stygian_PrisonerAug 2, 2020 8:45 PM
Aug 2, 2020 8:37 PM

May 2013
Neivus said:
After taking a year long break from Anime in general I have come back to unfortunately realize that I for some reason, can't seem to enjoy anime anymore...

This isn't a matter of being bored, or not finding any shows to watch, because trust me I have plenty. It just doesn't connect with me... and by that I mean; when I used to watch anime, I used to enjoy it, you could say I was connected to it in some way where I would forget about everything and be super in-tuned. Now, I cant help but think about how the characters are all fictional and they are human-made. This is really messing with my head because I can't seem to take any of the characters seriously anymore and it just really makes me not want to continue watching. Please help.

I feel like one of the reasons this is happening might be due to me gaining new knowledge and aging in general, but whatever the reason maybe, I have yet to find a solution. I would greatly appreciate any feedback or some people who have maybe been through the same thing? This is serious so please reply with actual answers and not jokes ty <3

This is not anything new and it happens frequently to me. My solution has always been to take really long breaks (2 or 3 year gaps) and then check out which series have a synopsis catered to my liking and more importantly, a complete story to boot with. In the end, I want to be entertained for the time I invest in something and ruminate over the whole ordeal. That mandates a story with a conclusion for me and that perhaps also supplements my reasoning as to why I take long breaks.

The feeling of disconnect is pretty understandable, and that is usually the signal for me to avoid anime until I get the urge to watch something that fancies me again.

However, the part which amuses me the most is when you say
"the characters are all fictional and human made"
. This is in-fact, true for all forms of fiction. Do you play video games as a past time as well? If you do, then you might be able to reason this out yourself. If you don't play video games, then every tv show or movie is simply make-believe or play-acting, all for the sake of providing some entertainment. It is not meant to be taken seriously in the truest sense, as none of it is real. However, we still somehow choose to get invested in them.

The above is a rather crude way to put it, but I don't see a huge difference between a tv show and animation, as far as characters are concerned. In fact, animation delights me a bit more because it's like seeing someone's sketch-book creations coming to life, wherein they have poured hours into hours drawing them. Sure, the nuances of play-acted human conversations are limited in the form of animation/drawings, but the medium allows for a different form of creativity through an exaggerated use of colours and distinctive art-styles...all of which cannot be reproduced in 'real life'.

I doubt age has anything to do with understanding this because I for one, am definitely not young anymore. Maybe it's just not the right time to resume watching anime for you. What is the BIG hurry anyway? :)
Truly a Divine Comedy
Aug 2, 2020 8:38 PM

Dec 2019
Usually i would recommand to taka are break or watch/ read webtoons manwha etc, but you case is difficult since you already took a long break and have a problem with fictional characters. I think you should step away from anime and watch maybe western stuff that you enjoy and try to watch a anime from time to time and see if you will enjoy it or not.

Sorry that i cant help you better, hopefully this will do ^^
Aug 2, 2020 9:01 PM
Aug 2020
Idk why people keep saying, "do you read books?" "do you watch movies, series?" like... No. If I feel this way towards anime, what makes you think I would think differently of anything else, infact its an even deeper feeling towards live action, or 3D and human related entertainment in general. I saw someone bring something up about a game... again.. I mentioned this before but games do not have a predictable aspect to them at all, you are the main character in a game, you frame and chose your path.. you aren't watching someone do it for you and learning from it, you are the one directly experiencing it, so that in its entirety is different. When it comes to my goal through this thread, it wasn't to offend any anime fans or get a response that will change my outlook on anime, it was simply to understand why I'm feeling this type of way, and if there are others who feel the same.
Aug 2, 2020 9:27 PM

Jul 2014
1. Unfortunately, I can't relate to you at all, OP. I think the only advice I could give you is that, in the end, even humans are human-made. You, I, and all the scrubs on this forum did not just pop into existence. We were created via the wonderful process of sex (usually) and birth.

2. Your post begs the question of whether or not you are able to enjoy fictional works of any kind. None of the characters are real in those, either.
Aug 2, 2020 9:42 PM
Apr 2019
This has happen to me but with music and i guess you just have to accept that start separating from things is normal but also if is something important you in some moment will come back to it but because you are actually enjoying it,, don't worry and just take your time
Aug 2, 2020 9:45 PM
Aug 2017
well in my opinion, sometimes i also forget about what anime that i had been watching. sometimes i forgot what is that anime story all about. then, after i look a little bit of the story i start to remember it again. either it boring or due to the bad story plot .

but i watch anime to cheer up myself up. seeing stupid behavioro of some characters make me feel good . the more i watch anime i get a lesson how to deal with other people, how to strenghten my self.

well i never at your state but, i know how you feel when there is a story that is very amazing I can spend it in 1 season and its feel Amazing . maybe i am still too young and only spent 5 years since i first watching anime.

i just hope you will soon find it the way out to enjoy it again :)

Aug 2, 2020 9:52 PM

May 2013
Neivus said:
Idk why people keep saying, "do you read books?" "do you watch movies, series?" like... No. If I feel this way towards anime, what makes you think I would think differently of anything else, infact its an even deeper feeling towards live action, or 3D and human related entertainment in general. I saw someone bring something up about a game... again.. I mentioned this before but games do not have a predictable aspect to them at all, you are the main character in a game, you frame and chose your path.. you aren't watching someone do it for you and learning from it, you are the one directly experiencing it, so that in its entirety is different. When it comes to my goal through this thread, it wasn't to offend any anime fans or get a response that will change my outlook on anime, it was simply to understand why I'm feeling this type of way, and if there are others who feel the same.

The reason why other forms of fiction are often raised in the replies is because people also experience burnout in those media. Such a feeling of disconnect is not inherent to anime only. People take breaks, and resume when the time feels right to them. I am sorry, but it cannot get any simpler than this. This is not to say that your outlook should change, nor was it an intent of mine. That is entirely your decision.

Alright, I shall concede my example for games since you have wish to emphasize why a direct role is different than a passive role. Does that discount books, movies and series altogether in terms of their passive nature and how people get bored in those over time? I pretty much cycle between different forms of fictional media while I take breaks from others.

The reason for feeling disconnect is the equivalent of getting tired of being provided 4 slices of pizza, 3 meals a day, for an extended period of time. The human brain will desire to experiment with something else to stimulate itself, a change in regular pattern so to speak. There are plenty of academic articles concerning psychology, which detail such things in depth regarding a person unable to enjoy things they would normally like. Boredom stems from monotonous patterns. Another reason is that boredom is quick to develop in stuff where you have a passive role to play (lack of autonomy). I recommend you google them to have a thorough understanding as to why one feels this way. It happens to everybody at some point of time, in different degrees of strength.

While you wished to emphasize that it isn't boredom of any kind, your opening post did sound like that to me. The reason for disconnect with a thing one claims to have 'liked' is in fact getting bored. For example, I can't imagine myself playing with my childhood toys anymore since trying to emulate the same activity for fun becomes monotonous for me pretty quickly, thus, I can't enjoy them any more. The same goes for watching stuff like watching Popeye the Sailor Man with its 'pro-spinach' stance and watching the same theme of Jerry play pranks on Tom in a variety of ways. It isn't stimulating the brain well and thus, I can't take it seriously as a form of enjoyment.
KreatorXAug 2, 2020 10:06 PM
Truly a Divine Comedy
Aug 2, 2020 9:59 PM

Nov 2019
Honestly can't relate, the fact that they're fictional is what makes them "real" since if I watch a movie with the same actor I would say "hey I know that guy" but in anime fictional characters are their own character with their own identity they don't have actors besides voice actors and that's what makes them "real".

Aug 2, 2020 10:05 PM

Dec 2017
Just turn your mind off and find some anime that you can enjoy and say its fictional but well written story.
❝Kabo-chan is ran by the MAL staff team and does not respond to individual comments made on her profile.❞
I was immensely devastated.
Aug 2, 2020 10:08 PM

Jan 2020
I'd say watch the shows that you watched before the break, Stuff that really resonated with you and was special to you. That way you don't need to force yourself to like something new, You already watched this show before and liked the characters and story.
It'll hopefully make you fall in love with anime again just like it did when you first watched it.
I don't speak English that much, so please cut me some slack
Aug 2, 2020 10:08 PM

Jan 2020
I love the fact that some people are actually taking OP's thread seriously and giving them genuine advice on how to improve their situation. Although I haven't been in a situation similar to you yet, I might be able to help you a little.

You said in your post that you think the cause behind it is you gaining new knowledge and growing older, which simply means that you can't seem to enjoy anime anymore because you have changed a lot over the recent years. That includes your taste in anime, as well. The shows that you used to enjoy a lot probably aren't enjoyable to you anymore because your preference in anime, or your preference in general, has changed vastly. If that's the case, you can try out some different genres from the ones you used to watch in the past. And if that doesn't work, I suggest you taking a break from watching anime. The reason behind your disinterest in anime can simply be you not being able to enjoy this medium anymore, which is completely fine. After taking a little break from it, you can come back to watching anime if you really feel like it.
Aug 2, 2020 10:16 PM
Aug 2020
KreatorX said:
Neivus said:
Idk why people keep saying, "do you read books?" "do you watch movies, series?" like... No. If I feel this way towards anime, what makes you think I would think differently of anything else, infact its an even deeper feeling towards live action, or 3D and human related entertainment in general. I saw someone bring something up about a game... again.. I mentioned this before but games do not have a predictable aspect to them at all, you are the main character in a game, you frame and chose your path.. you aren't watching someone do it for you and learning from it, you are the one directly experiencing it, so that in its entirety is different. When it comes to my goal through this thread, it wasn't to offend any anime fans or get a response that will change my outlook on anime, it was simply to understand why I'm feeling this type of way, and if there are others who feel the same.

The reason why other forms of fiction are often raised in the replies is because people also experience burnout in those media. Such a feeling of disconnect is not inherent to anime only. People take breaks, and resume when the time feels right to them. I am sorry, but it cannot get any simpler than this. This is not to say that your outlook should change, nor was it an intent of mine. That is entirely your decision.

Alright, I shall concede my example for games since you have wish to emphasize why a direct role is different than a passive role. Does that discount books, movies and series altogether in terms of their passive nature and how people get bored in those over time? I pretty much cycle between different forms of fictional media while I take breaks from others.

The reason for feeling disconnect is the equivalent of getting tired of being provided 4 slices of pizza, 3 meals a day, for an extended period of time. The human brain will desire to experiment with something else to stimulate itself, a change in regular pattern so to speak. There are plenty of academic articles concerning psychology, which detail such things in depth regarding a person unable to enjoy things they would normally like. Boredom stems from monotonous patterns. Another reason is that boredom is quick to develop in stuff where you have a passive role to play (lack of autonomy). I recommend you google them to have a thorough understanding as to why one feels this way. It happens to everybody at some point of time, in different degrees of strength.

While you wished to emphasize that it isn't boredom of any kind, your opening post did sound like that to me. The reason for disconnect with a thing one claims to have 'liked' is in fact getting bored. For example, I can't imagine myself playing with my childhood toys anymore since trying to emulate the same activity for fun becomes monotonous for me pretty quickly, thus, I can't enjoy them any more. The same goes for watching stuff like watching Popeye the Sailor Man with its 'pro-spinach' stance and watching the same theme of Jerry play pranks on Tom in a variety of ways. It isn't stimulating the brain well and thus, I can't take it seriously as a form of enjoyment.

If it was really true that I was getting "bored" of anime in general, why do I have the constant urge to keep watching new ones? Also, another thing that might have been misunderstood from my first post is that I feel disconnected towards anime as a whole.. that isn't true.. I actually enjoy watching anime, its just hard for me to enjoy it, if that makes sense. The thing that I'm disconnected from are the characters and how they don't have a mind of their own, it was installed by the writer. If it makes any sense, I'm trying to connect with anime characters on a human level to where I don't even think of them as 2d animated drawings anymore, which turns out to be far more difficult than I imagined. So to your response, I can see where you're coming from, but I don't think its boredom that's causing this disconnect within me and the characters, I think its the subconscious thought that they are just representations of the writers imagination that's making me feel that way.
Aug 2, 2020 10:17 PM

Jan 2019
I don't think anyone can provide a 'solution' to your problem, because it's not really a problem. You're growing up. That's good. It probably means you're acquiring deeper, more critical thinking, and new perspectives of life.

With time, you will readjust and find more mature stories that you'll be able to connect more. You could maybe try to search for more adult-oriented stuff (I don't mean erotic, just mature minded) with good writing that will not harm your 'suspension of disbelief'.

Most anime has poorly written characters or plots that only appeal to younger or less demanding viewers, but some out there are actually very thoughtful and you will be able to connect with those fictional pieces despite them being an imaginary piece of work. That's because, even though they're fake, those stories represent real life situations or ideas that are actually real to some extent.
Aug 2, 2020 10:21 PM
Jan 2019
Oeufhbpi said:
I don’t understand why this is such an existential crisis for some people. Why are you so attached to anime? Move on with your life. Find a new fucking hobby.
bro we all have different hobbies and this just happens to be one of them. Also they put out this question for help on a subject, not for you to tell them they are wasting time watching anime.
Aug 2, 2020 10:50 PM

May 2013
Neivus said:

If it was really true that I was getting "bored" of anime in general, why do I have the constant urge to keep watching new ones? Also, another thing that might have been misunderstood from my first post is that I feel disconnected towards anime as a whole.. that isn't true.. I actually enjoy watching anime, its just hard for me to enjoy it, if that makes sense. The thing that I'm disconnected from are the characters and how they don't have a mind of their own, it was installed by the writer. If it makes any sense, I'm trying to connect with anime characters on a human level to where I don't even think of them as 2d animated drawings anymore, which turns out to be far more difficult than I imagined. So to your response, I can see where you're coming from, but I don't think its boredom that's causing this disconnect within me and the characters, I think its the subconscious thought that they are just representations of the writers imagination that's making me feel that way.

Hm, The parts in bold sound contradictory to me, which is where my misunderstanding stems from. Are you constantly seeking out new anime in hopes that you actually avoid feeling that way about anime?

The reason why it sounds contradictory to me was because you are already diving into new shows with the thought process that such 2D characters have no will, and are mere representations of the writers imaginations. Since such a thing is allegedly a 'turnoff' (inherent to nearly all works of fiction, but let's stick to anime for the context), I have difficulty associating it with trying more in hopes that there is an off-chance where this underlying train of thought will change.

I mean, this is enjoyment we are speaking of, where the goal is to enjoy a passive process.

It is different from delving into research topic where the goal is to ram your head repeatedly into something one doesn't truly understand (an active process), all for that very brief 'aha!' moment needed for a discovery, that will be contested in an academic journal. (speaking from personal experience and of-course, I am joking about ramming heads into something literally).

"I really want to enjoy but I cannot enjoy". Is that correct?

The culprit is lack of brain stimulation, be it through evolving/differing tastes taste, be it through boredom or due to the argument about 2D characters having no will that you have imposed, since the latter is preventing you from making your brain stimulate itself into thinking otherwise, and etcetera.

For example, I can no longer enjoy harem series because they never manage to spark my brain cells even if I tried sitting through it conciously, the girls are as if simply written to have no larger purpose other than fawning around the main character, who himself is only dense and indecisive in return. The writing comes across as dumb and frustrating, and thus, I would not subject myself to watching more of it for the sake of an off-chance where I would enjoy it. This was yet another an argument but from the point of evolving tastes.

Yours is a different line of argument but in which I spot a contradiction.
KreatorXAug 2, 2020 10:53 PM
Truly a Divine Comedy
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