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Are there any anime you refuse to watch not out of simple lack of interest in plot, but objections to any of its violence or sexual-related content or its story and themes on ethical/ideological grounds?

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Jul 2, 2020 6:15 AM

Jul 2019
guych said:
Koi Kaze is a great anime, it is top tier stuff and I highly recommend it

Hahaha thank you for your suggestion. I will be sure to avoid it at all costs :-)
Jul 2, 2020 6:20 AM
Jul 2018
Ramcius said:
Made in Abyss, Madoka Magica, Promised Neverland - I just refuse watch anime, where they straight up use little kids for emotional manipulation, like "look, bad things are happening to these kids, you surely must feel bad for them"

Ohhh I haven't watch the other two but The Promised Neverland (manga and anime) are big favorites of mine! I agree that having children as main characters can seem exaggerated but in the case of TPN I think it serves a lot the "horror" aspect of the anime and it's quite interesting. I don't wanna spoil too much, but yeah, it's even more troubling to see all of these kids evolve in what they believe to be an utopia.. But except that I don't feel like the author wants the watchers/readers to especially feel sad for them, imo it's more troubling than sad??
Jul 2, 2020 6:21 AM
Jul 2018
huntress1013 said:
Ramcius said:
Made in Abyss, Madoka Magica, Promised Neverland - I just refuse watch anime, where they straight up use little kids for emotional manipulation, like "look, bad things are happening to these kids, you surely must feel bad for them"

I adore "Made in Abyss" and liked "Promised Neverland" but I did notice a few things more while re-watching "Made in Abyss" which I felt uncomfortable with (e.g. the children being punished by being hung up on a rope while being naked. I haven't read the manga but I read that it is ten times worse because it is quite obvious that Tsukushi has some really twisted fetishes and kinks....quite frankly I wouldn't be that surprised if he were like Nobuhiro Watsuki who was arrested as being part of a child pornography ring...)

I kinda wanted to start watching Made In Abyss since people say it got the same vibes as TPN but now I'm scared lol
Jul 2, 2020 6:22 AM

Oct 2019
no I guess, don't get more I'm definitely grossed out by Loli/Shota and incest content but if i'm curious enough about the anime/manga then I'll probably watch it.

As for "overly edgy violence ": I like searching for those kind of anime most of them are extremely absurd and bizarre but most of them are interesting for few episodes/chapters.
Jul 2, 2020 6:22 AM

Jul 2019
PerfectAzul said:
guych said:
Koi Kaze is a great anime, it is top tier stuff and I highly recommend it

Hahaha thank you for your suggestion. I will be sure to avoid it at all costs :-)

Wait no, you have to watch it. It's actually good stuff but it is incest. But not the sexualizing kind you see in doujin or like Yosuga no Sora
Jul 2, 2020 7:41 AM

Mar 2012
I pretty much avoid all anime that contain sexual content simply because I don't like watching it.

I have a strong dislike for most BL, I'll never watch one if I know beforehand that the victim is going fall in love with his abuser/rapist which happens quite often in the genre. The concept itself pisses me off and I just want to go and punch the uke and the author in the face, I'd rather watch something like Kara no Kyoukai where rape is shown as something bad and was a trigger for the girl to go on a killing rampage to get revenge than "oh hahaha, he just tried to rape him, how funny/cute".

I'm more tolerant with violence because watching such things help he calm down when I'm in a terrible mood.
Jul 2, 2020 12:18 PM

Mar 2018
Maou_heika said:
I pretty much avoid all anime that contain sexual content simply because I don't like watching it.

I have a strong dislike for most BL, I'll never watch one if I know beforehand that the victim is going fall in love with his abuser/rapist which happens quite often in the genre. The concept itself pisses me off and I just want to go and punch the uke and the author in the face, I'd rather watch something like Kara no Kyoukai where rape is shown as something bad and was a trigger for the girl to go on a killing rampage to get revenge than "oh hahaha, he just tried to rape him, how funny/cute".

I'm more tolerant with violence because watching such things help he calm down when I'm in a terrible mood.

I am with you. I am very much a slasher and love yaoi as fanfics but most BL anime are trapped in the same storylines which is usually the victim falling in love with its harraser. There are thankfully glorious exceptions like Given and Yuri!!! On ICE! but the majority of BL animes suck. Same is true for Yuri BTW. Why neither genre is able to convey that no means no is a mystery to me.
Jul 2, 2020 1:15 PM

Jan 2020
I definitely have to wait until the right time to watch some of the more heavy shows that include a lot of gore, sexual themes and psychological stuff. So I'll usually have them on my PTW until I am in a good place mentally.
Jul 2, 2020 1:35 PM

Jun 2019
horridhendy said:
I avoid anything with heavy gore or horror. I just don't like it. I don't object to it in any way at all. I know it's popular and that's totally fine. I just personally don't get any enjoyment out of it and find it off-putting. I find it hard to understand why people enjoy being scared but each to their own.

As part of my own little challenge, I have been trying to watch something from all the tags even the ones I usually avoid and I managed to find a totally non-scary horror tagged anime called Kyuuketsuhime Miyu - so I've completed horror and never have to watch one again. Lol. I've only got Cars and Yuri to go...then I've watched something from every tag.

This may be something I can shed a little bit of light on from my perspective as a horror fan. I grew up on horror, probably from an age most onlookers would say was too young, so I've long since been extremely desensitized to both horror in general and any of the gratuitous content contained therein. I honestly never decide to watch any horror or not based on it, whether seeking it or or avoiding due to an aversion. I'm also a WWII and history junkie so after seeing and reading about so many real life atrocities, brutality and chaos going on in the world up to the present day I just find anything in media really unable to unnerve me. Out of over 1,000 horror films seen, 2 -3 have managed to effectively scare me in the aftermath at the psychological level late at night after the fact. And out of all horror anime or anime which include the horror tag, only the first season of Higurashi has come close to achieving that.

Even though horror is one of my favorite genres, 90%+ of horror in my view is shit, like a substantial amount of other genres unfortunately, but badly done generic horror like generic fantasy or generic Sci-Fi can be particularly trite, lazy, and overly formulaic. The real horror, the best horror to me, is neither based on amount of violence or extreme and excessive gore, nor even necessarily "scary" to me on a visceral personal level in the traditional sense. No, the best horror to me are some of the most thought-provoking stories out there anywhere which can go toe to toe with the finest work in any other genre in their limitless rich exploration of existential themes and concepts. And that's why 6 out of my own Top 20 anime are either horrors or have horror elements and contain the horror tag. The ideas they explore, thoughts and feelings they evoke, and the conversation they could potentially give rise to are of great worth even if a single drop of blood wasn't extracted on screen.

Blood in horror is just like a lubricant, a crude implement used because it gets people's adrenaline pumping and unfortunately many would not pay attention to the fine grain of the stories otherwise. The best horror can utilize bloodsplatter to attract initial attention but hope people remain for the quality of the story and themes. The worst horror just paints by the numbers and apes this at the surface level with nothing deeper beyond the red mist. They're empty inside like a hollowed out husk of a house riddled with termites which only appears valuable and attractive on initial glance. Seasoned horror watchers get more and more accustomed to separating the wheat from the chaff. Of course some do just watch it for reveling in gore for pleasure, but mentally these people in motivation are closer to overlapping with regular pornography watchers to me.

You also provided me with a useful thought as well to further explore based on tags, although I suspect Shounen-ai and Shoujo-ai may be some of my last (possibly Cars, but I may get an urge to watch Initial D soon and stick with it depending). As said in the OP, I don't have an objection to any story for any reason on any grounds other than that it looks uninteresting to my palate. I haven't avoided Shounen-ai or Shoujo-ai out of opposition to or disliking seeing homosexuality portrayed or anything of the sort. I just haven't seen any yet that interest me story-wise yet (although I've recent added Rin of Mnemosyne which includes the Yuri/Shoujo-ai tag, and also a lot of Seinen-aimed Slice of Life CGDCT anime I've seen and like often have some stealth covert Yuri aspect).

WatchTillTandavaJul 2, 2020 1:48 PM
Jul 2, 2020 1:39 PM

Aug 2019
ok maybe a little different and too personal but i could never get off to rape or ugly bastard hentai (which tends to be non-con anyway)

also there's a massive genre in sexual assault in trains which is gross bc it's already such a disgustingly massive problem in japan and people are sexualising it
Jul 2, 2020 2:00 PM

Jun 2019
JustPassingBy98 said:
Hadashi no Gen.

Made by Madhouse studio. This historical anime tells about after effects of the atomic bomb on the Japanese people. It lead us to feel sympatic toward japanese but actually, in other hand, Japan got the nuke to end up the war after screw ing up around China and the rest of Asia.

Historically, violence either against individuals or whole nations and militaries is never either just unprovoked or as random and senseless as it may at first appear to initial observers removed from the situation or analyzing it years later divorced from all context. Likewise, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not unprovoked or without purpose, but China, all the other Asian countries, and every other country on Earth which has had the means to do so has also committed also brutality and acts of organized violence against either other nations, domestically people on their own soil, or both. The only thing dishonest would be to portray any nation as uniquely saintlike and pacifistic or singularly warlike and destructive. Most nations have aggressed against others and been aggressed against at some point in their history and the world is not a vacuum.

Japan domestically is of course going to whitewash their own history in the education system or refit it to suit the narrative or agenda of whichever political system of governance is in place, but that's no different from any other country in actuality. Most modern nation-states were founded on mass genocide, ethnic or ethnoreligious cleansing, forcible expansion, rape, and chattel slavery. And it's a common theme to downplay all this and emphasize their victimhood. Nations and polities are quite like individual people that way, twisting and weaving whichever narrative seems best suited to puff themselves up as the good guy to themselves, make all their actions appear justified or necessary retroactively, and keep going forward. Filtering everything else out. This might be a human trait to keep sane and maintain internal consistency and coherence.
Jul 2, 2020 2:02 PM

Jan 2009
im still gonna watch them if im interested but im not gonna score them high like what you will see with Attack on Titan final season with its realistic political message in current real life events right now but if the manga author made an ending that i feel satisfied then im gonna consider Attack on Titan a masterpiece
Jul 2, 2020 2:12 PM

Jan 2020
WatchTillTandava said:
This may be something I can shed a little bit of light on from my perspective as a horror fan. I grew up on horror, probably from an age most onlookers would say was too young, so I've long since been extremely desensitized to both horror in general and any of the gratuitous content contained therein. I honestly never decide to watch any horror or not based on it, whether seeking it or or avoiding due to an aversion. I'm also a WWII and history junkie so after seeing and reading about so many real life atrocities, brutality and chaos going on in the world up to the present day I just find anything in media really unable to unnerve me. Out of over 1,000 horror films seen, 2 -3 have managed to effectively scare me in the aftermath at the psychological level late at night after the fact. And out of all horror anime or anime which include the horror tag, only the first season of Higurashi has come close to achieving that.

Even though horror is one of my favorite genres, 90%+ of horror in my view is shit, like a substantial amount of other genres unfortunately, but badly done generic horror like generic fantasy or generic Sci-Fi can be particularly trite, lazy, and overly formulaic. The real horror, the best horror to me, is neither based on amount of violence or extreme and excessive gore, nor even necessarily "scary" to me on a visceral personal level in the traditional sense. No, the best horror to me are some of the most thought-provoking stories out there anywhere which can go toe to toe with the finest work in any other genre in their limitless rich exploration of existential themes and concepts. And that's why 6 out of my own Top 20 anime are either horrors or have horror elements and contain the horror tag. The ideas they explore, thoughts and feelings they evoke, and the conversation they could potentially give rise to are of great worth even if a single drop of blood wasn't extracted on screen.

Blood in horror is just like a lubricant, a crude implement used because it gets people's adrenaline pumping and unfortunately many would not pay attention to the fine grain of the stories otherwise. The best horror can utilize bloodsplatter to attract initial attention but hope people remain for the quality of the story and themes. The worst horror just paints by the numbers and apes this at the surface level with nothing deeper beyond the red mist. They're empty inside like a hollowed out husk of a house riddled with termites which only appears valuable and attractive on initial glance. Seasoned horror watchers get more and more accustomed to separating the wheat from the chaff. Of course some do just watch it for reveling in gore for pleasure, but mentally these people in motivation are closer to overlapping with regular pornography watchers to me.

You know, reading through your comment I can understand a lot of why you enjoy horror and I do get it to some extent. You kinda made me realise that my aversion to horror is actually fairly recent like in the last few years or so. Not that I've ever enjoyed it but I used to "make myself watch it" with friends at uni - not wanting to be left out of movie nights etc. so I've actually seen my fair share of horror (especially for someone who hates gore and HATES jump scares). Like I've sat through the first four Saw movies, Wrong turn, Thirteen Ghosts, House on Haunted Hill, The Exorcist, Carrie, Silent Hill, The Ring, Hostel etc. and lots more but I think at one point I just stopped forcing myself to watch them because I got like zero enjoyment out of them. Now it's become a hard and fast rule especially since Uni because I live on my own and no-one makes me watch anything any more! Lol.

Also, there are images/scenes from these movies that still traumatise me like the barbed wire bit in Wrong Turn, the Jackal in Thirteen Ghosts, the hair-ripping scene from Saw 3 or the worst one ever for me was the tanning death in Final Destination 3. I still have nightmares about these things - I'm such a wimp.

You seem to like at least the more interesting parts of horror. I can kinda get on board with the more psychologically disturbing side of horror. For me, the big deal breakers are torture gore (Saw, Hostel type stuff) and jump scares. I HATE jump scares more than anything. I can see why people might find them fun (ish) but I hate that feeling. I remember being on a date at the cinema and we were watching The Woman in Black - which is fairly tame tbh - but it has so many goddamn jump scares in it. I kept leaving to go to the bathroom just for an excuse to get out of the cinema - the guy probably thought I was doing coke or something. Anyway, I swore off watching anything horror and I'm much happier for it. That said, Shinseki Yori does kinda interest me...but I probably won't get round to watching it.

WatchTillTandava said:
You also provided me with a useful thought as well to further explore based on tags, although I suspect Shounen-ai and Shoujo-ai may be some of my last (possibly Cars, but I may get an urge to watch Initial D soon and stick with it depending). As said in the OP, I don't have an objection to any story for any reason on any grounds other than that it looks uninteresting to my palate. I haven't avoided Shounen-ai or Shoujo-ai out of opposition to or disliking seeing homosexuality portrayed or anything of the sort. I just haven't seen any yet that interest me story-wise yet (although I've recent added Rin of Mnemosyne which includes the Yuri/Shoujo-ai tag, and also a lot of Seinen-aimed Slice of Life CGDCT anime I've seen and like often have some stealth covert Yuri aspect).

Yeah, if shoujo-ai, yuri, shounen-ai, yaoi aren't for you then that's fine. I just liked the challenge and completionist aspect of watching something from all the tags so I could say I've given them all a try at least! Shoujo-ai was easy for me, because the Utena movie happens to have the tag on it and I absolutely LOVE that film (I'd have also been up for watching Bloom into You because I've heard good things about it) but Yuri is a lot trickier - it's mostly hentai and I just don't know if I can sit through one! I'm gonna have to do my research on what the tamest yuri tagged anime is out there. As for cars, I'm planning on watching Redline soon.

If you're looking for good shounen-ai then I'd say my faves were Given and Doukyuusei and they're probably the easiest to watch for people that aren't BL fans. As for yaoi, that's more tricky - I'd say the only one that might be tolerable is Fuyu no Semi which is kinda like a Romeo and Juliet war story. It's a decent plot and pretty shocking in places but the sex scenes are short at least which is preferable if yaoi isn't your thing! :)

🔥 🔥 🔥 . 阿良々木 暦, 傷 物 語 . 🔥 🔥 🔥
Build a man a fire and you'll warm him for a night
but set a man on fire and you'll warm him
for the rest of his life...
- H E N D Y -
Jul 2, 2020 2:14 PM

Jun 2019
guych said:
I love different themes and exploring different ethical and ideological grounds so I have no problem watching those kinds of anime. And I'm usually fine with watching violence and sexual-related content and I usually prefer if they go into the extreme with its violence. But for the sexual stuff like rape and NTR, I preferred if they'd lessen on that because I don't like that stuff. Goblin Slayer is the anime I refuse to watch because of that rape scene. Call me a bitch but that kinda stuff is too much for me

I will neither call nor silently think you to be a bitch since it's my own personal belief and value that anyone should be entitled to choose to watch or not watch whatever they wish to with any conceivable reason under the sun. If someone said they didn't want to watch an anime because a supporting character wears a purple shirt and they can't abide seeing anyone wearing purple shirts, or someone eating hotdogs, or a character that whispers or shouts, that would be a reason. It may not be a reason I share, since I tend to watch everything indiscriminately and only predicate it on interest or lack thereof in the synopsis alone, but I'm just curious to know about folks' rationale. If someone wants to watch only shows about clowns, nutritional health, first graders' beach parties, or putting cats in blenders really doesn't matter to me at all.

For your information going forward though, in case you ever decide to give it another look, the rape scene in Goblin Slayer was in my opinion amplified many times by public reaction beyond what it actually was due to some online controversy over how it was tagged or advertised via Crunchyroll. If memory serves accurately, it couldn't have been more than 2 -3 shots lasting 20 seconds of one episode.
Jul 2, 2020 3:35 PM
Jul 2020
I refuse to watch anything with any explicit sexual stuff in it. I tried to watch Food Wars but got freaked out about 5 minutes in the first episode cause of the abundance of sexual noises and actions (naked). It made me feel awkward. I also don’t want to watch Kakegurui one because apparently every episode has sexual stuff in it. It’s not my thing and as I am still a minor, the amount of sexualisation of minors in anime is extreme. Of course, fan service is tolerable to me but I prefer not to see it. Ok that’s all I gotta say. :)
Jul 2, 2020 5:00 PM

Sep 2009
Yeah, tons of stuff actually.

I used to be a big fan of AoT until I learned about the creator and the racism/xenophobia/etc entrenched in it which killed any interest I had. Some things you can separate from the creator, and some things you can't. I don't really care if other people watch/enjoy it and a lot of them probably don't even see that element but I think I'm done with the series for good.

I love M/M romance but I avoid probably the majority of BL because it's so filled with rape, pedophilia, and incest.

There's a difference between something that explores dark and/or controversial subjects respectfully and one that glorifies them. I have no problem with the former.
Jul 2, 2020 5:11 PM

Jan 2020
NTR is bad for the heart so maybe anything within that realm would be an instant no. Otherwise, I can't really think of anything else.
Jul 2, 2020 5:14 PM

Jun 2015
Isn't there this upcoming adaptation of a light novel that is basically a vengeful rape fantasy in isekai form; a much more overtly misogynistic Shield Hero? Because that sure fits the bill here. How the hell was something like that even published?

huntress1013 said:
Not from the outstart but I have dropped some shows later on like "Citrus" because I simply couldn't stand the glorified sexual harassment anymore. To call anything that was shown in that show as "love" to cover up that it was simply abuse and harassment is a no go.

Except the abuse and harassment in Citrus was never shown as love and is addressed as a wrongdoing. Look at that first direct assault at the end of the first episode and try to say that this scene is depicted as romantic. It's meant to show that Mei has some screws loose, just is the case with every subsequent scene like that one.
AltoRoarkJul 2, 2020 5:21 PM
Jul 2, 2020 5:17 PM
May 2016
I generally don't go after Ecchi series unless I get a good recommendation that makes it sound like it's more than just tasteless fanservice or softcore h*ntai
Jul 2, 2020 5:21 PM

Sep 2009
Reyliix said:

Wait what ? where did you hear that Hajime Isayama endorses racism ? Sure there are some controversial themes but that doesn't mean the author is xenophobic or anything .

It's been years since I read up on the controversy, but I remember there being a lot of criticism based on the strong undertones of Japanese imperialism, as well as claims made about Isayama being a holocaust and Japanese war crime-denier in his personal life, and naming several of his characters after nazis and Japanese war criminals. And apparently in the later chapters after I stopped reading, they made the group that has been secretly controlling everyone seemingly parallel Jewish people. If you're really curious you can dig up the receipts yourself, I don't really care enough to debate the merits of it. Like I said I don't care if other people watch/read it, it just lost my interest after that.
Jul 2, 2020 5:35 PM

Dec 2017
Jul 2, 2020 5:39 PM

May 2020
I can't really see how you can differentiate the plot from controversial elements in the story? The creator put these elements in the story for a reason.

For sexual/violence It depends on what they want to say about these topics or the purpose of them. I don't actively look for these elements in a story so I won't pick up a show that makes sex or violence their main selling point. I'm not picking out a hentai sadly

Ethical and ideological is case by case. I would not drop a show based on philosophical issues though.

Jul 2, 2020 5:49 PM

Jun 2019
fur0v said:
I can't really see how you can differentiate the plot from controversial elements in the story? The creator put these elements in the story for a reason.

Yes, but you can be disinterested in the plot for reasons that have nothing to do with opposition to its content on some ideological grounds, is my meaning. You can be disinterested in Bleach not because of any of its messages or themes, but just because you're not into long battle shounen, for example.
Jul 2, 2020 5:59 PM

Aug 2018
WatchTillTandava said:
JustPassingBy98 said:
Hadashi no Gen.

Made by Madhouse studio. This historical anime tells about after effects of the atomic bomb on the Japanese people. It lead us to feel sympatic toward japanese but actually, in other hand, Japan got the nuke to end up the war after screw ing up around China and the rest of Asia.

Historically, violence either against individuals or whole nations and militaries is never either just unprovoked or as random and senseless as it may at first appear to initial observers removed from the situation or analyzing it years later divorced from all context. Likewise, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not unprovoked or without purpose, but China, all the other Asian countries, and every other country on Earth which has had the means to do so has also committed also brutality and acts of organized violence against either other nations, domestically people on their own soil, or both. The only thing dishonest would be to portray any nation as uniquely saintlike and pacifistic or singularly warlike and destructive. Most nations have aggressed against others and been aggressed against at some point in their history and the world is not a vacuum.

Japan domestically is of course going to whitewash their own history in the education system or refit it to suit the narrative or agenda of whichever political system of governance is in place, but that's no different from any other country in actuality. Most modern nation-states were founded on mass genocide, ethnic or ethnoreligious cleansing, forcible expansion, rape, and chattel slavery. And it's a common theme to downplay all this and emphasize their victimhood. Nations and polities are quite like individual people that way, twisting and weaving whichever narrative seems best suited to puff themselves up as the good guy to themselves, make all their actions appear justified or necessary retroactively, and keep going forward. Filtering everything else out. This might be a human trait to keep sane and maintain internal consistency and coherence.

Thanks for the reply and explanation, I appreciate it :)
Jul 2, 2020 6:14 PM

Feb 2019
Not really, I'll consume just about anything if it interests me. You could say I cherry pick based on my interests, but I have never dropped what I thought had merit to it, even if some aspect of it turns out to not sit well with me. Even if the author turns out to be a disappointment. Specially then, actually, I wouldn't stop enjoying something because of the artist behind the art. I do mostly avoid ugly bastard tags though, if that counts.
Jul 2, 2020 6:18 PM
Jul 2018
I thought Baki was pretty violent at times. The overall action and story-telling in it was good, but there were just a lot of moments of violence that were pretty graphic for me. Some other scenes that I found disturbing in anime is the scene in Sword Art Online where Asuna was molested in front of Kirito by the man who was arranged to marry her. I'm not someone who's naïve to the idea of child pedophilia in real-life, but I just didn't really see the point in showing it. They gave a lot of hints to him potentially performing lewd acts against Asuna, but I didn't think they would actually show him doing it on screen.
Jul 2, 2020 6:19 PM

Oct 2010
JustPassingBy98 said:
Hadashi no Gen.

Made by Madhouse studio. This historical anime tells about after effects of the atomic bomb on the Japanese people. It lead us to feel sympatic toward japanese but actually, in other hand, Japan got the nuke to end up the war after screw ing up around China and the rest of Asia.

Kind of an absurd reason considering the movie is not exactly trying to condone the role of Japan in the war. It's not even whitewashing anything.
Jul 2, 2020 6:40 PM

Aug 2017
I only do that with filthy propaganda against my ideals, but that happens mostly in western cartoons (that's one reason of why anime is more popular), that's why I don't even think about watching them.

Anime? Nahhh, Japan rarely touches on topics that go against my ideology except rare cases where the anime is adapted from a western comic or manga oriented like Radiant where I was annoyed in one arc (immigrants are treated as victims that must be protected while authority as evil one-dimensional, typical of liberal propaganda). Fortunately, it was just an arc and we already forgot all that to the next, thank you very much. Also, Hoshiai no Sora touches on topics like genders but does it a disrespectful way, so its not a good example. Violence and sexual-related never affected me even in real life so it will less affect me in fiction.

I could watch lolicon or incest (non explicit) stuff but I will give it a very low score cuz that. And if an author has controversial ideals, rather than stop watching/reading the show, it makes me want to watch it more since most of the time I have the same or the vast majority of ideals (except pedo stuff, ewwww but I doubt if they would allow those ideals to be explicitly shown in an anime). Also, that even if u don't agree with his ideals in the case of AoT, isn't that a good way to teach history in an anime?
NurguburuJul 2, 2020 6:55 PM
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Jul 2, 2020 8:54 PM

Dec 2019
when it comes to violence, ethics/ideals, I have no real issue with them. Aside from Incest

But I am a little hesitant to watch shows with the "ecchi" tag, mostly because a lot of the ones I've been recommended use the sexual stuff as comedy and that's not exactly my type of humor ^^;; makes me uncomfortable tbh
So I mostly stay away from those types of shows.

Other than that, I'll watch anything so long as the story/characters are cool. Just don't like Ecchi and Incest > >;;
RaverzJul 2, 2020 9:02 PM
"The world is not beautiful, therefore it is."
-Kino's Journey
Jul 2, 2020 9:49 PM

Jun 2019
Raverz said:
when it comes to violence, ethics/ideals, I have no real issue with them. Aside from Incest

But I am a little hesitant to watch shows with the "ecchi" tag, mostly because a lot of the ones I've been recommended use the sexual stuff as comedy and that's not exactly my type of humor ^^;; makes me uncomfortable tbh
So I mostly stay away from those types of shows.

Other than that, I'll watch anything so long as the story/characters are cool. Just don't like Ecchi and Incest > >;;

Reconsider the allure of incest and I'll purchase you a golden swan.
Jul 2, 2020 10:27 PM
Jan 2018
I usually stop watching gore animes, not because i feel offended or something, it's just that i don't like excessive and meaningless gore, in other themes i don't actually café, i try yo watch almost everything, the only anime that i can say is Hararaku Saibou, i liked it, and i think it's a good anime, but themes like health and diseases and death and c4ncer are things that actually i don't like to thing, i still thinking that it's a pretty good anime, but mor to me (sorry, i'm from mexico xd)
Jul 2, 2020 11:53 PM

Jul 2016
ASaid said:
Anime with incest, cheating, yaoi/yuri and the Ghost Stories dub due to racist jokes.

Do you have a problem with LGBTQ? Why is Yaoi and Yuri a Problem.
Jul 3, 2020 12:15 AM

May 2013
The closest I have come to that is with Banana Fish. I watched it, liked it but its subject material I find revolting.

Maybe with Made in Abyss because I hate seeing children suffer but it's more like I don't particularly care about it.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jul 3, 2020 12:34 AM

Mar 2018
gumrats said:
Reyliix said:

Wait what ? where did you hear that Hajime Isayama endorses racism ? Sure there are some controversial themes but that doesn't mean the author is xenophobic or anything .

It's been years since I read up on the controversy, but I remember there being a lot of criticism based on the strong undertones of Japanese imperialism, as well as claims made about Isayama being a holocaust and Japanese war crime-denier in his personal life, and naming several of his characters after nazis and Japanese war criminals. And apparently in the later chapters after I stopped reading, they made the group that has been secretly controlling everyone seemingly parallel Jewish people. If you're really curious you can dig up the receipts yourself, I don't really care enough to debate the merits of it. Like I said I don't care if other people watch/read it, it just lost my interest after that.

For the first time in a long time, I find a discussion topic here really interesting, because it is about the question of morals, ethics and philosophy.

The things you wrote above about Isayama, I have also read in many essays, blogs etc. and much of it will probably be true. However, I will now explain why I don't have a problem with it (at least for now).

In Germany and in Austria there are two criminal offences which have a historical basis and which do not exist in the USA for example, but also not in other countries - on the one hand the offence of sedition and on the other hand the offence of "spreading nationalistic ideas".

As far as can be seen, Isayama has not yet fulfilled either of these two criminal offences. SnK does not obviously glorify fascism, race doctrine or xenophobia. As can be seen from the numerous discussions, the exact message of SnK is unclear and open to interpretation. Is Isayama a scumbag with whom I personally would not want to have anything to do with - absolutely, but he does not try to convince other people of his ideas, manipulate them or force them to do or believe in things that are extremely problematic. In other words - he is not a hatemonger and not a right-wing populist politician. He has only unsavoury personal views. Isayama, like his publisher, is not stupid. They know that SnK is an international success and they will be careful not to include anything in the story that can clearly be seen as glorification of right-wing ideas.

I also think that in principle things should be kept in proportion. If you start to ban all works by people who have or had questionable ideas or who have not always been moral, then this would affect a lot of authors. Roald Dahl was openly antisemitic and xenophobic. Ray Bradbury glorifies classic Americana in many of his stories, which can sometimes degenerate into strong American patriotism and therefore nationalism. Mishima was a fascist, imperialist, and tried miserably to stage a coup. When it failed, he committed Sebuku. He was also completely homophobic on the outside, although he himself secretly had a sexual relationship with a man and he often visited certain houses. All three authors were nevertheless brilliant.

Nobody is perfect and many famous people (among others also Gandhi and Einstein) did not live on a moral high ground. Should these persons therefore be erased from our history books and their works not be read? Probably not.

For me personally, Isayama and for example Nishiwaki are very different. Nishiwaki is a convicted paedophile. Isayama is (only) a fascist and racist. Should he be that stupid and start to throw his ideas into the world, then things will look different.

Also, when it comes to Japan there is something else we have to keep in perspective - something that is hard to do and many people (myself included) often fail to see. Thinking is grounded in history and the place where a country stands. Japan as well as Korea and China are fascinating and well worth reading up. Especially if you want to understand why there are such strong nationalistic tendencies in countries such as Japan (but also Switzerland, Denmark, Austria, Korea, very much England, the US too) but that should be dealt with in a different thread.
huntress1013Jul 3, 2020 3:16 AM
Jul 3, 2020 12:55 AM

Feb 2019
the more controversial the better imo
Jul 3, 2020 12:58 AM
Jul 2018
Kiss x Sis. Tried watching but couldn't handle the stepsister seducing main character cliche.

Another one is Ero manga sensai because I m just scared for my life.
Jul 3, 2020 12:59 AM

Apr 2015
Tapertrain said:
ASaid said:
Anime with incest, cheating, yaoi/yuri and the Ghost Stories dub due to racist jokes.

Do you have a problem with LGBTQ? Why is Yaoi and Yuri a Problem.

Maybe because not everyone like's homosexuality?
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
-Tobiichi Origami 
"Are you trying to turn the dormitory into a strip club!?!
-Atena Saotome 
Jul 3, 2020 2:04 AM
Jul 2018
JR9253 said:
Reyliix said:

I asked because the way the story is going right now it felt like the author was actually challenging those ideas not approving them, I don't see how anyone who reads it can miss that .

You're correct for sure. Anyone who has actually read the series and isn't dumb as bricks can see plain as day that AOT does not support those themes and opposes them, in fact it highlights that in such a world where those ideologies are widespread and dominant, there are no winners.

Rumors like this are just garbage news sources like polygon etc trying to get headlines or completely misinterperating things for their own reasons. There were articles years back stating things like "ATTACK ON TITAN IS NAZI PROPAGANDA!" in the most dramatic fashion and unfortunately many took that and ran with it.

Their own loss, missing out on a stellar series.

I mean either that or they are people, who will see something wrong and racist in literally everything.

Please do actually read or watch a story by yourself before you form an opinion about it.
Jul 3, 2020 2:17 AM

Nov 2019
Tropisch said:
Tapertrain said:

Do you have a problem with LGBTQ? Why is Yaoi and Yuri a Problem.

Maybe because not everyone like's homosexuality?

Inconsequential really. No one's going to care about a homophobe's feelings. They are not a target demographic.
Jul 3, 2020 3:20 AM

Mar 2018
Reyliix said:

@huntress1013's I think you might like this

I know and love Wisecrack but had not seen that he has also done a video for SnK so thanks. 😊
Jul 3, 2020 4:27 AM

Oct 2019
Scums wish. I dropped after 1 episode
Jul 3, 2020 4:56 AM

Oct 2017
I'll watch just about anything. That being said I do have a line when it comes to shota/loli content, but that line for the most part only manifests in hentai and manga.

There are some things I find difficult to watch, especially when it comes to torture. Ripping out finger nails for example, while not even that extreme all things considered, is something that gives me the 'heebie jeebies'. I don't object to such content though. I just don't go searching for it specifically.
InsertCatchyNameJul 3, 2020 5:03 AM
Jul 3, 2020 5:13 AM

Feb 2013
I might avoid or not prefer something for other reasons, but it'll never be not being able to separate reality from fiction.
Jul 3, 2020 7:37 AM

Sep 2016
I like shows that pushes boundaries without holding down, so I watch all violence and raunchy anime shows, I am not here to learn moral.
Jul 3, 2020 7:38 AM

Sep 2016
I like shows that pushes boundaries without holding down, so I watch all violence and raunchy anime shows, I am not here to learn moral. I love echhi, milf, loli, violence, gore all.
Jul 3, 2020 7:39 AM

Sep 2016
Maou_heika said:
I pretty much avoid all anime that contain sexual content simply because I don't like watching it.

I have a strong dislike for most BL, I'll never watch one if I know beforehand that the victim is going fall in love with his abuser/rapist which happens quite often in the genre. The concept itself pisses me off and I just want to go and punch the uke and the author in the face, I'd rather watch something like Kara no Kyoukai where rape is shown as something bad and was a trigger for the girl to go on a killing rampage to get revenge than "oh hahaha, he just tried to rape him, how funny/cute".

I'm more tolerant with violence because watching such things help he calm down when I'm in a terrible mood.

As expected from gay fetish rotten fujoshis.
Jul 3, 2020 8:25 AM

Mar 2020

who the fuck even gives a shit

well not me some people probably do
yum riceballs

i just want a baccano! season 2
Jul 3, 2020 8:26 AM

Jan 2019
No, I place them on my radar instead.
Jul 3, 2020 8:28 AM

Dec 2009
Not really, even if something is not cool or acceptable in real life it can still be used to create interesting stories and plotlines, the more freedom the author have to work the better.
Jul 3, 2020 8:49 AM

Oct 2019
No, not really. I'll watch anything but I do have preferences. I almost never mind the story itself or object to it because of ethical reasons; it is fiction after all.

I do, however, have a problem with people not understanding/not wanting to understand what they've just seen or read and pretending that for example "Diabolik Lovers" is a masterpiece of true love with no rape whatsoever in it.

Maou_heika said:
I pretty much avoid all anime that contain sexual content simply because I don't like watching it.

I have a strong dislike for most BL, I'll never watch one if I know beforehand that the victim is going fall in love with his abuser/rapist which happens quite often in the genre. The concept itself pisses me off and I just want to go and punch the uke and the author in the face, I'd rather watch something like Kara no Kyoukai where rape is shown as something bad and was a trigger for the girl to go on a killing rampage to get revenge than "oh hahaha, he just tried to rape him, how funny/cute".

I'm more tolerant with violence because watching such things help he calm down when I'm in a terrible mood.

Punch the seme, not the uke, since, you know, he is (most of the time) the rapist.

Manaban said:
Yeah, nothing fuels fantasy more than filling out consent forms, so anything sexually deviant that doesn't treat it like the most bureaucratic entity possible.

I mean, consent is pretty sexy :).

Shogo Makishima... just an unemployed bitter lit major who wanted to be a cereal killer.

Remember, kids, it is called looting, not shoplifting.
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