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Nov 12, 2019 6:40 PM
Jul 2018
Yeah, I know this thread has been made countless times. Still, I'm making a new one. Hoping to fish out some new answers.

These past few months I just haven't been as interested in anime as I once was. I cringe at almost every cliche and find fanservice unbearable. I mean shows I used to love upon rewatching them I lose a lot of respect for them. I'm much less active on here then I once was. I used to watch at least 3 episodes a day, now I sometimes watch about 2 a week.

I mean I still LIKE anime but it's nothing compared to how I was last year. I find myself dropping shows much quicker then I used to.

I know I'm not the first one to experience this. Any advice?
Nov 12, 2019 6:47 PM
Apr 2016
I just went through your list a little bit, and yeah, I can see why, I can see why... I'd say it's not you who's losing interest in "anime," the answer is: you're not doing a good job at picking shows. Want some recommendations? I can give you some.
Nov 12, 2019 6:50 PM

Oct 2019
I don't think it's strange at all. Plus, I personally find that this season is not particularly interesting ://

It's really just a matter of taking a break. Of course, if you do anything for an insane amount of time, you're going to tire of it eventually. You have to break routine y'know? Plus I've seen lots of studies that have said less screen-time (not no screentime, just less) equates to more happiness overall. So maybe you just need to sparse your watch-time throughout the day instead of one big binge at night (which is what I do lol)

plus, as someone said above, maybe you just need to pick carefully as well ^^
Nov 12, 2019 6:56 PM
Nov 2019
I've been feeling the same way for a few months now. Like you, I still like anime but I don't WATCH anime anymore.

To "cure" this void in my chest, I dived into the world of manga. Many would say is basically the same as watching anime but it's really not.

There are tons of titles you can choose from that don't have an anime adaptation. For example, "Ibitsu" (one of my favorite horror manga).

You won't miss any important piece of information because you can read at your own pace.

I'd put more examples but I don't wanna make this longer than it should. What I would recommend is: either give manga more love or just take a long break from watching anime.

Doubt this is helpful but wanted to give it a try anyway.
Nov 12, 2019 7:05 PM
Jul 2018
This has happened to me numerous times.

What helped stop it for good for me is to ignore seasonals unless they really interest you and only watch what you know you're gonna like. Know what genres, authors, studios, and directors you like and stick to them. If you don't like an anime, drop it and try something else. It's not a race.

Moreover, if you're tired of trends and tropes that are currently popular, try giving older anime a chance. Anime as we know it has a near 60 year history (Pre-Tezuka? Almost 100 years), there's bound to be something obscure or forgotten to discover that you'll love.
removed-userNov 13, 2019 7:16 PM
Nov 12, 2019 7:08 PM
Apr 2016
83338 said:
twoego said:
I just went through your list a little bit, and yeah, I can see why, I can see why... I'd say it's not you who's losing interest in "anime," the answer is: you're not doing a good job at picking shows. Want some recommendations? I can give you some.

I mean if you have some sure. I'm always open to recommendations. I'm debating on just taking a break at this point. Thanks for the recs though.
It's easy to excuse yourself by saying you don't like a genre...or the episode count, but it's better to watch something long and good rather than something bad and short.

"Gintama" - somewhat a slow starting, but you will quickly end up falling for the show and it's cast. One of a kind show.
"Hajime no Ippo" - both serious and comedic, mixes these genres fluidly and better than almost any other anime.
"Nana" - arguably the best romance anime out there, and from what I've seen you like those.
"Hunter x Hunter (2011)" - a good action show, and in it's specialty one of the best.
"Samurai Champloo" - a great comedy/action anime.
"Chihayafuru" - a beautiful show that is about cards, looks simple, right?
Nov 12, 2019 7:13 PM

May 2013
My piece of advice would be to watch an anime from the 80s or 90s. Different eras have different tropes which you would be less used to. I know I got tired of old anime so I am watching more anime weekly so maybe the reverse might work for you.

If you want I can recommend some good oldies if you would like.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Nov 12, 2019 7:16 PM
Nov 2019
my advice is to just take a break, i’ve been in the same boat and when i say break like months at least or until you find something that genuinely interests you
Nov 12, 2019 7:18 PM

Oct 2013
HeruruMeruru said:
This has happened to me numerous times.

What helped stop it for good for me is to ignore seasonals unless they really interest you and only watch what you know you're gonna like. Know what genres, authors, studios, and directors you like and stick to them. If you don't like an anime, drop it and try something else. It's not a race.

Moreover, if you're tired of trends and tropes that are currently popular, try giving older anime a chance. Anime as we know it has a near 60 year history, there's bound to be something obscure or forgotten to discover that you'll love.

Completely agree with this. I stopped trying to keep up with seasonals a while ago. Watching anime at my own pace and going back to watch older shows I've missed has definitely kept me from getting burned out.
Nov 12, 2019 7:32 PM

May 2016
Stop watching seasonal’s and try watching older series. Could help
Nov 12, 2019 7:36 PM

May 2013
83338 said:
Alpha_Tranny said:
My piece of advice would be to watch an anime from the 80s or 90s. Different eras have different tropes which you would be less used to. I know I got tired of old anime so I am watching more anime weekly so maybe the reverse might work for you.

If you want I can recommend some good oldies if you would like.

I've purposely stayed away from old anime. Idk, just never watched any good ones. If you got some send them. I'd appreciate any recommendations at this point.

Thanks man.

Area 88 - A great war story about a man forced into a conflic against his will and his desire to escape, but can he since he is forever changed by tragedy around him.

Slayers - A comedy/satire of JRPGs

FLCL - Best puberty/coming of age anime I've seen. Only watch season 1.

Berserk - Only the 90s anime, ugly poorly animated show but a masterpiece in storytelling

The first 2 Patlabor movies - Mecha/Police dramas about combating domestic terrorism

Ghost in the shell - An undisputed classic about a future where we are no longer tied to a fragile human body and the potential consequences of such

Serial Experiments Lain - A surreal and prophetic interpretation of the world with the internet.

Those are all off the top of my head right now but they are all good in their own ways. Some are really great.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Nov 12, 2019 7:57 PM

Dec 2018
Personally I blame the mentality that I've only really found in the anime community, which is that you HAVE to watch EVERYTHING and that you HAVE to be watching anime CONSTANTLY. I'm not sure why, but my guess is that is to do with identifying as an anime fan. if your not constantly watching anime, then how can you be an anime fan?

Don't fall for this. watch at your own pace, only choose to watch what seems interesting to you, and drop the shows you don't like. you want to take a break? go ahead, you've already watched over 250 anime, that's more than most people consume in their lifetime, your still an anime fan
Nov 12, 2019 8:20 PM
Apr 2018
Stop watching, take a break for 6 months or so then come back to something new.
Nov 12, 2019 11:26 PM

Oct 2017
As always what I say to people quit. That is the best thing if you're not enjoying a hobby there is no point to staying. It just makes you sad or bored. You may be done with anime as a major hobby and it's just an occasional thing for you or maybe after awhile you want to get heavily invested again. I did that myself was out of anime for more than a year but after being away for so long it beckoned me back and now I am here again more invested than ever.

The more you watch the glow fades you get more critical and that's fine. You have seen around the same number to me so I understand. That's the case with any hobby and you get so critical that you stop or engage in it much less or you appreciate it more with time.

As for suggestions outside of take a break branch more into manga, widen the scope of shows you are watching (most of the stuff you have seen is from the 2000's/2010's). Rely less on seasonals and honestly re-watching favourites for me is a good way to also stay invested.

Since you haven't and are asking for recs for older content that isn't on your PTW.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes (watch the first two films My Conquest is A Sea of Stars and Overture to A New War first then skip to EP 3 Overture tells the plot to the first two episodes in more depth and detail)

Mobile Suit Gundam MS Team/War in the Pocket (while both are part of the main UC timeline you can watch them on their own as they are standalone stories) (MS Team has a love on opposite sides romance with a more "realistic depiction of giant robot fights)(War in the Pocket is more a slice of life series than anything looking at a child's changing view on war)

I will also say since I am watching Slayers now it's pretty enjoyable if you like classic JRPG adventure stories with some comedy.

BilboBaggins365Nov 12, 2019 11:35 PM
Nov 12, 2019 11:51 PM

May 2019
Congratulations! You gained something called taste. Now you can save your time by not watching shows you'll forget about in a month.
Nov 13, 2019 12:18 AM

Sep 2014
I recommend Tiger & Bunny if you liked One Punch Man (on your list) this one is also about super heroes, I watched the dubbed version many years ago maybe you will like it too?

I'm also not as motivated to watch anime probably because I got into k-dramas for the past few years, and got kinda tired of seeing high school characters (I'm more into older casts, which is part of the reason why I prefer OPM over BNHA) with the exception of Haikyu! which I was really addicted to a few years ago even though I'm not into sports.. can't wait for the 4th season

« »
🔮 Tojo Nozomi
Washi Washi
Nov 13, 2019 6:01 AM

Jan 2016
Already answer this countless time. you could've pick one:

- Take a break
- Find another hobby
- Re-watch your fav anime
- Read Manga/LN
- Read/Play VN

but i suggests you ro take break instead, for a month or so..
Nov 13, 2019 8:17 AM

May 2018
The OP "watched all good anime"?

How about "going outside your comfort zone", "watching titles form previous decades" and "watching experimental projects"?
Nov 13, 2019 12:24 PM

May 2009
83338 said:
Yeah, I know this thread has been made countless times. Still, I'm making a new one. Hoping to fish out some new answers.

These past few months I just haven't been as interested in anime as I once was. I cringe at almost every cliche and find fanservice unbearable. I mean shows I used to love upon rewatching them I lose a lot of respect for them. I'm much less active on here then I once was. I used to watch at least 3 episodes a day, now I sometimes watch about 2 a week.

I mean I still LIKE anime but it's nothing compared to how I was last year. I find myself dropping shows much quicker then I used to.

I know I'm not the first one to experience this. Any advice?
If you've been watching 3 episodes a day every day, then that's a lot faster than me. I on average watch one episode or less a day -- I'm basing this on watching two cours or less per month, on average.

In practice this usually means watching one or more episodes per day then stopping for multiple days in a row, maybe even weeks.

I think this slower pace has helped me avoid burnout.

Also, I almost never follow whatever's airing. I largely try to ignore fandom chatter (which does raise the question of why I'm here on this forum in the first place...), particularly with regards to what shows are popular or hot or whatever. Instead I just watch my own choice of stuff, on my own timing.

Also, it's useful to have hobbies other than anime to turn to. I've got video games, as well as hiking and wildlife observation, for example.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Nov 13, 2019 7:31 PM

May 2019
83338 said:
Freshell said:
Congratulations! You gained something called taste. Now you can save your time by not watching shows you'll forget about in a month.

Awesome right? Unfortunately it seems you haven't gotten there yet considering you gave Prison School a 7/10.

Coming from the guy who gave Erased a 10. ;) But you've already admitted to your sins so you get a pass.
Nov 13, 2019 7:46 PM

Jul 2011
Happens a lot to me. I just do something completely different like gaming or other stuff when I'm not in the mood to watch anything.

Nov 13, 2019 7:56 PM
Jul 2018
I've experienced this as well. I saw a poster already mention this, but maybe try to go out of your comfort zone a little more? A related suggestion... if an anime seems even slightly interesting or different, try to see what it's like because you might be really surprised on what the watching experience actually turns out to be like. Always fun to kind of blindly go into anime like that; I've been surprised tons of times by doing that and found anime that I really enjoyed.
Another suggestion is to check out the directors or original creators of anime you really like, and see what else have been made by them. That's how I really got into creators, like Satoshi Kon and Kenji Nakamura, and found anime with the same sort of style that I recognize and enjoy.
removed-userNov 13, 2019 8:39 PM
Nov 13, 2019 8:02 PM

Oct 2011
I've had this happen, and i usually end up taking a year off from anime in general. I let seasons build up and i end up having a bunch of gems to watch when i get back.
I delve deep into manga when im not watching anime, but i know reading might not be everyones cup of tea. I'm not sure of your tastes, but generally when im burnt out on Anime, i find comedic shows/anime/ like slapstick comedy usually pretty therapeutic.

Stuff Like in the Comedy Genre
Gintama(starts slow, but once you get a hang/knowledge of the few main characters, you can pretty much jump around to any of the seasons, except the final arc)
Saiki Kusuo

Or Binge watch American comedy like
South Park (which their 23rd season is airing right now)
American Dad

Or just watch stuff like
Top Gear/The Grand Tour


SpkillaNov 13, 2019 8:06 PM
Nov 14, 2019 1:00 AM
Jul 2018
Same here. I read the manga instead which is less time consuming too
Nov 14, 2019 1:03 AM

Jul 2016
It's normal to get burned out when you are actively trying to force yourself to watch anime daily,only to get continually disappointed.Majority of my favourite anime were unexpected to be honest,so maybe keep your expectations low and only ignore a show when you know for sure you won't like it
Nov 14, 2019 8:57 AM

May 2018
83338 said:

Never said I "watched all good anime" in fact I said I still enjoy anime, I'm just losing interest.

Yeah but you can't find any "good" ones any more.
This is exactly the condition known as "I watched all good anime, there is nothing left." .

It's normal and typical, almost everyone has been there.
There are typical solutions too.

83338 said:
You sound like a dick.

Just for stating the fact?

You have posted similar topics many times (your words), so you are acting like a bit like a dick. Only you can find a solution to your situation, we can only give some generic advices - the same ones we gave you the previous N times.
Maybe stop repeating the process?
Or if you like only certain types of anime go to the recommendations forum and ask for similar titles?
alshuNov 14, 2019 9:04 AM
Nov 14, 2019 9:19 AM

Sep 2008
I took a look at your profile and I might have found your problem.
most of your scores are super high, but the shows aren't really worth that much realistically. I think you're just trying too hard to enjoy anime. first just accept that not everything is a 10/10 show, there's merit in watching less good ones unless they're extremely mediocre, boring or bad. even superbad shows are fun to watch, in a different way.
I have no idea what you'd really like, based on your scores.
if you can tell me a few titles you still like I might be able to offer you something.
either this or try watching entirely different things, or just stop and pick up a show later that catches your interest.
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで
Nov 14, 2019 9:21 AM
Nov 2018
You need to take a break from anime to appreciate it again. I took about a 2-3 month hiatus from anime. I watched normal Netflix shows and rewatched the entire franchise of Ben 10. I enjoyed the hiatus but I still found myself longing for anime. And so I began watching again, try make sure the show you watch after the hiatus is really good.
Nov 14, 2019 10:37 AM

Feb 2010
If it happens, it happens. You can try to counteract it because who has more control over your mentality if not you yourself? You can try new genres if you're looking for new input, or simply adjust your expectations so you can enjoy something even if it isn't a 10/10. If it doesn't work or you can't be bothered, it is what it is. If you simply crave that novelty feel of how it was when you first discovered it, that won't be coming back because you can only discover things once, unless you have a memory disability. But if it's about that, then it was never about liking anime for itself, but rather just liking it because it felt different from what you knew. Once you get used to it and the novelty wears off, you can lose interest. But you can also start really exploring anime for what it is and appreciate it for its inherent qualities rather than for how different from western entertainment it is.

That's the main reason why people stop being into anime after 2 or 3 years, because they were never specifically into it in the first place but just loved how it gave them something new and different from western TV. But nothing is gonna feel new and different forever and at that point you have to ask yourself if you can enjoy anime without that novelty feel or if you want to seek out a new hobby that can provide that feeling for you, at least for another couple of years.

Idk if it applies to you, but I've seen it play out too many times and usually the people are not even aware that it is that novelty feeling that's gone now, and they despair over anime getting worse when really the only difference is that they've gotten used to anime, its genres and tropes. Some parts of your post make me suspect it could be a similar case for you (how it 'doesn't feel like last year anymore') but only you can answer the question for yourself.

I just know that I never had that issue because I grew up with anime from very early on and always mixed watching anime and western TV so that factor of being different and new never really played into it as much. So I never burned out in that sense. If I'm in a slump it's never anime specific, it's just a general decline in interest in watching series and movies, be it live action or anime. So I really do think that burning out on anime specifically just means that it lost it's 'novelty magic'. It means you got used to it and from there it's up to you if you want to try and appreciate anime for itself, giving up on that novelty feeling, or seek it out elsewhere. It's probably not coming back for anime.
I probably regret this post by now.
Nov 14, 2019 10:49 AM

Jun 2019
As someone else mentioned above, it can sometimes be the choice of shows that you're watching. When this happened to me, and I became disillusioned with some of the shows I was watching, I tried to filter and research the shows that I wanted to watch in future.

The aim being that every show I watch (not including seasonal shows) I should rate 7 or above, with the hope being that most of them will be an 8 or 9, something you really enjoy watching. Sometimes you have to sift through some crap shows, or shows that just don't suit you tastes to find the ones that you like. So I try reading reviews and watching trailers to get an idea of what I'm getting into.
Nov 14, 2019 4:29 PM

Oct 2008
Stop watching anime for a while. Find some other stuff to do and see how long it lasts. If after a few months you get bored of those other stuff or thing you were doing, come back and give anime a try again.

Just take a break and distance yourself from it for a while, go do some sports or watch a tv series or some movies. Go on a date or meet up with some friends. Watch YouTube videos, do things you are curious about.
Nov 14, 2019 4:50 PM

Aug 2013
I was also burnt out for a long time and instead I turned my life towards League of Legends. The worst mistake of my life.
Nov 14, 2019 11:03 PM

Dec 2014
I have burned out a few times and have taken several breaks in the 5 years I have watched anime, but there is always a anime that brings me back.
Nov 15, 2019 9:08 AM

May 2018
83338 said:

This is first time I've ever posted anything about this. What do you mean (your words)?


83338 said:
Yeah, I know this thread has been made countless times. Still, I'm making a new one. Hoping to fish out some new answers.

So, you are doing this for the first time?
Your words can be interpreted in another way...but my mistake than.

83338 said:
I also never said anything about "watched all good anime",

Practically the same tho.

83338 said:
if you can find a single comment of mine where I state that I've "seen all good anime, nothing left" I will personally pay you.

Taking the things a bit to the letter?

Finding what to watch it's a bit of a struggle especially if you have high demands. I mean it's fine to have high demands, just it needs more searching and dropping unsuitable stuff.

83338 said:

Honestly I don't even think you're reading my replies.

My impression is that you are practically ignoring all the substantial advices.

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