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Have you ever been bullied/discriminated in real life(not on the internet) for watching Anime?

Have you ever been bullied/discriminated in real life(not on the internet) for watching Anime?
Sep 17, 2019 4:38 PM

May 2018
If yes, how it happened and how did you feel?
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Sep 17, 2019 5:34 PM

Feb 2010
I always get pulled over by cops for wearing anime shirts and when me and my friends then get caught with weed in our pockets I'm always the only one to get arrested because I wear anime shirts while they don't. It's a real issue.
I probably regret this post by now.
Sep 17, 2019 5:45 PM

May 2014
Nope, never. I've been lucky; I've almost exclusively gotten compliments. The worst I've gotten is... well, a guy who was kind of a jerk to me for a myriad of reasons (a decent amount of them my fault), and he did bring up how weird anime is once in a while. But that was in junior high, and junior high sucks for everyone.

Sep 17, 2019 5:47 PM

Oct 2017
It was a while ago nowadays people dont seem to care but a few years ago it was kind of annoying, but mostly it was exclusion.
DavidAlejandro said:
If yes, how it happened and how did you feel?

Nothing I guess, weirdly I'm fine with being excluded, actually I prefer loneliness.

Sep 17, 2019 5:50 PM

Aug 2018
Pullman said:
I always get pulled over by cops for wearing anime shirts and when me and my friends then get caught with weed in our pockets I'm always the only one to get arrested because I wear anime shirts while they don't. It's a real issue.

*Weird Al's White and Nerdy plays in background.*
DavidAlejandro said:
If yes, how it happened and how did you feel?

Anime is still very much a niche interest, if anything you have a better chance of avoiding this kind of thing on the internet where you have more control over the circles you enter and the people you talk to. I' wouldn't call it discrimination but my brother did tell me once on how when he picked up my copy of Mononoke Hime for me a girl he knew teased him for buying an animated kids movie and that he joined in making fun of me but as annoying as this kind of ignorance is, I mostly just had a laugh at their expense. Imagine thinking Mononoke was a kiddie film, ha ha.
Sep 17, 2019 6:03 PM

Feb 2019
I definitely wouldn't call it discrimination and bullying, without a shadow of a doubt. The closest to it was still really far from it: being called a pedo for watching anime by some friends. That doesn't even count, basically.

When I was a teenager though, I used to make fun in school of the people that watched anime.
Sep 17, 2019 6:03 PM

Sep 2017
I really started watching animes when I left high school for homeschooling, so I was never bullied for watching animes

Also I wouldn't be ashamed to claim IRL I'm watching and enjoying animes
Too bad if someone doesn't agree with me, but if that person even tries to bully me because of that, I'll just defend myself but I don't think this kind of scenario could happen, because adults tend to be more mature and self concious about respecting other people even if one disagrees with them
Sep 17, 2019 6:04 PM

Dec 2014
Well, not exactly discriminated, but in my teenage years, like 10 years ago, while known, anime wasn't as mainstream as today, and I was seen as weird by many that I watched them or was interested in them - I studied in an Art Highschool, so I used to draw anime quite a lot too, and I got some weird looks from peoples from time to time...
Sep 17, 2019 6:12 PM

Sep 2015
DavidAlejandro said:
If yes, how it happened and how did you feel?

They would mock me by saying that I prefer anime character' d*** instead of well real life things.(I'm a girl) And well they would call me childish (when I'm like x100 time more mature tha most of my peers because of the shit I had to deal with as a child) and oh the word I still get the most when it comes to anime/manga/japan "Obsessed"
Why does this passion count less than football/videogames or stuff in our society by the way. Anime is so damn informative and it literally changes your life in better

“Now I have neither happiness nor unhappiness.

Everything passes.

That is the one and only thing that I have thought resembled a truth in the society of human beings where I have dwelled up to now as in a burning hell.

Everything passes.”
― Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
Sep 17, 2019 9:09 PM
Jul 2018
Is similar I think

Gap between anime video games and anime has been lessened but with all the cgi realistic looking western and Japanese games (mgs, pes, from software etc), it is difficult to admit that I like Japanese anime games, because they are not for adult video game players
Sep 17, 2019 9:22 PM

Oct 2018
anime actually pretty well known in my country so it was hard to find anyone bullies and insulting each other about it. one of the reasons why anime getting a negative view is that it's lead you to become neet just like what in Japan...but here is different...most mindset would be "we need the money and job to support our hobbies". so nothing bad happen so far.

in fact, in here being a gamer is much more worst than being an otaku.
Sep 17, 2019 10:16 PM

Nov 2018
No,I watch lonely so I don't think they know about it. Anyone when ask,what you are watching then I just reply,I am watching cartoon.
Well,Animes are not a single bit known in my country so I've just to make excuses.And for my friends, In spite of bullying me, I bully them.
"When they're alive, you can enjoy watching them struggle. When they're dead, you can enjoy tearing out their guts. Tales are things you get to enjoy twice."
Sep 17, 2019 10:41 PM

May 2009
I was an adult by the time I really "got into anime", at least the way people usually mean it, so I didn't deal with any of this in high school.

I did watch and play Pokémon back then, and there were certainly people who didn't like Pokémon, including some teachers, but that was due to it being crazy popular, rather than it being a niche anime thing. There was a Japanese Culture Society which was basically an anime club, but I didn't hang out with them, so I don't know how their relations were with non-members. (Checking their webpage did make me discover a certain tune called "misato.mid", and you can guess what it was.)

These days, though, I only really get some negative comments about anime from my parents, who are not particularly fond of cartoons (which they think are childish), fantastical stories (which they feel are too unrealistic), and Japanese culture (due to prior geopolitical beef), though they've never actually prevented me from indulging in it, just commented on it on the side.

That said it probably also helps that I don't display my hobby much.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Sep 17, 2019 11:57 PM

Jun 2016
No. When I was at school all my friends watched anime and the other guys didn't care I also made sure I didn't act like a weeb in public.
Sep 18, 2019 12:19 AM
Apr 2017
When I was a kid everyone watched anime on tv in the afternoon (well, every boy, girls I didn't know nor cared). Not so in high school but back then I didn't care about anime anyway. So the overall answer is no.
"The problem with defining even an aspect of your personality by something that you like, is that criticism of that product appears to you to be criticism of you personally. I find it to be a very harmful attitude, [...] you can't rationally discuss a product because you've started to define yourself by its very existence."

John Bain
Sep 18, 2019 1:44 AM

May 2014
No one really cared in my school. Not like i made it that known anyway.
Sep 18, 2019 2:09 AM

May 2017
I use to make fun of people for watching little did I know id end up watching more then half of them
Sep 18, 2019 4:57 AM
May 2019
No they didn't care or were also anime fans so I never had a problem.
Sep 18, 2019 6:37 AM

Jul 2019
This doesn't count as full-on bullying and it definitely isn't discrimination, but my cousin does not understand at all how my step-cousin and I (we're both huge anime fans) can enjoy anime. He was arguing fairly harshly with us for always talking to each other about it. He seems to think anime is just cliche, keep in mind he hasn't watched even one anime
Sep 18, 2019 9:07 AM
Jul 2018
No, a lot in my school just know me for being a geeky gamer who always brings a laptop to play at school recess although my best friend in school is a weeb who really likes Gintama and anime romcom. Since i am a geek who plays with guys without balls i also get shunned but not as a geek who likes to watch anime. Anime fans in my school are suprisingly little in numbers. So the mockery of being a weeaboo is not being used in my case.
Sep 18, 2019 9:23 AM

May 2016
No, because I've never mentioned it.
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Sep 18, 2019 9:29 AM

Jul 2019
No because practically no one IRL know that I watch anime. I don't doubt one second that if that was the case it would happen though.
Life is a despicable endurance race
Sep 18, 2019 9:33 AM

Mar 2012
My classmates used to tease me for watching Pokemon despite being in 8th grade while everyone else considered watching Hannah Montana as more "mature" at the time. My school bag had a pokemon print on it, so did my stationary. As for how I felt, it's been so many years, I don't even remember.
Sep 18, 2019 9:42 AM

Feb 2019
Don't think so, almost everyone in the schools I grew up in Watched Anime~

It’s okay to look back at the past, just don’t stare too long

Sep 18, 2019 10:00 PM

Sep 2019
people who watch anime are the most oppressed group of all what are you people talking about /s

no, because its the same as playing video games or watching reality tv. a ton of people do it and unless you're the type to argue politics on a hentai blog its pretty normal
Sep 19, 2019 1:30 AM

Jul 2016
not irl caus almost everyone i know here watches anime but there is one time that like 5 ppl at the same time posted on my steam profile that I was a filthy weeb and that I was worse than Hitler and shit... thought it was kinda funny, but deleted the comments lol
TanatlocSep 19, 2019 1:33 AM
Sep 19, 2019 1:36 AM

Apr 2015
Tanatloc said:
not irl caus almost everyone i know here watches anime but there is one time that like 5 ppl at the same time posted on my steam profile that I was a filthy weeb and that I was worse than Hitler and shit... thought it was kinda funny, but deleted the comments lol
Wow, you have a steam profile IRL? I'm impressed!
Shiyuru99 said:
DavidAlejandro said:
If yes, how it happened and how did you feel?

They would mock me by saying that I prefer anime character' d*** instead of well real life things.
No shame in that ;-)
OfDeathandLove said:
Nope, never. I've been lucky; I've almost exclusively gotten compliments.
Damn I wish people complimented me in watching degenerate cartoons :-(
Last FM
Anime List
Manga List
Clue no. 2: Somewhere in one of the pictures in my forum signature.
Sep 19, 2019 1:53 AM

Jul 2016
Cookies said:
Tanatloc said:
not irl caus almost everyone i know here watches anime but there is one time that like 5 ppl at the same time posted on my steam profile that I was a filthy weeb and that I was worse than Hitler and shit... thought it was kinda funny, but deleted the comments lol
Wow, you have a steam profile IRL? I'm impressed!

I said not ''Not irl" learn to read retard
Sep 19, 2019 4:14 AM

Sep 2015
Cookies said:
Tanatloc said:
not irl caus almost everyone i know here watches anime but there is one time that like 5 ppl at the same time posted on my steam profile that I was a filthy weeb and that I was worse than Hitler and shit... thought it was kinda funny, but deleted the comments lol
Wow, you have a steam profile IRL? I'm impressed!
Shiyuru99 said:

They would mock me by saying that I prefer anime character' d*** instead of well real life things.
No shame in that ;-)
OfDeathandLove said:
Nope, never. I've been lucky; I've almost exclusively gotten compliments.
Damn I wish people complimented me in watching degenerate cartoons :-(

It's humiliating when you are a girl in your teens

“Now I have neither happiness nor unhappiness.

Everything passes.

That is the one and only thing that I have thought resembled a truth in the society of human beings where I have dwelled up to now as in a burning hell.

Everything passes.”
― Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
Sep 19, 2019 4:14 AM

Apr 2015
Tanatloc said:
Cookies said:
Wow, you have a steam profile IRL? I'm impressed!
I said not ''Not irl" learn to read retard
Wow I never expected someone who can't read the title of the thread would tell someone else to read!

Which part of "not on the internet" don't you understand? Perhaps, you should, maybe, learn to read.
Last FM
Anime List
Manga List
Clue no. 2: Somewhere in one of the pictures in my forum signature.
Sep 19, 2019 8:56 AM

Jul 2016
Cookies said:
Tanatloc said:
I said not ''Not irl" learn to read retard
Wow I never expected someone who can't read the title of the thread would tell someone else to read!

Which part of "not on the internet" don't you understand? Perhaps, you should, maybe, learn to read.

And thats why i wrote "not irl", Get it?
Sep 19, 2019 9:32 AM

Jul 2017
I didn't start watched anime until I entered college, so I never had a problem like that.

"Do you know why snow is white? 
Because it's forgotten what color it's supposed to be." - C.C.

Sep 19, 2019 9:38 AM
Jul 2014
Never had. I think it comes down to how much of a fan you are. I knew a couple of people who were super fans (otaku/weeaboo level) and would do weird stuff related to anime. They would be ridiculed for it but nothing too serious though.
Sep 19, 2019 11:29 AM
Jul 2018
Never been caught, i tend to keep my watching anime business to my own and leave it out on the daylight sight of everyone.

Because no doubt if i have found watching anime especially the kind of CGDCT i'm going to get harassments for sure, guess it comes down to what type of anime you were caught watching, yikes.
Sep 19, 2019 11:37 AM

Jun 2017
ehh, not bullied but I do know a couple of guys who have sneered at me in the past for watching anime. Both of them are brothers and I know they just jerks that love to mock whatever you're into. They also mock anyone that doesn't listen to Black Metal so, you can make a guess.

Sep 19, 2019 11:46 AM

Jan 2013
Yup. Apparently smoking and driving around with motorbikes was the only acceptable hobby when I was in high school.
Sep 19, 2019 12:51 PM

Oct 2017
Hmm, not bullied, but maybe discriminated against?

I used to have a wider group of friends but I encountered some seriously toxic attitudes from a couple when I got in to Japanese media. Most of my friends were somewhere on the line from "don't care" to "yeh anime is alright I've seen a couple", and even one eventually got quite in to it. I even got him to make an MAL account but he never updates his list!

Anyway, there was an incident a couple years ago where me and some long-term RL friends were playing WoW and getting a bit bored, looking for a new game. I suggested FFXIV (which btw is a fantastic MMO, the best one on the market and not just for Japanese asthetic), and their responses were really telling in terms of what they thought of not just Japanese games but anime / otaku culture in genreal. Comments which more than suggested they thought the plethora of cute girls and generally more feminine energy in Japanese media is for brainless losers just thinking with their dick.

I ended up bringing up the issue a few times because I really thought if they gave FFXIV a shot they would like it. But it became more and more clear they just wouldn't play a Japanese game, because of what I considered ignorant, narrow-minded, borderline racist viewpoints. I hinted that this was what I thought, but it had become very clear they looked down on me for enjoying Japanese media, and didn't care what I had to say. Liking fucking orcs and trolls and all that typically western geek stuff with all the "manly man" crap is cool, but enjoy a foreign cultural product with a more feminine energy and you're worthy of ridicule...

Thankfully, as I said, I still have a few good friends. And one of them is even fairly big in to anime. But I'll be damned if I'll be friends with people who look down on me. Fuck those guys.
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Sep 19, 2019 4:03 PM

Sep 2019
Yes I did. The kid was really messed up and told me to kill myself like every depressed person in japan. He not only told me to kill myself, but made a very racist and dark comment about japanese people. I am not suicidal.
Don't take anything seriously.
No idea what my avatar is from by the way.
Sep 19, 2019 4:28 PM

Oct 2017
Never have been bullied not even really teased about it either. Most people either just didn't care. Actually the main reason I got into anime/manga was out of peer pressure funny enough. Almost everyone in my friend group in late elementary and even out of it were reading stuff like Naruto, Inuyasha and Dragonball. I basically started reading manga and then went to anime to literally fit in with my friends so I could understand what they were talking about.

As I got into HS it was a niche hobby friends knew I liked it like many of my other hobbies but most people didn't really care outside of one or two other fans I met. People would openly watch anime or read manga during lunch break and no one really cared so yeah never experienced any hostility outside of the internet.
Sep 19, 2019 4:41 PM
Jul 2018
No. Watching anime is so common here.
I've never met someone whom (I know) was bullied for anime before.
Sep 19, 2019 4:46 PM

Mar 2017
I was bullied a lot in my youth, but it wasn't because of any of my interests so much as that I was a nerdy socially awkward kid who was an easy target. Anime was virtually unknown at the time, save for a handful of shows in syndication such as "Kimba the White Lion" (which I never actually heard of until many years later).
A møøse once bit my sister...
Sep 19, 2019 4:47 PM

Jun 2016
Ugh, no? I never told many people i watch anime outside of my family but i remember a guy in my class finding out when i was in middle school asdfgh
He kinda joked around about it sometimes but honestly i didn't really care much.
Sep 19, 2019 4:54 PM

Nov 2013
I fail to see how someone would bully you for watching anime.

Granted, you might get some comment like "lol he watches anime" but that's not really bully/discrimination.

I mean, watching anime is one thing, but being a hardcore fan is another. If you are wearing those hentai shirt out in public or going ultra-weeb, then you're just kinda asking for it at that point
Sep 19, 2019 8:46 PM

Dec 2010
no and if anyone ever said anything they would be ignored I was never a very talkative person I don't talk to people in real life that I don't know.
Sep 20, 2019 1:15 AM

Apr 2015
Tanatloc said:
Cookies said:
Wow I never expected someone who can't read the title of the thread would tell someone else to read!

Which part of "not on the internet" don't you understand? Perhaps, you should, maybe, learn to read.
And thats why i wrote "not irl", Get it?
So you're telling me you decided to completely ignore the question in the title, and then proceeded to write an answer for a question nobody asked? Stunning and brave.
Last FM
Anime List
Manga List
Clue no. 2: Somewhere in one of the pictures in my forum signature.
Sep 20, 2019 1:43 AM

Feb 2017
Nope, never. And it's no secret that I watch anime. I wasn't obnoxious about it so most people didn't care. Some would ask me for recommendations or talk with me about some they've seen.
Sep 20, 2019 4:45 AM

Jul 2016
Cookies said:
Tanatloc said:
And thats why i wrote "not irl", Get it?
So you're telling me you decided to completely ignore the question in the title, and then proceeded to write an answer for a question nobody asked? Stunning and brave.

Yes exactly, what you gonna do about that bish
Sep 20, 2019 5:17 AM

Apr 2010
I don't really tell to people... so no.

Sep 20, 2019 5:55 AM
Jul 2018
Never. I don't talk about my interests, unless people ask or I find someone who shares them.

Sometimes people catch me reading manga in school though, but the convo never gets past the usual question, "what are you reading?"
People are pretty chill about anime here I guess, considering almost everyone knows Dragon Ball and Pokemon.
Sep 21, 2019 1:09 PM

Aug 2019
me and my friends all watched it so yeah, girls like it too.
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