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Do you think fan service hurts anime that are also trying to portray strong themes?

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Mar 15, 2017 12:13 PM

Oct 2013
btw just wondering @EcchiLordMamster since you keep saying you're so open having no shame
If a pair of girls asked you to show them what you fap to would you do it?
I have done that for example when a couple of girls asked what Im into I just handed them my iPad after opening up a album that had my favourite doujin in it and let them read it
my favourite if anyone is wondering btw
Mar 15, 2017 12:45 PM

Dec 2015
I know I would have probably loved Zeta Gundam if there wasn't so much fanservice in it.

I rapidly grew tired of their "It's a new model !" and others "A new model?"
Mar 15, 2017 1:38 PM

Mar 2012

holy shit, you dun wrote me a book... a think the best thing i can do is just summarize cause i honestly can't read all this w/o getting lost in what im responding to

anyway, you're strawmanning me... i never implied i was the majority, im just saying theres more of us then you think, that is all


my issue is this, in the context of this thread which is about complaining about ecchi during "serious scenes/shows"... the type of anime that OP is talking about does not exist. if an anime is shoving fanservice in your face, or constantly trying to make you laugh, chances are that anime was never serious in the first place

thinking that something was distracting, executed poorly, etc is nothing more than a personal problem.. people are acting as if their criticism is objective, theres plenty of people who just don't care

always i see no reason why people feel they have to take everything seriously, just because people die in an anime doesn't mean the anime is supposed to be serious, nor does it mean you personally have to take it seriously, its a fucking cartoon

so they pan the camera on a girls butt, so what? what happens? you whip your dick out? so what if you get turned on? can you not get turned on and still care about whats going on in the rest of the show?

why do people see 2 pantyshots and act as though thats all the show was about?

so a girl is in a mecha during a heated battle and they focus on her butt one or 2 scenes? and???? do people have so little self control that that is enough to forget what was happening?

this is the shit i don't understand


liking ecchi only when you feel it fits the narrative is not liking ecchi, that is liking context, thats kind of like saying "i only find women in bikinis sexy while im at the beach", in this case im talking about the people who act as though tits and ass stop being attractive because of where they were placed, i don't believe that for a second


you have way too much trust in people... the world IS FULL of closeted people who don't admit things, thats why places like 4chan and the deep/dark web exist... you NEVER KNOW what people are hiding from you, , especially when we know that much of the time its the people who spend all their time bashing things who are secretly into the things theyre bashing, like homophobic preaches who are pretty much always gay themselves

why should i make an exception for many of the people who constantly complain about ecchi? what makes them any more believable?

why do you act as though ecchi is thing that people are comfortable admitting they like?

if i ask a grow of 15 anime fans if they've ever jacked off to loli am i supposed to believe every person who says no? yea because thats not something people would lie about

you should know how many people feel guilty getting turned on by and jacking off to cute underage cartoon girls, yet you act as though everyone is always being honest?

you know that its considered negative to act like a horny bastard, probably mostly due to the people who use it to commit crimes, but w/e, the fact is, that is why i believe many people are using the "i like fanservice, but" tactic as a cover up, because its a way to admit you like perverted content w/o appearing "too horny"

its like the "im not racist, but " people... even if theyre racist, they are attempting to justify what theyre saying w/o coming off as the extreme, again, i don't see why anime fans would be an exception to that as you are making it sound


and no, the majority of people who message me or friend me are NOT people who's favorites are full of ecchi, i've had many people with elitist bait anime do the same, infact, i could argue its more of them, or at least people will more standard, predictable favorites, but im sure its cause the people who have favorites full of ecchi are probably less intrigued by my profile


to summarize, i basically feel that people are reading into these shows incorrectly, i don't feel many of these shows are trying to do what the people who are complaining about them claim they are

like if an anime has a girl with physics defying boobs on the cover, you probably shouldn't be looking into it as though its going to be a show to take seriously in the first place

AGK = Shock value + Horror + Comedy

HoTD = Horror + Sexy+ Comedy

THAT IS THE POINT OF THESE SHOWS, take any of the elements away and your destroyed entire premise

many anime fans should either lower their standards or stop reading so hard into anime, because its to the point now where people should know what to expect

Deknijff said:
btw just wondering @EcchiLordMamster since you keep saying you're so open having no shame
If a pair of girls asked you to show them what you fap to would you do it?
I have done that for example when a couple of girls asked what Im into I just handed them my iPad after opening up a album that had my favourite doujin in it and let them read it
my favourite if anyone is wondering btw

what do you mean, would i do it? i've done that lots of times lol

i took a girl out once that i pretty much met through my love for anime girls lol
EcchiGodMamsterMar 15, 2017 1:58 PM
Mar 15, 2017 1:46 PM

Nov 2016
I believe so. The fanservice in Neon Gensis Evangelion really put me off. I understand why animes use it but if the show is suppose to be really dark I don't think it should be used. I will say, in dark animes I think things like masturbation or sex is okay since usually it has meaning like to show how fucked up a character has become.
Mar 15, 2017 1:47 PM

Oct 2013
EcchiLordMamster said:
Deknijff said:
btw just wondering @EcchiLordMamster since you keep saying you're so open having no shame
If a pair of girls asked you to show them what you fap to would you do it?
I have done that for example when a couple of girls asked what Im into I just handed them my iPad after opening up a album that had my favourite doujin in it and let them read it
my favourite if anyone is wondering btw
what do you mean, would i do it? i've done that lots of times lol
well if you have done so as well thats all good then
also I assumed you would shed light on the subject but you haven't even though Ive posted the gif twice
you did fap to Sankarea right?
also in regards to what you said to Pull
saying one should lower their standard is never the right thing to say
saying that is what causes garbage to be made
Mar 15, 2017 1:59 PM

Dec 2016
I like that the thread turned from gifs to discussion again.

I have to agree with arguments from both opinions (of @Pullman & @EcchiLordMamster). You don't have to be ashamed to like ecchi, but just as any other element ecchi should kinda be used in context, which would mostly mean comedic or erotic scenes.

As I said, I like division: Have action scenes be pure action and have ecchi scenes be pure ecchi, that way you can satisfy me.
Mar 15, 2017 2:01 PM

Mar 2012
Deknijff said:
EcchiLordMamster said:
what do you mean, would i do it? i've done that lots of times lol
well if you have done so as well thats all good then
also I assumed you would shed light on the subject but you haven't even though Ive posted the gif twice
you did fap to Sankarea right?
also in regards to what you said to Pull
saying one should lower their standard is never the right thing to say
saying that is what causes garbage to be made

people usually find out what kind of anime i like w/in 2 minutes of talking to me about anime, it doesn't matter if its a girl or not

ever heard the quote that goes something like this "its better to go in with lower expectations, that way you save yourself from being as disappointed in the end"

if you've seen even 50 anime, you should generally know what to expect, therefore i don't see why people have to constantly complain about what they already should know theyre going to see
Mar 15, 2017 2:04 PM

Mar 2016
No not necessarily it depends on the context and personal taste. Complaining about fanservice ruining an anime is not really any different than complaining about any other element ruining a show. The element it self is not particularly good or bad outside of the context. For example, comedy is something that can be a hit or a miss with people. I did not like the comedy in drifters because I thought it was awkward and broke my immersion to the show. Now this does not mean a more serious show cannot have any comedy in it whatsoever. Several serious shows still have jokes in them here and there. This is no different with fan service. Just because a show is meant to be serious does not mean it cannot have any sex appeal in it whatsoever. It all comes down to how its executed and whether or not it was done in a manner that you personally connected with or not.
Mar 15, 2017 2:06 PM

Apr 2015
Excessive fanservice can break any anime. Some studios specifically add fanservice to the anime to attract some audience.
P.S. Fanservice is needed, but only when it is present in the original or to create pleasant moments, but no more
Mar 15, 2017 2:14 PM

Oct 2013
EcchiLordMamster said:
people usually find out what kind of anime i like w/in 2 minutes of talking to me about anime, it doesn't matter if its a girl or not
ok yeah I already figured that
Id still like to know if you fapped to Sankarea or not
EcchiLordMamster said:
ever heard the quote that goes something like this "its better to go in with lower expectations, that way you save yourself from being as disappointed in the end"
saying that is basically saying I don't know how to find stuff I like so I should just like everything which is stupid
Ive had high expectations of everything in my favourites and they've all met those expectations
Mar 15, 2017 2:25 PM

Mar 2012
BlueBlack37 said:

I have to agree with arguments from both opinions (of @Pullman & @EcchiLordMamster). You don't have to be ashamed to like ecchi, but just as any other element ecchi should kinda be used in context, which would mostly mean comedic or erotic scenes.

As I said, I like division: Have action scenes be pure action and have ecchi scenes be pure ecchi, that way you can satisfy me.

what is wrong with them mixing? don't you find it limiting to say this should only be done this way? to me it is completely boring to only go with the status quo

i for example, have a girl fight fetish, i get really turned on when panties flash and boobs jiggle during fights, do we not matter?

Deknijff said:
EcchiLordMamster said:
people usually find out what kind of anime i like w/in 2 minutes of talking to me about anime, it doesn't matter if its a girl or not
ok yeah I already figured that
Id still like to know if you fapped to Sankarea or not
EcchiLordMamster said:
ever heard the quote that goes something like this "its better to go in with lower expectations, that way you save yourself from being as disappointed in the end"
saying that is basically saying I don't know how to find stuff I like so I should just like everything which is stupid
Ive had high expectations of everything in my favourites and they've all met those expectations

no i didn't shes a zombie, and i only fap to humans, not that i couldn't...

no, all im saying is, don't go into any anime expecting it to not be something you haven't already seen
Mar 15, 2017 2:32 PM

Oct 2013
EcchiLordMamster said:
Deknijff said:
ok yeah I already figured that
Id still like to know if you fapped to Sankarea or not
saying that is basically saying I don't know how to find stuff I like so I should just like everything which is stupid
Ive had high expectations of everything in my favourites and they've all met those expectations
no i didn't shes a zombie, and i only fap to humans, not that i couldn't...
no, all I'm saying is, don't go into any anime expecting it to not be something you haven't already seen
so you saying you've never fapped to Zombina?

being smart enough to know something is never fully original is not the same as having lower standards in my opinion
Mar 15, 2017 2:34 PM

Dec 2016
EcchiLordMamster said:
BlueBlack37 said:

I have to agree with arguments from both opinions (of @Pullman & @EcchiLordMamster). You don't have to be ashamed to like ecchi, but just as any other element ecchi should kinda be used in context, which would mostly mean comedic or erotic scenes.

As I said, I like division: Have action scenes be pure action and have ecchi scenes be pure ecchi, that way you can satisfy me.

what is wrong with them mixing? don't you find it limiting to say this should only be done this way? to me it is completely boring to only go with the status quo

i for example, have a girl fight fetish, i get really turned on when panties flash and boobs jiggle during fights, do we not matter?

I mean basically any anime type can exist, I'm just talking about my personal preferences. The more types of anime, the better I say. But let's say I have a week to watch 2 out of 3 shows and I have to decide between:

1. Action
2. Ecchi
3. Action-Ecchi

Me personally I'm going to take 1. and 2. and maybe watch 3. later, because with the first two I get 100% of the thing it's intended to be. Now this example may sound dumb and hypothetical, but I'm just trying to get my point across.

So I don't mind them mixing, but in the end I'll find them better when seperated.
Mar 15, 2017 2:49 PM

Mar 2012
Deknijff said:
so you saying you've never fapped to Zombina?

being smart enough to know something is never fully original is not the same as having lower standards in my opinion

no i didn't, but she can definitely get it lol

all im saying is don't go into anime and be surprised when its the same shit you've seen before 100x, if you don't define that as lowering standards, then my b

BlueBlack37 said:

I mean basically any anime type can exist, I'm just talking about my personal preferences. The more types of anime, the better I say. But let's say I have a week to watch 2 out of 3 shows and I have to decide between:

1. Action
2. Ecchi
3. Action-Ecchi

Me personally I'm going to take 1. and 2. and maybe watch 3. later, because with the first two I get 100% of the thing it's intended to be. Now this example may sound dumb and hypothetical, but I'm just trying to get my point across.

So I don't mind them mixing, but in the end I'll find them better when seperated.

i will take all 3.... lol
Mar 15, 2017 2:55 PM

Sep 2015
Like, I'd be a hypocrite if I were to say that context didn't matter much to me in ecchi anime, yeah - I just got done complaining about something that's rooted in context and what have you as early as yesterday - buuuuuuuuut I can't really say I think it's ultra-important either. I still ended up giving a pretty high score to the anime that was at the front of my mind when I was complaining, for instance.

Like, I enjoy lewd shots of characters I like as characters and find attractive more than I enjoy lewd shots of characters I don't like as much yet still find attractive. But I'd still prefer a character with a personality I dislike that I found attractive over a character I didn't find attractive yet had a personality I liked.

And, from the other people who identify as ecchi fans that I've spoken with and what I've talked about with them, I do get the impression that the kind of outlook of characters being sexy or attractive being the most important thing isn't a minority outlook at all amongst people who like that stuff ._. Just not the only thing, I guess.

My experience with other people to me points to me believing that while @Pullman is right that people who give no shits about stuff like context are an extremity and a vast minority, I also get the strong impression that people looking for more than lewd waifu bait and whatnot are a vast minority on the same side of the coin :V I've only met two that I can think of off of the top of my head that actually seem to place a large amount of value on stuff past things like character designs and whatnot when it comes to ecchi and fanservice anime in particular, and even then compared to most non-ecchi fans I've seen on this site, neither of them strike me as being far into things like story and character development being the be-all end-all like many here in AD seem to.

And this is only talking about anime series devoted to fanservice and lewd stuff, mind you - outside of ecchi anime, where walking into something that's about that sort of thing and then complaining about it being there will strike me as being incredibly redundant and stupid, I'm not going to get bothered by it if somebody has the audacity to dislike fanservicey stuff in anime that isn't dedicated to that sort of thing. But that also doesn't mean that I don't feel like I see a lot of people who get downright unreasonable and reactionary on the topic.

Like this:

Pullman said:
There's tons of people on every level between your stance and people who avoid anything with pantyshots

Like, shit, there are people who absolutely refuse to do anything except complain about even the most minor amount of fanservice and consistently make mountains out of molehills over it if it pops up in an anime, and yet somehow I never fail to get the impression that this opinion is widely considered more acceptable than simply liking fanservice. In absolutely no way does that strike me as anything but absurd and so of course it's going to irritate me. I won't say anything to them about them daring to like something different than me because in most cases that'd be a discussion that I probably would just dismiss as being not worth the effort, sure, but I surely wouldn't care if somebody else said they're being dumb about it and I'm not going to act like I respect an opinion rooted that far into being anti-fanservice just because I believe that individual priorities supercede all else in determining tastes.
ManabanMar 15, 2017 3:15 PM

Mar 15, 2017 8:05 PM
Jun 2015
EcchiLordMamster said:
Yea man, the whole "I only like contextual sexual fanservice" at least for some is a way to admit they like it without coming off as a horny bastard

I feel as though because ecchi isnt always necessarily meant to be jerked off to, many ppl will be afraid to admit they find it fappable and enjoy being teased since to many its associated only with horny teens
Sexuality is heavily contextual, you don't instantly pull out your dick and feel aroused based on just the number of clothes someone is wearing right? Its the same reason why someone should care about the execution and context of ecchi fan service in anime. Porn also is contextual, there almost always is some foreplay before getting to the more sexy parts. I seriously disagree most ecchi fans don't care about the context and execution of ecchi scenes in their favorite shows otherwise humans would never do foreplay before masturbating or having sex. They would just instantly pull out their dicks or touch their clits and orgasm regardless of context. BDSM would also not exist as a common sexual fetish because who needs context when having sex? Sex is not as simple is insert penis into vagina you know or I saw her panties and her boobies!
Mar 15, 2017 8:13 PM

Mar 2012
15poundfish said:
Sexuality is heavily contextual, you don't instantly pull out your dick and feel aroused based on just the number of clothes someone is wearing right? Its the same reason why someone should care about the execution and context of ecchi fan service in anime. Porn also is contextual, there almost always is some foreplay before getting to the more sexy parts. I seriously disagree most ecchi fans don't care about the context and execution of ecchi scenes in their favorite shows otherwise humans would never do foreplay before masturbating or having sex. They would just instantly pull out their dicks or touch their clits and orgasm regardless of context. BDSM would also not exist as a common sexual fetish because who needs context when having sex? Sex is not as simple is insert penis into vagina you know or I saw her panties and her boobies!

NO NO NO... what i mean by the context of fanservice "doesn't matter" is that, people act as though boobs stop being hot during "non contextual" scenes

boobs are attractive because boobs are attractive, not because of the situation theyre in... YES, the situation can influence the degree of attraction, but to act as though theres moments where boobs are not attractive based on the situation is what im saying is bullshit

your brain/penis does not care about context... your conscious mind does, your brain just reacts to sexy body parts, but in your conscious mind, you decide whether or not your agree with the situation the sexy body parts are in

THAT is what im saying

yes, CONSCIOUSLY people care about context, but not physiologically
Mar 15, 2017 8:57 PM
Jun 2015
EcchiLordMamster said:

NO NO NO... what i mean by the context of fanservice "doesn't matter" is that, people act as though boobs stop being hot during "non contextual" scenes

boobs are attractive because boobs are attractive, not because of the situation theyre in... YES, the situation can influence the degree of attraction, but to act as though theres moments where boobs are not attractive based on the situation is what im saying is bullshit

your brain/penis does not care about context... your conscious mind does, your brain just reacts to sexy body parts, but in your conscious mind, you decide whether or not your agree with the situation the sexy body parts are in
Some parts are automatic but other parts aren't. Most people in real life don't instantly get aroused by people with big tits, cute face and nice figure. It will draw their attention probably, but like I said before context is super important. Its possible to say someone is sexually attractive but not sexually aroused by their mere presence. Anime sometimes screw with camera angles to get the viewer aroused in scenes that probably should not be arousing in its narrative. It might satisfy an ecchi fan as yourself but for others its like if I wanted to see this I would just go watch an ecchi anime. When the director is trying to tell a serious story with mature themes its a insult its viewers that are immersed into its narrative to throw these context breaking moments into the anime. You might enjoy no context scenes like the Shinsekai yori manga, but I am super glad they decided to adapt the anime from its novel.
Mar 15, 2017 10:05 PM

Mar 2016
15poundfish said:
EcchiLordMamster said:

NO NO NO... what i mean by the context of fanservice "doesn't matter" is that, people act as though boobs stop being hot during "non contextual" scenes

boobs are attractive because boobs are attractive, not because of the situation theyre in... YES, the situation can influence the degree of attraction, but to act as though theres moments where boobs are not attractive based on the situation is what im saying is bullshit

your brain/penis does not care about context... your conscious mind does, your brain just reacts to sexy body parts, but in your conscious mind, you decide whether or not your agree with the situation the sexy body parts are in
Some parts are automatic but other parts aren't. Most people in real life don't instantly get aroused by people with big tits, cute face and nice figure. It will draw their attention probably, but like I said before context is super important. Its possible to say someone is sexually attractive but not sexually aroused by their mere presence. Anime sometimes screw with camera angles to get the viewer aroused in scenes that probably should not be arousing in its narrative. It might satisfy an ecchi fan as yourself but for others its like if I wanted to see this I would just go watch an ecchi anime. When the director is trying to tell a serious story with mature themes its a insult its viewers that are immersed into its narrative to throw these context breaking moments into the anime. You might enjoy no context scenes like the Shinsekai yori manga, but I am super glad they decided to adapt the anime from its novel.

I agree but also disagree on some of your statements, sometimes visual stimuli alone is enough to get a boner. A lot of people get erections from just looking at big tits. I should know it as it is fairly common for myself. Also a lot of people skip the storyline and foreplay in porn. Now everyone is different in respect to biology and you might have naturally low testosterone levels, however; statistically speaking it is very normal for young males to be springy. Depending on your testosterone levels, how much you masturbate, sleep, diet, depression, etc. the average young male gets about 6 to 11 erections during the daytime per day. A lot of those boners might be random boners not necessarily cause by anything special. It is a perfectly healthy part of young male sexuality to get erections from looking at hot girls or visual stimuli alone without any other context. If you don't experience such things then good for you and it does not mean there is anything wrong with you, but not everyone has the same situation as you. I don't really care for foreplay myself and don't like to spend a lot of time on it if I can, (usually do though cause girls always prefer it). I also watch most ecchi with the pure goal of fapping only.
SoundsOfTheWild3Mar 16, 2017 1:18 AM
Mar 15, 2017 11:36 PM
Jun 2015
SoundsOfTheWild3 said:
It is a perfectly healthy part of young male sexuality to get erections from looking at hot girls or visual stimuli alone without any other context. If you don't experience such things then good for you and it does not mean there is anything wrong with you, but not everyone has the same situation as you. I don't really care for foreplay myself and don't like to spend a lot of time on it if I can, (usually due though cause girls always prefer it). I also watch most ecchi with the pure goal of fapping only.
You don't think about anything while fapping or when you are sexual aroused? Are you a monk?
Mar 16, 2017 12:21 AM

Mar 2016
15poundfish said:
SoundsOfTheWild3 said:
It is a perfectly healthy part of young male sexuality to get erections from looking at hot girls or visual stimuli alone without any other context. If you don't experience such things then good for you and it does not mean there is anything wrong with you, but not everyone has the same situation as you. I don't really care for foreplay myself and don't like to spend a lot of time on it if I can, (usually due though cause girls always prefer it). I also watch most ecchi with the pure goal of fapping only.
You don't think about anything while fapping or when you are sexual aroused? Are you a monk?

What? Not sure what you mean.
Do you have to think about walking, running, eating?

Masturbating comes naturally. Just look at something aesthitically pleasing and go.

I really only need something sexy to fap too. You are telling me you have never done facebook faps or instagram faps? You don't have any girl's nudes saved on your phone? Bruh c'mon.
Mar 16, 2017 2:30 AM

Mar 2012
15poundfish said:
Some parts are automatic but other parts aren't. Most people in real life don't instantly get aroused by people with big tits, cute face and nice figure. It will draw their attention probably, but like I said before context is super important.


is this a joke?

no... like... this is just... NOT TRUE... if this was the case there'd be no point in sexy magazine covers or just sexy images in general and you'd have no drive to go up to a random girl you may just want to sleep with for the night

15poundfish said:
Anime sometimes screw with camera angles to get the viewer aroused in scenes that probably should not be arousing in its narrative. It might satisfy an ecchi fan as yourself but for others its like if I wanted to see this I would just go watch an ecchi anime. When the director is trying to tell a serious story with mature themes its a insult its viewers that are immersed into its narrative to throw these context breaking moments into the anime. You might enjoy no context scenes like the Shinsekai yori manga, but I am super glad they decided to adapt the anime from its novel.

bruh, there is no "specific time" to be aroused... arousal is just a physiological reaction... you claiming that "you shouldn't be aroused at this moment" is nothing more than a social construct, that people as a society, not our brains, decided

you're making it sound as though you have control over the way your brain reacts to things, you don't, have control over how you react to your brain

you can't just look at a sexy woman irl or an image of one and get turned on? that makes no sense

we are animals... the drive to fuck eachother is an instinct... context is generally not relevant when it comes to your physiological reaction, if it its, its mostly likely due to societal influence, which is why YOUR MIND decides how to react to your brains reaction

Of what you were saying was the cause, there no way there's be 7billion people pm earth

Without instinctual arousal where is the drive to masturbate or fuck??? Whotf needs context to get turned on???

What more is needed to get turned on than an attractive body? Why does the context matter? Why do ppl fap to images or videos where you can't even see the person's face?

You're making no sense

SoundsOfTheWild3 said:
It is a perfectly healthy part of young male sexuality to get erections from looking at hot girls or visual stimuli alone without any other context. If you don't experience such things then good for you and it does not mean there is anything wrong with you, but not everyone has the same situation as you.

im sorry, but not at least getting turned on by just looking at a girl you find sexually attractive is very strange
EcchiGodMamsterMar 16, 2017 4:04 AM
Mar 16, 2017 4:04 AM
Jun 2015
SoundsOfTheWild3 said:

What? Not sure what you mean.
Do you have to think about walking, running, eating?

Masturbating comes naturally. Just look at something aesthitically pleasing and go.

I really only need something sexy to fap too. You are telling me you have never done facebook faps or instagram faps? You don't have any girl's nudes saved on your phone? Bruh c'mon.
I am asking if you can masturbate without possibly having lewd thoughts when looking at pictures. If you ever consciously thinking about something during fapping like a sexual fantasy or feelings related to sex you are creating sexual context with your own thoughts. The cute girl grabs your attention but the thoughts that come after are often what makes you aroused. A sexy character without context is not arousing unless I purposely create context with my thoughts. If all people needed was visual stimuli people than people at nudists beaches would all have boners and wet pussies 24/7. Context matters, although exposure is a factor and what level your sex drive is during that day. I called you a monk because fapping without context just seems impossible in my opinion.
Mar 16, 2017 4:24 AM

Sep 2015
15poundfish said:
SoundsOfTheWild3 said:

What? Not sure what you mean.
Do you have to think about walking, running, eating?

Masturbating comes naturally. Just look at something aesthitically pleasing and go.

I really only need something sexy to fap too. You are telling me you have never done facebook faps or instagram faps? You don't have any girl's nudes saved on your phone? Bruh c'mon.
I am asking if you can masturbate without possibly having lewd thoughts when looking at pictures. If you ever consciously thinking about something during fapping like a sexual fantasy or feelings related to sex you are creating sexual context with your own thoughts. The cute girl grabs your attention but the thoughts that come after are often what makes you aroused. A sexy character without context is not arousing unless I purposely create context with my thoughts. If all people needed was visual stimuli people than people at nudists beaches would all have boners and wet pussies 24/7. Context matters, although exposure is a factor and what level your sex drive is during that day. I called you a monk because fapping without context just seems impossible in my opinion.

If you want to get overly technical on the semantics to better suit the narrative you want to spin here, then sure - context is important to everybody when it comes to sexual fantasies, and how it's presented can have a positive or negative effect. In extreme cases it can have a make or break effect, even.

Speaking for myself at the very least, though, the idea that it outweighs aesthetic in importance is absurd to me. A character I do not find attractive could be placed in a sexual situation that I find very attractive, and I would still not find it that attractive.

In fact, the idea that more context means better is absurd to me in general. Situations and how things are where they are matter, I'll definitely cede that, but I am not for the idea that something has to tie into a greater story for it to be good fanservice or be laden with context and meaning to be good fanservice; those are mostly ideas expressed by people who aren't into ecchi anime to begin with for a reason and those are the ideas that were being mocked on the last page prior to this discussion about the importance of context and meaning within fanservice, that I'm still kind of astounded is something that seems to be a serious discussion.

There's a certain extremity to that belief that the only time we can really have something lewd is when its entirely 100% contextual, when often I feel that maybe a character having her skirt blown up by the wind is enough context for me to be able to find it attractive. There's context there, yes, but it probably doesn't even tie into the story very much at all and based primarily on the character's aesthetic, it's very possible to find it infinitely more attractive than something laden with context.

You seem to be saying that context >>>> aesthetic, yet you're failing to grasp the varying degrees of context and how sometimes fanservice is clearly just there for the sake of being there and has the most minimal amount of context required. Based on what you're saying, I get the impression that the skirt being blown up by the wind example I gave earlier is something you'd consider little different than the snake exorcism in Bakemonogatari, which was filled to the brim with sexual overtones yet was the result of two episodes' worth of buildup to that point. I'm saying that the scene could've been just as attractive without the buildup and importance to the narrative; it could've happened almost immediately afterwards with no buildup giving it far far less context and understanding than what the two episodes of buildup provided and still have been something that people could've found attractive. It was very important to the story that they did that buildup, both then and later on in the series, but we could still remove that aspect of how we got to that scene and still have people find it attractive at the very least.

Context matters, but it doesn't need to be in an extremity and more context doesn't necessarily make something better in this case. Something could be entirely preferable with the minimal amount of context and relevance to what's happened prior and what's happened in the future. It matters, sure, but I feel like you're really over-valuing it here in the context of...well, people in general. It's not implausible at all for somebody to find something with the minimal amount of context and relevance more attractive than something laden with both.

Of course, if you find context and situation more important than aesthetic, then I can't criticize you for thinking that much. It's really, really hard and really, really pointless to come to a common consensus on what makes something sexually attractive in the same vein that it's really, really hard and really, really pointless to try to come to a common consensus on what makes something funny. It relies far too heavily on the individual to merit discussions delving too much into what's the best way for something to be hot. At the very least, you, I, and everybody else here can continue discussing aesthetic vs. context for days on end and not reach a real conclusion or gain any significant understanding from it.
ManabanMar 16, 2017 4:44 AM

Mar 16, 2017 8:52 AM

Nov 2009
15poundfish said:
When the director is trying to tell a serious story with mature themes its a insult its viewers that are immersed into its narrative to throw these context breaking moments into the anime.

Once again, I demand examples of this actually happening.
One example people like to mention is Occultic;Nine. Except that everything serious has already been said by the time Ryou-tas starts dancing around. At that point, the characters are just suffering from logorrea (I can't blame them, with all the stuff that is going on, but I'm thankful to Ryou-tas when she interrupts them with her stungun).

EcchiLordMamster said:
bruh, there is no "specific time" to be aroused... arousal is just a physiological reaction... you claiming that "you shouldn't be aroused at this moment" is nothing more than a social construct, that people as a society, not our brains, decided

I find my current emotional state to be important for arousal. When I'm naked on a nudist beach, I'm too embarrassed to be aroused. (or just tune out of the whole "everybody is naked" situation, because I do have some control over my body and my mind)
When the situation in anime is dark enough, I do not get aroused as easily, and feel bad if I do get aroused.
On the other hand, when I'm comfortable in my chair, I have no problems getting aroused with just pictures without any context to support them.

In short, context can undermine fanservice.
I do not think I've seen any good examples of fanservice undermining the story. Anime authors generally know what they're doing.

Manaban said:
I've only met two that I can think of off of the top of my head that actually seem to place a large amount of value on stuff past things like character designs and whatnot when it comes to ecchi and fanservice anime in particular, and even then compared to most non-ecchi fans I've seen on this site, neither of them strike me as being far into things like story and character development being the be-all end-all like many here in AD seem to.

Ecchi and fanservice anime can have a lot of good things beyond ecchi and fanservice.

RedWingFM said:
Excessive fanservice can break any anime. Some studios specifically add fanservice to the anime to attract some audience.
P.S. Fanservice is needed, but only when it is present in the original or to create pleasant moments, but no more

Strike Witches laugh at you.

Izarapaw said:
I believe so. The fanservice in Neon Gensis Evangelion really put me off. I understand why animes use it but if the show is suppose to be really dark I don't think it should be used.

The trick is, almost no good shows are supposed to be really really dark. Excessive darkness just brings audience apathy.
It is the juxtaposition of good times and bad times that gives birth to maximum audience reaction.
Mar 16, 2017 9:09 AM

Mar 2016
15poundfish said:
SoundsOfTheWild3 said:

What? Not sure what you mean.
Do you have to think about walking, running, eating?

Masturbating comes naturally. Just look at something aesthitically pleasing and go.

I really only need something sexy to fap too. You are telling me you have never done facebook faps or instagram faps? You don't have any girl's nudes saved on your phone? Bruh c'mon.
I am asking if you can masturbate without possibly having lewd thoughts when looking at pictures. If you ever consciously thinking about something during fapping like a sexual fantasy or feelings related to sex you are creating sexual context with your own thoughts. The cute girl grabs your attention but the thoughts that come after are often what makes you aroused. A sexy character without context is not arousing unless I purposely create context with my thoughts. If all people needed was visual stimuli people than people at nudists beaches would all have boners and wet pussies 24/7. Context matters, although exposure is a factor and what level your sex drive is during that day. I called you a monk because fapping without context just seems impossible in my opinion.

Yes I can have lewd thoughts and fantasies but I don't necessarily need to when I masturbate. I can decide what i want to fap to just like I can decide what I want to eat but I don't need to have focused consciousness on what I'm masturbating too just like you don't when you eat. Sometimes visual stimuli alone is enough, I don't need to have any fantasy. That's because it is physiological and emotional response. Your brain releases dopamine and you feel good. Its like eating a tasty brownie. I don't need to think about the brownie specifically just react to the pleasure of eating it.

You seem to be to focused on conscious involvement only but their is a natural unconscious emotional response when it comes to sexual arousal. Your sex drive pathways in your brain can be activated from activity in your frontal lobe like you imply but it is not the only activation route. For example, testosterone is the primary sex drive hormone of most sexually reproducing species. Testosterone is a steroid meaning it has a four cycloalkane ring structured base. When entering the brain it undergoes a pericyclic reaction and a redox in which it becomes aromatized to its E2 form. Here part of its pharmacology is to act as a neuromodulator where it binds to neuron receptors typically metabotropically. What that means basically is that it binds to a G-protein instead of like direct binding to an ion channel and in which in turn begins a protein kinase cascade. The kinase proteins then enter the nucleus and phosphorylate transcription factors which changes which genes are transcribed and ultimately translated into proteins. These proteins then interact with inhibitors and enhancers of ion pumps changing the membrane potential in the neuron causing it to reach the threshold and release an action potential or electrical signal. This is how the specific neurological pathways from sex drive can be activated also. Which if you are curious are located in the hypothalamus or motivational center of the brain (This is where all of your drives exists, your drive for hunger, drive for sleep, and as well as your drive for sex) and parts of the amygdala which is an emotional center of the brain. Of course its a lot more complicated than this as testosterone interacts with dopamine pathways, and their are a bunch of feedback inhibitions, etc. You get the idea that arousal is definitely influenced by your thoughts etc. but it is also an emotional state, the feeling of being horny, similar to a lot of physiological and emotional responses don't necessarily require thought to become activated.
SoundsOfTheWild3Mar 16, 2017 9:54 AM
Mar 16, 2017 9:17 AM

May 2015
Manaban said:
15poundfish said:
I am asking if you can masturbate without possibly having lewd thoughts when looking at pictures. If you ever consciously thinking about something during fapping like a sexual fantasy or feelings related to sex you are creating sexual context with your own thoughts. The cute girl grabs your attention but the thoughts that come after are often what makes you aroused. A sexy character without context is not arousing unless I purposely create context with my thoughts. If all people needed was visual stimuli people than people at nudists beaches would all have boners and wet pussies 24/7. Context matters, although exposure is a factor and what level your sex drive is during that day. I called you a monk because fapping without context just seems impossible in my opinion.

If you want to get overly technical on the semantics to better suit the narrative you want to spin here, then sure - context is important to everybody when it comes to sexual fantasies, and how it's presented can have a positive or negative effect. In extreme cases it can have a make or break effect, even.

Speaking for myself at the very least, though, the idea that it outweighs aesthetic in importance is absurd to me. A character I do not find attractive could be placed in a sexual situation that I find very attractive, and I would still not find it that attractive.

In fact, the idea that more context means better is absurd to me in general. Situations and how things are where they are matter, I'll definitely cede that, but I am not for the idea that something has to tie into a greater story for it to be good fanservice or be laden with context and meaning to be good fanservice; those are mostly ideas expressed by people who aren't into ecchi anime to begin with for a reason and those are the ideas that were being mocked on the last page prior to this discussion about the importance of context and meaning within fanservice, that I'm still kind of astounded is something that seems to be a serious discussion.

There's a certain extremity to that belief that the only time we can really have something lewd is when its entirely 100% contextual, when often I feel that maybe a character having her skirt blown up by the wind is enough context for me to be able to find it attractive. There's context there, yes, but it probably doesn't even tie into the story very much at all and based primarily on the character's aesthetic, it's very possible to find it infinitely more attractive than something laden with context.

You seem to be saying that context >>>> aesthetic, yet you're failing to grasp the varying degrees of context and how sometimes fanservice is clearly just there for the sake of being there and has the most minimal amount of context required. Based on what you're saying, I get the impression that the skirt being blown up by the wind example I gave earlier is something you'd consider little different than the snake exorcism in Bakemonogatari, which was filled to the brim with sexual overtones yet was the result of two episodes' worth of buildup to that point. I'm saying that the scene could've been just as attractive without the buildup and importance to the narrative; it could've happened almost immediately afterwards with no buildup giving it far far less context and understanding than what the two episodes of buildup provided and still have been something that people could've found attractive. It was very important to the story that they did that buildup, both then and later on in the series, but we could still remove that aspect of how we got to that scene and still have people find it attractive at the very least.

Context matters, but it doesn't need to be in an extremity and more context doesn't necessarily make something better in this case. Something could be entirely preferable with the minimal amount of context and relevance to what's happened prior and what's happened in the future. It matters, sure, but I feel like you're really over-valuing it here in the context of...well, people in general. It's not implausible at all for somebody to find something with the minimal amount of context and relevance more attractive than something laden with both.

Of course, if you find context and situation more important than aesthetic, then I can't criticize you for thinking that much. It's really, really hard and really, really pointless to come to a common consensus on what makes something sexually attractive in the same vein that it's really, really hard and really, really pointless to try to come to a common consensus on what makes something funny. It relies far too heavily on the individual to merit discussions delving too much into what's the best way for something to be hot. At the very least, you, I, and everybody else here can continue discussing aesthetic vs. context for days on end and not reach a real conclusion or gain any significant understanding from it.

I'll agree with you here. A lot of aesthetics of sexiness deal with the sexiness of the human body. You can show the same sexy body over different backgrounds, and while the experience will change it will not too different. There are various backgrounds with Ganessa Roland's picture in bed in a beautiful dress. Some are more beautiful than others, but the context isn't everything - Ganessa is sexy in and of herself.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Mar 16, 2017 9:30 AM
Feb 2017
No. Fan service almost always makes anime better.
Mar 16, 2017 10:01 AM

Nov 2016
Depends on context and how it's used. NGE is pretty tame even if it's full of fanservice. There are some anime that just likes giving panty and boobs close-up during explanation, or just put panty shots all the time. Those manga/anime have no credibility whatsoever. Code Geass is a bit irritating with taking a major character and putting her into all kind of positions, it's not ruining it but it's weird and it shows the anime lacks confidence in itself and needs sex to back itself up.
Mar 16, 2017 10:08 AM

Nov 2016
flannan said:
Izarapaw said:
I believe so. The fanservice in Neon Gensis Evangelion really put me off. I understand why animes use it but if the show is suppose to be really dark I don't think it should be used.

The trick is, almost no good shows are supposed to be really really dark. Excessive darkness just brings audience apathy.
It is the juxtaposition of good times and bad times that gives birth to maximum audience reaction.

I can see what you mean but I don't believe that good times need to be some sort of fan service.
Mar 16, 2017 10:12 AM

Nov 2009
Izarapaw said:
flannan said:

The trick is, almost no good shows are supposed to be really really dark. Excessive darkness just brings audience apathy.
It is the juxtaposition of good times and bad times that gives birth to maximum audience reaction.

I can see what you mean but I don't believe that good times need to be some sort of fan service.

They do not need to be some sort of fan service. But fan service will not hurt.
Mar 16, 2017 10:46 AM

Mar 2012
flannan said:

I find my current emotional state to be important for arousal. When I'm naked on a nudist beach, I'm too embarrassed to be aroused. (or just tune out of the whole "everybody is naked" situation, because I do have some control over my body and my mind)
When the situation in anime is dark enough, I do not get aroused as easily, and feel bad if I do get aroused.
On the other hand, when I'm comfortable in my chair, I have no problems getting aroused with just pictures without any context to support them.

In short, context can undermine fanservice.
I do not think I've seen any good examples of fanservice undermining the story. Anime authors generally know what they're doing.

while i was born in a country where naked people do get seen regularly, i grew up in mer'ca... so im surrounded by bias against that kind of stuff :/

anyway, when it comes to fanservice, i don't care about:

who the character is

how relevant the character is

the the situation the character is in

or whether or not the scene is erotic

The only things off the top of my head that can turn me off is the state of the body and if theres too much dude in the scene

as long as the tits, ass, pantsu, nudity or pose look delicious, i can probably fap

SoundsOfTheWild3 said:
15poundfish said:
You don't think about anything while fapping or when you are sexual aroused? Are you a monk?

What? Not sure what you mean.
Do you have to think about walking, running, eating?

Masturbating comes naturally. Just look at something aesthitically pleasing and go.

I really only need something sexy to fap too. You are telling me you have never done facebook faps or instagram faps? You don't have any girl's nudes saved on your phone? Bruh c'mon.

agreed 100%

i don't HAVE TO even want to fuck a girl to jack off to her, she just has to look sexy, as you mentioned before, thats kind of like enjoying a delicious meal because you know the meal is good for you

NO... you enjoy the meal because it tastes good, yes obviously, you have to eat food that is good for you, but thats not why you enjoy eating it

many people like OP are acting as though boobs are not inherently attractive, instead that its the thoughts about the boobs that turn you on

NO.. its the boobs that turn you on...

this is why it makes no sense to me to claim that boobs can not be sexy just because the situation is tense.... your brain doesn't care what situation the boobs are in... it cares that the boobs look good

Rinar said:
Depends on context and how it's used. NGE is pretty tame even if it's full of fanservice. There are some anime that just likes giving panty and boobs close-up during explanation, or just put panty shots all the time. Those manga/anime have no credibility whatsoever. Code Geass is a bit irritating with taking a major character and putting her into all kind of positions, it's not ruining it but it's weird and it shows the anime lacks confidence in itself and needs sex to back itself up.

guh... this shit again...

and no, its just showing off how sexy Kallen is... wtf is wrong with that?

Code Geass is extremely popular, wtf does throwing sexy in there have to do with lack of confidence?

infact, i'd consider it a LACK of confidence to leave something like that out just because some people are going to complain about it...

its insecure people who are afraid of sexy, not the other way around
EcchiGodMamsterMar 16, 2017 10:51 AM
Mar 16, 2017 10:49 AM

Sep 2015
Izarapaw said:
flannan said:

The trick is, almost no good shows are supposed to be really really dark. Excessive darkness just brings audience apathy.
It is the juxtaposition of good times and bad times that gives birth to maximum audience reaction.

I can see what you mean but I don't believe that good times need to be some sort of fan service.

They don't need to be anything else, either, really. Just because they don't need to doesn't mean that they can't.

Mar 16, 2017 10:50 AM
May 2015
Evangelion fan service is nothing over the top plus a major theme of the show is sex amd sexuality, so it really just reinforce that.

I don't really ever have issues with fan service unless it is distracting from the plot, and I don't think that's the case with the shows you listed.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 16, 2017 11:44 AM

Mar 2017
It can depend on the anime im watching, if im watching something for pure fan service, they can throw out as much they want. For other anime's i dont mind little of it. Right now im watching Haikyuu and if it had pantsu shots i would be put off by it.
Mar 16, 2017 7:17 PM
Jun 2015
Manaban said:

If you want to get overly technical on the semantics to better suit the narrative you want to spin here, then sure - context is important to everybody when it comes to sexual fantasies, and how it's presented can have a positive or negative effect. In extreme cases it can have a make or break effect, even.

Speaking for myself at the very least, though, the idea that it outweighs aesthetic in importance is absurd to me. A character I do not find attractive could be placed in a sexual situation that I find very attractive, and I would still not find it that attractive.

Aesthetics are important but the context is also important as well. It doesn't need an extreme amount of context to be arousing but there has to be something like a thought or memory to trigger sexual arousal. How about context is required is irrelevant for sexual arousal is irrelevant but there definitely needs to be some form of context with visual stimuli. This context varies from person to person and the state of their sex drive during that moment especially when certain parts of the female body are why trigger those thoughts that become sexual arousal.

How this relates to anime and fan service is that the context animated itself should be supporting the narrative of the anime. An example of fan service harmonizing with the narrative is strike witches; They don't wear pants because its considered popular fashion for girls to not wear pants. By doing something that simple the narrative is more immersive and also it satisfies the audience that is into that aspect of clothing. In Cross ange the people the wear sexual clothing in the magic society signify high rank(royalty) or extremely low rank ( (Norma Arzenal uniforms) in their society. Its a small detail that adds to the narrative and that is how fan service can work with its narrative instead of against it. Anime with serious and mature themes that have fan service sometimes work against its narrative because they poorly transitioned to fan service or its shows up randomly without warning. The viewer is taken out of experiencing the narrative and confused why this scene was necessary for the story. You referenced the snake scene in monogatari, but as you said there was build up before the extreme fan service moments like the inspection and exorcism event. Some people did criticize those scenes because they felt there was not enough build up or just thought the fan service didn't make sense in the narrative. Season 2 in my opinion fixed those issues when they revisited the snake arc and we got to see the story from a different angle.
Mar 16, 2017 7:52 PM

Sep 2015
15poundfish said:
Aesthetics are important but the context is also important as well. It doesn't need an extreme amount of context to be arousing but there has to be something like a thought or memory to trigger sexual arousal. How about context is required is irrelevant for sexual arousal is irrelevant but there definitely needs to be some form of context with visual stimuli. This context varies from person to person and the state of their sex drive during that moment especially when certain parts of the female body are why trigger those thoughts that become sexual arousal.

Context is relevant, like I stated multiple times in my post; a situation that a viewer finds attractive will probably be more appealing than an otherwise normal situation, just with finite more panty shots, assuming that the characters look exactly the same - however I don't think it's a stretch to assume that a viewer would still probably prefer the latter situation if they found the characters in question to have better aesthetic appeal.

Where we primarily disagree is here:

15poundfish said:

How this relates to anime and fan service is that the context animated itself should be supporting the narrative of the anime. An example of fan service harmonizing with the narrative is strike witches; They don't wear pants because its considered popular fashion for girls to not wear pants. By doing something that simple the narrative is more immersive and also it satisfies the audience that is into that aspect of clothing. In Cross ange the people the wear sexual clothing in the magic society signify high rank(royalty) or extremely low rank ( (Norma Arzenal uniforms) in their society. Its a small detail that adds to the narrative and that is how fan service can work with its narrative instead of against it.

I do not see how this is necessary at all to find something attractive. Like, this entire idea is absolutely absurd as far as I'm concerned - if girls have uniforms that are skimpy clothes, I really don't think many people watching said anime for girls in skimpy clothes will give an iota of a fuck that the skimpy clothes are meant to symbolize a character's class or that they just don't wear pants because its in fashion.

In fact, both of those examples sound so feeble and irrelevant that I'd be far more apt to respecting the opinion of somebody who disliked those particular anime for the fanservice more than I would respect somebody who said they liked it only because it was explained in the story.

Like, I'm pretty much reading that as being somebody saying, "I don't find the characters themselves sexually attractive, I just find the explanation that it's a fashion trend or symbolic of their rank sexually attractive." Which...sounds really fucking weird to me xD Although I may be reading that wrong, it's almost 4 in the morning and I'm kind of tired. Feel free to point it out if I misunderstood, would be appreciated.

But my point still stands regardless; attempts at explaining why characters aren't wearing much clothes within the context of a narrative won't be be what most people are fapping to at the end of the day as much as the way the characters look in not wearing as much clothes, I'd wager all of my money on that one.

15poundfish said:
You referenced the snake scene in monogatari, but as you said there was build up before the extreme fan service moments like the inspection and exorcism event. Some people did criticize those scenes because they felt there was not enough build up or just thought the fan service didn't make sense in the narrative. Season 2 in my opinion fixed those issues when they revisited the snake arc and we got to see the story from a different angle.

Mm, let me try to reword that better. I don't think I did very well at getting the point I was trying to make across.

I completely believe that SS snek arc is best snek arc, and I didn't think much of Nadeko until SS snek arc. I found her attractive enough to like those scenes the first time around, but maintained low interest otherwise until SS, at which point my exceedingly weird ideas of what personality traits makes a character sexually appealing kicked into high gear.

That's the context in which I look back on those scenes and like them much more than I did the first time around - I find them far more attractive after having seen the SS snek arc because I've seen the SS snek arc and having seen that I understood her character better, and having understood her character better I found her to be far more attractive than I initially did. Finding her to be far more attractive means I found those two scenes of her to be far more attractive.

However, even without that when I didn't think too much about the character, I was still able to find a good deal of attraction in the inspection and the exorcism scenes solely because I still found Nadeko to be aesthetically appealing prior to having seen SS's snek arc.

If I didn't find her aesthetically appealing, then I can rest really well assured that I wouldn't have enjoyed those two scenes too much, even with the added context and characterization from the second season. Like, slap a couple of overly huge tits on her and make her taller and thicker and I wouldn't have derived much pleasure from those scenes, even if I still thought she was a fun character outside of appearance.

That's generally what I think people mean with context and shit like that. Aesthetic can overrule it often, but context can't overrule aesthetic nearly as often. As such, things like character design and how they look are generally more emphasized than narrative and context.

I'm going to wake up in the morning, look back at this, and think "Damn, this shit sounds weird to say openly." I'll never reach the levels of shamelessness that @EcchiLordMamster has ;_;
ManabanMar 16, 2017 8:06 PM

Mar 16, 2017 8:29 PM

Mar 2012

my philosophy is this

85% of people masturbate, the other 15% are lying, why be afraid to talk about it?

also, we all have things were uncomfortable with talking about... well this is an anime site, WE KNOW people find the characters sexually attractive, because the characters are drawn to be, just because someone doesn't like anime doesn't mean they don't think anime girls are sexy

so wtf is the point of hiding that i think theyre fappable?

who is being harmed by someone else masturbating to cartoon women?
Mar 16, 2017 9:41 PM
Jun 2015
Manaban said:

I do not see how this is necessary at all to find something attractive. Like, this entire idea is absolutely absurd as far as I'm concerned - if girls have uniforms that are skimpy clothes, I really don't think many people watching said anime for girls in skimpy clothes will give an iota of a fuck that the skimpy clothes are meant to symbolize a character's class or that they just don't wear pants because its in fashion.

In fact, both of those examples sound so feeble and irrelevant that I'd be far more apt to respecting the opinion of somebody who disliked those particular anime for the fanservice more than I would respect somebody who said they liked it only because it was explained in the story.

I disagree, fan service is way better when it supports its narrative than detracts from it. Whether the original intent is to make something erotic its better when it fits the narrative of the story. If the narrative or story doesn't matter at all why should ecchi anime have stories to began with? Its a complete waste of time to have an overarching narrative when its better to just get to the point if you are fapping like with porn.

Manaban said:

Like, I'm pretty much reading that as being somebody saying, "I don't find the characters themselves sexually attractive, I just find the explanation that it's a fashion trend or symbolic of their rank sexually attractive." Which...sounds really fucking weird to me xD Although I may be reading that wrong, it's almost 4 in the morning and I'm kind of tired. Feel free to point it out if I misunderstood, would be appreciated.

But my point still stands regardless; attempts at explaining why characters aren't wearing much clothes within the context of a narrative won't be be what most people are fapping to at the end of the day as much as the way the characters look in not wearing as much clothes, I'd wager all of my money on that one.

If the sole reason to watch an ecchi anime or anime with fan service is to fap why bother watching those anime and go to porn instead. Hentai have better character designs than ones found in ecchi anime and also get to the point. They obviously care somewhat about the characters and story and the execution of the fan service otherwise they would quickly move on to hentai.

Manaban said:

Mm, let me try to reword that better. I don't think I did very well at getting the point I was trying to make across.

I completely believe that SS snek arc is best snek arc, and I didn't think much of Nadeko until SS snek arc. I found her attractive enough to like those scenes the first time around, but maintained low interest otherwise until SS, at which point my exceedingly weird ideas of what personality traits makes a character sexually appealing kicked into high gear.

That's the context in which I look back on those scenes and like them much more than I did the first time around - I find them far more attractive after having seen the SS snek arc because I've seen the SS snek arc and having seen that I understood her character better, and having understood her character better I found her to be far more attractive than I initially did. Finding her to be far more attractive means I found those two scenes of her to be far more attractive.

However, even without that when I didn't think too much about the character, I was still able to find a good deal of attraction in the inspection and the exorcism scenes solely because I still found Nadeko to be aesthetically appealing prior to having seen SS's snek arc.

If I didn't find her aesthetically appealing, then I can rest really well assured that I wouldn't have enjoyed those two scenes too much, even with the added context and characterization from the second season. Like, slap a couple of overly huge tits on her and make her taller and thicker and I wouldn't have derived much pleasure from those scenes, even if I still thought she was a fun character outside of appearance.

That's generally what I think people mean with context and shit like that. Aesthetic can overrule it often, but context can't overrule aesthetic nearly as often. As such, things like character design and how they look are generally more emphasized than narrative and context.

I'm going to wake up in the morning, look back at this, and think "Damn, this shit sounds weird to say openly." I'll never reach the levels of shamelessness that @EcchiLordMamster has ;_;

It doesn't matter if the characters themselves is visually appealing, the point is its possible for fan service to work with the narrative than showing up randomly and detracted from it. Keijo!!! is a sport where girls hit each other with the super powers of their butts and boobs. The sport makes the fan service better because its a sport about knocking each other into the water with their boobs and their butt. Its not just an assortment of fan service scenes you also have a sports anime story that merges the fanservice together without breaking the narrative.
15poundfishMar 16, 2017 9:45 PM
Mar 16, 2017 10:33 PM

Jan 2014
Honestly, yes. Fan service makes me take it less seriously.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Mar 16, 2017 10:50 PM

Nov 2009
Manaban said:
Where we primarily disagree is here:

15poundfish said:

How this relates to anime and fan service is that the context animated itself should be supporting the narrative of the anime. An example of fan service harmonizing with the narrative is strike witches; They don't wear pants because its considered popular fashion for girls to not wear pants. By doing something that simple the narrative is more immersive and also it satisfies the audience that is into that aspect of clothing. In Cross ange the people the wear sexual clothing in the magic society signify high rank(royalty) or extremely low rank ( (Norma Arzenal uniforms) in their society. Its a small detail that adds to the narrative and that is how fan service can work with its narrative instead of against it.

I do not see how this is necessary at all to find something attractive. Like, this entire idea is absolutely absurd as far as I'm concerned - if girls have uniforms that are skimpy clothes, I really don't think many people watching said anime for girls in skimpy clothes will give an iota of a fuck that the skimpy clothes are meant to symbolize a character's class or that they just don't wear pants because its in fashion.

Well, I surely did enjoy immensely that Strike Witches obviously started their worldbuilding with the titular mecha musume, and made the whole world fit them.
That might be a different kind of enjoyment from just seeing girls without skirts, but it is extra enjoyment nonetheless.
Mar 17, 2017 5:07 AM

Feb 2010
Ughhh... your messages "tells me" that: there is/are only 1/2 different group of people. It's so stupid.
Mar 17, 2017 5:50 AM
Feb 2016
EcchiLordMamster said:
flannan said:

I find my current emotional state to be important for arousal. When I'm naked on a nudist beach, I'm too embarrassed to be aroused. (or just tune out of the whole "everybody is naked" situation, because I do have some control over my body and my mind)
When the situation in anime is dark enough, I do not get aroused as easily, and feel bad if I do get aroused.
On the other hand, when I'm comfortable in my chair, I have no problems getting aroused with just pictures without any context to support them.

In short, context can undermine fanservice.
I do not think I've seen any good examples of fanservice undermining the story. Anime authors generally know what they're doing.

while i was born in a country where naked people do get seen regularly, i grew up in mer'ca... so im surrounded by bias against that kind of stuff :/

anyway, when it comes to fanservice, i don't care about:

who the character is

how relevant the character is

the the situation the character is in

or whether or not the scene is erotic

The only things off the top of my head that can turn me off is the state of the body and if theres too much dude in the scene

as long as the tits, ass, pantsu, nudity or pose look delicious, i can probably fap

SoundsOfTheWild3 said:

What? Not sure what you mean.
Do you have to think about walking, running, eating?

Masturbating comes naturally. Just look at something aesthitically pleasing and go.

I really only need something sexy to fap too. You are telling me you have never done facebook faps or instagram faps? You don't have any girl's nudes saved on your phone? Bruh c'mon.

agreed 100%

i don't HAVE TO even want to fuck a girl to jack off to her, she just has to look sexy, as you mentioned before, thats kind of like enjoying a delicious meal because you know the meal is good for you

NO... you enjoy the meal because it tastes good, yes obviously, you have to eat food that is good for you, but thats not why you enjoy eating it

many people like OP are acting as though boobs are not inherently attractive, instead that its the thoughts about the boobs that turn you on

NO.. its the boobs that turn you on...

this is why it makes no sense to me to claim that boobs can not be sexy just because the situation is tense.... your brain doesn't care what situation the boobs are in... it cares that the boobs look good

Rinar said:
Depends on context and how it's used. NGE is pretty tame even if it's full of fanservice. There are some anime that just likes giving panty and boobs close-up during explanation, or just put panty shots all the time. Those manga/anime have no credibility whatsoever. Code Geass is a bit irritating with taking a major character and putting her into all kind of positions, it's not ruining it but it's weird and it shows the anime lacks confidence in itself and needs sex to back itself up.

guh... this shit again...

and no, its just showing off how sexy Kallen is... wtf is wrong with that?

Code Geass is extremely popular, wtf does throwing sexy in there have to do with lack of confidence?

infact, i'd consider it a LACK of confidence to leave something like that out just because some people are going to complain about it...

its insecure people who are afraid of sexy, not the other way around
Looking at your name and banners I feel like the only thing you're into is mindless ecchi anime, I think that code geass is good as a anime and that it doesn't need forced eye candy. If you want sexy dont put it in anime that doesn't need it , If you're into shity shots of kalen's ass go read dojins , hentai or porn. And stop saying that we have a lack of confident because we dont want sexy in a anime , it's just beacause we are not horny 12 years old that watch anime for ist bad fan service. sorry about my agrresiveness and I dont have anything against you but not every thing need sexyness to be good like I said , the anime is not about sexyness or anything like it, the thing that makes code geass good is the story , so I just feel that some of the shots are out of place and usseless.
zhesenpaiMar 17, 2017 6:02 AM
Mar 17, 2017 6:24 AM

Nov 2016
EcchiLordMamster said:
guh... this shit again...

and no, its just showing off how sexy Kallen is... wtf is wrong with that?

There's nothing "wrong" with it per se but it doesn't fit very well and comes off as awkward most of the time.

EcchiLordMamster said:
Code Geass is extremely popular, wtf does throwing sexy in there have to do with lack of confidence?

That is the entire point? You don't need fanservice to back yourself up or keep people hooked. Bad and/or unpopular anime do it because they need it.

EcchiLordMamster said:
infact, i'd consider it a LACK of confidence to leave something like that out just because some people are going to complain about it...

Fanservice isn't an obligation in an anime you know, it's not really a lack of confidence and more a choice to put it or not.

EcchiLordMamster said:
its insecure people who are afraid of sexy, not the other way around

People aren't embarrassed or afraid of sexy (unless they're like, a pious christian mother or something), it's just out of place. If I wanna see asses in tight suits I'm gonna watch a ecchi or a hentai, not a show about politics, war, revenge and mind games. It feels like you seriously believe every anime need fap fodder to cater to your horny mind and then you get pissed when anyone says it's out of context. Don't get me wrong, you can indulge in ecchi all you want, I have nothing against that we all have our things but don't wish stuff into the wrong places.
Mar 17, 2017 6:31 AM

Oct 2016
It really depends on the timing and execution... but most of the time, it doesn't.

I was nothing until the moment I met you.

Mar 17, 2017 7:00 AM

Sep 2015
15poundfish said:
If the narrative or story doesn't matter at all why should ecchi anime have stories to began with? Its a complete waste of time to have an overarching narrative when its better to just get to the point if you are fapping like with porn.

They matter in the sense that they add to the aesthetics. They're supplementary and a side thing at most with ecchi anime, which is the entire point I've been trying to make, yet you keep assuming that I'm only talking in absolutes ._.

Look at it in the context of class-based shooters: Context, narrative, characterization, and all of that would be the equivalent to a healer, while aesthetic would be the equivalent of a tank.

If you use the tank to charge up front and have the healer following behind feeding it HP, it's a really effective combo that can maximize the uses of both to their greatest effect. If you reverse it and put the healer as charging in first and the tank following behind, it's not nearly as effective and doesn't let either really flourish like they could.

Ultimately the one doing the damage and bashing heads together and clearing the way is still the tank. The healer is just keeping it from dying, or in the case of anime, the context is just giving it a reason being.

It's a concentrated effort by both aspects, but the thing leading the charge at the end of the day is the aesthetic. Without that eye candy in ecchi anime, all people have at the end of the day is a healer character with nobody to heal. Make sense?

15poundfish said:
If the sole reason to watch an ecchi anime or anime with fan service is to fap why bother watching those anime and go to porn instead.

Because actually watching sex and fapping then and there doesn't provide the same pleasure as teasing and providing imagination and fantasy fuel for later.

The appeal of ecchi and fanservice over hentai and porn isn't hard to grasp. You keep trying to argue with me under the belief that I'm saying context isn't important at all and I don't think that's the case in any way whatsoever. It's just that aesthetic is more important in this type of anime and the context is mostly there merely to supplement it for reasons like what I stated above.

Ecchi is meant to be sexually charged at its core. Sexual appeal is primarily aesthetic and things like context, characterization, humor, and everything else is there to serve in the favor of aesthetic. Aesthetic is basically god when it comes to ecchi anime, but even a god has no real purpose if it doesn't have followers to serve its favor.

15poundfish said:
It doesn't matter if the characters themselves is visually appealing, the point is its possible for fan service to work with the narrative than showing up randomly and detracted from it. Keijo!!! is a sport where girls hit each other with the super powers of their butts and boobs. The sport makes the fan service better because its a sport about knocking each other into the water with their boobs and their butt. Its not just an assortment of fan service scenes you also have a sports anime story that merges the fanservice together without breaking the narrative.

Your argument here is that people like Keijo, not because they're fighting with their boobs and butts, but because they're fighting with their boobs and butts.

Do you really think the appeal of Keijo is the sport itself, and not the fact that the sport is centered around sexually appealing physical attributes of the characters playing it?

The sport it's about is just a supplementary aspect to the boobs and butts. The boobs and butts are still the main source of appeal. Not the sport; and therefore the aesthetic is the primary source of appeal, and not the context, which is just supplementary.

The tank/healer analogy I pulled up above is in full effect here, man. A healer can make a tank a lot more effective in what it does, but a healer can't do much if it doesn't have that tank to heal in the first place. Context only matters so much in this kind of anime without the aesthetic being the driving force.
ManabanMar 17, 2017 7:10 AM

Mar 17, 2017 7:05 AM

Jul 2016
Nope, for me it depends on what you focused although most of the screen they exaggerate and emphasize that service but I still look to story so when I watch them it just flew away in my mind.
Mar 17, 2017 7:14 AM

Mar 2012
zhesenpai said:
Looking at your name and banners I feel like the only thing you're into is mindless ecchi anime, I think that code geass is good as a anime and that it doesn't need forced eye candy. If you want sexy dont put it in anime that doesn't need it , If you're into shity shots of kalen's ass go read dojins , hentai or porn. And stop saying that we have a lack of confident because we dont want sexy in a anime , it's just beacause we are not horny 12 years old that watch anime for ist bad fan service. sorry about my agrresiveness and I dont have anything against you but not every thing need sexyness to be good like I said , the anime is not about sexyness or anything like it, the thing that makes code geass good is the story , so I just feel that some of the shots are out of place and usseless.

1. just because Code Geass has an amazing story doesn't mean it can't have fanservice, thats just not how human nature works, media thrives off fanservice

why do people eat junk food?

why do people buy things they don't need

why can't you look at the fanservice in a show thats not mostly fanservice the same way?

its called a bonus, and for some of us, it makes the characters more attractive... these are fictional characters who can't give a shit why you find them attractive, and for me, a character whos sex appeal is shown off is going to catch my eye before any other

not only that but, who made people like you guys the arbiter of what is most important in an anime? who made the rule saying story has to be the end all be all?

2. don't tell me what to fap to or be turned on by....

not everyone gives a shit about hentai, i don't read doujins, and porn is not automatically better than any other form of sexual content

we all have different fetishes, and some of us, like me, like the softcore stuff better

3. focusing on Kallen's ass for a few seconds DOES NOT stop the show from going on... wtf is the problem? so they should just only focus on her face? why? just some people won't whine?



There's nothing "wrong" with it per se but it doesn't fit very well and comes off as awkward most of the time.

i don't know what else to say other than that is just your opinion

That is the entire point? You don't need fanservice to back yourself up or keep people hooked. Bad and/or unpopular anime do it because they need it.

Fanservice isn't an obligation in an anime you know, it's not really a lack of confidence and more a choice to put it or not.

just because something isn't NEEDED doesn't mean it shouldn't be a thing

90% of the stuff you own you probably don't need, and you probably eat junk food... WHY? because it gives you extra pleasure that you wouldn't've had w/o it

guess what, that is the point of fanservice and where the term comes from

People aren't embarrassed or afraid of sexy (unless they're like, a pious christian mother or something), it's just out of place. If I wanna see asses in tight suits I'm gonna watch a ecchi or a hentai, not a show about politics, war, revenge and mind games. It feels like you seriously believe every anime need fap fodder to cater to your horny mind and then you get pissed when anyone says it's out of context. Don't get me wrong, you can indulge in ecchi all you want, I have nothing against that we all have our things but don't wish stuff into the wrong places.

yes, people are embarrassed about sexy, if people were not, then people would openly talk about it w/o caring what people around them thought

i don't understand this idea that "if its gonna be have sexy material, then thats all it should be", the best part about art and story telling is that it has no rules, nitpicky people just make them up

to say, "this should never be mixed with this, because i don't feel it's right" is some of the most limiting bullshit and kills creativity

theres no rule that says a dark story or w/e CAN'T have sexy material, thats just stupid shit people decided in the past was correct, that is now ingrained into much of society, well i say FUCK THAT

Art is about freedom of expression, the creators can and should do w/e they so please... the artist for Code Geass is a lewd artist, o even have one of his art books, what if the creators are just perverted? What if they have a fetish for ass shots during "serious" moments? What if the creator likes serious content but also wants to show that he is a perv? I know that fetish exists because i have it

And fanservice heavy anime =/= better fanservice

Most of your life is probably shit you don't need, but is there for extra pleasure... why should ANY form of media be immune to that? Especially when the media is complete fiction and can therefore be made however??

we are sexual driven creatures, and whether or not we like to admit it, a good chunk of what we do is driven by that, theres no point in ever pretending this isn't the case

and i like bonuses, and there is no better bonus than sexy shots of women, especially when the women are intentionally made to be sexy, and im no hornier than any other dude, i just don't hide it, and neither do many of these anime creators
EcchiGodMamsterMar 17, 2017 8:32 AM
Mar 17, 2017 7:14 AM

Sep 2015
EcchiLordMamster said:

my philosophy is this

85% of people masturbate, the other 15% are lying, why be afraid to talk about it?

also, we all have things were uncomfortable with talking about... well this is an anime site, WE KNOW people find the characters sexually attractive, because the characters are drawn to be, just because someone doesn't like anime doesn't mean they don't think anime girls are sexy

so wtf is the point of hiding that i think theyre fappable?

who is being harmed by someone else masturbating to cartoon women?

I don't really hide my interests in this regard, honestly xP If I was serious that I did, then I'd have no reason to stick Yosuga no Sora and Kodomo no Jikan on my favorites list for the whole world to see publicly.

I don't really think there's anything wrong and I won't think less of somebody if they're just simply not into that sort of thing to the same extent that I am, that's totally fine by me. But after seeing these threads from when I mostly just lurked and skulked about, there's a common failure to grasp that it's entirely plausible for people to like things because they're sexy that is oddly prevalent on this site, and its just weird to me .-.

It seems like a very, very basic concept, y'know?

Mar 17, 2017 7:59 AM

Apr 2015
To be fair, real life has it's own fair amount of fanservice, unless you only sit around at meetings with high ranking military and government officials are constantly discussing dry strategy in the most serious way possible.

Bakemonogatari nails this point, considering that the entire series is animated from Ararararararargi's (My keys got sticky) perspective, that of a (kinda) normal teenage male who is wrestling with his own rampant sexual desires, where the only things with any major focus are the things important to the main character at the time, and everything else can be forgotten, irregular background messes.

Fanservice itself is not a problem. The problem is when the Fanservice is given more screentime and presence then the topics a 'serious' show is trying to convey.
"I'd take rampant lesbianism over nuclear armageddon or a supervolcano any day." ~nikiforova
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