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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Nov 29, 2014 6:53 AM

Nov 2011
Well damn, Yuuki is pretty OP in the fight this episode not that I'm entirely surprised by that.

Seems that they are raiding a dungeon with the team. Kinda reminded me of Log Horizon this episode. Asuna using ice magic seems kinda interesting though. It looks like they did it though after the fight. Well deserved victory. Episode felt pretty fast overall imo but it looks like they got their names on that wall.

Nov 29, 2014 6:55 AM

Nov 2007
Not just Kirito, but also friend guy is here. Yuuki team is strong, too. Asuna is helpful for quickly defeating the healers. Challenging that boss again.

That battle OST... FictionJunction sang that during the live... She also found its weak point, and Yuuki quickly attacked it. So they won. Celebration at their house. Asuna wanting to be friends with them more time, but they are being awkward. After a photo, Yuuki suddenly left... wonder what happens.

I wonder where the two guys are gone, too.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Nov 29, 2014 6:56 AM

Jul 2007
Yet again nice proof that Kirito is not all that OP.
He (and Klein) COULD hold off the guild for a while, but in the end the outcome was obviously not good for them.

Its nice to see Asuna display the level of skill and strength she has too since SAO1 kind of...skipped...most of that and moments like that help to reinforce why she was second in command of a top leading guild in SAO.

Perfect ending of the episode too, hinting at the more mysteries. EXACTLY where we expected it to end this episode.

Nov 29, 2014 6:57 AM

Nov 2013
OH DAMN! Fight was really fun.

Yuuki is OP. Who is Kirito again? Lol. Also dat Asuna Gundam-power-dash O.o
AsunaXYuuki anyone? Although I think I'm going to places I shouldn't be....
And that cliff hanger...

This arc has been good so far but this was definitely best episode 5/5
Nov 29, 2014 7:56 AM

Jul 2007
InsertPriestHere said:

CookingPriest said:

Not for a bit, though.

Nov 29, 2014 8:19 AM

Jul 2007
InsertPriestHere said:
CookingPriest said:

I'm curious about how they'll handle everything left with only three episodes, but A-1 hasn't done too badly so far (apart from the unnecessary ass shots of Sinon) so I'm not too worried.

I'd say I'd say it will take around two, maybe two and half episodes to handle it all.
Nov 29, 2014 9:13 AM

Nov 2013
That moment when two priests are talking and I have no idea what ;_;
Nov 29, 2014 9:36 AM
Sep 2012
All these Fake Priests! @3@;
Nov 29, 2014 9:36 AM
Oct 2012
Having run down A-1 for the first season, I have to give them credit for the second season, and in particular the way they are handling this arc. They are doing a great job of it. I had feared them over doing it, but so far they have been pretty pitch perfect, Yuuki calling Asuna "oneesan" was timed perfectly, Asuna's confession to Kirito likewise was done perfectly and not over done, and the ending here was likewise done well.

Also nice return of OP sword master Asuna while also showing that Asuna is one of the best at magic as well, shows why her and Kirito are best suited for one another.
Nov 29, 2014 9:55 AM
Sep 2013
arigato, yui chan, arigato, klein-san, daisuki dayo, kirito kun, probably the best line SAO II have.

And yeah, luminous sword made its comeback, if i remember it correctly it only appear at episode 2 of the 1st season, and the remix in both ep 19 and 20 this season.

Mixed feeling at the end, feeling happy but i cant help to cry after seeing Yuuki cried like that.
Nov 29, 2014 9:58 AM

Mar 2013
This is the second most boring arc so far. As much as I hate GGO arc, at least that was fill with drama.
Nov 29, 2014 10:14 AM
May 2014
When is the subbed released guys *^*
Nov 29, 2014 10:25 AM

Jul 2007
neilviosuy said:
Kinda sad that they didn't make a Kirito/Klein vs multiple players fight scene.

We got all that happened.

They got owned for three minutes or so and then died and respawned in town.
Nov 29, 2014 10:28 AM
Mar 2012
Three episodes left, feeling that the feels train will be a bit rushed to be honest. We got like 5ish chapters left, though admittedly the last few are pretty short.

I knew from the preview this episode was going to be badass, it didn't disappoint. *prays that A-1 will keep this up*

Stark700 said:
Kinda reminded me of Log Horizon this episode.

Nov 29, 2014 11:31 AM
Apr 2014
Where did you even watch it? It's almost 3 hours late in Crunchyroll and other pages... - anime | manga | reviews
Nov 29, 2014 11:39 AM
Oct 2012
Kirito's Spell Blast is just as epic as I imagined it!

The Sleeping Knights + Asuna tearing apart half of the guild is even more epic than I imagined it!

Poor Klein, we barely got to see his face. XD

I knew what was going to come in the end but that music and all those tears at the end, damnit. ;_;
Nov 29, 2014 12:37 PM

Aug 2010
The feelz are incoming T^T

Loved this ep a lot :D

Kirito showing who's boss cutting magic like nothing XD Got nothing on sniper bullets XD And showing off Excaliber like a BOSS making them piss piss their pants was so much fun to see XD

Asuna's rocket charge was so epic!! Dat animation :O...Yuuki owning was also amazing. And ofc the Boss Raid :D Satisfying adaption once again ^^
Nov 29, 2014 1:44 PM
May 2013
Looks like Yuuki has some serious demons in her closet!! I wonder what they are..... I guess we'll find out in ep 22
Nov 29, 2014 1:47 PM

Oct 2013
Asuna "the Flash" has never been animated better.
Nov 29, 2014 1:49 PM

Jan 2014
Kirito was awesome as ever :D
Nov 29, 2014 1:53 PM

Jul 2007
Rinth said:
Asuna "the Flash" has never been animated better.

I so want a readaptation of SAO that would do her justice.
Nov 29, 2014 2:01 PM

Jun 2013
That was a nice episode. Kirito being a supportive boyfriend and Asuna's forming a bond with the Sleeping Knights. Incoming feels but damn Sento Isuzu will lose to Yuki in the next Saimoe match for sure since we seen her cry in this episode and the fact that this is a SAO franchise.
Nov 29, 2014 2:01 PM

Jul 2010
That was really quite the episode.

That slow motion when Kirito destroyed those magic attacks!

Asuna fitting her name of Lightning Flash! Those back jumps and defeating all those people. Her new name being Berserk Healer!

The boss fight was really nice too. Yuuki being that strong and quite the touching scene after defeating the boss!
Nov 29, 2014 2:07 PM
Apr 2014

I'm not ready for these feels, it broke my heart seeing Yuuki cry ; ____ ;

5/5 episode.

All hail Mother's Rosario!

All hail Yuuki! - anime | manga | reviews
Nov 29, 2014 2:07 PM
Jul 2018
Asuna, Yuuki and the other Sleeping Knights members had defeated the boss.

I really like how Yuuki took out the boss.
Nov 29, 2014 2:12 PM

Sep 2012
The Ost and fights were really nice.
Oh god who are you people?
Nov 29, 2014 2:13 PM

Feb 2014
The feels are starting...
Nov 29, 2014 2:15 PM

Sep 2014
Great episode and the feels look like they arrived. Asuna must remind Yuuki of her sister or something to be accidentally calling her sister multiple times. Can't wait until next week.
Nov 29, 2014 2:16 PM

Apr 2014
damn i wnat to know what happens with yuuki now

and after reading the comments its a sad thing

someone please spoil me i want to know what happens send pm or something D:
Nov 29, 2014 2:17 PM

May 2013
Yuuki is Asuna's sister? Or maybe Asuna resembles Yuuki's sister? Well Yuuki started tearing up, so I'm expecting more of this in the coming episodes.
Nov 29, 2014 2:19 PM
Feb 2014
I got chills in my back when Kirito brought out Excalibur. And the feels train is coming soon!
Nov 29, 2014 2:19 PM

Jul 2007
I dunno why but i freaking love this arc. This episode was awesome too. Compared to the 2 giants fight in the previous arc this was 100 times better. Enemy had a weak point, they found it (luck or not) and they used it to win. Can't really wait to see the story behind sleeping knights and the "onee-chan" thing going on.

Full song for the opening is out and it's SO DAMN GOOD. I can't stop listening to it seriously. I want to upload it to YT but with the copyright shit going on it will not last more than a day :(
CloudyNov 29, 2014 2:28 PM
Nov 29, 2014 2:22 PM

Apr 2012
I kinda like this arc better than GGO and that Norse boss one >.>

Nov 29, 2014 2:23 PM

Apr 2012
To be honest, I like SAO better when Kirito was more OP.
My Reviews and Rants:

Nov 29, 2014 2:26 PM

Apr 2012
I'm definitely liking this Asuna-centric arc. Yuuki is a nice addition too

Nov 29, 2014 2:27 PM
Jul 2014
Yay, Asuna is the Lightning Flash again. You can see how she got the name.

What should be a really happy moment seems sad for Yuuki for some reason. I guess we'll find out why in the next couple of eps. I have a feeling I already know what it is, but I hope I'm wrong. (Haven't read the LN.)

A little surprised that Asuna isn't in a guild already. I know they wouldn't have reformed her original SAO guild, but I would have thought that Kirito and friends would have formed a guild of their own. On the other hand, I suppose Kirito is the loner type and the friends list and party chat is probably sufficient, so maybe it makes sense.
Nov 29, 2014 2:28 PM

Jul 2013
Rinth said:
Asuna "the Flash" has never been animated better.

True that.

Them feels starting from next ep..
Nov 29, 2014 2:34 PM

Nov 2014
The fight scenes were really cool. A bit too fast for my liking, but still cool. I sort of wish they were more drawn out like in the first arc of the first season. So, is asuna an only child or does she have a little sister irl? I sort of got the impression that she was an only child?? I like the fight scenes and animation as always, but I sort of feel like there's no larger plot driving the anime forward...
Nov 29, 2014 2:40 PM

Dec 2009
That opening still brings tears to my eyes everytime I see it.

Awesome Raid boss fight, alongside the LH2 raid this was a great week.

And then that ending song plays right on that part. The Feels. ;_;

Wait...Journeys end? Don't they have another 3 episodes to go after that? O_o
Nov 29, 2014 2:42 PM

Jul 2014
Kirito has a new name, blackie-sensei.
What happened to blackie-sensei anyway? He needs more screen time, considering he's the hero of the story.
Oh yeah, where did Sinon disappear to?
Nov 29, 2014 2:43 PM
Jan 2014
And this is why I love the Mother Rosario arc when I first read about it. Awesome and emotional. Asuna as a main for a change for her growth and overcoming her problems. The amazing Yuuki, damn I love her. And Kirito still being a badass but then on the background for a change. It makes me want to watch SAO again for the 5th time this year again...

Its about time to have a box of tissue ready for the last 3 episodes. I know ill need a box of them ...

Im guessing with 3 weeks left SAO 2 ends on December 10th & SAO extra edition airing/being released on December 23th they probably will announce SAO 2 English dub for spring/summer. Or am i wishfull thinking?

Has the light novels been done for the arc after Mother Rosario? Im talking about the Alicization arc? I hope they will adapt that in like 1 - 2years.
Nov 29, 2014 2:45 PM
Jan 2014
vikki7783 said:
Kirito has a new name, blackie-sensei.
What happened to blackie-sensei anyway? He needs more screen time, considering he's the hero of the story.
Oh yeah, where did Sinon disappear to?
This arc focuses it on Asuna & Yuuki.
Nov 29, 2014 2:46 PM

Mar 2014
Ahh such a great episode!! Awesome fights, the animation was really well done. I love how they showed Asuna being the Lightning Flash, earning her name :p.

Yuuki was amazing too, the way she hit the boss during the last attack. Also, Yuuki calling Asuna Nee-chan, omg.

The feels though, they're coming. That ending already, damn.
Nov 29, 2014 3:05 PM

Mar 2013
Would be cool if they released an OVA with Kirito's fight. I imagine something similar to his fight in Yggsdrasil (againts the bunch of Guardians), but with a little less rage.

I'm enjoying Mother Rosario arc, however I feel that Asuna is lacking something. Can't exacly pin point what, she just felt stronger in SAO.
MusikaNov 29, 2014 3:08 PM
Nov 29, 2014 3:05 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Well, Mother's rosario arc is pretty amazing so far.
last time i wanted more so much from SAO was at the first half of the first season !
Nov 29, 2014 3:07 PM

Feb 2014
y123y said:
Its amazing how SAO makes it so obvious who the villains and jerks are in the anime. They always have an angry face for no reason.

These raid bosses are a one time thing, if someone else defeats them then you can't. So if you've just assembled a full raid and are about to start you'd be pissed as well if someone else got it before you. Assembling a full raid is no effortless task, so not even getting a try on the boss is really frustrating. It's easy to say they should smile and congratulate the little group for their feat, but that's not realistic for a raid leader in that position.

I don't feel bad for them though, as they couldn't even bother with a trial and error approach. But there is definitely a good reason for the angry face.
I rarely revisit threads, so if you're after a reply you should PM me or post a comment on my profile.
Nov 29, 2014 3:10 PM

Mar 2008
This episode was awesome! The fights were amazing. Better get your tissues ready for the next episode though.
Nov 29, 2014 3:15 PM
Sep 2013
Next episode titled Journeys end so this arc is almost over then. Dont tell me more filler episodes to finish the rest up owell. This episode was very good. Finally owned the boss monster and got there names written written on the monument. I get the erriee feeling of death coming with everyone saying the feels and tissues. -_-
Nov 29, 2014 3:17 PM

Jun 2009
calling it now (too lazy to call it at the first mention of the guild name), also haven't read the LN

all the players in that guild have ebolaids and are in an induced coma ("sleeping" knights) and are going to have the plug pulled come spring (or end of spring, i don't care enough to remember the exact time period). how close am i?
Nov 29, 2014 3:20 PM
Oct 2012
Mirality said:
A little surprised that Asuna isn't in a guild already. I know they wouldn't have reformed her original SAO guild, but I would have thought that Kirito and friends would have formed a guild of their own. On the other hand, I suppose Kirito is the loner type and the friends list and party chat is probably sufficient, so maybe it makes sense.

They don't form a guild because they are not "playing" the game. They are "living" the game.

Or in other words, most players see gaming as an alternative to reality, Asuna and the rest see it as a supplement to reality.

In reality they are already friends, fellow students, relatives, and for all the SAO crew, eternal comrades whose bonds were forged in a real life or death struggle. For the SAO veterans, they are "brothers in arms", war comrades who have a blood bond that can never be disrupted. They have no real reason to join a guild because they are already bonded together by much stronger ties. For them campaigning is more a way to live than a game to be played.

The whole SAO concept from the beginning was that VR is more than a game to be played.

This idea should have been developed more last season (A-1 completely botched this point in ALO which is one of the reasons that arc sucked so badly), it was covered better in GGO (Shion using VR to help her overcome her trauma).
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