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No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular!
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Sep 11, 2014 12:50 AM

Aug 2014
Watamote is one of the most unique comedy series. Love it or hate it... there's nothing else like it.

Many anime are about shy girls with low self esteem going to high school thinking they'd not make any friends, and then meets up with a group of people and they all become best friends.... this is NOT that anime

This is about a shy girl with NO self esteem who goes to high school hoping to make friends, but doesn't make that many friends and fails to conquer her social phobia, leaving her sad and alone throughout most of the series.
She makes one friend, and she already had a friend from middle school. The one she grew up with she can talk to, but the other one she can barely communicate with due to extreme social anxiety...

This is meant to be funny... we are expected to laugh at how she can't make friends, as she awkwardly tries to hard. Her shyness is so extreme that ordering food at a resturant is a challenge for her... this is all meant to be funny. Atleast most of it, there's plenty of sad scenes.

The event leading up to her getting embarrassed are funny, seeing her cry alone to herself isn't. It's been called the most "mean-spirited" anime ever made. People call it "cringe worthy" and "painful", becuase of how much the main character suffers from loneliness. Yet... I find it to be one of the funniest anime ever made, it's watching a character suffer, when she doesn't deserve it. Yet somehow, it's still funny.
Sep 11, 2014 12:50 AM
Dec 2013
I dropped it because it was too awkward to watch.
Sep 11, 2014 8:00 AM

Aug 2014
PierceJ said:
I dropped it because it was too awkward to watch.

I understand, but I enjoyed it any way because I know a lot of people who are just like the main character. In fact, she seems to be a perfect desciption of me in elementary school
Sep 11, 2014 10:16 AM

Jul 2008
People take this anime way too seriously. That's their problem, it's not the anime's fault.
Sep 23, 2014 1:49 AM

Sep 2014
Some people says it's repetitive, while other says it's too embarrassing. I can relate some of my trait to her, but not to the extreme, in other words, like her, I can't hold a normal conversation with the opposite sex without pushing my glasses up and staring into space.

Anyhow, Watamote's humor varies in some episodes, but what got me the most was those kinky scenes.
NakedButtPirateSep 23, 2014 1:55 AM
Sep 24, 2014 8:30 PM

Mar 2013
It's a bit mean but that's the point.
added the fourth most popular anime onto this site
Sep 24, 2014 8:31 PM

Jul 2012
EvenJellyOn said:
It's a bit mean but that's the point.
Sep 24, 2014 8:33 PM

Jan 2013
OP has mean confused with reassuring.

Watamote is a self assurance anime targetting Otaku and glorifying their lack of social awareness by villainizing the world around them.
Sep 24, 2014 8:41 PM

Jul 2011
Watamote is realistic so socially awkward weebs who watch it will get offended because they relate to it
Sep 24, 2014 8:43 PM

Jan 2013
marriage said:
Watamote is realistic so socially awkward weebs who watch it will get offended because they relate to it

How could any rational human being thing think show is realistic?
Sep 24, 2014 8:53 PM
Sep 2011
I don't think the humor is too mean, it's often the main character's own fault for being stupid, delusional and kinda mean herself.

The title itself is basically an expression of her delusional, "never my fault" mentality. She sits around judging everyone else, calling them sluts and bitches, and apparently this is because she's jealous of them?

So because she doesn't have the nerve to try and talk to someone, she pulls these zany schemes that would be better suited for an Adult Swim original cartoon.

I mean the vacuum cleaner thing? Did she think looking like she was attacked by an octopus would win her any points?

After a while it got so stupid that I could neither feel pity for her, nor laugh at her misery.
Sep 24, 2014 8:59 PM

Jul 2011
SolviteSekai said:
marriage said:
Watamote is realistic so socially awkward weebs who watch it will get offended because they relate to it

How could any rational human being thing think show is realistic?

Why do you think "awkward, antisocial girl blames world for all her problems" isnt realistic?
A lot of people are like that
Sep 24, 2014 10:15 PM

Sep 2009
It's one of those funny because it's true instances. The growing problem of antisocial anxiety is touched upon by a young teenage girl and her path to become popular and raise her social identity. They lead you right to the edge where it's still funny but pull you back before it get's too serious.

I like PierceJ's response, and how many others are probably in the same boat. The general populace tends to look away or ignore people Kuroki because lifestyles don't match and people of higher position always have their own interest in mind first. People who are socially inept or know people who are awkward in public get to casually find comedic relief in such situations without having to feel as if they did a horrible thing to someone.
Sep 25, 2014 7:35 PM

Aug 2014
SolviteSekai said:
OP has mean confused with reassuring.

Watamote is a self assurance anime targetting Otaku and glorifying their lack of social awareness by villainizing the world around them.

No it's not.. she isn't bullied at all in the show.. this is a cautionary tale. All her problems were self-caused. The anime doesn't demonize the world, since she's the one to blame
Nov 10, 2014 10:28 AM

Sep 2014
I totally don't get it, lol. This anime is just funny, people take it way too seriously. I don't see it as mean or depressing in any way, even Tomoko herself doesn't seem to be that serious about it all, I don't think we ever get to see her truly sad.
Nov 10, 2014 9:07 PM

Dec 2010
It may be funny, but it's not all it is. It's also really sad how much she tries so hard and yet she is put through so much hardship. I was a lot like her at her age and I can assure you that a lot of the things that happened to her in this series happen to a lot of people. Yeah, those who used to be total rejects in school. And I really cried a lot of times, like when she was alone at the top of the stairs because she idn't have a place to eat in class and she was too scared to even ask for one. At first, she was happy, but I was sad for her. Everything bad that happened to her in the series (except for that cake-making factory job) happened to be in some way or another. Even her delusions are something real.

All I have to say is: the humour is not too mean, she is bringing all of it on herself. What they are really doing with the show is turning a really sad subject (low self-confidence) into something funny, because otherwise, it would be to heavy to take on.
Sacrificing sleep and sanity for more anime-induced dopamine.
Nov 11, 2014 6:26 PM

Apr 2014
I agree with the original post. I found this series to be the funniest shit I've seen in all anime (I haven't seen too many anime btw). I still crack up just thinking about that one fireworks scene, where a moment of sadness and a heartwarming gesture can transcend into a real and over the top hilarious ending within a minute.

As for whether it's too mean, I think anything where people can laugh and enjoy themselves over someone else's (or a character's) pain and misery constitutes a bit of vulgarity and meanness. Watamote is presented as a social satire on teenage obsession with sex and popularity, as well as the antithesis of the usual lonely awkward high school anime character being able to join clubs and make friends despite social anxieties. I think it can get away with some of its extreme depictions of social awkwardness and crude humor towards its main character because as with many satires, it seeks to expose and over accentuate the societal representations/depictions of the ideal life/world and then use humor to mock the ridiculousness of the today's issues and popular culture. We see this with many American films and television, and I think Watamote does this extremely well with its hardcore social commentary. The use of chains and that hard rock music used in the opening, depicting the main character being held by chains of societal expectations of what constitutes as being a teenage (lots of friends and lots of sex). It holds her back from her sense of fulfillment of her life, as we see throughout the entire series. She enjoys playing videogames and doing some weird shit and has one good friend and a nice family, but doesn't feel it's enough because it doesn't fit her ideal (or societal expectations) of what a teenager should be (again, going back to friends and boyfriends/girlfriends).

Again, I found the humor, as with many others, to be very cringe-worthy and sometimes mean in an extreme and over the top manner. Despite its exaggerations, it felt very real and powerful. I felt more connection to this rather than a series like other high school anime series. I find myself to be in many the same situations and share the same inner thoughts (though I wouldn't say it aloud in public) as Tomoko. Specifically, the scene where she goes on a huge inner monologue tirade about how she's going to kill the fucker who stole her umbrella until a couple seconds later she finds her umbrella in a different rack, right next to the one she looked in. So I'd say despite its mean spirit and cruelness, it presents a great sense of truth and realness of our teen's current obsession with popularity, and exposes it by deriding societal expectations with mockery and satire that had me laughing my ass off the whole way through. amen.

Also, I liked how the other classmate characters weren't really all that cruel to Tomoko. They were just more indulged and engaged in the usual teenage life and conversation that we've all had. The biggest fault, or a better word, cruelty they engaged in was inattention and the inability to recognize Tomoko's suffering (well she wasn't making it any easier and it's not their responsibility to help anyone out). As throughout the anime, she just wanted to be recognized. As with a lot of teens (a lot of people as well), we are more concerned with ourselves and our lives, and sometimes that inattention to others can lower someone else's esteem. We see this a lot on facebook and our mediated society, nowadays. It takes a special character like that one student president to recognize and engage with someone. Really cool of the series to include that bit.

If you can't tell, I really dig this show and don't find it too cruel at all. I really hope to see more anime like this in the future (someone recommend me something!), and please for the love of jesus christ, mary, and Josephine, give this series a second one.
Dec 12, 2014 3:25 PM

Dec 2014
I have issues with people who found this manga/ anime awkward or uncomfortable, especially those who could relate to Tomoko. Is the reality too harsh? I can relate to Tomoko and I really appreciate the manga/anime and it's main character. The humor is also very spot on.

Tomoko is realest anime character I have seen up to date. People are so used to seeing the main character get everything (average looking guy from harems getting all the hot girls, average looking girl gets the most popular guy in shoujos, then in shouens all the main characters have all these abilities and nakamas give them power, and then you have your super smart main characters like Light or Lelouch or Sora. Yeah, these type of characters are the most popular.

Also, there's nothing wrong with the ending. Tomoko didn't have a happy ending because that's just how it is for some people. It's very realistic. The humor is also really great because it's sort of like a really well done defense mechanisms against social phobias, social rejection, and the like. I also really love this anime because the author got directly involved in it. The studio asked for her opinions in almost every episode, that is why the adaptation really captures what the manga was trying to portray. I find most situations Tomoko was in very relatable and fun to watch. I don't know why so many people find this cringe worthy, especially those who can relate to it the most.
Dec 12, 2014 3:28 PM

Apr 2014
I liked it because it made me feel so for embarrassed her.
Dec 23, 2014 4:31 PM
Nov 2014
SolvitePriest said:
OP has mean confused with reassuring.

Watamote is a self assurance anime targetting Otaku and glorifying their lack of social awareness by villainizing the world around them.

I can't help but feel angry when I read that.

It does villainize the world to a degree, but it's told through perspective. No one wants to identify with this character, I think the anime makes it that pretty clear by making her so pitiful. With all the negative imagery around Tomoko, it almost feels like she's the villain instead. So why would 'Otakus' want to glorify their own social failings with someone who's depicted this way?

I'm half lying when I say nobody 'wants' to identify with Tomoko. More so, some people can't help identifying with her rather than wanting to identify with her - of course, her situations and feelings are exaggerated, but there are people that have genuine social anxieties and issues that are totally relatable to her character. To dismiss people who have these afflictions as 'otakus that just want to feel good because they are like an anime character' is spitting in their faces.

silversongwriter said:
No it's not.. she isn't bullied at all in the show.. this is a cautionary tale. All her problems were self-caused. The anime doesn't demonize the world, since she's the one to blame

This reinforces my point. The main character causes the problems herself, why would anyone want to do that?

A lot of animes do this. They can take a deep issue and turn it into something lighthearted, but you end up thinking about it when you finish watching it. It also depends on the type of person you are; it's your own choice weather you want to read into subtext or just leave it at that. To me, Watamote is a good way to tackle talking about anxiety problems with teenagers, far better than how traditional plots give the character an extenuating circumstance that they can brush it off with.
Yes, most of Tomoko's issues are pinpoints for gags, but it is also a good way to manipulate the audience's feelings - do you feel guilt, or malice when you laugh at it? Or do you feel Empathy?
I like the anime because it's totally down to the individual viewer's personal experience on how they react to the situations on screen, something I don't see very often.

By the way, I'm only about 4 episodes in, but that's my feelings about the anime at the moment. The show makes a point about the individual person viewing the anime, and asks them if it's okay or not to laugh at these situations. It's still in the comedy genre, but it's capable of being something else, depending on the person watching it.
Dec 31, 2014 5:50 PM

May 2012
Nope. It is just right. (For me anyway)
Jan 3, 2015 11:30 AM

Mar 2013
2-D said:
People take this anime way too seriously. That's their problem, it's not the anime's fault.

Pretty much.
Jan 24, 2015 7:46 AM

Jun 2014
I wouldn't call it mean, but I definitely felt super bad for her at parts. But anyway, this anime can be so funny and I felt second-hand embarrassment soooo many times. I think it's really unique in that sense. But mean? Nah...
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Jan 25, 2015 8:56 AM

Jan 2015
2-D said:
People take this anime way too seriously. That's their problem, it's not the anime's fault.


Tomoko isn't even glorified like someone said above, it's because her stupid and awkward personality that she's like that. It's pretty pathetic since she keeps blaming others when it's actually her fault. You can feel sad for her or laugh at her, but that's the point of Watamote.

I find the manga very funny actually.
Jan 27, 2015 2:01 AM
Jun 2013
not really. I mean I feel bad for tomoko at times but its still funny. Noone everyone comes off as super mean spirited and if they do come off like a jerk its most likely for a reason and its still funny.
Jan 27, 2015 2:31 AM

Aug 2014
I didn't think the humor was too mean. It was realistic. And for those of you who think that it isn't, it's likely you didn't grow up with anxiety issues. Her 1000MPH inner monologues where she runs down every conceivable ridiculous possibility in a given situation are closer to reality than many of us would like to admit. Probably not a good thing that this is the anime character that I can most easily relate to, by far, lol.

My only problem with the series was that at the end, I felt kind of... sad? Depressed? She goes through all this junk and her life still sucks at the end, and her response is "oh well!" and it doesn't seem like a big deal. I think I almost felt angry with her for not being more upset, but that's just how I would've felt in her situation. In the end I really respect the series for a surprisingly accurate depiction of an anxiety-induced loner, contrasting to the typical "loner joins club and makes ridiculous amounts of friends!" situation that often occurs, as others have pointed out.
Jan 27, 2015 2:40 AM

Mar 2014
The problem with the show is that it isn't funny. The only funny part in the entire show was "I'm coming soooooooooooon!".
Jan 27, 2015 2:44 AM

Jan 2015
Almost dropped it because of that one scene where she is eating ramen alone on a park bench : (
Jan 27, 2015 1:28 PM
Jun 2013
bigguy37 said:
I didn't think the humor was too mean. It was realistic. And for those of you who think that it isn't, it's likely you didn't grow up with anxiety issues. Her 1000MPH inner monologues where she runs down every conceivable ridiculous possibility in a given situation are closer to reality than many of us would like to admit. Probably not a good thing that this is the anime character that I can most easily relate to, by far, lol.

My only problem with the series was that at the end, I felt kind of... sad? Depressed? She goes through all this junk and her life still sucks at the end, and her response is "oh well!" and it doesn't seem like a big deal. I think I almost felt angry with her for not being more upset, but that's just how I would've felt in her situation. In the end I really respect the series for a surprisingly accurate depiction of an anxiety-induced loner, contrasting to the typical "loner joins club and makes ridiculous amounts of friends!" situation that often occurs, as others have pointed out.

I think it ended like that since the manga is still running. So they could continue with another season if they wanted to since i believe it doesint diverge to much from the source.
Jan 31, 2015 5:30 AM

Jul 2009
I didn't laugh even once when I was watching this. I took it way too seriously (kinda like I do with South Park) and regard this more of a thriller than comedy. There were extremely akward scenes, most which I could relate to, but I always felt like cheering this girl on. It was exciting, it was depressing, it was relatable, it was.... everything. I had a blast watching this, and 12 episodes were just the right amount to forgive the lack of development.
Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle!
Mar 9, 2015 6:31 PM

Sep 2012
I loved it and found it funny. But I think a large part of why I find it funny is because I see myself in it. It reminds me of how awkward and socially inept I was and I'm at a point in my life now where I can see humor in it. It's also nice to see someone in an anime, or anything for that matter, that reminds me of myself. Most characters, even if they were lonely or awkward when they were younger, became popular or stronger or got some super power or really big boobs. This is just a normal and awkward girl living a normal and awkward life.

Mar 16, 2015 5:06 PM

Mar 2015
i didnt find it mean at all instead it made me nostalgic in a weird way. i remember back in high school when i was that akward to a drgree and i cant help but look back at those days and kinda laugh because in reality it wasnt that bad. there were moments that had me laughing while others actually brought a tear to my eye due to the constant reminder of how i was a highschooler and there arent alot of animes out there that touch me on that level.
Jun 25, 2015 4:30 AM

Oct 2014
I didn't laugh once watching this
Was it supposed to be a comedy?
Jun 25, 2015 5:23 AM

May 2009
People who don't understand this show, or call it mean-spirited have probably never dealt with social anxiety before, either personally or by watching others.

The authors of the manga make it quite clear that they themselves are very social phobic,and they reflect their view on life through Tomoko.

Still, they managed to keep it fairly light-hearted: Tomoko isn't bullied, and most of the comedy arises from stupid things she does to try and improve her situation. But anyone who's been in similar situations (like myself) knows she's the real deal and could easily be one of us.
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Jun 26, 2015 1:28 AM

Sep 2012
Sherlockeb said:
I didn't laugh once watching this
Was it supposed to be a comedy?

I think it is mostly SoL/comedy. I didn't think it was very funny, but it had some scenes that were laughable and somewhat comedic. Most of the situations were cringy and I think that's where the comedic value comes from.
May 27, 2016 6:27 PM
May 2016
yes if you want mean spirited then watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia,louis ck or Welcome to the N.H.K.
May 27, 2016 11:01 PM

Jan 2016
I don't think that it would turn out to be like that. Well, but I would say that I understand why society in nowadays just became more crippled than before. Well, you know, time changes. But still, I understand that it's not too mean towards us (the audiences) because this is an anime material. Anyway, just keep watching it to know how those crippled society things actually work.
CylicoJul 14, 2017 7:26 PM
Jun 2, 2016 12:20 AM
Aug 2015
You know people take the series way too serious when the most helpful review doesn't even mention it's comedy.
"Please be ashamed of your ignorance."

Jun 5, 2016 8:34 PM
Jul 2018
I've only read the manga but I don't think so. It's definitely kind of mean-spirited but I think it captures what it's like to have delusions caused by crippling social anxiety perfectly. I wouldn't be surprised if the mangaka used to be like Tomoko as well. I think that's why the manga became so popular on 4chan initially, a lot of people find it relatable.
Aug 17, 2016 8:39 AM
Aug 2016
It's funny, but actually depressing and cringey all that the same time. I have no idea how to feel about it.
Jan 12, 2017 12:30 PM

Jul 2015
Probably, but Tomoko's being a loser was the very basis of the humor in this series.
You really feel sorry for her but end up laughing because the situations she gets herself into, and her thoughts and crazy ideas are just so humorous.
May 10, 2017 12:50 AM
May 2014
SolviteWoTaberu said:
OP has mean confused with reassuring.

Watamote is a self assurance anime targetting Otaku and glorifying their lack of social awareness by villainizing the world around them.

This is so wrong lol, Tomoko is the one demonizing the world, not the anime, it's was so blatant that it's embarrasing when people try to be pseudo intelectual(edgy) like this. The anime keeps showing how Tomoko keeps thinking the worst of every situation and contrast it with how people actually were:

Not only has she never been bullied there were several people who were nice to her like the umbrella kid, her cousin(sort of), her school friend, Imae. Her classmates in general were always nice whenever they interacted with her.

She is the almost always the one causing herself trouble and getting into embarrasing situations that in turn happen to be basically irrelevant to the people around her even though she makes a huge deal about them in her head.

If anything this is one of the most realistic depictions of this type of characters, showing that the main reason why she is an outcast is because she shelters herself and has really bad social anxiety and even parodies the type of stories that would say how everyone else is ugly inside and not appreciating Tomoko even though she is the best person ever, instead often Tomoko shows she herself is can be an asshole and bitter, though the situations are way over the top for comedic purposes obv.

She even goes to try cliche anime stuff to get friends like being a "silent character" to look cool and then obviously fail miserably, I am sorry but you would have to be really dense to frame this as glorifying Otakus lol.

May 13, 2017 7:55 PM
May 2017
Some of it happens on me at some point, i can only lean back and cringe while watching this anime and flashing back my past embarassing memories. While i almost drop this anime, i'm glad the fact i watch this until the end
Jul 13, 2017 3:01 AM

Jan 2017
it is a great comedy show
the only people who dislik it are the people who have a shitty life social anxiety and whi want to cry on themself
Jul 13, 2017 3:06 AM
Nov 2016
kikyo1hinamora said:
it is a great comedy show
the only people who dislik it are the people who have a shitty life social anxiety and whi want to cry on themself

That last thing you said was wrong and you said that out of anger lol.

Jul 13, 2017 4:08 AM

Jan 2017
Zephaas said:
kikyo1hinamora said:
it is a great comedy show
the only people who dislik it are the people who have a shitty life social anxiety and whi want to cry on themself

That last thing you said was wrong and you said that out of anger lol.
don't worry i should've sad ( want to kill themself )
and I didn't say anything out of anger i gave the show an 8 if you look at my list you will now that I rated a lot of anime more than 8
watamote is just good nothing more i
AkerakaaaaiJul 13, 2017 4:12 AM
Jul 13, 2017 4:09 AM
Nov 2016
kikyo1hinamora said:
Zephaas said:

That last thing you said was wrong and you said that out of anger lol.
worry i shpuld'vr was want to kill themself
and I didn't say anything out of anger i have the show an 8 if you look at my list you all now that I rated a lot of anime more than 8
watamote is just good nothing more

I think you misunderstood me. Plus you made very little sense.

Jul 13, 2017 4:11 AM

Jan 2017
Zephaas said:
kikyo1hinamora said:
worry i shpuld'vr was want to kill themself
and I didn't say anything out of anger i have the show an 8 if you look at my list you all now that I rated a lot of anime more than 8
watamote is just good nothing more

I think you misunderstood me. Plus you made very little sense.
i edited what I sad you replied very fast lol
Jul 13, 2017 4:13 AM
Nov 2016
kikyo1hinamora said:
Zephaas said:

I think you misunderstood me. Plus you made very little sense.
i edited what I sad you replied very fast lol

Mmm, I just don't think it's very fair to say that everyone that calls it bad is unhappy with their life. I for one am not very happy with myself but I still find myself enjoying these shows and for what I read of the manga, I enjoyed it too.

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