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How many episodes do you watch before judging an anime ?

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Mar 23, 2014 1:37 PM

Aug 2013
I watch the entire series before judging.

Unless it's it kanon (2006)
Mar 23, 2014 1:43 PM

Nov 2012
i watch it until the bitter end.
Mar 23, 2014 1:46 PM

Nov 2010
I first judge an anime when I see the cover art and synopsis and I'll judge it all the way through. Though as I'm a completionist I'll save my final judgement until the end and I always finish an anime.
Mar 23, 2014 1:47 PM

Nov 2007
I used to watch the whole thing, unless it was so wretched that I couldn't stand it without physically restraining myself. Then I realized I value my life too much to waste it watching things I don't actually enjoy.

So my new policy is 3 episodes UNLESS someone I know personally recommended it. If it's the latter case, I'll go until about 5, then drop it if there's nothing that peaks my interest.
Mar 23, 2014 2:11 PM

Feb 2014
I usually like to watch 2-3 episodes before I judge it. There are even times where I go up to 7-9 episodes and decide I don't like it/just got bored of it and either put it on hold or completely drop it.
Mar 23, 2014 2:20 PM

Jun 2013
Depends. Unless the first few episodes are so boring and unappealing that they're completely unwatchable, usually I'll wait till I'm 50% through an anime before starting to form a opinion on it.
Mar 23, 2014 2:33 PM

Feb 2014
skyzblue said:
Endurance is the key here.
I watch the whole anime through pain and suffering. Everytime I finish an awful series, I feel like a generic shounen hero who somehow overcomes all the odds stacked against him through guts, power, determination and the will to survive. Also by the power of friendship

You never cease to amaze me.
Mar 23, 2014 2:38 PM

Nov 2012
3 Episode Rule.
You are always supposed to give an anime 3 episodes.
No more, no less.

Im a Devil's advocate. Its just too fun.
Running on borrowed time.

Mar 23, 2014 3:33 PM

Sep 2013
I usually watch about 3-5 episodes before considering myself able to judge the anime but I drop it whenever I want so it doesn't really affect what I drop anyway.
Mar 23, 2014 3:33 PM

Sep 2011
Half way through may be? Usually after watching the whole anime though.
Mar 23, 2014 3:40 PM

Apr 2011
I score after 1, but my scores change dynamically - for ex Noragami went up from 6 to 8, same with ZX, and Blazblue last season went down from 8 to 5...
Mar 23, 2014 3:47 PM

Oct 2012
I usually have an idea halfway through an anime, but I wait till the ending for an official score.
Mar 23, 2014 5:17 PM

Oct 2009
i can usually watch around 4-8 episodes depending on the anime and my expectations, if its boring me to death ill just drop it after that. which happens alot im not one of those people that watches a show to just complete it, i will drop that shit
Mar 23, 2014 6:05 PM

Dec 2012
As little as one episode and as much as five.
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Mar 23, 2014 6:09 PM

Jun 2011
MiniMoose10 said:
If I watched only 1 or 2 episodes, I would've never finished Steins;Gate and Madoka and that would've been a huge mistake. If the question is "How many episodes before you drop an anime?" it would depend on the anime length. If the show is 25 episodes long, I would watch 4 episode. If its 50, then I would watch atleast 8 episodes. If the question is "How many episodes before you rate an anime?" the answer would have to be the whole thing. You shouldn't rate a show or anything for that matter before finishing the whole thing

The funny thing is that I actually dropped Steins;Gate at one point because the first 3 episodes bored me. Then I came back and it's now one of my favorite anime (a very big jump). That proved to me that sometimes, the 3 episode rule will lead to missing some really great shows.

Mar 23, 2014 6:12 PM

Nov 2013
till the end or up to date on the long running series

but usually have a estimated rate in my head before that
Mar 23, 2014 6:28 PM

Nov 2013
I make a general opinoin on the show after like 3 - 4 episodes, but I don't really judge a show before I've seen the entire show.
Mar 23, 2014 7:14 PM

Sep 2013
3 to 5. I managed to watch like 12 or 14 episodes of Kill la Kill before realizing I was bored watching it though.
Mar 23, 2014 7:18 PM
Jul 2018
All of them. It's unfair to judge a show until it ends in my opinion. Because until I have fully experienced it, then my overall assessment could still change from the finale, or a new plot twist. Hum.
Mar 23, 2014 7:20 PM

Jul 2013
Don't drop anything, wait til it's done to fully judge. I generally have a good idea of how I feel about something before the final episode though, but even then things can change.
Mar 23, 2014 7:21 PM

Aug 2013
Depends on the length of the series. If it's between that 12-15 length I will give it 3-4 episodes, but if it is a 20-25 or so anime I'll give it around 7 episodes. I'm very patient with long running shows, though.

I should also add this is only to determine if I will continue to watch a show. I don't think it's fair to fully judge a series until it has ended... although school days and Wanna be the strongest in the world were exceptions to that rule.
Mar 23, 2014 7:40 PM

Feb 2014
The first episode generally exposes the quality/lack of quality of the character designs, animation quality, voice actors, soundtrack/music, and the feel of the show. Even if you were to argue something like Steins;Gate had a slow start, I knew how I felt about all of this stuff before the real story had been established. It's very rare for me to hate a first episode, and then go on to love a series.
Mar 23, 2014 7:42 PM

Sep 2012
If the first episode bores me to death, then it's an instant drop.
I only drop shows if the show has killed my motivation for it, so if I see a drop in entertainment factor, or still see no point to the show, I'll drop it.
Mar 23, 2014 7:48 PM

Oct 2008
For choosing to drop an anime or not, one episode.
Mar 23, 2014 7:49 PM
Jan 2014
2 episodes rarely 3, sometimes there needs to be a bit of plot development to understand it better.
Mar 23, 2014 8:13 PM
Jul 2018
The whole thing. A show might suck in the beginning but it might have an amazing second half or something so I'll never full judge an anime until I completely finish it.
Mar 24, 2014 3:37 AM
Nov 2008
to those saying they never drop anything: don't worry, you'll get to the stage where you just don't care anymore. it'll just happen one day, you'll be sitting there and suddenly think 'why the hell am i even watching this?'
Mar 24, 2014 3:42 AM

Jan 2013
I rarely drop anime. I usually judge it until I finish it all the way through. If the anime is unappealing to me, I try my best to give it a chance.
Mar 24, 2014 3:59 AM

Dec 2009
Probably 3-5. Usually, by the time I get to three, I feel like I'm committed to the anime and then I force myself to watch up to half of it before forgetting about it or I'll just finish it if its only a 13 episode series.
I drop things that annoy me right off the bat or if they animation repulses me or if I just can't take watching it anymore (BLEACH)
Feed my Pets Plz? :3

Mar 24, 2014 7:10 AM

Apr 2011
First impression, of course 1 episode to pick it up or not. To decide whether to drop or not to drop, as long as I enjoyed it then its fine. But if the anime took turns to be not fun anymore, I'll drop it right away without giving it a second thought. I don't care even if I already at 11 or 21 eps. If I want to drop it then I'll drop it.

To judge/score it. Of course a whole show (or until I dropped it).
Mar 24, 2014 7:17 AM

Sep 2013

1. I read the name --> ~50% gets dropped for retarded titles
2. I look at the cover and the genres --> ~95% get dropped right here
3. I read the description --> another ~60% get dropped
4. As for the rest, I might watch it.
Proud founder of the 20+ virgins club.

Please visit my manga blog for manga updates and more!

Mup da doo didda po mo muhfuggen bix nood

^ Need someone who can translate this. Pm me pls.
Mar 24, 2014 7:19 AM
Nov 2013
Really depends on how long the anime is.
Mar 24, 2014 7:30 AM

Nov 2012
All of it.

Plenty of shows Ive seen start good and end poorly. Or start off shitty and become incredible. If you don't view it all then you;re only giving a partial view. The issue I have is sometimes having someone tell me a show was horrible to the find out they have not actually watched all of it or have only read up on what happened and then did not experience the events in the context it occurred.

Now if it is Currently airing then you can obviously only judge it based on what is available.
Mar 24, 2014 7:33 AM
Feb 2013
The first episode is usually enough for me to decide whether I want to watch or drop it. I won't judge until 1/2 of it has been seen.
Mar 24, 2014 7:37 AM

Dec 2012
Shiratori99 said:

1. I read the name --> ~50% gets dropped for retarded titles
2. I look at the cover and the genres --> ~95% get dropped right here
3. I read the description --> another ~60% get dropped
4. As for the rest, I might watch it.

So the maximum amount of anime that you have seen and will likely ever see is about 90?
Mar 24, 2014 7:41 AM

Sep 2013
Nicobade said:
Shiratori99 said:

1. I read the name --> ~50% gets dropped for retarded titles
2. I look at the cover and the genres --> ~95% get dropped right here
3. I read the description --> another ~60% get dropped
4. As for the rest, I might watch it.

So the maximum amount of anime that you have seen and will likely ever see is about 90?

Could be. I watch like 8-10 animes per year.
Proud founder of the 20+ virgins club.

Please visit my manga blog for manga updates and more!

Mup da doo didda po mo muhfuggen bix nood

^ Need someone who can translate this. Pm me pls.
Mar 24, 2014 7:54 AM

Apr 2013

KLK fell after 7th tho
It is so dense. Every single image has so many things going on.
Mar 24, 2014 8:00 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
All of them? Unless it's a plotless comedy or SoL show maybe but generally no, I'll always finish it before I can give a final verdict.
Mar 24, 2014 8:03 AM
Nov 2013
HaXXspetten said:
All of them? Unless it's a plotless comedy or SoL show maybe but generally no, I'll always finish it before I can give a final verdict.

Judge =/= final verdict/final score. I also wait to finish to give the final score, but I really doubt you don't judge the anime after a couple of episodes.
Mar 24, 2014 8:27 AM

Nov 2008
1-2 episodes before dropping. 5-6 episodes before assigning scores. If the anime is 20+ episodes, it is still in danger of being dropped for the first 10 episodes.
Mar 24, 2014 8:34 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Rashkolnikov said:
HaXXspetten said:
All of them? Unless it's a plotless comedy or SoL show maybe but generally no, I'll always finish it before I can give a final verdict.

Judge =/= final verdict/final score. I also wait to finish to give the final score, but I really doubt you don't judge the anime after a couple of episodes.
Depends on what exactly it means to judge it. I mean naturally you'll get a preliminary impression but it's gonna take some really special/extreme circumstances for me to ever consider dropping a show from that alone. Steins;Gate taught me to never truly give up on a show.
Mar 24, 2014 8:36 AM

Nov 2010
Heredity said:
to those saying they never drop anything: don't worry, you'll get to the stage where you just don't care anymore. it'll just happen one day, you'll be sitting there and suddenly think 'why the hell am i even watching this?'
When do you think I'll hit that stage?
Mar 24, 2014 8:41 AM

Dec 2012
IntroverTurtle said:
Heredity said:
to those saying they never drop anything: don't worry, you'll get to the stage where you just don't care anymore. it'll just happen one day, you'll be sitting there and suddenly think 'why the hell am i even watching this?'
When do you think I'll hit that stage?

Putting anime in an indefinite on hold list, is practically the same.
Mar 24, 2014 8:43 AM
Nov 2013
tsudecimo said:
IntroverTurtle said:
Heredity said:
to those saying they never drop anything: don't worry, you'll get to the stage where you just don't care anymore. it'll just happen one day, you'll be sitting there and suddenly think 'why the hell am i even watching this?'
When do you think I'll hit that stage?

Putting anime in an indefinite on hold list, is practically the same.

Yes hahaha, Lucky Star is on my on-hold since I don't remember.
Mar 24, 2014 8:44 AM

Oct 2012
Mar 24, 2014 8:48 AM

Nov 2010
tsudecimo said:
IntroverTurtle said:
Heredity said:
to those saying they never drop anything: don't worry, you'll get to the stage where you just don't care anymore. it'll just happen one day, you'll be sitting there and suddenly think 'why the hell am i even watching this?'
When do you think I'll hit that stage?

Putting anime in an indefinite on hold list, is practically the same.
I don't really do that though. I joke about it sometimes but I do plan on getting back into all the anime in my on hold list. Which only part is actually on hold, others are OVAs that come out randomly, hentai for the same reason, anime I can't find subs or episodes for, etc,
Mar 24, 2014 9:03 AM
Nov 2008
IntroverTurtle said:
tsudecimo said:
IntroverTurtle said:
Heredity said:
to those saying they never drop anything: don't worry, you'll get to the stage where you just don't care anymore. it'll just happen one day, you'll be sitting there and suddenly think 'why the hell am i even watching this?'
When do you think I'll hit that stage?

Putting anime in an indefinite on hold list, is practically the same.
I don't really do that though. I joke about it sometimes but I do plan on getting back into all the anime in my on hold list. Which only part is actually on hold, others are OVAs that come out randomly, hentai for the same reason, anime I can't find subs or episodes for, etc,
that's what they all say. 'oh yeah, i swear on me mam i'll watch that there anime i started 3 years ago!'

i just moved a bunch of anime from my on-hold list to my dropped list a couple of hours ago because i'd forgotten about them entirely. i just come to terms with the fact that i obviously don't care enough to continue them, lol.
no-thanksMar 24, 2014 9:08 AM
Mar 24, 2014 9:10 AM

Jun 2012
Depends on the length of the show, really

3-4 for a 12 episode anime, 8-10 for a 24-26 episode anime and usually 25-40 for a long-runner
Mar 24, 2014 9:12 AM

Nov 2010
Heredity said:
IntroverTurtle said:
tsudecimo said:
IntroverTurtle said:
Heredity said:
to those saying they never drop anything: don't worry, you'll get to the stage where you just don't care anymore. it'll just happen one day, you'll be sitting there and suddenly think 'why the hell am i even watching this?'
When do you think I'll hit that stage?

Putting anime in an indefinite on hold list, is practically the same.
I don't really do that though. I joke about it sometimes but I do plan on getting back into all the anime in my on hold list. Which only part is actually on hold, others are OVAs that come out randomly, hentai for the same reason, anime I can't find subs or episodes for, etc,
that's what they all say. 'oh yeah, i swear on me mam i'll watch that there anime i started 3 years ago!'

i just moved a bunch of anime from my on-hold list to my dropped list a couple of hours ago because i'd forgotten about them entirely. i just come to terms with the fact that i obviously don't care enough to continue them, lol.
And I just watched a couple a month ago. One that was on hold for like 5 years.
Mar 24, 2014 9:16 AM
Nov 2008
IntroverTurtle said:
Heredity said:
IntroverTurtle said:
tsudecimo said:
IntroverTurtle said:
Heredity said:
to those saying they never drop anything: don't worry, you'll get to the stage where you just don't care anymore. it'll just happen one day, you'll be sitting there and suddenly think 'why the hell am i even watching this?'
When do you think I'll hit that stage?

Putting anime in an indefinite on hold list, is practically the same.
I don't really do that though. I joke about it sometimes but I do plan on getting back into all the anime in my on hold list. Which only part is actually on hold, others are OVAs that come out randomly, hentai for the same reason, anime I can't find subs or episodes for, etc,
that's what they all say. 'oh yeah, i swear on me mam i'll watch that there anime i started 3 years ago!'

i just moved a bunch of anime from my on-hold list to my dropped list a couple of hours ago because i'd forgotten about them entirely. i just come to terms with the fact that i obviously don't care enough to continue them, lol.
And I just watched a couple a month ago. One that was on hold for like 5 years.
if it's a extended release ova or hentai (which just kinda assume they're done until the next episode is randomly produced), i understand. but i can see anime on that there on-hold list that with 1 episode viewed that you might have possibly started in their airing season (if you consider when they aired) and then just shoved into your on-hold list. seems silly to me, really. sometimes you just gotta let go.

let it go.
let it go.
frozen movie reference.
let it go.
no-thanksMar 24, 2014 9:28 AM
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