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Nov 30, 2008 1:54 AM

Jul 2008
The "console wars" are just something cooked up by CEOs to build a fan base of loyal fanatics to do the advertising for them. The result is no different than the following:
My country is better than your country.
My car is fancier than your car.
My toy is better than your toy.
My [insert whatever] is better than your [insert whatever].

I own a PS3 and a very high capability PC can run anything. I'll sing the praises of the PS3 since it is an excellent machine, brag about my beautiful PC, and even jest with XBOX fans about the red ring problem (they usually mention it first). But ultimately the systems are all the same. I have played all the systems and they were all enjoyable and I really cannot insult any of them since they all fulfill their purpose of entertainment. These fanatics who find themselves obsessed with a machine that will be obsolete in 5 years time have little that they love or hold precious anyways, so I can understand why the feel the need to lose themselves in another company's/person's profits to which they will never see. No offense intended, I'm just saying what I think.
Nov 30, 2008 2:24 AM

Sep 2007
No one is paying you to wig out and throw dirt on one console or the other. You are not convincing anyone to ether side with your fanboy/fangirl bullshit. All are doing is putting down whatever your trying to represent. Its ok to like something but don't shit on what I like because its not the same as yours.

I own all 3 current gen consoles and I could give a piss about what people have a say about each. I'll still enjoy them the same.
Nov 30, 2008 2:46 AM

Apr 2008
I have an Xbox 360 and i don't have any plans for buying another console in the near future. I think the Xbox has tons of good quality games and a great online marketplace.
Sure the PS3 has a lot of good games and is probably better hardware wise, but i have been playing xbox since they released the first one and i don't have any plans on swapping to something new just yet.
Nov 30, 2008 6:20 AM

Jul 2008
Rikuna said:
Don't feel bad for PS3 owners who love JRPG for those reasons lol. XBOX can have anything from Square - I would be glad for them to drag down that console.

Shin Megami Tensei game unnamed - planned for PS3~
Next Tales of game - planned for Wii~
Valkyria Chronicles - pushing the strategy rpg genre in a great direction ~ for PS3
White Knight Chronicles - with an active online cooperative play~ planned for PS3

For them to lose exclusivity is a smart thing for Square (of course everyone saw that), but in more ways than just one. The Final Fantasy series is the most decorated RPG series - with name recognition they can milk the 360 community who has been dominately not RPG players in the first place. I don't mind if they take the ignorant players' money - I've never once enjoyed a SE game; they were just my starting point.

There are more titles than those 4 - mainly for Wii (which I love too; probably first most since my #1 game is on it), but what does XBOX have for JRPG - just Star Ocean 4 coming (with Vesperia already out). If they mess up on it again [like they did with Last Remnant launch with their frame problems] - why would people continue to buy JRPGs on 360? I really do look forward to seeing them mess up~

Even if Last Remnant is a SE game - I can bet anything the problems will either be the same on PS3 (unlikely) or improved since bluray will be able to fit more of the data they needed for their massive battles. It is very unlikely it will be worse - just the same or improved.

To me, it seems you and all the other people who "hate" on any console are ignorant, partially because hardly anyone can justify a reasonable arguement to why "This" is better than "That", Every system is intended for a specific gaming genre, "You like this style of play? use this system.", regardless of whether or not they in later terms decide to bring out multi-platform games, they serve their purpose to bring entertainment to others.

My only advice to you Rikuna is, Try going with some other genre, there are plenty of good games out there that arn't ONLY JRPGs.
Nov 30, 2008 6:35 AM

Oct 2008
The malfunction in TGS 07 was due to over heat and it was a rare case. You won't stack up over 200 ps3s in a room with a temprature above 30 degrees and use amplifiers at your home. This does not happen with normal use therefore, ps3 does not have performance issues.
360 failure rate is 80%.
Do not look down on Rikuna, she's my nee-san! or I won't give you a cookie! >.<

Nov 30, 2008 6:59 AM

Aug 2008
I don't really "hate" on any system. I used to hate on the orig XBOX cause I thought it was an oversized ugly hunk of junk that only had a few games going for it (HALO, HALO & HALO). But now I own a PS3, Wii & DS. & still have my PS2 & GC. All the systems out are worth buying if it has what you want. Hell, I'm thinking of getting a 360 just for Gears 2.

What gets on my nerves is when ppl stereotype a system. You know what those are....

-Wii is just for kids, not for the hard core gamer
-360 is for FPS fanatics & jock dickheads who love to curse out & insult strangers on Live
-PS3, for fanboys & JRPG fanatics who don't realize that the system doesn't have many decent games out

though I have to admit that Nintendo is pissing me off right now w/ the lack of anything compelling for the Wii. Animal Crossing & Wii Music is not cutting Fils-Aime. It's not cutting it. >:-(
Nov 30, 2008 7:42 AM

Feb 2008
Rebella said:

360 failure rate is 80%.

Failure rate isn't that high....Its already been said before, it at like 30-33% failure rate and that was before. I think there was even a test earlier this year there the failure rate was half that. Where people get such high percentage failure rates makes me wonder...
Nov 30, 2008 7:50 AM

Aug 2008
even if the failure rate is 10%, that's too f*ckin high
Nov 30, 2008 8:01 AM

Feb 2008
True. It just annoying when i see someone post a unusually high failure rate...
10% isn't that bad, i think most consoles have a normal failure rate of 5%.
Nov 30, 2008 8:07 AM

Aug 2008
yeah, 5% seems fair. I have to admit, at least they covered their @$$es w/ those unprecedented warranties. If only everything was a durable as my DS. That thing has taken a worse beating than Rocky (pick a movie, he got f*cked up in all of them).
Nov 30, 2008 10:40 AM

Feb 2008
Just buy any console that has a game you want to play and stop criticizing the ones you don't have/need/want or can't afford. It's a complete waste of time, time that could be spent gaming.
Nov 30, 2008 11:17 AM

Jun 2008
Where do you even see 5 or 10%?

Almost every article I've read says 25~33%. I am with the people who think even 1% is bad. 1% of millions - is a lot.

Think about the people who post videos of them needing to do the towel trick once every 4-5 days if they lost the warranty sticker. Think about the people who have to keep sending their 360's in and having no games to play for a week.

That inconvenience is a disgrace - one that they were fine with because of their arrogance to just being able to replace/repair instead of get it right in the first place just to race Sony into the new Gen.

Nov 30, 2008 11:31 AM

Feb 2008
Rikuna said:
Where do you even see 5 or 10%?

Was talking about the rate for other systems...
Just to be sure, I'm saying the failure rate on other systems is like between 1-5%...
SephorNov 30, 2008 11:40 AM
Nov 30, 2008 11:44 AM

Nov 2007
I have a Wii and don't care either way about the PS3, but I dislike the 360.
Nov 30, 2008 3:24 PM

Jan 2008
Orange-kun said:
Gunbladewarrior said:
Orange-kun said:

Me? I don't hate on any consoles though I do feel sorry for the PS3 owners due to the loss of some exclusives.

Why? It's not like we still can't get those games on the ps3.-.-
What's exclusive to a console usually determines what the person buys.

Enter random RPG nut (who will be referred to as Rupert). Rupert wants to buy either a 360 or a PS3. On the 360 side, he wants the Mistwalker games, some Square RPG's, and so and so. On the PS3 side, he wants the heavyweights Final Fantasy and KH oh so badly. Rupert decides to buy a PS3 for FF and KH, only to have realized both lost their exclusive status 2 months later and they're being released on the 360 as well. Now the 360 has FF, KH, Mistwalker, and the other Square RPG's, and the PS3 only has FF and KH. I would imagine Rupert would be pissed and feel pretty cheated.

Just a scenario, I could probably have summed up that story with a sentence but Rupert's a cool name, and I wanted to use that.

Well being an RPG nut FFXIII being multi wouldn't have effected my decision at all. :| Even if every ps3 exclusive had become multi I still would've gotten a ps3 just because I'd rather not have a system that will break down on me, and the 360 has the higher chance of the 2. :|
Nov 30, 2008 5:26 PM

Oct 2008
I would have to pick the original Xbox for one reason mainly: the weight. Nowadays, most game consoles focus on being light-weight, yet the Xbox is.. Due to the weight of the console, I cannot place it on top of my ps2, because it would break. And considering how I connect my game consoles and the electronics, it is placed elsewhere. More over, there really aren't that many Xbox games to begin with. I have Halo 2 and Fable: The Lost Chapters, as well as Dead or Alive 1-3, as well as a few other games. I haven't played it for a long time though.

As for the gamecube, the memory card still have a lot of free blocks since I bought the used console with an used memory card with it, yet there aren't many game saves on it at all, because I rarely play it. The good gamecube games I got would include: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Phantasy Star Online, as well as a few others. I always wanted to play Crystal Chronicles, yet I never have the time to do so. And when I do have the time, I will choose to play either the DS or the PS2.

However, in terms of console war, I will have to say I don't hate any portable or console gaming devices. Personally, I would choose to play DS over Gamecube and PS2 over Xbox.
Nov 30, 2008 5:34 PM

Aug 2007
Kira01 said:
I would have to pick the original Xbox for one reason mainly: the weight. Nowadays, most game consoles focus on being light-weight, yet the Xbox is.. Due to the weight of the console, I cannot place it on top of my ps2, because it would break. And considering how I connect my game consoles and the electronics, it is placed elsewhere. More over, there really aren't that many Xbox games to begin with. I have Halo 2 and Fable: The Lost Chapters, as well as Dead or Alive 1-3, as well as a few other games. I haven't played it for a long time though.

As for the gamecube, the memory card still have a lot of free blocks since I bought the used console with an used memory card with it, yet there aren't many game saves on it at all, because I rarely play it. The good gamecube games I got would include: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Phantasy Star Online, as well as a few others. I always wanted to play Crystal Chronicles, yet I never have the time to do so. And when I do have the time, I will choose to play either the DS or the PS2.

However, in terms of console war, I will have to say I don't hate any portable or console gaming devices. Personally, I would choose to play DS over Gamecube and PS2 over Xbox.

Postin like it's 2004
Dec 2, 2008 3:55 AM

Dec 2007
I don't actively hate any console, in fact, I kind of feel sorry for the Playstation 3. It needs more games, because it would be a waste to let such a magnificent machine die on a lack of support.
Dec 2, 2008 10:56 PM

Jan 2008
What do you mean? It has plenty of support. :|
Dec 2, 2008 11:32 PM

Dec 2007
Gunbladewarrior said:
What do you mean? It has plenty of support. :|

The amount of games (using the PS3's full potential) released is nowhere to be compared to the other consoles as far as I'm aware of.
Dec 3, 2008 1:11 AM

Jul 2008
Chavez said:
The amount of games (using the PS3's full potential) released is nowhere to be compared to the other consoles as far as I'm aware of.

PS3 has far more support for it than the Wii. The Wii is currently that little train that couldn't. I also own a Wii, I just don't count it on my console list because I haven't played it in ages because, simply enough, it has **** for games and lacks a respectable online community.

Plus I have quite a few games that use a good amount of the potential of the PS3. MGS4 did a magnificent job. I do think the system can be pushed harder though. It feels like PS2 all over again. PS2s potential wasn't reached until PS3 came out and by that time, who wanted a PS2 anymore?

Rikuna said:
Almost every article I've read says 25~33%. I am with the people who think even 1% is bad. 1% of millions - is a lot.

That's what I've read and experienced through my friends who own one. A friend of mine has had continuous problems with her 360. She eventually bought a PS3, to which she loves the system, but misses XBOX Live and a lot of the exclusives that PS3 doesn't have. Friend of mine in a club I'm in here on MAL just had his 360 give him the "**** you! I'm not working anymore" light and about four other people I know at my university have had theirs self detonate.

Of my friends who own a PS3, I've seen one incident of a problem and I think he might have been the one at fault since he gets a little too much into his games. 360 is a great system, but I think the number of failures is probably higher than reported since half of the people I know with a 360 are commonly complaining of technical problems. I'm sure it's a quirk that will be worked out eventually.
LensFlaredAwayDec 3, 2008 1:16 AM
Dec 3, 2008 6:40 AM

Jun 2008
I always get nervous when people quote me =/ But you're on my side it seems <3 Maybe even more extreme on my side <3

I doubt it will ever be worked out - especially not this late anyways.

As for full potentials~ 360 can be Gurren Lagann@@;, but PS3 is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann :3 As for games that are on both consoles - the only shared game I've seen that seemed to look better on 360 was Soul Calibur 4 and it only mattered if you were a pervert and needed that extra detail >.> when doing fast moves -_-.

Everything else looks better on PS3 and if you think, 'that isn't full potential - that is just one upping 360' you may be right, but they almost always beat them hard :3

I've always said Last Remnant looks bad (and is), but I bet a lot of the frame rate issues will either be the same or way better. Impossible for that game to get any worse - it is because it was first released on a pitiful machine~~~ PS3's drill will pierce the heavens~~~

Dec 3, 2008 7:53 AM

Sep 2008
I hate the entire business to an extent. There's games on all three systems I want to play.. but getting all three of them just for one or two games seems like a waste; but if I'm picking anything, i'll be going with the Wii, and PS3.

I will agree that the Wii doesn't have too many games that are outside of first party... but no one's forcing you to get those; and developers need to stop being lazy.

...I'm not even sure why I want a PS3 exactly... i'll find something for it though >>;

Crap is too expensive and we really don't have much money to buy anything.
Dec 3, 2008 10:20 AM

Jun 2007
What's the point in hating on a specific console? I'll joke around with people about flaws in their console of choice, but why should I care if someone doesn't like the console I own? It's not going to hurt me or them if we have a difference of opinion. If I had the money, I'd have all three consoles, but that's just not financially viable for me right now, so I'll stick with the console that offers me more of the games I'm interested in, which just happens to be the 360. There are plenty of flaws and advantages for all three consoles, but some people will obviously be attracted to different features. If they want a Blu-Ray player, they'll buy a PS3. If they fancy waving a stick around like a loon (who's admittedly having fun), they'll buy a Wii. If they want a good console, they'll buy a 360. <-*Just in case anyone kicks off, that was one of those jokey comments I mentioned earlier...*

Rikuna said:
Everything else looks better on PS3 and if you think, 'that isn't full potential - that is just one upping 360' you may be right, but they almost always beat them hard :3

Really? They usually look pretty much the same. Even when there is a difference, it's usually 50/50 as to which console looks better. Both consoles have messed up graphics-wise in the past. The 360 usually has better lighting, although the textures on the PS3 are often better.

Check Gamespot and Eurogamer, they've done plenty of comparisons.
OranSolusDec 3, 2008 10:31 AM
Your search on "Oran Solus" returned the following quotes:
"Oran Solus? I know him. What a wanker. He still owes me a tenner." Oscar Wilde
"Oran, you're so intelligent and awesome <3" Bakayaro
"Oran's sexy." LolitaDecay
"Oran is a sophisticated penguin." Drybananna
"Oran is a Hand-Eye you faggots." EddieSpaghetti
"Oran for Prime Minister." the_prime_one
"Oran is all that is stated in his sig and more." orbitzz

Dec 3, 2008 10:43 AM

Jun 2008
I prepared a whole essay almost, but I think this will do:

Near everyone hates on one or the other. It doesn't matter if you have all consoles - some - or none. It is human nature - people like to complain and joke about stuff. Those who say they don't should reevaluate themselves to see if they are on some higher plain from the rest of the populous.

If you don't hate on any - you and your friends either have the same consoles and you are completely in love with it or you do not have friends. If you fall into neither of those categories and you do not joke around with how bad the other console is - your friends may not play video games or you don't really play video games enough to care about the blatant differences.

Dec 3, 2008 1:06 PM

Jun 2007
Rikuna said:
I prepared a whole essay almost, but I think this will do:

Near everyone hates on one or the other. It doesn't matter if you have all consoles - some - or none. It is human nature - people like to complain and joke about stuff. Those who say they don't should reevaluate themselves to see if they are on some higher plain from the rest of the populous.

If you don't hate on any - you and your friends either have the same consoles and you are completely in love with it or you do not have friends. If you fall into neither of those categories and you do not joke around with how bad the other console is - your friends may not play video games or you don't really play video games enough to care about the blatant differences.

Generalisations, eh? Lovely. Human nature is very easily overcome. Human Nature is a set of animal instincts which work on our more baser desires. However, seeing as we have evolved somewhat, we are able to identify the destructive nature of some (note the use of the word some) of these impulses and as a result, overcome them.

You might also want to differentiate between 'hating' a console and just joking about it. They are quite different. I love my jokey comments, but I do not not 'hate' any particular console. I have more important things to worry about to be honest.
Your search on "Oran Solus" returned the following quotes:
"Oran Solus? I know him. What a wanker. He still owes me a tenner." Oscar Wilde
"Oran, you're so intelligent and awesome <3" Bakayaro
"Oran's sexy." LolitaDecay
"Oran is a sophisticated penguin." Drybananna
"Oran is a Hand-Eye you faggots." EddieSpaghetti
"Oran for Prime Minister." the_prime_one
"Oran is all that is stated in his sig and more." orbitzz

Dec 3, 2008 6:33 PM

Jun 2008
Depends how much is "enough to care". Cuz really, it seems this line is quite subjective compared to some people.
Dec 3, 2008 9:04 PM

Oct 2007
Yes, I am a console hater. I hate on the Xbox 360, the Playstation 3, and the Nintendo Wii..............seriously, this generation has been awful.

None of the creativity, boldness, quality, and just flat out fun of last generation.

Seems that everything that comes out anymore is a shooter or some form of generic action game or RPG with no soul. The RPGs especially. The PS2 is still getting much better RPG's than the current consoles.

But I guess pretty HD graphics can get people to buy into anything *sigh*
Dec 3, 2008 10:19 PM

Oct 2007
DigimonTamer said:
Yes, I am a console hater. I hate on the Xbox 360, the Playstation 3, and the Nintendo Wii..............seriously, this generation has been awful.

None of the creativity, boldness, quality, and just flat out fun of last generation.

Seems that everything that comes out anymore is a shooter or some form of generic action game or RPG with no soul. The RPGs especially. The PS2 is still getting much better RPG's than the current consoles.

But I guess pretty HD graphics can get people to buy into anything *sigh*

kinda hard to be original these days, everythings been pretty much done, even if you put soul into it, it'll be similar to another game and people will compare.

and you're generalising that alot of the games this gen are crap.. they're actually good. COD4, bioshock, fallout 3, fable 2, i dont see how games like these are worse than those of last gen.
Dec 4, 2008 12:28 AM

Nov 2008
I own all of the consoles and the one I dislike the most is the WII its just got loads of crap mini games (carnival games I'm looking at you) that are sold for £30 each. Day light robbery at it worst.

So to answer your question I hate the WII
Dec 4, 2008 2:11 AM
Jun 2007
DigimonTamer said:
None of the creativity, boldness, quality, and just flat out fun of last generation.

Quality and fun are subjective, but how were games last gen any more creative or bold than they have been this gen?

DigimonTamer said:
Seems that everything that comes out anymore is a shooter or some form of generic action game or RPG with no soul. The RPGs especially. The PS2 is still getting much better RPG's than the current consoles.

You know, I say this all the time, but you really shouldn't compare a console that was around for nearly ten years to consoles that have only been around for 2-3. Once this gen is over, then we can properly compare it to past gens (if there's really even any point to that). Also, Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, Last Remnant (ignoring its technical issues), among others, are easily comparable to a lot of PS2 RPGs.

DigimonTamer said:
But I guess pretty HD graphics can get people to buy into anything *sigh*

This is new? Hell, the "pretty graphics = SALES" worked back in the early to mid 90s, too, and it will continue to work so long as the consumer puts large emphasis on graphics.
Dec 4, 2008 2:24 AM

Dec 2007
DigimonTamer said:
But I guess pretty HD graphics can get people to buy into anything *sigh*

Eh? I personally want good graphics, gameplay and plot simultaneously. But what you say there collides with fucktons of replies that I have read in other topics. There's practically nobody here that cares about graphics.
Dec 4, 2008 2:31 AM

Oct 2007
depends what you mean by graphics
i wouldnt mind dated graphics
as long as its smooth and clean, what i dont like is jagged textures and etc. Ever played heroes of might and magic 3? that still looks good till today imo ^^,
im guessing thats why most developers are doing the cartoony look because they age better.
Dec 4, 2008 4:28 AM

Jun 2008
Someone use to tell me that "quality" is not an opinion, it's a fact. But I won't go into details explaining why.
Dec 4, 2008 5:23 AM

Dec 2007
Firality said:
im guessing thats why most developers are doing the cartoony look because they age better.

No, not at all. Cartoony graphics are easier to make.
Dec 4, 2008 5:34 AM

Oct 2007
Chavez said:
No, not at all. Cartoony graphics are easier to make.

i guess you also have a point there but i dunno sometimes the cartoony graphics do look pretty complex though .. prob just the art style
whatever i wouldnt care as long as it looks good and fits the game.
Dec 4, 2008 7:12 AM

Oct 2008
Firality said:
DigimonTamer said:
Yes, I am a console hater. I hate on the Xbox 360, the Playstation 3, and the Nintendo Wii..............seriously, this generation has been awful.

None of the creativity, boldness, quality, and just flat out fun of last generation.

Seems that everything that comes out anymore is a shooter or some form of generic action game or RPG with no soul. The RPGs especially. The PS2 is still getting much better RPG's than the current consoles.

But I guess pretty HD graphics can get people to buy into anything *sigh*

kinda hard to be original these days, everythings been pretty much done, even if you put soul into it, it'll be similar to another game and people will compare.

and you're generalising that alot of the games this gen are crap.. they're actually good. COD4, bioshock, fallout 3, fable 2, i dont see how games like these are worse than those of last gen.

True. The problem with videogames industry is that those who are in the industry for the sake of realizing their dreams of becoming developers don't get the financial and moral support they ought to have, and yet, intruders who only have the means to make games with pretty graphics are the ones who think of concepts and design levels and that is disasterous. We need big names to support indie and creative developers and not monopolize the industry for the sake of money.
Dec 4, 2008 10:30 AM

Jun 2007
Yes, independent developers have been making some brilliant games as of late (some crap ones too, but that's to be expected). The XNA studio offered by Microsoft is a good idea, although Microsoft obviously couldn't resist making it hard on indie groups to get their games noticed by insisting on certain prices...I understand Microsoft are running a business, but not a lot of people are willing to shell out just under £10 for a game made independently. I'm actually hoping that Sony and Nintendo start offering similar services to help break up that little monopoly (unless they already do so of course).
Your search on "Oran Solus" returned the following quotes:
"Oran Solus? I know him. What a wanker. He still owes me a tenner." Oscar Wilde
"Oran, you're so intelligent and awesome <3" Bakayaro
"Oran's sexy." LolitaDecay
"Oran is a sophisticated penguin." Drybananna
"Oran is a Hand-Eye you faggots." EddieSpaghetti
"Oran for Prime Minister." the_prime_one
"Oran is all that is stated in his sig and more." orbitzz

Dec 5, 2008 3:48 AM

Aug 2007
Yes, I do put down on them. I own them all, and I always take bad about all of them.

PS3: All my friends treat the system like they are getting free back rubs. The developers who made the system should of learned from their mistakes last gen and not make it hard to develop for. All they can do with the system is make it look graphically better, but what about the technical like what happen to Orange Box?

360: Its the PS2 this gen it has so many hardware problems like the RROD, and the console has been subjective to be made out of cheap parts. Hundreds of people of reported the power cable being broken. Since MS decided to try to be the first system out and they needed to forget the memories of the original Xbox they messed up how their new system will fare out there.

Wii: The only thing I hate on this is, the developers will not go to the system even though it is winning and they developers can't even handle making good waggling games other then Nintendo. It's like they don't want to admit that the weaker system always gets the most people.
Dec 6, 2008 1:37 AM

Dec 2007
Lots of "interesting" statements here...well, let's see:

Someone use to tell me that "quality" is not an opinion, it's a fact.

Well, someone lied to you.

-360 is for FPS fanatics & jock dickheads who love to curse out & insult strangers on Live

That one's actually true. So many people hate XBox Live because its simply not an enjoyable experience. Full of 13 year olds that curse out people during their FPS matches. Now, before a bunch of people jump down my throat, let's remember: statistics mean nothing to the individual. If you have an enjoyable experience, my statement doesn't somehow negate that.

None of the creativity, boldness, quality, and just flat out fun of last generation.

I was tempted to call this a flat-out crock, but then I realized this is just subjective opinion. I could say the same thing of the last generation--that it just doesn't have the creativity and quality of the PS1 and N64, but that wouldn't make my statement any more true than yours. I'm still TEMPTED to call it a crock though, since PS1 RPGs are WAY better than the mostly mediocre PS2 RPGs. :D

Seems that everything that comes out anymore is a shooter

This is true though. There are WAY too many shooters out now. Even my friend, who actually likes them, started hearing about more shooters coming out for the rest of the year (this was back in August) and the next and he just grumbled "No more shooters man--I'm shot out!" At this point I'm thinking most of the people STILL enjoying the mountain of FPS games are the hardcore addicts.

Wii: The only thing I hate on this is, the developers will not go to the system even though it is winning and they developers can't even handle making good waggling games other then Nintendo. It's like they don't want to admit that the weaker system always gets the most people.

LMAO. I bet you're not, but you sound like a hardcore Nintendo fanboy here. Now we're blaming the developers for the Wii's lack of games? Let's not be ridiculous. Its not their fault. The fact is, Nintendo wanted the casual gamers--and they got them. They got the aunts and uncles and grandmothers and whatever. But they sacrificed tech for this, so certain things happened.

- The motion control makes it hard to port games to other systems, as you essentially have to re-design how the game plays for the PS3 and the 360.

- The weaker specs make it hard/pointless to port games from other systems, as there are things the PS3 and 360 can do that the Wii flat out cannot do. When you DO see a port, its usually because an entirely different development studio created what's probably an entirely different game.

Those two together create a pretty good argument for them not to develop games for the Wii. Yeah, more people have the system, but as I understand it, the attach rate is crap, so they're sticking with the PS3 and 360 because...y'know...they like to make money.

Anyway, "actively" hate on a system? I don't have the time. But I don't like the 360 because they have so many exclusives. Games this generation are so expensive that to really make a profit this was going to be the generation of multi-platform games, but they had to muck it up.
Jumping in Headfirst - I hear reading it causes immortality. Warning. Reading may not actually cause immortality.
Dec 6, 2008 2:03 AM

May 2008
I don't know that I've posted in this thread, but I'm doing it again anyway.

I hate and dislike a little bit of all consoles. But like them all enough in the end.
I mean shouldn't a gamer like consoles instead of hate them?

For me, the Wii seems to be too pandering to people who don't like games.
Which is good in it's own right, but it doesn't help me out because I'm a weeaboo gamer not a Wii Sports and Bratz Doll player.

Not enough good "hardcore" games for the Wii.
Also, the Wiimote isn't THAT good as it seems. And games don't often utilize it well enough. At times it can enhance your gaming, at others, it feels little more than a strain and a nuisance. I'm surprised the technology for such things and motion sensoring didn't improve more at this point. It's sure a heck of a lot better than that Powerglove or that Microsoft PC controller(Sidewinder was it?), but it still has a few issues of it's own that are worth criticizing.

The interface is more than previous generations, feeling more like a computer. But it's STILL crappy. It all spells shallow and casual to me. And now you have to freaking PAY for Opera browser, the only one you have a choice of. How messed up is that? I swear when I used the XBOX360 it felt all animu'd and hardcore'd out in comparison.

Microsoft XBOX360 is loads better than it's previous system. Especially for a Weeaboo gamer like me. But it still has that XBOX Western only game stigma with me. And Microsoft has enough money already. I don't need them taking over my videogame industry as well. And I still just feel I can only halfway trust them as a weeaboo gamer. It's also not as powerful as the PS3.

And for the PS3, it's really ugly in comparison to the last one. I mean does it really need that bulge? The other two look look like freaking stylish iPods. Sleek and small. And the PS2 was really pretty a beauty. But this thing's bulky and ugly. Not a good design at all. People want something the can sit their VCR or other system on top of.

It's not backwards compatible enough. The controllers didn't even come with rumble this time(I mean WTF?), and it's just generally overpriced. It feels like you're paying for an overpriced, generally incomplete system. And it's also lots of a lot of it's exclusives to the XBOX360.

But aside from that, that's just to say they all have their ups and downs. I just mentioned the downs to get them out of the way. Console wars are stupid and I hate them. If you've got the money to have a PS3 and call the others who don't poor, you have the money to go out and buy the other systems and shut the hell up. If you think the Wii is for casual gamers only, Nintendo fanboys, and doesn't have any good games. Well then you're stereotyping Nintendo fans and haven't been looking into the games well enough. If you think the XBOX is going to destroy Japanese gaming, well then I don't think you know the industry well enough.

In the end, gaming is gaming. And ALL the systems have something to offer if you're actually a gamer and not a console fanboy.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Dec 6, 2008 4:07 AM

Dec 2007

And for the PS3, it's really ugly in comparison to the last one. I mean does it really need that bulge? The other two look look like freaking stylish iPods. Sleek and small. And the PS2 was really pretty a beauty. But this thing's bulky and ugly. Not a good design at all. People want something the can sit their VCR or other system on top of.

Okay first off, the iPod sucks. Second off...have you SEEN the original PS1? Its a big, ugly gray rectangle. Or the original PS2? A big black shoebox. Compared to both of those the PS3 is the pinnacle of sleek.

Now, I'm sure eventually they'll release a PSThree much like they released a PSOne and a PSTwo, but even if they don't its STILL better looking than what the last two systems started off with.

If you think the Wii is for casual gamers only, Nintendo fanboys, and doesn't have any good games. Well then you're stereotyping Nintendo fans and haven't been looking into the games well enough. If you think the XBOX is going to destroy Japanese gaming, well then I don't think you know the industry well enough.

You seem to have a slight misunderstanding of how things are working for Nintendo and Xbox.

The Xbox already HAS destroyed Japanese gaming. (Well not really, but they are changing things.) Microsoft just gaijin smashed its way into shit and bought up exclusives just so it could win in Japan.

And the Wii IS for casual gamers and Nintendo fanboys. Not ONLY, as that would imply no one else could have a good time playing it, which isn't true, but take a look at the list of Wii games. You'll find a lot of really simple, fun "batch mini-games" video games, ports of games that if you played on the PS3 or the 360 you'd find are MUCH better, and some A-List first party titles.

(Oh, and if you look at the Japanese list, you'll find quite a large number of anime games, too.)
Jumping in Headfirst - I hear reading it causes immortality. Warning. Reading may not actually cause immortality.
Dec 6, 2008 9:51 AM

Aug 2007
SageShinigami said:
Lots of "interesting" statements here...well, let's see:

LMAO. I bet you're not, but you sound like a hardcore Nintendo fanboy here. Now we're blaming the developers for the Wii's lack of games? Let's not be ridiculous. Its not their fault. The fact is, Nintendo wanted the casual gamers--and they got them. They got the aunts and uncles and grandmothers and whatever. But they sacrificed tech for this, so certain things happened.

- The motion control makes it hard to port games to other systems, as you essentially have to re-design how the game plays for the PS3 and the 360.

- The weaker specs make it hard/pointless to port games from other systems, as there are things the PS3 and 360 can do that the Wii flat out cannot do. When you DO see a port, its usually because an entirely different development studio created what's probably an entirely different game.

Those two together create a pretty good argument for them not to develop games for the Wii. Yeah, more people have the system, but as I understand it, the attach rate is crap, so they're sticking with the PS3 and 360 because...y'know...they like to make money.

First time I got called a Nintendo fanboy. Lol. I always get called a MS one, since I think Blu-Ray is useless and it is not needed.

It’s actually not just Nintendo’s fault at this, it’s both of them. This is a business and each company developers included need to do their part in order to get more people. We already seeing this happening with Square-Enix and there games.

It’s also not really the lack of games per say, or ports as you say; it’s more on how they take it serious. I as a Wii owner I’m NOT asking for 360 & PS3 games with HD goodness but are own games we can call our own. Games that will put it on par with the 360 & PS3, there is no needing for a port of games of that for me since I will just buy the game for the respective console. We just want games that make us jump for joy like how people did for MGS4 and Gears 2. I wouldn’t mind seeing more games like No More Heroes or RE4: Wii Edition or Muramasa: The Demon Sword. The PS2 was the weakest system lets be honest here it’s weaker then the Wii, but it had all the exclusives despite it being hard to develop for.

As for your arguments, I agree with the Wiimote controls, since I’m aware that developers are used to making traditional controls and I prefer the traditional. Though it makes me wonder why they can take the time to wrap around the PS3 hard to use cell processor and not learn to use controls properly. The second point about the hardware, I don’t think as I said Wii owners are looking for ports. They just want their own games that are not just riddle with Nintendo first party games. Wii owners are happy to hear that the new Tales of game for the main series will be for the Wii. More like that please. :)

I been meaning to ask you attaché rate means software sales, right? If that is indeed the case, then the Wii is the choice for developers. Its software sales are absurd, it has the highest software sales that is has been seen in years. It almost proves that the US is not in a recession, even though we are. XD The Wii is highest for software sales for 1st and 3rd party games, the 360 is second and PS3 is last and theirs is pitiful since all the people who bought the system just wanted it since it was a cheap Blu-Ray player. (It was announced by various claims that people bought the PS3 for that reason only)
Dec 6, 2008 5:04 PM

May 2008
SageShinigami said:
Okay first off, the iPod sucks. Second off...have you SEEN the original PS1?

The PSOne was nice for it's generation, it terms of looks.
And I hate the Mac, but damn if all their products aren't sleek as hell.

And the PS3 is not sleek at all.
It looks like it's made out of fragile cheap plastic and it's bulging at the top.
The PS2 you can at least sit your other systems on top of.

I think the PS2 is by far the best design of all their systems. Where you're getting that shoebox thing from I dunno.

SageShinigami said:
The Xbox already HAS destroyed Japanese gaming.

It's only now getting a standing chance within the console industry. I hardly say that's "destroying" the Japanese gaming industry.

Destroying the Japanese industry would be being the dominant console and helping to create less of an industry for weeaboo games such as jRPGs, and fighters while giving the forefront to FPSs and wRPGs.

Which could happen, and is a worry of mine, considering I'm just about an exclusive weeaboo gamer only. But it's far from being the case yet. And so far it seems like "hey, we care about you weeaboo gamers too". Though that's just because it's advantageous to them. I swear though if they didn't, they would have done a lot more to hurt weeaboo gaming.

SageShinigami said:
Not ONLY, as that would imply no one else could have a good time playing it, which isn't true

Yet a lot of people seem to imply that.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Dec 6, 2008 6:27 PM

Nov 2007
ukonkivi said:

And the PS3 is not sleek at all.
It looks like it's made out of fragile cheap plastic and it's bulging at the top.
The PS2 you can at least sit your other systems on top of.

The PS3 is the furthest thing from sleek. It's huge and cumbersome, and it weighs a ton. Personally, I am waiting to see if they come out with a PS3 slim.

I'm not sure stacking systems on top of each other would be a very good idea. I would think the systems would overheat faster... Or, if nothing else, they'd be more likely to topple over.
Dec 6, 2008 6:58 PM

Dec 2007
Not really hating on it, but the ps3 is the least likely for me to buy since it has very little games that I would want.
Dec 6, 2008 11:42 PM

Apr 2007
The Wii, for being a festering pile of shovelware.
Dec 7, 2008 1:56 PM

Jun 2008
My hatred has spread - I hate 360 and PS3 now; letting my sister use my ps3 as a blu-ray player.

Nintendo Wii and DS shall continue to not discriminate against anyone and exponentially bring in new crowds of gamers while 360 and PS3 do not. Then, in that shining future in next gens~ number wise, even now and then, Nintendo will still crush the prejudice based consoles and bring peace in the gaming industry once and for all :3

(part of hate is joking around btw, but I am no longer going to buy sony games. Oh no, one customer doesn't matter - I know. This is just because I personally hate them, not hoping they will be bankrupt or anything.)

Dec 7, 2008 1:57 PM
Jun 2008
Nintendo, go stuff your innovation and realease some decent games that aren't gimmicks.

Dec 7, 2008 2:30 PM

Sep 2007
Rikuna said:
My hatred has spread - I hate 360 and PS3 now; letting my sister use my ps3 as a blu-ray player.
(part of hate is joking around btw, but I am no longer going to buy sony games. Oh no, one customer doesn't matter - I know. This is just because I personally hate them, not hoping they will be bankrupt or anything.)

Why am I going to end up laughing if a new PS3 game comes and you'll make a thread about it?

the_prime_one said:
Nintendo, go stuff your innovation and realease some decent games that aren't gimmicks.

Have you tried non-Nintendo games? I personally think Nintendo hasn't made too much games worthwhile unlike on the Gamecube.
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