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To all lolicons, what about real life loli?

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Oct 10, 2008 9:41 PM
Apr 2008
Rpg and Raz, you guys could've put a more logical arguement against it, you know. Saying it's wrong only because it's against your beliefs would be the same as if the Pope said that all Muslims must die because they're not Catholic. -_-

You call him a fanatic, yet he seems to be the more rational one. He continually provided valid evidence, yet you kept countering with dumb insults. You both have minds; use them! By the way, did you two morons fail English?

Which brings me to the main arguement:

While it's true that young girls were wed to people many, many years ago, you have to put it into context; people died a lot younger during that time period. The reason they married young is because they wanted to have as many children as possible before they died to ensure their family line would continue.

Nowadays, that's hardly the case. People are living longer than ever, so such traditions became unnecessary with time.

Also, physically, intercourse with children under 12 could cause irreparable harm. I've read about several child rape cases in which the developing reproductive organs were pretty much destroyed, taking away any chances of them having children of their own.

Not only that, but many teens have sex at early ages and ultimately regret it later in life in most cases, saying they made the wrong decisions because they weren't mentally prepared for it. If teens in the 12-17 range aren't always mentally prepared for intercourse, then how can children under that age be? Now granted, there are exceptions, but in general, that's the case.

So, it's probably safe to say that intercourse is generally harmful for children, and should remain illegal. Although, I do think the legal age in the US should be lowered to 16.
Oct 10, 2008 9:56 PM

Jun 2008
I personally can feel quite strong sexual feelings for girls from 15 to 36. But i can never find my self liking a 6 or a 12 old because those girls don't even have breast or a female body.. Even in anime i like the same ages. Yes i might make some sexual thought of a loli if i see one in some sexual scene in a hentai or anime but i thing of almost anything anyway and is not exactly the same since i don't even want to watch real child porn.
I even feel guilty some times that i might find sexy some 15 or 16 year old girls but i think it's not strange since there body is fully grown.
I do believe that children don't have any interest in sex and they don't ask for things like that. It's sick adults that lure them in to such traps and even in the unlikely chance that a child actually asks for something sexual is stupid to take advantage of such a thing because an 8 year old can't think clearly. You are supposed to be the adult and to the responsible thing.
Even if the child didn't feel any problem sucking your dick now after a few years that will think more clear it's gone understand what happen and it will affect it's life for ever in a bad way.
Even biologically is obvious that there body is not ready yet.
MonadOct 10, 2008 10:05 PM
Oct 10, 2008 9:59 PM

Jul 2007
Zetsubou1117 said:
While it's true that young girls were wed to people many, many years ago, you have to put it into context; people died a lot younger during that time period. The reason they married young is because they wanted to have as many children as possible before they died to ensure their family line would continue.

This reminded me of some Roman medical thought... Basically, during that time period, it was thought that sexual desire actually, literally caused a person to burn internally if allowed to build up. Women, being weaker than men, were more susceptible to feeling sexual desire and thus to this excessive build up of internal sexual heat. So, it was thought almost for the wellbeing of women, that once a girl reached puberty, generally around 12, that she be married off so as to avoid a potentially life-threatening state.
Oct 10, 2008 9:59 PM

Aug 2008
true true, I could have placed my arguement in a better way. But I really dont feel the reasoning why I would have to find research and proof that having sex with kids is wrong, or hurtful.

Meh in the end, it comes down to the fact that I am a lazy asshole, and in reality, even if I dont back up my arguement with research or even present it in a rational matter, the majority of the population on this planet sees it the same way I do. And no matter how much bogus research or so-called facts that you all may find it will not change the matter that it is wrong, and advocating that molestation is right is only going to be hurtful to the ones that believe it.

Truth being, the more I see everyone on this forum sit here and complain about little shit like 'insulting a user' or 'grammatical errors' , even how a post is presented just blows my mind. You people seem more for how the arguement is presented, and not about the arguement itself.

If I present killing newborns and using them as foot warmers in a rational manner, in which I present some nut jobs research, use perfect grammer and space everything to you people's liking that I am honestly inclined to believe that you will side with me because of just how my post looks, and not what I am actually talking about.

Keep you mind on what the thread is about, not about how well my grammer is, or how many spaces a post has or if I think you all are sick fucks who sit here and condole all of this shit because its presented in a 'rational' manner.

Oct 10, 2008 10:01 PM

Apr 2008
Razma said:
true true, I could have placed my arguement in a better way. But I really dont feel the reasoning why I would have to find research and proof that having sex with kids is wrong, or hurtful.

Never been to college, eh?
Oct 10, 2008 10:03 PM

Aug 2008
Plate said:
Razma said:
true true, I could have placed my arguement in a better way. But I really dont feel the reasoning why I would have to find research and proof that having sex with kids is wrong, or hurtful.

Never been to college, eh?

Drop out ^_^ and damn proud of it my friend

Yet I havnt seen any great words from the amazing Plate so far, just random insults. please indulge me with your god like abilities
Oct 10, 2008 10:04 PM
Apr 2008
Razma said:

Keep you mind on what the thread is about, not about how well my grammer is, or how many spaces a post has or if I think you all are sick fucks who sit here and condole all of this shit because its presented in a 'rational' manner.

Wow, what are you so pissed about? I just presented a logical arguement helping your cause against him. And the way the post is presented and how well grammar is used helps show how intelligent the poster is. Which is why I called you a moron earlier, even though I agreed with your general arguement.
Oct 10, 2008 10:08 PM

Apr 2008
Razma said:
Plate said:
Razma said:
true true, I could have placed my arguement in a better way. But I really dont feel the reasoning why I would have to find research and proof that having sex with kids is wrong, or hurtful.

Never been to college, eh?

Drop out ^_^ and damn proud of it my friend

Yet I havnt seen any great words from the amazing Plate so far, just random insults. please indulge me with your god like abilities

Ah, and I see it has gotten you far.

I'm staying out of the argument. I find it more enjoyable to watch.

Though I like how you're already pulling the condescending sarcasm card, I must really bother you.
Oct 10, 2008 10:08 PM

Aug 2008
Zetsubou1117 said:
Razma said:

Keep you mind on what the thread is about, not about how well my grammer is, or how many spaces a post has or if I think you all are sick fucks who sit here and condole all of this shit because its presented in a 'rational' manner.

Wow, what are you so pissed about? I just presented a logical arguement helping your cause against him. And the way the post is presented and how well grammar is used helps show how intelligent the poster is. Which is why I called you a moron earlier, even though I agreed with your general arguement.

I am not pissed, as false as that might appear. Honestly, this isnt angering me in the least, I just find it funny that a lot of the hate that is in this forum is about how a poster presents his arguement, and not on the arguement itself, its just comical. The fact that I need to prepare a 3 page paper with a bibliography in an anime forum is a little ironic, no?
Oct 10, 2008 10:09 PM

Apr 2008
Razma said:
The fact that I need to prepare a 3 page paper with a bibliography in an anime forum is a little ironic, no?

I'd pay for this.

To have something on the level of a peer reviewed journal, in an anime forum, discussing loli - paradise. 3 pages, no, perhaps you could just give an abstract.
Oct 10, 2008 10:09 PM

Jul 2008
Zetsubou1117 said:
Rpg and Raz, you guys could've put a more logical arguement against it, you know.

I could sum up a completely valid argument against it in one word, innocence.

I see a lot of these guys trying to make the point of "if it doesn't hurt the child, then its ok," which is the most bullshit excuse I have heard to defend the act of pedophilia. Thats like a dude into bestiality saying "well if it doesn't hurt the animal, then its ok."

Children that are prepubescent are INNOCENT of sexual attraction and anybody that tells you otherwise has obviously taken Kodomo no Jikan way too seriously. Now the fact that you are introducing this strange act that they don't understand, its likely(but not always) to leave the child sexually confused or stigmatized.

People also try to use the excuse "well they did child marriages all the time in like the 15th century", well my response to that is, yes, they did do that, and they also believed that witches were real and burned people on stakes, so do you believe in that too?

EDIT:shortened the quote
DefianceOct 10, 2008 10:54 PM
Oct 10, 2008 10:11 PM

Aug 2008
Plate said:
Razma said:
Plate said:
Razma said:
true true, I could have placed my arguement in a better way. But I really dont feel the reasoning why I would have to find research and proof that having sex with kids is wrong, or hurtful.

Never been to college, eh?

Drop out ^_^ and damn proud of it my friend

Yet I havnt seen any great words from the amazing Plate so far, just random insults. please indulge me with your god like abilities

Ah, and I see it has gotten you far.

I'm staying out of the argument. I find it more enjoyable to watch.

Though I like how you're already pulling the condescending sarcasm card, I must really bother you.

Haha, we are more alike that you know. You get your jollies off of getting under someones skin, I have to admit that I am the same way at times. But ya you are starting to be a bother, although think of how boring this thread would be if no one was throwing coal on the fire. So do your thing
Oct 10, 2008 10:14 PM
Apr 2008
Razma said:
Honestly, this isnt angering me in the least, I just find it funny that a lot of the hate that is in this forum is about how a poster presents his arguement, and not on the arguement itself, its just comical. The fact that I need to prepare a 3 page paper with a bibliography in an anime forum is a little ironic, no?
If you can't express your views in a presentable fashion, then how do you expect to win a debate over something like this? And again, I don't hate you, I just think you should've been held back.
Oct 10, 2008 10:18 PM
Apr 2008
Defiance said:

I could sum up a completely valid argument against it in one word, innocence.

I see a lot of these guys trying to make the point of "if it doesn't hurt the child, then its ok," which is the most bullshit excuse I have heard to defend the act of pedophilia. Thats like a dude into bestiality saying "well if it doesn't hurt the animal, then its ok."

Children that are prepubescent are INNOCENT of sexual attraction and anybody that tells you otherwise has obviously taken Kodomo no Jikan way too seriously. Now the fact that you are introducing this strange act that they don't understand, its likely(but not always) to leave the child sexually confused or stigmatized.

People also try to use the excuse "well they did child marriages all the time in like the 15th century", well my response to that is, yes, they did do that, and they also believed that witches were real and burned people on stakes, so do you believe in that too?
Uh, I think you're quoting the wrong guy.. I typed that post in reply to something said in an earlier post in this thread..
Oct 10, 2008 10:21 PM

Jul 2008
Zetsubou1117 said:
Uh, I think you're quoting the wrong guy.. I typed that post in reply to something said in an earlier post in this thread..

to me it looked like you just wanted somebody to put out a rational argument, so i did you a favor. So im definitely not quoting the wrong guy lol. also, im just backing up the guys that were backing me
Oct 10, 2008 10:24 PM
Apr 2008
Defiance said:
Zetsubou1117 said:
Uh, I think you're quoting the wrong guy.. I typed that post in reply to something said in an earlier post in this thread..

to me it looked like you just wanted somebody to put out a rational argument, so i did you a favor. So im definitely not quoting the wrong guy lol.
Huh? I think you're confused, we're both against the same thing. My post that you quoted was basically going against everything khorven said earlier in this thread.
Oct 10, 2008 10:27 PM

Aug 2008
Zetsubou1117 said:
Razma said:
Honestly, this isnt angering me in the least, I just find it funny that a lot of the hate that is in this forum is about how a poster presents his arguement, and not on the arguement itself, its just comical. The fact that I need to prepare a 3 page paper with a bibliography in an anime forum is a little ironic, no?
If you can't express your views in a presentable fashion, then how do you expect to win a debate over something like this? And again, I don't hate you, I just think you should've been held back.

Ya I probably should have been held back, I am a dumbass who has an engineering job. Man life sucks when you dont go to college and still pull in 6 figures a year at 22. Luckily I didnt have an english quiz to get the job
Oct 10, 2008 10:28 PM

Jul 2008
Zetsubou1117 said:
Defiance said:
Zetsubou1117 said:
Uh, I think you're quoting the wrong guy.. I typed that post in reply to something said in an earlier post in this thread..

to me it looked like you just wanted somebody to put out a rational argument, so i did you a favor. So im definitely not quoting the wrong guy lol.
Huh? I think you're confused, we're both against the same thing. My post that you quoted was basically going against everything khorven said earlier in this thread.

i know, but you were chewing out rpg and raz for not putting up a decent argument, so i thew my 2 cents in so you had somebody with a decent one lol
Oct 10, 2008 10:29 PM

Aug 2008
You know, I still think my first post wasnt all that bad, I mean ya I got a little heated at the end but shit ^_^ I liked it
Oct 10, 2008 10:35 PM
Apr 2008
Defiance said:

i know, but you were chewing out rpg and raz for not putting up a decent argument, so i thew my 2 cents in so you had somebody with a decent one lol
Oh, ok, lol, I thought you were trying to go against what I said because you quoted my post.
Razma said:
Ya I probably should have been held back, I am a dumbass who has an engineering job. Man life sucks when you dont go to college and still pull in 6 figures a year at 22. Luckily I didnt have an english quiz to get the job
Just because you make money doesn't mean you're smart. Look at Paris Hilton, she's rich as hell, but she's the dumbest person I know. On the other hand, look at great minds like Gustav Klimt, Vincent van Gogh, Oscar Wilde, they all died without much money. The point is, money does not mean intelligence.
Oct 10, 2008 10:46 PM

Aug 2008
Zetsubou1117 said:
Defiance said:

i know, but you were chewing out rpg and raz for not putting up a decent argument, so i thew my 2 cents in so you had somebody with a decent one lol
Oh, ok, lol, I thought you were trying to go against what I said because you quoted my post.
Razma said:
Ya I probably should have been held back, I am a dumbass who has an engineering job. Man life sucks when you dont go to college and still pull in 6 figures a year at 22. Luckily I didnt have an english quiz to get the job
Just because you make money doesn't mean you're smart. Look at Paris Hilton, she's rich as hell, but she's the dumbest person I know. On the other hand, look at great minds like Gustav Klimt, Vincent van Gogh, Oscar Wilde, they all died without much money. The point is, money does not mean intelligence.

the point is im an engineer not a master debater, or any type of english goru at all. And yes, money means nothing in terms of intelligence, but it gets you a lot further in life than silly abstract philosophies or correct grammer, as bad as that sounds. Something that I learned the hard way, and that seems to be the only real way to understand it.
Oct 10, 2008 10:48 PM

Sep 2008
How did you guys get off topic?
This is a really interesting argument in my opinion.

If you take khorven's idea from a historical perspective, he does have points to make; children were used for sex, tales of sex with animals were common, and bisexuality of course was mostly if not all to be acceptable. Maybe because the Spread of the Judean religions e.g. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam has caused us to be a little weary of the cases of human sexuality; but our ancestors of course didn't think so.

Though I will have to admit that Animal Sex is really bad because humans can contract diseases from animal sex organs; like AIDS for example.

However, sexual attraction is really flexible and doesn't necessarily make a person, a bad person; it just means that certain aspects of objects or organisms upstart a turn on. It's merely based upon the individual's background and experience.

I perhaps don't encourage individuals to go out and have sex with anything and everything, (because unfortunately the world has laws) but I'm saying that we shouldn't criticize an individual's sense of sexual attraction based upon our own bias. However, there is a treatment for any kind ---philia; you just merely get the individual to get turned on by a living person of the opposite sex at an "appropriate" age. I'm saying that because it is unfortunately against the law, we gotta help that guy or girl to get his sexual turn ons to the "norm".

This is just my opinion, Lolis are cute to me also, but to be sexually attractive is a whole another level for me.
What isn't red? What isn't blue?
Oct 10, 2008 10:55 PM

Jul 2008
SkiesOfBlue said:
How did you guys get off topic?
This is a really interesting argument in my opinion.

If you take khorven's idea from a historical perspective, he does have points to make; children were used for sex, tales of sex with animals were common, and bisexuality of course was mostly if not all to be acceptable. Maybe because the Spread of the Judean religions e.g. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam has caused us to be a little weary of the cases of human sexuality; but our ancestors of course didn't think so.

Though I will have to admit that Animal Sex is really bad because humans can contract diseases from animal sex organs; like AIDS for example.

However, sexual attraction is really flexible and doesn't necessarily make a person, a bad person; it just means that certain aspects of objects or organisms upstart a turn on. It's merely based upon the individual's background and experience.

I perhaps don't encourage individuals to go out and have sex with anything and everything, (because unfortunately the world has laws) but I'm saying that we shouldn't criticize an individual's sense of sexual attraction based upon our own bias. However, there is a treatment for any kind ---philia; you just merely get the individual to get turned on by a living person of the opposite sex at an "appropriate" age. I'm saying that because it is unfortunately against the law, we gotta help that guy or girl to get his sexual turn ons to the "norm".

This is just my opinion, Lolis are cute to me also, but to be sexually attractive is a whole another level for me.

their dirty sex is what makes god send hurricanes

EDIT:refer to post #164 for my real opinion
DefianceOct 10, 2008 11:05 PM
Oct 10, 2008 11:15 PM

Sep 2008
lol, hmm you do make a point about the innocence of children... and I agree with your statement. And regarding with your reference to burning at stakes, hey every generation has their set of really twisted rules and beliefs; including our own...

but let's face it, everyone's different, we can't really influence a person's beliefs in most cases. Not saying it's impossible, but humans are fascinating creatures and because it's in our genes, sex drives us to get turned on by the strangest things.
What isn't red? What isn't blue?
Oct 11, 2008 12:18 AM

Aug 2007
Razma said:
true true, I could have placed my arguement in a better way. But I really dont feel the reasoning why I would have to find research and proof that having sex with kids is wrong, or hurtful.

Meh in the end, it comes down to the fact that I am a lazy asshole, and in reality, even if I dont back up my arguement with research or even present it in a rational matter, the majority of the population on this planet sees it the same way I do. And no matter how much bogus research or so-called facts that you all may find it will not change the matter that it is wrong, and advocating that molestation is right is only going to be hurtful to the ones that believe it.

Truth being, the more I see everyone on this forum sit here and complain about little shit like 'insulting a user' or 'grammatical errors' , even how a post is presented just blows my mind. You people seem more for how the arguement is presented, and not about the arguement itself.

If I present killing newborns and using them as foot warmers in a rational manner, in which I present some nut jobs research, use perfect grammer and space everything to you people's liking that I am honestly inclined to believe that you will side with me because of just how my post looks, and not what I am actually talking about.

Keep you mind on what the thread is about, not about how well my grammer is, or how many spaces a post has or if I think you all are sick fucks who sit here and condole all of this shit because its presented in a 'rational' manner.

Now I'm not saying that I'm supporting the view points but to call something bogus and fake without any proof at all is plain ignorance.
Oct 11, 2008 12:25 AM

Aug 2008
Drunk_Samurai said:
Razma said:
true true, I could have placed my arguement in a better way. But I really dont feel the reasoning why I would have to find research and proof that having sex with kids is wrong, or hurtful.

Meh in the end, it comes down to the fact that I am a lazy asshole, and in reality, even if I dont back up my arguement with research or even present it in a rational matter, the majority of the population on this planet sees it the same way I do. And no matter how much bogus research or so-called facts that you all may find it will not change the matter that it is wrong, and advocating that molestation is right is only going to be hurtful to the ones that believe it.

Truth being, the more I see everyone on this forum sit here and complain about little shit like 'insulting a user' or 'grammatical errors' , even how a post is presented just blows my mind. You people seem more for how the arguement is presented, and not about the arguement itself.

If I present killing newborns and using them as foot warmers in a rational manner, in which I present some nut jobs research, use perfect grammer and space everything to you people's liking that I am honestly inclined to believe that you will side with me because of just how my post looks, and not what I am actually talking about.

Keep you mind on what the thread is about, not about how well my grammer is, or how many spaces a post has or if I think you all are sick fucks who sit here and condole all of this shit because its presented in a 'rational' manner.

Now I'm not saying that I'm supporting the view points but to call something bogus and fake without any proof at all is plain ignorance.

You have made me see the light!!! Truly, you have.

Now just reread the last part of that quote and replace that in with the sarcasm I just typed
Oct 11, 2008 12:29 AM

Apr 2008
Drunk_Samurai said:
Razma said:
true true, I could have placed my arguement in a better way. But I really dont feel the reasoning why I would have to find research and proof that having sex with kids is wrong, or hurtful.

Meh in the end, it comes down to the fact that I am a lazy asshole, and in reality, even if I dont back up my arguement with research or even present it in a rational matter, the majority of the population on this planet sees it the same way I do. And no matter how much bogus research or so-called facts that you all may find it will not change the matter that it is wrong, and advocating that molestation is right is only going to be hurtful to the ones that believe it.

Truth being, the more I see everyone on this forum sit here and complain about little shit like 'insulting a user' or 'grammatical errors' , even how a post is presented just blows my mind. You people seem more for how the arguement is presented, and not about the arguement itself.

If I present killing newborns and using them as foot warmers in a rational manner, in which I present some nut jobs research, use perfect grammer and space everything to you people's liking that I am honestly inclined to believe that you will side with me because of just how my post looks, and not what I am actually talking about.

Keep you mind on what the thread is about, not about how well my grammer is, or how many spaces a post has or if I think you all are sick fucks who sit here and condole all of this shit because its presented in a 'rational' manner.

Now I'm not saying that I'm supporting the view points but to call something bogus and fake without any proof at all is plain ignorance.

Razma isn't familiar with academic integrity.
Oct 11, 2008 12:35 AM

Nov 2006
hey kids, let's listen to dan!

and remember to stay on topic! :)
Oct 11, 2008 12:37 AM

Aug 2008
*For plate*

Haha, I am not, true true. Or any type of integrity for that matter, just call me a dumb dune coon
Oct 11, 2008 12:37 AM

Mar 2007
i like babies...

[spoielr] DRIPPING WITH SAUCE![/spoielr]

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Oct 11, 2008 12:39 AM

Apr 2008
Wasted_Life said:
i like babies...

[spoielr] DRIPPING WITH SAUCE![/spoielr]

Oh fuck yeah Swift.
Oct 11, 2008 4:08 AM

May 2008
SkiesOfBlue said:
lol, hmm you do make a point about the innocence of children...

Well since everyone here likes to think of lolis as innocent(lol) and therefor you shouldn't take away their innocence, obviously you wouldn't have any problem having sex with this little girl amirite?

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 11, 2008 5:28 AM

Feb 2005
ukonkivi said:
SkiesOfBlue said:
lol, hmm you do make a point about the innocence of children...

Well since everyone here likes to think of lolis as innocent(lol) and therefor you shouldn't take away their innocence, obviously you wouldn't have any problem having sex with this little girl amirite?, I think I'll pass...
Oct 11, 2008 5:43 AM

Jul 2006
Umm, no. I like my lolis cute and 2D.

This is not what I want to see. Ever.

Possibly not work safe.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 11, 2008 5:52 AM

May 2008
He posted CP, GET HIM!

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 11, 2008 5:54 AM

Feb 2005
Kionniko said:
Umm, no. I like my lolis cute and 2D.

This is not what I want to see. Ever.

Possibly not work safe.

Obesity is a problem among children these days.
No, wait, is dat sum CP?
Oct 11, 2008 5:56 AM

Apr 2008
Oct 11, 2008 6:00 AM
Apr 2008
Raz, I never said you had to be an English guru or master debater, or whatever it was you called it. I'm 16 and plan to become a doctor, diagnostician to be exact, which I'm sure you'll agree has nothing to do with knowing proper grammar. I just feel that it's sad that people haven't even come close to mastering their own original language, but still feel they should be taken seriously in arguements. =/
Oct 11, 2008 6:06 AM
Apr 2008
windy said:
hey kids, let's listen to dan!

and remember to stay on topic! :)
Oops, sorry, didn't see that.=P
Oct 11, 2008 6:12 AM

May 2008
Defiance said:

Children that are prepubescent are INNOCENT of sexual attraction and anybody that tells you otherwise has obviously taken Kodomo no Jikan way too seriously. Now the fact that you are introducing this strange act that they don't understand, its likely(but not always) to leave the child sexually confused or stigmatized.

Actually I believe studies have shown that prepubescents ARE guilty of sexual attraction, they just don't have working reproductive organs yet.
I touched myself long before I could ejaculate.

And I'm pretty all sure the girls in Kodomo no Jikan are old enough to have gone through puberty.

And really, do we need to be calling virginity or lack of attraction "innocent" in this day and age?
I guess we are all uninnocent, terrible people, then.
We are GUILTY of sexual attraction.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 11, 2008 6:20 AM

Sep 2008
you people have actually sunk as low as to post child porn... Sad...
Oct 11, 2008 6:31 AM

Apr 2008
How the hell is that child porn?
Oct 11, 2008 6:37 AM

Sep 2008
I missed to much good stuff here, sleepover, random MSN contact last morning:

'Can I sleep over one day?'

'Sure, when?'


'Sure, see you tonight, I live on ******'


And she actually randomly showed up 10 hours later, I didn't even know her fucking name or how she looked. oO Apparently Krista // pearl white doll-esque face type with read hair and red lipstick.

That was just fucking weird, strangely kewl though.

Anyway, back in action to pwns your shit verbally and anally.
ukonkivi said:
SkiesOfBlue said:
lol, hmm you do make a point about the innocence of children...

Well since everyone here likes to think of lolis as innocent(lol) and therefor you shouldn't take away their innocence, obviously you wouldn't have any problem having sex with this little girl amirite?

I could have sworn it a guy, hot though.
Perelman, martyr
Oct 11, 2008 6:44 AM

May 2008
If Nevada-Tan ever became an celeb, like Issei Sagawa, I would totally buy her stuff.
She's my idol. Guro me plz Nevada.

Anyway to the people who think little kids are innocent, you obviously never rode the bus home as a kid.:x

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 11, 2008 6:53 AM

Feb 2005
Sohei said:
How the hell is that child porn?

I'd like to know that as well.
ukonkivi said:
I guess we are all uninnocent, terrible people, then.
We are GUILTY of sexual attraction.

There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
And even if there were, Innocentia nihil probat.
Oct 11, 2008 6:56 AM

May 2008
If there's anything that this topic has taught me, it's that sex is evil.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 11, 2008 6:58 AM

Apr 2008
Baman said:

There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
And even if there were, Innocentia nihil probat.

what type of innocence are you refering to? sexual innocence or judicial innocence?

ukonkivi said:
If there's anything that this topic has taught me, it's that sex for fun is evil.

corrected it for you. Not that i agree with the view.
SoheiOct 11, 2008 7:03 AM
Oct 11, 2008 7:04 AM

Feb 2005
Sohei said:
Baman said:

There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
And even if there were, Innocentia nihil probat.

what type of innocence are you refering to? sexual innocence or judicial innocence?

Well, the quotes are referring to Judicial guilt on matters of heresy, but I was thinking more along the lines of Freud's funny ideas about childhood sexuality.
Oct 11, 2008 7:10 AM

Jul 2008
Baman said:

There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
And even if there were, Innocentia nihil probat.

is that the same way theres no such thing as darkness?
Oct 11, 2008 7:20 AM

May 2008
lol, Freud was a pedophile.

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