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Dec 20, 2010 2:54 PM

Aug 2009
Keep the clubs, ditch the PMs
I'm usually active in a few clubs than I am on the forums.
Dec 20, 2010 2:59 PM
Jul 2018
Take em both down.
I can give up them both if it will take away this lag.
Dec 20, 2010 3:00 PM

Feb 2008
Fine with losing PM's.

Not clubs though, to be honest I'd be 110% fine losing forums over clubs.
Dec 20, 2010 3:00 PM

Jun 2008
I would be up for clubs and messages being disabled.

As long as they come back eventually

EDIT: I do hope lag=mysql errors as well, because i just got about 50 of them trying to post this message.
kinoholicDec 20, 2010 3:03 PM
Dec 20, 2010 3:06 PM

Oct 2008
kennikitty said:
I don't care about the private messages, but a lot of clubs need the massmessages to run, so I'd like to have those back... .__.

If going by mass messages, its just to alert members of new things - then it shouldn't be needed. If members are active - then display whatever was going to be in the pm on the front pages. If members aren't active - its their loss.

Maybe if these were to temporary be removed too, maybe during that time you can also plan ahead and think how you could improve the current system. For example, clubs to be approved, deleted if no user activity within 3 months etc...
Dec 20, 2010 3:08 PM

Dec 2009
Oh No! Not the clubs!
Dec 20, 2010 3:09 PM

May 2009
For the private messages I think it should be temporarily disable because most people hardly ever uses it, but as for the clubs I think it should stay as it is since its a great place to share information between other people who watch/read the same anime/manga.
Than again theres what Kvakond mentioned earlier about the clubs only exist to make member cards I'm not saying those clubs are bad or anything personally I like member cards but if temporarily disabling them will make the site go smoother I say it we can live without them for awhile.
Dec 20, 2010 3:46 PM
Dec 2009
Well... Clubs are pointless with this lags anyway.
Dec 20, 2010 3:49 PM
News Team

Apr 2010
freedoleen said:
For all those who want the clubs to remain up - you do realize you won't be able to use them comfortably anyway when the lag kicks in? So what do you prefer, laggy site with clubs or fast site without them? Think twice. Also, keeping only the most active ones up? So the ones that cause the heaviest load? Again - think twice.

I have to agree with freedoleen.
I say go for it.

Submit News × GuidelinesPart of U × Color Your Night × Limelight × Headline˙⊹܀⁺☁︎˚˙⊹⁺.˙⁺
Dec 20, 2010 3:53 PM

Aug 2008
Database entries, lists/stats, profile/comments, and forums (anime/episode/MAL discussion) are the most important to MAL, I think.

If you're stingy then click on CLuClu!
Please consider supporting the end of disenfranchisement on MAL.
Purpose is subjective, therefore quality is subjective.
Dec 20, 2010 4:25 PM

Oct 2007
I don't use either and don't intend to do so. The core functionality is still the list.

My kingdom for a bottle of plum juice!
Dec 20, 2010 4:29 PM

May 2009
I'm cool with it.
Dec 20, 2010 4:35 PM

Sep 2008
Its sad that you've let it come to this considering how long this has all been going on. The PMs are not a gigantic sacrifice but taking the clubs is not really acceptable. There are lots of other sites where I can catalog my anime viewing it is the club feature that sets the site apart from alot of the others.
Dec 20, 2010 4:38 PM
Aug 2007
Jesus Christ, just do it already. If it means cutting down on site lag and making the site better, I'll accept any non-important service being temporarily disabled.
Dec 20, 2010 4:47 PM

Jun 2010
Juriasu said:
Don't care much for private messages, but as for clubs I'd say keep them. I wouldn't even be on this site without them.

Dec 20, 2010 4:50 PM

Apr 2009
Echelon said:
Fine with losing PM's.

Not clubs though, to be honest I'd be 110% fine losing forums over clubs.

Agree with this.

Dec 20, 2010 4:55 PM

Sep 2008
Disable the PMs, 'tis only a minor inconvenience. Although I 'm not active in any clubs I still think they are a cool feature. I think recruiting a few new mods to be assigned to monitoring clubs would be a better idea. Then use your newly acquired slave labor to go through and clean them up. For example, just type in "Naruto" in the clubs option of the search bar and you get 20 pages as a result. Deleting duplicate clubs and maybe needing mod approval for new clubs would help out quite a bit IMO.
Dec 20, 2010 4:56 PM

Oct 2007
Xinil said:
If disabling clubs AND private messages 'guaranteed' up-time and zero lag, would you accept those two areas not working?

I have no horse in this race as I don't use those features so please go ahead, system speed is most important to me. However I do hope it would be only temporary as others get enjoyment from them.
Dec 20, 2010 5:07 PM

Feb 2007
PMs are kind of important to me, as that is how I primarily keep in touch with someone (who will not re-enable their profile comments)...


While clubs I don't care about as much.

Honestly though, if we're talking under a month, fine. More than a month? Well.. I don't see what the problem is.

Why don't you delete accounts that have not been active for over 2 years? Take MAL down for a few hours and purge those members. Would that help?
Dec 20, 2010 5:18 PM

Oct 2009
PM's are fine with me, and I can also do without clubs for awhile if it fixes the issues, lag on stats and posting is just the biggest ongoing issue imo. Unfortunately, there are all the glitches as well-I do not envy you ^_^

Dec 20, 2010 5:20 PM

Oct 2007
only ditch the pms if we will still be able to receive messages from moderators, and that certain removed user.

I say temporarily disable the forums and put up a link on the top of the panel to an alternate forum site for us to use for the moment.
MettyDec 20, 2010 5:35 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 20, 2010 5:20 PM

Jun 2008
If it would fix the problem...yes to both

Dec 20, 2010 5:24 PM

Dec 2008
Rasco said:
Private Messages I can deal with...

But I spend most of my time in clubs and im sure most users do too, Thats Probably the reason why people want the lag gone to Be IN the clubs IMO.

Yesh, totally agree.

Look, let's analyze the thing for a moment: i can surely believe that MAL born as to update lists, and that was the main focusing of everything pretty much at the start. But on the other side we can't deny that right after that, clubs became a very big part of MAL.
The updating an anime list thing, is a pretty genious idea itself, but the community is actually MAL's soul, and is what it makes of it a GREAT place to be in.
Sure thing, not everyone is on MAL, besides the list, b'cuz of clubs - but as many of them are not, many others are instead. I'd say it would be fair enough respecting everybody here.
Still, despite the lag and despite the missing of mass messages since last june, many mal users kept staying active on the community right b'cuz of clubs.

[I'm definitely not an expert of mysql, but what instead about starting allowing the "auto-delete" of an account? there are many ppl on mal that abandoned their accounts, that left them all empty or even some of them just with the write "delete me".. don't many *inactive* accounts create lag too? like, besides the "delete me" type, there are also the ones which are inactive since more than one year or so..]

So, back to the topic, as you asked us an opinion, here's mine: i don't really care about PM and MM at this point, anymore, but i'm totally against disabling clubs.

Dec 20, 2010 5:41 PM

Nov 2008
With the lag fixed, that would be beneficial for everyone, including clubs. But right now clubs are going to be more active with the holidays. So even with lag, active clubs want to continue functioning, even if it's not the most comfortable. To disable this function for an indefinite time seems to hurt a big part of the community, those who do actively participate in clubs and enjoy MAL because of them.

So basically, I'm against disabling clubs, as for pms, I don't use them so it wouldn't affect me, but there must be some who uses it.
Dec 20, 2010 5:43 PM

Oct 2009
Don't care for the clubs but would like PMs

Can you seriously not upgrade the servers instead of removing stuff...? Give donations back and upgrade the servers or something....
Dec 20, 2010 5:43 PM

Jul 2010
I want my list to work and work properly.

I'm here for my list.

List list list.

There are plenty of other sites to be social on, this is the only one I know of where I can catagorize my anime properly. I want to be able to do that, dammit.

Messages suck, they're just another thing to "fix" when you supposedly have over 9000 messages or (!) messages.

I guess having clubs makes some people happy but I cannot stand this lag and if something has to go to fix it, something has to go.
StreetFighterDec 20, 2010 7:38 PM
Dec 20, 2010 6:13 PM

Feb 2009
I'll be blunt, I do NOT care about your lists, which might seem odd considering the site name, but I never came here for the lists in the first place.

I refuse to ever make the mistake of venturing out into the main forums again either.
Not making that error again.

MAL is to me, the club I am in The Later Years, and not anything else.
That's my prerogative as long as I obey the site rules.

I get my recommends from my club members here, and their opinions on anime are the only ones I care to acknowledge. Thus, the ratings of anime here, not necessarily relevant. Rate a show a 10 or a 1 if you want, but if you are not in the club, your numbers mean nothing to me.

If the management decides to effectively kill the club aspect of the site I will interpret that as being told to get lost.
I'll get over it. I CAN lost if I must.

I might already be gotten lost, if I could get my gang to join me at another friend's site.
This move might effectively force the issue.
While not technically anime, currently I am a big fan of Hatsune Miku.
At least I can go see her in concert.
Dec 20, 2010 6:14 PM
Oct 2008
disabling clubs AND private messages

And nothing of value was lost.
Dec 20, 2010 6:19 PM

Jan 2010
I care very much about you disabling our clubs. My club is part of my life! I talk everyday to the people in there. They have become part of my life. I would absulutley HATE it if you disable the clubs even temporarily, I'd rather have the lag.
Dec 20, 2010 6:23 PM

Jul 2008
I don't really care if you disable PMs.

Clubs, perhaps I care slightly for. They are occasionalyl useful for finding lists of anime linked to certain themes, or lists of characters related to said themes. Also the Seasonal club (which changes from Spring to Summer and Autumn and Winter as neccessary each year) is very useful for me to find the MAL pages for newly airing shows I don't remember the names of clearly. Clubs have several important, but not essential functions to me.


PMs - Barely useful
Clubs - Useful but not essential

So if you were to disable both I would still use the site as usual, but disabling clubs would inconvinience me somewhat.
Dec 20, 2010 6:42 PM

Apr 2009
I agree with generally everyone on this thread about the PMs not being very relevant so i dont care if you get rid of it completely. I also agree with everyone to keep the club function going because this is a major component of MAL and why this site is so popular, even though that may be why the lags are happening more often...
Dec 20, 2010 6:44 PM

May 2009
Do it.

This isn't Facebook, we don't need that stuff anyways.

Latest Review
Kino's Journey
Dec 20, 2010 6:47 PM
Jul 2018
get rid of it all
Dec 20, 2010 6:50 PM

Dec 2008
I don't go to clubs much, so I can't say for that, but private messages I can go without. Don't use it, anyway, since I mostly talk with people here either on the threads or on the profile page comments.
Dec 20, 2010 7:03 PM

Nov 2007
Gogetters said:
Don't care for the clubs but would like PMs

Can you seriously not upgrade the servers instead of removing stuff...? Give donations back and upgrade the servers or something....
Xinil does not handle the hardware. MAL is owned by a company and they actually don't need donations. Until Crave pulls its head out of its ass and realizes one of its investments has been in the shitter for over a year, we're not going to see much of a change here.

Which brings me to say that I agree with free and both of these things should be disabled. The support for clubs in this thread just shows how much they contribute to the site's popularity. The potential loss of traffic due to their temporary removal might finally show Crave why they need to do SOMETHING beyond the absolute bare minimum.

The loss of PMs is a minor inconvenience but if that combined with the loss of clubs can make user registrations, database modifications, list updates, and forum posts go through relatively smoothly, go for it. Don't look back until Crave gets their shit together.

This is my third time trying to post something along these lines since the thread went up. Please go through ;_;
Dec 20, 2010 7:04 PM

Oct 2008
Private Messaging I can live with as long as it is disabled after Christmas Day (HTWA's Secret Santa Event) It's hard to comunicate with all of the registered users otherwise since some have comments disabled.

I'd hate to have clubs disabled, I'd rather have features taken away instead.
Here's a list of things that if you "can" disable just these individual components then I think a lot of clubs could go without for a while.

  • Club Invites (as long as a user can go to the club page and join).
  • Club Pictures (if a club wants them have a link to a club photopucket album/any other image-hosting site).
  • Disable Club Anime, Manga and Character Relations. On club homepage links can be placed to all of those pages.

Also (knows this will get some argument) there are so many clubs on MAL that have been around for forever that have 0 activity or members. I am biased, but should all clubs be grouped together. When there are clubs that are active and members visit there or have versus clubs like these:

I know this might start up the legit v non-legit like Troll user accounts did. But the clubs above, they aren't "new". But it's not like a lot of work went into clubs like these and if deleted It's not like the creator's account is deleted and losing their list. So they can log in and create another one and be at the exact point that they were at with their old one in seconds.

Sorry for the unusually long post.
Dec 20, 2010 7:16 PM

Nov 2009
Snowical said:
freedoleen said:
For all those who want the clubs to remain up - you do realize you won't be able to use them comfortably anyway when the lag kicks in? So what do you prefer, laggy site with clubs or fast site without them? Think twice. Also, keeping only the most active ones up? So the ones that cause the heaviest load? Again - think twice.

I have to agree with freedoleen.
I say go for it.

Daisuki-chan said:
Database entries, lists/stats, profile/comments, and forums (anime/episode/MAL discussion) are the most important to MAL, I think.

I agree with all of the above. Ganbare!
Dec 20, 2010 7:23 PM

Feb 2008
I don't mind seeing private messaging going, but I would really hate for clubs to disappear from this site.
Dec 20, 2010 7:23 PM

Feb 2010
Keep the clubs.

@offtopic: clean up the clubs.
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Dec 20, 2010 7:27 PM

Feb 2010
and btw....Other than the "list".

There's nothing else to do in MAL...

so please don't disable the clubs...

FORUMS?? **** you guys...
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Dec 20, 2010 7:27 PM

Apr 2009
kakukirin said:
I want my list to work and work properly.

I'm here for my list.

List list list.

There are plenty of other sites to be social on, this is the only one I know of where I can catagorize my anime properly. I want to be able to do that, dammoit.

Messages suck, they're just another thing to "fix" when you supposedly have over 9000 messages or (!) messages.

I guess having clubs makes some people happy but I cannot stand this lag and if something has to go to fix it, something has to go.

I agree with this.
I joined MAL for the lists, not the clubs or PMs. I wouldn't mind them being down. Hardly notice Clubs or PMs anymore anyways...
Dec 20, 2010 7:43 PM

Jun 2008
If it is temporary its okay, but otherwise, i dont agree. Clubs are part of MAL, they should go on. As for private messages i dont care very much about it because we still have the comments page.
Maybe you should delete the inactive created clubs without creators(creators left them, there´s plenty!) or maybe put some rule of a limit of clubs of the same purpose (Example: dont create another Code geass club for the 1000th time).

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Dec 20, 2010 7:49 PM

Oct 2008
Just a little quick fact list:
A good amount of users use clubs
There are a lot of active clubs

How many clubs do you think are actually purposeful on MAL?
(think of a number before clicking spoiler)
Dec 20, 2010 7:50 PM

May 2009
i'm okay with private messages being disabled (they don't even work anyway) but clubs i'm not too sure, the club that i'm officer at planned to get the club more active over the holidays so it wouldn't really be in our favor for the clubs to be disabled
Dec 20, 2010 7:51 PM

May 2009
Being completely honest, the PM's and MM's are features I rarely use. If they were to be disabled, it wouldn't cause me any saddness. The clubs on the other hand have become a huge aspect in my life. I'm always frequenting the clubs in my freetime. It's become one of my favorite things beside watching anime. I understand that keeping and updating are lists is our highest priority, but without the clubs I'd have no reason to stay on the site for any length of time. Instead I'd just sign on to update and than sign off. I'd miss interacting with all the other anime fans in the clubs.

It's been said, and I don't know if it's possible or easy, but the idea of deleting profiles that are no longer in use sounds reasonable. There are so many that haven't been in use for a year or so. Same with some of the clubs. Some haven't had any activity in a year and it's usually because the person that created is no longer on MAL. If something could be done about that, than I think that would be better.

Though I understand that the list is of the most importance because I don't know anywhere else that I can organize an anime list so precisely and have such a huge database.
SunflowerDaishoDec 20, 2010 7:58 PM
Dec 20, 2010 7:52 PM

Jun 2008
I just hope people realise that the clubs are pretty much useless with this lag anyway.

So disabling them is a win-win situation.
Dec 20, 2010 7:55 PM

Dec 2008
Cashdaxxx said:
Keep the clubs.

@offtopic: clean up the clubs.
Hear, Hear!!! I mean really, do we absolutely NEED 291 clubs for Naruto? Or another 200+ for Bleach?

Dump the PM's, but you may be able to improve things a bit by consolidating a number of the clubs out there and eliminating some of the 0 member clubs (the creator doesn't even go there).

As far as the listing goes, I primarily use the scrobbler from AniDB for my list, but the clubs are why I come here.
Dec 20, 2010 8:04 PM

Apr 2010
honestly i dont realy use either of those features... but i think MAL might seem a little lonlier without them... private messages can be usefull, and i do kinda like my clubs... even if they are all pretty much dead, would it be possible to keep the clubs, but not allow any activity on them? have them just be pages, the club leader could update they pictures and stuff, but the commenting and threads get locked? that might help and it would keep the clubs (kinda)

"If only if only, the woodpecker cried, the bark on the tree was as soft as the sky" || ♪My mind, heart is broken♫
Dec 20, 2010 8:11 PM

Aug 2007
I'm working on the assumption that this will not be a quick fix but a long term disabling because if this is only a one week thing then no one should complain too much.

It's true a lot of people only use MAL for list updating but to be honest, a lot of other anime sites do list updates so if that's all MAL did then it would lose a lot of what separates it. Part of what makes MAL a lot better is the community and the effort of some clubs that are useful to members.

You might look at it and say that because a larger portion of the users don't use MAL much for anything other than list updating then you can get rid of everything else but that would be overlooking some valuable points.

People who don't take advantage of MAL's community and clubs do not contribute much to the site and don't spend a lot of time on it either. On the other hand, people who are active in clubs and come up with event ideas and spent a great deal of time growing their clubs would be at a serious loss if you disabled them.

These members, although fewer in number, are most likely a lot more active on MAL than other members and a lot more loyal than someone who just uses MAL updater and doesn't ever visit the site at all.

It's not that all of these clubs are just clubs that grow for the sake of growing, some of them really contribute to MAL in terms of helping people find anime, fanart, recommending/writing reviews, and discussing new anime. These clubs bring benefits that stretch to all members and not just the ones in clubs. Better reviews, recommendations, and more activity in all social aspects of MAL. Clubs make people attached to MAL in a way that list updates could never duplicate. It's their attachment to MAL rather than tha apathy of the majority that makes MAL better and more informative than anidb and anime-planet.

Please think about these factors and not just the number of people who say they will be fine without clubs because the number of those posts will be high. There is value in having clubs even if it the impact isn't directly applicable to many or as easily noticeable. There is a major difference between users who visit MAL everyday and interact with other anime fans and users who spend a minute everyday clicking + signs. Focus on the big picture and not just small gains.
tigerzDec 20, 2010 8:38 PM
Dec 20, 2010 8:13 PM

Jul 2008
First off: Instead of disabling some things, why not just upgrade everything? It can't possibly be impossible. Right?

If for some reason it is impossible:

Bottom line: Do something. Anything.
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