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Mahou Shoujo Homura★Tamura: Heikou Sekai ga Itsumo Heikou de Aru to wa Kagiranai no da.
Jan 17, 2021 3:36 PM
· Scored
All Comments (1206) Comments
ohh no i haven't
really? it's worth it?
well i'll definitely have to check it out ^^
it's okay :)
so what's up
anything new?
i wonder how i will be when i get out into the work force
gotta love the anime :3
sorry for the late reply
i mean i'm really really sorry ^^'
i remember reading this and i thought i responded but i guess i didn't xD
lol i know right x3 so funny >.<
so you're basically just working these days?
omg it's so hot and the ac is broken upstairs and that's where my room is xl
*sigh* atleast i have a fan *stares at fan and shakes head*
but cooler air would be much appreciated x)
yeah the one with the holes
lol like this
omg i totally forgot about penguin drum :O
yeah i'm gonna finish that one ^^
i hope you come into some money soon :)
ohhh me? :o well it's summer here so i'm just chilling at home
i think i'm going bowling later today
so do you have any anime suggestions?
how are you?
do what you see is fit.. i don't mind at all tho..
and since i saw you're name in one of the clubs i joined why not add new friends..
is that bad?