Information ![]() Welcome to the Stingy Veterans Club! This club aims to determine and list (currently only) anime, manga, and character recommendations which are supported by a proportion of stingy veterans of anime and manga. These recommendations are meant to be items many (not all or even necessarily most) people who can appreciate anime and manga will appreciate. To join and remain in this club you must meet and continue to meet a few requirements between the anime and manga you have listed on MAL: 0. You must not often cause a meaningful negative emotional impact on myself or any other club members without justification (such as by merely voting against something, for example), according to my standards. Spam, advertising, excessively low-content posts, flaming, trolling, excessive unwarranted use of bold, italics, underlining, strikethroughing, small or large font sizes, and illegal or unnecessarily hateful, or disgusting words or pictures will all cause a meaningful negative emotional impact on myself (and quite possibly other club members as well). However, bringing up and discussing parts of the relevant anime, manga, or other item is acceptable. If you want your words in this club to be properly respected and considered fairly it is recommended (but not required) that you use proper capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and refrain from using netspeak, such as the use of "u" and "c" in place of "you" and "see". The use of expressions such as "lol" or emoticons/smileys is okay to me and probably most club members (I can't speak for everyone, however), unless used to excess. It is also recommended (but not required) to keep in mind that your valuations of works of art, such as anime or manga, are opinions (and not factual conclusions based on hard science), which, while possibly true or important for you, are not required to be true or important for others. Having an argument due to not sharing axioms can be very frustrating! 1. You must have a minimum of 60 days of combined time spent watching anime and/or reading manga, according to MAL. For example, 40 days spent watching anime and 20 days spent reading manga, which is 60 combined days spent on anime and manga. 2. You must have both your MAL anime and manga lists set as viewable to others (in all categories), must show all of your scores (votes, ratings), must show the list count numbers beside all titles (so I can count the number of your scores), must show your overall statistics at the bottoms of both lists. This is because I must be able to easily check the following two requirements. 3. You must have given a minimum of 150 combined anime and/or manga scores to items not in your plan to watch or plan to read lists (or the equivalent of either or both of those lists), according to MAL. For example, 100 anime scores and 50 manga scores, which is 150 combined total anime and manga scores. 4. You must have a weighted average score which is at least one full point lower than the average scores posted by other members, according to MAL. This is explained in the next paragraph. Using a weighted average just means that your average anime and manga scores are not averaged equally unless you gave the same number of scores for both anime and manga, such as by scoring 75 anime and 75 manga. If you, for example, rated 100 anime 2.0 points below average and 50 manga -0.5 points below average (0.5 points above average), the weighted average would be ((2.0 x 100) + (-0.5 x 50)) / (100 + 50) = (200 + -25) / 150 = 175 / 150 = approximately 1.167, which meets the average score requirement for SVC. This is the same result you would get if you rated 100 anime 2.0 points below average and then rated an additional 50 anime 0.5 points above average. This is more fair than simply averaging 2.0 and -0.5 to get 0.75. It is recommended that you do not score any items in your plan to watch or plan to read lists (or the equivalent of either or both of those lists). This is because such scores always pull your weighted average score towards the average scores posted by other members, which makes it harder to have a weighted average score which is at least one full point lower than the average scores posted by other members and thus be able to join this club. I will not do the extra work of factoring this out for you. You can always use tags instead, anyway. If you meet these requirements feel free to request to join this club! You can also notify me of other users who meet the requirements who also might want to join this club in the club discussion thread. It is recommended that you do not pick extremely unloved items* to nominate, as they will likely not manage to get enough yes votes, regardless of their greatness. Once an item has two nominations from different SVC members a thread with an attached poll will be created for SVC members to discuss or review that item and vote for that item, and SVC members will receive a message from SVC notifying them of this poll. *My current best guesses are recommended minimums of around 4,000 scores of nine or ten† for anime, around 800 scores of nine or ten† for manga, and around 250 favorites† for characters. Don't worry too much if an item you want to nominate has somewhat less love than what is recommended, as it may be more popular and/or loved than average here. †This doesn't mean that you are "supposed" to use any given score or popularity level when deciding what to recommend. It's all up to you! Once an item you nominated has been given a poll (and thus no longer requires and will never again require any nominations) you may nominate another item of the same type (anime, manga, or character) to replace it. This ensures that you can constantly nominate five items of each type. You should strike out (use [ s] and [ /s] around the desired text (without spaces) to do so) old nominations and not delete them, whether they received a poll or you just wanted to replace or remove them. Remember to make nominations after your initial group of nominations or change your current nominations by posting in the correct thread (Nomination Changes), which is not the same thread you posted your group of initial nominations in (Recommendation Nominations). If you only post or edit your post in the recommendation nominations thread your changes will not be recognized. Once you have posted in the nomination changes thread you must update (via edit) your one post in the recommendation nominations thread, or your changes will not be recognized. The reason for these requirements is that I need a main thread that only shows current nominations of SVC members, in case I need to check them. I know this may sound confusing, but I don't want chaos and excessive workload for me to come into existence as SVC gains members. Anime, manga, and characters require different numbers of yes votes in SVC polls to be accepted as SVC recommendations and added to SVC's relation lists because of the varying percentages of MAL users who know or care about each of these things. These percentages may be adjusted if the number of relations of one or more of these types is greatly different from the number of relations of another type. Affiliated Clubs
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![]() Club Stats
Members: 4
Pictures: 2
Category: Other
Created: Mar 30, 2010
Club Staff
Daisuki-chan (President) Club Type This is a private club.Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. Anime Relations Manga Relations |