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Nodame Cantabile
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May 11, 2010 9:00 AM

Jun 2009
May 29, 2010 11:43 PM
May 2008
The whole was greater than the sum of it's parts.
Jun 8, 2010 8:40 AM
Mar 2009
I have mixed feelings about the entirety of Nodame Cantibile.

I loved the first half of season 1, until Streseman leaves. I thought it was hilarious, and was going in a great direction. Then the second half became a little bit of a chore to watch. I enjoyed it for the comedy and the relationship between Chiaki and Nodame, and when they weren't on screen together, it felt a bit boring and pointless.
You know things aren't right when you can only remember a couple character's names.

Aside from a couple episodes in the Paris and Finale chapters, the last two series felt a bit tedious. And the final to the Finale chapter was quite a poor closure.
Jun 27, 2010 12:19 AM

Jun 2007
Meddigo said:
DeathfireD said:
In staid they left us with an open ending and the only sign of Nodame and Chaiki still being together was when Milch says something along the lines of 'I'm happy for both of you. You went your separate ways, yet came back together'.

What the hell? Was Nodame jumping on Chiaki and then Chiaki firmly embracing her not enough?

What evidence do you have that they are not still together? So silly.

She's done that in past episodes. I wouldn't call that progress or closure. If you find that satisfying then so be it but clearly not everyone did.

What evidence do you have that they are still together? Other then Milch's comment and Chiaki throwing out the garbage there's really nothing that suggests they're together. This is what I mean by a clear ending. They put the viewers in a situation where they question the main character's relationship when they should have made it clear.
Jul 25, 2010 5:48 AM

Dec 2009
Wow, this series was set up so that it could have a wonderful ending but instead it's more like a To Be Continued... Well, the journey to the end was enjoyable anyway.
Such junk...
Aug 2, 2010 10:45 PM

May 2008
An alright ending but not that special. I wanted them to struggle more and see them conquer more challenges. It felt to me like they had an easy ride.
6 out 10 I'm somewhat disappointed.
ClosedCXAug 10, 2010 3:07 PM
Aug 7, 2010 9:33 PM

Dec 2008
Episode 10 was so great and then this. I'm soo disappointed. It feels so unfinished. I just hope this means there will be another season.. ~sigh~

Despite the ending, I decided to give this series a 8/10. It was great atleast until the end.

I was so bothered by the ending that it took me a while to get to sleep last night, thinking about all the crap they left out.. I changed the score to 7/10.
FeatherLynneAug 8, 2010 7:16 AM

Aug 9, 2010 7:09 PM

Aug 2009
What a shitty ending. Least they could have done was to show em putting wedding rings on each other or something...

Highly disappointing.
Aug 16, 2010 3:06 PM

Aug 2010
loved nodame cantabile overall including this episode. wish there was more episodes :(
"Fun things...Happy things...They'll all...They'll all eventually change some day, you know? But can you still love this place?" - Nagisa
Aug 20, 2010 11:26 PM

Jan 2010
My favorite series has come to an end with an unsatisfying conclusion
Sep 8, 2010 12:34 PM

Sep 2009
Is this really the end? The manga ends the same way and it continues. I don't think people should be so dissappointed, considering how good the rest of the series is. Hopefully they continue the making anime after the manga is finished.
Sep 13, 2010 12:14 AM

Mar 2007
Best season of the three. Perfect finale.

People who wanted to see the wedding are making me laugh. What did you watch this series for? To see a wedding ceremony at the end and a "they lived happily ever after"? Then I think you picked the wrong series to watch.
Oct 4, 2010 9:59 PM
Apr 2008
fanty said:

[...] People who wanted to see the wedding are making me laugh. What did you watch this series for? To see a wedding ceremony at the end and a "they lived happily ever after"? Then I think you picked the wrong series to watch.

Took the words right out of my fingers...
Oct 12, 2010 5:28 PM

Oct 2009
I pretty much liked the ending. Use your fantasy people, fantasy)).

PS The atmosphere in Nodame Cantabile is amazing).
Oct 19, 2010 12:55 PM

Sep 2010
fanty said:

People who wanted to see the wedding are making me laugh. What did you watch this series for? To see a wedding ceremony at the end and a "they lived happily ever after"? Then I think you picked the wrong series to watch.


The ending was just as it must be. Ah, I'm feeling so overwhelmed now. I fell inlove with all the characters so much, that it will be hard to live without them, haha~ gyabo~ Anyways, loved loved all of the seasons...
Oct 21, 2010 2:55 PM
Jun 2009
the season was great but the ending sucked a bit -_- 9/10
Dec 6, 2010 12:34 AM

Jun 2009

After re-watching it for many times, I don't need to see them both in one concerto still I'm happy that their relationship was a disastrous happy ending. The author was quite good knowing that we all want them to be together instead did the other way around.. though not really expected.. I was satisfied.. and need more Nodame episode/special/ova
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Dec 7, 2010 11:31 AM

May 2010
To all the people who wanted the ending with a ribbon on top, think about it this way. Throughout the entire 3 seasons, this show has been nothing if not realistic. Sure, the characters are a bit eccentric, but otherwise this show has told a tale of music and love that is firmly grounded in reality, and it has always resisted such sappy cheesiness. Why would it give in now? Life goes on, right? This isn't some fantasy where Hymenaeus himself comes down and unites them together in a blissful eternal union of happiness, kittens, and rainbows. You people are like the critics in the classical period that insisted every piece of music end on a perfect cadence.
“Money can't buy dere”
Dec 29, 2010 8:50 AM

Apr 2010
Ok, I'm not crazy about the ending... I did expect something nice to end with (I mean, like a proposal) but it wasn't that bad.

I am sure going to miss Nodame so much, this is such a great anime, I hope more people get to know it because it's really worth it.

I'll have to say, this season was my least favorite, so I'm giving it a 8/10. Other than that, it was amazing overall.

Jan 17, 2011 4:22 PM

Jun 2010
I liked the ending like the other endings of the previous seasons except for one crucial thing. Why didn't they play together on a big stage? They played together in that old lady's house, is that suppose to satisfy us? They both wanted to play on a stage with each other and i was looking sooo forward to it! I loved the series but that really ruined me for an hour or so.
Jan 26, 2011 10:23 AM

Oct 2010
I wanted to see a proposal by Shinichi .
Thats all i wanted to see. overall it was good but i truly enjoyed the episode eight.
Feb 12, 2011 1:39 PM

Feb 2009
What a great ending. I'm totally satisfied. My fangirl heart would have welcomed a little more love love between Chiaki and Nodame, but even so all is well in the Forest of Perverts. Nodame found her music again and wants to improve, they found each other again, so many opportunities for both - what's not to love?

Playing on a stage with Chiaki has been Nodame's goal to work towards, but she found the same satisfaction in playing with Streseman, so she finally realized that her music doesn't stand and fall with Chiaki alone. Now she has a more general goal, becoming a better musician and not hiding behing that one goal she reached (which probably would have happend too if she had played a concerto with Chiaki - after attaining that, there wouldn't have been any ambition left). Catharsis!

Chiaki on the other hand realized that Nodame always rejects him at turning points in her life, and this time he just brushed that away and dragged her off regardless, thereby setting her above his pride and doing what he thinks she needs, even though she hurt him. The old Chiaki would have gone off in a sulk, pretending not to care, and left her to herself. More catharsis!

Also, to all the people wondering if they're together or not: I'm sure they are, it never even entered my head that they weren't. When he's taking out the trash in the morning, the painter and the landlady aren't laughing dirtily for nothing! He obviously spent the night - which, by the way, he probably did countless times before. I mean, come on, they've been together for months or even years - it's kind of hard to tell with this anime. Anyway, he spent the night after reuniting with Nodame at Nina's house, and what he's saying about breaking up refers to the moment Nodame said no when he asked her to play a concerto with him.

This was the moment of rejection at a turning point I mentioned earlier. Chiaki realized that this is what she always does at important and doubtful times, and still tried to help her find her path, as she was at that time pretending to be a kindergarten teacher and pushing away or even loathing the thought of continuing her muscial career. So, even if they broke up (which even Chiaki is not sure about), it was only for the short time it took to get to the end of that piece they played together.

During that piece, Nodame is able to get back to music and shed her doubts, she's facing the music head on, as Auclair and Milchi have several times told her to do. She's getting back on track and actually choosing the next step on her game board (towards going pro). It's like a revelation! By the third movement, she has time and composure again to return to her usual self and to Chiaki (and his sexy back), getting her usual hots for him and going into doki doki-mode. She even says something like "is this love?" before she jumps on him, signalling that she's past the turning point and able to accept Chiaki again. And this time, he welcomes her wholeheartedly and with open arms - a lot of people already commented on him returning the hug, and even Nina has something to say about that.

So, long post, but I thought I'd share my thoughts on this because so many people seem to be so disappointed, and feel they've been robbed of a happy ending, when in reality there's so much closure, resolved issues and happiness in that ending. You just need to look a little more closely, not judge by shoujo anime expectations (confession, blushes, awkward kisses, marriage the one and only goal), but from a Nodame Cantabile point of view. It's all there.
Feb 28, 2011 4:48 AM
Dec 2010
Thank you CrackityJones. You answered all my questions.

I loved how Chiaki told about how music brings people together, even though they are different in all aspects. It gave me a warm feeling because that's exactly the way I see it.

Lovely anime. One of my favorites. Will definately rewatch it several times.
Mar 6, 2011 2:49 PM

Jul 2010
I really think that the ending of Nodame Cantabile sequence is really good and sweet. Everybody looks so happy. BUT there were certain things I missed. I was hoping for a 'serious' moment of Noda and Chiaki. I hoped that Chiaki will seriously hug her or kiss her. Of course the piano duet was wonderful however when I saw Nodame and her comic hug again I thought oh no... not again. I hoped that Chiaki will be the one to squeeze Noda T____T Anyway I love Nodame Cantabile anime so much that I cannot say anything bad about it! It is my top fav and always will be. Anyho I am just a little little tiny bit disappointed because of the ending :)

Mar 7, 2011 7:19 AM

Jul 2010
I changed my mind after reading post of CrackityJones. thank you so much! some things really became more clear for me :)

Mar 12, 2011 8:39 PM

Sep 2008
i LURVE the series. i just can't help feeling melancholy that its over. i NEVER want it to end.

and did chiaki really accept?? the part where they played mozart together again was soo touching.

an end to another epic series on the anime front. so sad, but happy. melancholy.

Your worries may seem like the world, but compared to the world they don't even come close.
Apr 5, 2011 5:06 PM

Aug 2008
I really enjoyed this series and will give it an overall 9/10 but the ending is just... well I just have to shrug over it. I didn't find it very memorable, it honestly left me with the impression that things will continue as they had been which is really annoying considering the buildup in those last few eps. I wasn't looking for a marriage proposal from Chiaki but some more definate stance from him would have been nice. Plus there was no Chiaki and Nodame playing on stage which I though was the whole goal of the entire series for Nodome....

Honestly I feel like the anime just STOPPED suddenly as there was no real conclusion... as I said the rest of the series was gold, especially seasons 1 and 3 so I'll try to ignore the mediocre ending
Apr 17, 2011 9:58 PM
Mar 2010
if I learnt one thing about myself from watching season 1, 2, and three in two days, its i am so not a fan of anti-climatic endings. i don't really like endings that keep me wondering, i'd rather know the status of chiaki and nodame then make an educated guess. not that i wanted him to propose to her, cause i didn't, nor was a kiss really that important. i just wanted there to be more human interaction between the two, and i wanted nodame to become a kindergarten teacher like she said in the first season and prove everybody wrong; that she was well suited for the job. i wanted her and chiaki to play something together on stage - just once.

THAT BEING SAID, i thoroughly enjoyed the rest of this anime.

"It's just...a bad dream! Wake up, wake up...!"
Apr 22, 2011 8:18 AM

Dec 2009
Nice ending.


May 1, 2011 8:31 AM
Jul 2018
what a disappointment,

open endings are better of for short series. not something you marathon close to 40 episodes of. i honestly feel like i wasted a boatload of time.

i dont doubt that they are "together" at the end, but theres no indication to show that they will ever settle. rather it will be a continuation of developing each other musically, seeing each other once a month...maybe getting discouraged and disappearing to a far off european country for another month, chasing the other one down, and restarting the whole dumb fukkin process.

there was many different ways they could have gone with the ending. a Much more satisfying one (which i believed they were actually going towards) was where Nodame would pursue her teaching route for children and play in concertos with Chiaki. The amount of "fun" she had when playing with the Merlot Orchestra member's kids alluded heavily to this. Even Chiaki was thinking "was it a mistake to ever have her leave Japan?" This pointing out that maybe Nodame was happiest when she got to play however she felt.

Granted, she is being more recognized professionally for her unorthodox playing style, so im happy for that, but I came into this series expecting a great romance story.

Instead I got an open ended, subpar romance, and a boatload of new knowledge on classical music.




/harsh (dont get ur panties wet over my review :P - i did love season 2 for its overall character and relationship development)
Jun 5, 2011 10:20 PM
Aug 2009
Was holding off on watching this anime cause I thought it would be one of those anime that just focus on romance and don't really have much to office other than a story but I was wrong. This anime really is the 1st anime I gave a 10 to, not only did it have story, it had classical music and a pretty accurate performance animation that made me go back and listen/watch multiple times after finishing the anime the 1st time.
I really was hoping they would end this anime with a concerto featuring Nodame and Shin'ichi but I guess that piano duet would do. Really wanted to pick up on the piano try out that really tiring looking piano part in Chopins Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11. esp the Third Movement.
I'm a classical music fan so I guess that affects my rating of this anime.
Jun 20, 2011 10:34 PM

Aug 2010
Loved this series but It needs a better conclusion. The first season is the best. I loved the OP and ED of the first season better too. I guess I'll have to read the manga.
Jul 1, 2011 12:15 PM

Aug 2010
Yes I was expecting a little more flashy and romantic endin (sort as Nodame playing a piano concerto under Chiaki) but it's ok it sort of fits nicely.
I was going to give this a 9/10 but after reading CrackityJones post it helped me gather my thoughts together and give it that full 10 it deserves.

Somewhat 1st season was my favorite.

So whats that Opera-hen?? a new season? or is it part of the manga?
Aug 7, 2011 11:02 AM
Feb 2011
I didn´t like this ending because there wasn´t one at all! And i wasn´t expecting a wedding nor much less but at least an answer for Nodame´s proposal since Chiaki said he was going to accept it but then nothing happened about it :(

And of course I`d loved a concert together ^^

Anyway, I thinks this anime was great, just that i hope for the story to continue...meanwhile i´m going to start reading the manga ^^ (although i know, as far as i read, that is pretty the same...)

--->badbluesplayer: i think Opera-Hen is a little saga (two volumes) at the end of the manga that is beyond the story that tells the anime..
Aug 9, 2011 3:55 PM
Jun 2009
Horrible ending... I was at least expecting to see Chiaki answer to Nodame's proposal (or even propose to her properly with a ring!).
Aug 18, 2011 5:30 AM
Dec 2009
Over all, 7 or 8/10 for me for this whole series. If there's only one season only I will rate it as 10 but the 2nd and the 3rd season sort of spoil it for me.

I'd love this to be more clear cut on both Chiaki and Nodame's feeling. Heck, I think I can even handle them break up not just an obscure subtly hint like this. Also I'm expect them to be onstage together at least just for once, since I'm being led to believe that they will in the future from the first season OP, but none of it happens. ;-; *sighs*

I have no problem with Nodame end up being a kindergarten teacher though, I thought the ending would be like both of Nodame and chiaki will be back to Japan and goes back to rising star orchestra with everyone going back there to play together again and Chiaki naming the Orchestra something else. (-__-) How wrong I am for this.
Sep 28, 2011 8:59 AM

Dec 2007
I'm not really sure why I watched this show...because of the story or because of the music...The plot should I put it...a bit blury, but all the beautiful music *drools* Ravel's piano concerto, or Mendelssohn's Song without words....everything *_*

Overall 8/10 :]
Nov 30, 2011 7:30 AM

Sep 2011
I really loved this series even though the ending was a little lacking it was still good, 9/10 for the whole series now to read Opera-hen and see the real ending :)
Jan 9, 2012 9:22 PM

Jan 2011
I would have felt the same way as Nodame...Burned-out...Still, all is well...10/10 for the series and the season and the entire franchise... Definitely on my re-watch list...
Jan 22, 2012 9:26 PM
Apr 2009
The first season was great, I even gave it a 10. But the second and this season really disappointed me. I can't give it more than a 7, this season was good but not more than good.
Feb 7, 2012 6:24 PM
Jul 2011
I remember being amped when I heard there was a Finale series, there was huge gap of me watching this and the previous original and Paris-hen series so I just looking for good closure out of Nodame Cantabile. The ending of Finale was...I dunno I just felt empty after all was said and done. I really enjoy Nodame and Chiaki's relationship play out on the musical stage but there was defiantly an element of rushing towards the end.

Overall I still enjoyed the series but think it peeked with first season.
Feb 23, 2012 8:24 AM

Feb 2012
I was also disappointed with the ending. Actually before the last episode I was feeling quite conflicted regarding how it should end because I didn't feel Chiaki really deserved Nodame. I didn't necessarily expect a grand romantic gesture like a marriage at the end but that would have been fine. Or even Nodame wearing an engagement ring at the end. Even an open ending could have been better, but if those two did continue together, it should have been less ambiguous. More precisely, either of these two endings:

1. Chiaki realises how much he loves her and shows it unambiguously. Throughout the series I was getting the impression that if Nodame didn't have such talent with the piano, he wouldn't put up with her antics. What did we get instead? He decides to accept her proposal but that's never even discussed. Instead, Chiaki drags Nodame from the kindergarten dreams back to the world of music because apparently that's the only way he can stay with her. Yes, you can say that Chiaki was being supportive there, but to me it just shows how he only loves one part of her. The reason why Nodame was so upset over Rui and Chiaki playing that concerto together was that she saw he can nurture other people's talents just as much as hers, and if you take that aspect away from their relationship, what's left? That's why she proposed to him, to find out if he really wanted to be with her regardless of anything music-related. At the end she's accepted the fact that that musical connection happens with all kinds of people, at least that's some kind of closure.

2. It could have also ended with them breaking up and moving on. It's not the feel-good ending many people crave for, but it would have been ok for me. At the end Nodame says "I finally realized that this feeling is not unique to Chiaki-senpai, but I'll be able to experience it all over the world" at which point we see them by the sea. I was sort of hoping that meant she's moved on and is happy with some other dark-haired guy while Chiaki is left playing for onions, as they put it. It would have been a "life goes on" ending, but an ending nevertheless.

So in short I wanted either Chiaki to man up or Nodame to move on so that there would be some kind of conclusion. Yes, apparently things went back more or less to the way they were, but the reason why that is unacceptable as an ending is that after all the drama of the last episodes, I didn't think the relationship could remain the same. The whole season just felt too rushed and despite some good drama it didn't capture the magic of the previous seasons.
Mar 30, 2012 11:41 AM

Aug 2010
So are they engaged???

I suppose the open-ended ending is good in a way that the author is maybe trying to say "their lives still continue as usual" kinda thing. Potential sequel?? Would love that!

I agree that even the still of their picture in the future would've satisfy me! but i guess not!! I'd also like to see chiaki and nodame sharing a stage together!!

I'm sad the journey has ended with this episode!!!!!!!! :'(
Apr 27, 2012 10:30 PM

Nov 2011
That...was severely underwhelming, considering all the build up and tension in the previous two or three episodes.
May 28, 2012 7:30 PM
Mar 2010
Isn't there supposed to be another season now called Opera-hen?
Aug 12, 2012 1:15 AM

Nov 2009
yeah I agree, thought their was gonna be a final season, but their is an 11 chapter manga so gonna go check that out. Anyways not a terrible ending, really though she was gonna go her seperate way from Chiaki, thank god that didn't happen.
Aug 26, 2012 5:22 PM

Nov 2011
Ah, a bittersweet ending to this lovely series ^_^

Well, I do admit that I wanted to see a bit more chemistry between Nodome x Chiaki but overall still enjoyed watching this finale. Hmm, I wonder though, did Chiaki accept the proposal?

Regardless, it was nice seeing Nodome again in that Shakespearian like outfit and bowing her hat down in the final scene. Gyabo!

Oct 25, 2012 1:10 AM

Sep 2011
Omg... that was such a good last episode! When they started playing Kaze to Oka no Ballad at the end I felt like crying! (sort of, not really) :(

I found the first half pretty good (could've been better), but the last 4 episodes were really good! Overall: 7/10
Nov 4, 2012 6:45 AM

Feb 2008
I'm pretty disappointed after all this build-up from the last few episodes, especially since the previous one ended with Chiaki wanting to accept Nodame's marriage proposal. Which... is never even brought up in the last episode. It would have been great for it to end with them engaged, rather than the inconclusive ending that we got. It feels very "To be continued...".

Ah well. I still loved the entire series. One of my favorites by far.
Nov 10, 2012 12:25 AM
Nov 2012
I think I would be lying to myself if I said I was satisfied with the way it ended mostly because it didn't feel like an ending. There was no climax or resolve (in terms of the relationship between the two main characters). I wonder if the writer struggled to find a way properly end the series without being too cliche or predictable.

In the OVA that takes place after the final lesson you find that their relationship is still not exclusive but their feelings for each other still seem apparent. If they wanted to they still could expand on the story some more with either a movie or another OVA.
drewzmNov 10, 2012 8:35 AM
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