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Jun 14, 2012 5:30 PM

Mar 2012
jal90 said:
I had a discussion today with my parents and sister about this topic. I am an atheist, so basically my opinion is that I don't believe in afterlife, meaning that I expect that everything for me ceases with my death. It's interesting how accepting that, as a natural process, makes me feel even more scared about dying. I know many people can find consolation in that but I can't. The mere idea of changing to a state of unconsciousness is something that I have always found terrifying. When I was a kid I always asked myself if I even had to die because I couldn't assume that the world could work beyond my subjective experience.

My sister told me that, if she found herself to be in a situation of imminent death, she will be more distressed about the idea that she would cause suffering to her family and friends than about her own fears of death. She, as me, sees the process as a natural thing, but while that doesn't make a difference on my feelings, it seems to be somehow relieving to her, knowing that her death is nothing special seems to comfort her in some way. I admit it was really difficult for me to accept this point of view, but it seems to work in many people's systems.

To be honest, I doubt If it really came down to a horrific death for your sister(sorry about this), that your sister would really be worrying about the suffering her death would cause to her family, amidst intolerable pain. I don't think it's been said enough lately, but words are cheap. You never know what kind of person someone really is until they're put out of their comfort zone. Ultimately though, we're all only human. In answer to the thread, I don't believe in life after death, yet the only thing I fear is pain itself, not death, which I would guess would be the same for every sane person(unless you're a masochist I guess).
Jun 14, 2012 5:45 PM

Oct 2010
Paradoxine said:
To be honest, I doubt If it really came down to a horrific death for your sister(sorry about this), that your sister would really be worrying about the suffering her death would cause to her family, amidst intolerable pain. I don't think it's been said enough lately, but words are cheap. You never know what kind of person someone really is until they're put out of their comfort zone. Ultimately though, we're all only human. In answer to the thread, I don't believe in life after death, yet the only thing I fear is pain itself, not death, which I would guess would be the same for every sane person(unless you're a masochist I guess).

No, no, nothing happened, don't worry. We were just speculating on the chance of death.

I guess you are right; it's not the same to describe a hypothetical situation than actually living it. But I see some serious determination in her discourse, and actually, her way to face death is not at all strange (many people tend to be more accepting with their death and spend their last days thinking of how will it affect their kids, family, friends... and that makes them suffer as well). It just surprised me how the same process could be seen through so different perspectives.
Jun 15, 2012 12:24 AM
Apr 2012
Some things have to be believed to be seen.
The minute you stop making mistakes is the minute you stop learning.
Jun 15, 2012 1:33 AM
Nov 2011
Death is the end of life. If it were anything else, life and death would be meaningless.
Jun 15, 2012 2:13 AM

Jul 2010
JReitan said:
shiroto said:
Though I think that even when something went a little different in my life I would still be some extend. Because a part of you is already defined when you are born..I guess.

Are you implying the existence of a soul here?

Well, yes. I previously assumed that the soul is also just a composition of chemicals. So I figure that these chemicals are already in place at our birth. Maybe its right there in our DNA? Maybe I'm wrong and we acquire soul only by living...then I would only be again me if everything went is it does now, yes.
Jun 15, 2012 3:07 AM

May 2012
shiroto said:
I previously assumed that the soul is also just a composition of chemicals. So I figure that these chemicals are already in place at our birth. Maybe its right there in our DNA?

But our DNA already determines what our characteristics are, no? What would be the function of the soul if this were true?

shiroto said:
Maybe I'm wrong and we acquire soul only by living...then I would only be again me if everything went is it does now, yes.

A reasonable point.

If such is true, then the definition of a soul is the identity a person requires from the totality of his experiences. Yes?

However, whenever explaining this theory, the word "soul" will always most likely create misconception and confusion because I think most people have a different definition.
Jul 5, 2012 7:49 AM

Jun 2012
When you're dead, you're dead. There's nothing special waiting for you after life.

Come to me if you need some fucking common sense.
Jul 26, 2012 12:33 AM

Jun 2012
Darkraivids said:
I really have no idea, but I could put together a few things that might happen.

-You might be reincarnated into something else depending on what you did in your life
-You might be tortured for eternity
-You might be damned to walk the earth forever with your spirit
-You might be sent to your own heaven to live the afterlife in paradise
-Your spirit just ceases to exist
-Or you might be born into another person

Those are a few of the things that could happen.. Who knows?

Jul 26, 2012 2:00 AM

Jun 2012
Initially, I always got frightened whenever I thought where, when, or how I was going to die. But now, I don't. I'm just simply waiting for that moment.
Jul 26, 2012 3:07 AM

May 2010
Stynieke said:

But this last week I was imagining of how awesome it would be to live in an anime. I've fallen "in love" with so many characters for just the way they look or act, and I've been wanting (even "dying" :P) to be in one of those shows.

I used to think I was retarded for wanting the same thing but I wanted it nonetheless. Haha XD It would really be very awesome indeed if a real anime world existed. *fingers crossed* But it's not necessary that it exists after death. It may exist anywhere in this here ginormous universe of ours (just speculating, people. Don't go scientific on me now ^^'')

I myself don't have a theory on what might happen after said event, but there's one I think that fits the bill. If you believe that we all have a soul as well as in re-incarnations of the soul, then this might be what happens : One dies--> the soul is released--> said soul skips and hops around and goes to Heaven/ Hell (whichever is destined)--> soul has a lovely time in heaven for I-don't-know-how-long--> God inserts soul into a baby--> Soul's previous memories are erased--> A new life is born.

Ta-daa!~~ Not really the most rational explanation but oh well! XD

Claim a Loli ♣ Claim a Senpai

Jul 26, 2012 5:48 AM
Jun 2012
I have many different theoryes but,
I'm going to a trip to the afterlife in about 1-2 months, I can tell you how it is when i come back :)
Jul 26, 2012 5:58 AM
Jul 2018
Isn't it scary when you just die and there is nothing else after. Everything is so dark.
Jul 26, 2012 6:02 AM

May 2010
staalmanga said:
I have many different theoryes but,
I'm going to a trip to the afterlife in about 1-2 months, I can tell you how it is when i come back :)

Give me a ticket too :D

Flaky said:
Isn't it scary when you just die and there is nothing else after. Everything is so dark.

You won't feel scared once you're dead :D xD

Claim a Loli ♣ Claim a Senpai

Jul 26, 2012 6:07 AM

Apr 2011
There is no scientific proof that life after death really exists or not.

Personally, I believe that nothing happens.Just our soul is separated from our dead body and that's all.I don't know where it goes after that, but I don't believe we live another life and this one is nothing.
Jul 26, 2012 6:20 AM

Dec 2008
Darkraivids said:
I really have no idea, but I could put together a few things that might happen.

-You might be reincarnated into something else depending on what you did in your life
-You might be tortured for eternity
-You might be damned to walk the earth forever with your spirit
-You might be sent to your own heaven to live the afterlife in paradise
-Your spirit just ceases to exist
-Or you might be born into another person

Those are a few of the things that could happen.. Who knows?

Lol. Is this the Dark Ages?

Anyway, food for thought:

The above story bears a striking similarity with Mahayana buddhism. Puts life in a beautiful perspective.

"You sit on a full-moon lotus-cushion of white light In the hundred-petalled full bloom of youth."
Patrul Rinpoche

Jul 26, 2012 6:54 AM

Jun 2010
staalmanga said:
I have many different theoryes but,
I'm going to a trip to the afterlife in about 1-2 months, I can tell you how it is when i come back :)

Are you planning to take mushrooms in 1-2 months?
Jul 26, 2012 8:57 AM

Apr 2012
Hitchens said:
staalmanga said:
I have many different theoryes but,
I'm going to a trip to the afterlife in about 1-2 months, I can tell you how it is when i come back :)

Are you planning to take mushrooms in 1-2 months?

I wouldn't mess with people that say such things, maybe they are terminal patients or something...

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jul 26, 2012 9:01 AM

Jan 2012
Have you ever been so physically and mentally exhausted that you crash onto your bed, and fall fast asleep as soon as you hit your pillow into a deep sleep? And when you wake up you don't remember your dreams or at what time you even hit the pillow?

Death is like that, except you never wake up.
My apologies, children, for I am afraid I cannot save you all.
Jul 26, 2012 9:04 AM

Apr 2012
Darklich528 said:
Have you ever been so physically and mentally exhausted that you crash onto your bed, and fall fast asleep as soon as you hit your pillow into a deep sleep? And when you wake up you don't remember your dreams or at what time you even hit the pillow?

Death is like that, except you never wake up.

You know that hit you get when you fall into a too deep sleep?

They say if you don't get that hit you die in your sleep.

Of course, what I said is bullshit, I'm not sure if it's for real.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jul 26, 2012 9:36 AM

Mar 2008
I do not know if anyone will see this but does anyone think that what people believe is part of what they want things to be? I've noticed even for people who don't believe in an afterlife it goes this way sometimes, although not as much as those who do I would presume. Some people seem to find more comfort in nothingness than they do in the idea of an afterlife. Some prefer the concept of an afterlife. Yet i can not say there arent people who believe things they do not want to be true but many of these people are pushed into their religion from an early age that made them believe it.
Jul 26, 2012 9:39 AM
Apr 2009
I am sure we have all at one point or another played with the idea of time being relative to perception. Absolute universal time ultimately cannot be proven since everything we observe is through our own senses. So it is possible that the flow of time is entirely reliant upon our perception of it... so what happens when you die?

I always liked the idea of combining a finite 'end point' such as death with an infinite perception of time.

Perhaps when we die, our perception of time gradually slows to a single point... and we become trapped for eternity in a single moment... For all eternity feeling our body dying, and our life fading away. Man, the after-life (**cough** perpetual life) sounds great!
Jul 26, 2012 9:46 AM

Apr 2012
traed said:
I do not know if anyone will see this but does anyone think that what people believe is part of what they want things to be? I've noticed even for people who don't believe in an afterlife it goes this way sometimes, although not as much as those who do I would presume. Some people seem to find more comfort in nothingness than they do in the idea of an afterlife. Some prefer the concept of an afterlife. Yet i can not say there arent people who believe things they do not want to be true but many of these people are pushed into their religion from an early age that made them believe it.

I believe that people should not fear Death, as it's easier and better than Life. Of course living your life is the first thing you should do.

After death you don't feel anything, which is more than a relief after the tons of suffering we go threw in our lifetime (and I mean in general, all the things that sadden us etc).

Some people fear that "nothingness" as they find it unnatural because not feeling anything is weird. Being born as a sentient being that can feel then when you die you don't feel anything, might sound like a horror story for some.

So what do you think I want? Who do you think I am?

I don't fear death, I've been in situations like that, of course, everybody tries to survive, it's obvious that I did, I'm writting this comment. So what do I want it to be after all? Nothingness? My parents talked to me about religion, but they did add "Do what you want with it, you either believe or you don't." and I've chosen not to, and that was from an early age. I was always the one that asked questions, while other people would just blindly say "Okay, I will believe", I as a kid was always one that would question belief, "Why is the world bad if God is omnipotent?".

Your post really made me wonder about my personality...

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jul 26, 2012 11:44 AM

Jul 2012
dmfsan said:
I'll see when I die. Until then, I don't have to care.

Well that's not entirely true from some religions' perspectives. Some Gods require you to follow a strict set of rules, and others need you to repent before you die to be allowed access to the positive afterlife.

I sometimes think about praying or going to church or something just in case there is a guy up there watching me. But then I feel pathetic. I hope that if there is an all-powerful deity that decides my eternal fate, he appreciates that I stuck to my own beliefs -or lack of belief in him- due to lack of evidence.
Jul 26, 2012 11:50 AM
Jun 2012
Hitchens said:
staalmanga said:
I have many different theoryes but,
I'm going to a trip to the afterlife in about 1-2 months, I can tell you how it is when i come back :)

Are you planning to take mushrooms in 1-2 months?

Not just anykind of mushrooms the holy soma aka santa aka BIG MARIO aka amanita muscaria ^^ have to wait till they bloom^^
Jul 26, 2012 12:00 PM

Jun 2008
Lol. Is this the Dark Ages?

Anyway, food for thought:

The above story bears a striking similarity with Mahayana buddhism. Puts life in a beautiful perspective.
This made my mind spin and spin and spin.
Jul 26, 2012 12:07 PM

Apr 2012
Kittenia said:
Lol. Is this the Dark Ages?

Anyway, food for thought:

The above story bears a striking similarity with Mahayana buddhism. Puts life in a beautiful perspective.
This made my mind spin and spin and spin.

Yes, that story is right.

You guys are me, every one of you is me.

You just don't know it.

Now, I could give you an address where you could send me money and yourselves, ahem, myselves.

Thank you for your time. I mean, my time.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jul 26, 2012 12:30 PM

Jul 2012
dmfsan said:

In christianity, you must believe in him, and if you don't believe, you can pray as much as you want; you'll go to hell anyway.

Yeah actually this makes sense. If the Christian God is THE God, then he'll know that I don't believe.

I believe that when I die, my body will decompose and add nutrients to the soil, and insects will consume me for energy. The atoms that previously convened to make up my body will go on into other life forms, so I guess that's kind of an afterlife, albeit an unconscious one.
Jul 26, 2012 12:34 PM

Jun 2012
who bumped the topic it doesn't change the fact that you and i will be six feet under like everyone else
or you know have our ashes spread on marijuana and smoked by our buddies
~"The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands." (Pirsig)

Jul 26, 2012 12:36 PM

Aug 2011
Stynieke said:
My personal theory is that when you die you will live in an eternal dream. Be whatever you want to be, in a world you can create on your own.
Atleast, this is what I like to think ;).

How do you know you aren't living in a dream right now?

(this may have been brought up before in this thread, but I can't be bothered to check)
Jul 26, 2012 10:26 PM

Jul 2012
First I'd like to say that this is one of the most respectful discussions on this topic that I've ever seen! :)

I do believe in an afterlife (and a soul). I know there's no physical evidence for anything spiritual but to me, that's how it's supposed to be. The physical and spiritual are two different things, so the way I see it is that you can't use physical methods to reach the spiritual; I see it as useless.

Overall, I see spiritual subjects (including an afterlife) to be pretty fascinating since it's the mystery of it that gets me wondering about the whole thing and wanting me to find out more about it.
Yare yare da wa...
Jul 26, 2012 10:28 PM

Feb 2012
dmfsan said:
Gambler said:
The atoms that previously convened to make up my body will go on into other life forms, so I guess that's kind of an afterlife, albeit an unconscious one.

Well, this would be the scientific definition of afterlife. It's actually a nice way, because like this we are useful to other species, and this is how nature planned it.
I like that for this kind of afterlife no god or religion is needed.

Generally, people are more interested in the location of our consciousness after death.

Do you believe that soul actually existed?
Or what do we meant by "souls" or "consciousness" are merely compose of signal transmissions possessed by 100 billion neurons inside our brain?
Jul 27, 2012 3:43 AM
Nov 2010
LIFE after death? Death is the cease of life.
It'd be nice if my consciousness would live on forever, but the chances of that happening...
Jul 27, 2012 4:02 AM

Jul 2012
dmfsan said:
Maybe people like to believe in an afterlife because they don't like to deal with the (scientific) fact that everyone's going to die..

I think some people find it hard to deal with no only their own deaths but also the deaths of the people they love. I've never had anyone close to me die before so I can't speak from experience, but it must be hard to think that the person you've spent so much time with is now just laying in the ground. It might be why people turn to religion when things like this happen, to find an answer which is more appealing.
Jun 5, 2014 2:11 AM

Jul 2013
It'll be like sleeping, but you won't be able to think or anything like that. It'll just be black. Like before u were born.
Jun 5, 2014 4:38 AM

Aug 2012
Kittenia said:
Lol. Is this the Dark Ages?

Anyway, food for thought:

The above story bears a striking similarity with Mahayana buddhism. Puts life in a beautiful perspective.
This made my mind spin and spin and spin.

Hmmm... Looks like something I read from Creepypasta quite a while ago...

OT: There's no harm in believing that it exists, however common sense dictate that once you die, you're dead. You rot in the ground and become food for the worms and maggots.
What do you think? The meaning of our existence. Why do we continue to live?
~Iris Rain Umbrella, my favorite robot
Jun 5, 2014 4:52 AM
Jul 2018
I want to be a beautiful girl with flat chest and perfect butt when I am reincarnated. Or if this thread is about heaven then I want to be God's kawaii cook.
Jun 5, 2014 5:14 AM

Aug 2013
Everything is subjective here in this topic; every metaphysical or hypothetical proposition on this has no more credibility than if I say we have 1 God who is a flying spaghetti monster, and if you don't do 50 push ups a day you'll go to a forest dreamworld where eagles have 64 legs and you get 2 British pounds given to you when you awake there.

If something can't be proven to be true or false, any inclination that your belief is true is a blind leap of faith and most likely delusional considering you are choosing 1 out of many equal belief stances.

That's why I'm agnostic. Even if believing in a western conception of God is logically contradictory, you can't prove logic is any more useful for deciding 'truth' than intuition or anything else. But it's all we've got, really, so if we wish to be rational under the name of science and empiricism, we should reject a western conception of God until that stance is falsified.

We just act out the will of the majority, and the their will is to be as rational possible. People asserting their public opinions contradicting this aren't going to get anywhere.

Define belief in precise terms if you want to argue agnosticism.
JustaCratJun 5, 2014 5:18 AM
Jun 5, 2014 6:18 AM

Jan 2014
Autocrat said:
Everything is subjective here in this topic; every metaphysical or hypothetical proposition on this has no more credibility than if I say we have 1 God who is a flying spaghetti monster, and if you don't do 50 push ups a day you'll go to a forest dreamworld where eagles have 64 legs and you get 2 British pounds given to you when you awake there.

If something can't be proven to be true or false, any inclination that your belief is true is a blind leap of faith and most likely delusional considering you are choosing 1 out of many equal belief stances.

That's why I'm agnostic. Even if believing in a western conception of God is logically contradictory, you can't prove logic is any more useful for deciding 'truth' than intuition or anything else. But it's all we've got, really, so if we wish to be rational under the name of science and empiricism, we should reject a western conception of God until that stance is falsified.

We just act out the will of the majority, and the their will is to be as rational possible. People asserting their public opinions contradicting this aren't going to get anywhere.

Define belief in precise terms if you want to argue agnosticism.

Despite that, it is important to take a stance on some (I'd say majority) of issues dealing with life even though they cannot be be proven 100% true or false, because in the end, hardly anything can ever be proven that way. If you were to just accept that at face value, you wouldn't be motivated to accomplish anything.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Jun 5, 2014 7:28 AM

May 2011
As a Christian, I believe in Heaven or Hell after death. The idea of karma and living multiple lives is interesting though ...

Autocrat said:

If something can't be proven to be true or false, any inclination that your belief is true is a blind leap of faith and most likely delusional considering you are choosing 1 out of many equal belief stances.

That's why I'm agnostic. Even if believing in a western conception of God is logically contradictory, you can't prove logic is any more useful for deciding 'truth' than intuition or anything else. But it's all we've got, really, so if we wish to be rational under the name of science and empiricism, we should reject a western conception of God until that stance is falsified.

We just act out the will of the majority, and the their will is to be as rational possible. People asserting their public opinions contradicting this aren't going to get anywhere.

So be it then. Could care less about being labeled delusional. Could care less about trying to be logical and rational as well. Sure, it's important when you're studying or working. However, the way I see it, not everything in this world (or universe) can be explained rationally or logically (or not yet at least). As of right now, we don't have an answer to many things and I'm fine with that. I'll continue to believe in what I want to believe in.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 5, 2014 8:09 AM

Nov 2013
When you die your body rots but your conciousness is eternal.
Jun 5, 2014 8:58 AM

Mar 2014
Preciize said:
As a Christian, I believe in Heaven or Hell after death. The idea of karma and living multiple lives is interesting though ...

reincarnation exists. hell or heaven is your next life. you can make it into heaven or hell. depends on how you lived current life. we are already in heaven/hell.
please sell me the condom, mister
I would like to fuck my sister!
condoms really worth to keep
I will fuck her very deep!
could you be my condom keeper?
so I could try to fuck her deeper!

please think I m stupid but please dont think I m a troll.
Jun 5, 2014 9:25 AM
Feb 2013
I, too, wonders this myself. What would happen after death? Will we just rot away and become nothing? Where will our consciousness go? I just don't know what it is.
Jun 5, 2014 2:34 PM

Dec 2013
I believe in reincarnation.
Jun 5, 2014 2:36 PM
Aug 2012
Whatever happens, I'm not looking forward to it.
Jun 5, 2014 3:34 PM

May 2014
"Actually, lots of things happen after you die — just none of them include you."
-Louis C.K.

A small part of me believes in reincarnation, however.
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