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Are you able to turn off your moral compass when watching anime?

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Jul 3, 6:38 AM

Sep 2016
Sure, I turn it off almost entirely.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 3, 7:41 AM

Mar 2018
Yes, that's very easy, just the same when fapping to Yaoi Shota Incest
Jul 3, 10:21 AM

Oct 2013
@PeripheralVision I'm going to try to be as clear as possible. "Putting aside your morals" and not being easily offended are interchangeable in this context. Obviously my morals are still intact no matter what. I'm not arguing they aren't. Even I have a hard time watching certain things. But like you said, I'm not "offended by or disgusted the work or what is being depicted" to the extent others might be in a lot of cases.

I'm not arguing that it's "wrong" to not like something based on it's content. My stance is that what happens in fiction isn't as bad as harm being done to actual people. And that's what I feel is the basis for this argument in general. I really don't know what else to say. I don't know what else I can say. Clearly we aren't on the same page here and I'm pretty sure at this point we never will be.
FanofActionJul 3, 10:34 AM
Jul 3, 10:44 AM

Apr 2020
all the people saying yes are 100% lying
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Jul 3, 10:48 AM

Mar 2012
Yes but only under the following circumstances:
- It's a horror or psychological anime
- The bad actions of the character earn them a befitting ending
- When the MC pisses me off so much that I end up rooting for the villain to destroy everything.
Jul 3, 10:51 AM

Mar 2013

From my perspective, why make statements opposing fringe opinions on media? I do not understand the point of that type of exercise. I think a vast majority of people actually agree "that what happens in fiction isn't as bad as harm being done to actual people".

You are not wrong, but why even state the readily apparent "fiction is not real"? To me, it seems that this is a strawman, one that assumes negative criticism of a film is tantamount to asking for it to be censored, and I think that sort of assumption is not at all conducive to discussion.

Who are you arguing against that is actually saying "that what happens in fiction IS as bad as harm done to actual people"? I know this is a fucking Dravegard thread, but the original post was

Anime often presents us with complex moral dilemmas, questionable actions by characters, and ethical gray areas. But are you able to suspend that judgment when diving into the world of anime.

Which seems to have nothing to do with a schizophrenic inability to differentiate between reality and fiction, as I understand it. My lack of understanding is why you are even arguing against an argument that no one except random nuts on Twitter are actually making.

I'm not arguing that it's "wrong" to not like something based on it's content.

I mean, I think the important thing is that we agree on this. I would not like a pro-Hitler anime if it existed, and I think a majority of people would agree to disliking something if it had an agenda or message we disagreed with. We never truly put aside our morality.
Jul 3, 11:47 AM

Oct 2013
@PeripheralVision You've been asking what any of this means. I've been telling you what I believe is the mindset behind the whole morality argument. The fact is, it's not just some twitter nonsense, whole countries have banned things entirely because of the notion that they were as bad as real world actions. To me, the connections here are clear. You can call this a strawman or whatever. My intention is again, trying to connect these dots and give you an answer on what I think is the reason behind why a question like this even needs to be asked in the first place. Why someone might argue it's "good" to "turn off your moral compass" and what that has to do with what I'm saying. I'm not doing it in a satisfactory way, apparently, and frankly I kinda feel this is a waste of time. I'm genuinely trying to make as much sense as I can, and trying to understand what exactly you want, and it's going nowhere. I'm kinda tapped out at this point.
Jul 3, 12:01 PM

Jul 2017
If I can do that very easily with stuff like videogames like first person shooters or watching TV shows/movies featuring crime, murder, sexual themes and other graphic activities lol, then it'd be pretty easy to not be obsessed over that with anime. Or any other media really. Sometimes, there are situations where in my head it can go too far but if it is well-written or tough to watch but fitting for the world and timeline of that show, I can watch it without letting the moral compass ruin my experience for everything.

I find it more than okay to like characters that don't act like what my real moral compass is. It is okay to like well-written immoral characters and not necessarily agree with their actions. Kan Ki from Kingdom is an absolutely terrible person but he's a great character. Rudeus is a fascinating and great character, even if there are times I don't agree with what he does. Asako Kusakabe is my favorite character in Grisaia and some of the stuff she did in a moral compass sense can be questionable, but still is a well-written and defined character for me. Same can be said with other people who are fans of characters like Eren, Rimuru and many others.
animejasJul 3, 12:05 PM
Jul 3, 12:04 PM

Apr 2024
with some cringe gore shit, hell nahh!
Jul 3, 12:09 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to Kenzolo-folk
all the people saying yes are 100% lying
@Kenzolo-folk I think people are treating tolerance of something the same as not having or using your moral compass. This is another example of how people mix tolerance with acceptance. There's crossover between the two, but they aren't 100% intertwined. You can take issue with aspects of a thing and still enjoy it. It's not a black and white thing like some might be implying.
FanofActionJul 3, 12:16 PM
Jul 3, 12:20 PM

Sep 2007
Reply to pk8list
As long as it makes sense and it's portrayed in an interesting way, I don't care if It's something moral or not. It's just another anime at the end of the day.

Also, if something disturbs you just drop it and watch or do something else, people who think that fiction will affect the real world somehow need a reality check and some of them need help because a decent number of them tend to self project when they complain.
pk8list said:
As long as it makes sense and it's portrayed in an interesting way, I don't care if It's something moral or not. It's just another anime at the end of the day.

Also, if something disturbs you just drop it and watch or do something else, people who think that fiction will affect the real world somehow need a reality check and some of them need help because a decent number of them tend to self project when they complain.

Same and agreed as long it's being somewhat positive about it and not take too deep in a negative way.
Jul 3, 12:24 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to FanofAction
@Kenzolo-folk I think people are treating tolerance of something the same as not having or using your moral compass. This is another example of how people mix tolerance with acceptance. There's crossover between the two, but they aren't 100% intertwined. You can take issue with aspects of a thing and still enjoy it. It's not a black and white thing like some might be implying.

yeah and these people are only using general controversial issues like SA, incest, etc to get their point across and not about their actual personal moral compass and values. Like I doubt anyone here saying yes would be interested in supporting an anime about a radical feminist lmao.
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Jul 3, 12:58 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to Kenzolo-folk

yeah and these people are only using general controversial issues like SA, incest, etc to get their point across and not about their actual personal moral compass and values. Like I doubt anyone here saying yes would be interested in supporting an anime about a radical feminist lmao.
@Kenzolo-folk That's humans for you. They can say they are completely unaffected by everything shown, then something rubs them the wrong way and that tone changes. I'll admit right now certain things still bug me, like really extreme gore or vomit. Not really moral issues, but it's something I'm not going to hide.
Jul 3, 5:30 PM

Oct 2017
To an extent. I have a very analytical brain and really try and see how elements of a story may be portraying things when negative behaviors are involved. Just because a story contains stuff like graphic violence, sexual assault, hate, abuse, etc doesn't necessarily mean the series condones it, it all depends on the framing of things. A great example would be how Death Note has a protagonist who is actively the villain of his own story, with the manga actively portraying how his actions killing people actively corrupted his own morals and beliefs turning him into the exact kind of person he originally was trying to eliminate. Light's story. Meanwhile something like Shield Hero actively supports its protagonist engaging in negative behaviors, with him actively buying a bunch of slaves and it being ok because he is a "good slave owner and treats them well", while actively contributing to an industry that thrives off human exploitation. In cases like that where a series actively supports negative behaviors that is when I can't really look past things, especially when it comes to issues regarding human rights (including treatment of marginalized groups), treatment of women, sexualization of children, etc.
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Yesterday, 7:59 AM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
First off: nobody has a moral compass. People act based on their self-interest and don't really care about morality. The reason people don't act in immoral ways is to avoid negative consequences for themselves. Even if nobody's watching, people will avoid doing immoral stuff not because of their sense of morality, but because they don't want to live in fear of "getting found out". People don't act based on moral judgment, and they only pretend to care about morality publicly, because of self-interest (virtue signalling, maintaining good public image).

When watching anime, people don't approve nor disapprove of "moral decisions" the characters make. People don't care about morality of the actions taken by anime characters. The reason some people get "emotionally offended" by seeing "immoral" stuff in anime, is because they have an overblown and unregulated sense of empathy. They "feel" the bad stuff that happens to the characters, and confuse their pain with having a moral compass.

It all comes down to whether you're one of those mentally unwell people who take everything personally because of their inability to turn off their empathy circuits. If you are, you will be feeling butthurt from seeing immoral actions and its consequences. If you're not, then your enjoyment will be determined by whether the bad stuff happens to characters you like, or to the characters you dislike.
Yesterday, 10:53 AM

Aug 2017
Common sense question. Watching Anime has nothing to do with morals. It's fiction, I don't care how amoral is what I'm watching. In fact, the more amoral is it, the more I enjoy what I'm watching.
NurguburuYesterday, 2:04 PM
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Yesterday, 11:20 AM

Oct 2019
Reply to Kenzolo-folk
Everyone here is a bunch of liars bruh. More than half of these people are just trying to prove something to these imaginary social media twitter people and treating the question as if its "would u get offended by something you dont like" vs "would you support an anime that goes against ur beliefs/principles."

Im sure 100% of these people saying they would turn off their moral compass wouldnt want to watch an anime that supports radical feminism or one race > everyone else. They would probably start crying about it.
@Kenzolo-folk There is a difference between a show having morals, and trying to teach something to the audience.

If a story has race > race within the context of the story, I am more than fine with it.

if its made to SAY race > race in real life, then yeah thats a problem.

Message is the exception to this mindset. the same way a positive message makes a work better, a negative one makes it worse.

Why? because a message is trying to affect real life, so it only makes sense to judge it on that basis.

Ans this is when the message is actually there. I'm not talking about Implications and speculations.
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Yesterday, 12:03 PM

Jul 2015
In most cases, yes.

I believe it makes no sense to be overly concerned about morals in anime, manga, or any other related media. There might be some rare exceptions, but for the vast majority of the time, I approach these forms of entertainment with an open mind. I see no reason to impose my personal morals on these fictional stories.
Yesterday, 12:14 PM
The Attack Titan

May 2019
unlike u drage i quite enjoy shingeki's ending

Yesterday, 12:16 PM
Sep 2013
I'd say so, yeah.

It's a sign of maturity to entertain an idea without accepting it. That, I do. I'm able to watch/accept something in the context of a story and detach RL morals from it.
Of course, I still form opinions too. But those opinions are influenced by the context of the story.
Yesterday, 12:59 PM

Apr 2020
Watching Anime has nothing to do with morals. !

Im simply able to differentiate between fiction and reality.
11 hours ago

Jan 2021
Generally yes, but if a show try to condone pedophilla for example i obviously won't support it. Not that i ever heard or saw a anime that did such stuff.
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
11 hours ago

Sep 2016
Cielord said:
Generally yes, but if a show try to condone pedophilla for example i obviously won't support it. Not that i ever heard or saw a anime that did such stuff. (it has meme status)
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
11 hours ago

Jan 2021
Reply to Zarutaku
Cielord said:
Generally yes, but if a show try to condone pedophilla for example i obviously won't support it. Not that i ever heard or saw a anime that did such stuff. (it has meme status)
@Zarutaku Didn't watch it but isn't that's just loli hentai?
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
5 hours ago
Jan 2018
The real question is you as a viewer are able to accept people from a different country have different value system from you? Because if you do, then it's just becomes a matter of watching things that don't go too far from your comfort zone. For instance, I don't like Japans love of sexualizing children. It offends me, but it's baked into 90% of any anime you choose to watch.

So I'm gonna avoid most anime that focus on school settings and if the OP or ED goes to far, I'm gonna skip it. Shouts out to The Eminence in Shadow Eds and Brigadoon: Marin to Melan OP 2. Skip treatment all day.

Thankfully most anime are pretty straightforward in what they are about.

I grew up in the USA. I watch anime because they think differently from us. If you don't want to accept your gonna be uncomfortable with some anime, no matter how much time you put into screening the stuff you watch, don't watch anime. Life has to many pleasant diversions to watch stuff you don't like.
4 hours ago
Oct 2023
Reply to Kenzolo-folk
Everyone here is a bunch of liars bruh. More than half of these people are just trying to prove something to these imaginary social media twitter people and treating the question as if its "would u get offended by something you dont like" vs "would you support an anime that goes against ur beliefs/principles."

Im sure 100% of these people saying they would turn off their moral compass wouldnt want to watch an anime that supports radical feminism or one race > everyone else. They would probably start crying about it.
@Kenzolo-folk is there racial superiority anime? I would watch that shit just to see how it's handled. Radical Feminism as well given it's Japan so it'd likely be interesting to see that take in that culture and society.
4 hours ago

Jul 2024
Simple answer; no.

Am I able to differentiate fiction and reality? Yes. But that does not mean I take pleasure watching something that goes against my values / morality.

I don't think s*xualizing children is okay. It is immoral to me to purposely put children-like characters in situations with a lot of sexual innuendos. That is why I tend to drop most shows that utilize lolis as "fanservice". My best example is No Game no Life, a wildly popular anime that I absolutely could not bring myself to finish because I felt it was untrue to my morals to sit myself through it.

❟❛❟ ⸺ ♥
 wuthering waves. | trading cards. | streaming. 
Kyubey did nothing wrong.

4 hours ago
Oct 2023
Reply to GrandWizardGod
This is a question that I always hid at the back of my mind. Like another commenter previously said, if my moral compass were to interfere with every single piece of media that I watch, I would be stuck watching videos on bible scriptures alone. Everything on the internet can be considered morally questionable to an extent, but I don't believe I'll let videos I watch dictate the direction of my real-life ideals. I am who I am, not what I watch.
@GrandWizardGod Which ones? The bible scriptures on Rape? Incest? Slavery? Murder? Bombing an entire town? Floods to teach a lesson? Torture? Hating people based on sexuality? Personally I enjoy in the Bible when Lot offers up his daughters to be gang raped by them darn dirty homsexuals. That might be the worst example you could have given as the one thing you'd read.
4 hours ago
Mar 2018
Y'all have a moral compass?

[obligatory text text yeah yeah obligatory]
4 hours ago

May 2021
as long as the complex moral dilemmas in question are presented in the form of a well written and enjoyable series
3 hours ago
Jan 2024
Reply to isseixkoneko
@GrandWizardGod Which ones? The bible scriptures on Rape? Incest? Slavery? Murder? Bombing an entire town? Floods to teach a lesson? Torture? Hating people based on sexuality? Personally I enjoy in the Bible when Lot offers up his daughters to be gang raped by them darn dirty homsexuals. That might be the worst example you could have given as the one thing you'd read.
@isseixkoneko Woah, you're right. I had to google it. I never knew the part with lot allowing his daughters to get raped. I guess stuff like that isn't mainstream because no one ever talks about the dark part of the Bible.
2 hours ago

Sep 2016
Reply to Cielord
@Zarutaku Didn't watch it but isn't that's just loli hentai?
@Cielord Yes, did you mean something outside hentai?
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
2 hours ago

Jan 2021
Reply to Zarutaku
@Cielord Yes, did you mean something outside hentai?
@Zarutaku Well yes, hentai is hentai, it's not something that preach morals.
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
1 hour ago

Sep 2016
Reply to Cielord
@Zarutaku Well yes, hentai is hentai, it's not something that preach morals.
@Cielord Then I don't really know, maybe
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
28 minutes ago
Apr 2022
They are fictional story. So maybe can just keep to ourselves (if liking something so weird) and not think that fiction as irl.
17 minutes ago

Jan 2021

I never heard about this series before so just answer this, when i said "condoning pedophilia" i ment a series that seriously portray a romantic/sexual relationship between a adult and a child and claim the relationship is consensual or that such relationship can be consensual and thus moral. That is of course objectively wrong, Adding to that pedophilia is one if not the only crime which i can't see justified under any circumstance. So is this series fit that description?
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
5 minutes ago
Oct 2023
Reply to GrandWizardGod
@isseixkoneko Woah, you're right. I had to google it. I never knew the part with lot allowing his daughters to get raped. I guess stuff like that isn't mainstream because no one ever talks about the dark part of the Bible.
@GrandWizardGod I only remember that one because it's as absurd as hentai, like, I can see a hentai that goes exactly like: NO DO NOT BE GAY YOU CAN FUCK MY DAUGHTERS! It could even go either way, either he ends up mind broken out of the homosexuality or somehow instead fucks the single father and the father is all I'm not gay but if it's you!!!!!! Man if only I could draw...
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