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Does Old Anime age poorly or do people age poorly?

May 23, 8:34 AM

Apr 2018
What's your take on whether old anime ages poorly or if it's more about people's tastes evolving over time? Do you think it's more about the anime itself not holding up, or is it more about how our perspectives change as we grow?
May 23, 9:04 AM

Oct 2010
it's not anime who ages poorly, it's fans who don't wanna watch it because they can't discuss with others online like with seasonals.
lots of people will watch a bad seasonal just to complain about it yet same people won't watch an old anime that looks up to their liking.
and there's the constant need to catch up.
megazone 23 is ten times better than the shit you're watching, your only reason for not watching it is that it's not airing.
May 23, 9:14 AM

Feb 2020
"Does Old Anime age poorly or do people age poorly?"

It's usually people.
May 23, 9:16 AM

Jun 2019
I've just started Ashita no Joe S2 and was thinking to myself, what an amazing start to a second season, direction, visuals, OST. Some of the best shows I've come across have been older.
May 23, 9:18 AM

Oct 2013
Something something "times were different back then". No, but it's definitely a societal change thing. You see it with things like comedians getting shit for jokes that were fine years ago, or remakes changing problematic things from the original, or voice actors stepping down so the right race can voice a character. For example, one of my favorite movies, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective would get a lot of backlash for that scene where he freaks out after realizing the woman he was with used to be a guy if it were made today.

If we're talking about things holding up visually, well that depends on the individual thing. Even stuff that came out fairly recently can look like ass looking back on it now.
May 23, 9:35 AM

Oct 2023
It is people who choose to avoid old anime.

A lot of vintage titles are far more immediately appealing than particular modern releases.
May 23, 9:53 AM

Sep 2016
An anime can't age, it always stays the same.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
May 23, 10:10 AM

Sep 2018
The long running format of TV anime adaptations objectively aged poorly. Slow paced and filler-riddled to churn out as many episodes as possible until the TV ratings fall low enough; then the production is halted, leaving an incomplete adaptation with no possibility of getting a sequel season years later.

Good old animation aged well, but that doesn't apply to the vast majority of pre-2000 TV anime; it only applies to movies, OVAs and a few of the very best TV anime.

Writing-wise is where people's tastes evolved over time. The only things that aged very poorly for me are romcoms, quite cringe and unfunny. Old anime were way more politically incorrect (and thus not accepted by many nowadays), but that's a plus in my opinion.
NirinboMay 23, 12:17 PM
May 23, 10:12 AM

Mar 2013
This is like saying rock aged poorly since its heyday in the 60s and 70s, or jazz.
May 23, 10:17 AM

Apr 2023
It's usually people. Old anime stands out for a reason
If I had to choose between One Piece and a girlfriend...I think I'll go with One Piece
May 23, 10:26 AM

Jul 2017
It kind of depends on which era and anime we’re talking about, but for the most part, I find both of those ideas to be very true. Majority of the anime that came out in the 60s and prior are the ones that aged poorly, while many of the anime that came out in the 90s for example, definitely didn’t age as badly in comparison; the latter is moreso about people’s tastes evolving due to aging.
May 23, 10:44 AM

Aug 2018
I think it's more like your threads age poorly.

Anime is timeless, our lives are fleeting.
May 23, 11:24 AM
Mar 2024
People age poorly in general. Old anime is at a disadvantage for views because most people watching are younger and will flock to newer shows.
May 23, 11:25 AM

Jan 2009
people age poorly murphys law and entropy thing
May 23, 11:32 AM

Mar 2023
I think that modern anime aged like milk while the old ones aged like wine.
May 23, 11:50 AM

Dec 2021
Lemme see... my human brain is thinking up some human responses...

Opinions are opinions, and differing opinions can co-exist. 🙂 But I don't do debate, life's too short to spend time debating people.

May 23, 12:33 PM
Aug 2023
I think anime from the 90s are generally overrated and didn't really aged well. Specifically early to mid 90s anime, late 90s is a bit better.

Anime from early 2000s to early 2010s are the most underappreciated ones and deserve to be revisited more, they aged way better than most of the anime that came out after mid 2010s which almost only rely on hype and advertisement to get people to watch them and then lost all relevancy 2 years later.
May 23, 12:36 PM

Jul 2013
Reply to Daviljoe193
Lemme see... my human brain is thinking up some human responses...

@Daviljoe193 what site are those screenshots from btw???
May 23, 12:37 PM

Mar 2008
Sometimes certain trends are contextual to the time and seen out of place not along side other media from the time it loses context. The time you see it doesnt matter you just need to have some knowledge for the time it occurred.
May 23, 12:44 PM

Dec 2021
Reply to DesuMaiden
@Daviljoe193 what site are those screenshots from btw???
@DesuMaiden OpenRouter. It lets me choose a bunch of LLM models, and send them all the same prompt at the same time. I basically just use it for dumb shit like this and for access to subscription-gated models like Claude 3 and GPT-4. It ain't free, but it works for me. The prompt I used for them is quite long though, but let me say it upfront that I basically told the models to simulate me, and gave them 26 examples of how I write, as well as part of my MAL list. It won't do this on its own. Also kek, Claude used the size tag wrong, so it looks (Get your magnifying glass ready, because there's actually text below this line)

like this. This is the scale it wrote part of its reply at, for some ungodly reason. lol
Daviljoe193May 23, 12:51 PM
Opinions are opinions, and differing opinions can co-exist. 🙂 But I don't do debate, life's too short to spend time debating people.

May 23, 1:27 PM

May 2021
Reply to FanofAction
Something something "times were different back then". No, but it's definitely a societal change thing. You see it with things like comedians getting shit for jokes that were fine years ago, or remakes changing problematic things from the original, or voice actors stepping down so the right race can voice a character. For example, one of my favorite movies, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective would get a lot of backlash for that scene where he freaks out after realizing the woman he was with used to be a guy if it were made today.

If we're talking about things holding up visually, well that depends on the individual thing. Even stuff that came out fairly recently can look like ass looking back on it now.
@FanofAction 100% agree with this take

I don't really belive in things aging poorly, people's perspectives on the other hand do tend to change with the times as they can be influenced by what's around them

Also Ace Ventura is awesome 🦏 the rhino scene is forever imprinted into my brain
May 23, 2:12 PM

Feb 2016
Reply to Catalano
it's not anime who ages poorly, it's fans who don't wanna watch it because they can't discuss with others online like with seasonals.
lots of people will watch a bad seasonal just to complain about it yet same people won't watch an old anime that looks up to their liking.
and there's the constant need to catch up.
megazone 23 is ten times better than the shit you're watching, your only reason for not watching it is that it's not airing.
Catalano said:
megazone 23 is ten times better than the shit you're watching, your only reason for not watching it is that it's not airing.

I don't know which of the 3 parts is considered best by fans, as they don't each have their own MAL entry.
May 23, 2:36 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to DigiCat
@FanofAction 100% agree with this take

I don't really belive in things aging poorly, people's perspectives on the other hand do tend to change with the times as they can be influenced by what's around them

Also Ace Ventura is awesome 🦏 the rhino scene is forever imprinted into my brain
@DigiCat Yeah, When Nature Calls is honestly more memorable than Pet Detective overall, and that rhino scene is the perfect example why. That should have traumatized me as a kid..
May 23, 2:44 PM

Oct 2010
Reply to Lucifrost
Catalano said:
megazone 23 is ten times better than the shit you're watching, your only reason for not watching it is that it's not airing.

I don't know which of the 3 parts is considered best by fans, as they don't each have their own MAL entry.
part 1 of course but I love all 3 parts, I mean dragevard is watching kimetsu and mushoku so yeah.
May 23, 5:04 PM

Nov 2019
I think it depends. Sure there are rubbish old school anime but even then they have some likeable chars or story.
Most of the time people can’t adapt to the visuals or story because it’s not modern enough
May 23, 5:26 PM

Jul 2016
Looking at anime it's like a time capsule into that period of time when it was created. Anime doesn't age the people watching it do.
May 23, 7:35 PM

Oct 2023
Dragevard's threads start poorly and age with that out of the way. What are your thoughts on your questions Dragevard? Answer hidden from Dragevard:
May 23, 7:38 PM

Dec 2021
Reply to MogKnight
Dragevard's threads start poorly and age with that out of the way. What are your thoughts on your questions Dragevard? Answer hidden from Dragevard:
@MogKnight I wonder if he can even read my AI generated reply. I know he sure as shit can't be bothered to hand retype all of it into ChatGPT to generate a response.
Opinions are opinions, and differing opinions can co-exist. 🙂 But I don't do debate, life's too short to spend time debating people.

May 23, 7:40 PM

Oct 2016
Some shows do age poorly overtime cause some are attached to the current events going on and trends so its easier to relate to at the time. But at the same time peoples tastes change. Its a 50/50.
May 23, 8:49 PM

Sep 2007
Reply to GinInYourJuice
It kind of depends on which era and anime we’re talking about, but for the most part, I find both of those ideas to be very true. Majority of the anime that came out in the 60s and prior are the ones that aged poorly, while many of the anime that came out in the 90s for example, definitely didn’t age as badly in comparison; the latter is moreso about people’s tastes evolving due to aging.
kusairo said:
It kind of depends on which era and anime we’re talking about, but for the most part, I find both of those ideas to be very true. Majority of the anime that came out in the 60s and prior are the ones that aged poorly, while many of the anime that came out in the 90s for example, definitely didn’t age as badly in comparison; the latter is moreso about people’s tastes evolving due to aging.

I agree as older gen can appreciate the old/retro style of animation/production while the new/recent gen are used to today's animation/production and probably not like or enjoy old/retro style of animation/production.
May 24, 10:04 AM

Oct 2017
Parts of any piece of media can age poorly over time. While the world around us grows and changes, artistic works for the most are generally always going to stay the same as when they exactly came out, with exceptions existing like video games that get updates, some shows and movies that get minor tweaks over time etc. Whether it be societal changes, evolutions of artistic mediums, or just a shift in the taste of the audience, many pieces of media will show their age in some way or another.

With Japanese animation there are 100% aspects of many shows, even ones widely beloved and considered classics that have aged poorly. Many older shonen adaptations for example struggle a lot in aspects that newer shonen series don't. In decades past, keeping a shonen series always ongoing was the norm instead of taking seasonal breaks which is the norm now. This structure of always needing a new episode every week was detrimental to the pacing of a lot of shows since most shonen manga are also published on a weekly schedule, so the animated version would catch up rather quickly, leading to the adaptation to either stretch out events from the source material or make completely original content up in order to pad for time, often to the detriment of the original pacing. One Piece and Naruto for example have become notorious for the amount of padding they do, with One Piece stretching sometimes a few manga pages (not even a full chapter) into a single episode. Most modern shonen do not fall victim to this due to their seasonal breaks which while yes is annoying for the wait times is a bit healthier in the long run as the adaptation actually better respects the viewer's time and the original pacing of the source material. For some people even just standard elements of older production can be a major turn off for modern audiences. 4:3 Aspect ratio can really be a detriment to some viewers as dumb as it sounds. A lot of people who were born in the mid 2000s when Widescreen became the default are now old enough to watch a lot of content and may or may not be used to the image not filling the entire screen. Many people are also just not used to cel based animation compared to modern digitally colored stuff so that can also lead to a disconnect. Aesthetics have also changed quite a bit and there are people who grew up on newer stuff that may find older art styles completely unappealing

Story and other elements can also just age poorly with the way society moves. Dragon Ball for example has plenty of sections that have aged like absolute milk with Kame Sennin/Muten Roshi acting like a complete sex offender in ways that are somehow even more creepy than the shit we see today. Some shows even struggled with portraying women and minority groups and by today's standards are pretty bad. However it's ok to like something that has problematic or outdated elements as long as you are able to adress them, understand them, and not actively defend these elements. Societal norms change and that is something that is good and instead of getting worked up about how art back then was "completely evil" or "modern works are too scared to be edgy" we should instead understand how society moves forward, and our art reflects our real world in some ways so you will kind of see that social progress in the media we consume. There are plenty of series I personally love that have elements that are really socially outdated and contain elements that by todays standards are sexist, transphobic, and racist, but as an artist I can acknowledge that and reflect on how the time period may have influenced these elements, and in some cases the creators of these peices of media have even grown over time and these elements went away. While art is stuck in its time, the artists aren't and we as viewers aren't so looking back and analyzing these flaws can be beneficial.

But TLDR: Yes stuff has aged poorly in some cases but that is completely fine and you can still enjoy something that may not be up to today's standards and that is actually completely normal
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