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Oct 2, 2021 12:44 AM
Jul 2009
To put it bluntly, it's wish fulfillment for ugly asian men. I'm noticing a recent trend of anime trying to shoehorn Japan and Japanese people into every possible world and setting, no matter how divorced from the actual setting it is. It's set in medieval Europe and is about pirates. Why would a princess have a knight named Yukimaru? And why is her character written to be obsessed with his "black eyes" with no explanation, as if that's actually desirable by default?

It's not that they're not allowed to have creative freedom with writing their own script, but that this is clearly just pandering to the domestic audience (asian men) in a way that breaks the 4th wall and ruins the quality of the story. In older anime we didn't see this as much, nowadays you'll be hard pressed to find any fiction coming out of Japan that isn't full of this form of shameless pandering. I've seen 1 ep and I don't even want to watch more.
HauntholicOct 2, 2021 12:47 AM
Oct 2, 2021 1:20 AM
Sep 2020
Hmmm, I get your point that it's just for attracting audience and have no direct relation with the plot but it doesn't really ruin the show for me personally. I don't care if they are pandering but it finally depends if you like it or not. It is a pretty good show but it keeps the dynamic you stated so it basically isn't fit for you ig.
Oct 2, 2021 1:22 AM
Feb 2016
Dude... You've watched one episode. You don't know anything about the characters, their history, the world building, the lore or anything else. Also it's not meant to be historically accurate. It's a fun action adventure anime with some mystery, likable characters and gorgeous animations. If you immediately think about ugly Japanese men while watching this show and think it has been ruined because there are Japanese characters in it it's a you problem. Just drop it and watch some other shit.
Oct 2, 2021 1:38 AM

Jul 2015
It's almost like anime is made by the Japanese mainly for Japanese.

Remember "47 ronin" with Keanu Reeves? Yea...

Oct 2, 2021 2:00 AM

Aug 2021
I mean... Fena is more like a Disney story and I don't see how her obsessing with yukimaru ruins the show...

The true example of ruining a show with obsessive love would be 'Parasyte' that anime is one of the best written and well executed anime but the female characters suck and are annoying beyond measure.. compared to that ...

I can't even notice any problem here
Stawberry Milk Supremacy
Oct 2, 2021 2:06 AM

Jul 2020
"Anime is intended for JAPANESE AUDIENCE"
And there are plenty of Anime that have completely different settings and places but have Japanese names.
And how is it "pandering"? Looks like an Sjw just discovered this word.

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Oct 2, 2021 2:33 AM
Jan 2020
As what the guy above me said.
Oct 2, 2021 2:40 AM

Apr 2012
Scordolo said:
"Anime is intended for JAPANESE AUDIENCE"
And there are plenty of Anime that have completely different settings and places but have Japanese names.
And how is it "pandering"? Looks like an Sjw just discovered this word.

It amuses me that even when the show is obviously focused on female fantasy, people still complain that it is supposedly pandering for men.
Oct 2, 2021 3:41 AM
Jan 2021
This post is so cringe it hurts lmaoooo
Oct 2, 2021 3:46 AM
Apr 2021
It's a bit silly, but then again, Hollywood was pandering by putting white americans into unrealistic settings for decades, and now they're doing it with all races.
I think all countries assume that audiences will only empathise with someone who looks like them. It's dumb but it's not going to spoil an anime.
Oct 2, 2021 6:21 AM
Anime Moderator
May 2018
you've watched one episode, watch more or cope
Oct 2, 2021 8:27 AM
Jul 2020
Scordolo said:
"Anime is intended for JAPANESE AUDIENCE"
And there are plenty of Anime that have completely different settings and places but have Japanese names.
And how is it "pandering"? Looks like an Sjw just discovered this word.

This is your answer.
Oct 2, 2021 9:37 AM

Jul 2017
how the duck is this wish fullfilment???????????
Oct 2, 2021 10:33 AM
Oct 2017
Hauntholic said:
To put it bluntly, it's wish fulfillment for ugly asian men. I'm noticing a recent trend of anime trying to shoehorn Japan and Japanese people into every possible world and setting, no matter how divorced from the actual setting it is. It's set in medieval Europe and is about pirates. Why would a princess have a knight named Yukimaru? And why is her character written to be obsessed with his "black eyes" with no explanation, as if that's actually desirable by default?

It's not that they're not allowed to have creative freedom with writing their own script, but that this is clearly just pandering to the domestic audience (asian men) in a way that breaks the 4th wall and ruins the quality of the story. In older anime we didn't see this as much, nowadays you'll be hard pressed to find any fiction coming out of Japan that isn't full of this form of shameless pandering. I've seen 1 ep and I don't even want to watch more.

Well than you missed out on explanation as to why Japanese samurai are involved with 18th century Europe. Anime is mostly made for Japanese people and they enjoy being culturally able to relate to the story and setting of that anime. Hollywood has been doing this for decades with white actors. I don't care as long as there is explanation for it. Which there is.
Oct 2, 2021 11:16 AM

Nov 2016
Let ricecels cope.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 2, 2021 11:52 AM

Jan 2020
I haven’t watched this yet. I was just wondering if someone could tell me if Yukimaru has a big role. Like is he a main character with good amount of screen time or is he a supporting character with less of a role?
Oct 2, 2021 1:46 PM
Oct 2017
Animillion said:
I haven’t watched this yet. I was just wondering if someone could tell me if Yukimaru has a big role. Like is he a main character with good amount of screen time or is he a supporting character with less of a role?

He's like the second most important character. Sometimes He actually becomes the main character.
Oct 2, 2021 4:20 PM
Jun 2021
It's just anime. Get over it and don't look so much into every little thing. Just enjoy it.
Oct 2, 2021 11:38 PM

Dec 2020
this thread kinda funny ngl. continue your argument, user Hauntholic
Oct 3, 2021 2:50 AM
Apr 2021
This is as ridiculous as the Last Samurai being American, when the character he was based off was French, and barely played a role in the conflict being displayed in the film. That was a loosely adapted "true story" by Hollwood. Considering it was limited to being true, in this light fantasy universe with Samurai, a floating island, a mysterious island 'not raftel' that psychically advises Fena on how to find it, and a bunch of random famous historical Europeans bizarrely shoehorned into the plot, honestly I think the Japanese Samurai pirates are one of the lesser weird aspects of this story.

If we're thinking of this show being primarily to Japanese target audience, then it makes logical sense from a storytelling perspective to have the main characters be Japanese, with familiar technology and culture, and explore this world from their Japanese perspective.
Oct 4, 2021 4:30 AM

Aug 2019
now this was definitely a funny thread but seriously,
Oct 4, 2021 5:26 AM

Sep 2009
You seems to have a hard on for anything you dub "wish fulfilment", half of which arent even close to what you are saying. If you don't like those types of things you really shouldn't be watching anime at all.
komicOct 4, 2021 5:53 AM
Oct 4, 2021 9:38 AM

May 2021
lmao the mental gymnastics you have to do in order to make this conclusion are incredible. what if I say that it is a western female fantasy? fena is between the west (Us) and the asians (BTS), both are fighting for Fena, kind of like the US market is fighting to keep the western girls in the western market, and BTS is saving her
yeah that sounds absurd, like your post

Oct 4, 2021 11:09 AM

Nov 2018
Prod I.G called and said they cared a lot about your post so they will cancel the airing of the show, they'll rewrite the whole thing for your own pandering and rebroadcast it next year. Is the retard happy now?
Oct 6, 2021 12:46 AM
Jul 2009
Gween_Gween said:
lmao the mental gymnastics you have to do in order to make this conclusion are incredible. what if I say that it is a western female fantasy? fena is between the west (Us) and the asians (BTS), both are fighting for Fena, kind of like the US market is fighting to keep the western girls in the western market, and BTS is saving her
yeah that sounds absurd, like your post

Wtf is BTS? Learn English and then get back to me.
HauntholicOct 6, 2021 1:04 AM
Oct 6, 2021 12:47 AM
Jul 2009
RobertBobert said:
Scordolo said:
"Anime is intended for JAPANESE AUDIENCE"
And there are plenty of Anime that have completely different settings and places but have Japanese names.
And how is it "pandering"? Looks like an Sjw just discovered this word.

It amuses me that even when the show is obviously focused on female fantasy, people still complain that it is supposedly pandering for men.

Nothing about the show is a female fantasy.
Oct 6, 2021 12:50 AM

Apr 2012
Hauntholic said:
RobertBobert said:

It amuses me that even when the show is obviously focused on female fantasy, people still complain that it is supposedly pandering for men.

Nothing about the show is a female fantasy.

Of course, any guy dreams of being an innocent girl, around whom a bunch of cool and handsome men are running around.
Oct 6, 2021 1:00 AM
Jul 2009
theGodde said:
This is as ridiculous as the Last Samurai being American, when the character he was based off was French, and barely played a role in the conflict being displayed in the film. That was a loosely adapted "true story" by Hollwood. Considering it was limited to being true, in this light fantasy universe with Samurai, a floating island, a mysterious island 'not raftel' that psychically advises Fena on how to find it, and a bunch of random famous historical Europeans bizarrely shoehorned into the plot, honestly I think the Japanese Samurai pirates are one of the lesser weird aspects of this story.

If we're thinking of this show being primarily to Japanese target audience, then it makes logical sense from a storytelling perspective to have the main characters be Japanese, with familiar technology and culture, and explore this world from their Japanese perspective.

At least the movie is actually a true story. You can't say the same for any of the terrible pandering Japan does. It's like Japan has a major inferiority complex, so they're incapable of producing any work of fiction that doesn't somehow insert themselves not just in the "normal" way, but in the FULL ON wish fulfillment way. It's ruining anime that would otherwise be great.
Oct 6, 2021 1:03 AM
Jul 2009
ashley5891 said:
It's dumb but it's not going to spoil an anime.

Usually not, but when it's exaggerated to the point that it's totally unrealistic like this then it can.
Oct 6, 2021 1:03 AM
Apr 2021
Hauntholic said:
theGodde said:
This is as ridiculous as the Last Samurai being American, when the character he was based off was French, and barely played a role in the conflict being displayed in the film. That was a loosely adapted "true story" by Hollwood. Considering it was limited to being true, in this light fantasy universe with Samurai, a floating island, a mysterious island 'not raftel' that psychically advises Fena on how to find it, and a bunch of random famous historical Europeans bizarrely shoehorned into the plot, honestly I think the Japanese Samurai pirates are one of the lesser weird aspects of this story.

If we're thinking of this show being primarily to Japanese target audience, then it makes logical sense from a storytelling perspective to have the main characters be Japanese, with familiar technology and culture, and explore this world from their Japanese perspective.

At least the movie is actually a true story. You can't say the same for any of the terrible pandering Japan does. It's like Japan has a major inferiority complex, so they're incapable of producing any work of fiction that doesn't somehow insert themselves not just in the "normal" way, but in the FULL ON wish fulfillment way. It's ruining anime that would otherwise be great.
As an Australian who has watched a shit ton of hollywood garbage, what Japan's peddling isn't any different.
It seems to me like your own preconceived notions are ruining your immersion. Just consider it a "Japan-ism" or something. It's not worth stressing over.
Oct 6, 2021 1:20 AM
Jul 2009
theGodde said:
Hauntholic said:

At least the movie is actually a true story. You can't say the same for any of the terrible pandering Japan does. It's like Japan has a major inferiority complex, so they're incapable of producing any work of fiction that doesn't somehow insert themselves not just in the "normal" way, but in the FULL ON wish fulfillment way. It's ruining anime that would otherwise be great.
As an Australian who has watched a shit ton of hollywood garbage, what Japan's peddling isn't any different.
It seems to me like your own preconceived notions are ruining your immersion. Just consider it a "Japan-ism" or something. It's not worth stressing over.

It's quite different, because for one America occupies most of the planet through military bases. It's not really too farfetched for Americans to be doing all sorts of things in foreign countries. Japan in contrast is an isolated island that was completely closed off from the world until 20th century.

That aside, this heavy pandering might be okay if it were some unnamed fantasy world where the rules don't apply, but the presentation and setting of the show largely indicates that it's going for a realistic setting, which is why the heavy pandering just feels totally out of place and ruins the immersion of the show. It's wish fulfillment bordering on delusion.
Oct 6, 2021 2:56 AM

Feb 2015
Hauntholic said:
Gween_Gween said:
lmao the mental gymnastics you have to do in order to make this conclusion are incredible. what if I say that it is a western female fantasy? fena is between the west (Us) and the asians (BTS), both are fighting for Fena, kind of like the US market is fighting to keep the western girls in the western market, and BTS is saving her
yeah that sounds absurd, like your post

Wtf is BTS? Learn English and then get back to me.
Behind The Scenes

Oct 6, 2021 3:12 AM
Apr 2021
SteelingMax said:
Hauntholic said:

Wtf is BTS? Learn English and then get back to me.
Behind The Scenes
honestly they might even be referring to the boyband BTS lmao
Oct 6, 2021 3:27 AM

Feb 2015
theGodde said:
SteelingMax said:
Behind The Scenes
honestly they might even be referring to the boyband BTS lmao
I actually think they are, i was just joking, bc this person is clearly insane.

Oct 6, 2021 4:14 AM

Oct 2018
Hauntholic said:
To put it bluntly, it's wish fulfillment for ugly asian men. I'm noticing a recent trend of anime trying to shoehorn Japan and Japanese people into every possible world and setting, no matter how divorced from the actual setting it is. It's set in medieval Europe and is about pirates. Why would a princess have a knight named Yukimaru? And why is her character written to be obsessed with his "black eyes" with no explanation, as if that's actually desirable by default?

It's not that they're not allowed to have creative freedom with writing their own script, but that this is clearly just pandering to the domestic audience (asian men) in a way that breaks the 4th wall and ruins the quality of the story. In older anime we didn't see this as much, nowadays you'll be hard pressed to find any fiction coming out of Japan that isn't full of this form of shameless pandering. I've seen 1 ep and I don't even want to watch more.

Whats shameless is you making this thread about something you barely understand, at least catch up before you can confidently talk about the 'issues' here or else just shut up and dont say anything
Oct 6, 2021 10:45 AM
Jul 2009
theGodde said:
SteelingMax said:
Behind The Scenes
honestly they might even be referring to the boyband BTS lmao

Haven't heard of it. That's an incredibly stupid comment, because kpop is for fat girls and weird people, and outside of Korea most of the fans are in South America.
Oct 6, 2021 10:46 AM
Jul 2009
animeizboring said:
Hauntholic said:
To put it bluntly, it's wish fulfillment for ugly asian men. I'm noticing a recent trend of anime trying to shoehorn Japan and Japanese people into every possible world and setting, no matter how divorced from the actual setting it is. It's set in medieval Europe and is about pirates. Why would a princess have a knight named Yukimaru? And why is her character written to be obsessed with his "black eyes" with no explanation, as if that's actually desirable by default?

It's not that they're not allowed to have creative freedom with writing their own script, but that this is clearly just pandering to the domestic audience (asian men) in a way that breaks the 4th wall and ruins the quality of the story. In older anime we didn't see this as much, nowadays you'll be hard pressed to find any fiction coming out of Japan that isn't full of this form of shameless pandering. I've seen 1 ep and I don't even want to watch more.

Whats shameless is you making this thread about something you barely understand, at least catch up before you can confidently talk about the 'issues' here or else just shut up and dont say anything

I'd like to be proven wrong, but the problem is that the pandering will likely get worse with the progression. If they're that shameless about it on the first episode then it's hard to take the show seriously.
Oct 6, 2021 2:12 PM
Apr 2021
Hauntholic said:
theGodde said:
honestly they might even be referring to the boyband BTS lmao

Haven't heard of it. That's an incredibly stupid comment, because kpop is for fat girls and weird people, and outside of Korea most of the fans are in South America.
with a statement so extremely incorrect (like actual surveys of BTS fans exist so you're wrong on an objective metric as well) I have now lost all faith in the quality of your opinions
you're either a troll or a bigot
Oct 6, 2021 8:08 PM
Jul 2009
theGodde said:
with a statement so extremely incorrect (like actual surveys of BTS fans exist so you're wrong on an objective metric as well) I have now lost all faith in the quality of your opinions
you're either a troll or a bigot

It's 100% correct. No one is going to admit that they're fat or weird in a survey. Now stop trying to take my thread off-topic with some random irrelevant nonsense. Has as much to do with the topic as Lil Uzi Vert does.
Oct 6, 2021 9:11 PM
Apr 2021
Hauntholic said:
theGodde said:
with a statement so extremely incorrect (like actual surveys of BTS fans exist so you're wrong on an objective metric as well) I have now lost all faith in the quality of your opinions
you're either a troll or a bigot

It's 100% correct. No one is going to admit that they're fat or weird in a survey. Now stop trying to take my thread off-topic with some random irrelevant nonsense. Has as much to do with the topic as Lil Uzi Vert does.
so it's correct because you think it's correct and want to ignore all data?
seems to me you are rather lacking in acumen, comprehension, and possess the intellect of a Neanderthal

simply put, as I said before, your own pitiful misrepresentation of Japanese people is hindering your ability to watch anime. Although I'm surprised you can even breath with an IQ so low, much less type into a keyboard.
Oct 6, 2021 11:06 PM
Jul 2009
You should get a degree in projection. Ironic.
Oct 7, 2021 1:31 PM

Nov 2019
Posts like these are why we cant have nice things.
Oct 7, 2021 4:38 PM

Mar 2020
Hauntholic said:
To put it bluntly, it's wish fulfillment for ugly asian men. I'm noticing a recent trend of anime trying to shoehorn Japan and Japanese people into every possible world and setting, no matter how divorced from the actual setting it is. It's set in medieval Europe and is about pirates. Why would a princess have a knight named Yukimaru? And why is her character written to be obsessed with his "black eyes" with no explanation, as if that's actually desirable by default?

It's not that they're not allowed to have creative freedom with writing their own script, but that this is clearly just pandering to the domestic audience (asian men) in a way that breaks the 4th wall and ruins the quality of the story. In older anime we didn't see this as much, nowadays you'll be hard pressed to find any fiction coming out of Japan that isn't full of this form of shameless pandering. I've seen 1 ep and I don't even want to watch more.
I dont know if you are being a racist here but i will just answer your question...
Yukimaru is his child hood friend and she was apprently very close to him? The place she lives in is full of indecent men so yeah you can understand her obesseion with a decent person for once? Does that matter? Its fiction? And hate to burst your bubble but have you lived in medival europe to make that judgement? Prostituion was normal in those days? oPlus its just a pthetic excuse for saying "old anime were better" When the only ones you are going to compare are the good or highly acclaimed ones. No one would even compare the bad ones from that period...
ALso are you expecting them to explain each and everything in one episode?
i cant believe you are throwing a rant on a show thats already Unknown by the majority lol
Also edit
I believe you have comprehension issues because this judgement can be made from the 1st episode only.
I too have just started and no offence but your thread makes no sense...

234MannanOct 7, 2021 4:45 PM

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