Unlike the other movies regarding the DBZ series, this one is different as it does not focus on Goku yet alone any other of the Z Fighthers.
Story - The Story of Bardock, The Father of Goku, takes place before the events of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z and explains how Goku wound up on Earth.
Bardock is a Saiyan who (with his other team members) want to rise from the tyranny of Frieza and make the Planet Vegeta a free place not ruled by Frieza.
Art - It is what you would expect from any Dragon Ball Z episode.
Sound - Pretty much what
Alternative Titles
Synonyms: DBZ: A Final Solitary Battle! The Z Warrior Son Goku's Father Challenges Furiza, Dragon Ball Z Special 1: Tatta Hitori no Saishuu Kessen - Freezer ni Idonda Z Senshi Son Gokuu no Chichi
Japanese: DRAGON BALL Z スペシャル たったひとりの最終決戦~フリーザに挑んだZ戦士孫悟空の父~
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TV Special
Finished Airing
Oct 17, 1990
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Toei Animation
47 min.
PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 11 / 11
Your Feelings Categories Nov 29, 2011
Well this is a prequel to Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z
Story: As a prequel story it fars well. It is enjoyable especially for fans of the series and would be a good way to introduce someone to the franchise. It is also full of easter eggs for fans. Enjoyment: It is a highly enjoyable special with gripping action scenes and a fairly emotionaly plot. Art and Animation: The art is pretty much the same from the series in its later days. The animation though is fairly good and a tad above that of the series. Verdict: For a special this is an enjoyable one and a good ... Sep 9, 2013
Bardock: Father of Goku, is a 40 minute 'movie' that shows some backstory into Goku's father, Bardock (in case you didn't get that from the title). It begins in the aftermath of Bardock, a low level saiyan, and his squad, conquering a planet long desired by Frieza. As the saiyans celebrate there victory a final enemy appears and grants Bardock psychic powers before dying.
However this was meant as a curse for destroying his home, as Frieza is threatened by such low-level saiyans performing as well as his elite soldiers. Bardock must now watch horrifying visions of his own planet's destruction as punishment. However his ... Jul 4, 2015
Bardock - The Father of Goku is actually a DBZ movie that you will hear me say is good, but don't get too use to hearing me say things like that. The biggest problem that I have with DBZ is its redundancy. This movie however, doesn't follow the classic trend which is that recycled and disturbing pattern that folks like myself have grown to hate. Another problem with the movies is the lack of main storyline continuity. Most of the movies appear to exist outside of the storyline. This doesn't appear to be the case with this movie, as it seems more to be a
Dec 23, 2018
[Watched with Original English Dub with Japanese Score]
[Keep in mind this review is more focused on the dub and how it affects the product overall. The subbed version of the special is easily an 8 or 9 out of 10] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Honestly this special looks and sounds great. The score perfectly compliments the visuals being presented, and you have a great tragic tale that is not often seen in the Dragon Ball franchise. I would recommend it to any Dragon Ball fan... Unfortunately, everything was ruined by the meme worthy dub. Whoever approved this script must have been insane, and the voice acting in general was incredibly poor. ... May 6, 2020
This is too long, yet too simple to be anything more than a novelty, but I think this is definitely in the upper level of the Dragon Ball Z movies, and by FAR the best of all the TV specials/OVAs. We get to see the story of a villain falling into a seeming curse and then failing just at the last moment to prevent disaster.
Basically, this is a kind of Greek Tragedy-lite, Revenge of the Sith-style story where Bardock sees visions of a future he doesn't understand, visions of his son's accomplishments, and in his quest to figure them out and prevent tragedy, ends up ... Feb 16, 2021
Excuse me, I don't usually write in English. If you want you can read my review in Spanish.
When I was younger I blindly believed that this film had been adapted from the manga since it made sense within the context of the series. And he certainly had it because, unlike the Dragon Ball Z movies, where events incompatible with the point in the story are related, here they simply tell us some events from the past. Fortunately, they place him in the Freezer saga, giving more drama to the future confrontation between Goku and Freezer. But the most important thing is that it constitutes a ... May 22, 2022
Sadly, this is nothing more than a poor fanfiction of Dragonball. A normal review would merely discuss the work itself, but to do that over looks a fair bit of provenance that is what really decided the audience view of this work. Many people enjoy this due to the portrayal and inclusion of Bardock. While it is incredibly interesting to hear the backstory of Goku's father, none of it is true in the slightest. It is a pure fanfiction. Bardock, while being Goku's father, has none of the qualities present in this portrayal of him. Bardock is not like Vegeta, a heartless warrior Saiyan, but
Dec 27, 2024
The Bardock Special is a good view of some of the more underlooked aspects of Z, and provides a satisfying expansion.
The Saiyan race, a mercenary group which are essentially hired space vikings, are growing in numbers and strength- and Frieza is scared of this! Bardock, described as a 'low-tier warrior' sees the future destruction of Planet Vegeta, and the prophecy of his son. One aspect I really liked about this movie was the sci-fi feel. I always thought that Z missed an opportunity to have some awesome space adventures, so seeing Bardock and his comrades clearing some planets was cool. Essentially, the same thing happens to ... Mar 4, 2021
English Version (sorry for my shitty English):
Review: Dragon Ball Z Special 1: Bardock, The Father of Goku. Ah the Dragon Ball movies, I still remember when I was a boy and I really liked the franchise, both its anime series and movies (Except Dragon Ball Evolution), but currently I'm not such a fan of the franchise, of course I still like it in some aspects, but in general the franchise seems a mediocrity to me and even more if we take into account the movies that almost all are summarized in being products without soul to entertain the masses and their fandom in general, not to ... Mar 14, 2017
I watched the English dub whose only sin is changing the OST. The other sins are all due to the original version and I feel still apply to this review. Also, this is my 100th review =3
Story: A story like this can be difficult. We already know the ending. The job of the writers is to make us sympathise with what we already know, but that is easier said than done. This is a prime example of a narrative that didn't need to be told and failed when it was. So we know, from DBZ, how things are supposed to end, but we don't know what caused ... |