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Jun 1, 2010 3:48 PM

May 2010
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Jun 1, 2010 3:52 PM

Sep 2008
Completely oblivious to affection characters. It's very annoying and hinders any thought process that goes on in the creators of the show. [opinion]Seriously, the more interesting parts happen when we see an actual couple interact.[/opinion]
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Jun 1, 2010 3:53 PM

Apr 2008

Jun 1, 2010 3:58 PM

Jun 2009
"I can kill you today, but we'll postpone this fight so you can train up and kill me" plot.


"Looks like I'm forced to use "that move"" plot.
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Jun 1, 2010 3:58 PM

Sep 2008
Male characters going for girls that care the least about them (in love polygon/harem anime usually).
Jun 1, 2010 3:59 PM

Oct 2009
Jun 1, 2010 4:06 PM

Oct 2007
The "I've loved you my whole life, even though you're an arrogant foulmouthed pervert who couldn't give a damn about me" thing that a huge chunk of anime girls seem to have going for the lead male.

Also when a guy genuinely accidently does something that embarrasses the girl and she smacks him because of it - anyone with a braincell or three could see it was an accident.
Jun 1, 2010 4:08 PM

Jun 2009
exceeding talented characters -These are characters who have never been to the school or trained in said field before and suddenly over the course of 13-26 episodes become the number one of said class or team. Ah, it drives me crazy, I drop anime for this reason.

Can't do anything by myself characters, also know as totally useless characters These are characters who whine nonstop, can not stand doing anything alone and can not fight for themselves.

Freeloaders Characters who serve no purpose in the story except to be dragged around for who knows what reason by the main characters

The unemotional The characters who fake feelings about anything in order to attempt to fit in with the other characters.

Can't think for themselves... Kind of obvious I don't think it requires a description.

Comic Relief Characters I just don't see the point, either work with everyone or get off the show.

Carbon Cutout characters They fit in every anime, they are nothing special and a stock cliche.

I'm sure there are more, this is just what I can come up with right now.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jun 1, 2010 4:16 PM

Jul 2008
Tsunderes. I've yet to find one that I didn't want to punch in the throat.
Shitty male leads. Way too many crappy harem leads out there.
Shitty female leads. I love shoujo, but most shoujo leads are helpless pussies.
Jun 1, 2010 4:19 PM

Nov 2008
Crappy Harem Male Leads- None of them are good even Wataru which had a decent personality and intentions but was overall useless (He can't even open a jar) and ended up being a cheerleader of sorts.

Jun 1, 2010 4:21 PM

Aug 2009
* The intentional/unintentional tease that pushes the "one person who wants them the most/one person they want to be with" away from them either due to their own shyness, or just to be a spiteful bitch towards their potential love.

* The person who doesn't put too much effort in curing themselves of their stigmas.

* The moeblob who is just too stupid to live.

* The tsundere who's "bitch/angel switch" stays on the "bitch" side for the entire show unless it benefits themselves to be an angel for 5 minutes.

* The hypocrite who believes that they are the most just saint in the world, despite being anything but a saint. The worst is when they think everyone else is wrong because they're too self-righteous to think of anyone elses input as meaningful.
Jun 1, 2010 4:29 PM

Dec 2007
The character types.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Jun 1, 2010 4:29 PM

Feb 2008
the childhood friend always wins in any harem
the girl with the sword always loses in any harem
whenever people in a fight (especially those who are supposed to be in a hurry to save the world/damsel in distress/dieing friend/etc) stop every few seconds to talk about their childhoods or the fancy move they'll be using in 10 mins or so when they've finished charging it or just continuous over use of the "I am not left handed" trope with detailed explanations included.
badass females that slowly degrade over the course of the series in spite of constant effort and training and eventually (usually) become healers or perpetual damsels in distress while the hero (who's usually a lazy fu*k that never trains) becomes super badass over night and passes them in no time at all, no matter how huge the gap in power was at the start of the series.
whenever everyone on the show loves someone (usually the main character) no matter how little they've done to deserve it and no matter how much they've done to make anyone with half a braincell hate them and view them as an incompetent moron who shouldn't be allowed to continue breathing for sake of humanity.

most of these are shounen cliche's btw
Jun 1, 2010 4:37 PM
Feb 2010
Predictable scenarios. Ex:

Jun 1, 2010 4:37 PM

Apr 2010
I absolutely hate moe. I never understood the attraction towards these types of shows
Jun 1, 2010 4:39 PM

May 2010
I dislike when teammates somehow find the time to discuss strategy, history, philosophy, genetics, regrets, sorrows, laments, etc. for what seems like minutes during a life and death struggle with an enemy. And, since evil enemies are so nice, they allow the heroes the chance to talk amongst themselves without taking advantage and attacking during their discussion.
Jun 1, 2010 4:54 PM

Feb 2008
NS_Arcane said:
Predictable scenarios. Ex:

I so totally agree with this
Jun 1, 2010 5:01 PM

May 2008

I think this pretty well sums it up.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Jun 1, 2010 5:28 PM
Feb 2010
- moeblobs
- typical harem male (and the comic relief sidekick male friend)
- "I NEED TO BECOME STRONG!" type of shounen male
- docile, weak women that are like "-senpai this, -senpai that", or "-sama this, -sama that"
- magical girl/boy transformation scenes

Jun 1, 2010 5:31 PM
May 2010
Not killing enimies.

I don't care about your morality, they are your enemy, they have done terrible things and they deserve to die once they have lost. At least honor them that much.

Oh yeah, that also leads to befriending enemies, which I also hate. You should be allowed to befriend a limited number of villians at the begining of the series, (Ex. Fate from Nanoha) but never do it at the end.

There are a few execptions, but most of the time the reasons are pure bullshit.
Jun 1, 2010 6:07 PM

May 2008
The ability to immediately know how to pilot a complicated piece of machinery that years of engineering by brilliant minds has constructed. Seriously, piloting a mech should not be equivalent to playing a fucking Nintendo DS.
Jun 1, 2010 6:24 PM

Nov 2008
Iisan-kun said:
Not killing enimies.

I don't care about your morality, they are your enemy, they have done terrible things and they deserve to die once they have lost. At least honor them that much.

Oh yeah, that also leads to befriending enemies, which I also hate. You should be allowed to befriend a limited number of villians at the begining of the series, (Ex. Fate from Nanoha) but never do it at the end.

There are a few execptions, but most of the time the reasons are pure bullshit.

Sounds like Black Cat.
Jun 1, 2010 6:53 PM

Mar 2010
Using some sort of super destructive technique that "supposedly" can destroy like, a mountain, but when you use it on somebody, they don't die. I mean, I can understand shooting a person's arm won't kill them, but when you freaking blast there entire left arm off, I doubt they would be able to last long enough to hold a conversation with you. I mean ,their entire left arm is gone and is free-bleeding like heck.
"Life...It's the most difficult videogame I've ever played, with the most advanced enemy AI, too many events and quests constantly updated, and for over 16 years so far, i haven't found any save point D: I have yet to beat this game. I've looked up for some cheat codes, but most of them involve finding some kind of herbal items, and none of them really maxes out stats or gives invincibility."
Jun 1, 2010 7:54 PM

Nov 2009
cliches...a lot...
-anime producers milking uber-popular anime as a cash cow...
-constipation or angst or emo-ness in intense anime scenes...
-ancient technology better than its successors? WTH!?
-the curious case of rie the uber-popular tsundere of course...
-gar characters thinking that they are too epic...well, not!
-the words ~desu,~kawaii,~onee-chan overly used in anime
-the typical fanservice scenes never disappear...

Jun 1, 2010 10:16 PM

Sep 2009
Okay, let's see...

Spineless Male Harem Hero. I just hate it when the female protagonists have a lot more balls than the hero. If he had any to start with anyway. What really gets me about this? He's like that forever.

Ultra-dense Male Harem Hero. Take a clue man. At least realize some of them are taking interest in you. (This is why I love Sakura Taisen.)

Henchman Shooting. More aptly called the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy. Can't the mooks shoot any good? What, does the big bad pay them a dime per day? Seriously.

Secret Move Ass-pull or I am not left-handed. It's perfectly fine with me if they told me foreshadowed that this guy has a sort of secret potential that only activates in desperation. But intentionally hiding some sort of new, never-mentioned-before ultra powerful move "just for this special occasion"? C'mon.

Power with no reason. I wouldn't mind getting stronger to protect friends or somesuch. Though I'd mind if the hero were getting stronger "just 'cuz".

Useless characters. The only thing worse than cliche #1 and 2 is this. The character can't do anything worthwile - he/she's not even funny.

Standby characters. Okay, so the protagonist is fighting the big bad. What're the other characters doing there, gasping and commenting about their fight? Go help your friend, for pete's sake!

Stopping for a Hannibal Lecture. The villain stops to try and psyche the hero out with big words and stuff. While he's doing his evil laugh and talking nonsense, rush to him and stab him already!

Inability to kill the antagonist. The character murdered hundreds of henchmen, but can't to get himself to kill the master of all that is evil? What's up with that?

Yeah, that's all.
LobsterRyomaJun 1, 2010 10:23 PM

Jun 1, 2010 10:39 PM
May 2010
Musushi-Tamago said:
Henchman Shooting. More aptly called the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy. Can't the mooks shoot any good? What, does the big bad pay them a dime per day? Seriously.

You just summurized Black Lagoon right there.
Jun 1, 2010 10:59 PM

May 2010
A character who draws a sword from his or her throat and licks it. Let's face it, unless you are Orochimaru, you can't pull it off.
Even when I was in crowd, I was always alone
Jun 1, 2010 11:02 PM

Mar 2009
Typical useless females who need someone to save them or can't stand up for themselves.

The typical power-up thingy that always happens in shounen.

Good guys winning in the end.

Villains dying in the end.

Characters who never seem to be able to die.

Typical male leads (esp in harems).
Jun 1, 2010 11:13 PM

Jul 2008
I dont hate any clichés, in fact i love them. More clichés please! <3
Jun 1, 2010 11:28 PM

Oct 2008
- The things that "you have to believe in yourself", "protecting your friends", "defeat the enemy" - always the same
- When the main character is the only one who can defeat an enemy boss
- The enemies are almost always defeated or they die
- Annoying and useless female characters. A clear example of both is Orihime from Bleach and her "Kurosaki-kuuuuuns"
shadowswordJun 1, 2010 11:31 PM
Jun 1, 2010 11:45 PM
May 2010
Gorim said:
Iisan-kun said:
Musushi-Tamago said:
Henchman Shooting. More aptly called the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy. Can't the mooks shoot any good? What, does the big bad pay them a dime per day? Seriously.

You just summurized Black Lagoon right there.

Nonono, in Black Lagoon the nameless henchmen are sometimes considerably good I recon one time they even did something useful. Besides Revy and others somewhat 'evade' (ofc, she can see bullets and evade them just in time!) the bullets.

Real badass henchmans are in series like Fullmetal Panic, Souske doesn't even need to evade the bullets just run in straight line in open area and enemy snipers are clueless how to shoot a moving target.

Other incredibly good markmanship is found in series such as:
Glass no Kantai
every Gundam ever made
One Piece (guns shouldn't been used, you can't hit anyone but Luffy with them)
Soul Link

I guess your kinda right, but man, I'll never forget over how bad those Nazis are at shooting and taking cover.

But yeah, I guess your right and they do 'evade'... unlike FMP.
Jun 1, 2010 11:47 PM

Oct 2009
Everything that has been said already in this thread.
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Jun 2, 2010 12:42 AM
Jul 2018
-Kazu said:
I dont hate any clichés, in fact i love them. More clichés please! <3


Pretty much those mentioned clichés are what makes the story more interesting in the end in my opinion.
Jun 2, 2010 1:43 AM

Dec 2007
The "love and friendship always destroy evil" thing..
Jun 2, 2010 2:43 AM

Apr 2009
MisterSaito said:

Jun 2, 2010 3:16 AM
Sep 2009
Becoming best friends with your enemy after you whoop their ass just doesn't make sense to all.
Jun 2, 2010 3:27 AM

Dec 2008
Memory loss. Every second show has some character suffering from freakin memory loss.
Jun 2, 2010 3:58 AM
Nov 2008
The "oops, I was here to kill you but ended up falling in love with you" plot line, also known as the "I was merely flirting with you to foil the heroine, but I actually do love you now" plot line from the typical romance.

Man are those ones annoying...
Jun 2, 2010 4:07 AM

Feb 2010
the stupid annoying dumb emotional TEARY-EYED girl that hesitates on every fukkkn word,"Oh umm... please... don't ..umm umm.. ummm umm uMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM"
Jun 2, 2010 7:34 AM

May 2008
The main character usually lost his parents - are parents that useless to even begin with?
Memory loss also one of the clichés I hate~~
Jun 2, 2010 7:59 AM
Jun 2010
I don't mind cliché but one is really getting annoying:

They should stop with the "I will transform like san goku 1223143214124 times and will defeat you in 1 second because I can't stand you, the evil character, toying with me longer than 2 episodes"

and yes, USELESS female character like Orihime and Sakura are really pissing me off.

Hell, even USELESS male character are really a pain in the ass (why the hell did they put that super intelligent quinchy in the anime ? Intelligence is not gonna make you win in Bleach. And Sado ? Why did they even bother ? lol)

Someone mentioned it : Fightning the weakest first ... it's an anime, not a damn video game. We don't care about some ugly useless minor evil charactere...

Jun 2, 2010 9:04 AM

Nov 2009
*Hands half-assed male protagonist a bento with his name on it*
"its not like I woke up at 4 AM to make this for you!*

*Standing in front of his house when he leaves for school*
"Its not like I was standing in front of YOUR house because I was waiting for you!"

The tsundere childhood-friend is a little overused
Jun 2, 2010 9:09 AM

Oct 2007
MidnightBlossom said:
The tsundere childhood-friend is immensely overused


Also, girls like Ringo from Air Gear. My God, if you like him, tell him. Don't go getting jealous and bitchy when the poor guy doesn't have a damn clue.
Jun 2, 2010 9:30 AM
Jun 2008
The "he's not dead until you see him close his eyes" cliché. Seriously, this made me detest watching Code Geass and its million and one ass pulls in bringing back at least a thousand characters from the rightful dead to life.
Jun 2, 2010 9:32 AM

Nov 2009
Kuromii (80.4%43 Female)

MidnightBlossom said:
The tsundere childhood-friend is immensely overused


Also, girls like Ringo from Air Gear. My God, if you like him, tell him. Don't go getting jealous and bitchy when the poor guy doesn't have a damn clue.

Lol, thanks
Jun 2, 2010 10:33 AM

Mar 2010
Here's another cliche that I hate:

Two guys with swords are forty yards away from each other, and they are in a stand off. They both run simultaneously, and when they are in slashing distance, FLASH! they cut at each other once and at the same time. they are now ten feet away from each other, and it looked like they both all ready swiped at each other. They stand like that for about two minutes, then one dude (Most likely the good guy) falls on one knee or both, but the other guy (The bad guy, most of the time) smiles like he managed to kill the good guy. Then the bad guy finally noticed the gaping hole on his gut, falls over, then dies. And it turned out teh good guy only have minor or non fatal injuries, or they are fatal injuries but his friend, usually the love interest, comes in and saves him.

Sometime, when the good guy is being carried away or no one has taken him away yet, he would give the now dead bad guy some speech on friendship, justice, and all that good shit.

In the unlikely event that the bad guy isn't dead yet but mostly likely will be, the good guy and the bad guy would talk about their morals. The bad guy will say a bunch of stuff, only to be defeated verbally by the good guy. By then, either the bad guy is dead, or the good guy insist to his friend/love on taking the bad guy back with them to get him treated.

Like, wtf? Why swords?! take a pistol with you, and when they get close enough, just pop the sucker in the kisser. But no, then the producers will have to find something to do with that 15 minutes they reserved just for the conversation the good and the bad guy would have.
"Life...It's the most difficult videogame I've ever played, with the most advanced enemy AI, too many events and quests constantly updated, and for over 16 years so far, i haven't found any save point D: I have yet to beat this game. I've looked up for some cheat codes, but most of them involve finding some kind of herbal items, and none of them really maxes out stats or gives invincibility."
Jun 2, 2010 10:39 AM

Aug 2009
Ryogin said:
Like, wtf? Why swords?! take a pistol with you, and when they get close enough, just pop the sucker in the kisser

A man of few words.
Jun 2, 2010 10:46 AM

Jan 2008
Once upon a time, in a Japan, a normal 14~17 year old high school boy/girl mysteriously finds out/gets/obtains etc etc etc yadayadayada that he/she must save the world/person/etc.
Jun 2, 2010 11:01 AM

Mar 2010
Ullus said:
Ryogin said:
Like, wtf? Why swords?! take a pistol with you, and when they get close enough, just pop the sucker in the kisser

Yeah, something like that should happen more often. Use the rest of the screen time doing something relevant, what ever that may be.
"Life...It's the most difficult videogame I've ever played, with the most advanced enemy AI, too many events and quests constantly updated, and for over 16 years so far, i haven't found any save point D: I have yet to beat this game. I've looked up for some cheat codes, but most of them involve finding some kind of herbal items, and none of them really maxes out stats or gives invincibility."
Jun 2, 2010 11:18 AM

Jun 2007
one that is getting used alot is the weak guy getting into pervy situations by accident and then getting pummeled.
damn it admit is already you wanted to grab her boobs and you enjoyed your face landing in between her legs and seeing her panties.
be honest
then get your butt whoop
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