Historical/royalty shoujosei
Animes shoujosei (and some seinen/shounen) of romance (not all), with royalty/historical/isekai themes
饾棩饾椉饾槅饾棶饾椆饾榿饾槅: These anime feature royalty: members of a royal family such as King, Queen, Prince, or Princess.
饾棝饾椂饾榾饾榿饾椉饾椏饾椂饾棸饾棶饾椆: The setting of a historical anime takes place at some point in Earth's past. The level of dedication to portraying the lifestyles, societies, and technologies of past periods and peoples accurately or believably can vary greatly between different works.
饾棞饾榾饾棽饾椄饾棶饾椂: Isekai is a fantasy genre where a person from Earth is transported to, reborn, or trapped in a parallel universe or fantasy world.
饾棩饾椉饾槅饾棶饾椆饾榿饾槅: These anime feature royalty: members of a royal family such as King, Queen, Prince, or Princess.
饾棝饾椂饾榾饾榿饾椉饾椏饾椂饾棸饾棶饾椆: The setting of a historical anime takes place at some point in Earth's past. The level of dedication to portraying the lifestyles, societies, and technologies of past periods and peoples accurately or believably can vary greatly between different works.
饾棞饾榾饾棽饾椄饾棶饾椂: Isekai is a fantasy genre where a person from Earth is transported to, reborn, or trapped in a parallel universe or fantasy world.