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Days: 147.2
Mean Score:
- Watching15
- Completed657
- On-Hold32
- Dropped62
- Plan to Watch65
- Total Entries831
- Rewatched42
- Episodes8,332
All Comments (524) Comments
Share joy with your friends and have a nice day! Fu Fu Fu
They seemed to balance it better as it went on, or maybe I just got used to it. I did like it a lot.
I know nothing about theater, so I just assumed that all of the plays were based on real ones.
Well, yeah. But I was talking more about getting lost in the moment on stage/'becoming' someone else. Like that one dude who fell in love with the character portrayed by Maya. Somewhat goes way beyond how the audience would get lost in fiction.
Sounds like me. The way you've described it makes me want to give it a try. Seems like these games are pretty much standalone(?) so it all sounds pretty good.
Just from those screenshots I have to agree. Whew. Fanart time. Somewhat disappointed in fanart time.
Wasn't feeling it at first. Watched the first four episodes and thought it felt super compressed and the melodrama kind of comedic. Like how much bad stuff can they fit in one episode? But once it got going I was easily becoming invested in her acting, even if a lot of its 'greatness' could only be communicated by characters outright telling me how good it was. Her accidental one-man show was really fun to watch for example. Wonder if it was cancelled because it definitely should have been 50 or so episodes. I guess there's the 00s version, but I'd have to give it some time before I watch that.
You know I always had a sense that acting was sort of a terrifying thing, and seeing some of the characters around her almost lose their sense of self just by being on stage with her pretty much reinforced that idea.
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
I bought the Switch thinking I'd get into Fire Emblem. I should probably play it. If you're playing it obsessively it must be pretty good?
I sometimes forget how close I am to NYC but I'm really glad my town's too small, or unknown, to attract them.
vtubers are weird to me. Their avatars look cute but their movements are jittery and a lot of the times their eyes look droopy or their mouths just hang open. Maybe that's part of the charm. But hololive culture does sound kind of fun the way you described it.
>Kiryu Coco
That's definitely an American lol.
It's weird though. The big supermarket in my area has never seemed to do what they're supposed to do. Smaller stores have one-way aisles and 50% capacity, but not this one. I don't like having to worry about rules to follow either. I just want to do what I need to do and get out. As someone else was telling me, one-way aisles makes sense even during normal times. I might have to agree with that.
You know, I don't go out that much but I also don't like celebrities popping up on youtube ads to tell me to 'stay inside!' it's creepy. I want to tell them to fuck off lol.
But yeah, I'm not going to complain about the traffic.
I hate NY license plates but it's not that bad over here. Why are they always swarming where you are?
Nope. I missed out.
My anime watching has slowed down a little bit, and I'm not sure what to think about that But it's like 6 episodes instead of 8 each night so it's not like I'm 'burned out.'
Who're you watching?
You gonna be some talking head somewhere? lol I get it. Nice bookshelves can make a great impression. I want to try indoor plants again, but don't know how I'm going to get them the right amount of light.
How is shopping where you are?
The main boss, some talking dragon. I played the standard game without any of the expansion stuff. I remember having to reset my 360's cache to fix the bug.
Yeah, I was thinking about watching this actually. I definitely will now.
Just like any other day really. Did you do anything special?
At least your keeping busy. Interior design and woodworking sounds like a good fit.
It's kinda funny how you mention all of the bugs in Skyrim and I only really remember one in which I couldn't do damage to the last boss. The combat system is basically 'swing your weapon around like a barbarian' lol. But same, it's the only experience I have with the Elder Scrolls series.
I'll give it a try. I finally watched Princess Minerva. Now that's a huge amount of hot fantasy babes stuffed into 44 minutes. I had a lot of fun with it, though somehow I was convinced I was watching something from the 80s and the 1995 copyright at the end surprised me. Maybe I need to watch more old school fantasy.
Now I feel dumb. But I must have forgotten that this thing even existed lol.
I tried streaming once or twice with Netflix, probably around when it was just starting out, and I definitely preferred the DVDs. I liked the feeling of coming home from school and checking out my selection that might as well have materialized out of nowhere. By 2013 I think I had pretty much lost interest in seeking out and watching movies. I haven't used it since then. But I had never had to pay for it either lol.
In theory I should like something like Myst. I remember reading about it as a kid and being fascinated with the idea of exploring a fictional world without any directions. I don't think 'open world' games were a thing back then but it was pretty predictive of how much I ended up enjoying stuff like Skyrim. I consider games like Fallout and Skyrim just to be huge time sinks now, but that openness and freedom in-game still appeals to me. I get the feeling Myst wouldn't keep me interested for very long if I were to play it now though, based on your experience it'd probably take me even longer to figure out.
Minare's thighs were mentioned in the next ep preview. Looks like it'll be a good one.
I'm picturing a flat metal triangle lol. Is that really it?
That episode may have been the most absurd, but it was also the least funny for me. I called Minare's meat, but I have no clue how someone on here guessed the water leak. Unless they cheated by being a manga reader.
Sounds pretty fun.
Around what time were you doing this? In high school I did something similar after taking out 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die from the library. I thought I was going to be some kind of film buff and I ended up becoming obsessed with spaghetti westerns and yakuza films. I sort of miss old school Netflix. I got a few anime DVDs from Netflix but if I was as interested then as I am now, Netflix would have been a great resource for anime watching.
I was reading a little bit about it before and it sounds engrossing. Is it fun or frustrating?
In middle school I made some decorative things out of molds. How they were made I don't remember, but a bald eagle and Model T are still hanging up in my parent's basement. The only other thing that comes to mind is a metal box, with an image of Luigi (taken from the Luigi's Mansion player's manual) punched into the lid. I probably should have saved that one, but it's long gone.
I'm thinking I would have gotten more use out of a woodshop class.
I can see the appeal and understand that feeling. The older I get the more I want to lose myself in the simpler things. Turning over and planting the garden and stuff like that are one thing, but being able to learn and perform a craft would be really enjoyable I think.
Thanks. Let me know how your bookends turn out.
Yeah, and those times when it feels like there's a joke but I can't tell because it's some cultural reference I don't recognize. I wonder if someone will actually die before the season's over.
Sounds like something that would happen to me. Were the movies worth watching otherwise?
Got my garden planted finally. Weather's been obnoxiously (and unusually) cold, but seems to be starting to warm up.
This is one of those legendary games isn't it? Remember staring in awe at screenshots in a magazine years ago.
I love the way their hair is drawn too. Very cute and sensual.
Wave is pretty good, it's really grown on me. The way it weaves its darker elements into its comedy (but still playing it safe somehow) is really interesting. We were talking about how everyone looks like they could be serial killers before, and it's fitting. Same with the overall gritty aesthetic.
I was expecting all anime to be delayed, but it only happened to my beloved fishing girls. Makes me sad.
How about yourself? Watch anything interesting lately?
God, I wonder if there's more wrestling policewoman stuff out there. That there's at least two instances of it makes me hopeful for more.
I still am surprised that I never came across that OVA before.
I think she's goofier, more moe...but I've never read the manga, I've just internalized the sentiment of the manga fans I've seen online who express regret that the Major most people know is too much like an angsty doll. Supposedly in this anime she eats, and people had a problem with that even though she drinks beer and stuff in the manga.
I think we know the reason lol. Anime Japan will almost always survive the apocalypse.