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Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su 2nd Season
Yesterday, 4:27 PM
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Days: 17.7
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All Comments (5612) Comments
Its OK, I get it, games are good and distracting, lol, even if they're sometimes though!x'D I have LGP (got it for Christmas as a present) and Uranium (really good and addicting Pokémon fangame) that I'm playing through atm, and I wish I could spend all my time on them, but I know I have other things to do and I need to really straighten my priorities in life soon, else I regret things even more..
I prefer to not talk about the leaks, though yes, I've heard about it, but knowing how much of a debacle it becomes each time something like that happen, what with the amount of fake news surrounding them, I prefer to wait for official information from TPC/GF/Nintendo themselves, even if I agree with the general opinion of the fandom, that it it IS taking a too long time for them to release info these days..:T
Oh yeah, it wasn't an easy year for Palworld fans..xd My brother played the game and I've seen some gameplay, and honestly, it looked pretty good and fun, lol, but we know Nintendo doesn't like when people create fun things that aren't theres now do we?>.>;
Nice! I only had one Digimon card, a random Patamon one my grandma had at her place, that I played with when I was a kid. Since we didn't have access to video games when we were young, at the time me and my brother would design our own digimon lines, and I still have those papers today tbh!
Yeah, lol~x'D
It wasn't very far in the game, so it was fine, lol, but I made a new file anyhow after that, which is the one I'm using now. I meant mostly like how some ultimate/mega stages are at levels the Digimon can't reach normally, and so its a very slow process of trying to grind them so they can "gain levels", which is only doable through a mini game which happens on the top screen when you're out in the field or at the base.
I see, that would explain it.. I know season 2 skipped less details, which made it more enjoyable, but I guess they really wanted to finish the first year stuff in S3, so stuff got cut again.. I'll eventually get to the novels, and I feel like that will help a lot in understanding what's going on, since like I mentioned, there are parts which make no sense so far, at least in that season..>:o> Are you looking forward to the 2nd year stuff?xD
Maybe I should~ Although I used a lot of luck in my other games recently as well, lol, and I finally got my avatar in my favorite game, no less!
I'm also one step closer to finishing my shiny dex in the Terarium. Got a buddy of mine helping with Litleo/Pyroar male but the rest is all hunted by me! Only got Cyndaquil and Totodile line and I'm done!<3 X'39
Happy New Year!
I see, I really hope its not later then Summer 25 and that it can be played on the OG Switch, since I won't have money to spend on a new console any times soon, with my sorry state..^^'3
Fall 26 would make sense for Gen 10 though I don't think Nintendo as much to say in TPC and GF's affairs, other then in the marketing process since they own the title only for licensing and marketing/brand purposes (as in all the Pokémon games have to come out on Nintendo platforms and consoles outside of the phone ones, ofc, but they don't have much influence outside of that afaik). :o>
I REALLY wish we'd at least get a better trailer before 25 because honestly, the concept trailer doesn't tell us much of what the gameplay and characters will be like AT ALL..>:\
I got into Digimon just as early as Pokémon tbh, since my brother was obsessed with it at the time and insisted I watch it with him. I also enjoyed it but can't remember if I watched it in order or not.. I do know there were some episodes of the earlier series that I had skipped originally and watched later though.. I enjoyed Tamers, Frontier, and Data Squad best but I'm enjoying what I've seen of Ghost Game so far as well!>:D9 The evolution scenes are the coolest in the above series I mentioned, but its worth mentioning that the spin off series, Appli Monsters, is pretty neat as well!
LOL, same here with Dusk, haha! Though granted in my case, I'd gotten the game used and just started it on the old savefile, so it was quite confusing at first..^^'>3 There are tournaments that you need to clear to get to the next rank, which then unlocks new areas and new digimons for you to get. Also, the evolution system in this game is quite convoluted and crappy imho since there's no guidelines to tell you how to activate some of these evolutions (like some of them are at levels you can't get to, not to mention the complexity of the fusion evos and armor evos)..=v='3
Ohh, OK!:>
Hahaha, true that!xD
I still remember the conversation she has after you beat her. "Not me, the pokémons!" (speaking of cute, of course)
I had this conversation with another friend the other day, and they said it was ironic she doesn't want to be called cute, since she's the cutest thing around, haha~xD>
3 starts out pretty solid, but it gets a bit confusing at times ngl. Arisu's actions don't make sense some time rn, unless you know about her background (which I was a spoiled a bit of myself, but I won't mention it in case you still haven't seen it)..>.>;
You're Very Welcome, hope you had a good one~!^v^
And thanks, I did, lol! And it had the Destiny Mark on the first try, which had me stoked!<3 xD9
I do love me a good indigo/turquoise shiny with a great mark, ehehe~!<3 >:D>
PLZA looks cool, honestly, and I'm glad they seem to have a bit more breathing room with the release, granted they don't pull a second PLA/SV thing and release gen 10 in Fall of 25, but I could totally see them doing that, considering the fact that Pokémon is the biggest money bringer for Nintendo, and seeing as how we're probably looking at a Spring 25 release for the Switch 2, getting a new Pokémon game in the early lineup would be a smart marketing move. Rests to see if it will be another gen 7 thing where they make a Let's Go game on the new console in the current gen then move to gen 10 fully on the Switch 2, or if it'll go otherwise, all we can do is wait tbh..
That said, you're sadly right about it being about $$$ so my theory seems plausible either way.
I honestly just want more info on PLZA, since I'd been waiting forever for a follow up game to the Kalos saga, and not having much info except a conceptual trailer by now is kinda stressful, but we'll see, there will probably be some news soon, hopefully.^^'3
It's Tamers next, but you can watch either Tamers or Frontier first. Both are some of the best Digimon's ever been tbh, I honestly miss these 00s Digimon series!=v=3 Ghost Game is OK, the art is very basic and they basically digivolve pretty quickly at first but then the new evolutions don't show up for a while after like 2 cours.. They barely managed to fit the Mega/Ultimate stage digimons in at the end, actually. But I still enjoy it, it's an interesting mix of Digimon and horror anime, if you like those you should be fine!:)
Yeahh, I don't think I finished it tbh, but I have fully evolved most of my main team, so there's that, lol?x'D> There's games like Yo-Kai Watch that hold you by the hand 99% of the time and so you can play them in any languages, but then there's games like Digimon World Dusk/Dawn which are super confusing and not really user friendly, even in your language of choice..x'd
I see, sounds complicated, lol~xD
I think I wrote SIM because i remembered the game title being in caps when my friend brought the game over..>v>'3
Yup, just don't tell her she's cute, that's not right! lol!XD
Yes, it was a pleasant ride, I'm currently watching S3 atm, looking forward to see how things pay out for Ayanakoji!
Oh, yeahh, makes sense! I forget about it when it comes to Home, since it's not a game, and thus is probably solely owned by Nintendo and ran by TPC, unlike the video games which are generally made my GF or another company..^^'>3 You think Nintendo is putting pressure on TPC so that they make the release dates/updates faster but TPC is just focused on the IP/merch sale as per usual, is that it? Because that does seem like the most likely scenario imo..>:o>
Niice!! Which one did you watch? I personally prefer the Tamers and Data Squad animes, but the OG 2 series (Adventure, Adventure 2) and everything else is pretty good as well! Currently (well not currently per se but you get what I mean), I'm watching Ghost Game, the latest installment of it from 2021!>:D9 I also have the RPG Digimon World Dusk on Nintendo DS (yup, it's pretty old, lol) that I go back and play from time to time. I'm trying to figure out the mechanic that lets me get armored evolutions since I have a few of them and can't remember how I got them tbh..^^'3
Yeah, I think I meant The Sims as well, sorry, my bad..^^'>3
Yup! And thanks! Though I've changed it recently to Lacey, because she is my everything! She is Love! She is Life! Such is the teachings of the Church of Lacey, which I am a member of, lol!<# X'39
That reminds me, I'll be messaging you on Discord soon, since I had a few questions to ask..:o>
RIGHT?! I mean it's not like it'd be that hard to do afaik, but I guess Nintendo does love teasing us and making us wait (like the sadists they are, lol)..x'D>
Yeah, Yo-Kai Watch can be QUITE addictive imo, the third games (the Japanese ones, not whatever the heck they made for America) are the best ones of all times imo, but they are also some of the hardest ones because of the sheer amount of creatures and some gameplays that require quite a bit of luck and skill to pull off..!X'39
Oh, zannen..;=;
Are you the kind of person who purposely leaves his characters in dangerous positions? If so, it's a good thing you don't play SIM (jk Idek if you play SIM or not, lol).. x'D>
Btw love your new profile icon on the Switch!^^
Oh! Rellor is one of the easier ones to do imo, especially if you use the trick I gave you!>;P>
YESSS, THAT!!! That's what I've been thinking for years now, like iirc Bank didn't take too long to arrive and you can use it between gen 6 and 7 easily, same for transfer since they made it something you could get when you got Bank and previous gens it was implemented within the game like the laboratory in gen 5 or pal park in gen 4. I want them to at least go back to doing that imo, instead of making us wait forever for those updates to come..>:(
Ohh, Rn I'm playing Yo-Kai Watch 3 Sushi on my Japanese 3ds and the sad thing is I don't have a stylus for it (I don't remember if we had one and I lost if or it simply didn't come with) but it does make my lower screen a lot dirtier and harder to use for some things, sadly..^^'3
That would be great, thanks!:)
LOL, so if I understand correctly, Zelda is an exploration style RPG?>:p>
Also, damn that lightning really wants to eat you or something, better get some rubber armor or something, haha, you know, for insulation purposes!xD>
Btw, super sorry for the late reply, been ultra busy irl in the last 3-4 months or so so had a hard time coming over to do replies..>.<'3
Which one did you still have to do?
Yeah, exactly..=v='3
Welp I'm really glad we finally have a date for the Home release for SV, its next Wednesday and if you do it you get HA starters from gen 9, kind of like what they did with previous games when those were released for Home as well. There's also going to have a lot of neat QOL features like tabs to check all your pokemons more quickly and a backward compatibility that allows you to transfer gen 8 and before mons to previous games from gen 8 (SwSh, BDSP, PLA).
Oled? You mean the screen for the Switch? Yeah, it's pretty good but I somehow prefer the 3DS screen (at least in terms of cleanliness since my Switch screen keeps getting dirty)..>.>;
I remember those! Back in gen 6 when I played competitively, I actively searched for those, lol, that's how I got to know most of my Pokemon YouTube channel, actually, hahaha~^^'>3
Btw, how is the new Zelda game?:>
Oh neat! But speaking of low level evos though, you know how some evos in the new game recquire you to walk a certain distance with the pokmeon out of their balls? Welp I found the perfect spot to do this, get that: The Mesagoza (West) Pokemon Center has a small circular plaza right next to it that you can go and circle around to evolve those mons! For the longest time i did it out in the wild but its annoying since wild pokemons charge at you and getting into the battle screen breaks the streak and makes it that much harder to evolve, but what I didn't get was that towns and cities also count as outside/overworld according to game lore, so this was a revelation for me, anyhow, and I wanted to share it with you, in case you were struggling eith these evolutions as well, lol~^^>3
That sounds plausible/fesible then, and yes, there will be, but I'm only getting the main 400 ones since I noticed Alcremie is back in Indigo Disk and getting that one would be a pain in the a**..x'D>
OK, you do you, lol~xD
If you have the money for it, I say go for it! Never regretted getting the limited ED XY 3Ds when it came out in 2014 but back then still had anger issues and welp that console suffered quite the brunt of my attacks, that said it's not playable but it is stil thankfully in one piece so it has been kept aside in a drawer as a memory of XY..>:D>
Yeah, gen 6 had a fun competitive atmosphere imo, mostly because i enjoyed the tiers of the time and also mega evolutions but also because even if it was competitive it felt less broken then today, if that makes sense.. Did a bit of competitions and online battling in gen 8 and it didn't feel as good since you would almost always fall on some broken player playing meta mons and that became less fun real quick for me..:'(
True, and nice team! I'm guessing they were a low enough level to be usable early on in the game?>;P>
How hard do you think the new DLCs will be to clear? I hope I can get through them in a few weeks but might take longer depending on how hard the new mons are to get and also if there are new terra mons in the new places..
R.I.P., you should have added a Jumpluff to your team, lol, you could catch them close to where Great Tusk is found iirc~=v=3
Same here, I'll probably mostly play that, Made in Abyss and the Pokémon games I mentioned among others next year. For now, I plan to stop getting new games until I've at least cleared some of my older ones tbh~^^'>3
That'd be fun for those who like those kind of things. I'm not really a battle person usually so I don't care much for them personally, tbh~=v='3
That's a nice thing you did for your friend! What other shinies were on that team?^^ Speaking of SM though, really need to finish those one's post game stuff/complete the dex, but more importantly I need to finish the main game in USUM which I never did since I got SwSh shortly after getting those and hadn't gotten very far in them tbh..><3
Naruhodo, benkyou shimasu~!>:D>
Oh, Great Tusks? Tbf, I had a Jumpluff on my main team in Scarlet and that thing just wrecks it LOL~x'D>
Idk, I've put in on indefinite pause for now, until I find a solution to the bag problem. I also got DQIX last week so I've been playing on that a bit (although I'm still at the very beginning of the game as I wanted to focus on SV for now).
Speaking of SV, did you get the new Paradox forms yet? Walking Wake (the suicune one) is now officially my favorite Paradox design has it is the most dinosaur like after Koraidon, lol~!>:P> Iron Leaves looks kinda cool but it's also a pain to get, took me like 8 tries before I could win against it..x'd Also, it looks like it's flashing its panties at you when you use it in battle/raids, lol~x'D
I like the DLC concepts as well, the one I'm the most excited about is Teal Mask with the Momotaro legend look alike but the turtle and the return of the Blitzle line in the second one also have me excited!!>:D9
That's nice, I hope you enjoy that game!:>
Oh true, last thing.. I did a complete sweep of all the tera raids on the map the other day in Scarlet, and boy was that fun! Probably the most fun I've had in a pokemon game since PLA came out tbh!
I definitely wasn't expecting it, but since I found the last 3 shinies at night, I think at least in Violet, it's easier to find them at night, though ofc that could just be a coincidence..>:I>
Yup! That speed is a detrimental istg..xd
Which titan gave you an issue? Tbh, I was kinda overleveled for all of those so none of them really gave me an issue~\ :/ /
Yes, I'll try doing that.. Thankfully, once I get to where Ozen is I can put some stuff away in a chess/storage compartment.^^3