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Days: 428.7
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- Completed1,397
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- Total Entries1,670
- Rewatched51
- Episodes25,259
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Days: 18.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries45
- Reread0
- Chapters3,075
- Volumes373
All Comments (13) Comments
I tend to like to start a conversation with everyone I invite instead of just giving you a random invite.
*If the invite doesn't go through just message me about it*
What are your expectations for Spring 2018?
Alec, my birthday was almost a month ago :( but thanks.
Indeed there's no point in arguing any further for H+C as it seems we have different points of view which is of course a good thing! Different people different tastes etc is what makes things fun!
Concerning those three anime that i mentioned. It's not that they're just bad. On the contrary , they have high production values, promising stories, nice directing etc. It just felt to me like the producers, knew exactly how to make a good anime out of these and then in the name of "originality" (or whatever) they deliberately choose a different way thus ruining the whole concept.
For example the characters of Yamada and Yuuta show that they knew perfectly well how to create an interesting character. However, they throw in the mix the rest and make the story as painful as possible (not in a good way) for the characters we like. It seems to me like they thought to themselves : " Ha! lets have fun with our viewers. Lets make those nice characters who everyone would love and sympathize with and then screw them around playing with their feelings and their intelligence" . Same exactly feeling with E7. At least in a romantic comedy like "Kaichou wa maid-sama" i don't feel like crap. They may try to manipulate the audience with all the moe, or the typical characters (which by the way aren't typical at all) but they do it in a way that gives pleasure and satisfaction not the other way around.
For what my ideal slice of life looks like i'd bring as an exmple Usagi Drop. It's a serious slice of life, with anything but typical characters. However they are not done differently in an unreal way just for the shake of originality. They're different than most of what we see, yet they feel real and believable and rational. There's no romance in it and the comedy is subtle and nice. There's a little girl but at no point gives the sense of a loli. There's a serious plot that gives the feeling of respect for the viewers. No insulting jokes, no absurd situations that underestimate our intelligence or anything like that. It's a serious anime, about a serious matter (taking care of a child), done in a serious way. The result is sublime!
By the way thanks for the friend invitation! I really enjoy our conversation :)
1) Hagu drawn as loli adds to the comedy? Really? Are we supposed to laugh with something like that? That's just poorly conceived and executed humor. Pedos are nothing to laugh about. I would expect such humor from a low quality show like "astarote's toy" for example. Not from a supposedly intelligent and well thought slice of life anime.
2) All characters are wonderfully developed? Seriously? Giving a story to each character is one thing. Wonderful development is another.
Lets take Morita for example. Everything concerning this guy is so unreal and out of this world that it ends up being a huge joke. His irrational personality, his job, his apartment, his general way of thinking and acting and of course lets not forget his loli instincts... Everything is messed up. I guess this is supposed to add to the "mystery" of the character and also used as comic relief. Well that's certainly not my idea of comic relief.
And then we have Takumi Mayama. Another totally messed up person. He's fallen in love with a widow that's much older than him while at the same time ignoring and tormenting the only lovable character of the cast. Ayumi Yamada. I won't say this is an unreal situation. But why on earth would i care to watch an anime about such a loser? What does this have to offer to me as a viewer? Nothing at all. Just super extra amounts of annoyance.
So lets continue with Yamada Ayumi. She is the reason i watched this anime. The one and only reason i kept going. They took the time and effort to create a perfectly lovable character. She's cute, she's talented, hard working, level headed and generally she is perfect! I'd go out with her anytime! However, it seems like they made huge efforts to make her (an us consequently) miserable. She's rejected again and again from some idiot. It made wanna smash Takumi's glasses with a punch gosh...
Finally there's the other lolicon of the cast. Yuuta. Well I have to admit this was the only character that went under some kind of development. He seemed to grow up a bit in the end. I thought he was ok despite his loli fetish.
However this remotely interesting character along with the lovable but tormented and miserable Yamada really didn't worth my time.
In the end i felt so frustrated, so annoyed with the cast, the story and the whole production in general that i had to watch some silly romantic comedy to relax -.-
What went wrong with it? In my opinion it took itself way too seriously. Those characters might have worked for a comedy. Not for a serious slice of life.
My apologies for the wall of text, but Honey and Clover is a special case for me. Along with "Suzuka" and "Eureka 7" , those 3 were the only anime that managed to annoy me and i RARELY get annoyed. I mean i've watched some other crap like "Amaenaide yo!" and while i felt bored or disgusted, i never felt angry. With these 3 i felt like smashing my screen really :)
You do know that sometimes it's not enough to just make a claim. You need to back it up somehow. I mean, even if that was possible in real life to have an 18 years old girl look like 10, one would have to ask himself why those who make that anime decided to draw that 18 years old loli. Wouldn't it be better to draw a cute normal girl? It's not like they aim to be realistic. This anime is full of irrational characters and impossible situations. So again i'm asking : why the legal (18) loli ? Why two characters fall in love with that loli? Why the normal and really beautiful girl (Yamada) is neglected and ridiculed while the loli has two guys fall for her?! I just can't stand it. And that's one aspect that's bad. I have much more to say against this anime.
Sorry for my rant. Everyone has his taste after all and what's bad for someone is good for some other :)
I also did a review on The Tatami Galaxy detailing why I wasn't too hot on it.
Hope you like it here :)