All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 122.4
Mean Score:
- Watching6
- Completed206
- On-Hold16
- Dropped12
- Plan to Watch231
- Total Entries471
- Rewatched32
- Episodes7,256
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 29.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries43
- Reread0
- Chapters4,811
- Volumes337
All Comments (14) Comments
Take care and be healthy!
Happy Birthday, my friend!!! Best wishes to you!!!
how's it going?
1. Ok.
2. I see. :o
3. I have sent you a FR request on Discord. :)
4. It's alright, I will send it to you, eventually and don't worry about the quiz you'll be fine
Hi there! :3
I'm happy and honored that you have sent me a Friend Request... But what did I do to deserve your attention? O////O
So naturally I got Four simple questions for you right now:
1. Why did you send me a FR?
2. How did you found me?
3. Do you have a Discord? If so what is it? O///O
4. If you are interested can I ask you if you got time to do an Anime Quiz it got 16 questions plus one personal question that's optional to answer? There is no deadline and you can write long or short answers whatever suits you best :3