All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 465.1
Mean Score:
- Watching5
- Completed2,221
- On-Hold12
- Dropped15
- Plan to Watch281
- Total Entries2,534
- Rewatched224
- Episodes26,896
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 156.8
Mean Score:
- Reading17
- Completed234
- On-Hold24
- Dropped17
- Plan to Read164
- Total Entries456
- Reread18
- Chapters17,174
- Volumes2,015
All Comments (1281) Comments
Watched a shit lot of "oh my gahh"stuff on yt ,will pick up the manga soon.
We dont really have those in london but I'm glad you had fun.
yeah, I agree that getting a great nap is always a great nap! Usually, my best nap is after getting home from school and I occasionally wake up at 2:00 am before school lol.
heh, thanks for the compliment about my taste. Your right that I gravitate towards many kinds of anime, I mean I basically watch anything that looks interesting. Thats kinda why half the anime's I watch are pretty damn obscure to most people lol.
But the best type of anime for me is definitely the mecha genre. Not only because mechs are cool as fuck!! but they're the main reason why I become an anime fan in the first. Well I mean always have familiar with anime, ever since I was a kid (my first anime being Dragon Ball GT), but I wasn't super into of it, compared to current me. It wasn't till I discover Turn A Gundam in 2020, when I really interested of the genre and anime as a whole. From then on, the only anime's I watched were mecha series, which lasted from summer of 2020 to summer of 2023. Summer of last year was when I decide to watch other genres beside mecha. The first being JoJo (because I was simply curious why it's so popular in the first place) and the 2nd being Hellsing Ultimate (thanks to my younger brother introducing it to me).
Since then, i have watched a ton of non-mecha series! Altho this year, I was sort of stagnated and didn't really watch or finished any series yet. But I have been getting back to anime thanks to Votoms and its really damn good so far!
One last thing, I draw a persona 3 fanart on my old deviantart account, which i shall share it here:
And to answer your question from the last post, yeah it was a pretty damn good nap.
Now for my question is my taste of anime good?