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Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon
Oct 4, 2023 9:45 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 9
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
Jul 23, 2023 11:29 AM
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"Oshi no Ko"
"Oshi no Ko"
Jul 1, 2023 11:29 AM
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Oct 9, 2016 1:50 PM
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Neko Para
Neko Para
Sep 10, 2016 9:04 AM
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Kobayashi ga Kawai sugite Tsurai!!
Kobayashi ga Kawai sugite Tsurai!!
Mar 17, 2016 11:23 AM
Completed 13/76 · Scored 10

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3miL Apr 16, 12:42 PM
Yes it does. Damn

It's on my profile, baka!

Pretty sure you didn't respond to the last thing I said there

and you didn't to the last one I sent here either lol
Jeremk Mar 24, 11:22 AM
It sounds like you've been through a challenging period with your recent moves and job search, but I'm glad to hear that things are looking up for you now!
How was your experience to move in a new place ?
That's the worth feeling when you studied into a specific field and that the field didn't pay enough for what you did and instead you have to switch job.
But yeah what kind of work are you currently doing ?
Kinda surprising knowing that Israel is among the best country it's best to live with Finland, Danemark and Iceland.
How's life and the situation there at the moment ?

Ohh i just graduate a few months ago and now i work as a mechanical engineer in Switzerland. The reason why i decided to work there is because the salary is three times higher than what i would have in France.
And unfortunately not, i can't sleep as much as i want because work is kinda exhausting, i work more than 40 hours per week.
I don't have to complain about the job itself because i work in a friendly environment and people are nice, always there to help and support each other.
How would you describe your work environment ?

Switzerland is a beautiful country indeed, i have an amazing view to the mountains, the places are kinda clean and not crownd unlike Paris.
But just as a preview, here two pictures of the entrance of my workplace

Some monuments

Do you have some travel plan ? I plan to visit my friends who are a little bit everywhere in Europe such as Austria, Spain and Germany.

But yeah i was able to have a good vacation with my friends in Poland. I have been in Krakow and the buildings were incredible, the architecture looks quite pretty. I wouldn't mind living there instead of Paris. It's not crowd at all and the pace of life seems peaceful.
My polish friend was surprised that at this period of the year, there was no snow.

I also have been in Zakopane and the Tatra Mountains, mainly to do ski. I'm glad i have been there at least hehe :p
Enjoying the amazing view of the mountains and the thermal bath helped me to relax

And my polish friends asked me,if "my opinion of Poland has changed ?"
I simply answered that it's a cool country for vacation and people were nice ( didn't expect so much English speakers). But i feel like the only stuff i remembered are " it's a cheap country, i don't know how much i spent but i didn't feel like it hurts my bank account and secondly eating pierogli all day.

That's cool that you study to be a tour guide, what motivates you to go there ? Travelling and meeting people are parts of this amazing job :p

Have a good day !

toshiro002 Mar 17, 12:44 AM
AYoooooo! Brooooo! Suuuup!

Hmm I dont remember tweaking my discord setting in any way so im not sure about that "not accepting request thingy" ill try checking out the setting then you try adding it again after while. ill also give adding yours a try again just in case.

Yeah and you were like what, 14? Hahhahaha

Yeah it's a movie, a korean movie to be exact. you should really give a try in case yo lookin for somethin to watch anyway you got any more you can recommend there? Kdrama i mean. :3

Holy cow? wait you sayin everything was already predicted in the bible? Interesting, care to share what part of the bible was it? And We still get some occasional news about there guess situation is still not subsiding

Magicalluna? So that's was you!!!! hahaha i was wondering how did this one follow me when i dont even remember playing with her haha i totally forgot i sent you my id lmao haha mystery solved! XD

Hoooo. So your into filming videos right now, you planning to start a vlog or just out hobby?xD I keep seeing vlog video of people showing beautiful places i guess what you doing is similar in a way haha anyway you got beautiful scenary pics?Is it something like beautiful nature sunset,forest stuff like that? Lemme see!i like that kind of pics even those places that looks magical you might question if that was actually a real place XD ill try if i could add you right now on dc!!

Edit: yup still doesnt let me add

P.s i notice you have a prior message before, what the heck?!>.> our last conversation was about you having a scooter and you had an accident in scooter!? ^^; what a unfortunate coincidence! Well on the bright side glad to hear you doing fine!

Welcome back!
Have a great & safe week!
3miL Mar 14, 7:47 PM
That's sad, as the old saying goes "A friend in need is a friend in deed". So hard times will really show who's who

There's some counterarguments and evidence from the other side, can you comment on these for me?

New info came out yesterday by the UN that they have confirmed that there was rape going on, but until then there was no proof for it:

there was never any proof for the baby killing/beheading in the first place and it was just a rumor that was spread by media/white house.


netanyahu jail:


israel racism:

list of hospitals bombed by israel since oct 7:

destroying homes:

journalists killed by israel:

doctors killed by israel:,by%20Israeli%20forces%20against%20Palestinians.

palestinians tortured in israeli jails:,Middle%20East%20and%20North%20Africa.

gaza food crisis before war:,territory%20at%202%2C279%20per%20person.

as for likud party being a former terrorist group it was formed from lehi/irgun groups which commited many terrorist attacks such as the king david hotel bombing, im too lazy to look for a source but this is well known stuff like almost everything I wrote before

That's exactly what the accounts are for, to save a lot of money since our folks are having us kicked out. apparently Damn. Anyways until then I need to have as much saved as possible

I haven't yet, but how hard can it be, at this age, one cannot be a picky eater

3miL Mar 12, 1:59 AM
Oh yeah I forgot to ask if you are still using discord
3miL Feb 28, 7:05 AM
Damn, but at least you were not caught in the war. It doesn't get as much media coverage now but how are things from where you are?

It's funny because I was just thinking of you a few hours ago. My comments have been dead and I was thinking of unfriending a few people when I noticed you were online in January 16th or something and wondered why you didn't stop by lol

We're having major changes irl, trying to make many bank accounts. My brother is switching jobs and we're planning on moving out. A few others but yeah it's gonna be kinda hectic and I want to take them on one at a time.
Jeremk Feb 15, 4:03 PM
Hey it's been a while we didn't have a conversation, how are you ?
January has been very hetic for me.I had a lot of projects and presentations to do, i even had to sleep at school in order to finish my projects on time. I never expect to even sleep at school and yeah i was basically in front of three computers to optimize my efficiency.
At the end, i'm a little dissapointed because i ranked second of my graduating class. But now i'm done with school, it's over for me after sacrificing so many hours of sleep.

I had some vacation in Poland and then currently living in Switzerland for my job as a mechanical engineer ?
Have you been able to travel lately ?

And how's life going on for you ?

Have a good day ! And hope i can read from you again :)
Klefki_of_Awsome Jan 10, 8:34 AM
Yeah, it took a little longer to get used to the second set but now that it's been more then a month ago, they are starting to fit OK as well..vuv
Yup, that is true, ehe~!XD

Sounds like it was a blast! I've only been to the North and West of Europe, and even then, I only remember a little bit of it since I was so young. Maybe when I'm older and have the time and money for it, I could go around visiting the world!>v</
I bet the air was very fresh/clear over there as well!:)

That's so cool! Was it someone you knew on MAL?:> I'm still with the parents, tbh the social situation in Canada is pretty grim since the economy is in the pits.. Not that I mind being at home though, it's comfortable here after all, lol~=v=3

Same to you, hope you're having a great start to the year!^v^9
3miL Jan 1, 8:23 AM
Yeah, it's sad but it's understandable why it's like that

A few pieces of clothing and some food, yeah

Some online courses or whatever work at home setup you can find, that should be a good option


why don't you just be oniichan's bicycyle? huehuehue jk, obviously I can't do that since we ain't seeing each other irl. Go watch yt tutorials or smth

Hehe thanks

3miL Jan 1, 8:09 AM
Happy New Year!

Jeremk Jan 1, 5:01 AM
As we enter a new year, I would like to take a moment to express my sincerest wishes for you and your loved ones.
May this year bring you an abundance of joy, health and prosperity.

Let's welcome all the anime that comes our way, and let's read lots of manga for our own personal enjoyment.

We look forward to a year full of new adventures, opportunities and unforgettable moments.

Happy new year 2024
3miL Dec 24, 2023 8:26 AM
Merry Christmas!

TenshiNoYume Nov 23, 2023 12:54 PM
God, I just feel so sorry...I really can't stand 'free Palestine this free Palestine that' everyewhere even here in Poland we have protests, but nobody is talking about Isreal people kidnapped and being killed, wtf, aren't you dying there too? This isn't fair.
I hope it will end soon or at least slow down, the world is crazy place right now :(
Well, haha, pasta is the type of food which would probably a;ways be tasty, it's just pasta!
That's great! Treating yourself is important after all <3 I do it to myself way too often, but that's because I earn more and I treat my inside child, well, not only inside, let's face it, I am child and I love it ;D
It's quite ok, kinda a lot of work nowadays, my boss is kinda irritating but I'll deal with it cause I'm going on a very big two weeks trip with my dad in a week, I am very stressed but also excited. We are going to South America :)
I really hope you will be fine, wish you a lot of health!
toshiro002 Oct 21, 2023 7:20 AM
Ehh What do you mean by 28?! I believe i just turn 20 last May e.e Am what people call nowadays young at heart!! <(^_~)> but yeah joke aside thats how the time fly by without realizing it i guess ^^

Yeah i just recently finished elementals! You should too! there is no disney princess there tho but nonetheless it's a good watch(for me! XD) watching together? How? Oh wait i think i got the idea. i believe ive seen someone do it before for reaction video where the show play at the same time for both party online, was it like that?

Nah pandora hearts is an anime yeah, honestly i kinda forgot about that i indeed watch that show, only remembered after a quick search XD what pandora im talking about right now is a korean movie and thats why i said i can relate! When you said a korean drama made you tear up XD and by the way i watched the show a time called you the show did not made me cry, sadly XD but it keeps me on edge from time to time which is nice! you cant believe how frustrated i was when junhee spill all the info about going back to the past on the killer himself! but at the same time it's hard to blame her since the killer was a close friend since collage! Arrgg!

A 65 inch tv XD sheep would overwhelmed me if i watched there and you need to keep a little distance from that size, but well distance ain't gonna be a problem on your lasered eyes!!!! >_>

Yeah Base on the footage i watched.. a music festival was being held and then sheep happpened and they started shooting! Daaamn

Cool is it one of those scooter that has a motor? I only ever used the one that you had to step with your feet to move XD

Umm i think that's not how discord add function works i tried adding you using ichigo321 but it says no result and that i needed a 4 digit tag? Try adding mine it's Houtarou#1944

Yeah i think ive been playing that game for more than 2 years, now
For the important info what is your current rank? XD Or you only play classic? Odette main means your a mage user as for me i played more or less every hero but rarely go marksman and is my ML id 140675417 add me up and tell me your ign so i know it's you. lets play for few games when we get the chance sometimes! XD

I see leauge of legends hardly played that one as well but hey i do play genshin some times too on my ps4. i actually enjoy the main story of that game xD

here is the promised photo of the gang! :D We got like 10+ bird but i only took the pic of the baby one the bunnies are around 7 and their pic are around when they are still young XD

hmm That's it have a great week! Stay safe! :D
3miL Oct 20, 2023 6:56 PM
I'm more of a bicycle guy but you do you haha

Yeah, unfortunately due to Rule 34 even Aria, especially Aria has hentai out there lmao

No, baka. I'm saying I enjoy it now, in a fashion way better than the old me could've done so

I'm pretty sure you're the one who told me about it in discord or something, maybe a year or two ago

I would agree with the innocent and pure part, but I do agree with the thought behind it

I hope so too, Life is going to be harder from here on out

Oh just the previous bios

sample 1

sample 2

sample 3
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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