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Feb 10, 2010
Well I just finished watching it about ten minutes ago so here are some words about it.
Well ill start by saying its easier to under stand if you have watched the first session as it is set between the first and second, but there lies one problem as it was aired after the bloody second session.
Cant they of aired it before so we knew why that person was like that and the other was like that and where the new guy came from?
(no spoilers there folks).
Well it is a Birdy series so its got the usual sci-fi stuff (like a bizarre Terminator thing that looks
like Ghost in the Shells "Makoto")
the plot will be hard to under stand for somebody that hasn't seen the first session, but the plot of this is rubbish. Even if it dose fill in a few gaps.
I ain't gona give away the plot
Action bits are what made Birdy good to watch. Sadly in this they aren't as its all stuff a fan would have already seen (not reused scenes).
Summary -
Birdy - The session 2 plot hole filler.
Who is it for -
Birdy the mighty decode fans, sci-fi action anime fans (for the latter watch the first session)
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 7, 2010
Ok so im reviewing a hentai here.
Id like to point out that there are two version of this that I have seen.
One is the edited UK DVD version and the other is one I downloaded.
So id say download it, but why would I be recommending a hentai anime?
Why would i be reviewing one?
Ill get to that later
The plot is the usual pap.
While some kind of government mission far from civilization, the all-female crew of the spaceship Muze finds what looks like a deserted ship, named the Zogne, drifting in space. They in true Sci-fi style go round to have a look and
stumble across numerous dead bodies as well as a single survivor Flair, an innocuous-looking girl, who is diagnosed with amnesia after being found in a sleep chamber. The crew bring the girl back to the Muze and treat her (but not in a sexual way). Computer expert Hikari begins attempting to decrypt the computer records of the Zogne to find out what happened to its crew. then some kind of alien shows up and starts on with what a alien dose in a anime like this. (Tip there's no ET crap here even though there are a few fingers involved).
Well since its a hentai with no blokes to be seen (well apart from a poster in the background) your eyes are on all the totty on display.
Theres all the usual ones A buff one, a slutty one, a younger one, two lesbians (that have a "meting" to discuss things) and the female lead and her sister.
None of them stand out as far as designs go.
"Action" wise its aright. Nothing new there. It trys to be really good, but most of us have seen it before.
One sentence summary
Alien meets Star whores meets hentai
Who is it for?
Nar its a hentai so its for those that like hentai that has no school girls.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 6, 2010
Anyway I tend to watch a lot of things and this one is a short two episode OVA and its called
Ayane's High Kick
With a title like that don't expect a romantic drama and it isn't. Its one of them fighting animes that I tend to like. Now this one was made in 1996 so don't expect it to be a looker by today's standards. I have to say it has a female lead character that must be slightly dim as she seems to be easily fooled into thinking that she doing wrestling training in kick boxing gear (ok there have been ones in the past
that have worn kick boxing gear) but when the trainer takes her to a gym for it you would think she would clock on to it but she doesn't.
There is however room for a possibly series but considering it was made over ten years ago I don't think they will.
The thing its self doesn't take its self to seriously but its sadly not that funny (well not to me) but it is okish so.
Over all
I give this 3/5 as its kinda something id pick up if it was on the cheap.
Recommended for -
People that like to watch this type of anime and want something short and back to basics.
Plot in one sentence -
Girl wants to become wrestler ends up becoming a kick boxer.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 6, 2010
Yeah another night with nothing good on that I haven't seen before so I decided to watch another City Hunter spin off movie thing and this time I decided to watch the confusingly titled.
City Hunter - The Motion Picture
Ok the title isn't the best thing about it as it is a bit lame perhaps part of it could be City Hunter in Speed 4, but that's enough of the title probs as that takes less time to read/care about than that did.
Its a action film (as per usual) so the action seen's should be talked about and in traditional City hunter style there good, but
not as good as the last one I watched, but still in the "Good" area of things with some really good stand out bits (how to stop a train from going off a broken bit of track with one bullet was different). The normal comedy bits are there with Ryo doing more perving at the leed female as well as a poke at what exactly Kaori carrys round with her all the time (death of evil Ryo she had a explosive bra, but no lighter to light the fuse) honestly she must be really strong, but there are bits that are just awesome (how do you get into a speeding train using a rocket luncher and a mini), so its a really good film that will kill a hour and a half of our time that is recommended.
One sentence summary.
City hunter doing Speed (the film that is)
Who its for?
City hunter fans mostly, but action film fans will get a kick outa it
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 6, 2010
Its time for me to talk about the animated thing I done saw with these eyes of mine and in choosing what to watch I once again went to fate and noticed that my City Hunter folder is a bit big (30 gig left after geting rid of the first session) and theres what I watched (no not City Hunter from start to end, but
City Hunter death of Evil Ryo Seaba
Yep one of the spin off films based on it. If anyone has ever seen any of the City Hunters before you know what to expect, if you haven't I suggest you try the
Jackie Chan one first as that will give you a good idea of what to expect (just take out the hand to hand bits and put guns in its place).(I might go a bit more in-depth about the series later on)
Action wise as per usual it wont be stuff you have seen before (It is a 90s one), but to say its a full on action anime would be silly as there's loads of comedy (Ryos a bit of a pervert and a show off as a matter of fact all he only takes cases from women).
Plot wise the title is very misleading that's all I will say on that.
One sentence summary
Its like a really good action film only animated.
Who its for
Action anime fans? People that liked the Jackie Chan film (id suggest the series first thought as it explains some things), 80s/90s anime fans (note it isnt very gory like most where).
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 6, 2010
Yeah this is a copy paste from my site
Welcome to a gathering of words about something I have just seen, or in this case something that I have just seen over the past few days as it was a bit long to watch in one sitting and in keeping with some of the other animated thing reviews I have done of late this is the series thats the movies are based off thats based off the manga all of the same name and what is it called?
Well if you haven't of guessed by now its.....
City Hunter
Yep just City Hunter no other titles.
One thing that I
like is these older animes. Mainly due to most recent ones are all kinda the same thing (School girls daily life's/fighting teenagers with some kind of magical powers). Ok so some kind of basic plot line would be handy. Well the series is set around Ryo Seaba who is a "sweeper" or private detective whos primary employers are women (he tends to turn away blokes) and he is a bit of a pervert which tends to get him in trouble with his assistant the boyish Kaori Makimura. Since the series is 51 episodes long it can be hard to watch in one go, but to tell you the truth I dont recommend you do that as the basic storyline's are all the same and there are few two parters, so two or three a day will be great (not like me where I watched 20 of them in four days), but I wont dismiss all the series as being rubbish because, well, it isn't. Its actually really good as long as you don't do what I did. there are a few stand out moments that I will end up chopping all together sometime as a kind of "Best bits" compilation so keep your eyes open for that. Anyway if you are thinking about watching it and are unsure if you will like it I will say to you "Watch the films first" (not the Jackie Chan one as its hard to base it off that) and if you like them you will like the series.
One sentence summary
Its like mini action films only animated.
Who is it for?
Well watch the movies first, but if you aren't going to its for those that like action films and people that are looking for a series that isn't to mentally challenging.
Will I be watching the follow ups?
Not yet I need a rest first, so I will watch some other stuff in the meantime.
Yeah the overall score was kinda forced upon me as I try to avoid them
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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