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Days: 35.6
Mean Score:
- Watching5
- Completed120
- On-Hold50
- Dropped39
- Plan to Watch313
- Total Entries527
- Rewatched2
- Episodes2,050
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Days: 12.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries194
- Reread0
- Chapters1,724
- Volumes141
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Entrem no link e curtam a minha análise sobre "Sword Art Online II".
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Em português:
Meu time:
Dê uma curtida na minha análise de Code Geass.
Below is the Portuguese version, the one in the link is in English.
Abaixo está a versão em português, a do link está em inglês.
E sim, claro! Que género estás com interesse em ver agora? E preferes animes curtinhos ou grandes? ^^
What's up
well let's say the problem the series is facing is a bit deeper than that
as show set in gangs and warfare not to kill is like the worst thing you can do to kill the background of the cast and the plot you're creating unless you're going for that kind of story, breaker tries to involve kick ass action with it's MC ( the kid ) refusing to kill seems wayy too off IMO
well there the Korean comedy that never really struck with me as well
it's depends on taste, it might jst not be my thing after all ^^!
always up for some gintama uwu
i have my exams rn so i don't really have time for xmas
but even if i did we don't really celebrate that here so it doesn't really matter
but since you said it here back at you
Merry Christmas to you and your family
i've just completed The breaker, it's pretty good but it had ton of unharnessed potential
that manwha could do so much and yet was restricted with it's plot and characters
that and sun ken rock had so much potential to become ground-breaking series but it just feeling wasted
well i'll get to the series sometime in the future