Anime & Manga News

Giant robots, giant trouble.

by Nuge
Oct 7, 2007 2:37 AM | 21 Comments
A Japanese man's passion for Gundam got him busted on the job.

Quoted from the article
Fri Oct 5, 12:54 PM ET, TOKYO - Japan's Agriculture Ministry reprimanded six bureaucrats after an internal probe found they spent work hours contributing to Wikipedia on topics unrelated to farm issues — including 260 entries about cartoon robots.

The six civil servants together made 408 entries on the popular Web site encyclopedia from ministry computers since 2003, an official said Friday.

One of the six focused solely on Gundam — the popular, long-running animated series about giant robots — to which he contributed 260 times. The series has spun off intricate toy robots popular among schoolchildren as well as adults known as "OTAKU" nerds.

"The Agriculture Ministry is not in charge of Gundam," said ministry official Tsutomu Shimomura.

The other five bureaucrats scolded for shirking their duties focused their contributions on movies, typographical mistakes on billboard signs and local politics, Shimomura said.

The ministry's internal probe followed recent media allegations that a growing number of Japanese public servants were contributing to the Web encyclopedia, which anyone can edit, often to reflect their views.

The ministry verbally reprimanded each of the six officials, and slapped a ministry-wide order to prohibit access to Wikipedia at work, while disabling access to the site from the ministry, Shimomura said.

The ministry, however, did not object to their limited contributions on the World Trade Organization and free trade agreements.

An Imperial Household Agency official was reprimanded last month for using an agency computer to delete references on Wikipedia that criticized imperial tombs.

Source: Yahoo! News

20 of 21 Comments Recent Comments

Did you guys noticed that in wikipedia, almost always the gundam article is the most complete ever?
Take a look yourself. Its astonishing.

Oct 14, 2007 8:15 PM by Ryushi

cyruz said:
Gotta make some sacrifices for the things you love. xD


Oct 11, 2007 10:22 AM by ownage21

I know, the guy must really love Gundam.

Oct 9, 2007 7:32 AM by Nuge


Oct 9, 2007 2:19 AM by Aokaado

Hemsko said:
ministry official Tsutomu Shimomura said:

The Agriculture Ministry is not in charge of Gundam

Good to know.

Best quote I've seen in a long time. :D

*adds to signature*

Oct 9, 2007 2:06 AM by luinthoron


I can understand them. XD

Oct 8, 2007 4:22 PM by Ryushi

But I think agriculture and gundam just fit hand in hand.=( Perfect form and function, right there.

Oct 8, 2007 3:50 AM by Synthetic

"The Agriculture Ministry is not in charge of Gundam," said ministry official Tsutomu Shimomura.

Yeah, well, maybe it should be. LOL

Really cracked me up. Im still chuckling.

Oct 7, 2007 11:46 PM by Alexeon

kallen said:
at least it wasnt Bible black

Better Wikipedia than gurochan, I guess.

Oct 7, 2007 10:32 PM by Yuunagi

ministry official Tsutomu Shimomura said:

The Agriculture Ministry is not in charge of Gundam

Good to know.

Oct 7, 2007 9:20 PM by Hemsko


Oct 7, 2007 8:50 PM by saizo6

Lol wtf...

Oct 7, 2007 6:17 PM by Haoji

DimmuBorgir said:
LOL. Shit Happens.

At the worst times too. lol

Oct 7, 2007 6:09 PM by WinterNightsFall

LOL. Shit Happens.

Oct 7, 2007 4:03 PM by DimmuBorgir

kallen said:
at least it wasnt Bible black

LOL Too true.

Oct 7, 2007 3:25 PM by -White_Rabbit-

at least it wasnt Bible black

Oct 7, 2007 1:28 PM by kallen

hahahaha! xD poor dumb little bureaucrats gundam fans.

Oct 7, 2007 12:56 PM by magentaanbu

Haha, that's so funny. That's definitely what I would get in trouble for at work. You really gotta watch yourself when working in government jobs though. O.O 260 times, thanks for the updates.

Oct 7, 2007 12:19 PM by -White_Rabbit-

hahahah gundam lovers...

Oct 7, 2007 8:16 AM by khronosix

lol :)

Oct 7, 2007 7:52 AM by Masamasa

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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